rn i iiitorcHting significance to tho ikjojiIo o( Oregon'"' , ".Vjt in Uio leiirt'undCfarbott drugged liltn uuny. i An O. It. A N. RtockholdcrH tncctlnir Calcutta and Dclvlck'H tetlJC. If'.'. mid election of ollicorn in to Iw field here MONDAY, JUNK 18, 1883. Monday, which probably iiccoiimh for Mr. ."mltli'rf precunei!. Tt'im Lankm. GrainBags. jl UA11 Dim nn.fl 'K i 3 r The Fend b on Holier isjhki .xa.iun.ci mssasssBsm I'OHTI.AMI I'OINT. t: ! Tim IlHKhrll-MHIIllll Iti.w-IIIIJnli Hniltli and If U Knit Train the K. (I. .Mini Infoi- vlflW Illlll. l'oitTMNI), Jlll.O 1". ltuv. Kuril IIuHkcll, u wcll-kno.vn pus tor of OiIh city, uiirt uHHiuiltcil and Mit'ck wjveral titncM in tlio faco last 'i'wday oveninir bv llonrv K. McUinn. Mr .ilc Uimi lias jiiHt boon eleeli'd to a h'cmic! form oh proMccutiiiK attornoy of llil.s iIIm triut. hint .Monday night Mr. ilmkcll delivered u lecture at the I'mllicn in thin city. Tiiu corrupt political condition of tbu citv and tlio lnickwunlnc- of tlio inn iilcll'itf aiitlioritieH in onfoiclng tlio law was disciiHHt'd. During tbu cotirwj of Ills rutcarkH Mr. Hunk ell do laiud that McGinn reported to I it Hairy i n last elec tion day. Mr. HiiHkcll bappened along wlillo McGinn and Homo frlctnln wuru HiKiakliiK of tbiri matter, last Tucudtiy, on tbu cornur of WiiHliiugtnn and Tblrd HtieotH. .McGinn atopied I Inskcll and paid! "Mr. Haskell, yon told n damned, dirty liu about mo tbu other night. Them Is no truth in tlio things you nay about mo." llaskull replied: "ou can indict mu for IIIhsI If you want to." Then Mclilnn Haiti: "You know very well I can't line tlio machinery of my olllco in my own ernonitl defence, but I'll nplt in your faco." liu tl in it struck Haskell Huvoral tluit'K in tho faco, Haskell inatlu no iitteini i at defenso, but not out of lliu way us tpdikly us kjsh1IiIo. iot day Haskell had Mc Uinn arrested for assault. Yitslcnl.iy tho caso emtio up In tho x!lco couitaiul, much to thti tmrprlsuof all, .Mclilnn en tered a itlua of not utility, and bad thu caso coutluut'il till Tuesday next, Mr. Haskell feels that lie has hiiII'itim! an outrage that is extremely humiliating to himself ami a tleop disgrace to tho city, lie says that when ho charged McGinn with lirils'ry it was not meru tresuint lion, but that It was based on K)rfectlv luliablu Information, anil tliat ho was ready, willing anil anxious to piovo what hu hail charged, anil that now ho Is de termined that thu uiattor shall go Isifum thu United Hiatus anil .Stain grand Juries. There In a ipitmtion as to which Jury will havu jurisdiction. If tbu uvidoncu hIiuwh tin ollcnsu against thu Statu, it is ipiitu likely thu matter will nuvurcomo to trial; but if u crime against thu I'nltod States has been committed, and an indlctmrnt Ih found by thu I lilted States grand Jury, Homu Intctustliig ilovolopuientri may bu looked for. Mr. McUliin lias hosts of friends in this city who very much rcgict that hu should havu ullowetl ids touisir to got tltu Is'st of his judgment. It is hostd and believed that thu suiious charges nuidu against him aruurountlless. anil that ii thorough Invodtlgutluit .kill result in u clear vindication. KIIIiili Smith, twsldent of tbu 0. It N. Co., arrived hero In Ills