DAILY. jcst winr vou want. A 1,1 lilt A UV. (,.fltl,cf nl. lit money or stamps will VnlroiiD' (if the .tally or He nil-Weekly KAHT IIIIKMONIAN run freely iimkw use of tin. I!AHT Oltl.OUMAN library whcn nrer they mi ilr-lrr. The public urti ciir dlnlly Invited to vlult tlin ofllce whenever so Inclined. . h. SrinMVeekly JiAsx n..in. for ,r iintll fl" HioJfovomlier (from n"r, ..,. nf,v .,,, wm "J.Ti.Tr KAHT OIll.OONIAJi for the OL. 1. PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO., OEEGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1S88. NO. 97. HE TARIFF Has been taken off both roolen and Cotton Goods Not by Congress, but by OTHCHILD & BEAN And they now oiler their Largo and Complete Stock of 0ODS,CLOTHING,&c -AT- ?RBE TRADE PRICES, for CASHI Examine their goods, get their hat the above are not mere assertions, but that they will sub tautinte what they claim. Theirs is not an "Infant Industry," herefore they have discarded Protective Prices, and will freely Loot competition from all quarters. leneral Merchandise Stock Consisting of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Men's Boy's and Mens Ladies and Children's Shoes Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery and Glassware, Groceries, Hardware, Etc. OASH PURCHASERS CAN CHEAP Groceries, Vegetables, Fresh Fish AT- D. KEMLER'S Grocery Sl'F.Ol.U, INDUCEMENTS Fins Spices, Fine Coffee, Fine Tea, and Grocery should Ml on mo If yon want Groceries cheap. Great Western Bakery. AND DINING ROOMS, M. GJIATZ, Proprietor. A. FIEST-OLASS MEAL! VOU TWENTY-FIVE CENTS! A NICE, CLEAN BED FOR 25 OR 50 CENTS Frosh Eastorn Oysters, in Every Stylo! DAY A.ISTD TSTIGKEET! Main Street, near PoHtojjlcv, rcntlleton d.w FIREWORKS ! AT COST. Skoo Fly.at tils mora In Walla Wnlla, hasou "U a largo amount of oil klmU of Hreworks, which he will noil &.t Thirst Cost. A" vjf t , , ,ve(, ,.ill(.r , mnll or pncfl0 -M". v 11 be promptly ntun.dd to. SHOO FLY Walla Wolia W.T. DUTCH HENRY, Tho Truck Ma,n DUTCH HENRY. f he Transfer Man, prices, and convince yourself They carry a SECURE BARGAINS Store, on Main Street OITEHED FOR CASH. Everything Fine that a First-class contain. P. KEKrILER. WOOD, WOOD! Keforo making your contract for next win ter's nupply of wood, consult Charle Frailer the wood doctor, and obtain the lowest price for the best mountuln wood. LARGE QUANTITY ON HAND. Charles Frazlor, Ju 11m dw I'endlcton. Oreeon. LUPiiBER! At Wholesale Prices. Imh ills Imh H Co. Yard and Oflice at tho Railroad Depot. ju!5 dsw Jm i.odoi: DiitKcrrouY. PENM.KTON CHAI'TKKNO.2.1, II. A. M. .. . Me.cl!'. ".!'"'. Mnmnlc TcmpM on llic llmtniul third Krlilayn of each month, at 7:-T0 o'clock. J. 1. Husiikk, If. V.; V. U. (U.olTo.v, Hecrctary. KUN.IE I.01)QKNo". ai. A. K. A A. M. Meet on tlio second and fourth Mon day of each month, tit 7:.w o'clock, H.J. Hkan, W. M.J W. K. 1'otwink, Hecrctiiry. pKNOf.KTON I.0IKM3K0. fiS. A. V. A A.M. X Meet In the Mnnonlo Temple on tlio "rut nml third MomliiyN of cicli month itt 7SW O'clock. T. J. MILLION, V. M.J It. AL kxamikk, Hecrctary. VIT.A I.ODOK NO. lll.A. O. U. W. Meets every Thursday nlxht lit the Kniflno !.'