East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 16, 1888, Image 1

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    j, ST Wll T VOO WANT.
. fl,crr!itlnmonryoritninwlll
r'M " tit nfler llieNovninlier
I 0n(Mollnriiminftvfuiil will iny
"l0"" . ...arillM'nilVMVrn llm
Leezer &
loimh: diiu.ctouy.
A i iti:i: i.iuitAitY.
I'ntriin. of tlui Unity or Seinl-Weekly
1UST Old.dO.MAN run frcply iimkv una
of tlm KA8I OltF.IIONIAN library when
rver they mi ililn'. Tho pulillti urn ror
dliilly lutlteil In th otllee whenever
in llirlliieil.
Ihelrget iui'1 most complete Mock of
nigs, Msdicinss,
Ml'cH nt tlm Mu.m.if. r .1.. .... ..
Mr ,. I . I, I ...i t.i ....... . . : 'v. "
...11. ' i i Ill I'lllMI 1111111111,111
ire ' I. .1. i. Iitiuu w ir ii l i. .......
TftJNSHR UlUfir. No. .8.1. A. K. A A. M,
JV IO(HOI1 tint niinnil mill ifiitiiii i.
Ukas, . M.;W. K, I'oiwiMiecrotiiry.
if ccts. " J'1.". Mmonlo Temple un the
-J?i,n UiJ.'.ii,,lSJ Io-!,.itl w "f ''.ch month in
iSM o'clock. T. J. Mfu.to, ', M it. al
V1"1' V f'"!OK NO. 114. . O. II. W. Mpcts
pvpty Tlmrdiiy tilvht nt Iho Ktnrliio
.! K 1. Tubtis, Kieoider.
TCUIiKKA I.OI'OK Nfl. 3.'. '. l, O. V. Mocti
r .e.rJ'. K'tr''y i vi-nliiB nt 7:3)o'cloek.
I.J. .Mili.ki.n, N.u.i K. K. .Miiiiron.Kocretnry.
UMATILLA FNl'A.M I'M 15 NT NO. 17, 1. O
II. I. MflfclB fill (lift .n.uin.1 .....I 1. .
Thurmhiyi of ciich mnntli, nt 7i.10o'elopk.
ixrri,ivMtioitK,u K, 10. HltAltoN,Scrlbe.
pAtlLINF. UFIIF.CO LODOF. Nil. 13, I. O.
.. SI'ittiliH iirm mill third J'liuni.
(Iliyi (If IMICll IIIUIllll.
HAHMONY 1.01)0'.: ,M0. 21, 1C. OF 1.
iMl'ftH 111 llllll lVltilU- Hull .,tf..r. 'p.m..
v.wtu (Villi WW'.ll,l IJ 11(111111?
NO. 91.
it & Fancy Articles
In Eastern Oregon.
Koiln Block - Pendleton.
Kilo nnprrn every y
iMI n tun. von wl
I yr-u were I n itt ml In tlm
LulmVKl.r.ns rinoureei urn Mirtlclout to
t it nnrr the mint onormoiiH inni.1 nf
IsitliMevcn emu nuiroiui iiini ntciini
t tttl'inui fin nrinif npiiii n, rny mi
ni.wltb.iui illi'iiunl. I in in cl lutfl v ii noil
hirto(iitlMitnry proofK. on Korfpliurn
Lrftlon In all II puiicipn.
laMBHons of Assets. Two Millions I FOR flNlY FIVF nnilARS CAPU
nl 5ilrnlllo ' w" MWfcvnilU knwill
Glopton & Jackson,
Resident Agents,
rutOwmUn liillillni;, rpiulloon, or.
LonliiKtnii Partly Ditroypil-'ipvpral IVo.
il( KlllPil-A Slrk Mali lllnwii 100 IVt
(lrclmin unit Iliirrlmm Men l ltrlit-Prln-iiir
Crump Attempt HiiIpIiIp Two CWI-
Ki'iiaiit'UnrI'Ulicrincii Druirmul, Ktc
I I'miH-lcco imirkotM tiro unclmnned. Tlio
I Ioniiii)(l for li'toriur wool roporlud to l,o
ftliglltlV Oil tllO illCICUNO 1111(1 lllHillCfH in
(Unit liin itiiprovitig, littvoin liuinir woll
uih)oho( 10 cotiiK3to. Thoro la n fair do
nmiiil In HcHtoii,
Ili 1 ').... I .... ... .... i nwu iwnirtl lu llllll
-Oplnloun l oriueil-l lin 1IIB Motel to lio , ..l,,,,,.,.,! Kr HnViriil woi
Hullt-l'orllmiil llrnutlful. h V K ,1 . fl f I l
Till! .Mill, I, AN TPNNIII
roim.AND, On., Juno 14, 1883.
