East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 18, 1888, Image 1

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I . .....tniiinneyorstAntpawlU
t'!L s",."eUly BAST OHKOON
l "V. I anv ront will ltlty
t'ntrotis of tho ltnlljr or fciiil-'Wukly'
HAST OlllUlONIAN own freely nmko tiso
of Mm KAMI OltKOONIAN library when,
over they mi tli'nlio. The public nro cnr
il hilly lu Itrtl to tlslt tlienlllce whenever
no Inclined.
Ruth of ""'""y""1"-
NO. 92.
& Kuebler,
-rjtn l moit complete stock of
t:. Medicines
let & Fancy Articles
In Eastern Oregon.
iin Block - Pen'"n
ItihiDixn every iiny.nnu when one
lipM'wyou.you will wish tlml
I " tun were insured In thn
LtuvrLKRg' rwouiven uro sutllcle nt to
i m ih ino.t enormous in am of
i.tMt.tfn nmi ml roml una stonm-
I. -i. I. uli run lirlnir 1111011 II. l'av all
LflllKiuluixuiuni, iiiiiiiciiiuieiy upon
;olMIfitrlnry iiroof. Nan Forfeiture
lectin III u policies.
illions of Auels. Two Millions
o! Suiplus.
POUCY HOLUEIlf,St,000,000,
Glopton & Jackson,
Resident Agents,
Cinln Lullilhur, l'entlleon, or.
eat Rock Island
I snl popular lino In connection
I fttrtherii Pnrlfln Italltvnv
khal and Minneapolis
llitl'iintl the Kant.
MtUalsnnit thn Month.
ITilKsMoliieM, Leavenworth
IAtrhlsoii unit Kttuxttt City
Oalv Line H"""e.?'ll?'l''..,!'.
MeJbliil!,, Leavenworth und Kmim
imn ralaee altenlna and
tuhtce Dining Cars!
PWtiU llimuirh Kx ores Trains nn
i ifvf 111. tiV nil ninnnilliii. MiHivmu
IlmBwtlonimaJv lii union depots. '
YJ information teirniillni; rates, mnps,
V. i1"'!-"! I'lfi'iii n lll.-lj.jl,
Hrthern I'lirlfli. Ifnllunv i'm.
,wto w r. Al.l.mC'AV.
Tlrkrt o ilt.O. It. ,t V, Co ,
i'Uitelnn. Ori'L'iui.
IIUH. KKXKItV, Urn. Auent,
ut.m,ion hi., - . Portland, Ore.
I HOI.nrtuntr
iHiii, m, P- llUYll.
on.T.nnJ I' Am, M, ,v Hi. I Il'y.
.Mlniienpniu .Minn,
Dealer tu
fan and. Tinware
NBING Promptly Cno.
h"Mth DUhllo luilo. I.. .
IWtm i-MiMimi,p I. .illll'llt'U
iCit'.,i"ini,iM1". Miidnnlo Tctnplo on llio
".n'.tn.rul t.Mlrtt 1 rlttii.VH of ouch mouth, ut 7:.T0
O'clock. J. . UUSltKK, It. I'.j I". 1). CLOITO.N,
Hecrctnry. '
KUNZtK I.ODGIUNu". Rl. A. V. A A. M.
Jtocton thn nccoinl unci fourth Mon
iiiiyn of cuch month, m 7:30 o'clock, if. J.
IIkan, , M.; , K. 1'otwink, Hccrotury.
pKNDfjKTOK t.OI OK NO. M, A. F. A A.M.
I Meeu i n tlio Mimonlo Teinplo on tho
llEl1 I"."' ,iur.' MoniliiSH of chcIi month nt
7S!0 o'clock. T. J. Million. W. m.s it. At.,
V L 1,01)0 K NO. Ill, . 0. U. W. Mcetn
OVery TllUrkdllV ll u it lit I in Kmrlnn
'liinrt 1, il-u iiciiiiik. .1. 1 I.VA.ITIIll. M
W.; K V, Tukti, ltcctirtler.
I7UKKKA. 1,01)0 K NO. 32. I. O. O. K. Meet
... X ':yr' WntnMiiy evenlliff nt7i3J o'clock.