.m,?f'."l71 " "'''lock. ' C. I.KASUIIK, M. W . F 1. Tu.stin, ltecordor. IJIUUKICA I.0IH1K NO. 3i. f. (). (). . Meets J every Hntiininy evcnltiK n 1 7!.T) o'clock. T. J. .Million, N.u.j K. K. Kharnu, hecrctary. UMATILLA KNCAMI'MKNT NO. 17, 1. O O. V. Meets on I lie second mid last Thursday of each inonlli, ut 7I.T0 o'clock. I.OT l.t VKKMOItK, C. l'.i K. HliAltONtScrlhc. pAUI.INK ItKHKCOA f.ODOF. No. 13, I. O. JL O.K. Micts tho tlmt nnU third ThurH. iliiyn of each month. H AHMONV 1.01)0 K NO. SI, K. OF V. day pvor.liii: ut 7;30 o'clock. .!.(;. I.kahuui:, C.O.J C.J. VltlTAKi:u,K. of lUiml H. OAMON I.0D0K NO. i. K. OF I. Meet In Oild FcIIowh' Hull nvery WednoKduy cveulnKnt 7l30 o'clock. M. Moiikiixai). 0. C; II. )-. (lAiei lKM), K. of It. mid H. KIT CAUHON I'OST. (I. A. It., mcctH nt WhcelerM Hall every Thurday nlitlil. II. H. Wakki.k, Commuudur; J. H. Howkn, Adjutant. .icrinin mui rciinwR nun nvcry iuo JUST OPENED I -TIIK- Eagle Hotel, FRANK DOWNEY, Proprlotor Meals Qrc; BedH 20 & 50o. r(:iill nml isotuuood menl nt tlio corner of WVhhiiiiil Onrden rit. JuUdxvr FOR SALE On nud after this Unto, n ndinlnlatmtor of the CHtnto of tho Into William Hosh. 1 olfer for mtleiill ttlo live Ntock owned by the de ceiued, cnmtlMlliK of Thorouuhbreil Hereford lliilln. Short-horn Odtle, Grade Cattle, and Oemral Stock Cattle. Thoroughbred Spanish Merino ltuclcH and Ktvea, JUylHtered. Grade Jlnchs and Stock Sheep, Alton larse iiumher of Ilornen and n iiinn tlty of Hay. TERMS. TO SUIT" PURCHASERS. For particular!, call on or iiddrem R. C. THOMPSON, .KliiilnlMirHtor, inySlditwtf rcndloton, Or. FRAZER'S OPERA HOUSE, Ono Night Only. Monday Evening, June 25th, Special KiiKaKCinent of tho Kmlnont Irish Comedian, T. J. F AKRON, In tho Greatest IjiukIiIiib Huccens of tbo day "Soap Bubble," Under the mniiBKement of J. II. IKibblnn- BB'Ainoiik' the Hor.Ks rendereil by Mr. Far- roil will be fconiR tint have irudo him fa mous wherever tho Kiigllsh laiiKiiaEo N P0 keu. IncludliiKsuch favorites aMr McCur thy," "Itemciiiber. Dny. Vou'ro Irish," ' Ihe Kxl e's LameiH," 'Corporul Mulciihy," vina, the htrawberry Olrl," "Tim Flaherfy" and others. D IS80I.UTI0N NOTICE. i i l a1... ,.I..aii Hint ir Apiyi nt HoMtt Terrln i thU ilav UoIv4h1 by imu . . t t..i.l Di.ju ilirliiif frimi I tin nrm. havlmr sold Ills Inturi'Sli to IlluUe IVr rlu. who will continue the business ut the Ilureau Haloon, collectlinf all accounts uu l "khumliisull liabilities of the Arm of Kcmh A '(IWoa undor our hands and scnls I III" 30th ilavof June, A. U. lb, nt ivndlcton, Ore Jon DAVIH IMkW. JuUilm lll.AlsK 1'IMtlilN. nTOCKIIOMlKK'S MKI3TINO. Due notice Is herobvElven that n ineetlnu' of the stockholders of the OrMou ISulld iiic V . . ...lit 1. ftul.l ut til to ft f II MA lit the tlinaitl.4 lUal Ilitole A Iian Assool tloii.ln I'tndlel-u, UintllU wiunty, OrBOn, it 7Volok p. in., of July Jlth, IfoS. for the l)i,rpos.of formulatliiB and adonllnif u con illliitlonaiiil b-l s, ond electliiK uoh dl licUirs and oommUiewt s will oonform to the by-laws .hen ado, u J. II. KAf.KY. F. II. UI.UPTON, B xMtOKNT. juKlmd J.M.l'BUKTr lart-k' nd riuipii-d lu tbejnland Empire. KuMei.i pr s ' k. O Fob. Co.. I'endlet n,OrroD TO-DAY'S TELEGRAMS, UIIICAOO CONVUNTION. Last NlRhl's mid To-Day's rrncrcillii(js. OtiiCAtio, Jtmo 7 l. si. It in roort oil !oib lit etty uood nutliorlly Hint tho Now York-(loloKUtloii will awing a portion of its voIch to llnriirton. 