Tho elottlon I ovnr, anil wo uro badly
mid wlmn ono
wimi ttiiit
OAMOV l,OI,iK NO. 4. K, i if I'. MpcIm tu
O III Fplmih' Hull uK..tv Wn.ltinkiluv
ycilil'lt HI 'M iiVIopK, M. MiiiikiikaIi. O.
u.; ii. .-. OAitPiiti.ti, K. nf It. nnil H.
W..,.(.,N Iliillcwry Tlinrmliiy iiIkIh.
II. H. WU'KI.t'. ('llllllllllll.li.f I nj. Il.nuu
Notary and Corporation Soals
In Pundloton,
i no UMiiu prlco for klmIh iiiihIh hy other
purllo, lu I'ortlunil or Iho Km Ik from So.CO
o yriH, with ex prom ijinrgeit juMciL. If. ouJ
ne. il n enl, 0111I jouronliT to u, mi I nvo
from j2.i 0 to I1.P0 Ihcieby.
East Oregonlan Pub, Co,.
'"""'"f Pendleton. Orcoon
dlrrt HHil tWnllllll llltn 111 iimiin.tlln I
iKrrantoVhi """" ft Staniis at the Head!
ftlruoanil Hip Kant.
Ereat Rock Island
l.ctllicion I'nrtly DttHlroyml-Severiil l'e
plo Kllleil-A Slek Jlai, nioivu Olln lliln
lrd Prat Mchoiil Chllilruii Injiiroil.
AiiM.soToN, Ok., Jiiiio 13. A wind
fitorni accompanied by a cloii(Murnt
Htruck in .Sand Hollow, noar LoxIiiKton,
r.9'v collll,y Tlunnluy aflernoon.
Iltllldilli'8 wore blown ilim-n In tlm !..'.,
of I-oxinlon, tbreo imsom killed out
riulit and at IuuhI a dozmmtli.TH wniiini.iii
About two o'clock U10 Hlao (hirer 011 Iho
rotito lietween Ilciipnei a.id Arlington,
whllo iinbitchlnir IiIh team at TettyH' uta-
Hon, miw 11 rant amount of water rushlnir
iipun nun. no toot in ms iieelti aui
waH wived, llto Htage whkoii and tliu
inall and oxprecH thoii'ln worowanlied
down uilow Cn-i'l;. 11 iiiui,ni..u
01 lOlltlCOIl HI 0. Till! t'.VP 0110
UfHt HtriICk tllU LTiUO IikIou- 1j,r.
iiiL'ton, coinjileloly doHtinyliij,' It. .even
umiiiiijgH wore mown iiown 111 tho town
1 lie barn of .Mr. llrockn wan blown down
and MtH. UrockH received injiiriert from
which kiiv men. 11 mrucic 11. l'.i'arRlna
lioiiHo and barn, two nillo nortlieuKt of
Loxlnuton, luvoliiig tlio buildlngH to tho
Kromni. 111 010 noiiho 111 lied wan .Mr,
rarkltm, very nick with tlto mump. Ho
was thrown fully ono liuiulred feet from
tlio lied, into the middle of tho road. Ills
recovery u oxcojdliiKly doubtful. A little
naiH) ol tho family wan thrown twenty
feet or more, and received u blow on tho
head, fom which It died at four
o clock, iho two other children
of tliu family wero only Hlightlv Injured.
Mr. David ParkinB, with her babo, wuh
viHitiiiK her rulativeri at tho time. Klio
clung to her infant heroically and wuh
taken OUt Of tlio debriH with a broken arm.
The Hocherjichool Iiouho wimHltuatedjiiHt
ueruHH 1110 roan iron) 1110 rarkiiiH iiouho.
