i H feast (YeK TUCU.SIMV.JI'NHM, 1883. DAILY AND HK.MI-WHHKI.Y, IIVTIIK J:nt Orrnnnlnii I'lilillnlilnjj Compniiy, I'KNDMTTuN OltKUD.V. I tlio jx;oplo by tlio protndivo fytoni nro of tliL'iiiM'IvoH -triovouM, if long continued; but thin Im only tlio least part of tlio ovll, I oiil v tlio buttinnlng of u train of evils, 1 each Micwcdint ono of which imiHt Ixs (.TL'iitor and moil! doplorablo than ItM pro , tll'l'CMOIH. Till) Mlrhlllr!, IIH It liicrciiHcH, will Hiirt'Iy load to mich oxtruvuunco anil public corruption iih huvo novcr yet lieen wltticcHjil. TIiIh In not only ii iiutiirid rcHiilt, but It Iri a roMtilt furnished by hid tory over mid over again. ;n Iiiiiiioiiho HiupliiH In tho lieasiiiy, comity from uhaievor coiirco. Im it tchmtutloi. otid u KAII.V HUlWCMITIO.V IIATf.SI Olio copy prrrcnr, ' mull 0 l)no copy tlx imiinIIk, hy t nil I iU Oliociiy pur Mi ck, ly inrrjcr. 15 Jlijjlp n 11 iiiIm r , 05 ahvwitimi.no IIATKH Aih n Hn mi nh,) 0n Inch, or Ivni, In HoiiilvYclly por IllOlltl M ? Ono Inch, or Ion, In Dully per inontl 1 mi Two Iim;1ih, or lew, In Imtli, per month... a fr) Over tliri'oliifhcMciiil-Wi'i'Kly, I"'r Inch per mouth I "' Over tlirwC liivliv Unity, per tucti p-r liinnth ..m,, ........ 1 2) Over thru iiit'lii'M, In ImiiIi, per Inch pur mouth 1 7S HKMI-WKr.k'I.V NUIIHCIIIITION ItATKS! One ropy per yeur. t'i W) Onu rcipy nix nuiiitlm... I il HImkIo tiiimlierx (ft l'rt'iii I u in pnper free toycnrly mium Ihcra. HolM rionpiiri-ll nilvcrllNctiipntH In Hcinl Weekly or Dully, Hint liirilou, pur Inch, ll.uo; cuch niil( iiii'ii t liiicrtlon, fjoe. Iinit notice, ten ecnti per linn cuch In ncrtliiii. i:ditohiai, cohiichi onii:n i A IcwOIhmtviiIIoihi Aliniit I'nlltli'K, Tiirll mill "(lur OlftMiint CuntiMiipiirnrh'"." Itl lilil.rr, N. Y., .hum 1!-'. It Iri with feeling of nilm-lud veMitloii, contcnipt, iiiiiUM'iiiout anil Morrow that uny honeril, welMiifiirini'd man nmyrcad, It h'oiiih to inc, tlm coiniiicutH, critlciHiiiri mid c(M-l;ii-iliHiill(-ilolni.'H of hiicIi or-jutm iih tho New York Tiibiiim mid tlio Port land Oioijonliin, Im it Ii of which I read dully. Tim coiiiniDiitri mo Hioho of briilal biillloH; tho criticliiim nro built out of Ilex; tlio dimity In tho lojolchiK of t rantH over tho defeat of the people hi u pinulo, liiHlKiilllniul M;limlli. I he t'nlun foi'OeH lout the Hint battle or Hull Itun, but the I'ulon iirmiiM weio not Irn trlevably defeated, iiooiIicIohh. Oroumi Iiiih umie for "protection," III y claim i lie It ho, llieiii and Kiiint, ton, that nil other Notlhern States, mid what So thcru Ktatex you will, Mill K" tho huiiio uay ; that i1i'm-h not decide Ihlri eoutioveiHy. One lctory for the wroiic will not iiiiiko Itrlt-lil. And llii'ceiK'lf-pitlciuiiHi thece lulliillelv contemptible ueucpaper win 4 In Ih who ate iiirimr-ily iloroiviiu the IH'opIo to their ruin for the euLo of jilunili'ior'n pay and for the elei mil bailed ol eety mull lin noon not voto iho llu imblicau ticket these men, homio nay, 'will hiuely leap Iho liurvi'M of their how in). I !) not cciiriiiio a limn for iIImii Kiii. hit llh me in tollticH, or on any ipicHliou of Hilitical economy. I icHiect mi