East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 14, 1888, Image 1

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a ruin: i.iiihauv.
I'aI rutin of tlin Dully or Semi-Weekly
i:,HT OlttttloNIAN tan frcrly niiikit line
or (lie HAH I' OlllUlONIAN library when
ever lln'y ilrnlic, Tim public urn cnr
llnlly Itivltnl In Mt the olllcn whenever
o Inrllncil.
... iiniMnvomtnuiii will
.tint)-1"0 ... . IMBT llltl'.dKV.
vfiom " iimvn.ni.wllliinv
...ni.(lneiioi -
' .. , u I' iiiri'.iiii i.iii iiir iiiu
NO. 89.
(JJj. x.
Leezer & Kuebler,
IMlrgt nil'' moMcoinpicicmuu
rajs, Medicines
i.i 0. Unnnrr XtiJ-inlrvn
InEnstorn Orogcn.
i n . .1
.1. Urnun v-lrV lIMV. WIIOI1 OI10
Wtntoyou. you win imijt
rnuwrrchiMiri'd In lli
iuli lux iMtiiHiiiiiiP . i mm w
iiri i n.i iiiauimiiuL. uu n it
ii nnrc inc im-i- ...... ........ ...
..L. ...... mult nillrntiil mill Atnnlii
' irrl.lfliu cm urnm iifiiii ii. i iij mi
mt i ikiuiiiumiiuui. iniiiiiMiiiiii'ir iiimiii
iMnriitltrnrlnrr proof. Null 1'orff Illiro
.Innim III lit ihiiicicii.
Millions of Assets Two Millions
of Suiplus.
nniM tnv iinr iivnu cii nm ran
Glopton & Jackson,
Resident Agents,
ruin ww
inn i n ni.rv i.iniiii
(Ltct m l populnr lino In connection
orllii-rii l-nclll'ii Itullmiy
tatuPiul ami Minneapolis
ML LOIIIrt null llm Nnllfli.
TilifH JIoliicx, Leavenworth
Atrhnon mill KUiiMiit (llty
iOnlv Lino 0"",,ec"'K wii "iu
.... . 1 K"ii miun ..iiiii
jfclllaofll, Leavenworth una Kiiikik
I'utuve l)lnlii( Curst
JT ill llirniuh Kxprei Trnlim on
V?."!f by " ""incctlnc railways,
NmKtliiu nm In in union dnwl,
'ifarmnllnn rivimll.,,'
'W 'jr roiitiii "Kent of IIp-O. It.'
onbern I'u. in. linilunv i'nm.
Tl kH Av"Nil,O..U. . N. Co.,
IVmllniDii, Oregon,
1114 Ufc...
v liiKion , . Portland. On-.
PENIlI.KTON Clt Al'TKIt NO. S3, It, A. M.
, Meet nt tin- Mr imlo Temple on Iliu 1
Hint nnd llilnlKrldnyHof ouch mould, nl :.'H) I
i chick, j. iiusiif.e, ii. i'.; k, ii. i;i,oiion,
KUNIB r.OI)OK"Nl7. M. A. K. Jt A. M.
Mi'fUoii tlin Kct'imil mitt fourth Mon
iiiiyn of cncli monlli, hi. "Mil o'clo. lc. II, J,
IIka.n, V. M.j W. K. 1'OTWINK, Ht-crotury.
. Meets III tlio Mimnnlo Templa i Hip
IIihI unit tlilril iliitnlnu nf imi.i iii.ii.lh i
7SW o'clock. T. J. Ml Li, on, W. M.J It. Al.
kxamikh, Hivri'tiiry.
VMIiA 1,01X1 K NO. IH.A. O. U. W. SIpcln
every Tli'imiluy ululil nt Hie Kimlno
IIoiiko, n 7l 0 o'rlonk. J. o. I.kasuuk, M.
W.; V l TtrsTlN, lti corilor.
IJWHKKA t,OI)UK NO. 32. 1. O. O. V. Mecl,
J HVcry Hiitiinlny i vi iiIiik nt 7;:li)o'clin'k.
