DAILY. JlST WH AT YOU WANT. a nti:i: miiuaiiy. I'ntrnn nf the Dully ir Semi-Weekly HAST "lti:0(MAN tun rreely nmko imo of tlic HAS!1 OIIIKIONIAN lllirnry when titer they n dc.lrc. Tin- public itr cur ilhttly Intltcd to tl.lt the iilllrn whenever mi Inclined, , .recent In miiney or tiiinp wilt '"' until lift" llinNoVclllher SZZmwI fifty cent II. pay itX liAST OltKOONIAN for tho ,h.' -.1. f llmel'y '"'' km--- , . r 1 PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO., OKEGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1888. NO. 05. Leezer & Kuebler, ROGGISTS .uP,tan'l most complclo Block of to. mgq ernes. CHEMICALS, ilet & Fancy Articles InEastorn Oregon. -r A rt A T T 1I lt I l t 1 i J I J. n it .1 palnBIOCK - fonaioion. niiii iiinnru Mil U I V UUH HRVKliM I . PR I .1 I I I I. . 1ULIIIVJ lllkM lull I Ml. I io hnppc" "very day, mm wiicn ono you were Insured In tho ULI IU H Hnni.P I.IIMt-'l in rn.i I iiiuiin iul uuiiii uIiiym-kb,' rcnourco nro Htifllclcnl to itntirc 1KB innni ciiurniuiin niunx in mithntcven meat railroad ami Mtoam- trci'irmn nil wiiiii. ,"... ;, j iLwllliniitillcnuni,iniiiie(iiaiciy upon 7... n.f...i....i i.Huifa V.ii. I,irr..ll nm r.iAntln nil III nnllcloa. Rlliions 01 I u IIIIIIIUIIO ol Surplus. u POLICY JIU1,1)I,U.3II.IV.'W. Glopton & Jackson, Resident Agents, 4A.i.l.ii I. Mil I ii i 1 lit n (1 1 nn m sv n i. i i i AND TWA TjnTTnrPC dlrrct nJ twnulnr lino In connection mini luriiirm I iiriiiti miinui TmLoulHiimt tlm Houtli. Tallr JIoIiicn, Lcuvcmvortlt' Atchison mill ICuiinum City . n.,1.. I Connecting with tlio ruiiiv liini ... flODrtl lllnnrf. I Jin imi ipurl li timl 1.1111U11. Palace Dining Cam! vmt. w .w,l,.l.ll, lltlllllljrvf ulcoontcllom inuJu In union ilopotH. 'filllnfurrnntlnii rcirnrdlnif rnto, innpn, 'W7 to any coupon iiifont of tlmO.lt or .Norltiorn I'nclilo Hallway Com. Ticket ABdit.O. It. . N. Co., lVnilloton. Oreuon. HIH.KKi:iY, J.ii. AKeiit, i ii. . 1. 1 ... .... . !, - I IllfclllllU, Jl I . noLimoniv'. MII. H. K. 110 YD. ben. T. nil H tut i t. ul i in.. MluticnpoIlH Mhin, nu u.iianoiu! uo&uu. . i . mirnun I I II II II I I. I I Ml 1 pi w.w uuu, A III II Ul 1 POMPS AND PIPE. WMBINC Promptly Dono. XW STItKKT, VKSDI-KTON. b"0' '1" Publlo patroiiaito U sollcltcj inauni u r ? "j nui opi uiya. M.HIOTT, l'roprlitor. Kin ..--. "(1III11IUII V HII11ILIP11 111 lacaml. .'.!.f'.1!l,t ""I" wntlieiul '"tUlfUM ' . T Muiujin.. "'?. .amllo nml every- uwwi 1.':!e,!!lh.,.,l",1,e w"r pure ,n'i nd huniini. flr.t-cluii.. Terms Ronsonnhlft. "ST OPENED! the Eagle Hotel, An... a uii m. "uwney, Proprietor tisane: li.nK p. p- . --vn ilUC'i WJ oVraeo meal the corner "ueustl, 1u9iImw I.OIKli: DIltlCCTOKY. PKN'DLKTON CII AlTKIl NO. 2.1, II. A. M. Meet nt tint Mnnnnlo Tumpln on tlio llrstmid third Krldnyx of eiicli nioulli, at 7::W oVIoclC. J. l HUHItKK.H. I'.j K. II. CUHTON, Hecrutury. KUNZIR I.ODai:"No". R. A. K. A A. M. Mcctnou tlm nccond mid fourth Man iluyH of ciieli tnoii Hi , t 7:31) n'alo-lc, H.J. IIkan, W. M.j V, E. 1'otwim:, Secretary. pKNIH.K.TON T.ni)(lK NO. A2. A. F. A A.St. .1 .Meet In tho Mnxontc Temple on tlio find nmt Ihlril MomliiyH of oiirm month nt 7sw o'clock, t. J. Million, W. M.: It. al kx an nun, Hcoretiiry. yinr.A I.OnaK NO. 1H,A. O. U. W. Mcetn every Thursday 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 nt tlio Knlnc Holme, nt 7l0 o'clock. J. 0. I.KANUHK, M. W.J K. 1'. Tuhtin, Heconler. IUKKICA 1.01)0 K NO. 32. f. 0. 