A hI'J.KCII IMIOM 'I 111 lt.MAs. Jin Hpi'iilm l.lhn u Iti'ul l.ltn .Mini mill mi Unit or, nnil Nnl n If ll Hn Nnir 111 (lrvi', n lliiiilillviiii I'iiiiith Wiiulil l.lkj. to IIiivii IViipIn llillric, 'J 1 10 Tliiiriniin Chi!) Kd ll) a tluinon nt ration ut (.'oIiiiiiIjiih, Ohio, on TIiiiinIii.v evening IiiHt In honor of tliu noiiiltiutloti of Allen (J.TIiiirnmn for Vlro J'roHliluiit. Wlion tliu luru iirooeHHlon ui rived at lliu old Itoiiiuti'H rcsidomo liumlilri'HfciJ tliuiu itH follow h; "MyfiliiinlH anil follow citliin I win curdy tliunk you for tho munlfi'Ht.itloii of your (om I will mid iihIitiii. It Imh Ihjcii wull hiiIiI, lind liow ii iiiiin Ih tlimiitof by IiIh nultfliliorrt, mid you run form iu:oi ruct iiiilgniDiit of Unit mau'Hrli.iiiii'iiirmid woitli.' If 1 may juduo from tliln tlonitni- Htratlon, iih won uh irom an iitiiniM oiunt'enii n inu owii-r, no it Main or ut ltlnilnt'HM that I Imvu ri'vi.t!il from u iltnry, bu it on tlio Atlnntlo vviio or Iw It Koodly miinlwr of Urn jh-iij Ik i.f CTulniiibtiH I wlieio tho I'.iclflo rolln her mighty vj1 for inoro than u third of a i .'iitury, I may uiiiiu of water on our woctorn count, Lo it IndiilL'o In u lioio that I Hland vvull in tlio , on tho grunt lakes, or Im it on tho uulf, micctioiiH ol my iiuiuiiiNJiH, ami vviioii, in i every mini oi nil Deinoi ruiic p.n t y uilditioii to that, i niivn usury iimhoii to! inn nun lias dm . act il.iini to h buliuvi', from tliuatlLMiilaucu hurc to-nl(lit I in IumnI to cn-Iaim, " of that Hiilfiidid liotly of men, tiiu Handall ! fur fi.m wmir mu." chili, of I'lillailclphia, that I ht.unl well in I "Now, my frltiniln, I lliu uranii mil nunu min:n iimjii in iu FL'cn him for nii'iitlif , I know that mun. I think, and I think 1 know him will : u d if thero In a brave, lioncttt, titrli;lil, conr uKi'ijim, patiliilic man on tho face if OoiI'h catlh, Urovcr Cluvuland N Huch u man. Why, my filoml.'. if lio I not hiiuIi u Mini, If hii iiiJuiiiiiNtratinn Ikih not tccn a uraiid hiicovm ,if tlic pcoplo havo not fni. ml th.it liu was worthy to nit In the ili. Ir that .Iu(!i;iH' n, mid Muillnon, and Mi firm, mid Jai'kxon i minimi, if mvU is ii'.ta fart, how can it m accounted for tin. ho ii'tvlvetl every vote in the con vention nt St. (.wiIm, untl Unit theio wan nut a illHtieiiler from ono end of tlio I'lilled .''tales to tho oilier? I do not net jui'h end jicmnt'iitH as that. TrnltnrH to i he country and i-tily don't (jot tmrli un it if I'liicnlH a tha' : nu'ii of Mn.ill bruin I n t vt Hiicli iiidormiiieiit as that ; men if tloiihtl.il liitocilty dun't uvt filch cn it"iM'ini!iit as that. .mi. ll in liccaiiyc tirovur (ilnvrkinil U uptight, hi nuct, mid a lituvo, uble man that the uh'lo Demo cratic parly In Hip l;nltcil HuIch, from one end to the other, ho it Halo or 'Jer T. F. ROURKE, GRAIN .MERCHANT. IIIkIicsI market (irlco tmlU for nil klril G Ll A. I 1ST. AuntrallHii white whent, winter bnrlcy nnil ryn formiln (or m-oillnic iuriifx, Tlio Am trnllnn wliltn whent Is Junt lliu nrtlclo ktook iiicn need. It make u llMt-clni quality of liny. Am Yon Protected ir ki mm mt m mvjm mm mw mw i u I I H OPKICK AT WrtUKHOUHE, J.llyl U OHEOON. I'K.VIJLETON, Headstones, Monuments go uny Thoso who believe so thoroughly in protection should not longer without insurance on their property, oi wihuhu- c.illed the Kuyntouo of tho diimi'tutic aich, and v.hlch t 1iok will etc Iuiik bo como our koyHtonu acain, then I hIiiiII have every reason to couutaliiluti) myself mid helluvo that I Htand well with my fel low men. ".My f i lends, I kIioiiIiI ho tho mont in hciihIIiIi) and cold-hloodud man in the world If I did not feel urateful fir the klniliH'ss vnii have manlfesicil towatd me to-nilil. Yes, mid I may say that n have manlfesteit towanl mo heforo to night; and yet I do not know almet nu quite. 