T. J. Million, n.o.j K. ic. iiunin,Hccri'inry,
(). I-'. Meetn on tlio nccoml mill Inst
TliiirmliiyH of fitch month, nt 7:;U o'clock.
Iot I,t vkiimokk, O. I'.; K. K HllAllON.Serlll".
ii. r. MictK tlio nmt nmi third 'I lium.
Iny orcuch montli.
Tho Old Country Jliirket TUn CUIcubo, Shu
rrnnclnco Mnrket.
I'ohtlanii, Jimu 14. Tlio heavy supply
pll'of tho KiikHhIi foiiHt nmko (.'onVoHfloiiK
in tho wlieatjinurkut nccoswirv 1 1 Intliico
iiuyint,'. iiio umrkutH of tho uld coitntrv
hiiow h jHwr front,
mo without IntvriMt.
euico floHod nt 811?., for Juno siml .Inly. unit
Oi)a Or AtlK'IIHt. At iTiinoIncothoio
m Hiniill huslncHfi doln iimon oxiwirt sro,
Vho appear lii(tlirortnl. Tho liltfilliiLf Is
only 1..W perountal for No. 1 nhlppln.
Ah much uh 1.;lms is prohnbly obtainable
ior round ruierf.
A MUitiiKitim covTksii:s,
(lny of
.Mei tx In ililil I'ellnw' Hull iivitv Tup,.
tiny rvpr.lni; nt 7:30 o'clock. .1. (!. I,kauiu:.
U.C'.j C.J. Wiiitaklii.IC. of H.und .
OAMON I.ODOK NO. I. IC. 01' I'. Mceti hi
Odd I'i-IIowk' Hull nvcr.V WoiIiicmIhv
pvonlnitnt 7i3U o'clock, M. Moiikiikaii, 0,
C.i II. .i. QAIIr'tKI.tl, K. of It. mill H.
KIT OAUSON POST, O. A. it., incolH ut
Wheeler Hull every Thurmluy nlKht.
II. H. WAPH.K. Collllilllliilcr! J. H. IIllU'KN.
Notary and Corporation Seals,
In Pondloton,
Tho iimml prlco for cil tnndo y Vither
purllo', In Portland or tho Ku In from ttuW
n 670,vlt!i cxprr -s i1iui;cj uddod. If yen
nu d u Kfiil,neiiil your order to u, o t-.l tiye
fmin iWOto $1.00 iheioliy.
East Oregonian Pub, Co,,
Pendleton, Oregon.
nililid if
Ilfiiry niynrn Vnntr-rn In llix Murder of
John LotrHI iind Iinp1lcnti' two Other.
bAWiAMKXTo, Juno l.'h llenrv MvorM
wiih urrcxtcd yestt-niay for tho niiirdoV of
jonn jxdwoii, ami lie Juvi niiulo it olenii
uream oi tlio whole umilr ut bin jirullm
inary oxuminiition. Ho xhof Lowell on
Slurch 24th hiHt, John Olfteu ami Hill
Dagger being patties to tho erimo. Tliev
eoniinitteu tho need to got iwsHesHiou of
Lowell'D monoy and pro) erty.
A Tuln of the f-o.
Luckkow, Oxtaiiio. Juno 13. A liottle
iiiih neon picked up from tlio mi Hiioro.
near (IiIh citv, containing u nolo, Htutlng
nun tuo Houoonor iiinii, ot linv Citv,
Mielilgan, wiih gofng down with' nil on
board of tlio vo.MHol. Tlio Fchoonor hiw
not lioeii heard from for Homo tlmo, nud
it M HiiKjned tho bottlo picked up tel!n
tno tulo of tlio HOU.
Jlfiny frupln I'oNoiumI,
.Min.sk.M'omm, Juno lit. Niiiotocn ior
noim woro poiHoned at Kas(jta,.MInnoHota,
from eating clieoHo manufactured in V1h
(oiiHln. Aluny of tho vietlniH becamu
IiiKeiiHiblo after HiiiroringfroniHpiiHin after
HpaHin, hut all of them will recover, tho
oll'oot of tho h)Ihoii being about at an end
Drowned la Wood lllvtr.
