TIIt'HSDA Y. JTNH 21, 1883. jjAtiiY and hi:.mi-wi:i:ki,v, iiv tiik Knt Otpgunlmi I'lilillnlilnu C'iuiintiy, -AT- I'KNM.I-.TON. .... OltKOON. IIAM.Y HUlHCIIII'riO.S IIATF.St Ono ropy por ycnr, ly nmll t w' Onu ropy hIx .iiioiiIIik, by (tl tilt - ! Ono copy pT wrck, liy currier I I nuiKiu iiuioocru v .AlfVHIITIHt.Nfl IIATHS! (l)llt(i) Ailvrrtltnnmh.) Ono Inch, or Iwi, In Hcnil-WVcJdy pi'r iiionth W (0 Onoliivli.orli'M), In Dally iicr iiMinlh 1 M Twolnclicx, oi lean. In liotli, per liionlll... 3 M Over throulncliri,bciii. Weekly, p'irliicli per monlli 1 ! Over three Inches Dully, per Inch per month I ft Over threii IncheN, In hot h, per Inch per lilontl 1 75 HKMfWKKKI,V HCJIHCIIIITION IIAH'.II Onuropy per year. ti W) Ono ropy lx niontlix.- I 'i'i HIiikId nmnliere II) l'remliiiii puper free ljjearly miuw IIm.th. Hollil noiipnrell inlvertlfemeiitM In Henil Weekly or Dully, IIimI IliMTtlon, per Ineh, 1 1. (ii); eneli Mihein.'nt ltierlloii, tiw. tieal notice, ton eeliln x-r lino eaiih 111-nertliiii, IIIM'Ultl.ll'ANCONTOUriOMhT-l. It IH IlllHolllU'Jy IIIIIIIKitIK to nolo tllU 111 borloiiH ull'orlji of thu ltupuliliniim to put tlio cry of "trtm tr.uh" Into llui inontli of tliu DoiiioorittH. liiHtcuil of fri'o traitu,tliu J)iiinocriilH only pn.'ucli thn iloWrluu lluit both partluH ItidomMl In IMS I u Iho iiihI direful rovlnlon utnl roform of tliu tarill'. '11 io iiliitfornm of tin' two iuat puritan ilurlnn thu IiihI oiiuwiKii worn ohmuii tlnlly tliu Hiitno on HiIh jkiIiiI, iiihI no cry of "HrltlHli fri-o truilu" wuw lliun hiIhoiI by lioulliiK loiniiK'"iioM. Iloth sitlli!H rocotfiii.otl tin) nucos.iity of u reduction of thu witr tuxuri unit tint mirpliiH, ami ho i1ui:im1 tlioiin-olvuH on rcconl. lint llicro mum thin illiroroiu'u thu Dotwx'mtn wero Hlni'uru, lint thu liopiibllfaiiH only roeoj nl.uil thu rlylit to HtruiiHtliun liy unfair lnuutiH their pouiT In thu wroiiK. A hill wum liitrodiicoil In L'oiiKft'HH hy Mr. Mur rlHon a H)rfcctly fair nioiiHiiru to all tluHHcH, jtiHt anil cipiltalilo proHiHlnn a reduction nil around of twenty Kir cunt. In thu luriir lint. It wax defeated hy He pnhllcaiiH, anil not oven thu cry of hoc tlunallHin anil "llrllluli free trade" I'otilil Ihi rained hy thu hyKcriluH kh an exciiho to defeat II h puhhiiku. Hii duuvorini; to curry out their principled, thu IleiutM'ratH analii Introduced a mean, u ru In thu present Conuri'iw, thu MIIIh Mil, which, while u U'llovc It could du Improved upon, will promote what thu country neeiN anil Democracy in HcuktnK a fair reduction of thu prenunt hili war taxeHiind the iIuiikiiihuh nnrlii. And thin hill in IhiIiijj torn to pleceri, HtHncd ami hindered hy ItepiihlleaiiH, who are Haying that It Ik a "eccllonul ineiiHiiru," ami thu oirHprlnj-of "HritlNh free trade. ' Thu Itcpulillcan jKillcy in to reduce the mirphiH hy enoriiiuun andiiHeleHHiixH)nill tnro oory rnms-roiulH can havo ItH iimk nlllcent pnhlle liiillill.iu, and uveiy In nltfullleaiit harbor Hh overnmciilal ut runup'. And thu KepiiiilieuiiM want inoio protection and mom Itixw to carry out tlieno iiM'lehM