1. J. Million, N.U.j E. k. Himron, Hecrctnry.
I. Aln.I. ntl llin .nnnml tiinl In.t
TlinrmliiyK uf mich month, nt 7i30 o'clock.
IMT I.IVK115IOI1K, u, r.J K, B. HIIAItON,Hcrlbtf.
ii. r. .mi el Hit) first nna thlrU Thurii.
s of each month.
IT All M ON Y I.OnOK NO. 21, K. OV V,
my e
Met In '"Mil i'Vllmvn' 1 fill I pviirvrimi
liny pvvr.lmr nt 7:30 o'clock. .1. (!. I.kahiiiiv.
C.C.; C.J. W1IITAKKU.K. Of 11.11 11(1 K.
Ill' Mk.iI. In
Oilll l-'l l ll's' Hull rvrrv U'n. lno.it, i v
ovonll if ill 7i.1il ii'.'lnok. M. Mniiiiiir in f
wAiir iui.li, l. il l(. illlll n.
Hot Sprinas.
11 Ml'Jifi. ,,
i rupririor.
wnt.Vn9. ''wu'lhUly Mtuntcl In
lfSl3?'r..Brt will be open for tho
tumn J,." "I14 er July Ut.mul
b;rthn vUli ,h 'NO count
"uoneto make Buet comfortu.
Tofms Reasonable.
5 SCOTT . . prort.
ttUaJ n V 1 lro,u Kute iclte
fist r " tue. by u-
r'lllln. .1 .
uiie ou CoiUTUilon
,1V Wli'-clnr'K Hnllewry
I'DMT. O. A. It., mpcla nt
. H. VlVil.b. flillllilfiltil.ip. .1 U llnioitw
, --...., u.. .. .i.v. , w. ... injlin,..
Notary and Corporation Seals,
In Puncllotbn,
Tlio tunnl prlco for soalu mmln by other
irliu, In I'orttnnit or llio Kui In from S6.W
o 7,(M, with exprrn rhorjes fuJcd. If you
nrtil nticnl,aoiulyouronlor lo us, tt vl nvo
from W.i 0 to $3. CO thereby.
East Oregonlan Pub. Go,.
mllI4df Pondleton, Oregon.
t Stands at the Head!
i I.Dtlu
TllAIN IipilllKKY.
rnasrnRcr Trnln on thn Northern I'ncltlo
llelil Up.
Hiii.kna, JI, T., Juno l-.-Tho Xottli
prn ruclllc wcflt-boiiml train wuh rolileil
bv cMit iilasked moii ut Jiiiimlon Cltv,
Hfxty-llvo mllos cunt of J illingH, lust
iiMit. Ktieineor HurKcnt nav u limn on
t to tritl-k witli u torch, mill lid Hftt)i
iiiu nam lu.uFconaill 1110 cuiwo of tlio not.
Ho viw liiiiiioduitely nnlnrud to throw up
hw liuiiilH, Hovontl mnnkod men atloat
Ins from tlio Mldo of tlio truck wltlt mwa
una rovo voro wnicli thoy lovolcd ut liini
ino cilRineor nw aftvrwnnls itiiidb to
crawi into tlio oxproMX car und advtao tlio
incHSoiiiror to Htirrcnilor, which ho did,
tho robWre Hccutinp; SJ-100 In mono 'from
iiiu uxirvH cnoBt. Alio coachori woio
men cntorcu ana tho pacHonijorH lollovod
oi tnoir monoy. llio watches und jowehy
of tho mtH.'tcncorH wora nut iiuiliiHtKif.
Mont of tlio piuwoiiKore wuro made to an
tlclpato tho robtwry by liuarlnn tho Ililnij
of plBtolH uud guiiH dlrccllvlicforo and uf-
tor tlio Htoppint; of tho train, and huc
teeucti in iikumk inucii oi tnoir inonoy
imu ouior vuiimmca. ino louDcnt olf
tallied about $.')00 in inonov fiotn tho imh
BOiiL'oru. o vlolonco uuaoflercd by tho
roDucrH, oniy to ono inati, wiio ciioweit
hIl'iih of remHtuiii'o. Ho wuh iniitntitlv
Bhotnt, tho ball cutting through tho rim
of bin hut. Tho roblicrri are undoulitcdlv
cow-boyw. iho Hhoiur Willi a lamo ixwso
Htartcd in purHiiit uh booh as tlio iiowh
roaclied UiIIIiikh.