Hailkv, Idaho, Juno lfl.Cicorgo Hick
nrd, u. minor, well known in Xovuda mid
Idaho, wan drowned In Wood river von
tcrduy whllo attempting to ford it. 'ills
ldy liurt not yet been recovered,
I'robatiiy 1,190 rc6itlePru'e'i;
Loxnos. Emolakr. Juno l!l A iliu
patch from Jiulduh nays tho Oerinan
Hteamor from .SlngiiM)ro with 1,100 Til-
ifrti.iu K.v.. A,. r . 1.. 1
It Stands at the Head ! i Yci"0 u,ld iH KU,,oKotl to ,,rtvo bcon lost
drv T .TTm m rrw -rr
f 'I
A Younc I.Hdy Mlmiliiir. '
Walla AValla, Juno 14. MIhh Iuira
KIiihIo, aged nweot sixteen, went to
church Stindiiy as usual and bus notliccii
peon sinco. o truco of hercan lio found,
FinilTTlIi: DKVII, Willi 1'IMK.
II. 11.
I ''l . (.', It, I. ,fc !
W b. ll,,Vl.
T n.l I' ,ut.' M. .t . u U'y,
Mliineiijiollii Minn,
Iileri In
and Tinware
times and pipe.
"""v r-romnl v Dono.
ibs Crawford.
-"'lftn. ...
... ui unu Dealer In
"ess, baddlas, Brdlrs.
Whips, Etc.,
and Jkjn
MBun snoots
for Salo
"IMInf,jimnitre,t. juji
-411 " U'Hll
I .
0 Hi
l'lnuo, Or
; ns, and mi
mad of nm.
I H I iDHlru
""'111, told on
"10 liutnll.
i"nt plan.
- .ifisiaiiz? U llie
i' u uiej.jiau,!
Klmpl , rructliml, ;.i ltuuiiii tf mid
llilll l'Om .
Muny try 10 i'ijiiiiI It, lint 1 0110 mipcoeil.
Don'i fltll 'o ' n lhii"l)niiiii lo''bofii'u Luy
Ii;it Hnvlnniiiuelilno
iUw linl'J .IIIiiim ItriiH.A; Co , AitPllla.
On nud iif lor IhU ilute, nn udmlnUtrutor of
(he t'stnto of tho Into Wlllluln Uom. 1 oirur
for nielli tlio live stock owned by the do
ct'H eil,i'iniil8tliiu'ot
TiorouyhlH'ert Jlerj'crl JIuIIn. '
Shirt'lorn C;tt:ie, Gratia Cattle,
ami G . .(I Stick Cattle.
ThorontUbrcd Spanish Merino
Baehs and Ewes, lleylsteretl.
Gra '3 Bucks and S' rk Simp.
Alton larso number of Hones mid a quon
tlly of Hoy,
For pnrtlculnrH, cull on oraddreM
mySI daw tf rcndlelon, Or.
TIik KucIh IMIlur Chi lulu or DIvUlou fipltf
ofltolli-n I rcuirlitiry."
, I'roui tlio Milton I'.alv.
During tho campaign It was ofton atked
, why tho 1'aglo, mi indoiHjiidont pajier,
slioulil liavo supportuil tho Demo.
emtio ticket without r.u exception bo
lug mude. Wo will simply state that
thin policy was pursued for good ami
HUllielent reasons lieat known to our
selves, but not for tho Iwnotlt of that
ticket in toto. Tho ilovil must 1kj fought
with his own w caimnH.andtho'antidlviHlon
, mounter has felt tho strength of
our position, and narrowly es
caiiod disaster. Although not accom
plishing our full purjioso, tho vote in
Kastom Umatilla is n record which
'makes our I'ondloton enemies fromblo
and nwalt tho cotiveuing of tho next
legislative asHombly with dread of cerlahi
defeat. Wo aro stronger than ever, and
aro cortnin of division thin time oven
through tho election of some euomlcH and
tho rolton treachery of their fawning
emlssailes. It us now stand together
for mi' pausing need; but bowaro of
sneaking sj lerthero nt homo.
