East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 11, 1888, Image 3

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,(,! ol .'' rti,',',,,! Ill thu Al
' H"raf Mont " t lViiillolon, ii ml
' .r.7, .-n lr'?! hV ' Hi.
Si i cm
. I....
I?,li?i inn
Will lH!
.. villi
. '. ...mill It I'lll
Mifchell, tho well-known
3 Din town.
..1,1 lemonade unci ru.u. .....v..
1 iVulkcr, .Mil"'' rcei hci
WnoJ one of tho Kaht Oiikjio
Jft Wwton to-day, vWtlny
. it...
Ani'V)Cnt yesterday m m
;i!r,L. for trout. Ho had
. ,....i,iir. ticiiiiitrow evening
j, J.U.UV...W . . " . l.,,.
i ....... i.iinit'iiu in it iiiiniwi
Wmrer. ... .
K...if t in iimwK nuim-
roiaiorijr.MMioM mo paper
fcfclaw Miico-
$ ' iwllaii.ll Jlrt.tj.or fliiH-
tiling liniPW ruiis-iiiiuiu.i.
lenUa Sentinel, Plucnlx llko,
. "tome If reninming mm.
.Fr.ancld Fast Okikiosian
J(iHhwii mi tlio west Iwiind
u-htonliN wiv to Portland,
i mlvmieslraMit ltopublieaii
t,Jin H'liiltnoinah precinct, and
no!ei4 cast hnon roeolvocl
lily KistOrkchinias must have
m in iliv oxnonses. Kvorv-
tin) iair deserves them, ho
3,1-WoeUv lvAsT OllKCIONIANlllul
Vt.i World front now until nf
f.it. ,,.! 41 mi
.JVrUlll.T I'iVVIIV.in iv. whij 1 Miri.1
tLu office.
II. 1.. ..
WSro CpCIU ill" rioru iiiu, nr
iJIcloscout liWciiiiio mock at
D II I.IIV II IIH.IW H"..vv vita
I . 1 I....
1 CVL lunsuiin.
. -.'II . I I...- 1,..,,. lt..ul
..I i.t Vi.. I..... ..11
VI IUKC1. IHU lliuuuv nun mi
Tiland tlio woik of building
nft at onto.
oon lio borrowed n wheel
ton Fred Kcnior's m utilises
- . t . .i . , ,.i . . r
. it . . i. .. i i .i. . .
t nr.inW In .'tiki- tlimi vim ulll
ifittr iriimp uMMt vmt lA'tll lin
Yuler, Irothcr of W A Miller, of
r ana iook iih unuier y
tii .ienn: vikhil iwii miiiinii
i vn niii i Hiuii'H'ii in in i iiiim
:nni, M IU tVIUH llllrl will
. Ill ...I .1.1
!'IvIdii A Uowiinl, for nioro
rTlLill nrn riviiiittail tti unlllii
iuiiiixin v null, "
- luiiirjmi liii iiMi'n ti,,i riini.
" iiwwni, H iriKllll, I1OIHI01I1
i joiJd' livery htnltlo on Altu
liupforil & fn. mv In in ml
lkjlliitm tii nut i-k.,k .l .....1
y Mnng furllier tnmblu una
;mivuw hi .-an iriiiifiM'o,
J!"?. will lo on Hale ut thu
Mil l f. V J". r .
W'H.A, l O, .11 V lHt 111
ff ,liriUf, J. m)yu Keonoy,
luuneM ntifi uifo. nfAr.
. I'jn.i ,i ...i .
