East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 20, 1888, Image 1

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a rum: 1.1 nuAitv.
l'ntrou tif tint Dully ir KcinUWeckty
i:.ST DltHdDMAN inn freely iniihn tine
of the HASP OHEAONIAN lllirnry when
ever they no ilciilrc. The public urn our
illiilly hulled to llt tin" olllco whenever
no liirllnril.
" mill i"r Hi" ""
w now."" . .,.,. wll nay
r':".".!' -Am OltlKIONIAN for the
r,ll. of tin.-by ...all-
NO. 94.
Leezer & Kuebler,
(M.t n-l moil complete: stock of
iletfi Fancy Articles
Lin Block - Pendleton.
Ir do happen every uav.rimi wncn ono
Crfnilojoii.yoii will wluli thnt
" run were InMireil In the
lintmvr.tr.nfi' rmotirces nro stilllclent to
iitnnrc mo nmi vi iiimi ......... ...
Ian lint evn. rci rnllrnud "" """:
It octl'lf nl cm bring upon It- lay "II
In wllli"Ulillrmint, Iminfitliili'lv upon
l,.iVr ilif.iriorv uroofK. Noll Porfeliuro
rtVlomlnnll It illclrH.
In Millions of Assets. Two Millions
of Surplus.
Clopton & Jackson,
Resident Agents,
IvlOrtfonlnn building, I'endlcon, or.
treat Rock Island
I. dirtct rni'l popular 1 1 no In connection
r,u m normem rucinu niiiiway
raw. rail I nnj Minneapolis
lllfiXimiiil tttt KuHt.
TiHLIiulHiinit thr Mouth.
To Ilea Mnlnen, lA'uvnn worth
AtrhUoii unit Kiiiihii Hty
leOnlv Lino .."'2
OmfcII UlulK Leavenworth ami Ivittisna
mi tot
llll'iliil AMI AM. 1MHNTH KAHT.
illmnit 1'ithtce Slecnlnn andl
Palme Dlnlny Vara!
Ixomptny nil through Exprcaa Train on
p Kuiilf.
pkcitor nl by nil connecting nillwnyN,
airiunrriiiiii lllll.sn ill union l.epn.a.
Ttt full l.ifa...nl.... .....! I,... ........
f'.tnljrtokiiv tninin agent of tl.-o. It.
I Y lr Northern Iiiell1n Mnllu-iii f'.itii.
luiM.Ortl V. ('. ALI.WVV"AV.
Ticket Agent, O. It. . N. Co.,
'ii'llt'loii. Oreiron.
I'IMM, Kit VI! I IV. lieu. AifKlif.
KiWtthlngtmi St.. - . Portland, Off.
. llui.Bimnir."
0-n.TUnrnt p.,,,. ,irt. 0. It. I. A . It. It.
CikwD.HI H. P. IIO YD,
Itfli fin. I It A .. W f. tl 1 tit..
lM MlntifrtpolU Minn.
Dcalerx In
Hardware and. Tinware
PLUMBING Promptly Done.
Attire of ilm i...i.ii
,-umi.u .iiirwiii!Ka I .illlfliun
Hidaway Hot Springs.
W. Jl MfOTT, IToprlctor.
I to ttn. ? -'.rr', ''wilfully iltuHtcUIn
to in1.1 i""al'."1' K1 mllea toutlifiut
M,lnlama I'm rlu.
'wp-kS1,',1)?"'! ittnn w" l'"PMifort)io
u..72u'0'l'ii unit lifter July l.t.uml
waoliii..., P"lli"tuniininer trip could
r,han vUlt theeHprln..
Utt7i m2 i ni'l nnJ every-
t"1 w "one to inuku tuet comfoitu.
MXam L''n,!e,lll5ht.,l" 1116 Wler pure
"Wieni, and liuntlnB flrt-clns.
Terms Roasonnblo.
w .
SiJ?'"OTT - - Prop.
Eagle Hotel,
FRANK DOWNEY, Proprietor
PKNDI.KTON Clt AlTP.lt NO. a), It. A. M.