A TUllltllll.K 1K1IIT,
oVi:n tiik noii riiintN. trol" of a nouHt.ui.or i,v ti.
On0orTo,l .,MVlmtTrnv.lfnB lt1 "K;,,n KllRlWl.
lrmill ThlnlM II... m Hilt itH editorial COllllllllH llllVO 1)0011
('mi' viiii I imn ih iki Kltt secretly or otherwise, and that
ti. . i .. . I-.. ' n! ' , L.. Ul,tlur M0 clrcuiiiHtancv'H will tho cilitor In
I..T. t !u .g J?"m!; fro!u . ' t tloin diB.araBo, crltlclr.0 or eondomn tl
ddoi t worlliy of no o If It wero not ho ig. Tho wilo of thin npuco U roiwum
familiar to most of tho readorH. of tho mated in nmnv wuvh. 1 nuiv boTi r.
r. K Uii iiuMA.s, i,y i.earHayatleaHt, I clinwj of "Bwt" caili, or a lon overdue
lnlL'iit ntlnnlit wiiiiii. llttl,. ",l,.ui,rliill,iii" i..i.i
T ..y. lllfirTirnir, 1M rtiiHnfi. iir 1 .Itllll lir .IHHI Mlllw
A llow. Over Cniiiiiimi Property In Vet
r.MtKKIIHlll'IIU, w. Va., Juno 17. Two
families iiamod Krone and HuhIi liuvln
udjoimng nreniiHCH in ituppy Hollow,
near hero, lmvo been ciiKaued for boiiio
llinu iiiiHt in a contention coucoinliin a
iino oi ieiii'0, wuier rignm iinti otner com
mon proerty. William Hrower becamo
under tho inlluonco of liiiuor voHterduv
and Iiiwt ovening mot Mm. ISiihIi and licr
iwo hoiih, unarioH una inomiiH. no ut
onco drew u knife and Btubbcd ClmrlcH
JiUHh in tho back. Mm. Hindi und lior
Hon iiiomuH iiitorforod and Jirowor thou
nttiickcd' tjicm. OniHiiIng tho old lady
llV till! lirtn llll nfrllt'lr lull Hmnrtil tlinna
uliout tho licud und throat und in tho
neck, inllictiiiR terrible wounds, from
which hIiu Boon bled to death. Thomas
Hindi uud u mini named Chuvcr unncured
and attacked Hrower, beating 1dm until
ho was futility injured. Hrower is a giant
in Btrungth und miido a terrible light, cut
ting uud slttHlilng his foes in every direc
tion, but indicting no serious wounds
upon thorn. One of his bunds was almost
cut oil", and Ids fuco uud nock wore terri
bly mutilated. Charles Hush died soon
after receiving tho Btub in tho buck from
Hlmple, Practical
Miiuv try to en mi I It. but iioiii- h urcul.
IVm'f full to hi k i ho ,,liomi"iio"iii'fii'o buy
Iiikii iwlui(uinuliliiu
iUwmi05 .f ( I in h Hi'om Jt. Co , Auirs.
On nuil hflur thli date, at nil ,nlnlitrnor of
the exlnto of the Into Wllltnm IlQM. 1 ofTcr
for m, tnll tho live nlock owned by the ili
cenM'it, connliilliii; of
Thovouyhbretl Hereford Jtitlls.
tihurt'h'jrn Cattle, Orailv Cattle,
ami Gtittral Stock Cattle.
tl'huraufhltreit Sjxinlsh Merino
llucktt anil J2uen, Jteyltitereri,
Grade Jlachu and Stotk Sh .ejt.
Aho ii large number of Horses nnU n quan
tity of Hay.
For particulars, call on or address
mySldswtf Pendleton, Or.