0. V. Mcct J f-vcry Siitnnlny nveultii; nt 7:30 o'clock. T. J. Million, N.U.; K. 1C. Hiiarun, wccrclury. UMATILLA KNCAMI'MKNT NO. 17, 1. 0 O. K. Moils on tho xecond it 11 I last ThurmlayR of each month, 111 7:30 o'clock. U)T LlVKHMOItn.C. 1'.; l:. 1C HltAlioN,Hcrlbe. I. O. tAlltTVt. vit..m..i.n r eint.t k.. 1.1 j t 1 ji . Ft iviiiii, i.vjiir. .u tot I. 1 u. Mi olH 1 10 lrHt anil tlilrtl J hum ihiyR of each mouth. HAItMONV I.ODOH SO. 21, K. OK 1'. MertM In Odd Kollnwn' Hall every Tuc day evcnlni: nt 7:30 o'clock. .1. C. I.kahuiik, C.C.; C.J. WlllTAKKll.K. of ll.and H. DAMON LODOK NO. 1. K, &V V. Meet In Odil Kollown' Hall every WedncKdHy evcnlfiK nt 7:30 o'clock. M. MoiiKllKAl), U. C; II. Uaimmklu, K. of It. and H. KIT CAHHON POST, O. A. It., mcolK lit Wheclor'ii Hall every Thumilny nlKhl. II. rt. W'akki.k, Commiiudor; J. H. IIowkn. Adjuluul. TO-DAY'S TELEGRAMS, Tin: ciiicAuo convi:nthn. -Mit- ltlnltio to I111 the Mho Killing Time hum, I'actlnii Dcfciited. Chicago, Juno '-'l. Tlio now tlovcl opiucntH of tho political eonvojition uro low and of minor imiiortimce. A tout voto liiHt night nhowoil Slicrmun'H Ntrcnuth to bo -70 with lllaino'H and Depow'B fuc tionH no Ichh (ntluiahiRtic. l'ostnmstcr Ot'iiorul DickunHon, who Ih horc, wtid: ''Tho convontion, utter airing tho favor- no hoiih. win mull iiko a lido to lllalno, who, I boliovo, will ho tho iiominoo. hut ho will novor hoJ'rcHidont." Tho con vention coiiHiimcd tiio trrontcr part of ycHtorday killing tiino. Tlio Wlso faction of Virginia caino out victorioiiH, tlio Mn liono party not lioing defeated by an overwholtninj; voto. Till: CHIOAOO IIUI.I.KTINS. The l'littform noil Notary and Corporation Seals, In Pondleton, FOR ONLY FIVE DOLLARS EACH, Tho UMinl prtco for HcaU iinulo by other pnrtlon, In Portland or tho Hn.i la from fO.CO OJ7.00, with oxpreat charge ailJcd. If you need iVHcal,ncuit ynuronlor lo u, mill anvo from J:M0to S3.no thereby. East Oregonian Pub, Go,, mhiidw Pendleton, Oregon. It Stands at the Head! TIIK LI OUT ItlJNNINO DOMESTIC Simple, Practical, l.mht ituunlni; and IlHiKUoiiie. Many try to equal II, hut none aucceetl. Dout fall to n-v tho "Domesllc" heforo buy Ini; u Mnwliii;maoliluo iIkw ni)2.l 3llm HroM.A. c:o , AeeiilR. FOR SALE On and after this dat the etnto of the Into for Ritlenll tho live stock owned by the de cemed, conalntlni; of Tharauuhhretl Mereftml Jtitlls, Uliot't-lium Cattlo, Grade Cattle, and General Stock Cattle. Thoroaylibred Sjianlsli Merino Jlttvkti and Ewes, lteylHlered, Grade Bucks and Stock Sheep. Also n largo number of Horacs nd n quan tity of Hay. TERMS TO SUjf PURCHASERS, Kor particular, call on or nddresa R.C.THOMPSON, AdmiulHtrator, my2l daw tf Pendleton, Or. PARTIES ! Having gooda ahlpped fiom KaHern cltlci via rortlnnd, can have freight paid, loneea and overchargea adjusted, aud forwarding attended to promptly, at rate, by od drestltig OLIPHANT & CUTTINS. I'OHTLAND, OHEGON. GItOCERIBS A SPECIALTY. Buying and Selling done on Commlaalon l'iivnr lCverytbliiL- AnyttiliiK. Ciitt'Aoo, Juno 21. It in authoritatively Htutcd that tho platform eouitiiitteo agreed, except tin to tlio iinti-fiiloou plunk, which will bo dlrtcUMricd HiIh inoriiiiiK. Tho platform declareH that the light irilietwecn IHotectiou and free trade and welcomed