private car or ss't:lal train yesterday. Ilu made thu trip from Now York to Portland in Hit hours, thu ipilckest trip ever madu across thu continent. Airoiuininvlnir Mr. Smith wuru K. S. Ilooloy, a stock broker of Nuw York, T, II Morrison, a tllspatcber, sir- ter ami conw. .Morris m sayH lliu Mp.'etl oi inu train iniuiu inn inoic ho "housicic" hu couldn't prelum meals, anil that lliov wuru nearly st.irvutl when they reached l'ortl.iud, Thu colored sirter turned as wiittu as a Hliecl on several invasions ami thu dispatcher was scared half to death They came, by regular train to t'liieago, and from there West as a siH'clal. Tlio llrst Kill miles this slilu of Chuyeuuu, al though in Iho night and over tho inoiiu tabu, was madu In loll minutes. A iitiinlur i f inns weio madu at thu rate of a mile In r0 seconds, 1'ioin (iranger to iiuniingiou inu iiistaucu is ,t miles. Tlil- run was madu in Til) minutes, llnlv smoke! but isn't that Hying" Another run of oil miles was made, in U) mlniiles. (Kxcuso inu.) Tltuy bad 18 "relava" of engines between Chicago ami I'ortland. Thu Ii. O. man found Mr, Smith seated at thu dinner table at the Ksmontl about nine last night. Ilolsastout man, rather Isilow medium height, inclined to bo corpulent, Is a erfcct Picture of health ami liHiks as rugged as a lioar. Hu wears busby "hurnsldes," a inuslachu and his complexion might lead onu to Mlovo that hu had Is-en herding sheep all sum mer, but be hasn't, Dinner Mulshed, hu picked Ills teeth Just thu same as though hu weio an ordi nary human Mug, g.ilheied up Ids meal check, examined it to sou If tlio charges weru correct, took it to tbu counter and paid the amount Indicated t bet eon, as sir Instructions printed at thu bottom, tut on his hat (ordinary fcl.ftO) ami came ' into thu bar-room, where W, 11. Mob ootuli, Cy Dalph and II. W. (ir1mtt weio laying for him. Cv got In ahead of the ivst ami oseo-iod l.lijati to the walk in j front of thu hotel. when Ihey sat down, I put their heaiN together and iMiiversed In a low tone of voice for uUuit ten minutes, when Cy said gtxxl nlulit and uvse to go. i;oriHtti iiien made a itive tor iiutli, tint Utfoiu Smith eould giasp lliu extended liauil bu found himself eonf'tinted by the K, O. leiHirlur. and tho next thing 1 knew KHJah Suillli was shaking my hand as cordially as though I was going to vote all my O. It. N. ntoi'k to m-ele' him .preshlont of that company. WTho Inferntalloii given inu by Mr. Bnlth ill thu inteivlew that follows is strictly e uittileuiial, ami it was only after I had made a sacred promise of secrecy that I eould tiut a word from him: "Mr. Smith, w hat brought you out here hi tuch a hu ty '.'" sall I. "Nothing iiipatticular. I always travel inability." "Thou you umdtf a trip of thro thou Kind utile In Mi hoii for 'nothing in parii ular lid vou?" "I aven'i time to talk to-iilgjit" "I lw lii aiu you Kuiug toirtuv hoiv T" "I ilon t know.' "Are tm tcoing over mi the Sound?" "i ilon i know, rin sine. "S'ou made ihe iuii ket 1 1 1 1 ,e iMi thu continent n uvoul, did ' U n t " "I .Ion i know iilxiitM ai I p ikl no titleiiii. li the lv i in . U ) nil about it Is pot ur MMt lieu: at Utiitiwowf W (Cnpnc ty AnUj'tj:! iclh P 'rilay.) S. BYERS I