! Tho l'nclllc Count Men lliiiiinliiK lllalua ut
. CIiIcuku,
Cmc.Mio, Juno 17. Thoro lmvo lcon
no nuwdovolopmeiits in the Kopublicun
Hltiiution ninco Saturday. To-morrow
Clmuucoy I)oH)W Bixiuks, and theu tho
Bcmmblo legius. Over all hangs tho
Hluiiio movement. CuUforniu delegates
coutinuo to boom Hlalno in their chunic
torixtic manner. Hhermun now esll
mates his strength ut it'.'O votes. Ifo has
i boon greatly weakonod to-day by tho us-
huuiis oi ino I'UClUO uoam mon, WIIOIIUVO
lieen strongly opK)sing him. Colonel
ltoliert Iugursoll Is on liund, and ho is
nutting in his very best licks for Gios
liaiu. A CI. OKI! CI AM U.
Tliu M'lllniiioltn nuil I'mtlniiil Nines 1'lny
nil Kxclilui; llanm,
I'or.n.AM). J iino 18. Threo thousaud
. ivoplo witnessed llio bull gtiino yesterday
.between llio rortluiidsuud Willamettesof
1'iiht Portland. At tho end of tin) ninth
I inning tlio score stood 51 to !l. Tlio next
inning resulted in tho Willumeltes muk
i Jng 1 and tho l'ortlundo 0. Tlu ..etting
on tho L'UiiH) wuh heavy, uud much en
thusiasm prevailed. Yesterday was tho
first pleasant day Portland eoplQ havo
onjoyod for two weeks. It rosumed rain
ing tills morning.
oi li-or minor oi urn womierwi country Hcrlptlons uro taken, or tho olllco stocke
.1.7 .1 . . I consists niatniy with now niatorlul. It dermis uiwn tho
i: , . it 'J. u , " on(J l.e"'e,"1rH needs of tho editor soiling. Tho bargain
ii f it I ,t L . i ii t'onsuminiiteil, tho iwiwr commences
nil. Hut us f.jr mo, iko the mounlalns, work 1HJI1 lho Laudation ill
ixjii tho neon o. Lamlatiou niter
laudation of Die purchaser is written. Ho
may bo an unprincipled scoundrel. That
counts very littlo whero iniiminon bus
uud tho woods, uud tho lakes und tho
plains all of them; but tho plains, I
confess, tho least. On tho west sloo of
no Hock es trees ami grass ure groan: J ..l.,led his soro siwts. Until tho cumpulgu
wo do not roach tho sombre und faded bus ended his iMirclmso sliua his nndses.
yei ow mm mown un wo come over no imi if ll0 wins iH.comc8 u i iouth.leco for
lltlillt I Mil I'll Ulltlfll ltt1tU U'lltl iltiil 1 t t ... . ... ' ... . . . .
.ii... 1 i . ,i ' . i i "in onicial life, if no loses it w lor s.ilo
iiuiii iii,tatt hi iiivumii ,'viui'iu iiuti a,
think so, likely that I would llko to
live uway out In one of tlieso seduded
mountain valleys, whore nature bus
never lieen marred by uit, and where
tlio ruthless destroying hand of
man 1ms t-caicely boon folt.
(live mo a mountain run go
close by; u grassy plain in tho distance;
ii mountain stream rushing past; an ap
parently intorininublo forest nearly all
around; wild gamo und u very few mon
and women, und tlioso unspoiled by fash
ion and vices, rather than the town or tho
hii'hly improved farm. In somo moods I
detest tho sound of a locomotive, I detest
to tho next buyer of space.
The editor who soils his spuoo touphold
a cunuiauio, a parly, or n ruction, though
his actions bo secret, inovltubly proves to
Homiest rover oi puniiu morals, iiy ills
action ho not mono binds himself to do
fond unworthy things (for that which
must purchase commendation Is unwor
thy), but ho attacks faith in humanity.
Ills patrons reading his editorial opinions
reach various conclusions, according to
their knowledge of his situation. Those
who know of his pale laugh either ut his
ullegeil "cuteness" or In scorn of u con
i ii. i. i ii... 1..1 ..i. 1 ii... 1......1 , to uiDiime iricK. inose wiio LQiiocent v
lliu wlll.il Ui iiiu iuiuki ii 'ii i l imiu iiiu mill i i . ,
clerk and tho restaurant waiter-thoiivh '"LLC ,l,lw wnijiiieniH uh hho gom, una
of course not as individuals: und s n- " '"''ncou i y i lorn, are ie.i .y in u
.. lul. I ,.ni,l,l M nil, f umi iitl ,..! ' "no SUplHjrt 01 Wlllll IS DllU. II lltS IIOIICIl-
road of all of thotn, and of all thojMiavo ! Hr; "'H A'l ?Vur V'JT
to do or deal with. In such a mootl I tliat mticli faitlt In n.aiik ml: mulsh it up
their conlldonco with bolts on tho doors.