Solidly IluiiinrrHtlc,
From lott w received In Hakor City it
is learned tliat .Malheur county oloctsd
tho entlro Democmtio ticket. Test for
clerk and .Murray for shorilf received ma
jorities of 150 to 175. Tho voto on roji
resentntivo and siieriuteudent of
schools Is vory closo but favomblo to tho
Democrats. Vale, for county seat, re
ceived the highest vote, Itaxtcrvillo, tho
Jordan vallny candldato, boing second.
Thin result leaven Ontario and other
place cut of tho raco two years henco.
It is now almost a coitainty that Valo
will remain tho county neat of .Malhopr
county forbears to como. Jack Hkelton
and 1'eicy Napton, Iwth former residents
of Umatilla county, wero elected county
d'ntoD.Orflcon J
A.. H.EA-LT'Jl'"
nnnv a 1 1 r-1 1 I'm VZvi-
duui a anucmHrvun
Main nml Webb streets.
KaMteru Undo ISootJi
nuil hliort In
Perfect lit Qunrautoed.
I A Child i r the ln..nt r' llriiln Which
I'rnyiinu.l hi)fi
I'mm tho New Yorlc W orld
! Not onlv has WIzaiil-Ti'li'i'raiilile.Tolii-
jihonlc-l'lioiiogiaplili-Uiaiihophnnlc I'M
Isoii the power of fovUHlng tho rays of
ulm'.raet science and e, eating therefrom
nracllcal concivto applluiices, tmt'hu
KIIOHH ll'IW to lilinlv tlui.uu iinirci.lliiitu
Tlio homo markets Instruments of his invention to overv-dav
I ho market at Chi-1 uses. 1 1 1-t hiteM invention in tho uso!of
tho lihonngmph Is a speaking babv.
Tills Is a most erfoet ineclianlcul device.
It U 11 wax doll of beautiful workman
ship. Tho Juwh aro hung so natural! v
that nno iiiiuciiuainled wiih the ficticious
character of the doll would imagine that
they belonged to it genuine llesh ami
blood Infant. The body of the doll con
tains a nilnlatiiiu motor and the smallest
phonograph over made. The phono
graph and the j;t'.H of tho doll tire worked
simultaneously, and tho ficticious infant
talks for lust one minute by .Mr. Edison's
golden chronometer. It is so uccuratclv
timed that the homely little prayer which
John (liilnccv Adams uttered when dy
ing "v I lay me down to sleep" ban
Just time to issue from its ruby lips before
tlio Instrument stops.
In explaining how this rcmarkablo
feat is performed Mr. Edison said: "A
anions fcutuio about this invention is
1 1 1 nt tho baby's voice lit tho exact repre
sentation of the human voice. In fact It
is my own voice, for I sycak to tho pho
nograph mid the record is madu of tho
tones of my voice upon tho little waxen
cylinder. Then, by an ingenious con
trivance couuectzd with one of the arms
of the make-lielieve baby, the mechan
ism is started into motion. It sounds all
tlm mote natural coming from tho baby,
liecmiso tho tones of my voieo havo boon
reduced In vohimo, so that they seemed
suited to tho infant's capacity. The ac
curate gauging of tho utterances of tho
doll, so that they would como within tho
onu-mluuto limit, has cost mo a great
deal of time and labor. Tho llrst line of
tho prayer is refuted more ipilckly than
any of the others.
"The second line is 11 Utile slower and
runs something Hko the following: "1
prny tho L-o-i-d ni-y soul to k-o-e-p."
"The third lino is still slower, nud
when printed would rend something like
this: "If I should d-l-o b-o-f-o-r-o I
w-a-k-o. - - -
"Tho hut lino of tho orlulmil verxn
long drawn out, as if tho mako-bcliovo
baby Win getting verv sleenv. thus: 'I
p-r-ti-y t-li-o I.-o-r-d iu-y s-o-u-l t-o
''Hut I havo added." continued Mr.
lvdlson, "a few wordH to the iirayer
which, whllo tliev do not niniiiir In tint
original, still willLo found in general uso.
They aro these, ami they die away from
tho infant's lips as though she were ut-
t.'rly ovoK'oino with weariness":
UTwiiiil iin..K.h-t, m-n-iMii-m-u,
j-o-o-o-ti u u l-if h 1. i.i.p.u.i.)i ii,
(J.ihw-o.i1 11 i'l-l-K-h't.