At tho timo Hcltool wan In whhIoh : Kovnn
children und tho toucher bcliig iireveut
Ad of them were iniured. Two Hiiirored
coiicuhnIoii of tlio brulil and havu not vnt
i-uiucii. 1110 oinerH will iccovur. Tliu
tcuchor, 1'rofoHHor rowew, was ullglitly
Tl. u Iu 1.. .1.... ,
mi.j'iinu IV IIIV in (lull inn (1(3
feat in not greater than it Ih from what 1
learned two wookn before tho election
nunc oil. ion can uhwiVH form a fair
It It rep.llre.t mi,! u hp aKiiIh Next
IIi:m:n., M. T., Juno 15. It law been
unniimii'pil In- flu. Vi.ril. ii.,. .in.. ...11
cera that truliiH Mill run throngli tho Mul. ilimto of "' aDproachliiL' election by 111
Ian tunnel on and after .Momluv n0xt J,lmB occurring immediately round you, l'i
Tho wood work of the tunnel eauuht on ' f l'm,H0 "'" will ehango Hioho with to
1110 Heveral months mro and cointMilli.il 1 J 011 "r" ingiing win nuvo 1110
trains to uko the truck ovor tho niountaltm. Hunioelloct t irotigliout tlto Mute, at leant,
Tho noecmiry repalw were made as hooii t ,,iH' H 11 tf00'1. V11"0. to work HP Tl,pr'
an tho flames would allow It. wit iinn in tins city who employ from
. thirty to forty hands who, as .u general
r""" '""iie,i. ; xning, aro pretiy evenly uividea in jwli
AsroiitA. Juno 1(1. Thorn wuh 11 bnnw 1 tics, and 1 do not think nttlio lux! oliw'tlim
wimi at 1110 niouiii nt tlm Columbia Uverinver lour voted (lie Democratic ticket out
jcsiernay. a numlier of 1 Hblm ImmiIm 1 01 all thono einti oved. Now von son tlmt
was an awful gulf. T be trees around in
tho wood liowed to him as lie looked nt
was ureatlv
ccks ho remained
tinder tho iell, and during tlmt time bis
master thought lie had lost his mind.
"So 1 had," Hiiid Smith, 'Vo far us tout
jiorul things wero concerned." Finally
lie came out from under the spell, and
ono night lie had a dream, or rattier it
vision. Ho paw something like a ot
Douuig over, ami 0111 01 uiu meum came it
little man w ith an oien book in his hand.
laeitit! it imioro tlio dreamer, ho no nted
to tho book of John and told him to read.
Smith wus conscious of tho fact thai lin
did not know ono letter from another,
and in an instant letnembored how lie
hud pored over the little Muck Testuinent
given him by his undo, und which ho
kopt locked up lu his trunk. Hut ho
could not resist, us much as ho tried, from
looking at tho book, und then to his grout
umuzotucnt ho read tho liook of John as
WOI'O SUHllll'i'il ntnl sovoiul llMliiriiun lout liroiiortion lian IipIiI irooil tliriinoliniil roiul Ml' nu niielwuli. iwnilil li.iv...l,,i... II..
meir lives, mo names ol those drowmn "iaio. 1 lie whole causo 01 l i s oxtmor- read the
.injured. It is reported thut 11 womnnnnuied
llarkor was badly hurt
Tt t Louis a 11 it Iho Mouth,
TilxaMoltiPN, Leavenworth
AtrtilHou ami KuDsnn City
IcOnlv r.i'nn Connwtlnir with tlio
UCUIll IjIIIO r-K mi,... I.
Wodi, Liiivenworth anil Kunmia
Mmn Palace Slzentnit mul
Mace mninu Vain!
Pjff'jr Ml lliniusli Kxprcnn Train on
iMcuiinwtliMiii niiili. lu union depot.
'xjulliiifiiriiiiitliin remirillmf mieii, iniipn,
VrW.lokny ronp.ni iiKPiitof tin (I, It.
iJL I. rorl,"r" 0 I'allwny rum.
iir. I IUI.I,(I. u. a .v. Co,
I1. iHllutoi). Oreuoii.
HUM. uv.i!iiv. :. .. ........
MVwin,!,,,, HI,, . . 1'orllHliil. Ore.
U. HOUllinni.'.
'"a-.THa-i.! P,i, Aal. C. 11. r. p. n. ii
'( . V . N. H". 110 YD,
0. n. T. 1.11.I f ut, J,. A Hi. U It'y.
..iiiiieuioil .illllll.
bealem In
and. Tinware
WMBINC Promptly Dono.
lU 'lif.iilrtiiiui; U Killelimt
Hidaway Hot Sprinqs.
" 'I HI OtT. lronvl,.tH.
V wn, 'faytlMlly Mlimled In
Q Can?,1'1 outliPt
pwS.ae'.ii" v" be opm for tlio
I-vj... w on anil nfio. ii.. i. ...,
''mSuone",?0"'!'!" and cvfry.
i uoiie 10 make uuea u cnmfnrtii.