Also, ho defames his profession. Tho
standard for tho newspaper men of all
Christendom set by liunkliii, Oreoley,
Howies, Weed, Is lowered by hfm to u pit
of mlro. Ho stains tho escutcheon of tlio
knights of tlio ipilll. All honest journal
ists come under the cloud of shame rest-
ini! upon hfm. The scorn hurled ut him
passes on until its lullimico bus reached
tlio uttermost one oi tlio nowspaor man
who hold honor dearer than life uud
would starve rather than sell u singlo
thought or stroke oi tnoir pen to any
cause." J. 1. W.
Hereford, Durham, Holstoln
and Jorsoy
Thoroughbred Cattle
Can be teen nt Estes A Guild's liver)- stable
on Aim street.
Prices Very Reasonable,
Will be hero ono week only.
8lrrnKth liiilirnvliiK. Ills Hleep
ire'lilnei nnu n in iierover.
Wahiiishto.n', Juno 17. The imiirovo
inent in Genorul Sheridan's condition is
vory gratifying. His strength has great
ly increased and his sleep is refreshing.
Hu will soon )o a well man onco again.
Tho whole country rejoices.
The MuM Surprised Jlfin.
From the I Grande Journal.
Probably the most surprised man In
Eastern Oregon over tho recent elections
was Jas. A. Feo, of Pendleton, who was
elected circuit judge of this district.
Several Kopubllcuns have admitted in
our presenco tliut tho nomination was
tendored .Mr. Feo becauso no other law
yer in tho district wunted to take his
I'lmntes against W. M. Kumsoy. tho Iein-
I ocrutic nominee. Tlio Uojmblfcun lawyers
of I ho district favored Mr. Humsoy's
election from tho thst, and if tho fact
I wero known most of them voted for him,
know nif fu we tliat in .nr. Jimm-ov
crossed tho Hookies, not curing a cent if
tlio train, as it cumo down the declivity
this side, ran in tho canyon ut one side,
mul If no otlior train over passed that way
to take uway such us wore loft ullvo in
the wreck.
Hut the train cumo down all riuht. Tho
t..ll.... ,i.......l t ., ....I n.i..,.l .....I iin.
i'lllllllll ll'llliui in nufc w- U.I1U.1, ..III! II, u
trains still pass over tlio si'iumlt of tho
Itockies. with two big onumcs in liont to
null, and ono Whlnd to push. It makes
them puir und blow like tho giants thoy
are to got us up' to "Tiptop," uud then
tuov navo to go slow una -noia duck"
with all tholr ureal power to keen tho
truln in moderate motion coming down
tho hlllsldo on this sldo, for this is not a
I was In St. Paul only ulwut two hours,
and cumo from there to Chicago over tho
Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul,
in ouoof their "Vestibule" trains. Pii'tioH
coming East can find no smoother,
speedier1 road, uud' none on which poo-
plo are Is3tter uccommoiiiiiea. ino moui
wo hud ut breakfast was really "olojunt."
(This Is not written for any "favor," for
I paid full faro In cusii.j
I havo been in Chicago sinco yoslorday
morning and will leu vo this evening for
Now York ovor the .Michigan Central and
N. Y. Central. Already n nninlier of
prominent Republicans are lioro to attend
lho na'loiml convention. Among others
I had tho Ploasnro of inoollm: to-day was
Mr. Murat Hulstcud. tlio colobrated edi
tor of lho Cincinnati (iu.otto. Tho Ito-
lubllcans, us near us I can learn, uro a
good deal "at sea" Just us to who the
cumiliiaio win no, boiiio sun buck ii
Hlalno. Tho Ohio doletfiitlon will insist
vory strongly on tho claims of .Sherman,
(ircshiim and Harrison uro contesting for
tho prize, but (iroMiuiirs "lioom" Is by
fur the largor. Ho nuiv jHitsibly receive
tho nomination, in which event tho Dem
ocrats could not complain very much
whoover was elected, for (Jreshain is a
clean, ablo, good man. Hut it is not
likely thn Republican leaders and lnditi
clans, und the coiiHirutious, will nllow
him lo lie nominated.
