1 v 1 .'.4 WKDNHHDAY, Jl'NK l.'l, 1X.-S8. Till', NKXT MIOIMITUKK. EOjTHE tariff Has been taken ofT botli Woolen and Cotton Goods Not by Congress, but by ROTHCHSLD St BEAU And they now oflpr their Lure and Complete Stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, &c Are Yon Protected? Soventy HcpuhllcaiiH iind coventocn DcinocnitH liuvo wiiely Ix-en uloi.tod to tho noxt I!lMlutiir(i, while tliruuaii1 yet duiihtfuL 'ilicy uro uh follow, IJioho iniirkeiTivIth 11 bolng IioM-uvit ; MKKATE. Ilukcr Cluinillor, IJ0111. Ilunton Cutithorn. Don. CliickiiimiH T. Ilurln, I!e. Crook, l.uki) anil Kl.tttntih C. A. CogHwi'll, Di'in. (doiililfnl.) (iriint .1. II. Iluiiillton, I'djii. DoiittliiH .1. C. Fullertiin. Ken. JiKikmjti .Slunloy, Di'tn. Ijiho Vuach, Duiii. ; .S II. Kakln, Jr., Hep. I.lmi I)awHon, Hop. ; Irvine Dutn. .Marlon (.'lMuiborIuln, Hup. J lnoy, Iti. : Dhnlck, Hop. Multuonmli ioo. A Slool, Hon.; J. 0. Carnoii, Ucp. ; Jopoph Simon, Hup, : Donald .McKay. Kuii. ; J. K. Walto, Hep. I'olk-K.T. Ilaleli, Hop. Those who believe so thoroughly in protection should not go any longer without insurance on their property, of wlmtso- AT- tJmatllla J. I'. Wma-r, Dum nuMiiington, uoiiimiiiu I'. A. .Mooro, Hop. Yamhill-.!. W. WuttH. Hen. U'uxco and (Jllllam (Jhiirfen Hilton. Hop. Union and IJtnalllla Haley, Dem. Union and W'allowu J. V. Nerval, Hon. Wumco (IcorKO Vatklnn, Hep, WuHhliiKton 'l'lionuiH II. 'IYiiikiiu, Hep. ItlirHIIHKNTATIVKM. linker N. ('. HiihIcoII. Hen. Ilenton (), II. CVohiio, Hep.; H. II. Ilolknap, Hup. (JIuckuiiiiiH .1. T. AiijierHoii, Hep,; 1'oter I'aipiet. Hep.; H. V. Short, Hen. ('latnoiH-II. II. 1'arker, Hep.; John Ilahn, Hen. (Jolmnlila Jtidxoii Weed, Hep. Cooh A. II. Crook, Hep. Crook-.!. N. U'lllliiumon, Hep. (,'oon and Curry.!. II. KoboitH, Hup. DoiiKlaH-.!. Itlnndell, Hep.; C. U, Hlcker, Hep.; K. I.ulirlo, Hep. (illlluni J. Thulium. Hen. (Irant 0. V. (iillimu.Kup. (doiilitfnl). .laeknon Miller, IV111.; Ilowillteh, i'oiii.j I'rico, nein. JoHeplilne I Inward, Hon. Klamath and l.uku M, I'. .Mohh. Dem lino Seymour (London, Hep. ;.l. .M. HtuHonl, Hep.; A. 0. .IciiuIiikh, Hup. Mini .Miller, Dem.; .MyerH, Dem.; iwuruixK, doiii. Malheur No returim received. Marion-J II Wuldo, Hep. ; T T Cleer, nop.; miiiiuui i.aymun, Hon. j Win Arm HtroiiK, Hup. ; J Q WIImoii, Hop. Morrow-T K loll, Hen. Multnomah H 1' Kurimrt. Hon.: Win M Udd, Hon.; W II (illhort, Hup.; I) 1 Thomprton, Hup.; VT Hume, Hup.; S H iiarriiiion,i(ep,: j .1 v inner, Jtep. ; 11 11 Northup, Hep.; .1 A Slmwlirldno, Hep. I'olk-0 (J FlHhcr, Hep.; K H Towell, Heii. Tillamook and Vamhlll-.! W .Maxwell, HOP. Unmtlllii-ll .1 Dean, He Kirk, itep. ; it wuuiUh), imiii. union Churleri (!oodnoiih, Hup.; J