TorrriB Rnnonnni.i.
U. "uiiuuiu.
ly Must lave
. I'metlenl. I. lull i i
at her homo in Sand
iionow. ueorgo uaunon nud hts arm
broken, .iliicli damage wuh done to
houses, burns, fences, furui imichinerv
und other iirojxirty in tho truck of tho
cyclone. Fuller particulars und tlto
names of tho iornoiiH injured at I-oxing-
ton could not bo learned at this timo.
I I 11 If
Mirny ley tiU'ipinl II, but 111 m ik i'iI,
D.iu'i fad to . Hut "Ihinii.. lu" e(o 0 laiy
I m; a mAim:miictilno
Usw hi) US .MIiiin fli'im A o , Atu B.
A Warm ITijlit Iiiiiiilniiiit-nrpliiiiii mul
IliirrUmi Mpii llnvu a Fight Count Del
I'KiittK for "IIIiiIiip or lliit."
CmcAdo, Juno 1(1. Thoro Is much hot
bl ioil and bitterness already stirred up
U'twoen tho dlllbrent factions of Ihu lie
publican party alre.idv assembled in this
city, (iresham and Harrison men had u
row among themselves this afternoon
over tho ptiength of their resectivo can
didates. Later in tho evening two of
these men came to blows. Illuinu is still
plainly lu tho Held, his friends completely
ignoring ills two letters from Florence
declining to bo a candidate. The t'acillc
coast delegation uro loud in saying
"Hlaliio or bust." A stampede is being
1. worked tin lor his nomination, iiuira-
clllt' roam (li'legation say they will not
1 MiiiwH t Sherman under unyeoiiHlderutlon
or cliruinMunecs. Tho light promisea to
Ik) warm, and It looks as though tho com
iug man is going tu lsj James G. lllaino.
aro nut nil known us vet.
Trulii llol jeil.
l'oiiriiANi), Juiiu Id. I.ato ruins huvo
done eoiisidorublo damago along tho Cali
fornia und Oregon railroad. There uro
many washouts in tho Siskiyou's, and
trains uro much liehlud timo.
Wind ami n Wuter Spout.
Colfax, W. T Juno 15. A wuter
spout aeeomnuuied bv a hcavv wind dlil
coiislderablo damago to protierty in this
vieiuiiy i-nuay morning.
A I'rUiini'r In Ilia Penlteiitlnry, fr nil Mor
row County, Trie to I.'ml IIU I.lfn.
Sai.km, Ok., Juno 15. Crump, a con
I vict at tho penitentiary, mado a second
i attempt to commit sulcido last night by
I jumping from the to(i of his bunk In his
I cell, head II rst, to thohtoiio floor bolowT
ThnmuiihUvetl llt i t-tm il Jtulls Ho was knocked Honsoless, but soon ro
"" "'t(" ea J,e' 'l"1 ,l Jtt""" coveied ami Is now all right again. On
Short-horn Cattle, (irailo Cattle, Thursday ho mado his llrst attempt to
On ami after ttita dute, as ndmlnlatrator of
the estate of the late William Hum. 1 offer
for nilcall tlio llvo ktock owned hytlut de
ee.ucd, coimiiitliii; of
ami General Stuck Cat tin.
Timrotiflifivcil Spanish Merino
Hacks and Ewch, Jteylaterert.
Grade Backs and Stock Shetjt.
Alton lame number of HorsiH and 11 quan
tity of liny.
For partlculura, call on or uililrtt"
my2l iUv tf l'endlelon, Or.
commit suicide bv cutting his throat witl
u short dull knife, used by convicts to cut
bread. He hacked at ids throat u num
ber of times, making a terrible wound
ami oxos!ng tho carotid urtorv and jug
ular vein and wiudpino, but failing to in
flict fatal injury. Crump is it llfteen
ycur man, having been sent 1111 in .March
for killing hlH nroihcr-in-inw in Morrow
county. Ho is cru.y.
Tlm Ilaln anil tlio Crop.-Tlio Now Of.
(Icdm-Tlia O. W. T Mr. Hunt and
nr, iinguc.
. Vannyclk, On., Juno I I, 1888.