hoitcHt opinion and an IioiichI vote, whether the haunt iih my own or other wIfo. Hut I diwplHi the dally dinner of wilful falHchmxIri which iHccthofi republic credulil v and iitnoniiiro. The crime iri in tho wllluilncHHofthodcccption. IfllmOr rcKonliui IioiichIIv Ixdievcd III prelection llri titteranceri woiilddcHrviieHK'ct. lleliev Iiikiih it dcH'H,ln iu-t what I be Democratic paily in iilteiiiptim to do, it meiilN only leproach. It fecdri Uh readcrH poiKoii daily, well know iui; the deadly naluto of tho done. It would wicrillce the Kejuiblle to-day to wive a pml Ibe parly of pilv ileged cIukkoh. Out of the fairly criminal portion, Kilillt ully, wlilch it cceiipieM, II will nkiilk, when clone hunted, by reiveut- iui;: "lako tho lax oil Hiiuar." TIiIh iri all it can nay. Never vet Ii, in It bud the common hoiicMy to loll Iih leaderx that the MIIU bill proMori to take the Uw oil' HUpir to the extent of ocr twelve million dnllaiH. Never yet Iiiih It hud tho com mon hmioHly to tell ItM leadem that of the MiiKiir tax K'i mr cent, kihis into the Timihiuy, while of the tuxen on other nccoH-iaiief), only about I'll or J." mr cent, l ouch the tieiiHiuy of the u.iveriiment. Hut the Ouveiilan hat h the S nth ami eery ta e and locality which c.o-lx a iMiniHTtiiic maioijty, with hiicIi an in teiiHi and umhitm' bailed, that It would leave no la mi our meiely for the di abolical piiiH-eo( litiKcrliii' Hnd oppreHM intone or twi( the Southern Mai oh. Tlue pMporH have never bud tho com mon IioiichI to toll the people that while the Mill bill may Ih objectionable, It in meiely a ntep- uud not a larne one in tlie iflriH'tloii i 'I t.ulll lei.irui uud lu-ie-dactlon which the Uepulilicau paity Iiiih lcvaldly I'IoiiiImmI in uciiiiiillhb' with out any Inteutinu of keepiiiK i ptoui Incri. They have not the common hoiicly to tell their leadeiH Hint the 1'ievldent in bin ineHMiiKe. which U pniciically ibet.uill plank of the iVmocrHtie puity.'iliMiiiitK disclaluiH and ditmowh any inoniiou o( enaction any "(ice trade" lctiinlaliuu, lul only pniKH-oHlu imbue Ibe war tatlitu to hiicIi a n-ale an will pilde only a miIU elcut teeuuo to meet he iiiHeiuniry e leiiiiW4 of the Koeinmcnt, and pievent the accumulation of a nvat nurphiH tev emie hi the tieaHiiry ; and that it in pro ptMxl to make Huh reduction in hiicIi a manner uh to m.t eano the hunleiiM of tho KHiier c1hhmh of KHple. They hae not had theeomuioiihouety to oven ipiote the iriefutablo argument of the majoilty of tlie en.ninittee on W;)n uud MwitiH, nhowiiik! the Kinellln to in- I ciueuijwie wool ;iwcrH (iieuoeiveri an i peril ; but kiicIi u nurphiH gathered by tho I proceed of nnnecoHsarvniid uiic(tiaf tax Intlon In it crime, which if continued, tniiHi do dourly (ixplated hoiho day. JUHt H'j HUroly m (liiN xvatein In kept "I, nH it win bo if tlm llcpnbllean Party Milieu into jwjwor ugain, will there bo an aw likening of tho people wino day, and what by peaceahlo and enwy means lliov cnu iRCon)))linh now thoy will then at lompt with force and alitor; with bullot and cliell; and loin; and Havago the eon lllct Ih likely to bo, for already tho pro tected eliiRM'i. atv