Mnnfil ul Mil. Miikiitilit r..iiiiil.. ...i Mm
tlmt mill llilrti Prlilnyx of each month, nl 7i.'K)
i.-iuuii.' j. i-. i.unii i'.k, ii. i-.; i' , ii, ci.oi'TON,
KUN.IK LOIHllj NU. K-'l, A. P. A A. M.
.Mi'ftnou tlio nccouil Mini fourth Mon
ilnyfi of cncli tiHiiitll, nt 7i.1D o'clii'k. II. J.
IIkan, V. M.J W. E. l'oi wink, Secri-tiiry.
FI.VDf.P.TON 1.01)0 K NO. M. A. V. A A.M.
Meet In tin? Munonto 'lVinplu on tlio
nrni iinu mini Mnminii of icii month nt
,5HI lll'IOCK. T. J. .MIl.l.inM, V. M.J it. At,
K.XAMiiiii, Hevrctnrv.
I"I.A I.OtKli: NO. 114. U. V. Meet
OVIirv Tlltllfilnv nluliL nt tlin Knulnn
IKIUBC, in , u O'CIOI'K, .1. U. I.KAHUIIK, Al.
W,; K, 1'. Tuhtin, Ittcontor.
IUIIEKA I.ODOK NO. .12. '. O. O. V, Meets
j i vcry Siitunhiy evfiilnit nt 7:30 o'clock.
T. J. Million, jf.O. j K. K. dnuron, hvcretnry.
O. I . Mectx on tlio rccotnl iitnl IiinI
Tnurn(ly of eiich month, at. 7 s.10 o'clock.
Lot LtVKUMoiiK, C. 1'.; E. E. HitAlio.s,Scrlhi.
i. I). P. M cIm Ihu llrst niiil third J liurs.
itiiyo of eiich month.
HAItMONY LODflP. Vil, 2, K. OP I'.
.Me'tH III iidd I'Vllown' Hull every Tut",
ilny ever.liiit nt 7:30 o'clock. .1. ('. Lkasuhk,
C.O.J C.J. Vlt!TAKi:it,K. of 11.1111(1 H.
OAMOS LODOE NO. t. K. tP 1'. Meet" In
Odd Kellnwn Hnll every Vedne.dHy
evenliiKiit 7:30 o'clock, M. Mokkhkaii, C.
C; II. r. (iAHKiKi.ii, IC. of It. nml H.
KIT CAItSOV I'UHT.'n, A. It, meniH nt
Viceei Hull every ThiirNiluv nlhl.
It. H. V u-'ki.i:, Commmidur; J. H. IIowkn,
Notary and Corporation Seals,
In Pendleton,
Tlio imunl prleo for iouIi miidn by other
pnrtlen, In rortlmid or the Em Is from td.00
n 57,0', wltli expromi hnrKeji ndded. If you
li.eil ii ni'iil, roiiiI your order lo u, nml invo
friiu 0 to S3.ro Iherehy.
East Oregonian Pub. Co..
miiHdif Pendloton. Oregon.
It Stands at the Head!
Mlinpl.', I ruetlciil, IiU i Itliniuiitf Mid'
I ! 11 ! I . I
Mirny try iii cniiul II hut one ten ivnl.
Imu'i fa l 'o iht "iiiini'llc"liftoie nuy-1
Inu'ii iiiuumiieiiliin
d.wiu Ji .llluix IlrnH & Co.Akch'k. j
On and after thin Unt, as Hi'mlnUtrutor of
tho entuto of thu Into Wllllnm Itoss. 1 nfTer
for "iilcnll tho live stock owned by the Ui
censed, conaistlmr of
T!mrou(!ibre(l Jrtn-e'oM Halls.
Shnrt-liovn Cattle, Grade Cattle, J
and General Stock Cattle, I
Tiorou(liltred Spanish Merino
Undo and Ewes, lieylntered.
Grade Hacks and Stock Sheep,
AIo u large number of HnracH mid a quan
tity of Hay.