tho Ihhuch nuulo bv tho 1'rcHident. It fa vors roviclon of internal revenue, and iibollnhlng tax on tobacco, excepting ci garH, cigarettcH and eherootH. It critlcliteri tho civil Korvico of tho adminlHtratlon, de nounccri the electioti resolution aud hviii patliicH with ItIhIi Homo KulerH. The iilatforni will bo favorably mibmitted to tlio convention. Balloting for President will probably not bo reached lieforo to morrow. Tho convention wan called to order at 10:14 a. 111. Tho roll wuh called to name tho nioiiiborH of tho national committee. 10:U0 a.m. Warner, of Mitwourl, an nounccH that the rcrtohition committee will bo ready in ton uilnuteH. 10:10 A. m. MeKlnloy, of Ohio, tukoH tho platform to read report and rcHolu tioiiH of tho committee. Great applause. 10:40 A. m. Tho platform hcihIb greet ing to Brazil on emancipation of Hiaves, aud to Homo Utile party in Ireland. Kucli Hentitnent wuh applauded. 10:48 a. m. Wo aro unconipromiHingly in favor of tlio American HVHtoin of pro tection. Creeled witlt prolonged iit plauso. All delegatcH on their feet. 10:50 a. m. Tlio platform doniandmi reduction of letter jioHlugo to ono cent; condeniiiH tho adminlHtration for at tempting to demonetize silver; formir rendoring llHhlng jirivilegCH, und for a Hpirit hostilo to pension legislation. 11 a. m. On motion of Marino, of Ma ryland, tho platform wa adopted by a rising voto. 11 :10 a. m. Tho roll is being called for iinmltintloilH. 11:20 A. m. Warner, of Connecticut, presented llawley's namo without MlUtPldl. 11:18 a. m. llavmond. of California, takes tho stand and sayri that California asks to bo passed. 11 :21 a. Mi Ixsonard Swott, of Illinois, takes tho platform und nominates I riroshiim. 11:150 a. m. Lynch, of Mississippi, takes tho pluttorm und hocomls Uresh 'ain's nomination. 11 :45 a. m. Davis, of Minnesota, takeM tho platform to second Urcttlmm'H noml nation. 12:20 p. m. Hector, of Texas, also sec onds Grcsham's nomination. 12:27p. M. 1 hu seconding ot ureal!' atn's nomination is concluded. Kx-Uov. l'ortor takes the platform and nominates Harrison. 12:28 p. m, Tho niontion of Harrison's namo is greeted with upplausu and pro- lonueil cheering. Indiana men uro on their feet wuvillL' fulit). 12 :!10 p. m. l'ortor is interrupted with 1 crlos of liresham, mingled with hisses ' At tho conclusion of I'oiter'H siieech tho Indiana delegation arose und cheered I 12:40 P. m. Convention adjourned to n, aa ndmlnlatrntor of 1 u o clock. Wlillnm Hoa. l oirer a:07 p. M. Convontion caliod to order. !I:20i'. M. leal, of lexas, tukes the platform and seconds Harrison's nomina tion. :t:3:ii'. m. Apjilauso from lexas und waving of banners from Indiana greets Hector. Gallinger, of Now Hampshire, takes tiio platform und seconds Harrison's nomination. :i;4:i i. m. ltoll call proceeds, Iowa called. Cheering. !l:4tl p. t. Hepburn, of Iowa, nomi nating Allison. " 51:50 p. m. Mention of Allison'H namo gro2tcd with cheers from tho galleries und ttoor. Iowa delegates are manning. 4 p. m. Hepburn htill speaking und not much enthusiasm. 4:08 P. ii Hepburn says Alllison would not ho found returning robel (lugs. Continued cheers und cries for Korakor. 4:11 p. m. Iowa, Missouri and Massa chusetts cheer Allison ut tlio conclusion of Hopburn'H siieech. llostwiek, of It hod 0 Island, tukes tho platform und seconds tho nomination. 