Haiti, ruin, tho welcomo ralnl
Tho more dark ruin clouds thut unneur
on tho horizon, tlio brighter it looks for
tuo larmorH. Wheat that appeared to 1)0
burned up two weeks ago is now looking
u uarK green coior. ami, us near itH can
lw predicted, at this timo, will yield all
tho way from llfteen to forty bushels tier
aero. I huvo some wheat now growing
thut looks lioltcr than any 1 over raised
apiieured at this season of the ycur.
ll'.i nr.. nil i.lnil llin t.l f n. tu ....nw
.. ... viuviiiii in 1J.U1,
whllo every ono is dtsuimolntcd at tho ro-
suit, nut us all tho men elected in this
county aro fair men, let us join hands
and give our now ollicors all tlio sunnort
mid moral oncouragement wo can, to uid
them in tho (Uncharge of tho duties of
their several olllcctt, romemlierlng that
they uro the jieoplo's choice, und thut tho
eopjo uro always right.
Some timo 111:0 1 criticized tho actions
of Sipilro Depuy uud J. K. Mlllor, in re
gard to procuring tlio right of way for tlio
O. A W. T. Itallroad Company. 'It was,
and is truo, that they did not pay tliu dol
lar. Hut they uro not to blame, as tho
item of onodollarisu small consideration,
It wus overlooked by tho olllccrs of tho
comptiny, who employed .Messrs. IJoptiy
und .Miller to attend to tho business.
Lately tho dollar is ollered when tho
(ecus uro made, hut 1 huvo not heaid ol
ono man accenting tho coin, All aru
giving a freo right of wny, osoeliilly since
.Mr. Hunt is inclined to ik so llberul. For
instance, cord wood has liecn held hero at
niuo dollars ior cord. Hunt agrees to
deliver It hi carload lots, from Cle-elum.
at the moderate rate of six dollars jicr
cord, which will bo money In tho iockets
of tlio K'oplo along the lino. We can
send our teams to work 011 tho Kurokti
hit road for Hunt, und earn money
enough to buy our wood In half tho timo
it would take us to haul it from tho lllue
Tho p ud from 'Wallultt to Eureka Flat
has U'e.i iiuRhcd with more energy und
less talk than any road in tho Northwest,
To comi:' nco with, .Mr. (leorgu W.
Hughes, In tit's general supeiinteiiden',
wont to wi k quietly and hauled out
dlnury chunuo wus thu turlir. I nm nor- then
HonulIyaciualntedwith most of these men, easily read m the tlrst.
1 ...11 1 ...1.1 .1. , ... 'i ... ii . .
nun iiukcu wuh iucm,au(i some 01 iiiem
told 1110 tlioy could not go five truilo:
that was a ipientlon of bread and butter
with them. Ono says to 1110: "I ant just
as good it Democrat us you uro, but I w ill
not voto for uny man who udvocntes freo
trudo, ovon to a constuble." It wus use
less to try to convince them thut the
Democruts only wunted to reduce tho
turiir, us wo woro collecting more revenue
man was necessary tox'arry on the guv
If John F. Swift had remained in Call
forniit, Coriioral Tanner in Now York,
ami Judge Williams in l'ortland, during
the canvass, tliu result would have lieen
tho same.
Iheso iieoplo havu lieen reading, and
thoy liuve formed an opinion, whether
correct or not, which they adhere to with
great tenacity that tliu Democrats want
freo trado, nud thut Knglund and other
foreign countries will over-stock the
United States with their manufactured
goods and causo it decline in waves of all
kinds. Somethlni! will have to lxi dono to
convince them Hint the Democratic nartv
does not mean free trade, but a reduction xippi and settled in Americas Smith wus
in our presonf liigh turiir system, or wo ono of tho party. In 18(17 whon the
will lw defeated overv timo wu eo lxiiom I l ederal eoveriiini'iit liuil work donn nt
tho (icoplo on thut issuo. ' Andersonvillo, Smith wus one of tho
It is hard to find u median corlaliorlnL' hands, and it was whllo there that ho
man in tills citv who did not vote tho Ho- wuh induced to attend a ecneral monllmr
publicuu ticket at tliu last election. Men I of l'rimltivu llaptistH. Tliu text for that
who wero not on salaries irenerallv voted luornlmr wus 11 verso Smith hud read
us thoy usually do, each one to Ids party, when tho little man showed him tliu wuy
und that is tliu reason that class is so sue to read. This impressed him very much
irised at tho result; whoieas if thoy had and that night hu was taken into tliu
icon iniuelini! witli tho mechanics and church, In a short while afterwards ho
heard thorn talk they would not have went to nrcachlnu and has kent it un.
