East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 13, 1888, Image 2

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    We Call Their Blu
nv tiik
KH OrrK'inlnn I'tililUliIni; CompAny.
.loli ii M Oiiirln ...
IIHiK'T ! I or in n ti ti- ,,.,
John llnrnrlt..
W. T. loiril
Onn ropy jmt ycnr, liy '""II S
Ono ropy hIx month, liy mnll 2 w
Ono ropy pur wcrh, liy mrrli-r. l-
Hltixlo iminlr..
(f)lllnil AtlicrlUement.)
One tnrli, or I mi, In Hfinl-Wwkly per
tnoiill WU)
Ono Inch, or lent, In Dully iicr inonlli I w
Two liichcn, or lux, In liotfi, per iiinntli... 3 U)
Ovi'rlliri'olnclii'K.Hi'iiil-Wrt'kly, per Inch
per month 1 !
Over llirro Inchon, Dully, jut Inch pt-r
mnnlli 1 2.
OvtTthri'o Inchi'M, In both, per Inch per
month.,,., t 78
W. M. Itutti vy
.1 much .. feu
T. II. Crawford
J, I IllllHl.
Ono copy per yrnr...
OiioiMipy px iiMintli"..
niiiiu niunucni.,
..ti tfl
1 2 i
rrcniliiin puptr free to yearly nun' Ihcm.
Kollil nonpiirpll iiilvcrlUi'iiiriiln In Hcinl
Weekly or Dully, llrnt IiimtIIoh, per Inch,
il.OU; each hiiIimmhiciiI Insertion, Mc.
Iicul notice, ton cenln per lino euch In
which nii i.i. it nr.?
Tlio Daily Kht Ojikcio.nian Iiuh been
publlclted kIiico March Int, 1888. Wu
liuvu tried to iimkn it a iiuwh)' piiier, well
worth ilH HiiliHcrlpllon prlro. Whether
mo Imvu Imh'ii HiK.WHHfn) in IIiIh attempt
wu will lenvo it for our reiulorH to Judo.
Wo well know Unit tlm Daily Iiuh not
been a HiiccufH llimiiuliilly, lliu reeelptH
belnu fully fMO pur motitli leH than tliu
uxk!Iihch of tlio edition, Wo oxk'cU'1
thin 1 1 hi llrnt fuw tiiontliH, lint wo wore
conllilent Unit tlio iu(Ti!:inliiK piitroiiiiKii
would noon ovoreoino thin oliHtuelu,
Wo ni'oil nioro HiibnerlborM, anil wo
cither intiht liavo them or cetifo tlio dully
iiililk'ution altogether. At prudent wo
liuvo 1 7r Iioiiii lido HiiliHcriUirH to tlio
Dally. Of t'oiirmi wo print u larjtur mum
lior limn thin, which wo circulate, hut
tlilit Ik tlio mnnlier wo j,'ot paid for. Now
wo nrotioMO to reduce tliu nrlco of tlio
Daily to llfleen contM a week, mid thin
reduction hIiouIiI give im at leant MM) mibr
HcrlliorH. If wu do not net tlio roipilred
number liy the llrnt of July wo will din
eontlnuu tlio publication of tlio Daily on
that diito.
Thin ulep In uliHolutely necemiry. If
tlio eopl(i of l'tmilluton think they need
it dally paper, hero Ih u chance for them
to liavo ono. If I hoy do not want
ono wo aro iH'rfoctly willing to abide by
their declnlon mid dirieontinuo it. Which
Hlttllt it IK)?
Tun rector ami receiver of the Han
FrunclHco laud olllco j,mvo n-parato oplif
ioiiH an to tint rlht of a woman to con
tinue her pie-emptloii claim after uiarri
(jo, Tlio lector eliiiuied that nho could
Continue on her claim and make Dual
.proof and entry. Tlio iwulvcr IwM lluit
hIiu could not i that bur mattlae ban
ended her tIkIiIh under Ihe pre-emptlen
lawn. The eouinilnHiouer at WaMiinnton
iiuiuedlately eoiiHiilered the two opliilotiH
uud on the II let tilt, upheld the iccelvcr'x
viewH, that a woiuan'H pre-emption lihtH
ended with her uiarriaKo.