4 :21 P. m. Prolonged cheering led by Iowa und joined by Murylund und tho territories. 4:22 p. M. ltoll call proceeding. Michigan reached. Cheering. IVuzer, of Michigan, again tukes tho platform und nominates Alger. 4:W p. M. Prolonged und renewed cbeers at mention of Alger's numo, und cries of "bo's ull rigid." , 4 :Ii3 p. m. l'razer's sjieech wus greeted with great enthusiasm on tho lloorand in tho galleries. 4 :44 p. m. Mention of Logan's namo created great applause. 4 :40 p m. I'rarer quotcdMis. I)gan In conclusion. Great uud continued ai-plauee. 4:47 p. Mi Xoyes, of Massachusetts, seconded Alger's nomination. o p. !. Kagen, of Nebraska, takes tlio platform and seconded Alger's nomina tion. Tho crowd nt intervals takes up tlio erv of "He's all tight." (heat laughter. 5:111'. t. Kggersof Arizona seconds Alger's nomination. , 6:12 p. Mi Kggers says lie desires to say only a word. Great und continued uppluuse. 5:17 P. m. Holl call proceeds. Now 1 ork readied. Uteat applause. ni:ws nttm tiii: oaudi:n city. A (Iruiid Celebratliiiiroii Almli "I'tittliiK Up" A Lull In Nepapi'r Warfare l.otn or Hplcy Nati'. WAI.I.A W.M.I.A, iltllio 20, 1(W8. Thinking u news letter fiom tills city would bo of interest to your readers, many of whom have interests here, 1 ven ture to wrilu you, und if ucceptable, will be pleased to furnish you such a letter twice each week. Business men throughout the town are about to get u rest trout the sulisctlptlou 5:18 p. m. HNcock takes tlio platform gatherer. 1? very thing hem, It seems, is out Ids Interest in tlio real estate busi ness, und you need not be sut prised to hear of him us editor uud publisher of u live pucr soinewheio in these parts. Much interest is taken in the proceed ings of tlio Hepuhlican Nutlouul Conven tion. Tlio enteriitising editor of tho I'nion is enlightening tlio jooplo. Greshani and Lincoln will be the ticket, you see. 1800. ItKAD THIS, Ui:i't:ilI.ICANH. to nominate Depew. A MOTIIKIt'H ri.'Altl'UI. C'HIMi:. then Kbo Kill Her Three Children und llcr.elf. Pirrsiii'iKi. Juno 20. This morning Mrs. Josephine Marck, of Alleghoney City, administered strychnine to lie'r thrco children, uged three, four uud seven dune by subscription. If you can't put your namo down lor foil you are solicited to put It down lor lllty cents, on tlio prlii clple that "every littio helps." While in one of the leading business houses tho other day, tho celebration committee come in uud waltzed up to (lie boss, AT ter looking over tlio list ol names und amounts subscribed, he remarked t that ho LMii'Mxeil ho ooiilil idvo nx iiiueli nu . ears, resiH.c vcly. ttnd then swallowed Yl " , Hamo of im soii herself, ll.o mother und two i,U(inortUH MmwAU T,,,H H()llIull.(1 in,. children uro tlead. llio youngest has no cral 1)Ut lt i(( , whl, tt0 tako ,, prosisjct of recovery, lho niotivo for tliu :.i..'