7:1- l'. m. Tho convontion oallcil to order. The cntrumu o( Dciow 1h grcotcd wltll iipiiUiuoo. 7;'-4.i'. m. IJojiow taken tho iilntform. GrcatiupplaiiHo. 7:27 1'. St. DollOW HHVH tlmt lin i-nmn horo us a derogate, neither uxM!ctlng tior donIrliiK.to utiiH-'iir in tiny other clmrneter. After Ills turlvul Now York hud present ed hi numo. For rcaHoiiHtlmt IiIh voca tion anil iiHHocfatioiiH will rnino qnuHtioim which limy end in linger und ruin tlio proHpcclH of tho jiarty, therefore ho with drinvH IiIh mime. Doiiow'h iinnouiicc nient wim greeted with ttiiniiltiionn up- pllUIHO.-. 7:111 n. m. WW uunounccH tlmt , the VirKinl.it dblcgiition Ima polcctcd him uh cluiiiiimn. 7:!Wi'. m. Hitstiiifw of l'ennnylvuniii iiiovch to iidjbiim to 10 o'clock to-morrow. Motion lont. CSrcnt coiifiinioit. 7:48 i'. m. U. G. Innernoll tuken tho platform imiiil creiit upplniixo. K i. 31. InucrHol) Ih inaklnir 11 HDeccli in favor of protection. Ho nayH ho fa- voni the noiiitiiutioit 01 wrcMiatn. Ill mtilttioim doiiioimtiutlon in thu uudionco. 8:1!1 1: m. IngerHoll hIIh down and tho baud HtiikcH up to drown the nolco. 8:15 i. m. California rniHCH a big ban ner for niaino tuid I'roluctiou. Great up nhuiHo and coufiiKiou. - 8:'J0 p. i. CharleH Von3 of St. Iou1h 1h reciting 'bIiuiIiIuu.'h utile." 8:110 p. m. Fitch oi California in Hieak ing anditllu crowd U leaving tho hull. Adjourned to 1) a. m. to-morrow. Ciiicaho, Juno Tlio Tilbu'no HiiyH : "Tho untbIlariiou forceH have com blued to prevent bin nomination thin morning, and' after a ballot or two Mill udjoiinii to unite ou hoiiio other candi date." Tho TiinoH wiyHi "Alger anil IIurriHou gaineiliiniicli.Htreuli during the night." Tlio Nowh nayH that tlio ticket Htill l(K)kH lIliiliiU'iuul llarrixon, or lllnitio mid Alger. Tho. IlemliLHoyH that Alger and AIIIhou are very hotefuL It further huvh that part of tho lWtiHylvania vote will go to AlliHoii.nflur Blicrumii. Tho jmporH agree that ut prenont liar riHon in tho lnortt prominent candidate. 10 :03 a. M. Convention called to or der, and Warner Miller, of Now York, in preHiding, 10 I'M a. m. Fourth ballot eommoneoH. Iiulluiui.for tbo Unit time votcH for llarrl Hon. MoKlnloy withdraw after tlio con vention voted ouo for him. IO'.-IL'a. M. Ulinolit given IIurriHou I), GreHlituii -II. 10:64 a. m. New York c.ihIh fit) for Harrison, IHaino 8, Alger 4, Sherman 1. Tho HtitUi Ih now being lulled. 11 :18 a. u WiHConrtin voIch IIurriHon 'M. (irt'atupiilauHo. 11:10. a. m. llallot: Alger 135, liar rldon L'17, AIUkoii 88, lllalno I:', Sherman LMO, GrcHhum 1)8, McKinloy 4, Lincoln 1, Doiiglua 1, Foraker 1. 12 a. . Fifth ballot in lielng taken. CalifornLi voten for IHaino. Greeted with, cheern nml ldsxcri. Iiiiliiuu. given Ilarriton '.".), GroHhum 1. WibcouHla votott IlarriKon 20. Ap- plllllrtU. 11:40 a. m. Now HiimpHliiro givoH HinrlHoii 8; Now Jornoy glve McKinley Fifth ballot : Hlulno 40, Alger 142, Al liHon l)!l, Harrison 2K1, GroHhum 87, Sherman 224, MoKlnloy 14. 