"This is not tho only accomplishment
of tills wonderful child," continued the
inventor with a smile. "Not only does
tho spurious baby seak its prayer, but
it also slugs 11 comic song. When 1 had
.Mr. Uoscnfeld plily overhlssongMCiitchy,
Kutchy, Coo' for tlio phonograph, I also
took tin impression of tho melody and
words for the uso of iny baby, so that
now she not only shvh her evening
nravor. but she also sines her liltln son?
singing tho chorus only as follows:
- ivikcuv, iviuony, 1. no,
Iivey me, I loviiy'ooj
I)oon oo lovey, lovny mo
A I lovey, luvoy v ?
Kutchy. Kutchy, Coo 1
little luaidon never has a soro
and she never refuses to sing
when called iion to do ho."
Tho reiwter asked .Mr. Edison whether
the baby was thu only now device with
which tho phonograph Is associated.
"Oh. in." replied .Mr. Edison, with a
smile. "1 havo also a talking clock,
which, in ' uu! of striking thuhoir,sieaks
it. At diiiipr tlmo a volcu issues from
tho clock lilcli says. 'DinncMitno ,'
also 'Ono oil ck,1 'Two o'clock.' etc., an
tho case may bo. Another device w hich
I am perfecting in connection witli the
clock is that of 11 fomalu faco which I pur
iiose to set in tho faco of tho clock. The
lips of this llgtiro will move at thu hour,
the head will Ikjw, uud tho fictitious lady
will say 'flood evening, ladies and gen
tlemen, it is bedtime.' This," continued
Mr. EdirKin, "will Ito a very convenient
timepiece to huvo ulsjut tho houso where
tho lover Is staying later than a seasona
ble hour.
"Thero seems to bo no end to tho prac
tical uses of tlio phonograph," remarked
tho rojiortor.
"Exactly," replied Mr. Edison, "I can
make tin instrument which is capable of
being hidden away in a parlor and which
win 1 ceo id all tno conversation carried on
there, Imagine the consternation of a
iion tho wax cylinders of tlio phono-, tun ykaus yqitnqkh.
graph, so that tho owner of an instrument ., u . . ": ... ..
can have a reiH-rtoire of tho latest songs 1i,."rmnn H"f,' rX? 7 ., ,,
at a nominal price of Uenty cents eacn. " " .V'" n"'."""'.
If ho wishes to hear an andante from 1 he Ohio delegation called on fhurmim
neethoveiilnhlsparlorallliohastodois on their way home from the St. Louis
lo adjust his evlinder. Those cylinders V'mventio"' 11 fow '.'"J'8 n,n1 ' 1,0 0,d
are practicably Indestructible, 'lliev can Eonian" addressed them as-followH!
Ihi us'jd times without number, and'when ' "mloistaud tliut iiuiny good copI6
tho owner of tho phonograph becomes inay no doubt think anil 1 do not deny
tired of it particular composition ho can lllu Justice of their thoughts t int I ant
have It amoved from tho cylinder and !iV ,,ltl t . run for Meo-rrcsldent.
another substituted for it." . rinwj ieoplo who say, and who
.Mr. Edison said that l'rof. Muybrldgo. lublless think so, do not understand
thu Instatitiinootis photographer, had ',0 ,rwt "ln an old Democrat of such
wMted him lately and had proiosed to klnilness as I have received ntvourhandrt,
him a schoino which, If cn ried to com- "t the hands of the rest of tho Deino
pletlon, will atrord un utmost endless Held , i-'rats of thu United btatoB. by, 1 feel
of iiiuuseiuent uud instruction. Tho 1 "'Hmt ten years ypungor, at t ho least ea -photographer
said that ho had been con- i'"Jll ' -iwt nlifht I stiKHlherotosjieak
ducting a series of exHJtinients recently , toMtow-cltizons who eamo out to greet 1110,
Had almost perfected 11 photographic "" "i " "'" i'ii "u
rtf 41 nit a ii 1 ii 1 1 ii v m.
es in full voico and
with immense fervor and vigor: and I
should not be surprised if I should uiako
such a fool of myself between now nnd
tho second Tuesday, or tho llrst Tuesday,
ot whatever Tuesday it Is, in Oetolier
November I mean, that I should bo pranc
ing around making nccchcH Hko a young
man Just out of his teens.