...n.... .i.... . ..i.. nr... I P1I1U1 ill llyll lllllk it UlllY UUIU llllV deed is supposed to have been that she was angry becuuso her husband ordered his brother from tho house, when he stisiiected him of criminal intercourse with Ids wife. AltltKSTi:i I'lllt ltAI'K. A Mulatto (Nininilta mi ()iitrinn nn n Hlxtoen-Yeiir-Old White (llrl. Aliianv, Juno 20. Arthur Burton, u mulatto, was arrested at Brownsville to day on a charge of rape, preferred by Miss r.llzu Harrington, llio voiiiil' woman. uged ulmut sixteen, says that tho bruto entered her bedroom, administered chlo roform uud outraged her. leavini: her un conscious. Much indignation is expressed at Brownsville. Burton only escaiied bo- inif lynched by thu most strenuous exer tions of tlio guards who were in clutrgo of nun. lv iruvo llftv cents instead of $."i0, which tlio prollts of his business on a l-ourth of July hilarity would stand. On tho other hand, Walla Walla busi ness men have cause to tighten up their iinrso strings for u while. Tliev have been pretty thoroughly bled within tlio past six months. A subsidy was raised for G. W. Hunt, amounting to alsiut fill, 000. Another subsidy of $1,000 and ground for tho distillery eamo forth, and this month $1,200 was subhcrlbed where with to celebrate tho day of our nation's birth. The railroad and tlio celebration are an ussured tiling, but of the distillery project I can learn nothing except that lles.Molnes men were to bo here on the 20th. Surveyors uud others, with citizens, have been looking over tlm vacant ground near tho garrison reservation at thu foot of .Main street, for it suitable dcisit und warehouse site fur Hunt's Kuroku Flat road, and I believe it lias lieen decided to locale as ulwvo. Some wero in favor of having it located on ground near the pen itentiary, but it wus thought too far from Main street. Tlio celebration on July Fourth will no iloiilit lui ii lfriinil lill'iitr. mill I iiriiillct Hint takliiL' out it llulit from tho store wlnilow. . all who attend will have an en lovable The thieves wero followed and caught at j time. Another class of jieoplo have Navankum. Many of the stolen goods charge of the details of the celebration wero recovered. Tho names given by tlio thM year, to-wit: tho lire department thieves aro Fred Smith and Fred Ames, niostlv vounu inon wltli novel ideas, and They aro strangers in these parts. tZZZ they ato now hard ut work prefectlngu A Hiinotinc Ncnipn, I good programme. Ki.i.i:nsiiiuii. W. T, Juno 20. Two1 Thu Pendleton Boy Band, .as is always men, named I'liman aud sionellcld Had a iu case, win mm niaienai hi inu pro; Thieve Captured' Ci:ntiiu.ia. W, T.. Juno 20. Kurlv Tuesday morning tjiostoto of W. T. Burke ly was broken Into ami robbed of jewelry, clothing, shoes und cutlery, together witli the contents of the easlt drawer to tlio amount of $500, ut the present calcula tion. Tlio thieves obtained entrance bv quarrel this afternoon on tho farm of Doctor uimstead, near tins piaco, over a bucking colt. Pitman shot Stonoileld in tho stomach, seriously wounding him, though It is not thought Intnl. The Wheat Market. PoiiTLAND, Juno 21. 'Hio Chicago mar ket closed yesterday at 8075 for Juno, 81Ji for July ami 81?., for August. Tlio San Francisco market has a llrmer tono. No. 1 shipping brings $l.;!2',j uud options uro higher. Knglish markets exhibits also a much better tone. KUlvd by i.i(fhtiing. PoitTi.AS'n, Juno 21. On tho Wnrni Spring reservation on Saturday a squaw was struck by lightning uud instantly killed. ' The Stimii Npenker, Johu P. IrUh In the Alia California. "Tho stump sjieakor, the jiersuador, who goes forth with (ho banner of his patty in his hand und its principles in his mouth, is a hard-working patriot. Bo good to him. Ho sutlers much and is weary. Many a dull stieecli is duo to tlio committee which receives