neon so itsiouisued nt uiu result. 1 do 110 nns 11 cnurcii 111 uiuroiiH county, six
not til nk I ever witnessed so ereat a tv-llvo miles from Mucon. and 11110 hi
ciiuugu among tuo laboring classes us iioumoii county, when he has no
inoro wus at tho last election. .Men who money ho walks the distance, believing
nun nccn sironi! nun suns on 1110 Demo- mat no must not incur a ueiit.
emtio side for years voted tlio Itoptiblicun Smith lias memorized tho entire Iliblo
ticket, against free trade, as they said. from Ocucsis to ltuvelatiou. Ho can toll
For the fiftieth timo wo aru again
liook throllL'li to tho end. and
read other liooks. Thoy wero as
Tims. In a sinelo
niuht. ho learned to read. Tho llttloman
then vanished as he had appeared, und
tho balance of tho night was spent In
llndlng himself nreiicliliu.' to crowds of
lieonle. of walklmr un ami down ainonir
the congregation mid saving souls.
ihu noxt uiornlnu when hu awoke ho
went to his trunk, und takitiL' out tho lit
tle black testament, opened it, and tho
llrst word to moot his ovo wns .lolm. Ho
tried to rend, and found that he could read
us well us ho did tho night before when
told to do so by the llttlu man. Then hu
went to an old neiiro on tliu nlaco. who
was nreachlnu around, and told him ho
could read tho lllhlo. Tho old man told
him ho did not know a letter in tlio liook.
Smith oiKMied his testuinent and read
aloud, l'hu old negro wus ustonlshcd,
and told him he must bo 11 preacher, thut
uu nan neon oniatned 10 preach. Thut
wns thlrty-llvo yours ugo lust Sundity
night, und lu thut timo hu bus read the
llib u. nuwsnaiHirs or anvtb hl In tho
Hhato of reading, and yet wus never
tuuglit u letter.
hen Ins muster roiugeed from Missis-
to 1)0
Hiircd that the big hotel Ih
built Certain tins summer.
inu railroad nr deu will soon ho com
ploted. It Is going to lx a line structure,
we nave Ih-oii having copious showers,
Iho verso, chapter and book from uny ex
tract asked him, and without tliu least
hesitation, Not only can ho reieat any
passage, hut ho can give Ids idou of tho
meaning of it. Hu vixits tho store of
Davis it llulkcom occasionally, and often
which insures good crops throughout tlio "oinu ono tries to trip him with his Illblo
Willaiuotto valley.
Our market Is well stocked witli all
kinds of vegetables, besides many kinds
of lierries, such as straw lorries, rasplier-
nes, cumins, etc.
I never saw our markets looking so nice
as thoy do at present. Oregon is cortuinly
a picutiiui couiury. I'oriiand never
looked so beautiful as It does now. Tho
glorluus showers of rain have washed tho
dust oll'of the trees, and vegetation unit
uvuryiiung nus a neautiiul anearaueu.
Tho long rows of shado trees tlmt almost
form an arch over some of the streets,
make onu continuous bower, and from
overy sido comes floating on tlio gentle
knowledge, but it is always a failure.
From diiliu I'. IHIi'n AII11 4'iillforiilii.
Ono swallow does not make a summer.
nm ii someiimcs iiuikcs it numiiiur.
This year the red bandana w 111 be bitted
agaiiiHt uie moony snirt.
Divorce statlHlics of the Stato of New
HainiiHhlre show ton divorces to 0 uhty-
Ihreu marrlaguH, oralmut ono divorcu to
overy eight marriages.
Mrs. Garrett Anderson, tliu loadim: fo-
. . .. . ... .. .1.
Illillll llllVHIl.lllll III 11 1 1 .1 II tl, I 1.1 M.iOl 1.1
touts, cook house, furnituio, provisions, 1 breezo tlio fragrance of beautiful floweis realize $(10,000 a year from her practice,
tools, etc., and had overj thing ready be-1 which adorn nearly every I'ortlander's She's a sweet girl graduate.
lUiu iiiuy iiiicii uny iiiuii m pin uu inu iiuiuu. i i,.. ,i i... n...., it.i m
irn.iln o l.,.t ill ... llm Hu n o I 'nrl Illllll lu liiiorovtm, i.n..l, f,,ul,..(l V. . . .. - ' IHO llini nd'yllllllll KUIIg.V
f. "."' :,..."i ... :r r,." 1 ...:":v:r:: r:y:".n "v""'r: rixjiickut-overnominaiea nt h k country
iiiciicu uruiuiiK urnvuu iiiuii ueru iiireu 1 iiiiuiy ivoihu iiuvu any men 01. 11 is so ..1....1...1 i...iu 1 ,i.