powerful beyond com lUidlUon or iiiiMeliu'l"ii. Tlio lnoMiird f xlrtliif,' upon thlrifoih jeet iri truly umazlng. I talked ypHleiday with a man above nvornuo intelligence. YearH ago lie wan a licpuhlicini, but lute yeaiHhclmd voted with the I'rohlbitlnti party. lie nald that now ho thought ho would have to go back to tho ItcpuhllcanH. on account of tho "tarltl oiicrition.'' "Web, why?" I a-kodj "what objection have you to tho Democratic poult on on tho tariff oiRKtlonV" lfo recited tlio timial clap-trap iioiihciiko "dcntructlon of Am.'riean InduHtry" and cotniictltion with foielgn "paupor labor." I iiHkcd him if ho could give mo an intelligent rational reason for tho cnnclitHlon that high taxation hclned American imhiHtrv or canned high wagon. "Well, it kept out loreign gooon, ami enaiiied our manutact nrlng eMtabliMhmontH to run nil the trade and give employment to our laltor." proceeded to link ii few uue.-tlonH. found Hie man knew absolutely nothing oi wnaiiio "im laiKiug aiioui. no din not know what or how much wo ex noitcd or imported, lie did not know the comparative price of labor In thin mid lorclgu count rleri, nor lu former yeain as compared with tlilri. llo did not know, or at leant had not thought, that a "homo mailed" or tlie atteniptH to make one, have done more than all other cannon combined to destroy tho market for American labor, lie did not know, or hail not tellecieii that the over-aceurHcd protection tnteni taxen him for ovcrythih',, in the inline of American labor, and imnorlri foielgn lalxir fiee by the thouHiiudH per week. Ho had not thought that if it lie true, ii'h oven the iiotcctloiil:lH allirm, that maiiufaclureiri mo Hiiro to become wealthy, it iri the height of political in fumy to tax coiiHiiuiorH to give them Hiccial advatittiL'cH. In fact lie had thought of nothing. He had riluiply hw allowed lb - bait and wim hiwked into the liepiiblicau party. I didn't want to talk politics, or "the tarill'," 1 wanted to forget all about them for it few days. Hut I could not rorilnt tho temptation" to do it little missionary work: and lieforo I left thlri man it little light hud licgiiu to dawn iiNiu him, and the light had re vealed to him the outermost shadow of the monster that Ih supping tho life-blood oi the country, Hlirovvdly iulHuained"pro kcllnn." 1 notice thut our esteemed Republican conleinporaricri are iK'gliiiiliiK eirlv with their iiHiial campaign couiilhiientH. .Mr. Cleveland, 1 umlerHlaiid, Iri it "fore-iiuar ler of Iteof," it "lieer gu.zler," a "lllHr tine." it "wlfe-liealer." etc.. ele. Mr. Thuriiiau, whom, since they Hiipitoscd he nan reined I rem iHiiiticri. thev have commended in the highest terms, in a ihuukard, a copperhead, an imbecile, etc.. ele. I leally think these things are not worth it reply by anv Democratic paper or any Democrat, The vIIciicsh mid the villainy uiaulfosled bv hiicIi langtiage eon ceinlug brave, failhful ami true public M'raiits and American citlens wliom their country have highly Ikuio'xmI. can, it seems to me, only loaci upon tho vile and villainous men who are Hold to the public plnndereiH for it price, uud like tlie venal croaturoH tliov are. know no beiter way toeain their pay. Al Ibis writing 1 know FOR RHEUPIATISM. HOH. S. CROSBY. Hawaiian Cornul, Lima, Peru, writer as follows: -"St. Jacobs Oil cured me of painful Hhcum'tttsm." 