"lint now, gentlemen, lot 1110 bu se
rious a little wlille. You know, gentle
men of thu Ohio delegation, that when ,
you were kind enough to call on me be
fore you went to St. l-onlsjltold you, and
God "knows it was tho honest tiuth, that
what 1 wanted was eaco and quiet; but
that it was imNsHible for mo to say that
I would not refuso the nomination, for
that would nmko mo 11 candldato at once.
Therefore, surrounded willi thosodllllcul-
appliance by which ho would bo.ennnlcd , HP'lk , "v ml"lo,
to accuratuly reproduco tho gesturoH and npoko twenty ininuteii
facial expression of, for instance, Mr.
Hlalue in the act of making a sccch.
This wiih done, ho said, by taking sixty
or seventy instantaneous photof,.i'ph"
of each (wsltlon assumed by tho.Hieaker,
and then throwing them by means of 11
niagle lantern iion a screen. Ho pro
posed to .Mr. Edison that tlio phonograph
should lie used in connection with his
invention, and that photographs of Edwin
I tooth as lliimlet, Lillian ltusscll in some
of her songs, ami other artists of note
should bo experimented with. Mr. Ed
itfon, ho said, could produce with his
instrument the tones of the voico while
ho would funiish tho gestures and faclr I
expression. This scheme met with the
approval ot Itir. Edison and he intended
to pcriect it at Ills leisure
A CoiiMliint Htnvini of vixllnrn nmirw In tlOS, I COIIld COIlCOlVO of 110 Otlior WIIV
upon thu inventor at his laboratorv dallv. 1,0 "l ,ur Hlutlii, than to place myself in
Although the phonograph has iJocn ox-, v,,"r l"uds, and 1 did so freely, honestly,
tenslvely written als.ut in the nowspa-1 ' rl' hylly. trusting that you would
iKirs, still tho general public has a votv ,ku ,cro V ,mwr lH w."
crude idea iibout tho ninrveloiis Inveii-1 ,l,u "tcstH of the Democratic party,
tlon. The popular idea is that tho wordH K)tloiiien, I do ; not un-
am soken into ti tubo, and that thev me "ortuko to ojieiik for mysolf nnd sr.y that
stored away in n sort of n lox, nntf that 1 '", t',0II fl"rl't uml l'o"'J'ly. "'"J
when they are wanted 11 tap is turned "Pr ht!y, by mo. Ah long iw I live I
and thu words Ihoniselves como out. Mm" "twayH Iwar owards you heattfolt
For tho Information of the a-adors of tho 1 ph'iiHiint recollections, (lentleinen,
World thu following oxplanation of tho 1 J "mk 'ou f,.)r yollr Hu'tS ,lmllk '"
newly-iierfected phonogniph is given : f,,)r JJ"1'"1 '" ,loilu whether I
Imagine half of a wax candle resllngon rlm11 )R nccettt )r, Hticcessf ill .there
a shallow wooden Iwx. A little niachlno lrt uno thing of which I cannot Ihi ib
is inside of tho box, thu motive power of prlved, and that h tho gratification of
which Is electricity. Tin much no teens Knowing imiii. 11 ivo 1110 goon win o uu
looplo of my S'tato, and not only of tho
people of OI1I9, but of the jeopio, 1 limn;,
of tho V nlted Statei).
"Hut 1 have another word to sav liofoni
I stop, and that is this: Thoro
tlio Ciimllu in constant revolution. Jtost
iug uK)ii thu caudle is a tiny steel linger,
no longer than 11 cambric needle. This
needlo Is set In a piece of iMralllned silk.