I, Hoe. Hep. Wullimu JameH A Hunter, Hep. WiiMoo K I.. Smith, Hep.; KOMifoy, UUII. waMhliiKlou J C Mnoro.Hop. ; T I'aul mm. Hop. ; J V I'opo, Hep. Yamhlll-H. H. IjiukIiIIii, Hep.; V. it. ivrny, nop, An litlrrrlrw Willi llrrlirr. At the time nl the contioversy over thn iloi'tiiuu nl evei lasting puueilinieut. I oh laim d an iiitiiHluiliuutii Mi Hooihor for I In- puiiHiv ol trvuiK to'p't mi Interview n .il lit in unauut to the ntt.irkH ol Dr. Morn and ntliora. It m m Miihio Hall, uno evumii).' after n ieetuie. "('nine round v Hie ans lloiiMt In the uiMiiiiin; mid iiO Willi me limtinl Dover. Sen 1 1 .1 1 1 Iiik-. where I lecture to-moiiow nulii. and I'll talk for you." sud ihe l.ini iua pri m her. DeH'iid upon it I uu lln-ie. vnrkiuii on a hIm1! mte dmlv at u shin oiiaiv. a l.tlli with lleeeher. that would rel! leudily fm or even rind, wn- nut to In Mieeml at. Vell. I wi-nt and iih-i Hie uieat man. nud tojjeiher we Uuided lie (mill fei Dover. Ait kooii im wo bailed .Mr. IVeeher Nild . "Now, kir, if von aie ready." I ihoiiht he meant mo to Hie away with n iin",iloii. Cut ho u-.ed me rieht oil. "Yon write chott- i.e. I " "Yi-n" Nij.l I. All riKl.t. thru i!ei.H- put this jueiion " ud Mr. l!ee her proiivdetl, exhi'tly n lieneiai Itlll ! dm', to pllt III own ,it'Mloli nud Hie" er them, until he tuu nx-'.v'. oil two ti u and a half of the .V )Vt 7 '' Id xvhieh nieat .t ', mmiI tho I .Hi' mew. I rvuieiiiV 1 ilu-il.n:iu head Hue was "Hee Heron I lot.. im . ill' Mil1 uiii.v ii 1 1 ii- tno I tivi ' ill the left-haiiil iititr !,,(', eltvek. .1 hxm V. t'l tuic. and 'rillamook FREE TRADE PRICES, for CASH! Examine tl cir goods, get their prices, and convince yourself that the above are not mere assertions, but that they will sub stantiate what they claim. Theirs is not an "Infant Industry," therefore they have discarded Protective Prices, and will freely meet competition from all quarters. Tin y carry 11 -a war i 1 ever r kind; and nearly everyone believcs'that a policy in a good, iGenerai Merchandise Stock Consisting of TIiouiiih s and Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Men's Boy' Children's Clothing-. Furnishing- Goods, Mens Ladies ana Children's Shoes Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery and Glassware, Groceries, Hardware, Etc. CASH PITHOHAS12HS CAN SEC UK 12 BARGAINS Creat Western Bakery. DINING ROOMS, A. .If. G HA TX, rrnprletm-. FIRST-CLASS M E A. L ! KOIt TWENTY-FIVE CENTS! A NICJJ3. O I.KAN 13121") FOR QC OR 50 CENTS Frosh Eastern Oysters, In Evory Stylo! OP.IS2ST DAY A.3STD TST1G-JE-IT! Mil In St iu-1. nvar I'ttttujllw, I'uwlletun t)lw GROCERIES AT COST! -AT Till. ii BEDROCK STORE!" Reliable Insurance Co Is worth every time what it costs, and