7 Mr.E.A. DUCK, Editor end Publisher, "ThD Spirit of tho Times," f. Y.-Niya: UJ have u$l Ht. Jacob Oil, rqterttetVy, with lithfactory ictutts." -tVTOOD, WQQD! lieforc inakltet your contrnct for next wlu ter't npply of wo9t,cintilt Clinrle- Frnr-lrr the wood doctor, unit obtain tlio lowcit prlcci fortho tent mountain wood. LARGE QUANTITY ON HAND. Ju tlm 0w Charles Frazic- rotiillctun, Orr-Bon, 1 Soil hi Dntiigitti nnrt Dcnlrr Errryirhcre. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., IIAL-riUUItU, MO. At Wholosalo Prlcos. Gascado Mills Lumfaor U Co. Yard nnd Office at the Kuilroacl Depot. Juljdiwlm SIGN OF THE GOLDEN BOOT. 1'ItACfICAI, BOOT & SHOEMAKER Itnlti anil WchliStrceU. IWiMlern finite liiiolx ntnl HIiiicm In Ntcirk. t'vrfi'Ct ntOiiHrantct'il. Villard House IA K IIOU, I'roiirletor, Nortliwcit Corner Mnln ami ;court Hwl, PENDLETON, OREGON. Oornmercial .imoiv rnniiTKn Feed, and Sale Stable Ilo-opened, llc-i'urnishod Equipped in Firat Oliws Style. mid SAMPLE ROOMS FOR MEN. COMMERCIAL Freo Couch to and from Trains. First National Bank, FOR SALE On nnd nftcr tliln itnti, n nil.nlnttrntor of tho intnlo of tlio Into Wllltiim Ito--. 1 otTor foMiilenll tlio live tooU owned by tlie di ci'Mcd,c(iiiii!iiljiiKoI ThorotiyJittrul Jlcvtfurtl Hulls. Shurhhttrit Vttllli; Orotic Orcfc, nntl Guui ul Stocl: Catflr. 'J'liorimtliln'al Snnnhh Merino llitvks and JJirrn, Jtt'iI.strral. (Inula Itttcl.n ami Sloth Sheep, AUo n Inw munlior ef Hone- nnd a ipun tPy of liny. TERMS TO SUjf PURCHASERS, I'or .-utlculiir, rnll on nrmMrcK Ft. C. THOMPSON, AitintiilMtr.itnr, mySI -law If l't'iidlctiiii, Or. I J IVVHJ J. D. KEENEY &. CO., Props. OK PKNHI.KTON- I.KVI A.NKIMT, rrenlcleul. Jacoii Kiiazih, VlcePrelct Hnm 1. NturxlH. Catihler. Truiuuct niiei.crHl tmnklin: Inmlnn. On nil imrtu of tlio world . BOUGHT AND SOLI) KoIIhh totluMvn...n.ei-. b putting; wool j -i' iT,t Ki. . iV i i? on.l,ofavli.ta.enwi,ho.h,rnnf n.a- , V"',, , ! ' , ' " ;.! nothini! of tlie bltnation at t hleai'o. So far it lias Won CluioH. 'I hey took ulont; old John l Kieniont ami 1'ied lunula to innpire a liltle enthiiHiaMiii, but tho men who aie iiinniiiK the eonvontion won't uiiIIiuk very niueli. They wouldn't walk neroxd the hlieet to nave either 1'iemont or lunu la iroiu the ifibliet or tlie flake, if there wim any plunder that inUht U urablvd I in the meantime. Thev are there on I bitumen. It is the lillfiiirt nf Vmulor. I hilt, who said "I he piildie be damned." Tir -,"U1 j ryju itisthebuhinesHofdoui'.whowiii pay ; iviar Die and otoiie iiiiiiiur oi u minion lino me Kepill'lt eau eamKilk'U fund. It is the biii-iness Stanfoid. who has rohKxl the Auierlean HXple of u hundred million, . ml w ho, if he had his deserts, would I hi in a felon's eell for life. It Is the laziness of Aker. I n,r .i.mIkiii. and price. )iiult Kail who bus made live million dollars Inc. Mnm lni. iviutloion. Kiimat(VH oiu n the lionie-lnillilers of Mifhliran