iixKndltureH. The lVmwnitM lmu in overy way attempteil to mako a U'nliinliin in tlifrt leformof the tirlH one wliicli every m'iihIIiIo man be lieve Ik neeewtiry and they liavo ln-en jiint ax rcnulaily defeated hy the Itepiilili- ciiiih, who ate tlniH htultifyiiiK thenn-elvert and their pant preluiihlonii of tarilf revi hIuii. o.m.v iim: AT A lllltTll. WhiMiver in nominated hy the Itepuhli cairn, there mo no many eaer can dldatex, and each hiw hi many either (rlemlii, that the iiwult In IkiiiiuI to ntl'cct the K'ifect orpinhuitlon and Holldlly of the paily. Soiolioud are miiu to ho plenllfnl, and every one Uiiuwm how dan Kerotm they are to any oryimiiatioh lo wlileli they Men;. On the other hand, IVmocmcy wiw never Uitler or aul.ed or more determined. It hax only ono nvonlied head, tirover t'leveland. Tlio TOiitract wan explained l-etler ooino time UK" i 11 ciiitHu In "Tuck" than it could he in a thoiiMiud wouU of veii pic "I'lKrtT.iTto.' of Amuriean lulKir." How ! Hweet and wxjtliliitf are thenu temptln wordH, when Hjtoken hy Fllvery-tonpied Uop.ihllcaiiH. I In t let tm rcud Iwtween the llnex. Do they mean that tho laborer really derlveH thu henellt from the prcn cnt war taxeH. If they do let our Hcpul) lican frlemlH explain how it In that thu C'anu'KieM rolled up their inilllonH yearly without exertion, and Hpent their lclnuro in holmohhliiK with "maunutic lllaine" in lluropu, whiiu their lahorcrH tolled from morn till nlglit at ninety ccnloa day. And of thin thu poor laborer paid a bonim of forty-seven por cent, for every dollar 'h worth of lifu'H neecHHllieH lie re ipiired to mipport himself luid.famlly, in order to contribute to theno princely mil llonji of bin 'employerM. OlorloiiH "pro teetion to American labor." M.umini: wan oven too mean for the HupuhlleanH an hIiowii hy tiiu llrlnj; him out of tliu eonventlon at (Jlileago, hh re luUid in our iliHpateheM to-day. h' IIi.aim: hapiMiiiHlo lie nominated thu OreKonlan editor will Immediately com mit Miiieldo. A front many people would like to fee lllaine nominated. Tin: OrcKoulan'ii attention In called to Hh violation of tliu law by piiIiIIhIiIiik an iidverliceineiitof tliu I.ouIhIiiiiii lottery. NKW TO-lAV. -AUK 0IT1CH1N0- m A f HI! H V r -LV- LUMBAGO LAME BACK. 1 S? of?" 5; x vJ s. 2 n cn A 1 m j g w g - )OW S o P 2 -1 f , o ti it - V r a f ROBERT BOND tIKAI.KIt IN BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, SAU SAGE, DRIED MEATS, LARD. Court Htrccl, opposite J. II. Hlioonmkcr'n. innhlOiUw The attention of the trade is invited to our NAVY BLUE, HOME RUN, CORONA IMPERIAL, AND LEADER GIQARS. llest sellers in the market. At retail everywhere. Wholesale only by ison, Ehrmnn & CO,, Portland, Oregon. JjiUlIU ICKMI'CIt, Prop -lelor of I h l'lve-4'eul llccr Hull, Main HI.,ipxIU HtoilU', I't'tnl li'lon, IViulleioii heer on ilritnitlil. VVIiien, lliiiur nut t'Uurn.ut thu hot hriuuU, 11 utovk. iiii'inlil VortCK Til lllNTItACroltS AND HUAD i lllMI.HKUS, Keiilml hh will Ihi ivrclviHl at the olllr.i of ttirillk'. it lepiefOllted one of .I'jmpV ' Hie iiinltrine.J, until tliu With tiny of Juno, , ,, " . 