'"i iiiuuk. wore in town
i-Jiiinu i io visit tliolr
Wi'U ami vcllnij tl.n
i.-vn ui lint .it-mtmnti twi
' IWIl-S cast im vntnrt ini.l
hL &.?S9 :ero eant. In
-riji OI1IV 71 I v.I..j uun.
mo fll-CUOM liiuf wiinlr (I'lll
t Mil Tl.I. .1
. ""i mis Kiinu'u iiitir i'i-
flirt Itnt-rlu-t11u f
?'nun Rives
' r.llNMirn I IrklrAtt u
.my alroa.lv from
Wore t '-.LriAiM r' i,o
.mnn .1...: ' 0l "l
f efc' ,u.'.''-'l'lentl.arr.
irn i "'kl' " a little
.'Vk? r . an',,t0 !
., I, of her tonsils,
alle. . unit utti.
" 'i nr it- ....
Jn.i r . ..!;,n,lI(,, "
Frank Dnjirnt Iiuh tho contract to btiild
tho Htono foundutionB for tho rcmllcton
hotel. Ho Iiuh employed on thit job
cilit Htono tiuiKoiiH, oicihtecn luboiorn
nnd tlirco tcunm. To tliiH force ho puvh
.II4,C0 jHir duv. or an ug-jregato of $L',:i(lj
nor month. All thin rcmulim in 1'ciulle-
toti. Thid comp.iny of htono iiiiikoiih 1m
cetlainly a valuable factor to I'cndleton'H
T ,...lu ttnir....... .. ....!.. ,,!. ........ .,1111., I
llll Illllll . Wlllll I.JIUI III1I1I.I
cd with coiiHittiiptlon, wtm allowed about
a week tttfo to go to Uiio'h ranch on tho
John Day. wheio ho otnecled to bo bone'
littcd by tho watorH of a hot npilnn at that
place. Tho noHH lins como t hat iio died
a day or two after arriving there. Ho has
a pleco of laud north of town which will
ho taken In charge by. tho county.
Tho "Iiouhom" nctiurt the Hlieet from tho
Kaht ()iti:i()MN' o! co am not uhat tmiv
nlioiild m. The iimrplml'u atl million is
called to tlio doom in the "perfectly tight
fence." Thoy Hhould bo nailed mi. Tho
onlinanccH of tlio town aro violated
in thin inictanco anil tlieto Ik goiui; to La a
louclor Howl uuiOHH the Iuwh aro enforced
Mr. 1'uirell, nejihowof John Ciimiiinn,
arrived irotu ?iow ock thin morning.
iioronort that a la m number oi ciiit
lirants f oin Now Yo.k iniind coining to
thin couut.y and 1'ortiand durlnir tho
prosont HUtiunor. n icmilt of tlio jticilcioUH
advoriiini of tfifn country now being
carried on in mo r.ust.
Mrn. Nancy Kconor, HiHtsr-In-law of
.mm. Aiaitnow hooves and her two hoiih,
David and Itohoit ICconer, arrived on tho
train last ovonlng Kent I'e:iiiHivuni:i to
tnako their home hem. Air. Hany
Keener, another Hon. who Iiuh been In
the county for the past two montliH, met
tiicm hero.
W. M. Scott, having purchased tho
inciawny not .pnii(.'H, eight niiiert houiii
eiiHt of Alba, is imiklnu the uecessarv
itnprovenicnlH jiroiaratory to ojioning tho
SjiringH for tiin rcoption of guests on alnl
after .Inly 1st. Head tho advert isenicnt
of tho SpringH mider "Now To-day."
Mr. and Mrs. Fried and daughter, of
Portland, who have hj out the last two
mourns in ino J-.ast., leiurned over the
Short I. Ino this morning and aro. spending
a fow d.iy8 with their daughter, MrH.Moso
"Jack" Skelton ran for commissioner.
and I'orcv Nanton. both well known here.
ioi tno igisiatuie in .Malheur county at
ino recent election, nut, as yet, it nas not
been learned whether thoy uoio elected
or not.
Jacksonville TinicH: Judge Lord was
badlv bcatmi In this ruimlv. .IihIlm Hur-
nett running aheatl of bin ticket in nearly
every precinct. This Hcratching was
ciono ny the irionds ol i iipt. Kelly.
