East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 09, 1888, Image 1

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    D A.ILY.
a rur.i: MiiitAitv.
Patron, of Hip Pally or NeniMVppkly
HAST OltKUONIAN rim freely mnkti line
or tlin KASt' OltniONIAN llbrnry when
liter they mi ilculic. The, ptthllii lire cor
dially halted In llt Itin nlllcc wtirnnver
II llH'llhl'll
fIH ltllMM'.VH-(ll"P"
NO. 85.
rfT 1
Leezer & Kuebler,
Tbc!rge-t oii'l nmit complete. Mock (if
....i.t tHftdRAilMIAM
i 19 u. liiVAyuAwaeaiifwa
I Ifll Mi OTimw T
: i i innii 1 111 11 1111
miui iu iui iii i i n i i ii in l
III I III 11 1 U.AA W lww
InEastorn Oregon.
D Inn If Pendleton.
.,.1 lunren every iniy.nmi w icii one.
" ten were liuaiietl In III"
- . inniin itnr nnuniu
iuli kuv iNMiKarai.r iiiimr i.
-l .....I n illtllill.Hll III
. ..... II. n I,,,,.! ttlllirillllllN II1IIM1 III
miihMfVfii urini mllnmil mid icnm-
. .l,l.l. r ill ir UK UPOII It. I'llV Mil
ni.wlllimit ill.rntint. iiiiiiieiiiiiiPiv upon
.1 . , .. .ll....t.f .! IIFf MITN. ."S 1 1 1 1 I liri I'll 11 TIT
rtoonilntu It ixillvli'M.
.if -f I - . l . Turn MIIIInn
o! Surplus.
Clopton & Jackson,
Resident Agents,
nun pr I ii K hiiitjiiii
ma iiuiiiv i& a u
Mml iwinnliir lino In pitiinp.tltiri
i tli orlln'rii rai'lllii Itnllwity
T.htLuuNiiinl the Noillll
Tolii'-.lloliH'n, l.euventi orlti'
trliluii mid Kuiihiim (llty
.AK. I I'oiiiii'i'tliii: with tho
I llilinu Ijilll'MIIU'llFl I lll.ll l.flllMtlU
(f r
ll'lfzit t . lh .i.i. .n.'r.j l..Mrn
lilllflli t'lllili'n .s.jiuiif llllii
......I ......
1 'alder 1)1 nl n u Curs!
"!.4 v all tliniiiuli Kxpron TruliMon
Ii idr kal by all eoiiiieclliirf mllwiiyii.
l ..'.rlhi , ni.i , ii.iIoii (i'iiiln,
't i Vimitiiiti iiy tnll'ii; riite", liliipn,
I'll II illll I HKfi'lof tlll-O.lt.
. X,,.. ..... ..I.. IJiilluliv
' w r. i,i.i itf.vv.
1 )! '' '. .!. It. A V. Co .
' i '.i.'i. ii, ,Oivi;iI),
IIKHHM'llV, ii cimiI,
H" , m si - . I'ortlnu.l. Ore.
1. Hi) mi;,
iI' ' ' ' l'- ' ' A
1 'W I I H. tf. III1VII
i' T .ill' if. M. ,v r. 1 . U'y.
Mli ni'iipnll Mum.
C'calcru In
. i .
va w anil ' rmwavA
w mm 11I1IIU1U
f-rwmpxiy uone.
JI'N'''tiii:KT, i-i:mii,i;ton.
H &f ' : I'ttMlnimtroiiHBB ! t.ollillc.1
innn ... I
w - uiuillUl
na'iMurtr 0f and l)vawr
lrness, Saddles, Bridles
ups, Etc.,
n and Wagon Shoots
for Salo
' Bulldini, Main trot. Ju2l
W. n ri r-. .
- i
I'laiun, Qr
Wlinn, Hlltl Hll
ii lflitii tit mn.
ifc . v y i f t i n(Hi
v i .mx , .
UH e .
... ..
V P.
' ' Vm i irnynn
i.oihii: niiti:oToitv.
Meets lit tin MiiMtnln Tom pin tin the
llratuuil (hlidFrldiyMof each iiuintli, lit VM
o'clock. .1. 1. nu.-iii i;k, II. v.; F. 11. ci.oiton,
KVi7.IV. I.OII01-. NO. SI. A. K. A A. M.
McetNon the second iiiiiI fourth Moil
nay of cit"li iiiniitli, in 7i.HI o'i'lii'k. II. J.
IlKAN, V. M.; V. K. 1'oTWINK, Hecretiiry.
J Meet III till' MlKOIlll! Temple till 11 10
fit Ml iitui tulrtl Motiilu) h of pupil t lion 1 1 1 nt
7SW o'clock. T. J. .MILLION. W. M.J It. .11.
kxamimi, Secretary.
VI' r. I.ai'flK NO. 114. V. O. U. w Meet
every ThMrnduy nlulit nt I tin KiikIiiii
IIoii.p, Ml 71 0 o'clock. J. 0. l.KANUUK, M.
W.j V V. Tuhtin, ItecoriU'r.
IJUJItKICA I.OIHltO NO. ,U . O. (). V. Meut
j i very MiitnrJiiy cvi iiIiik nt7:3)o'eloi'k.