For particular, call on ornddres
myil (law tf
Havtm; bo-kH uhlppe't from Etern,cltlei
via Portland, can have fioluht paid, lo a
and ovcrcliargea adju.ted, und forwarding
attended to promptly, i't ruteu, by d
Buying and Selling done on CommUilon
of the llultetlii t.lttln Itrlni; Dour-
No III en w hut tun Itc. lilt ulll he.
Ciiicaoo, Juno 1.U ' rito Trllmno and
IIuritM huv tlio Now York dukMtl in will
not Voto lor Dopow. Tlio foroi'.ist of till
ofthopapormiHtotliooiitcoino, tit imllvoi
Kont tin tlireo davH uj;o.
Tlio crowd in colleetlnt! nlowlv, and I'io
convention will Ihj culled 1 1 order uiiotit
Oenornl Sputildlnu', ot MiohlKun, huvh
tlmt tlio Htib-coininltteo un ilntfniiii hii-t
mljotirncd till X:'M v. si. 'i'lio platform
will not bo rejiorted to-day.
l'tllO p. m. Convention called to order.
VJ'AO v. t. A motion wuh iintdo by
Uoeho, culling for u ropoit from tlio Or
ganization committee.
l'JMUj'. m. -Chairman unnounccd cru
dentlal committees to ropott ut 8 v, m.
Convontion voted to oll'ect a p(!inmnent
1 f. M. Chairman Kxtee introduced and
begins bin Hecch to Iho cmtventlon.
p. M. Mr. Kstio lit lolly referred to
tlio Oregon election of two weekH ago.
Itocho, of Illinois, took tlio platform ami
proHcntcd a Holid silver and (old gavel to
the convontion.
1 :08 p. m, Works, of Illinois, prcnontod
to Chairman Esteu u gavd of wood made
from a desk In it tunmiciy in (Julcnu, ba
longing to (irunt. It a-i received with
great upplaiiHO.
1 Mil p. si. Hayno. of Pennsylvania, Is
reading u report of the commlttco on
1 :1U p. m. -In lis report tlio commlttco
on Utiles gls'es Dakota 10 and Washing'
ton Territory (I votes.
1 :-0 p. m. Hoar moves that tlio re
port of the commltleoon rules bo adopted,
with exception of tlmt relating to election
of alternates.
Itntterwortli, of Ohio, moves to limit
nominatlni! speeches to fifteen minutes,
and seconding speeches to ten minutes.
1:1'.' p. M.llutlor worth's motion to
limit speeches dofeated.
I:o0 p. m. Hoar, of .Michigan, moves
recess to 8 p. t. Convontion adjourned
to 8 P. M.
-:'M p. t, Under rules adopted tlio
roorts of the commlttco on credentials
and platform and naming iuomIctM of
the National commlttco must bo uctcd
upon leforo presented, and balloting for
candidates begins. Ah tlio committee on
platform will not bo ready to roiort till
to-morrow, nothing Is likely to bo done
to-day outside of the contest In Virginia,
which it is said will bo carried Into the
Convention. It Is announced on good
authority that the commlttco on creden
tials will scut fourteen Wiscoussn dele
gates. MAHKKI.l.-Ml'dlN.V.
Th" Lawyer fined 1110 and CoU for
llluckliii; the .MIiiIIit'h Eye A (lood
Report of thu Court Hcene,
l'oitTi.ASi) Juno 11). Tho largo crowd
that assembled ut tho jkjIIco court this
morning oxtHictlng to'hcar an interesting
trial, whuroin our l'rosccuting Attorney,
Henry K. .McGinn, figured as defendant
in an assault and tiattery cane, were
doomed to disappointment. McCiinu and
his attorney wero there. Haskell was
there, a perfect picture of injured Inno
cence, and tho htutu of Oregon was there
represented by two limbs of tho law. Af
ter tk half dozen plain drunks had been
taxed two dollars each, a Chinaman
bound over for stealing a pigeon, a boot
black lined ten dollars for fighting, u
Imtf-brccd ten dollars for creating a dis
turbance, a patriotic Irishman ditto for
kicking up a row at tho jiolls yostorday.
and a big fat Gorman woman had refused
to prosecute her alleged husband for as
sault and threatening to kill her, and
she hud him leleasod non promise to
pay costs, and a case or twuof assault and
lattery has lieen continued, tho hungry
croud wero delighted to hear thu Judge
call up the c.to of tho Stuto of Oregon vs.