Quito a lart'o nuniler of lad Ion and iron-
tlomcn caino up from Arliugloii witli tho
Arlington nine on yesterday morning's
train to witness tho lmuio of hall between
them and tho lVndlotou niuo.
Jackson county wont solidly Demo
cratic, as usual, at thu late flection, tho
majorities ranging from L'.'i to llll). Tho
l'rohiiiiiion ticket only got (ii: votes in the
Herliort, herlir, wow tho only Demo
crat elected in Wasco county. Ills mu
loiitv was 181, wliilo tho KonubHcan ma
joritieH ranged from 160 to COO.
Threo colored men uot into a shootlnir
Hcrno at KK)kano Falls Saturday night.
One of them was killed and tho others
slightly Injuted.
I.ce Morchotiso proved ui on his tim
ber culture HiIh afternoon. John Duncan
and C. II. Iauubirth acting as witnesses.
Tho total valuation of nrouertv In Day
ton. W.T.. is (ia:i,(l((0, an Increaso of
f IS.aytl over last your.
J. 1'. Ihuheo resumed luminous this
morning, tho llrst slnco his lira about a
mouth ago.
Crott prospects in Umatilla county uro
line. Tho latu ruins have done their
work well.
Judao David 0. J.owls died at Portland
Saturday of cancorof thoBtomach, aged
l yoarH.
KntortirlMi won tho county neat of Wal
lowa county from Joioph.
II. Kelsay, tho well-known sheen man.
was in t-iwii Saturday.
nnt'AitTM i nt i:i,i:ctic)N.
k i, .....
1 ,. . ,u, in
J '-en l..v . ,
Tho imiv
'lIo of
(Iu Ilnrjiy Ulrctnit Clilrf liy NIiiuUjkii JIu
Jorlty. Tho election of ollirors in tho I'ondlo
ton Firo departmont, which occurrod last
TuomIuv, croaied considorablo inleiest
among tlio firemen, unci in suite of tho
rain, which poured nearly all day, thoy
worked for their respective favorites with
a will, Tho Protection Company's can
didates wero, forehiof.Uus L. Ilurgyjtlrst
assistant chief, C'liailcs 1$. Turner: Micoud
assistant chief, Ul. Gibson. Tlio Hook
and I.addor Company's candidates wero
Frank Zeiglor, cliiof; Sam Ohristonson,
first a'-sistai.t chief ;iuid Fred II. Koiuiier,
second assistant chief.
When tho voto was counted, (5us
llurgy was found to lo elected chief, Sain
Christ enson first and 01. (iib.son second
ituivy i
Z.lirler -..'.T
ClirMcnscil- -It
Tumor U..3I
(HbH.iii 11
rrea Jvi nipcr ......iii
M.r. Gibson Is not hero, and if ho dooj
not como before the .pmllfication of the
olllcors elected, tho lioaid will hao
jtower to fill his place.
Tho men elected aro all olilciont lire
men and tlio departmont has a good set
of tiremen for tho ensuing year. Mr.
llurgv, as chief, will jierforni his duties
to tho bot interest of tho town and tlio
department, as ho Is conceded to bo ono
of tho mod t thorough firemen in tho de
partment. Tho bell calls of tlio various companies
of t'io firo department aro as follows:
Protection Company No. 1, ono tap of tho
bell followed by threo taps rotated threo
times; Hook and Jjidder Company, ono
tap followed by two taps and rotated
thieo times; Alort I lose-Company, two
taiw of tho bell repeated three times.