.Inning II. Itnlcy..
"A. It. Mnttmi
IX II. (Inmlteo.
J. II, Morrison
I. I Klrklnml
It. .1. Ilcilll
T. J. KMrk
M. A. Ilakcr
T. .1. I,lleey
Wlllhiui .Murtli
It. X.HtunflcM
l.IurU Wn nr.
Duvlil Ilrown..
Jolm I.ulirn
John M. Ilenllcy
octh Houxer...
(Iciriin A. Ilartimin.,
'John N. You ii K
.1 II. ItllhllllK
(Jforu V. Iliitiilllon
WiiIIit M. Picri c
I.. II. Itinli r,
Til, I''. Ouyon ....
II. A. MiiritllH..
.tohn ('. Arnold..
J. II. WIImiii...
V. C. .MrKity.
Total Precinct Voto...
i i il ,H . . i
i , I i 4 I i i I i M 1 M ! I 1 I s i i
a 5 o w u S , P, 'A i. i. U S ? " H -
it 6 M IV .'! 70 41 21 2 1 47 170 Jl! 171 ifW 2l! i't 2" 21 ' l I2i 2' l l 41
Ul 115 17 Kl V 67 47 13 M 2 131 1) IS!) V42 y.J 17 3 1 lt 110 40j IWI
151 R 'IB 100 .-id 77 41 21 2'1 4h )7fi 2h 1W 27.1 I 21 20 21 3'l ll 11 ! IVif
103 118 47 W 27 IU 40 1.1 12 !U III 21 207 27(1 2'l 31 ' 3H ;tl it, ICI 40, IUI 00
li M M) 132 a. 77 tt 21 ru ft 7 mo 111 2i II' 2 H III 141 .To' I47f .
Ill 113 41 111 27 Ul l' 12 U 20 III II -Jol Ml 21, .'HI 2l :U 27 30 111 ,'M I6t -142
ftn IB 8.) 142 M 77 40 22 27 Id 172 27 ' IS7 2W lSi J2 10 21 S 10 ISI 27 1511
101 110 IM 107 27 (!) 4'. Ii 41 2. Ill 1I 101 'i'il 20i 32 211 37 3 J .'IU 1IH 40 IWI 40
7 III) 04 100 ai 71 1) 23 31 41. K, V, W, .'. Sl' 21 II 2.1 43 1. 113 30 11.17 220
77 K) 3!) SO i'O Vi 42 10 3.) Ill 23 .12 11.2 21( 20 31 40 18 IlUt W llll
ft!) 72 00 121 31 77 t 22 30 47 2'U 2(. IV.' 21 ID 2 III 20 37 II' I.V) 27! 1037 170
m to n iso 31 77 s u a r,i ou v i!i jh 17 21 hi 21 4i m nr2 27 1271
f,7 2.1 M HI 37 71) 3d 22 III 47 lr ill !l lit II 22 1.1 2; 10 10 172 23 1314
III 111) 40 82 17 Ul Jl 12 in 21 41. II 231 iHVI 20 2S 21 37 SI 37 07 37 IIV. 214
Kl Ml 41 IlH 30 ttl la 41 :t S4 12 211 20 20 30 2.1 : ra 37 81 iV, 1HI7 3ltl
Ml 101 41 70 27 6T llif 12 2H 20 21.1 II Hi) 120 21 27 21 30 20 37 1.12 ill Kill
,Vl 03 i1 110 as 73 W 1.1 21 40 1K2 21 HI.' 211. Jl II 10 IP 31 IK 182 31 141'
111, 114 Oi 12-1 31 0.1 lib 17 30 31 121) IS 18' i 30 13 30 30 3. 30 I'll T. U.K. 2:
M ft W 1.11 20 110 3D 20- 21 49 1 IS V, :f.' i'll 20 20 28 21 37 III 120 12 1121
M 01 73 1W i ,K0 3D 21 ,11 M 180 i8 lim 71 l 20 10 21 37 IV 171 At Hill 300
Kt 111 01 fi2 38 30 3! 10 M 71 130 1:1 I IU 2 '4 21 20 0 30 3V 30 I2i 31 Wi
1 0.1 13.1 47 10.1 28 38 10 411 20 101 12 2.1J ItKt 21 .V 27 30 31 . I 151 41 I COO 200