1 .. .1.. 11 .... I l, lorilin piirHiiof iiiuKliiL'. tiniillnir unit fubleM. A piunt and unly llonefH. npn- inipr,iiii!wriiiin -iion of th niipl tn- (eiitlnn IViiuvmey, wax eMiichlnt; on a I eiu IVtullvloii mi . the lirhlMf urroti the ,-Mirm rK 01 inr .10101 1 my river, i im liionlh of DexilKllon eit'ck. Kuril M'ctloii of the rtMiil nitty 1 tUI on eiinilely, or the wince luijetlier; the work lo h niinplelnl hy AuijiKt I, Ivvs Tliu work to ho done l n follow Il. Thu wliU'iiliu' of thu smile from I he John Pity 1 her to Ihe (op of the hill via Ter- VII UHll.ttlll, HI IIIHKU h mini iwi or ni l, bhiir, and lfide her, in a Mibllmo atti tude, wan renting a noble lion, with tlio face of tirover Cleveland. Helow her were vutloux animaU with nuuieroux imwunv, ivprejH'iitlnt; the Itepnhllcaii, Prohibition, l.aU.r. ami other parties i0Yl!,,r!lm,m,UU f'H'' wUU' hlS"1 "f cm'h l.ach had a tuimerouti litter of Uiadom, thoXltoptibll can loopatd witli Hit IiiiIIh, lllaine, Sherman, AWeon, (iivKham, HarriHon, KvattH, ote. Tbece jmrty ani .muU ouiiKivKutetl aKiut the old lioness and iald: "Kiteli of us producer a nil meroiiH litter, while yon lirlnu forth but ouo at a bltth." "It la true," paid ''l0 J rpAKKN I'I'. pluiy lion ot ivmoeraey, "tmi mat ono is a lion." And a lion ho in. However, wo as IViiuvrabt would prefer that the ltopulilioatm wero epud to ouru'lvort In unity and oiyanUation, for wo want to Kut them on thu merits of our principle!. Thu t'ouallilin; the L-ruitn nl ilrl,lu,i ortuk. M. The nllitii: of 11 ritvluo near the Pi-mile pvt. (III. Tliu rumovHl of the roek from Ihe hwel helwien foiiiiii creek ami John Day rtvur. HlHVltti' plana oau Ihi tNn at IheollU-eof J AM Its It KIIDY. S,vrUry IViulleton lUmnl ofTrmlis Trlhuno nitW, IVinllelou, Orcein. Jn?M '1 One yotine tiniwn inuru, welthl. aUtut 1IO IHininU, with imII alHitit tu month ohl, ami one iiriiy uiirllm;. tHMomjlmt in her; one i;ruy hore, two yearn ohl. All tliu iiihivu ile korlUsI lionea xr without hnuutt or blot. Ow ner can recover aniu by calllne on thu uiulenthtncil, at hU ninch, tUht mlle north of Yliion,iitiU iniylut rliarvea, Ahlrr.4i .M. A. BKAOI.E. Jutd Im it kw Vliuou, Or, ABSOLUTELY A FACT! "We oder for sale our largo stock of Furniture, Store and Fixtures, which must ho illpocil of lie'wccn now anil September 1st, 1888. The Furniture will be ofiered daily at prices that will insure its sale. A call tit our store will convince you that we mean to ' flisnnsp nf thp Stnnk. SStnrR anrl FixtnrRS. .wwww www.., TlDnnrfmflnt. Now is the time to buy what Furniture you Sweeping Reductions in our Clothing "COU. W1UO aa awv - ci Dnilnnfinna in nimMnlnU. HOW FJTiT i tSa OO., ing- Goods Department. , ' Department. Sweeping iteauctions m our uarpets, L. DUSENBERY & I :icv.ic Bfr : --,m.ji'jcijB; mciwjc. TO EEDUC13 THEIR IMMENSE STOc Bargains, Bargains! O-rrraoT-kiiirr P OflllP.f.ionS in CkWV "Hyitt n nonnvtment. CTTTnonino'Parliirt.inrm in nur Pannn n "nfinnrtment. v w r r i vi rt k arnif u.i iinvi i 1 1 uiii m nrinvt n W JJ rfwww-w - w vvu J Ju'il )m