A Game of lliin Hull lUtueen tlio 8tur of
l'ciidlcton anil thu AilliiRtiin Mnr,
Last Sunday was cpiito an eventful dav
in Pendleton for loveisof that most manly
of all manly games base ball tho na
tional game of America. It marked a
spirited, though one-sided cont. st lK'tween
renciieton's brilliant "Stars'
King U lilnky SViiiU Anottier Man to the
ltst Monday night when whisky was
freo as water and everybody feeling
happv, as the kmiiU of tho election was
not then known, Uvoiiicu, who had im
bibed their full sham of tho devilish fluid,
s" mill u lollv I got into a light, and in the mad Httuggio
visiting club from Arlington. Aillngton'H 1 1 M lolloped tlie noso of ono was en
Imvs anived at o'clock Saturday night, ' tirely bitlen oil" by tho otlrer. lhair
and wero right royalty entertaltied-as ! "uincs weio William O'Neil and John
thov dcL-erved to be until tlm tltnn snt fur 1 lmisslield. i hey were both a, icstecl and
tho name. '-' i: m.. the folluwln-f ilnv. ultho no.t niotning brought before He
was a moil auspicious looking afloinoon,
ino neavens having eio..red up alter a re
freshing shower, and the sun was shilling
brightly. Hot Ii clubs mado their appear
ance In full uniform, and looked tho very
picture of Hiipplene.s and grace. Hotting
at tlio Matt was in favor of Arlington, al
though backeis of the "Stars" expiessed
no hesitation, und Hide-bets in largo and
small amounts to tlio tune of several hun
dred dollars weio "put up" cpilotly but
determinedly. 'Iho Arllngtons weio llrst
at tho bat, and the 0ening of tlio ball
looked decidedly blue for the Stars.
StlllniaiiM delivery hi this inning was
from the Htart batted unmercifully, and
terrific llyors weio sent to all parts of tho
Held. A continuous line of forms seemed
flying from thi.tl to homo plate, and eight
runs weio scored in less time than it takes
to tell. It teemed ns though the Arllng
tons bad tho llncst walk-over picnic Im
aginable, and they were all confident and
jubilant, while their opionentH wero cor
roiK)iidlngly deprived. Tim homo nine
finally went to the bat, and felt somewhat
encouraged when thoy gained live un
earned runs oil' tlio loose Holding of tlio
visitors. Tho second Inning saw no
change in their favor, and at tho end the
Hcoro stood eleven to six in favor of Ar
lington. Hut from this time forward the
Stars got dow n to work, rolling up eigh
teen tallica in four innings, while their
opponents basketed hoiiio tine, largo
goo;e-egg). During this time (lie weather
changed with the luck, and Iho plavcis
and spectators were assailed by wind,
rain and dust, but no ouo flinched, unci
tho game still went on. The visitors
finally retaliated by bunching hoiiio heavy
hits and securing eight runs in tho sev
enth inning, but it was then everlastingly
text late. Luck was against tliein au.'l
thov could not catch their opponents.
although scaring them out of their feeling
of security, and causing them to abo
niako eight runs. In (he last two In
niugs the Arllngtons were compelled to
put two mote goo.o-cgus In their Utile
banket, while our hoys had oveivtlilnu
their own way. .u i no end oi inc game
thu usual heaity cheering was indulged
in, and tlio boys from, Arlington wero
vot.cl as lino a lot oi follows as ever
slopped inside a diamond, l orn final
wiucl-up. IkiIIi nines arramrcd themselves
r ' . ...... .
in a pleasing group, and had their "pic
tures took."
Tho gumo was by no means u Hclentlllo
ono, some grlovous errors being made,
but it was nevertheless intensely inter
OMtinir. It was I'himirtnrlrocl liv lilioniiin.
tiual batting und bunching of hits in sev
eral innings, tho fcta.-s scoring cloven in
tho sixth. It was horn that Kd Strahon
stopped lightly to tho bat, tho bases being
full, and tent a scorching liner to tho
right field, bringing threo men homo be
llies iiimseii.
corder 1 row sand lined if 10 each, and as
Hrassileld did not make any complaint
wero dlscliaiged. O'Neil was at rested
soon aflcrwatds on u warrant
to 1h) tiled for tho criino of
mayhem, and his trial emu red tiwl.t'
J. 'II. Canon appealing for tlio don a i
Tho case was only argued a sh rl tun.
and given to tlio jurv. Thoj teturned in
about ten minutes with a verdict of gi.li.y.