1 May kiiuliii'Si; was It kinilin'-M 1 I was living In my own ipilot home, with my KihxI old wife, and my chililicn and Krandchllilieii, and friends around me, wIshliiK for imtliliiK In this world hut lieaco and ipiiet, uhen you and otluiiH like you forced mo oiicu more In the polit ical menu. Whi'thor that was kind or not, Hint! will It'll; whether it was well udvlfed or in t, time will disclose ;!litit one (IiIiik I iieetl nut wait for timii to ilhuloio, anil that is that 1 ouo to you tlio deepest mul profouiuliist uratlttnlu, fiom the very bottom of my heart. I Kot so much of that lliu and brimstone down my thro.it that I can hardly talk, ami that is not very fair, for Homo of my enemies may say of mo that I will Kct Uro and brimstone quick uuoiiuh without kcIHuk It now. You will not uxcct mo to make a political hcci'Ii (o-iiIkIiI. When tho trto parties shall ho fully marshaled In the llcld ; when the Issues, iih the lawyers call them, tdiall he tllstincily declaieili when all the eundl- tiaicH nave ineir iiiirncss on nnil am leatly for the lilt, Ihen ll will 1st tiylit for mo to I cur my humble pa it in the fray. Then. I nlvoyou my wonl (hat I shall I'm) heard accortlitiK to my abilities. I think tlit'ie is life enoiiKh In me jot. (think that thero is still in this old head some remnant of brains to enable me to tell tlio Hoiilt) why it is that all my life lonn 1 havo iM'en a DemtM-rat ami mean to tile one. And I think that 1 shall Im able to i;ivo them some reasons why Ihev should Im) Deui'MtratH from now until they urn laid In their Knives. ".My friends, It Is not my purihM.i In nay anytlilnn baisli of our iMilitical muio- Hunts, 'l'liat has never been my Htvlo of HsjakliiK, even when I was a very youiitf man, I inlnht say no man at all, 'for the llrst stump sieech 1 ner made I was no tliiii but u Isiy. Kver siuco then 1 have always eiuleavnrcil to keep a civil tongue In my head. I always rccoKiike the illit of tsery iiuiu to do his own think In, nnil If he would only think honestly, mid bo as tolerant of me as I was of him, theio should bo no harsh winds fall fiom my lips In lespect lo him i and so it has Ih'cii that in C'intcstH that have hapHuetl in our paily, it has never been mv habit toiiiariel with lliot-o u ho did not think just as I Ihout-lil. I h ive been U'furt) your cetiNeutieii at St. Umls without mv will, iit.ilnst nty will, as a candidate fo'r a Kre.it nlllco. 1 was waituly, nobly and Hiiporicii in tnat convention i warmly and earnest Iv onihsiul nv. i .1. ...... .. ). . . i ... . i .... . iinxiiii iiii.rt. im uiniml'ii me i nave i tldiiK In llie woi Id imt feelliiKsof klutliie It was their ilcht. If they thought some oilier man was the man to Is) iiimi iiatetli if (bey thought it was muio hiiIc or advisable, howexer well they niiht think of mo. to nominate sonielHHly else, it was their rich! to think so. They wen ient then to oxcrelso their jinlc meiit, nnil liisl knows they have created not n Hiuiilo rullle hi mv Uisoni, nor Hie i I.. U.I UVI. .!.).. Ill ..