.11 W-r 100 14.1 31 70 3D IK 27 40 1.10 2S 101 28!) II 27 20 21 3!l 17 110 20 I.V) I
1W 122 JW 9 28 70 38 23 40 32 147 12 U 121 3. 2 II 31 30 30 175 Kl Mil 31
M W R1 114 3.1 72 41 21) H fl.1 171 21 I -VI IfJ 23 21 .Tfl 27 41 19 110 32 1131
HjC 110 40 132 27 C SO , 40 27 131 11 20 211 21 20 4 30 '.8 37 148 20 1VI7 3
87 m 01 170 30 DO 47 21 28 f 173 2-s 117 180 21 20 0 21 41' 20 1.10 30 ilM8 37
73 82 09 01 2-1 44 30 10 40 30j 132 II 21'. .T.'T 17 24 30 31 18 :W 130 32 !l.V)l
7.1 78 04 121 10 87 40 23 27I Mi 178 31 1 112 284 21 2". SO 21 SS S. 20!) 41 !r,7 27.1
80 101 30 118 43 tt 37 12 4I( 28. 128 10 IIJU if! 20 28 20 31 78 17 II30J
17 HO M ISO X 17 3 21 2(1 4ll' HVI 27 Hll till 10 22 10 21 31 IK 12? 28 1IW
III 88 41) W! 27 82 Ui 12 4i 311 113 18 100 202 28 K3 21 :U! 3.1 37 101 HI I.1T0 HI
114 03 00 lis W 81 I. 8 it SI 17.1 21 H.! 201 8 21 HI 21 12 4i 30 1002 218
ill 11.1 4.1 iti :) r; :t8 10 ;n 29 112 10 117 I8i v. 21 m 27 37 1.11 ; l.ni
1)1 III 10 4 7 31 221 2!l 32 2.1 37 40 111
im iKij i;n 211 (.2 138 8f aij i;i w :)8 41 ntt r.io n 51 1.1 so v 711 28.-: w swi
Umatilla county in ntlll Dcinocr.it le,
im i Hhown by tliu ofllcial voto puhllnhod
in tblH pajKjr to-duy. (Jearln'H majority
In tlio county in -18. Younn in elected
county clerk by n majority of .'I, lii8to.nl
of II, an buretoforo imblinbeil. It can le
confidently unnurtcil that Uuiatllhi U
Democratic by at leant (M).
Tin: Tacotna Neun accouutH for tliu
Duiiincratlu defeat by H.tylnc that tlio (If
enon Dumin.'ratH hadn't decided on any
body for United HtutcH Senator in cui o
they carried tlio I.eKiflaturo,
I'rln'lmlly Infrnl.
Kroni Nut J iirkmiivll If Thncn.
Ijmt week ('. ('. lleekinan, of Jacknon-!
vlllo, prenentcd live warrantM on tliu Htutu
Ireantiter that wero Jiict fourteen yeam.
old, havIiiK lcen drawn on llio ft perl
cent, tide, Hwamp and ovcrlloweil laud i
fund, on Alav L'll. 1871. Thu face of theno
vrurrilutH wjiM $7,000, and it took l(),71)L'.:i.l
In iuiv llni iirlni'liiiil unit (liferent. Tint
Statu treanurer ban innueil a call for lO.WK) I
more of theno warrant (principal) with J
iniereni, which win increano ino amount
to about t:i0,000. Thero aro yet almiit
$'.'.') ,(HH) worth of theno warrant, which
were drawn under thu authority ol tlio
aclH of tho IcKlnlaturo of 1871, In pay
ment lor roaii improvement.