As tho prisoner waived tho t!tio all mod
by law bo was Hentenccd lef no Icniiiii
tho court room to ono year in tho lion
itcntiary. Ho made afew lemaik which
no onu" could uu.letstaud, being spikcn
in u very low tone of voice. Judge Shat
tuck made a voi.v feeling Hpoech in pass
ing tlio sentence, stating why tho sentence
was mado as short as thu law would al
low. O'Neil is only twuuty-eight years tf
ago unci a native of Scotland, lie did
not look parllculaily vicious, and will
probably shorten his sentence by good
Hrassileld is tlio worst sullerer of tlio
two. A man was heard to remark that
ho would rather servo two years in Jail
than have hi.4 no. o bitten 011'.
In battery work the Stars woru mani
festly huiio, lor to their opponents. Tin
holding on either side was nothing extra
ordinary, although koiiio very piotty fly
catches wore made.
Joe Keonoy, well known hero, was
catcher for tho Arllngtons, and did some
excellent playing. Lot Ft aider distin
guished himself for thu absolute cerialnly
with which ho "nablxnl" uvory ball that
uame within reach of first base.
Following is
tiii: hcoiik:
Mllliiuili, p
uiili K,e ,
I'm i el, lit ii
Aiikoii.v.r. U
ClPli. I. i. ,
i.oiiny, o. r..
ileum, j i u ..
Wuttlu, id l.
Uiiumi.M. k...
liilor, l 1,.,
'IVliiplis uil !..
. mu, ,', i.
1'iiV'ir, ui ii.
iTiiirn, '
Itouvti, r. t
Tno. iiliin, c. t
hUOIllS liy 1.VMN0S.
1 2 34 A ,1
rniiHtun... l a a o n
Arliiistoa s .1 o u u o
Homo run M stralnm.
Threo-haso lilt Fred Waflle,
8 it
A flood VV'irlt
f. 'ii'tion to" 300, other-1 ev. T. S. HallicLiy, for many years
M 1 fiii.i.,.1 nW' V. V. I .... II U..r,l llT.linr In
Plymouth church, has retired from tho
church on account of llov. Lymon Ablwtt
having been chosen to fill Jleecher'H
fcf iiirwn V1 300, other-
' ii Vi,"rona 11,0 VMy
' 9 U IWiuV u ami
Ie.ml et0". will Ijbt wrvo
B'wng it proper
llrlui; l'rrfiirnii'il l,y thu
Yesterday was celobrato.l in tlio M. H.
church us Chlldrcn's Day, and a very
ileaslng program was rendorod by tho
ittle folks. Notwltlistauding tho match
game of kill which was going on at tlio
same time, tho building was packed full,
Tlio church was decorated with flowers
and ovuigreens tastefully arranged, wbllo
several canaries mado music during tho
whole tluio of tlio exercises. After sev
eral hvmiis und chant., had been sung,
Mr. it. Coon, siierlntoiident of Iho
Sundav school, made an address in which
ho stated that Children's Day had been
set apart us u dav In which ollorlngs wore
to Iks mado in all the churches towards a
fund for educating men for tho ministry.
That -'00 ministers and HO mMonarios
wore already in tho Held who had been
educated from this fund, ulthough It was
yet a young institution.
Noxt caino u recitation by Oeraldino
Despaiu, in which that littlo lady acquit-
ted herself admirably.
The baptismal service followed, tho
candidates Isjing Hobblo and Agnus ,
Fletcher, four children of Mrs. Heck and
a littlo girl named Wells. Four children i
of Frank Zeigior wero baptised privatoly
aflor tlio R'rvico. , . ,
"Two uuHses.-a icm
lintel Arrlnl,
Yiu.AUi) Hot'Hi:. T II Ogilbio, II
W Mitchell K H Drake, Portland;
Frank Uuuian, II K Hlo.'som, Char
les Straus, Portland; Mrs HIrd and
family, Cliarlo i (loo.lnioie, C C McCoy,
.Mm Colwcll. N G Hlalm-k. Frank Fra-
.lor, J T Jones, T II Walsh, alia Walla;
''nulla. Alnrrav. 1 T: K C Oaloshv.