Henry K. .McLilnn. At these words a
Mlllnoi-s that you could cut with a knife
filled tho room. It was brokon by .ir.
Williams, a little sawed-oll' lawyer, ris
ing majestically to his feet, ramming his
hands up to his elbows in his trowsers
pockets und saying:
".May It please the court: (and what
followed did please him too.) lly roipicst
of tho defendant iu this caso, wo will
withdraw our plea of not guilty and enter
ono of guilty.
Whoreujon tho judgo said:
"Inasmuch us everybody in tho city is
familiar with tho detuils of this case, I
will not ask tho prosecuting witness to
mako a statement. Taking all tho cir
ciiiiibtances Into consideration, I do not
feol warranted in itnioslng tion tho de
mmlunt tho maximum line. Tho com
plainant has not been seriously injured,
und tho defendant has su lie red by reason I
of thu notoriety this mutter has given j
him. Tlio provocation, too, must Ihj con-1
sidered. I think tho ends of justice will i
bo subserved by itnjwsingu flnoof 10"
While tho judgo was delivering this,
Heech Haskell turned hovorul colors und I
bit his lips. I think ho was mad. In ,
this cuso tho rofonnor us well us his policy !
received a black oyo. And tho good ieo-,
plo of rortluiul will go on blacking eacn
other's eyes ut tho rate of ten dollurH jior
oyo, "as in such euhos made und pro
vided." Store Robbed.
Centimua, W.T., Juno 10 Kurly this
morning tho store of W. T. llurkeloy was
broken into und robbed. Jewelry, cloth
ing und shoes wero taken, togother with
tho contents of tho cash drawer to thu
amount of f.M)0. Tho thieves obtained
entranco bv taking out tho light front tlio
Btoro window. No due to thoguilty ones.
of iliein Cmiirlit unit DriiKReil
iiirniiKii IU" I'lliiclpiil iMrcnt.
j IIki.kna, Alosr., Juno 111. For nearly
' thtco weeks Helena has been allllcted
with a gang of tirofessional burglars, who
havo robbed tlio lusiduncuH of citizen's
with Impunity, and dolled thu cll'oits of
the police to catch them. .No less than
thhty houses were entered bv burglars
within this tinio without disturbing thu
occuvants. Lust night Ihicu of their
gang atteinpled lo garrolo ij stockman
near 1110 (ie not. un erie4 wuio nuani lu
ll in. in named Short, who went to his as
sistance and saw two men running awav.
Short tiring at them three times. The
stockman grappled with tho other and
held him. Hiort and the stockman tied
thu man's feet and hands behind lilin,
put u ruH3 around his neck and pulled
and hauled lihn through tho principal
street uf the city to tho police station.
The alfalr caused great excitement,
uvcrynoay supiHing a lynching was
about to take place. Short occasionally
gave inn rope a yank, which would ho
frlghton the prisoner that ho would yell
nnmtor at ovory few stops.
The Train Rubbcra Mill ut l.nrue.
Hi:i,i:na, June 10. The train robbers
havo not yet lieen apprehended. 1 hoy
are riding towaid UdsoimkI, in u wild, tin
settled country, whuio them aro no telo-
graph lines, and their capture is merely a
question of endurance between the pursu
ers and pursued. If the robbers are over
taken mid a light takes place it will bo
soveral days before tho news loaches tho
towns. Kxtraonllnary cllbrts are lielng
put lortn to run mom down, it is iiunlly
possiblo they can escape.