Coining Kast I traveled with a Mr.
Heckman, if Ruth, N. Y abiothorof
C. C. Reeknun of Jacksonville, ana like ( tween Mound uud Friend streets, in close
liwucegou nroinor i o ihuu iih ciii uu- proxlmily lo tlio liornuin colony, whlcli
publican, und was rejoicing, ut tho result ! (om, UK0 j,, tho early sottlomont of the
of tho Oregon election, lull lioro or (0Wn uppropriated tho soiithorji pjirt of
elsowhore east of the kock.v .Mountuins i , th0 town for themselves- keoping iii lho
havo found tliat vory littlo notice had customs, traditions und language of tho
neon gi von 10 urcgiiii. i minui n.i inn l-athorlana to sucn un oxiunt unit in my
rin uu i i kkx wo used o ca II a r vo o i s
to "(iiriiiany."
Ills Wlfn ssil Her Antsccilunt Ills Two
Daughter uml Th.lr IliislmniU A I'rrtly
(ImndilaiiKliter Who I thn I'rlilo of Ills
Life How the Tliiirinens HaveAlirnys
Clunic Closely to the liormnn Klninrilt.
F om the New York Herald.
Every one knows when and whore
Allen U, Tiiip-mnu was bo.n; how. iimlur
tho fatherly care of his undo, William
Allen. United States Senator and (inv
entor of Ohio, ho received his education
at Chllllcotho, in that Stat-j; how ho was
admitted to the Rar, then liecime prlvuto
Hccictiuy to (lov. Lucas, ultorwards a
meniDer ot uouuress, inon u Mipromo
Judge of Ohio, Dually taking his seat in
tlio Untied States Semite, whore ho
served two terms, and after retirement to
private life-, which has lusted several years,
was on Thursday lost nominated by tho
Democrats, ut St. Louis, us their caudl
dato for Ylro-Prcsldciit. In tho p.olmblo
uvout of his presiding over tno .Senate of
tlio United States, uud the osslbllity of
Ids prodding ovor tlio destinies of tho
nation itself, a fow words in regard to
what Is not so well known his family,
his homo, bis life can scurcoly fall to bo
of interest to tho world at largo. My
recollections of Judgo Thiirmau extend
buck to my infancy, but of his futullv
und homo only to the time of Ids re
moval to Columbus In lf'.'i'J, suorlly after
his election as Judge of thy .Supremo
Court of Ohio.
nn. tih'uman'h iiopsi:.
The old house stood on High st vet, be
It nuiv Ihi Ihu samu in Novemlie
tho ' eloso" Northoin .Stutos, but I shall ,.rt 0f Columbus irolnif
still bcllovo that tho eoplo cannot 1h so 'n,irt very lariro (ieriimn iwiMilutlon has
deceived by tho false cry of "ireo traiUV' alwayH l.-een tho dominating iKiivor of Ihu
1 rode uloiiL' tliu ,,1,,,.,, ,,,l tlilM nueer. uulv. dear oil
other day something vory much llko tho own, which has given ho many illuslri-
loiiowing, wnicn i cuiieii iroui me ci. 0us men and women 10 ino worm, is
Paul ti olio," ana win inereioro eucioso
, justly proud of this German element, for
1 It lias neon an Honor 10 nur, una u long
I wholo ticket elected, and, to tho HiirprLo
f of nearly every man in tho Bixth judicial
dull let, w hen ino voies wuio muuicu,
Mr. Feo camo in ahead bv a hundnoino
majority, und will bo ono of our judges
for tho hoxt six years. .Mr. Feo is a thor
ough gentleman, apparently, and though
wlthoft much oxpeileiiee, is sa id to bo u
bard student, and no doubt will make it
it. with tho remark that "Ihoiu's my
sentiments too." uuil interesting history might Im written
"The relations of lKjlitleitins und the , of this lurtlun of ('olnnilms alone,
nowspupors uro a curioiiH study for any Whether the loeulitv of Judgo Thurinun's
ono. If It bo tho good fortune of some of homo, which brought him into close uud
theso gentlemen of ballot-box fumo to i ulmost conshint contact with the esti
control an organ; to havo butgalned und jnuhlo people, wus tho cause of his
paid for just what will go Into itH columns, 1 becoming so identified with thorn
then tlio spirit of cordiality existing bo- j j know not, but lertiilu it is
tweon him und tho editor may lio mean- that thoy soon formed themselves
ured by tho nuiulier of dollaro that havo i,,toa mutual admiration socioly.uud that
passed between them. Few cdltoncan to-day Judge Tliu.inun Is stronger with