Iln Hllll l'nr.ii'il llnr.
Kniiu the ll.ikerC'lly Itcvcllle.
.1. It. O'.N'ell, of llolno City, who tbreo
yearn uo advert li-ed In nearly all tho
coant paiK'rn, olleriiii; a roward of $I,(Hh)
for information conceruiiiK hlx inlnnini; ,
wife, ban at hint located her and her iar-1
amour in llutto, .Montana. Tim law- Iiiih
Ik'cii Invoked in the cano, anil thu Inter
.Mountain leiuaikH that an it in tho llrnt
ii-o of the kind in that territory mid not
a common one, th) renult will bo watched
with luterenl liy many nitullar ollendom.
Boot & Shoe Maker
JJlIti:t. KK.Ml'IClt,
IVoprlclor of the
Klve-Ont JIcit llnll.
Main 8t.,oppo.tllo potoitlc, I'cnillctnu.
I'vnilH'tnn heer on ilriuiKht. Wliu, lliitior
nun i iunrn.or inu nent orotuii, n kiock,
menu it
iiikI IK'iiIit In
Mow in thin for IliianclerinK: A com
pany Umnlit up a lot of cheap, wortblenn
lamln hi Wanliluclou county, l'loiida.and
laid them out In loin and called the town
St. Audrewn Hay, They pivo away tho
lotn, but they made a KirKalu with the
county reconler to divide tho feen for rv
conllnit. They have nlveu away (Kl.tHX)
lotn, uud the recoidorhanieeelved iKl.OtXl
for reconllin! Uio iKssln. Tliin in 15,000
for each party; yet each null wan only
liled for f 1 and a little pontaue.
Tiik bublt of tininj-a red baudaun.i wax
begotten yean iiko by Allen (i. Thurman
from annocialion with l jnlle tireptire, a
l'renchman who taught tho Ohio Staten
man bow to nvak "tho polite lani;iiaj;e"
uud lino a highly colored handkerchief.
TIiuh In a remote way I'ruueo wamenpon-
nlble for the innt pletuntwpto fkvituro of
tho St. Uniin eouveiition.
Pom uu;. (Jiuvn of Tahiti, in dead. She
wanaiHid woman, and for more than
forty yearn worked faithfully toeivilUe
and ('in Ulianlte her veple. Itane
w'eled (bat nho would vlnit San Fmneiniy)
thin year. San I'mtu-lsco Alia.
She prolabl had an Inl'liiiK of what
would Inffall her if nho tackled San I'niu
clnco Jo civllbo Iln jKHiple, no nho ipivo up
the Kbont Utfore the exwtod vinit.
A Ji'i.v ivlebratiou in Pendleton would
kivp a nivat amount of tnvney at borne.
Tlio advisability of holding a celebration
ut this time in appnivnt. l'eudletou ban
not celebrated for novenil yeam, iIjoukIi
nho ban pron rented much more than any
of her neiKldioni. She should celebrate
this year by all mean. I.et'n do it ?
Tho (lump Lnw.
Deer cannot he lawfully killed uu! II
.Inly Int; tluckH cannot lunhot until Sep
IciuIkt lnt, liegiunini: .May Int; prairie
chickenn uud nane henn are nafe K'tweeu
April Int and .lime Ifith; urouno, pheas
ant, ipiail ami partridges aro protected
from January Int to July IMh; iiioiintaiu
and bri8ik I tout may bo caught from
April Int to NoveniU'r Int.
Mm. Mitchell, the wife of tho Senator
from Oregon, In a lady of medium ntuturo
with a well -rounded llgure, who In noted
for her excellent tante in dren. Mm ban
a llvelv and winning manner that inaken
her a favoiite In nm lety, but prefei her
home life to any MH'lal life. Mm, .Mitch
ell wan a .Minn Price and In of Kugiinh
SIhh) and leather Heview: Soico men
aro good iH'cauno goodnesn jmyn licnt, and
thou, again, nouie men are good for nothing.