and Pont out to Iho dlMerent eniniis.wlii.ro lanm now Hint .'Ml or 4(1 Iioiimos IiiiIMIiil' """" "lu,' " --'""hoii ino lurm,
1.,.;. f,..wi n.i.i 1.. . V 1.. ..:i,in.?- . .. C; . : -i r. "." "' nocrmio ticket 01 l niw wus
iuvi iuiimii w,vi iiiinik luiti, 1 ai un nuun iiuv iiu III IIVI pi( 11 11 OH f I ii-. ki 1 1 j j 1 lll.,...,..,B,., 4 I ..I. . . 4 It 1 ..1 fa 1
L'ood order as thov now Hud tbeiii on .I011. ! 700.(XK1 hotel with 11 stool railroad hrlik'u ' "u.u.? h'"'J '"-mi out a got
Inv innrnlnint. At tin, uinno lln.o O... f) ni'm llu. WIII.i.mi.II,. ullli .. "IH) Odd ''r0 JllHt HaillU.
II .tr V vnr (mibliii , lit, i i.uj t fill loll flfilu-.l tt'lllt it i.nnl I (l llrma ul I....I rilll. It Is unite evident that our Itoniib
ti 411 1 'vvimw nviu iiiuMiiik ii w a urn ' nivae wnvii tiiiii t vuiainiiuin'rii xvf 11111 ,. . . . . :
ulKMit going to work, whllo Hughes wus wuy from Hist street In Portland protior h'i inuii'ls uro not pleased with tho St.
ut work und making no iioiso about it. I ' across tho bridge to Hunt I'orllaml, with a '" tluKpt. (,01110 to th ink of it, iiow
111,1 Inlil tlm! lli.i.l.ou lu nf llm l.ul 1 1 IW) (XV) nil in III u 1 1 1 1 M I .Ml I KW1 1 .1,1 1 . ut rl I UVOr, WO fall tl) ICCall II sillLMO instance)
if not tlio very liest, railroad tnanugeron' i building, und a $150,000 thenter, I wunt wheroa DoiiHK-rutteconvenlloii cumu up to
tho l'uelflo Coast. Like Horaco. ho is u to lind thu man who says wo uro not an Kopubllcun oxiieclutions. Wo huvo ulso
fltleu of Two Itliul Ton in Aruiril anil
Heady for War.
l'eunsylvuniu Demoerat, unit that uc-, uuterbrisliiL' lieoiile.
counts for It. j
I ceo notices up in tlds vicinity thut I
.Messrs. W. W. llruniiin und V. A. Huup
nlo will lecture ut tho Stanton school
house Juno M, ut 7 o'clock p. in. Sub
ject: "The Grange and Farm Interests
Generally," This is something that
farmers should attend to. Tho saying Is
old, neveitheless truo: "In I'nion thero
Is strength." If tho fanners all over tho
W. II. S.
Wichita, Kas., Juno 15. Hoports ro. , fetato wiuld bo induced to join tho Grungo, an
Ived from Stevens county, Kansas, Mate 1 "r ijomo such organization, und work to- Itov
at tho entire populations of Ilumiston cthor for their inutiial bonoflt, thoy very
He Kiion (lie llll.li. by Heart and I.iiiirned
II All In ii Dreiiui.
From tlio Mucon (On.) TeliKrapli.
Tho Iiov. Nutliun Smith, it I'riniilivu
liuiitisi preacher, is tall ami slim, and ut
tuo ursi gianco would not bo taken
observed thut Kopuhllcuu conventions
never I ileum Democrats. This is thu re
ciprocity o( partisan jsililics.
It seems dilllcult to nleiiKosomo neonlo.
A ltonublicuii '.'ontemiHirury uIhihch thu
Democrats who obieeted to uivliiL' Sheri
dan thu rank of General, ami in tho noxt
bieuth lierutoHall thoothor Democrats who
favored tho prniiosltloh us luslucoro dem-
ugogiies. liio light sipicuzou rich iiiuii
nus geiiiug into neaveu is not it clrcum-
tlmt tho entire not
, ... . i . i ... .i... ......i.