rosiiect tho candidate or 'boss' whopayH tho Germans of Columbus und the entire
dollar for dollar for every word of prulso Hutoof Ohio than any other man not of
thev write. I think that in many In-' their ruco. Tho old house on South High
stances thoy must lose respect for thorn- htrtet uud on the bordeiH of "Germany"
selves. It is so shameful to write without was u xwy Democratic atlulr, built right
conviction, or tlio lire of defondlng or mi- Umi the street, with tho eiitruiuo uud
holding a man whom von know to bo ih,j pailor windows almost lovol with tho
nonesi. iji ino iiuiium euiuir iiuinu I'm I'rouna no tno nought oi tno numerous
himdl, idlu lsiyn ulnus on exn'oiiug ot-
litlons.) una lioro ioryeas the family
used an om-iimo nea-iy nospitulitv
tlir ould l ive t oroug , judge law j onors of judgment-thoy arc not o con-
& ""ho 1 ,0 , TiX &. The temptlblo by many miles us the uceuraey .mi
leaders of the nartI.owevorl wanted tlio of the one who Is paid to 1 coirect on tho ,
Yet It bus liccomo tho fashion, in this
ago of gold, for candidates or tlio ,tomio
rary manugers of parllos to "control" a
nowspui'cr. I uso tho word "control" in
distinction from owning. A party louder
or "boss" may legitimately own u nowh-
pajier and nonoraoiv umi i
tlio principles oi uis
roiiiinuto I
ufter the most Democratic fashion, to tho
iutom-o enjoyment of the Democratic
heal t. No lino airs of superiority here!
No danger of tho hmnblukt ikj'xoii ever
feeling the sllghtost dlirureiico of b!ilh,
education or woidlv iswition. lioro at
lust was uu ideal politiulan with uu ideal
family. At luust, so thought tho iiiaaios.
Iho'o wi
us one Hisit In the house. how
Tlio; "con-' over, where tho most ilgld Iuwh weio en-
forced and lavish expenditure indulged
in. Tho laws wero those of neatness,
order, system. Tho oxeuditurcs were
for apjMjIatinoiits ami provisions, and
this s)ot was tho kitchen t It would
havo delighted the eye and heart of n
Philadelphia liousukecHir (what more
could lie said thuii thut), and if there
was a wuut of icBthotlutustedispluycd in
furnishing and arrangement of the parlor
It wus more than atoned tot here, for it
il told of hospitable, healthy, prosperous
coplo und u notublo nook und house
wife, Isith of wldchi Mrs. Thurniun wus
in uu omliieut degrcoi,
Tho Judgo's library, too, was an attrac
tive place. Hut how couRl u room lie
otherwise with Its walls covered from
celling to lloor with choice IxxiksV In
those days, it seemed' to me, from tho
unusual number, that hull theso books
wore In Fiench a languago-of whlcli tho
Judge is'foud und with, which ho is per
fectly conversant. Hisolllcewiifl u de
tached building of two rooms standing
near tho house in a, large yard, u littlo
way buck and protected from the street
and small Isjys by u, fence. Here thut
erfect quiet und soollisiou so necessary
to men of studious habits could ulwayn
be found.
I havo not scon thn oldl place for years.
Whou I last paid a visit to Columbus tho
Judge had moved into new imurtcrs, hav-
imt piircIuiBcd so vera I ueaiilifui city lots
at the comer of Rich street and Wash
ington avenue (still clinging to tho bor
ders of "Germany,") whoro bo had built
two nruttv houses of browiustono tor him
self and his son Allen W. TlmrtMUii, und
It wus in his doorway, to which he had
accompanied mo saving, good-by and
sending messages to old acquaintances in
uio I'.iiHt, thut l hist saw imu. ntio no
was speakliiL', ono of his dear litttoumud-
ehildrou, who had leun, pluvlng on tlio
lawn, ran up to tho steps, lie took tho
littlo child in his arms with delight and
I loft him bowing an adiuu, smiling und
kissing tills child all ul tliu siunotlmo, the
very picture of happiness and content
ment. No wonder thut 1 was ustonished
to hear that ho hud consented: to tour
himself from nil these home comforts uud
would lie onco more forceiblnto tho din of
battle to tho very front as he will lw
in this hitler political contest thut hus al
ready Isjgun.