Geo ltovnolds, P A Worlhlngton.Woston ;
J H Keenoy, .1 II Wiight, City, J II Da
con. J W Pcngluso, Chicago; Charles
FoiIm's, Jaino. Cl.uk, Waviio Houston,
C T llacon, .loo Keonoy, .ir, I High thorn
ton. K Favor. P. II Ffsher. Frank San
tiers, Kd Temple, (loo Canser.Frecl Snow,
Miss Lettlo Wayluiglit, MrsCoia Smith,
Miss M Duncan, W P Caviuess and wife,
Atlington; K K Cumploll, W V Wilson,
W K Whito, W F FranUlin, San I ran
cisco; W M Hailing, Milwaukee; M I)
Cliirmd, linker City; J F Johnson, Fcho;
N Doihio; Geo Witlirow; H F Miiler,
W I Yawtor, Salem; Geo Y Hamilton,
City; is r Mill, Vermont: w r Coch
rane, Now York; Ioiiis F Cook, J H Me
(ilnnls, I laker City: A U Darrelt : G A
Waggoner, Corvallis; Charles O'Neil,
Cltv; UP WcKjdy. YIiipoh; A I) John
son, Pilot Hock; J U Iji.1.1, Walla Walla;
IT Heeso, Adams; S 'A Mitchell Now
Howmas Ilofsi: .Fames Watson, Geo
lliird, li Grande; A H Froneh. Vinson;
Angelo Dangclo; .M It Newell, II Co.lno
and wife, CM Price .1.1 Jones, Wlls D
Covlo, Mrs Lltllo, James G Kidwell,
Walla Walla; Alox Cavoy, Mis Nlneford.
Davton ; I'd Cluv.son, Spokane Fulls: J
II linger, 0 H,'i N; Frank Pyrd, K J
Mellroom, G K Adam. DLk 1'efifcco,
Pilot Hock: Mrs M Holihin rev, Kansas:
J C Lewis. O It ,t NiChasIVlLKasllanil.
S J Cox, citv; J J Hughes, Pilot K.ck;K
Martin, Nolin; W II Harrington, Minn f
T J Kirk. H F Manslleld.CenOrvlllo:
Simon Sleen, A T (lourson, Weston;
K Dallou. .lames lllain, Aik: N Amler-
son, J tl no .Mountain; Peter Dawson, Pow
der Itlver; J II Delim, Helmont; I'o
Ileum. Missoula: W II Widlaco, Mo: F
C Cani)bell, city.
tioi.nt s- ttn.K. l ai King, .loim iving,
DuvIPh Gulch; W H Miller, J M Samson,
city; C II Umhlrlh, Kiimola; Mrs 1)
Surhor, Ivugono; ( barley Duncan, Wes
ton; W II Moore. Milton; Clark Walter,
Weston ! J W Mathows. W M Dow ire.
Juniper; John Otr. Caldwell; D C Dun
can and who. t ii ueovos, vm'hioiij i-
Filedloy. P S Tito, J Kslor, llostoii; A
Wilson, wimoiii I'rect .muio, win King.
Pilot Hock: ii M Iluson, Jiinhier: II F
Nowolleon. Cold Snrinir: John Hatch.
John Parker, Wallula; Chailos IVoeinan.
limliHir: Win liodou, W Ilutclious, Cold
Htirinu: D Holls Pilot Hook; J L Dewoy.
Alba; K Fislcoly, W Nicoly, Juniper; H
O'llarra, 0 Hornanl, Wostin; Henry
Johnson, i I'rico, .1 smith, Jiitxvlllo.