( III.. III! I . .1 No, my blends, I am beio In advocate tho Il it of eveiy fiee Aineriean cillen to iiiiiik tor niiioeii. I believe in il, ami nlwiuH have U'l.ts in it. us the veiy csmuii'o of ileuiiH'raex and fnv itoveni llienl i mul therefme' I uisli .i say to you nil, for il is lime I was eniiehulliuj Hies) remarks, ami if I tin not tsineliule tlunn hooii our iiiemls fnmi Philadelphia will hcarcoly llutl time to leach the tlesit in OAl.l, OK SKNM) time for tho train. I in not thorvfunil hi lug what I havo to say to a ebe, and It is that so lone us tlml plves me stientjih to spoil k to my fellow men, mi long shall 1 talk to them hhI, hmiO't mliUhlivr tlenioeraey, on which I was chooliul ami , in which I Mleve. "Aniltuxw, fiiemls, I sluuild U pl.ivln the kiii of Hamlet, with Hamlet loft 'out, if I did not H.iv auothor tblni; that I am KoIiik Iiim), ami whiih I havo nvervitl, upiii tbe 10.11'iiiut; of tho tontamont that tho ma.-ter of the feast luimw the Uot of Ills vvino laM 1 toll vmi, mv fiien.U, , that tho St. Louiit ivuioiitien illtl a thititc i lUfolf vliieh khoiil.t iinmoftalUt) it. It vlld a thiutf which of Itmtlf hould ouu inainl I lie irrutitiub' of tho American (hhv 1 (ile It did one tlitinr which set u ninfe-- i nlrUvnt ocuut4o f r time i imiu to I tilt) iueii. an UHie uud in.lexl to nil j etht'i I'O.iple uli.i bsv.' anvihiii); lode ill l ie choice 4 nd. is. and ili.it tlUilg was n'liotiiin.iie tiiwMi t b .'l.i,itiliy i ue nunini. '- ..i.v .i hi.' . in, iiium. Now. my (ueiels. when I -i'.ik ii.invor t'leVeland I d. uo: .-,..ik I a t'.unMrto me I never ".v Imo nn.it :.i'ti i I., vtus iiiiiitxtiriitml l'iv.id.'Hl of tlio I uiled Sliiles. but 1 haveM'cn him inui.v tunes sIlHV l.dkrd Willi lino lo'.'b toiiMiltttl widi bun lum b, ami al I 1 Imw n t Marble and Stone vo me Clovolii.nl : v , uontracior. liuvo Hjioken to you loiter I linn there wan tinv necessity to spo.ik; lonirer lli..n t nillit to havo spoken, coiimIiIoiIiio that our Pennsylva- niit frlentN hiit'e no loutf a iiiurch to I'uako and Utile time to catch lliu train. 1 clve 1 1 . 1 ..... . t . . yon my iieanieii inaiiKH lor inu kiinil -1.1 1'OtlllilllMI'llt Villi Il lVll II lilt Inn iim.I I 11 wisl,lnyouoi,onmlallhapplnesslnyo,.r ViyZ; life, I bid Jon K'sul nijht." M n,o lUsr Oiik.iioni.vw. It nitclion tlicm uvcry llini'. For ik-li(llH ami irlrt. uotiMlIt Ji'10.0 l ull ItiK, Main Ftri'.'l, ivmlli'tnn. Itlinatis Clv. n on Htmio work for fc3 ?HTIt. V ANIMALS. Oniaiiila Real Estate & Loan Association rOKNUIt .MAIN AND WUHH STKHirrS, East Oregonian Building, I'KNDI.KTON, OltKdON. Loans Negotiated and Itents (Jollected. Money to Ij.iii on Country nnil Town l'ropcny .Money Taken on Deposit and Loaned for Customers. Will inaku Fillnpi on fSovernmens Lund.s Titlu Contests Uiforo the Laud Department a Steclalty. Town and Country Projiorty Houjslit and Soltl Information furnished fret) of Isith Hallroad mid Government land. Abstracts of Title furnished, mul ConvoyuneiiiR attended to, Will net us Agents for Nou-ltestdeutH on Iteasonable Commission. LoiiK-Timu Loans made 1'rouiptly on Farm Lands Financial Assistance of livery Kind furnished. UMATILLA REAL ESTATE & LOAN ASSOCIATION, Pendleto n, Oregon. Ryssell & Co. -niMt.DKita oy- .'ISiig-iiies, Tlires lers and Sawmills MMO DU.VI.UltS IS- eeneiiiusly Hiipisirlisl In that convention. 1 was also warmly and earnestly minoscd Ann I lift 111 fi n H .l r f A ni? n risrisinb mbMb, wiku a. 1 nsML?l!" S3 THC B3T- FARM WAeOH J l- TK fVVASSKKT.