Who knows? Porbana their veryurand-
children, of whom I shall, have more to
say. were as much Iin his mind us his
mity wnon no consented to nccumo a
Hmiocrutio stundurdtl)ourer ugaui.
Mrs. Thurniun. Ihoiiuh ouUe us old ax
liur husband, seems many years youtiuor.
uud I could not help thinking oa this day
just referred to tliat she was tno most so
rone and at the sumo time tlio most ener
getic woman 1 had ever seeiu Site wuh
.Miss Dunn, of uixington, Ky., und tno
family must havo emlu'ratcd to Ohio ut
uu early date, as sho was a whlow Mrs.
Toinnkins llvliur in Chllllcotho when
Judgo Thurmuii, as u yo.mg man, full in
love with und married her. .Mm. imir
iduii'h three brothers Wtdter, John und
Robert Dunn with tholr fumilles, livo in
atriarchal stylo on uu immense tract of
ami in MiuIIhoii county, Ohio, not fur
from Columbus, which they purchased
cars nuo mid named "DiiiuiUm." Some
ilea of Its size can be indued bv tho fact
that tho homes of the brothers uto several
miles apart. Thoy are trent lemon farm
ers, rich ami prospcious, and "Duuuhiu"
is noted not only for tho generous hospi
tality of those unarming lssopk', but for
tho vory lino horses uud cattle raised
Mrs. I minium had by her first miirrliigo
ono duughlor who grew to womanhood,
was married und dica soon inter nuving u
Of Judgo ThurmiiirH children thoro are
three a son, Allen V. Ihiumun, and
two daughters, one tho wife of Lieutenant
owIcm. of the iiiivy ! ino ouior ino wiiu
of ox-Governor McCJorndck, of Arlitoiiu.
The daughters live ut Richmond Hill,
near Jamaica. L. I., In houses presented
tolliem by their father. Mrs. Cowles
was educated at tho Ursiilluo Convent,
Rrowu county, O., und at ouu lime tinder
themliilstrut'loiis of the latu HIsliop Rose
crnns, of Columbus, sho ulmost decided to
become u Catholic. She became ho ut
tui hed to the church whilo ut the convent
dint, although novor really receiving tho
faith sho was a regular attendant ut tho
Cathedral on Broad street.
Mrs. McCormick was educated ut tho
school of Mrs. Pegrum. in Haltlmoro,
Du Iin; her father's residence in Wash
ington Mrs. McCormick lived next door
lo him. lliclr houses communicated und
were thrown touetlier when either ono
gave u largo entertainment u most con
venient und agreeable arrangement, ll
is needless to say that in Washington, us
in the West, tho hospitality of tho Thur-
inuns wus hourly and tiuliomidcd. It
would Ihi dllllcult to tlml a more con
genial, harmonious, loving couple than
Judgo und Mrs, Tliiirmuu have always
been, uud as I write memories of Mrs.
Thuruian's sympathy in ulllictlon and
uniform kindness to milghlsjrH und friends
crowd iiioii me and I sco her sweet,
motherly face foremost in every good und
kindly deed.
Mrs, Cowles, her eldor daughter, Is one
of tho most original and imloHudcnt
women in tho country, and I defy any
ono to Ihi weary, or sad, or stupid in her
presence. ShoHnaks oiy rapidly lis If
trying to give utterance before they go
to the quaint, humorous, witty llioiightH
thut seem to cross her mind like success
ive Hashes of lightning.
Mrs. McCormick, though peibups not
us brilliant in llectually as her Hlsler.hiiH
more bounty, Is noted for her gontlcuosn
und Is altogether more conventional.
Rut probably the most interesting
members of lliu family are the promising
children of Judgo Tliurmaii'u sou. Allen
W. Thurmun.