L. D. Spear & Co.
-Have ope ikhI-
now rciuly
.Main, near Alta ntrcet,
, lai:.'MI,KTO.V . . 4IHK os.
Hidaway Hot Springs.
W, 31 HI'OIT, rreprlelor,
Tiimd HnrliiKi urn luiinllnilly hlumlcl hi
I ho llliio liiunlnln, ..i;lit ii,,. HoiitlmiU
of .Mini, In CiunitK l'riilrlc
Tlnn Hiiuimer Iti'xirl will l.e oni-ii for tin-
ri'i'ipno'iori(tir.kon unit iiticrJuly Ut.uinl
iTone ill- ni ntln a iimincr trip i-inilil
not tie It llei Ih in vlilt tlirt sprlusii'
Acconiui'Hliiiloioi nre nmplo n ml v r
thing win i).. Mono lo iiuilo' liiu-tu i-iiiiidirt i.
Til" t'lliimtii U iMUhtrul, the waier pure
mill t'xi-t lli'iii, mill liiiniliiK Hrt-cln,
Torms Roasonnblo.
W. M. SCOTT - - Prop.
! Jill.1 .'Ill, r
yOOOWAK!) llltOH.,
Ilomi-iipntlilp 'h HlrlmiM A Hurm'iiiin
Olilctrlc; Trf ul met) t of Chronic I)leniicii of
, v innmi nun tniiurcii.
Olllco liourH Frmn 10 to 12 iu in.; fmm 2 lot
p. m.: 7 loo p. in,
Olllco Koom II, Kut Oit'Kunlnn ImiiIiIIiik
lipIO ll8W
Hcidcil lililn will Ih ricclTol nt tho olllco of
lh mnlcrnluncil. until tlin'.iith ihiy of Juno,
IKS. for Hie piiri'O.n of no liliur, enulliitf mill
Imnrcvlmt (itIiiIii Nccllnnn of ihn ronil he.
tuirn Iviiillcion an tliu lir. kc ncrim llio
Norlli Fink ul llio John Day rlvrr.nl tln
inonlli of Iii'MilHlliin i-rcck. I'.ucli mctlnii of
inn romi limy im tun on nrpunitcly. or the
wnniu HWincr: inn worx id no ciiiiitilitril liv
AitKiikl I, 1888. Tlio work to bu dona l in
M. Tim wlilcnlmr of tlm unuln from the
John 11 iy river lo Hie lop nflho hi. I vtn Ter
rell cnnyoii, to miikp ii miIM h. il of 8 feel,
w.,ii luriiiiuiN i. icei wiuu in nnjni or rncii
2.1. The equalizing tho kmiIo at llrlilge
:M. The nillni; of n ravine near the IS-inlk-pom.
4lh. Tho removal of the rucka from Hie
romi uciwreii wiinnii creek nuil John Day
Wpeclllc plittiK run ho cn nt the offlre of
Hecrclnry I'cnilleton llounl of Trmie.
Ti llnine oiUce, Peiiillel irt'ifon. JnShl
Clothing, Clothing, Clothing!
Clothing for Men,
w - --n XUH
Clothing for Youths,
CJlntVnncr fnv "D
-a jii iu
Clothing tor Uhiiaren,
For Low Prices and Stylish Goods We do n
Take a BacK. seat tor Anybody.
mTTTI T)TlrtT)T 171)13 TTT A TTi-r,
jl a uv. -"- k w a.jLvxjxjlJ U n
m-r-r-n nnnnT "run tm a - .
Who gives 100 cents worth of goods for your dollar?
For Men, Boys and Children,
Ladies, Misses and Infants.
The attention of the trade is
invited to our
Best sellers in the market. At
retail everywhere. Wholesale
only by
Mason, Ehrman & CO.,
Portland, Oregon.
Positively Musi Have Money!
We do not give goods away, as we have
pay for them.
something else.
TV U VIU 1AU U AllUfiU ail V O Lll mJM. ion nn.in.1 M
surprise you with high prices. '
TTT i. r J I'm i i
cause it is you, Jim or John.