procrastination should not be indulged hi when it comes to taking out a policy. In tho first place, pick out competent and RELIABLE AGENTS, With whom to do your businessthose who lepresent none but the best insurance companies and go straightway and insure. When in search of such agents, don't fail to turn your "peepers" in the direction of the office of Clopton & Jackson, Located in tho EAST OK EG ON f AN building, Pendleton, whoro you can have any kind of insurance, whether Fire, Ma rine, Accident or Life insurance, done up in Tickets T'iSto Elegant Pullman Pal KmlKmnt Sleeping c.irarnaiw prcM Tram, u OMAHA, COUNCIL DLUFFSAHjJ Kroe nf otiargp mid wih Close 04inneollon nt I'ori'tm, vb CVUQUf Knxt Imiintl niihitfrfrl. BnthjunairelKhtRt,rT? Dnrtnt 0:1X1 11. in. "H Wl'.t ImiUII'I pOJICIIRer driHJ Went f?flgh trrtwuffj pnrM nt 4115 ji. in. mm"ul Wnlla WnllH and Hn, oil" n. in, ror Willi m rive 111 7.35 p. m. from Wiii. !J Ontoi, To Ban FrancUca. Hluie, Muy 1 u rem) n. Ainr in UolumhlM, Mny 20 Hlntu. Mnv 21 OrcKiin. Mny 78 UoluinliU, Juno 1 Htulp. June 6 Columbln. Jtmn II Hlute, Juno 17 uri'K'iiii JIU1U2I Colli lillilii. JiniaM Hlnto, Jlllid'JU OrcKon, July 3 Lfnvo atcnmalilp wharf, Por.lu F.cnvo Spear 81. wliarf.Ban m n. 111. Itnlc nf Vamp, Iiicliullntt ineali rndl Cnliln, ... Mtconieo, Ilomiil Trip, Unlmltel, 1 or iiinuer pnriicuiira inanlrtrt M nl llio Cuinpniiy, or A. U Mtitiil Ar V. A.. Pilrthiri.l. nrmti.n I A. U MM OH IT. II. IIFI.VIIJin, Ucucrul Mmingcr. w. u ai.miwAy, Via PI. J'nul nml Minneapolis ' lino running rulact DlnltjO 1 nuvo n inn uno 01 1 m m mm mm, m m First-Class Groceries, APPLE-PIE ORDER! CREAT OVERLAND THE Northern Pacific TIIKOHIiY LINK IIUSJIJ l'utlmnn ltltce itrtulna Uml iluunlrtcrnt Jiu Onuhnt hltvant Kmlgrant SlmU inA litrtU frni From Oregon and Waihlw to the EttL neapolli ce Inali (Mel 75 etna) FaxU-at Tle Kvrr HtU M voaat Hver lae nttm I'arlHe HallraU To Hloux Cltv. Council Bluffi.1 Aioniaon, imvrnwonn, mm iiuriinKion, uumey. m. iooua nil polnta tliniUKliout Iht Rati enht vlu Ht. J'nul nna MiDnopi MiaUANTHI.EEPIXQCil Are h mi I oil on regular mpmt tm tlio entire length of tho Koitxl uanruuu, T.eiivo'WHilula.IimctlonfcUi.a utnvo roriunii 3 p. m., diiln Mlnncnnolla ar HI. Paul itxi. .'lurtli liny. Co'inerllon mails MM. Paalatl oils to a,' 1 point eh'IKooio :i VAViriODMfm Trnlu will lenvfl rnHlaffil W1 in,, connectlnir wllli U. jm nil iiaIiiIu nn PtlifHf KminI. a. ii.cH.tl (Jeiiernl Weatern I'au'nfir Ar WimliliiL'fnn HI . P.irtlanil. W. C. AI.I.'IVFATi'l IVnJInoi Pull -Which 1 11111 now- SIOTISTG A.T COST! NOW IS TMIi TIM Id TO CKT YOTJl SUPPLIES. P. A. CARRIER, ohiira.r.ows' nni niNO, cousint mvi.n- an-d aixv. CHEAP 'Groceries, Vegetables, Fresh Fish T 5tllllllK. S...110 ihiMr.n hum i.. mmii di on . ivj2jiujiiijxv is urocoi'v ocore. on mam btreet. . 