Tun Men Rurneil lo Itmtti,
Itotsi: City, Idaho, Juno II). It is
learned that tho Iwurdlng house at Ilau
nor .Mino, about thirty miles north of
Idaho City, burned holiday morning.
two men, .Mine .Mciuiiougii ana ton.
Iiuiimgurtnor.wcro burned in It, Soveral
men In the second story saved their
lives by jumping out of the window.
Tu 1(1 nit ii Tumble,
Ai.iiany, On., Juno II). A man named
Cuuiuiings, of Corvaills, while in a som
nambulistic statu, walked out of his room
on the second floor of tho Conway Hotel.
Ho foil out of tho door to tho ground,
eighteen feet liclow and escujieil with
slight injuries.
The Wheat Murkel.
1'oiiti.ani), Juno 11). Tho wheat mur
ket does not present tho least feature of
now Interest Chicago 81 , 81 ?4 , SL'k,'.
San I'liA.scisco, Juno 111. Tho market
Is (pilot and steady. OM'crings ut face
prices unchanged.
Prom tlio Montreal (Canada) Herald.
In i ho nomination of .Mr. Thtirinun
the llrst ballot for tho Vice-Presidency
tho Democrats havo given another exhi
bition of tho courage which has been so
conspicuous in all their actions under tho
Presidency of .Mr. Cleveland. .Mr. Thur
man does not represent u doubtful Statu,
and therefore their action was dictated
without any idea of winning over a
wavering constituency. Ho was chosen
in fuco of tho fact that Ohio is distinctly
Republican, and for no other reason than
that ho Is a mini of stululoss character,
unsullied reputation, and conspicuous
ability, a man who is universally re
spected fur tho sterling iiuulitles which ho
iwsrcsscs. Ily tlio bold policy which
they havo shown by refusing to mako
their choice of Vice-President subser
vient to thu gain of a doubtful Stuto, to
tho running of thu election machine, tho
Democrats will lose nothing, and will
probably gain a great deal.
Tho platform uixm which tho Demo
crats stand is (piito us ImjIiI and straight
forward as their uctlous. Tho Mills bill,
which is intended to ell'ect a ureal reduc
tion in d'ltlos ( ii tho necessaries of life, is
endorsed and thu famous message fiom
tho I'rc-I'innt to thu last Congress is un
reservedly approved of. I.iko those of
tho .Mills I ill, tho principles laid down
in tho mess.i i are sound und Stutesman
llko, aiming at tho reduction f taxation.
Tho following oxtractH from tho inossugo
fullv reveal its whole tenor and purMsu :
"Tho amount of money annually ex
cised from the Industries and necessities
of tho eoplu largely exceeds tho sum
necessary to meet tlio expenses of tho
"Our present tarlll' luws, tho vicious,
incquitublu und illogical sourco of un
necessary luxation, ought to bo at onco
revised and amended. Tho laws, us their
primary and plain ell'ect, raise Iho prico
to consumers of all articles imported und
subject to duly, by pivcisely tho sum iiald
for such duties. Thus (he amount of tho
dutv measures tho tux naid by those who
purchase for uso tlieto imjiorted articles.
Many of these tilings, however, aro raised
or manufactured in our own country, and
tlio duties now levied iioit foreign goods
und products aro called protective to those
hoinu manufacturers, Isjcuuso thoy render
it jiosslhlo for those of our peoplo who uro
manufacturers to muko those taxed ar
ticles and soil them for a prico equal to
that doiuanded for tho ihijiorled goods
that havo paid customs duty."
"Tho simple und plain duty which wo
owo to this icoplo is to roduco tuxalion to
tho necessary excuses of un economical
ojierationof tho Government, and to re
store to tho business of tho country tho
money which wo hold In tho treasury
through tho ervcrsiou of Governmental
These uro the principles which have al
ready carried dismay into tho Republican
ranks, and are destined to win the mip
port of the American people ut tho coining
Would be Heller Ir The I'niiiiilbiii 1'rov
lnre Were Annexed to the SIMen If
Notllbilne, ho? The FIrIiI at ChlniKo.