But we sell Goods at Bottom Prices,
That Defy Competition.
Tlioi ll. ! L i ft klHMIJIIIMMR
I ll3L 1 LLL'l LI II II III S I. II SSI 111 lltftllT lI MkM U I " H MMM Ii HU III Ii V
nuvnii knn
Our Hat Department is Complete.
I I l i : mj mi m m mum .-
Pendleton, Oregon, opposito Villard Hotel.
llmnJilln r.Ul. II k
zm i "Ji wiimi iiMiiiiirii w7m nnn d ja n nninwi
mm m mm mm m u g ji a hi a b n w m
------ .,vw rem w I wwwi'
Bast Oregonian Building,
liuim'-; mi nl liu.xe liiiU bUil tiilhem inu.t !
count fiirwunt unit nvtlle.
CoriuT Court nuil Tlionuoii SU..
v,.,iw, . . . OrVo,"orofor' Ourhnm, HolatolnjPAY UP AND SAVE COSTS.!
' i nncl Jorsoy wu,u'!
AimnnthPiiiiiK . ii rf in
g -rockbiiss tiTlioroughbred Cattle
inoup Tor ensh. rnii.oifii nii .if,i uuiiii- iu o ktm.
latins Neirotlatwl mid Ments Pollected.
i iMiiiii in i nn ma....i.. nHii 'ivtu'n i niio.
.Money Tukon on DojHwit im.l Ijjanwl for CntoinerH.
1 III IIIUKU 1'lllllS Oil UOICIII""-""
Title ContostH before the Land Department u SHcialty.
rn ...in ... . li.-IC.-)
un ami v-ouniry rrojieny iwujim
information furnished free of both Uatlroa.l and Government land.
lUMraciHot 'litlo furnWied, and Conveyani'ing attennw
W. I. Ilmisfonl A in. ix..iiivi.K. .,... i ! Will act as Aconta for V niwllnritilmt .... I i t...
... . --v. ...w,,n yjii 11L-.1UI1UUIU UOIllIllIHSlOn.
m. - . . . f a
'""6-'iio lAiuiis niacio rroiiipu o -
rinaneial AiwUtanro of Kvery Kind (urnUhed.
tillT it
I W. D. Hansford & Oo
'Hardware Dealers and Plumbers.:
WOOD, WOOD! I Prices Very Reasonable,
III ' l.t rViUlV Hi't'H I1II1J
juit lw u K. vuk nit i.m:.
The Pendleton Roller Mills
Heforo nukliit; yiiitrooiitnicl for mxt win.
lor' nuinilyiif wHnl,oitiiiilt cimrlf Kriiilrr
tlio wooil iliH'lnr, uiul oliuiln tbo lnvft rkV4
flirtlltf tH'kt IIIOIIIlllllll WlhKl,
Charlos Frnxlor,
Ju lliu iUw
(Cum'iy ,VX;iiiirrf I. i -r ilny.)
W S. BYERS & CO., Proprietors.
IVtullflon, Or sn,
Mmuifnelurvni or llrulmni, snumlaleil ami
telf-rUIng Flour.
I'uhIi l'ric rnlil Tor All
HIuiIh of Urnlu.
IVmlloton, Ort'sou. Klour, w?wl, chop feftt, ele nhvay ou liana
I'l Hilt, '.i, l If i;i.O.
'llll lw
Hksiiv KrovKit, lrclcleni.
t.. J. NiMMKnviLLK, Vlco I'reslilent.
Umrl street, 0Uwt(. J, u. Shoemaker'.
Illlllll JiW
Jacou Fiuseit. Treasurer
iii Hi
Tie Farmers' Custo
The "XV OOd ATn n ml" U mau,,,acurlnt' "our by tli latest Irunrowl
nilTru urmnu
DUTCH HENRY. i LlnilT nnri II II T I Ml ... llM
r i mmrnm m m m m mm mm mm mm mm m m jam Mm mm
iuui uuu mm rccu HlWaVS Ull nan
We solicit a share of publio patronage.