Tho Alcrt'n rirt I- rill.
Saturday evening at 7::tJ tho Alert
Hoso Company L ft tliolr house, running
to tho lire plug on the corner of Main and
Coti't streots, ami in ninety icconds from
tho start they had water through tho
nozzle. This is retnai'kablv uood time.
all things considered. Tho "Alorts" uio
to bo commended for thoir diligence, and
tlio town will no doubt thoroughly uppro
date their value in case of u firo.
Positively Must Have Money!
V. I). Ifunnforil A lUi. po-lllvely mint tivo
money; so a' I IIhxh Indebted to thciu mint
come forward mid fettle.
W. D, Hansford & Co,,
Hardware Dealers and Plumbers
G-. Shindler & Co.,
Furniture Dealers.
Largest and Most Complete Factory on the Coast.
I-loi(4 Ini'iiisliing- a Specialty.
Bedroom Sets,
Parlor Suites,
Side Boards,
Folding; Beds,
Bedding, Shades.
G. Shindler & Co.,
Warcrooin, Kid First Street,
Miroiigli blwk 'MO feet to
1.17 and Kill Front St.,
- OltKtJON.
Groceries," Vegetables, Fresh Fish
D. KEMLEPw'S Grocery Store, on Main Street
i-ino apices, i-ino uoneo.rinc lea. anu tvervinm t-ma tnat a
Grocery should contain.
Call on mo if you want Groceries cheap. D. KEMLER.
Selling Out at Cost!
My Entire Stock of Goods,
Comprising tho following goods, to-wit :
$8,000 Worth of Boots and Shoes,
The liest iitock In Pendleton.
i,000 worth of Mt'tin mnl llim'.i I Tuts and I'ltriilsJtint (linxls.
I also put on tho Market
$7,000 worth of Harness and Saddlery.
All of my goods 1 liought for cash, and I can rail thum -'t jhii cent. cheaer than
than men who buy on cicdlt.
Sale to begin this day, .May til. Come early and get bargains.
Ixniso and llxttues for sale of tho line brick stoic, Cotut street, in Dospuiu block
Wo are iccelving, almost dally,
Goods Direct from the Eastern Manufactories.
OurstocU nil! be now In design and complete in assort moid, consisting of
Whatnots, Brackets, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc
Also a complete lino of
Carpets, oil cloths, linoleums, shades, portieres,
and upholsterers' goods.
Forbes & Wheeler,
Association Hnilding, Pendloton, Or,
Wall Paper, Lace Curtains, Window Shados,
Oil Cloths, Linoleums, etc.
The "WHITE" Sewing Machine,
1 1 Mdiffnn, Orrs."".
nil Iw :
Failing's Oai'pet Store,
.Main .Street, near tlio bridge, Pengloton, Otogon.
Tim r.i'Itilliil,l "1WO 111
same number of girls noxt caino ujion I
tho Platform, each lsjaring a piece of, ,
clircl-boavd on which was printed a loiter. Hereford, Durham, Holstoln
After each had recited a verso from tho I and Jorsoy
Hiblo thov held tho cards aoovo , iii-ir
heads, when tho words, "Christian Ldu
cation" were formed.
Tho exercises closed with an address
from a littlo girl illustrating the necessity
of liberal ollerings to uid in their work,
und tho taking of tho collection.
Tho crop of peaches from Doiawaro and
Now Jersey is ubout ton days later than
usual, owing to bad weather.
IMilcr in
Thoroughbred Cattle FARSVI
Cm be keen at Kt s & Oulld'n llvrry Uble
un Al t utreet.
Prices Very Reasonable.
Will le here ono week only,
juii iw w. r. cot;iiuA.K.
t! ...
" rn
The J. I. 'Jase Little Giant Walking Gang, Sulky,
Gang and Walking Plows.
Studebaker Wagons, Hacks and Buggies.