1... .1 .1 a ...1... . .1 1 - . '.in iit iim ri ui'il wm'l! aH'la I It is well to remember that to bo securo you must insure in one of tho Thirty Reliable Companies represented by Clopton & Jackson, with a combined capital of more than $100,000,000! ileiiil. iMlicix on tin- iiHilrarv. ran v f ir.flly nliMul, Wut iiittkt MHiatant 11... i. in urithiu. in 11. mlly Uiia U iihi 14 ! I'Miimu; i'.i. Ii.iihmIoius wli.it he lu Ihh ii u,:i uhI Id tlo. St'Kli.M, 1MU 'I'KMKNTS OKFKUKD I)U CASH. Fins Spices, Fine Coffee, Fine Tea, and Everything Fine that a First-class Grocery should contain. full on nn' if ymi want (ipHvruM Mic.ii. KEMLER. If you contemplate" insurance, call on them and get posted EAST OK EG ONI AN building, or address IIiim' II. ill Tiiiiruuiiiriit, ' Kimiii II11 UikurOtiy IWiiiiM-mi. Suvmul 1 if ILiLur Cilv'rt v.miiil. imm K iStWi li tii M 1; THE WORLD TYPEWRITER; , 'will t you nothing. Romembop their oflice is in tho li.imi Kill tiHiriuuiii'iit In this oltv ulmiit 1 1,10 tiio lath of July. If tho iwiKir urninvv monk (tin U) imwlit, i'IiiIm tniiu tho lowing tnun III llio Nurlliwiy-t will ir tlcIiHiUi : hiwhoiio, lbi ritv, lliiiloy unit Dollovuo. Iiliih; Wull.i UhI In. Iu" tun, SH)kuuo 1'ulln mill 4liir imiiIh in VtiHhliinlou'l'oniniry . t'liioii.Utiirumlo, I'oiullolon uml tlutr I'liutw in KuMorn Orvipm. A iiunniiiiiv hint tlw untiior in iilmnio to wiiviMii lliv city t aMvruiu tho li'cllui; of tint iHtonlo of lUkor t'it ou tlu huhoct, uml It uiMr ciuMuimji'iiiout id ollonkl tliotiMirnmiHWit Ui'iiuioiuiiVit. Wo hoiHi to m'o tho ikhiuIo iWt an in- Umwt In thU iiiutior unit lclitu lh will IV UUU 1 1UUU1UUV) lly way of lot Orogou & Callfornlal Ami Ooiinertiaa Tho Mount Slmsta El Oulckrrlntlme ihADinjl ronTLANn and han rp.w Leave Portland at 4:00 p.i Through time, 39 to Excurslor Sleopers Class Passengers through trains fr charge. Forts fruiu I'ortlund la l"1 nml Man Krnrll Klrtit.rluH IJiiliuiltril Klrnt-rlUHM, Muilteil-. -Nc rouil-clusH, LluillrJ Ticket Offlwi Corner fund Front Ht Pf,jl K. V IlUUKItS.O. F K. KOKUI.EIt, Manager. Clopton & Jackson, ......1... ...1.. .1.1.. . 1 !.... UkIv klmu lluir li a l.ililv in. I lli i.r.,i... f ' iv. - x,v, n. I, ni'i.uu , ...... Will IV tl For sale by JESSE FAILING Pondleton Or. Pendleton, WM. GARDNER &C Sanitary and Eeaiing am.facarenft' Steam and Hot w Heating Apparatu FOHUWELI.INGSORI,l"1IJC,Dir Bpwincatlona nnU catlmatei fWj heatlnirbuliaiUL'i In any aectloaM try, Corrapmdeiice solIclti. OFFICE: I34THIRDSTH Portland, Orogojli T l.QU BLANKS. XJ Mi w.ui.n u. till i.iv . . ,. tT.) ( utcUIng special rorwcn ti