and prepares for tho Hjicaker. Wo venture it fow plain illriii'llnim tntlmKit udir, 'tnpnt tlm utumnt ' ii no is to sicaK in a nan, gram, uud with tlio t-ccona l uvuiry nami will furnish enough music, it isestimated, for 10,000 jieoplo. Tho llrninen aro work ing up purses to bo given to tlio w inners of races. These purses will bo awarded only to visiting llreinen, us our own com panies will not participate in the races, but will bo open for side purses, Our Boys' hose team left for Portland Tuesday, where Wwy go to brlng back some of tho prios o He red by the North western, Flreinen'H AsHoolmioii. Tlioy rtro ft Rwift crowd, and we feel ctintldent that tlioy wilt bring back the big silver truiu't. Cnuip meetings in (lie Hiirroiihlltug groves look a great uuniDer ol leoplo away thu past week. People alsiut tho city am busy clearing ineir yarns ot ine iiiiieu trees ami nroken fences, caused by the heavy storm last week. Workmen uro preparing tlio largo Htoro room in tno .ioi itisou liulldlng lor tho now postoiiico. lhu lock hoxes uud iur nittiro will arrive In a fow days, und by July 1st wo oxect to liuvo u "nmcli-feft wunt" supplied. Tlio Wulht Walla Zouaves, an organi zation under command of Cantaln Coin v. don't I cotniKised of 40 yung lads, ranging in age wiat j v f JWHIP, vim au rvun luinOi 1 1 f iii itti ii lititli uttnvn c.r ttltiHui-tn Tlio platform, whether Indoors or out. evening on tho bridge, practicing the teg- Hhoiild not lie morn than knoo liluh. it llnentlll Steti. 1 hoy Mill lio liandsoniely is iHittor not covered, nnd cstKJciully not ! ""Iwrnied in liaggy knee pantelets ol red with oil cloth. Plain, roue.lt nine boards ' Hnnnel, bluo oa jackets und white cups, uro tho best footing for an orator. Don't lll,(Ml ' V.? lH'H. K,vw '".'."i" bring him in contact witli tho smoke of a 1 "t'0"t.,,0 t,,1u.lr ,lri '. ,",",y (l keitjHine lamp, lliut enemy ol tlio vocal J ' "v) ; " chords. Don't introduco liliii us u silver- I!'" i hoy w II lorm ono ol no ut true- tongued or goldon-inounted orator, n ' ions lit tno, ceiei.ra oit paruuo, iieuuoo raises exiK-ctation that not iimiivincneuii -"o "OJ" "''' 01 1 cihlli'ion. redeem, unil tlioy would rather not. Bo-1 Perhaps you have noticed that tho foro ito sieaks don't tcai-o him for u dis-, iiowspaiier battle between Capt. P. II. closure of his 'lino of iirciiiuoiit.' It is Johnson, of lho I nion, uud C ol. I runk J. his lino of battlo, und if ho give it uwny, Purker, of tho Statesman, has ccuwd. he is sure to bo dull. Don't usk him to I Cuuco, tho colonel is uwuy, und tlio cap- drink lirpior lsjforo ho Himuks, and don't tain holds tho fort until tlio Indian lighter give him nny when ho is through. Ho 1 returns, not caring to bombard. L. Frank has u Irottlo in his satchel that Is lictter; Boyd, tho local editor, lias churgo of tho than vott can get. Don't pull your watch j Maiesman'H nreastworks during thu light und yawn wliilo hois talking. It ruttles lug colonel'H absence. Friend Besserer, him. When he gets through let him go 1 of tho Journal, hates nowspajior wars, but to led. Don't crowd into his room and i smiles when business jitou como into his Insist on lsjlng cntortniiied. Ho needs 1 olllco during wur ix-rlods und say, "Huvo rest. Lot him huvo it. His throat und lho Journal left at my house; 1 want tho lungs uro tired nnd ho doesn't