which has a rim around it, much likui
mat 01 11 snare d
however, is no lar
ordinary sihwI. Tho Hound waves strike
this little drum-head, which vibrates the
11001IU. Thu needle, in turn, cuts a tiny
mark into tho tallow caudle, and leaves
an impiesslon of the song or oration, us
tllll CUKO IlllLV Imi. .Vflnr tlwi liiiiir.,MuIntiu
of tho sound waves aro taken, another .im honest man: they lovo a man of Hound
Utile drum-head, of a more scnslllvu na-1 Jnilgiiiiint, ami I do not know 11 inun of
turo than tho first, uud another needlo . H'"lor Judgment than his; they lovo
up ior iiiu iieupio, who
ruin. Thin drum-head, Myccly over happened hi tho history of
ll'l MP I lilt II tlm im. ,,f .... 1 this world 11 Hiibl hner spcctac u than tho
. w .v" 1 ,....i....it.... f - in 1 1 1... .1...
uiiuiiinimiijii 11. viiuiui v luiuiuiiu ny uiu
uniinimoiis voice of thu convention; and
now- 1 say you did a wlso thing, in that
tho coplo of tho United Stales lovo bravo
men. uud Cleveland is 11 bravo mini: thev
lovo honest men . and (iod knows ho w
aro substituted. This second needle ml
lows thu path of the llrst one, and thu
sound wave.-" 1110 thrown out of tho instru
ment so that thev aro distinctly audible
to iiersoiis standing within twuntv feet
of thu instrument. Thu singing 'babv.
tho talking clock and tho Parlor phono
graph will Isj jHirfected in a few davs,
ami will ho on thu market In time for thu
Christmas stockings.
commissioner uml ronroMmtatlvo ro meet
ivoly. It Is rcfrcdiing to know that tlieio loving young couple w hon all their billing
aro at least two counties in tho Slate, 1 and cooing Is loproduced by tho mother
Jackson and Malhoiir.Bolidly Democratic, of tlio young lady wha has placed tho
. , , phonograph thero for that punioso! To
I unnumbered juirjiosescan thisiiistrument
! bo put."
I "Thoio is a rumor, Mr. Edison, that
, you pur)oM publishing music, or securing
' cop) rights of jiopular songs for tho uso of
tlio iiiiouograpii ; is 1111s true ;
Cliri Ijilior.
Tho following apjieared in tho rhiladol
phia Uecord. Compare it with Chiueso
cheap lalwr 011 this coast :
Vllcro can I get employment for ."00 of
my counlrynieii Italuns? They aro
stiong, and aro willing to do any kind of
labor at ISO cents it day. They are at
pro. cut at Haelton. I can havo them ut
any point designated in twenty-four hounj.
My countrj'tuou can't starve wlum thoro
is plenty of work to do.
Tamaqua street, Huzelton, .May JO.
Tho reconls of tlio patent oflico show-
that women have obtained patents on
1 1,(100 inventions.
es: 1 nave ulroady secured mreo 01
.Mr. II, .M. Itofonluld s most ltopuiar re
cent works, viz: 'Tho Kentucky Ualloji
udo,' the Drainutie Nows Waltises,' and
tlr song Kutchy, Kutchy. Coo!' which
Tho Evening World recently printod. It in
tho Intention of tho euiuKiuy in which I
am intviOMted to make u rogulur LuninoKti
of the publication of music fur use ujioii
tho phonograph, and aln aily I havo in
iew an ei.terprising publisher in Now
York to handle it lor mo uud place it 011
tho market, uf ruitrse, ibis will not be
printed music, iut inertly imprcssloiis
A Kentucky lliiiimniT,
ImUvlllo8pi clii lo I'lttHliiirK Dhipiiteh.
A te egram from Mrs. El h-.11 fiu IIL'O.
living tun miles from this city, to Chief of
Detectives Yankee Itlieh this mom!iiL.
duveloied u most remarkable roiimnrn.
Tho telegram ordered ('apt. HI gh to ar
rest, at all hazards, Madeline Ooorgo, six
teen years of ago, who hud eloKd with
l.obert Stephens, Jr., a nolghjMU-.elghteeii
VlllirS olll. Tllll Vollllir I'illlilt. tt.iri. . r.il.
a. ...... ...... ...w . ...... n ... iv .. , . uni-
ed in a justice's ollice, where thev hud
gniio to Ihi married. The boy said hound
.Madolinu weio deserately in lovo with
each other. Six hourH later Mis. Lliu
tieorgo camo lo town with herfaco Hushed
with oxcitoinent. Twenty yearH ago, the J
woman said, her lather died, leaving
her his farm and several thousand
dollars on condition that she never inarrv,
Itefoiu and after tho old man's death,
Eliza had been assiduously court :d by
neury moyoiih. iiio young wiimuu
loved him, but under Iliu piovIsionH of
her father's will, could not marry. At
lust Cn; Id lirovldu'd a way. ami Slovens
uud Miss Ooorgo wero married under thu
mimos of A. (Joodmuu and Salliu White.