CO., Propriolors, ! iillc on, tif xoii, .Mioitirnvtiircrs of Uriilmiii, grntuiliitod mill mt rlslin; Kltjnr. MlUllPHt 4'iimIi Price I'ntd for All IIIIHIN tr lil.lllK , i ll.. nlwnyH nn lininl Of All KlmU, Ton in. I'Iiir, II tf. Printed Flour Bags! A Socially. AME3 & DETRICK, 1 lit Krmit ' Juimior If l'OKTI,,t.M, Olt. For One Month Only f Those who believe so thoroughly in protection should not go tmy longer without insuraneo on their property, of whutso kind; and nearly everyone believes Hint u policy in a good, ever READ For One Month Only We Offer the Following Prices ; .Quarts .Mason's f-elf-Seallng Jars, Iron-htono China Plates Iron-Slono China Cups aiid Huiif-urH Wasli Itowlsund I'ltchem CliainliorH egutablu Dislies 1.50 per dozun J & gallon, !J iter dozen. :c, -10c utttl 40o iwr set. J.'io iHjrset. 1.10 and $1.00 jwr pair. Mo to $1.00 each. 10c to IOo each. Reliable Insurance Co. Fine Metal llaso Dccoiated Lumps MtoiS.50. (ilass Limps , 'JUeMl.00. I'our-riecu Class .Sets .- I0e, TiOc, 7Jc, ami il.&O. I.nrgu Covered (ilass Dishes ... lOu, 50c, 75u, $1 and $1.50. Cake Stands IKc tofl.fX). TiimblcrH ttie to !.O0. (loMetri i!0e to f l.LV) sr set. SSJaJlt::::;;:. indulged in when it comes to taking out a policy. Mass fc'aticcr Dishes lQc cr set. ' i2SS5fiSS:nn ::::::: ::;:;:;;:::.v.v.v:.v::.v::;:: :':c.'tti place, pick out competent and Is worth every time what it costs, and procrastination should not In the A 1'nll I.lno of Silverware, Gr Jul'J-dAHW I'Iiio Cut ami lllowu stantlv on liaiiil. Ih Closing out Wooden tinil Wlllowwaro at C ml a'jlowaro and Chinawaro con- I. LA.OOW, Court St., Pondlotort, Oregon. s New Store ! I. lmvo just opened, in the Matlock-Sargent brick, n handsome line of FURNITURE, STOVES, BEDDING, And a Full and Complete Assortment of Household Goods, Which I am prepared to hoII nt exceedingly low prices For Cash or on tho Inotnllmont Plan, on Easy Terms. Call and See for Yourself I u I 'J ils w lw Main St., Pondloton, Oregon. Great Western Bakery. . AN I) DINING ROOMS, m. uit. try., r,'ii moi: A. FIRST-CLASS M13A.L! rott TWENTY-FIVE CENTS! A NIOI2. OLKAX HI3H l-'OIl jjr, OH HO OKNTS Froah Enstorn Oystors, In Evory Stylo! OPTiljSr DAY A1ST1") TSTlG-JrTT! Main Stnrt, iifar l'tntoJlc', I'nulli lon o,w RELIABLE AGENTS, With whom to do your business those who represent none but the best insurance companies and go straightway and insure. When in search of such agents, don't fail to turn your "peejiers" in the direction of the oflice of Clopton & Jackson, Located in tho EAST OREGONIAN building, Pendleton, where you can have any kind of insurance, whether Fire, Ma rine, Accident or Life insurance, dono up in APPLE-PIE ORDER! CHEAP Groceries, Vegetables, Fresh Fish D. KEMLER'S Grocery Store, on Main Street, Sl'KClAI, INIHYKMUMN OlTKKKl) FOH CASH. Fine Spices, Fine Coffee, Fine Tea, and Everything Fine that a First-class Grocery should contain. Call nn im if you w.mt itxvrie.i cheap. THE WORLD It IS Wfill fft I'OlllOlllllOl- tllilt ti n r-o,,.... i ' . . ....a iv, uu cl-uiuu tyuil UlllSt lllSUrO lit ono of the Thirty Reliable Companies represented by rn J n tt i . . ioptou ce jacicson, with a combined capital of more than $100,000,000! 