I don't know that It would bo any great
political advantage to the t'nited Slates
if tho Canadian provinces wero annexed
und Hindu good "sisters" in tho great
Tnlon i and jiossibly it would bo no great
benclit to thu Canadians either; but
whenever I pass through this country, or
think of the matter, it always appears
that these provluccsandtho States should
all lie under ono government. 1 never
liked tho Idea of having to rido through a
foreign country to go front Detroit to
lEitllalo. At this season of tho year It Is
a pretty country which thu railroad trav
erses, though much of the soil, 1 judge,
Is not extremely fertile.
lly tho lime this reaches you the Re
publican convention will havo assembled
ut Chicago, and will bo faco to face with
tho great problem! If not Blaine, who?
There Is no lack of men who still persist
In the belief that Hlalno will bo tho man
after all. hut I cannot so believe. After
what lie has written, ho could
not jKjssihly accept. Tills will bo
regretted by many Democrats, as well
as by many Republicans, because then It
would have been a fair, open, certain,
well-dellned battle. Thu old campaign
stories would not base appeared, und tho
men would havo beefl judged simply by
their public records, which aro known
and read by all men. Hut with a new
leader on tho Republican side what Hoods
of trash we shall havo to wado through to
get at tho truth. Yet all tho truth that Is
essential to bo known may Imj learned
with no ureal deal of investigation. Tho
convention will nominate no man who Is
not personally respected, and fairly com-
iwtiiiit to illxi'lmrtm tlin ilutlnu uf I'mul.llllU
iu uinuimigu inu uiiuun ui i ruei- r ; " j i ,V T. i it
It is tlio poltev, tho ideas, of tho '"'tight off on Sunday by ho Hopubli
Unit lire on trial, rather than imv I uiih. and a now sot hired later on, otu
At last, after many years of proni- ,,r"V " u lmm .W,H! "em,i f" ." (!t
party that
man. At last, alter many years ol prom
Ises that taxation should I hi reduced, thu
Republican party is irrevocably committed
to tlio maintenance of tho war-taxation.
W hat its platform will say Is of little tin
lortunco; it will promise all things to all
men, us platforms do; but Mr.
Hlalno and Mr. Sherman and
our own Mr. Dolph, and others have
spoken, and boldly announced their jhjII
cy. It scums that It is a jiollcy which a
great, majority of Iho eoplo of Oregon
approve, very well, tlio majority snail
rule, but wu know very well that hosts of
them do not know and will not learn the
true Issue. Hut tho truth can wait; time
will vindicate tho right.
is It not a mutter worthy ol serious con
sideration by tlio ice pie that such men
us Dcihjw, Alger and Stanford should Ihi
prominently mentioned for President,
and should actually havo a chance and
the ft lends of euch claim u very good
chauco for tho nomination? Mr. De
mur is not without ability: ho has had
oxiierlenco In legislative and executive
olllccs, and is a lawyer of ability. Hut
some yours ago ho gave up nil other bus-
inern in ih:i;oiiiu inu iiiiurnur 01 inu
York Central Railroad, and is now Its
president. Mr. Stanford is a Senator
merely because he Is a railroad king.
Mr. A leer Is Governor of Mlchluau and a
jiosslblo President, merely because ho is
very rich, and owns more iiuiDor-iaiui
than any other muii in tho I'nltcd
States. If wo look over tho lulled
States Senate of to-day. and consider
these presidential osslbilltles, wo need
not bo censured for fearing that unless
there is some check put iiimui thu money
luer, und laws passed giving men coital
chances in thu world, instead of enrich
ing sotno and pauperizing others, not
only Iho seats iu tho Senate, but tho
Presidency itself, will in n fow yearn
more 1h a Prize to bo auctioned oil' to tho
highest bidder. Tho man with thu most
money will hid oil' thu prize, Nothing
uleu but u man of wealth will bo consid
ered. If Jay Gould lives and holds his
own, ho can lie President, or a Presiden
tial nominee, in a fow years more.