12 o'clock. Now Jetvey calln roll of StalcH and ordered tin aunouncomcut of voten for IHaino and McKinloy. Thia wiih greotel with applauxo. 12:10 p. m. Convention hue-voted to adjourn till 4 p. m. U:20 p. i. At tho afternoon. HCHBton it Ih generally oxiected that mi etlort wllllK) niailo to Htamjicdo tho couvontlon for Hlaluo. Thitt ufternoon there in homo talk of noiiiluatlng Alllnon. Hluino men expect tbo Now York delegation on tho sixth or Hoventh ballot. 3 :2fi p. m. Gov. Forukor of Ohio bun iuttt Haid that Ohio would not voto nolid lor Shorman thin afternoon. Uo wuh uxked about tho ntamiede to lihlne. and ropllcd: "If thoy break U) him It i likely to go to him. lie Ih a very Htrong man." 4:07 p. m. HlHcock, of. New York, JiihI nald that a motion will, bo luado to ad journ to Monday. 4 :10 p. m. Convention called to order. 4:11 p. . Warner Miller cayri tho unilei-Wanillug Ih to udjourn till 11 a. ., Monday. , .l.i.. 1. ... Motion to ad ourtl muilo. KanruiH calls fos roll call. Iowa njcoiuIh. 4 :20 p. m. IndicatloiiH for adjournment. Indiana voten 'JO. and Iowa 20 ayo. 4:22 p. f. Now York voten 72 uo, great appluuw. 4:21 p. si. Michigan voten 2(1 no. Minnesota 14 110. Voto on adjournment 402 ayo, .1Y0 no. 4 :40 p. i. Con volition ndjoiiriisd until 11 o'clock Monday morning. TIIKWAI.I.A WAI.I llOVS. WIS. they I'ack oir tlii'.l'rlK' ut the 1'orllanil Toiirunuieut, 1,...t. i.'i. linn. -;t At tlitt I'traiiion'u tournament in thin cilv yoatortluy the Walla Walla team won tlio wot tout, time 3d 4-5, prbsa 2U) and a limuUunio ellvor truuit. Tlw climNVl"nhip ru c u won by tho I-int I'ortluml teuin, time llti 2-5. In a runaway wliiiliMiuned yesterday. th' I'lt of an oxpruon w.i)f'U ",ih imU'l.li t a torn In tln bmly of ali'irni that Htill liven 111: si'kaks l'nii iiimsi:m'. Ho IIuvji Trrrlhlo Vicious lice In Ills Hon net. Ciiicaho, Juno 211. At evening Hcnnlon ujpow nituwuHpeoon witliilrawlng lroni tho race, lngcrnoll made a npcech in nupport of protection and GrcKham. Do IHivv feeln deeply grioved ut tho opposition to bin caudidiurv. In the convention hint 1 ulghti ho Hiiiil t hero wan an iindortono of Indignant feeling againnt Cleveland in Now York which can only bo utilized bv a citizen of tlw State who ban tbo con fidence of the hUMtncnn chinnon. Ho Haid "There arc in tho employ of tho rail road company of which I am president llfty thousand men, twenty thousand of wiiom aro' 1 Jo nocratn, anil every man would voto for mo, wbv? Becaimo over hIiico mv nrcHidency tho door him been open to any and every employee of the roan." A. DUKAUI UI. DHATH. Spokf Arturll Had llrrn IIutiR I'our .Min utes. I.onnvii.!.ii, Kentucky, Jiino 22. Wil liam l'attcrnou, hanged hero thin morn ing for the murder of Jennie 1 'avail, a nervant girl, iirotented bin innocence on tlio Hcallbld. Ho wan nlovvly ntrungled to death. Four mlnulcn after the drop fell ho uttered through bin firmly not teeth ; "Cumo them I" and followed thiH up with, "Lord' navo mo." 1 1 Ih Hlruui.'len at the end' of tho iiooho were frightful, and ovory iernon jirenent turned away wiih a HiiuinaToi Horror. llllls I'aased. Wahiiinoton, I). 