For thieo years they lived together so-eretli-,
two children ImjIiik Iwrn to them.
Then they separated, .Mrs. Stephens tak
ing Iier maiden niimo and thu voungur
child. Sho lelurned to her country
liomu. while Stephen took the eldest
cliild, whose name was Henry.
men who stum!
stand up for pilucfple and do not fear to
taku the consequence, and such a inun is
(rover Cleveland. Oeutlumeu. it will
bo tin honor to every man in the St. LoiiIh
convention, us long as ho lives, that ho
was thero to cast his vote for this wot thy
President of tho United States. Now, I
thank you, and will hid you good night."
linker linn llni lVvnr.
From the linker City DuhiiiitiiI.
Tlio piifchiiHo of Iho Eureka and Excel
sior mines ut Crackor nook by thu St.
Louis syndicate has occasioned great ex
citement in mining circles in thu East, us
eclally at .St. bulls and Kansas City,
and tho nuwspaeis of those cllloiaru giv
ing lengthy spucu in their columns re
garding the sale. Nothing, perhaps, has
over taken phico to give linker county no
lonely In tho Fust to equal tho recent
gicut milling deal, and wo may look to
sou the eyes of the mining capitalists of
the Fastum tit lei turned toward tho
mines of linker county fium thlstltno on.
At hist their richness is known to tho
world, uml if unoxcltjinont equaling tho
Cu iir d'Aleno fever upon their llrst dis
covery shouhl break iiion us it would not
bo Hi' pililng.
I'lipulitr Voti. In ISSI.
Cleveland, Democrat 4,011,017
Hlalue, ltupuhllcnu 1 ,K lH,:t:i 1
Duller, tibk. uud bilxir. Ilill.tr.'.')
St. John, I'rohihltiou 151,800
Whole vote cast 10,tH,0Hl
Electoral voto in JSS4 was as follows:
Somu ! (ieorgia
ye.ir liner fiepueu gave up 111s iiiisiness Indiana 15
in Loulsvillu and moved to tho country, , Kentucky 1,')
buying u farm adjoining that o Mrs. LoulHlana h
(ieorgo, 1'ho children groiv up together Minyland 8
without knowing their relationship and Mississippi 0
twon lieeamo desperately in lovo. Tho Mlmu.m in
paients tried to separate the childron, but
without success. Madeline and Henry
finally eloped, uud their arrest Just in tlio
nick of time prevented 11 union )etweeii
brother mid sister.
A Kunif of Iliu Kiiemy.
dThu following couplet U Piuparud bv an
appreciative oot for thu uso of the ban-
(luiina, viz:
Wine. how. wine: k
Wipe, lyn, wipe; hiii!
-p your nine nloanl
id ull will be kerene.
ISelva Ann Lockwood is runnhig for
President again, and threatens to stump
thoc",intr She is lifiy-fuur vo.irs of
age. uu'! her budding beauty makes her 11
f jrinldatilo rhal.
Now Jcrsoy 0,
Now York 'M
N. Carolina 11
S. Carol nu
Texas ,
West Virginia..,
Colorado ,
Nevada ,'i
Now llauipsh ro.. I
Ohio ":t
Oregon II
I'eiinsyivaula ;i0
Ithoile Island 4
Vermont , 4
Wisconsin 11
Total 182
majority 117
Among thu successful upiilicaitls for ad
lui 'slon to thu I ir of Now York u us I long
Y -n Chang of Hrooklyn. He is tlie only
regularly admitted Chines,- )a v r Ju tho
coiint'v. lie it twciitv ovi ii yea old
unilt,.moto this 11 mil v 1 lu n ji ars