and , "'K ti adjoininu States, Iveau-o lie was "pie leelml" nnd tliey were net. HoWIIevos with miph, that putting IuiuIhtoii the free list would "tnln tlie luinler indus tiv." lie means that then he eould not ilear a tpwrter or half a million dollars a jrtir leunl plunder lllehed fnnu thetKvk t-in i im- iir petipie oi nail uiloien MtitoH by the infauiously unjust protec tion laws. It is the business of Sherman, the author of fraud ami perjurv, and tlie aeknowledkvd tool and aint, Yea, part ner, of thej-old-ituniblersof N'all Mreet. Put up your nnlmals and your monoy at this stand. Thoro Is no bottor In town. Our patrons and frlonds will bo woll tr tod. COMIITOHKK I'H. AM. KINM)M)H IWIH KOIl IIIUK-TIIK TINKnT TUItN Ol'TH IN TOWN. J.BKEENEY & Co.. PROPR. Pianos Organs. MIMS BROS & CO., Aro Fully Warranted. And im thin ttrm's i-imnoiU'O U worth IujiviiIk on tin. ilotlur.thcy will liumllo only First-Class Goods Cultt'cttonM .finite nt till I'oJntn on ICruNonable ternix. Headstones, Monuments Fi, F. BEALE, arble and Stc Contractor. Wo havecoiiik toktny. Wo liuvo ndoptotl fur our ni.itio, "lionet dridliiunnd falrprh'vu. Wolniymrl-tly foroiuli. Wonliull ulvo puivtiiixeni tho hoiutlt. Wo can soli you an Organ or Piano on monthly In stallmonts. Tin) Imt (Irniid Mwlal ijlven by any sopluly wan awnrdeil tho KlmUill Orvnn. Tho liirurat itivk of tho.o Justly wlehratscl OrsanoviTo. exhibit,,,, ",, SJt I'rn Oreson nt our wnro n.oinn. Mims Bros. & Co. uneap iNews Bast Oregroniai TWO THE NEW YORK WORLD nvnm nnur iinf.il n.fhPiV the Pref3idfillf.ini oUtt. in Noveinoer for ONLY ONE DOLLAR! Stamps Taken. Address : East Oregonian Pub. Co., M dA VI II I 1IMVH WL M m MM M fl V m AbbULUTJSLl A FAIT AVe oiler for sale our lurgo stock of n l dL 2 n'i M I I VIII I I I I tlli .Iflllll UIIII HIVIIII fl III III li 111 111 Kl 1 11 UL11U X lilLllll which mut lio dlimcd of bo'weon now and September 1st, 1888. MM... T. ...Ml 1... Jl 1 .I.!!.. .... ii 'II xuu i' in iiiiiu u oni iju uiitiuii iiuiij iii Jiiuua lllltli will Illrlire suit. A call at our store will convince 'ou that wo mean to ff! II. iTl I ' 9 HIIIIIIIIIII VHk If I 1 It UHIHIW LIH1I r ini.tiiii.R iia iini- nVDiiK.n. .iinr rii iiii U UUUUU U 1 1 3 IJ (JIUU II U IU U Ul U I I u Now is the time to need. Court Street J n'.' I lia iIkw I 1 A. T-l 1 uome ana see. cfc OO.f tr 11 I CHEAP VUUllUUi it llf-sUMl RII1JL1. I I 1 1 k 1 1 1 I III AT- ' -'M.uJUAV VJX Uljni V Lllil II'H IIII II H I M (II I h SPECIAL INDUCK.MHNTS OFFKUUI) FOIt CASH. r n ... rme apices, una Uoffee. FJne Tea, and Evervthinn Fine that a First- urocery snouid contain, van on mo it yon want UrocericH cheap. q, K EM LER. gTOCKIIOUIMIPS JIKKTINO. MtToVlook i. in.. of July "m,, t, tm .' II. ItM.l V. K. II. UUUTOV It. SAII(ii:N"l jiiKiiau j, M.l'ItUt.'f r. PltKI). KKMl'Klt, I'topriwior nf tlm Flvci.Vnt lioci- Hun, J.Bln St., opii.u (.(i.toitto, Pendleton. 1 "ttfi i"'KLJ,t '.. Honor- Ail. .A.. VValKer, DKAI.KII IN I'-inHInn Unin L-iilln inri lA II. IliiiiA,..! T ....mil. ClirAri li ...v ... w, mill iniiiit-.iiu .