1 1 . D. KEMLER n 0" contemplate insurance, call on them and get posted TYPEWRITER. !,,ml !t will cost you nothing, liemember their oflice is in tho EAST OKEGONIAN building, or address 'M,,l, Bu iutl illlio "Bia Pi-ioos of No. 1,10.1)1); No. i.Hl-J.OO; No. -L, Slft.OQ For sale by JESSE FAILING. Pendleton, Or. Pendleton, s Oregon. KWKJ Elegant Pullman PaUcj Kinlgmiit Blfcplng Cnm run n,mA press Trnlni to OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS ANOJI J Free of clinrga nua without thJ Clnm. coniifctlons int I'orllw,,! !.,, J choonna I'ugetHounfij Bust bound cniie(irHrrlvMi!hl Knit hminil irelirht nrri... pnrti lit 6:00 p. m. ' Wost liounil puMonger arrliMMI West bmir.J trolght arrlvci u iif'J piirtsnHUSp. m. Wnlla Wnlln nnrt Pn4lM.. J Leaves nt 0M n. m. for W.J rlveK hi p. in. rrom Walla WtiSff To Hun VrnncUco. Htntc, Muy 12 Oregon, Mnv III com in tilu, Muy so To l'o HUitC, Mnv 21 ColumblA, Juno 1 Coluintli.il t'olumh, I "'".X'lfl -uiuni(li,M LoiomiiiLU Mtnle.Jn.. Orfwn.Jil CoiurakiLiJ Lenvo stoiunshlp wharf, rorttasd. u Hlftln. JunoS Oregon, Juno a Colunitiln, Juno 13 Htiilo, Juno 17 Oregon, Juno 21 Coin nililii, JuneM Htnle. JuneSO Oregon, July 3 nlghu Lenvo aponr 8t. wharf, San FrtntlnJ llatea of rattan. InoluUIng meala ami UrtU unimi, - - -Htccmge, ... Houutl Trip, Unlimited, For further niirllculnra Innnln t...i of Iho Compniir, or A. 1 MaiweH.il A. L. a.ui Ocncrul MiuiMgcr, Pendleton. Orl GREAT OVERLAND ROl THE Northern Pacific Ran TIIKONI.Y LINK IIUNSISjl lhiltmnn Iilnee Meriting ntrtt Maantficnxt Jtnu Ctoehn! Afafint Kmlqvwt BlrrpiutM From Orcyon mi WathlijtH I to the Eait, Vln HU raul und MlnneapolU, T lino running 1'nlnce lilnlcCHl (.iieam to cnu, VaNttrat Tlmr Kver Made YnM I'oanl vi'r the Mtrlttnl t'nrinnHallraat To Hloux City, Council lllaff-, N. v tclilooti. IOnvmiwortli, ku lliirllnglnn, Utilncy, Ht. liuli.CWn nil poiiiMitimugiinutiiio r.fi iui enit via Ht, rnul and Jllnotipou KMIOItNT8l,KKl'lS0afl Aro hiitiled nn rciculur exprri Ln'a tlio entire length of the Xortiifil uiiliroHii, l.eiivo Wnllnla lunctlon S:1(J a, m. I.fiive I'orllunil 3 p. in., iltlln " Jiinneiiiiotiit or Hi. i'hui iz:jjp. fotlrtti iluv. . Connection made ntHU raulndM olla to nil Klnta Eal,Houth tod Sm I'ACIKIO I)IVII0. Train will leave Portland dHj ill ni connecting wiiii u. ii. ,ii (ill luthilt nil Kmillll. ' A. I'. CHAEIIB (leueiol Western 'awen(r.Arri 1 , . ..... I . .,...! w. c. Aii.owAy,rl To San Francisco, ny way of lh Oregon &CaHforniaR Anil Connrrtiaai Tlio Mount Shnetn Ko t)uleker In time Ihau anyouJ IIOUIP, IWl" I I'OHTIiANn AND HAN KBASCJ Leave Portland at 4:00 p.M Through N39 I'UM MAN llli: VKT U Excursion Sleepers fl Clna PrifiRoncorS 01 through charge Fure rrom I'ortluinJ t I"1! uml Hnn franelatal I Ii'IthlhIuui. i r .. i i t.i I r nt . m ...... j . . - - - FlrHt-rlUHM, Mnilted... Neroiut-rlUHH, Lliulted. -Ticket Office: Corner V nnrt Front Htw rrt'fl e. p m)UEns,o.F.4r. H. KUKMLKH, manager. trains ff9 WM. GARDNER Sanitary and Heating m Slnnufacluientof Steam and Hot Heating Apparatci FOH DWELLINGS OR I'lTBUOBrH heating building In any "" I try. Correspondence soucue OFFICE: I34THIHD"I Portland, Orog!Ii T KOAL BLANK-4. More than two hunrfrel ttj blanks at this oau-e ? llnnllniriiiuvlnl fnrralCtU 0S