0., Juno 2;). In tho Houno yonterday the Senate Civil anil Naval Appropriation bllln passed. l'ouri.ANO i.i:tti:k. Till. I.nrKO KntlllilUhliirnt of Itimill A Co. IntdiTntliiif t I'ltrnmrs "T. I,." tllves Way to. Ih Miisr. 1'iiuti.asi), On., Juno 20, 1888. An you approach Fort laud from tbo Kant Sido,.either by tho O. It. & N. or the O. it C. linen of railroad, the mont ntrik ing part of tho picture that npreadn out to your vinion in tho Morrison Htreet bridge. .n tno ey loiiowM tiun Hiructuro along to tbo WeHO 1'nd you uro Hiiro to Huddonly find your attention attracted to u hand- Homo, drab colored, four story brick, trimmed m iiriiuaiu roil. Atttiii top, 111 great, bold lettem, reaching clear ucronn tbo baulcol tho building in thin legion: "ltunolV& Co.," und now, while I think of it, lot 1110 udvlso you to lie nuro and visit thU house when you come to the city. It won't cost you a cent and can not fail to iutorcnt and Instruct you ltuHrtoll& Co. are iimuufacturorH of the celebrated "Mannlllon" threnher. homo M)we, Hteam enIuon, savvinlll ma eldnury. etc. Their factory in at MuhhII Ion, Ohio, and thoy have branch houscn Hcattered all over tho I'nlted Stilton. I wiih hIkivvii through their l'ortlaud bouse rcountly by Mr. Hughes, u very obliging gentleman, who In tho manager. Thu KiHomont of tho big building in "plumb full" of bollern and engines, among which particular attention wan called to their celebrated straw burner, the best engine of the kind in tho world. They have in ntock Hteam engines from 0110 to nixty homo 1 toner. On the ground floor are Htorcd more engines and a big assortment of Huvvmlll machinery. The lirst lloor in ho densely packed witli tho world-famed Fish Ilrothern' wagons, knocked down that there In hardly room tomovoaroiuul. Above these comcn thu can luge reposi tory Hero may bo seen, Hot up,uU'roudy to liitch your horse to a collect ion 10I road vehicles that muilo my oyon waton eurtn, carriages, phaetoun.laudaun, etc,, costing nil tho way from $50 to glfiOO. Horo I must toll you nomothlng ntrictly on tho side: Ah I stood In the preneuw of all that magnlflceuco, ga.ing upon tho.o gorgeously U-aiitiful bugglen, ho near and vet ho far, I fell into a black-tnal blue ho liloiiuy. My Horioun thoughtB-aro ulwayw in verno, und whitt those tlmiightn wojo on thin oeeasion I give to yu, '"tin till tliatlcan do:" My paihvvay has no roius,. flut Is everslrowu wlti thorns, Will (i my shoes of puttut leather (Scarcely cover all my eorns. I.liuvo patches on my trousers, And my seersucker uoiit Represents mo current vnlue, Of my Deinociulle coat. I'm scarcely ever treated, Thoiiijh 1 ropresuia tlm press, Hut this conduct liuiMilltlo J attribute to my dress, I would patronlio the tailor If I only IihiI ihediist, Hut my pockets uro depleted, And Ihe clothiers will not trust. I hardly ever worry Ove' my unhappy lot, Or Indulge In nioilllatlon About tliliiKs 1 huvoii'lifot, Hut Iho roiu.orts of those IiubiIoh 'I'll ut I never have enjoyed, Makes inn Unto old unbuild talker Ily wnom I urn employed. And I think that If I only Owned a raulHKe and 11 team, I should b" supremely