wunt to news; don't euro If Purker is an F.nglish tulk. Don't usk him 'how it's coming convict or Johnson u comnilssury thief." out.' He won't tell you tho truth uud , I would suggest that you send u solic vou may bet on whut ho says and lose, i itor over hero on lho Fourth feeling con Then you w ill huto him for what is your lldent you could inuteriully increase your own fault. This udvico upiilles to all list of daily subscriliors. Many who have stump sieakerH except protectionists. seen u cojiy of your lively littio daily ox Wlien they come, consider the remarks j Press mirptiso that Walla Walla is liehlud about thu satchel and what Immediately i in the lino of u thorough daily nowspaer. precedes tho same withdrawn. With i At lifteett cents a week you would get ut this amendment, try und live up to this least 100 subscribers hetu. counsel, und you w ill havu brighter City election is druwing nigh and can sticakcrs ami lietter stccchcs." , dldates aro looming iij sereienly. y j yrMhri (.hlu( of ,,0 jortimi,l Tlio Oregonian Washington letter of Orcgoniun's corresiwndents, hits lieen in Tuosday says: In tlio House to-day tho city u few dayn und some of tho Ikjvh there was pan-ed tho conference report on took him into the country to show lifin tho Indian appropriation bill, which pro- straw lxirry lx:ds, jxdato, watenuelou, vides for u chunge of the place of sale of : pumpkin aud graio vinos uud com and lands under tho allotment law from the wheat fields, lie will do us up in the I .a Grande district land office to thu I'niu-1 great "I um." tillu agency, John Wiitennelon Itcdlngton lias sold 1 Simie (liiodi HtroiiK Seime IMtered by Our Itrelhreii In Nehraaloi, from tho Stockton Mall. We gave an account tho other day of tlio remarkable platform adopted by the Nebraska Kopuhlicati convention. A verbatim account of tho proceedings of thu convention, however, that the scheme of campaign by which a protective plunk wus Incorporated into the plan of salva tion was not ngiced upon without heavy opposition. After the committee on platform had presented Its conclusions, calling for u continuance of the war tarlll und denouncing Cleveland und thu Mills bill, no less a person than ox-United States Senator Van Wyck usked leave to introduce certain resolutions for thu con vention. His request liclug granted hu read uud submitted the following us u substitute for tho hlgli-turitl' planks In eluded in thu report of the committee: Hesolved, That high tuxes, high tariir and high trnnsH)rlutlon rates uro destroy ing tlio prosperity of producers. Hesolved. That tlio revenue whereby the expenses of tlio government uro tmld should bo drawn from the wealth of tho nation, whereas bv our present system tho thousands of millions collected for carrying on tlio w.tr und for paying the national debt, tho hundreds of millions now in thu treasury and tho millions gathered each day have much of it been forced front tlio pockets of labor. Yearn ago tlio money centers secured from Congress u repeal of the Income tux, tho tux on bank tlutioslts, railroad receipts and others, while tho tax on lumber, sugar and salt remain us liefoto, while the tux on course fabrics is higher in proportion than that on silks, satins and diamonds. Hesolved. That more iiiouov taken from tho ptK'ketsof thu people than Issulllcient to defray tho