tnv Cheap News! Tto.6 Semi-Weelily East Oregronian AND THE NEW YORK WORLD From now until after the Presidential, election in November for ONLY ONE DOLLAR ! Cloths and Matting. Stamps Taken. Address : East Oregonian Pub. Co., Pendleton, Oregon. Umatilla Real Estate & Loan Association COKN'HK MAIN ANI) WKUU STUKISTS, East Oregonian Building, I'KNDI.irrON, OltKOON. tamiB XotrotiiitctI and ltontH Collected. .Money to lxn on Country and Town Trojierty. Money Taken on IXonIt unit leaned for Ciintomern. Will itiiiko rillnsrt on Government! IiihIh. Tillo ContentHloforo tlio Lund Department a 8Hciulty. Town and Country lroierty llouItt and Sold. Information furnished free of forth Itallroad and Ciovernmcnt land. AbtrtrartH of Title fiirniHlied, and Conveyaneiii(,' attended to. Will act an A;eutH for Noti-lte.-'identri on lteuxonulilo Conimii'i'ion. , I.oiit,-Tiiiio Iann nmdo I'rotuptly on Farm IjiikIh. l'inancliil AfniHtaiuo of Kvery Kind furnished. UMATILLA REAL ESTATE & LOAN ASSOCIATION, Pendleton, Oregon. fiuliiif in tin lmi'kwnriliit'HH of the trailo HiIh HciiRon. wo havo nn iminnw ftock wliicli wo no noi proposo to carry over. WU MUST HA VHi tuu In order to t;et thiM room, wo liavo decided to inform tiio public that werS cell for thu next cixty days onr Kntiro Stock at M A KVKLUUSL Y LUW fitlC Wo Himranteo that oodn of a Himilar ipiality cannot bo purchased clscuhm I'urcliaserH would do well to Kxatnino our Stock. L. DUSENBERY & CO, 1 A - - . a, 1 t a. . , . 4 THETARIF Hits been taken off both Woolen and Cotton G JNot by Congress, but by And they now olli'i their Largo ami Complete Stock of DRY GOODS.CLOTHING, -at- Grain Bags. CttU'uttitit anil Dftrlck'x Celrbru' tat :. U'.'n, TWINES OI'AII Kinds To n I, TliiKS Klv. Printed Flour Bags A Specially. AMES & DETRICK, 14.1 Vmnt Ht. - IMHtTI. VM), Oil. JllKUUw If WOOD, WOOD ! lleforo uiHklii'j)-nir contract (or next wlu tor's nupplyof woott.cotuult Cliurlr Fnntvr Hie wotM iliH-tor, unit obtain thelowctt 1'rlcei (or the bot iiiountnln woixl, LARGE QUANTITY ON HAND. Charlos Frazlor, DUTCH HENRY, Tlie Truck Man DUTCH HENRY, The Transfer Man, VVKItll HTIlKKr 1'KSDl.KTHN h'K,hri TRADT PTJTfiWRl -FrkvnAS T . -i ... - . tnat tlio iidovo tiro not mere assertions, but that they will Mllllimil' W I. IIIIU' f'llllin I Iwukj irj ttrtf ttt "IntillH IIII IK " j iiviiij ig iivv (111 , I n .1 . tneretore tiiey liavo discanletl Protective Prices, and wli; moot competition from all onarters. Thov enrrv a 4 mm Hiflrx -mm m w t IHiBil BilIfllllBll til i & II 111 Consisting of Staple and Pancv Drv Goods. Man's Boy's wmiuruu a jiouimg Jb urnisning: uouiwi Mens Ladies and Children's Shoes Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery and Glassware, Groceries, Hardware, Etc. Brigs, the Photograper. style known to the art, and absolutely ?uaXeafact Briggs, the Photographer Over the Postofflce Hon n I ht.oii. ub- The Postofflce Store Tl -1 f , - - iwirauuunin. iiiHuviiioa r-i - u ami sn l om. in. thereby save your money. D"0 auu "1WU1U ' J . T. L A.MBZRTPI, Proprietor. Ju lllii ilw reuaicton, Ore son.