- Wo h ivo tho K'st Straw llurnin KukIiio in tho World. rOU CATA 1.0(5 UK TO Russell & Co., ltW. ItfJ. KM ami ltiil Front Street, PORTLAND OREGON. Great Western Bakery. DINING ROOMS, ever kind; and .nearly everyone believes that a policy in a good, Reliable Insurance Co. Is worth every time what it costs, and procrastination should not be indulged in when it conies to taking out a policy. In tho ilrst place, pick out competent and RELIABLE AGENTS, With whom to do your business thoso who represent none hut the best insurance companies and go straightway and insure. When in search of such agents, don't fail to turn your "peepers" in the direction of the oflicc of Clopton Ik Jackson, T1! h..l - Trv 1 I'.uu c " 11 1 irnm tv. Eloff ant Pullman .. t.'.ttn..l UI I lTfM Trnln, to1 OMAHA.COUHCILnLlirrci... Frco "foliariioniiJvTith,,. Cloo oonnrcllunn .it rnn'j . tmrlntO:ODii. in. tli . West bom.J f!ll,tSrriv. IIL im II. Ml tVnllu IVul In nnil I'fnJlfu. I rnven ut (lifvi n. m r. ... .. n iu To Nun l'mncUm Hlule, May y ui'vkoii, wny in To C, Collimliln,Miiy 20 Htnte, ,Mny J ri-UDil, aiuy iliimlilii,,ltnia 1 28 I fMn. .. miiiiQSi llr.U . klAi. ... L'o'umH. Lyavo DlcaiinhlpwImrM'orUm Htntu.JtmoA t)rcKoi)..liinoO Cllllllnlllli..llll,n 1.1 Hliile, June 17 Dri'Kon, J1111021 (.'olutlllllil. Jnim9.. Htiilo, .1 unn tin-iron, jiuy 3 nlulu ft vo S ppnr 8t. wlmrf. Rin iv... ltnten of l'Riiif.. T..rt1..l t , , Unliln, Hteorauts nminii Trip, Uiillmltcil, rnriiiri iprnnrnn ii.m ak ,.".,",.vu.,."l.'.,"''."r ' Witt A T, A., Portland, Ori'son. ' n u. ,n,ai Q.f. (leueral Miniagcr, l'endltoD,i Located in the EAST OliEGONIAN building, Pendleton, where you can havo any kind of insurance, whether Fire, Ma rino, Accident or Life insurance, done up in APPLE-PIE ORDER! Till M .I r ... . Mb hiniTiinrn unmim u. . nIH III I'liltnum Miiirc .Vcrjlnj Oiri .ii(rrflf(crrii irnu lAjarnri' 11'ltA lltrtht iht From Orepon ond Wajhlnttn to the East, vii rt. mill ami MltuictpolU. IJIVHIN 73 CfDU.) Fasti si Time Kvrr Mian . .111 m . w-ir inn ariflc riirinriuiiroii ill .w.lxl.ll. .....1. I. ..J rust via Ht, Paul ami Mlnstirolti unnroitii. I)iivo Wiitlulil Ilinctlon5:l(i.B. f I ., ...... .,..1 lu UI I..... I (,. rnnriii uny. I ,.,,., rmfi,. .1 Itin.i. n, Ml iMiiiin,! Ulll iu l 1 J,lllT TVVIIU PACIKIPPIVlsIOS. Train will lonvn PurtUnJ illllr I nil points on l'luct Hound 117 1. .1.1.HU11.1 It is well to remember that to bo securo you must insure in e of tho Thirty Reliable Companies represented by Clopton & Jackson, with a combined capital of more tl.n,, $100,000,000! M, G HA T., I'toinlvtor. x? 1 11 s ' r-o :l a. s s m: eali Hilt TWENTY-FIVE CENTS! Frosh Eastern Oyotors, In Every Stylo! OPKN BAY AXB TSTTG-ETT! Wmn.Srm, near Ptnjl , , vni sitw If you contemplate insurance, call on them and get posted mid it'will cost you nothing, liemember their oflico is in the EAST OKEGONIAN building, or address Pendleton, To San Francisco, lly wiiy of lh Oregon & California B Ant! Oiniifrtioim Wlllt'llCI III llllic lloute, Ilelween llAllfnl &v 1 tflv d IV VftlXf f 1 j . n n . m n n inn fir ei 11 iu. UbUlli f UI1I41IIU UI TkWW r mm . ... Aft L nirougii time, m 1,11.. lAVUIUU tflUUUWIw - throuo'h rrnlns ffW chnrgo. rwrti iriiiii I'nriiunii i unit Hun Vrntlt rii-Nt-fltihH Unlliultril., -KIrHt.i'InHM, I.lmltrtt. - Net'Oiiil-t'luNM, MiulCrit ., Ticket Office; KOKHf.Klt, Member. . . .. 1 whhiimij mum priPQ Manufacturer of l w:i. rr. h.uw ' " FOIt DWELLINGS OH VVMW heailnir luliain- lu any tciloao,lt try, I'orr-spoucloticc m)1icI1 . . - H M IIH vjM-iut.: list inmi" Portland, Oregon. Oregon. T 1.UAJ. More than tvr Uuu.lrc4 I.U.B it.i. nHu I nfevtrt 9 ufitina ill litis uuif" ". ..irll uci-ainjr r cial form cn ufr