own opinion m uiui .-iiuiuiiiii win
..t.. i i.:.i...i l.i... ui": ... v
Ihj tho candidate, with Morton or Phelps
lor Vico-I'residont. fvoxt to Hlalno Nicr
man doubtless licst deserves tho nomina
tion. Ho has lieen an able, .faithful and
most extreme and unscrupulous Repub
lican niirtlsuii for miiiiv vears. und do-
sorvos tho reward more limn any other
of those talked silsait
against 1
Hut can any of them win
ri,i-,.iiin,iv 1'ot.Mlhlv. Wu do
not lie-1
llevo that Cleveland' is u inuii who has
made himself ersoually popular, lie
has mado hluiKolf stronger than his party.
Hu lias furnished them with "an issue, "
which tho party of Itself would scarcely
havo dared to muko squarely and un
equivocally. Ho has evinced great
'oiirago unit determination, and lias ul
lowed tho
of none of his
to chuuuo his
right. Beside,
lie haH fairly und fully oxecutcd thu
laws und done lit duty, for these reu
sons and not liecuuso of personal devo
tion to tho man tho Democrats were
obliged to renominate Mr. Cleveland.
llio name ol Ihiirmau everywhere
cy'a orfllaiuino of war, that will surely
lead Iiieiu on to victory." J . r. .
An association has Is3eu organized ut
Burlington, Iowa, to erect u monument of
heroic sizo in memory ol 1 nomas J. lot-1
tor, luto general manager of tho Union
Paclllo railroad. Further particulars can
bo obtained of W. T. Forstor, secretury,
Burlington, Iowa.
..rouses f ir i.K.ro ". i 1. Zsn," lm. Vha protectionism." It thinks Iho dutiVl
KCtan liffiZ who. h. I t,l'ou1'1 uAm """H'war ut onco. TliuF & '
honor iSho 1,B I s rves It Vlre u v ' 10.000.K)0 a year and stop iho ucc.in.i-; ' f jl
m red ban , hm, 7s visll h, i . ' ov erv t IZ , HUri.flW ill tho treasury. 'l U ' -Mi .
said Ihlu morninc. will Imj "tho Deinocra-1 oxjieilento might point tlio wu). mu,
now (iii.vitiN was di:i'i:ati:d.
Hmiimcil t'p In the PoIIouIiir Intercntlng
Style by the Portland Sunday Welcome.
John M. (iearin attributes his defeat to
thu Democrats who owned a buck or two
and four or live owes. They felt that
Cleveland had menaced their pocketH by
his w ool wa-wa and they scoured tho coun
try on horseback for Hingcr.
"There aro about 1,400 people Interested
In wool In Oregon, who on an averauo
employ two men each, making l.'.'OO in
..II l..ll.. tllll ..I ll. ...... ...... I In... ......
all, l' lllli fiuirui uii-nu mu i-.uimn.imn,
and of them not over oOO supported
tleurln, while tho rest mado unuggrossivo
war upon liltu.
The false tcxrl spioud by tho Oregon
Ian that a large sum of money had been
sent hero from Washington to carry tho
' State for the Democrats frightened tho
Republican bosses Into doubling their
usual supply of war sinews yclept tho
sack" ami stirred tlieni lo unprcco
denled activity. .Monoy was sent llko
water, and ono candidate for tho Stuto
Senate iu this county on thu Bcpuhllcun
ticket is known to have "dished ouffrom
his jiersoiial purse a sum running well
Into thu thousands. Wo know of una
hotel runner to whom ho gave $100, and
heard of u prominent Democrat connected
with a down-town hotel who hud $'r00
of his two'dollur-imd-u-hulf pieces to put
whore it would do tho most good.