- In KtOCK. .tiiiiii ri .. iipHr inn itriiiir... i'uuiciuu. Jll.U till I1SW IllPttSlI T VIVIDRND NOTICIi .ni... . . ... ....I.... I In, IM "in tki iiii ill lllOOinenill lur il" imd nttor tho .1th day otiuj,m. J. I". WAOKIt. PreiddenL ia AKKN It P. Uuialw. wlioiv it I'l'K'iikfs In tlioniaiul iiuiiiy otluirp,irtii-ilaiHtlio Kopnlilli-an orpuiH and ,mtuw chow that thoy ilnr not lull tho truth," thov ilaro not tuny ami laltly pio'iit tho Inhio; uiey uaio inn hii.iw uu iai'tn unit avn- . . " ,; ., . . i inviilH to i-on.o bofoto tho for Vol! ! Me of wl,u'- i. toy Know, that when tin facts aio known, whou tho truth U laiil lino, ami whon tho irrwit idol of proti'ition han Ihvii kvii In his tmo ivIorHaml limnii tor, thorn ll no U'ligor U hopo of phn o or H)or K r Iho plumloiorH of tho jvoplo. Am U woll unilomttKHl hy moil who huvo road hltdory ami know anything of inon, It In not thin yoar'n iinnitviiry, ami uioroioru unjiiHt, tmiition, that wo mi, kalu kinm imuli OMHifO. nor litit voar'n. nor lli ii .if I .t ii.. i .... J v. i 1 Kruuu .V ....V.. I..III lllUll I who aro known thoanintrv ovor um Kl.m niM-als without an hont'xt thought or pa triotic pnriKW in tluir naturH. It Ih tlio liiwliiotirt of tho i'orHratlonH, tho tntH, tho Uiubi. tho mouoiKtlirttrt ami million. I ahiM ovoryw huro. Hut it in not tho hn. J. r. v. W. D. FLETCHER. WATCHMAKER & JKWELKR. IUnk luilldliis.Oourt lrtt,IVndletou Mmloal Mcr cliiiadl.M 8T0CK', IMitlina, Or nun, and all k.iuU of mu loa I tuttru no' n u koldon tlielutuil. uienl plaa. H. FJohnson&CoM Prescription Druggists. PURE MEDICINES, CHOICE PERFUMES, Requisites of tho Toilet, Stationery & School Supplios Fine Imported and Key West Cigars. OpiHulle Vtllar.1 lloiue, I'KNIH.KTON'. - . . UHKQON DUTCH HENRY, The Truck Moai DUTCH HENRY. The Transfer Man, WKim HTHKKT l'ENDUETON JSTKAY animals! If you have an animal Mtmy, you can rxs f'rhlm byexpemllnt; B4W lu rutvertlMiif In tha Kabt OuKuuaiAW. It catcht them ery uiiit. I.KAlUNd JMUKCHANT TAILOR. rmllttoH,Ori.on, Man, St., near Wel.h. -I W.YB STOCK OF OOons 'OlVlHl. Cuarnntood ! j . I yoniur brown mure, wolflo lu...i nm poiimt., with mu au.iitl two ,, ,V,,m . m Olll'tlUV liorsf. kcrl.M-il horned nr .'. jrni. ,,. All Ilia nl... Jtut r Satisfaction lu eypry lurlicul JOIIPItlXTI.NO Can he hiwl at Him KaIt i)uinnvi. of Vliuon ami iSi1 mM JiUHImtfcW Vlii.on, or. DUTCH HENRy7 iThe Wood Man THE FEED MAN, KBHSTPKKT . -Hv.nii ' iii.ui'.AllOU IM or r.-iiii ? T K.NUWA, . inc wii(rcubouiof tlleroll'wUI" liiir..j nu N... ...... ... .t.la nlll IJI1I vrnv iriirlr linrsn. fillfhl all ruua. ,.n,,vi, iiim i,.iy niir.v, ail'M. .... - -, nflin ...... .. l.M..,n.l Mil. DAT " iii. me. uraniifui 7 i. uvincuown; r "iiwKruy iniiro, urannruvi uu..-- 7 J on left hip. , kt. oiu" uuy miiro, urauueu oi""fcr fin Inti bT..i.i.i .l fl T. .in Hshlllll untj uay iiiart', orunimi " - llMlll.l 1... iMit imy mini colt, two yean uii t'iksuig ,n ifit aiiouiuer, im-dhI wherealiouti of thce liorc by ror each horse ami aiiumuunic '"".rritJ the horses nro not recovered from mutton fnrmalipil tli money tunnd. Addre: OIirLiX). JuM rendleioWl Brigs, the PliotoSier. , "vAiiwoijf auax'amees sawsiaov"' For Over the Postofflce Briggs, the Photographer. Pendleton, Orif