happy, I do wonder now 'twould seem. To ride about the city In a Hit that few possrss, And persistently rrfuse lo know The members of the pnswi. On tho fourth floor nothing but thresh er n und hoiHO 1 si worn aro tolxjscon. Hav ing a tlvo-ton elevator in uo a tbronhing inaehlue in just an handy to got ut up in tho attic an on tlio ground. Tnnn and tons of llieso hiuhU mo uiiig In and out f that building daily. Whon we think of tlw liniiiunno amount of farm urn- ehlnery, waK-iiin, etc., tliut are alilHMl out of this i itv, and how unwli of (Jroium i still iiiicnltivatcd. and how few- ja'opli' llwrr are tn llii H.jii.ni) mill' hero ill rom- ' purixui with the grout fanning Kialeti in tbo Fast, tvb.it 111..V wo reanoiialily ex-pt-i't will li tin; ihiiiatiiln fur HUi'h goodn ill tin- fiilurt' .' ; Jlefore cl'Miii thin letter let me nay to any und all who may vinit thin city, and are In the Inmd interested in tlio lino of gooiln kopt uttbo hottnffof Huxscll it Co., don't fail lo anil', nik for Mr. Iluglien, ami Vou will L'ct un lnterftmir und Inntruo- live lout uro and a pfenning nbow, all for nothing. You don't have to buy gooiln to 1)0 treated Iwoll'iit thin hottne. The man ager bollbvcH in patronizing nowpaporn lllierally, uml'ii man of that kind in al most Invariably u goniXman to deal with. Ho won uineng tlio- first to nhow apiirecla tlon of tho F.aht OimuoNiAN I'ortluml branch ofllcoi unci- ban leen kind to iln reprcHcnlatUo, whoso other nunio in Turn: I.ankh. l'oini.AXii, Juno 22. Yenterdrty.' afternoon it cab drovo up First Htreet' at brealt-neclc Hpeed and Htoped in 'front of Judge Hiinliwoilor'H court. A goutlemau and youog lady hur riedly ntopped front tho cab und riwhed up-nttiirn to-thu Judga'n room. Hush wan very htinynt tho tlnm trying a cane, and tuo court room wan nui 01 people, tno cab-ilrivor-Hecmed to realize Iho fix tho couple wenv'iu, mid made wild gesticula tions for Ilunllweller Income out. Ho did ho, leaving the court to run Itnelf. Tho moment ho emerged1 from tbo door ho wart.yunked around' a comer out of sight und told by the young man that he wanted to got married' ami wanted tho job dono bright now." "Ilnnh" wild ho wan very busy, and' wanted' to know if they couldn't "ttiUo a Hphv around tho bloc'k and romo back tiflur awhile. "No, wo can't," said tho young man. "Why not?" nnlill llunh, gutting uwful nneany. "HeciuiHo wo can't wait another min ute," chippeddu II in bllinlung girl. llunhwellor naw that deluy wun ilangor oun, ho bo Hteered' them ucronn tho hall and Into a barber niton, where ho tied them ut hi a bard' kiuxr, 'vovkotod hlnJ fiut. 1 til. I.i Iln. 111 ..fvut.livii.imil ntirtiofl In l' Ills eotirt-room Hi muuli ll'ss time than it 'r! . . . . . I. i. t, .1.. . .1., uikoh 10 ion 11. neioro ruNiiiug 111111 mai-, , ritnonv her iiaino wan Mary h. Nelnon , and bin name In Charles Wultem. if 'I'l.n. l.,rll,,.,.ll l.-,.ul li,rlt,..i,l W.lllfl if Walla, Vaiteonvor, Albany and Lebanon : llreinen leains, hero for the tournament. 