llllll w oodHiuiu aru annuo in uiu iraii. i-;- ""-.-
Suuuds of citizens uro patroling tlio ',oy (' co'no tosomo undorstunding.they look it, ami enjoys in his decliuiug years
..!.'.. ..r..i.. .....i .1.,,. .....i Ji.n... nm,. ro. inuv exbcct to lio luibosed iiihui bv shurn- thu roiiutatlon of boinir an honest, us uoll
In , infill un.. .., ...... .....w .,,,,, i , ... hi
,, wnnilrni snect to tho ncrso'i or proporty of their ' 'rH unt "''ddle men, who muko their ' us n henslblo iiiuii,
mUlltJV I J Li ST AKKlVllD' rlvaln. Two of these patiolinoii met on 1 l ' hmc Ihoy fleeced somo old clod- Tho maiiuor in which ho llrst learned
HIUII'jJ, U WJ A -t-" Mfll,(!ay UI1(J a lively fusilado ensued. I hopor. I anuers, come together und to reud, how ho wus M ruck with tho
Tln.tM lt.vu u-iirii iftn.t'irilt futttitl j Infill tulk tho muttor ovor. uiidorstund ouch "siierrlt," und iiow ho lwcun nreuch nu.
on tho field' but it is not known u bother ' u(1 llt,t 111 l,,llu"- Hoiiack. i feeius liku it chupter from hoodooimu.
any ono was killed or not. i nu situation
is exceedingly serious.
not 1)0 takun for
an inoro Iliau an uveraeo ni'LTii! nut llu. Indium a t m in . ( i.iiiir,, l,,iu t i
luiiiuii miiiiii im in Mourn rouiui.iu ,i i lui.iiuini' .1 iiiii,.iitf.ii,ni ..r 11. ...w.
luiuuiniiiiiu iiiuii, iiuiauuus 10 do piuoii,
Durham, Holstoln
and Jorsoy
oannf, '""velymu.t have 1 Horoford,
Ci1.m 1,u,ebtoJ to mukt ! 1
and save costs, I Tlioroysfibred Cattle
Hansford &Oo
mw Dealers
Edition, Oregon.
Jul! lw
Cin bo fceen nt Kates & (iullil'a livery stable
on Allu fctrict. j
Prices Very Reasonable,
Will bo here one week only.
! The Wlirnt Market at a Stiinil-SIIII and the
Wool Market ImproiluK
unil vet Iho s orv is to i in tlm most
Tumuiuny lield a lurgo meeting Tues- Htruightforward iiiunnor, in till ouruost
day night to ratify tho fiction of thu St. , ness, and with uu ulr thut dolles denial.
Ii'uis convention. Tim Tammany Iambi At an early uge, whllo ploughing as u
"Thurmun.' which wus brought from isluvo in it Mississippi cotton Held, ho says
the w ot, all decked with tibhons, wus u lie wus suddenly fulled to the ground bv
foaturo of Iho meeting, lion. John Coch- something like u' dull thud, that chungull
Pohtlani). Juno 1(1. This inarkot Is ratio proaided, and thoro wus it list ol 10IJ tho whole ouurso of his lifo. It wus iho
actually without price or buyers. There i vico-jiresidents und hccroturios. ICowjIu- njrrit" thut struck him, ho says, and
is no need of additional receipts. Chicago I tions wero jussod ratifying tho nomlna-' immediately hu saw scenes brighter than
niarkots closed yesterday at .Hi fc for June, I tlons mudo and tho platform put forth, tho sun luid over shown on before: thero
According to tho voracious Now York
Tribuii-, J. S. Clarkson of Iho Iowa Slato
Itcuistcr said tliu other dav that tho nub.
Hellion 111 litu iiaiMiriif un .irlii.l.i il.iui.rtl
lug a bieakfast of tho Vanderbllt family
and its cost had U-on followed bv tho cut- tf
il.... . II" .. 114 I .. .. , . . . 'I
iiiik on oi uny siiiiseriners. in ino letters
which conveyed the couiblulnls of tho
Kiibscrlliors against this sort of publication,
M0I110 of II111111 u'Niitn,! I,. L.. ,,. ...I.., 1...
... ...w... .I,,,,.,., ... ,,i nay ,11
puhllihed such matter to corrupt thu
youth of the age and give them false Ideas,
I whllo others denounced him for describ
ing "Iho hideous mounters of golden
IltUrKOlS CHWH-'ll )(!8ll'IUai Ol .ni-TJ V. WM..U, I ttiwiv ...w j.,.. .v...... v . v. n,iii ,u iiu.ui.,, IHVIU m ,
.821 for July and .8-"s for August. San Governor Hill mado it telling speech. wus all brightness above him, und Uiow I lll0,,,lly
Tlio Secretary of tho Troasurv
chiued :')lo.'j,000 worth of bonds