All tho money that tho Democrats hud
to carry on the uneven contest In this
county, from "Washington" andullolhur
sources with which to pay for printing
tickets, newspaper bills, hacks and
wagons, challengers, ticket jiedillors.ote.,
was $:i,'.'00 a (Iron in the bucket I As an
I'istunco. of how the IlepnbHcun "sack"
! overshadowed mo liti o iwiuoeruth! work-
.,,m"- 1 " 0 " ciigageu uy
irinati Church on Saturday night were
challenger, met with almost the sa.no
late, t'p to 10 a. m. It was with tho
greatest dllllculty that Democrats could
get tickets at tho dlllerent polling places.
All the corporations suporlcd tho Re
publican ticket, and Italians from tho rail
road construction work voted hero with as
much freedom as residents from the day
when tho name of this city was susondod
in air on a coin,
Thu necessity of a llrst-class dally Dem
ocratic paper In this city, with full dis
patches and a strong force of writers was
never so sorelv felt as Iu tho recent oliti
cal contest if contest it may lie called.
There is some one always on tho point of
starting u journal of this kind, but sotno
how it never makes ltsapcaranco.
On dlt that we surely will have ono
within a month to Ihj the champion of
Cleveland und Thiirman during the Presi
dential campaign, but wo cannot Iwlkivo
anything of tho kind until wu see it.
The anti-Catholic society the Knights
of tho Sun of course wore arrayed
against Gearln, and, strange lo say, it Is
charged that because he may not havo
Ih'cii strict In his religious duties that ho
was knifed In thu house of his friends.
I he trouble among Democrats at tho
is ai ino
A. Hush, I.
campaign '
tose was f
Pendleton convention by which
of Salem whoaniK-arcd Iu thlsci
to be either hamstrung or comatose-
made chairman of thu Sluto Central Com
mittee In place of a Poitlaud mail, and
the subsequent Prot.inan Hare up. iiad
no little evil ell'ect on tho result, as far us
Geurln Is concerned.
Another and perhaps tho most otcnt
reason of tho Democratic Congressman1!!
defeat Is attributed to thu fact that tho
hulk of recent immigration votes the Re
publican ticket.
An Ori'Kon Valley,
The. I line numlwr of Thu West Sboro
inueuzliio Is accompanied by a largo col-1
ored supplement of Iho Chnhaleui valley,
one of thu sub-valleys of thu beautiful and
famous Willamette. Thu Chehaleui vai
ls ono of tho leading fruit raising sections
of Oregon, and from u descriptive art kief
III Hill IIIHL'llzlllll it IllllM'lirM lllllt llllll'll .
i cnoico iruii laud is lor saiu more at noni
$loto$7r per acie. Thu number alsof
contains an illustrated, article on Wash
ington county, also u ixittlon of tho
fertilo Willamette valley, which oilers
giMid and cheap homes to thousands,.
Olhur deseilptlvo articles, lsietry.t
, fiction
and a large amount of'
valuable information lalsait the entire ;
northwest complete thu iiumlier. The;'
vtcsi Mioru is tlio only publication on tlio,
I'aellle coast making a sjH'(ialty of de-, ,
scribing and illustrating tho resources,
and industries of thu great northwest,;
und should I si taken by everyone inter-,
ested iu, or desiring to learn uhoul
Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana,', '
British Columbia or Alaska. A large
supplement iu lints or colors, uccoinpai .
uies every nuinlxir. Published at Poitf
laud, Oicgou, by l Haiuiiel, ut fl',50 ei ,
year. Single copies, ".ri cents. ; -
(ihul to Hear It.
Prom tho Portland Ori L-onlii' .
For tho information of sundry critics o, i
tho Democratic press the Oregonian wil;
say Hint it iIoch not Imlleve in "ultrtr
End. lLi'iilou,
Prom the Kiii.huh ( llv TIiiioi.
Cleveland ami Thurmnii. There is '
ticket which (uids discussion, it ass. in
all honest men that tho laws will II
studied llrst and then ailu.lnlsteied will
courage, honesty und impartiality, if
Hash In thuipen; no Inuii bast or prctens.
no promiHinu' tlio people and perlormii;
( for jl.o lobby
It in a ticket to Imj trilstef
adu.iied, loved and elected.
ii i i m i . ("