exoiises of the goverment is nn uilusticu: that hoarding in thu treasury cannot be justilled in buying our IkiiiiIs before duo und giving 25 per cent, for tho privilege of buying Ilium, uud is only u lienellt to thu bond-holders, us producers uud laborers do not hold bonds. The d seussion which followed took u wide range und wus deliberative through out. On it llnul vote thu substitute re ceived thu supKirt of nearly u third of tho convention. Thu niuln sieeclies wore inndo by nu yck und Delegate atsou, n farmer from Oloo county. "lho liee-lrade cry." said van wyck, will not mislead a single thinking man in tho country that gives attention to ox Ming conditions. Vto aro collecting too much money, and that is ull there is ulsmt it. If wo should reduce tuxes to the meiisuro of our wiuits, freo-trudo or nauiier wages would not follow as a con- sentience, mid lt Ih tinmistakiiblu dlshon- cMy to go to tho working cluHscflon that issuo. Tliev tiro sure to llnd out the do 'notion Houio day, uud tlioy will "t I' blaino If tlioy tnort tin." Watson HiM)ko for lho farmers, but lio has u grusii of tlio llnaucial situation which puts lliut away ahead of many so called statesmen, W o quote a kjiI Ion of Ids Heech; You are denouncing thu Mills bill us a frco-trudo measure, and yet if u Hepuhli can President should bo Induced into olllco next .March ho would fail in his duty to the country if in his Inaugural ho did not Indicate it iolicy in consonance with lho plan of the .Mills bill. There are moie fanners uud farm laborers In the tliteo Slides of Illinois, Iowa uud No hraska than there uro working men uud women in ull the highly Protected indus tries of the country. on tell us thut there Is u duty on wheat uud com, uud on barley, oats, ixjrk and lieef. But whut gxxl does it do the furmerY Whom docH it protect liliii against? Thu nrlcu of his crop is llxed at tho tlireshlng-machluo by tno umoiiui oi wheal ruised in India and Hussia. the lowest wage countries in llio world. Yet you liicieuse llio cost of pro duction by luylug u lax on the clothing und fiirm Implements of tho American farmer. Wo would not caio for tho tax if tlio government needed it. Tho farmers of the Noitliwest ato tt loyal coplo, You know thut. All ithat we have wo will freely give to tlio nation whenever she needs it. The grievance that we complain of is that you tako our money when you huvo no uso for it. Wo of Nebraska burn coal for fuel, and pay 100 per cent, duly on blankots, Freo trade would not follow if tho duty wero reduced on-lialf. There are more farmers in tro 'less No brusku than there uro hiisoiis engaged In tho ontiro'himlior .industry. Why should wo pay tlio luiiilsir syndicates u premium of 2 u thousand feet for lumber, which, with us, is a necessity? o commend tno thoughts ol this No hraska farmer to tho gentlemen who uro organizing Republican clubs on thu high tarlll' basis. Tlio Bull'alo mine, elgh miles from tho Cracker cteok nilno, which sold lecently for $1,000,000, will bo further developed. Much valuable oie has been taken out of Into which will lie shipped soon. Tho Dullalo mine is owned by thu Pendleton ians, who have u good profsirly. Wallowa Signal : T. J. Mullock, wife und daughter Lizzie, and Grandma Mat lock, arrived in tho vulley Friday. Tlioy uro visiting relatives und will wtuy tibout three weeks, t , i ,