1? I paraded at 2:30 Hint evening, 'llinii-r naiidh of peojilo.vvere em tho streeln. Tho) llremen tniulo- a very pietty iipearanceli In tholr unlfnrniH. biit somo ofthem would. havu looked fully tin well if ttioy had kept;? on more clothes. A. man otan from head.,' 10 reel 111 gauze m mil oxuciiy iiiiiiuj 01 . t 1 ki.. .. .1.1.... beiutty. fi ,i A Hollcltor for hoiiuj deud-lieat uilvorh .1 tlulmv Uldlitln,. 11111,1111...,! tfl irnt TlmU.'l 1 Giilneiiii'n uutogr.iph to u noto for thlrtyl,, dolliirn by miiUiug hlui think lie won sign-, . itu! a recolnt' for a.b(N)k. Gulnean pair tho note, saying ha hud rather do ho thai t go Into couil'with tho cano, butho'Hawfuii' mad. ; -Mm. unman 11. miiium, chichi (iiiugn v i tor of Hon. Uiclmrd WIlllauiH, died yoti (old. VI t 11W IUU is lsy J ktl1J Willi MV The Skidlnoro fountain Inoxicctedlior early in July. ! Tho gri'Ht amronly Gun WllllaniHoiHii; at tho Now l'lirk. next Monday nigh ,, I'ntti ltona, who flnlnhcn it week's et giigetneiit' hero to-morrow night, m f darling little witch. Sho hut. capture I tlio city. I Tho otnplovcH of the flriim of Fonter ,! Hober non timf Shell. Ilcitncuu x oo ',y ard will play a game of bano ball to-mo row attornoon. iiai.i.ock. a.mono tiii: i,i:i'i:tts. rather Coiuarily's Letter to ArelibUli (IroHS. IJniler ibto of Kalawo, Molokal, Saif wicli lnlamln, May 17th. l''atlier(!onrar: wilten 10 Aicniiinnop uronn too louowi lottur: "I left Han Francisco on May fith. thu nleamur .ealaudia. ami arrived Honolulu on tlio 12tli. whom Ivlnll.'i Hoveral offlcialn, und on tho 14th left , fi tho loer Hottlement, whero I arrived y , fvnkiy ovening, May lllth, " ! l.unt night I wan given a concert tho loHir lwyn nowK'i in numlier. Tl nliiL' unite well. Their leaderH uro I i Ihliiid lojiorH. huh morning nitor iiiiihh i vinitou; . . hospitals, where ono may nee thu wi ca en. No night llko that cai Ito,. h"' , anywhere hut on thin loner iH'und. Ft . and b.'dlm uro horribly dlHflgurjJ. , , nuiiilHjrn tho earn, lip , none und chc , uru very much Hwollen. Tho loiithw disease docri not work tho naino on . but appoarn in varloim fornm. Yo Ikivh look like old men of 70. Father Damlen'H hundn uro hoiiiov h -tier, but bin earn, face, neck und a ' aro covered with Hwolliiign, Them in hero at the Hettluinent u vert from Fplncopaliauinm, Brother j Hoph Dtitton, 'v ho him do voted bin lift ' 1 tho caio of orphan boyn und othorn, , ' Is like the gmnl Samaiituii iiuannui but ho iIooh tho work of a nuliit. ' " Now, ubout lemaiuingiini'onlamlnt , I iiuiHt put mv faith in God; for I dr 1 hoo how any ouo living heio for a nut of yoarn could ponniblv encaiNi. I.'. II .11.... ....I MM... I. ...I I.. I cooks uro an iiineunoii. inu iiiiuvu id.-' baked by loiiern. I nlt noar Fatbou-rj llllllll IlltllUitff .1 All I U:.. I 'God huvo mo, hapMin what may.' Tim injur luiiora wtein i(Uilo happy IIUII lllllirJII st opi(i 'III vnu irt wliito liooile wore allUftcxl lot the luu aro with loiirowy, I tliink many v, coininlt miielile. To-morrow lh nuiierinteiiileiit lupor netlleineiit. wiio dsn not here, will ci.inr I i nelcct a lm'al l.ilild a In. on' i lb" hintorn of HI. i'n, who i-.in- i -;.' idly for the fi ler." I For tho cvcloni! I count v .'I.'..mJ in I lleppm r. siiUch ih of M cash wan rain- mi mr. f s f! I J m.. a . srRFLT - I'ENDLETON