T. .1. Million, N.CJ.j K. K. siiumn, Miurvinry.
O. I''. Meets on tlic reroml Mini lunt
Tinirxilny-i nr mi ('ii iiuintli, ut. 7ini)ovliii'k.
Lot l.t VKH.MOHi:, C. I'.J H. K. HllAII0M,HcrlllP.
JAITMNKHI'III'COV (.niHirJNo. 1.1. I. O.
U.K. Mi et( tli' Mint mill third TIiiim.
nyK iifcneh inoiitli.
HAItMONY I.OI)OK NO. '.'I, It. OK l.
,1iIh in f lil KelliiWR' Hull vtry Tile -ilny
cvi'i.lmr ut 7;:i() o'eloelc. .I. (!. I.KAsuiu:,
C.O.j C.J. ViltTAKi:ii,IC. of It.'ind f.
Old KelnmV Hull every W'eilni'Mliiy
pvpiiIiik nt 7S.10 o'elopk. M. MotlKIIKAIi, 0.
C.J II. rv (LMinKLI), K. of It. mid t.
KIT t'AlfON I'OsT, 0. A. It. liieelK nt
WheelcrN Hull every Tliurodiiy nlulit.
II. S. WAm.K, Coiniimiidorj .1. H. Howkn,
It Stands at the Head!
Rlmtilp. I'rni'tlriil. I.iuhl Ulllililllir mid
IIllllllO.Il'. ..... ,
Mirny try to equal II. hut none h'kpoi1.
I.iii, full In mi.ii Mm Iiiii1ChIIi' hefllllt LllV
ng it h"wlin: iiiiiehine
iIkw nija aiiniH iiiom.a , Auii
( i iinilnrierthlH dat. at lidlillllUtrator of
the iKtiite of tho lmo William ItohH. 1 offer
for 'iilciill tlio llvo ftock owihh! hy tho ih-
'J'lioroiifltbi'vil JTereftivd llullx.
.shni t-Iuii-ii f'alltv, Ormla Cattle,
unit (linrrut StiH'k Cattln.
TiiHoiiilibrnl Siwtihli Merino
IliictiH and KirvH, JtvuMvreil.
(ii'iuln Illicit ami Htm A- Sheep.
Aton Urco numher of Moot i.u l a quan
tity of Iini.
For particulars cull on ornddrem
inySI dmv tf I'ciiilletoii,Or.
Notary and Corporation Seals,
In Pendleton,
The usual price for oal inndn by other
parties. In Portland or tho Eas U from $6.00
oi7,0J,wlthexproi.(IiorKeK udded. If yuu
need a seal, sond your order to us, ami ve
from 32.Oto $1.00 thereby.
East Oregonian Pub, Co,,
nihil dtf Pendleton, Oregon.
A.. HBALlllY
Main and VbbSUls.
Kaxteru JIacIe ttootM
mill Nlioi-x In
J'Jrfect Ut uuiiranteed.
DAlttNO ItOltllKHS.
They Itonril the Trnlii, Kill the ItnRBiiKW
Mn.tni. mid urn Itutitrd hy it Ku
Clnenr. Cincinnati, Junu 8. A (taring uttoini't
wim nniilo to rob it train nutir thi- city
tliin liHiriiinn. Two robbi'H from t lie
jilittform of tlio bagifiieo far uliot tlironli
tliu wiiidow. killiifi! tlio lmi:gui;o muHtur
itiHtutitly. Tlioy tlien mouuiud tins tun
dor anil woro mul liv tlio liravo uimincer,
wlio knuckud umi of tlio ro1i.orn still" ami
throw lilin from tlio train, whlcli war go
ing at full hiicciI. Tlio train nlowuil tip,
and tlio rolibcrrt wcro neon o."i'ailng from
tlio train in eovoral iilaees. A largo ikihho
wim formed and aru now Hcoiiring tlio
country. No arrontH lmvo iih yet been
inado nor hart tlio man thrown from tlio
locomotive by tlio engineer been found.
iin: Ol.ll ItO.MAN.
Hu Will Titka tliu Htiinii In Support f
Clovplmid mid 1 Illinium.
Coi.t'Jiiii'M. Ohio, .Juno 8. Tho Tliur
man Club of thin city g .vo a grand iloiu
oiiHtratlou hint night, ra'lfyiug tho nomi
nation of their Idol, All mi (i. Thiirman,
for Vlco l'rosldimt. 'iho "old Honian"
made it groat Hpuecli win 'Ii wan lihtcned
to and applauded by ..omblcd IIiuiih
audrt. Mr. Thm inaii gave ovidonco of
groat vigor, both menially and physi
cally. Ho will take tho Mump In tho
fortlicoming prcMidontial campalgit and
maku u htruug light for tho Democratic
tiarty on tho prluclnleM no plainly Htatcd
In tho jilatform of that party.
tiikviii:at maiikkts.
Still About the Himti.-l'lrin Holding of
l'oitri.ANii, Juno 1). Wheal ndvlcen re
ceived in thirt city rciiott (pilot murkctH
overvwhoro; thoho of thin country being
weafeer, if anything, while for cargooH
theio in it llrm holding by American
HollerH. San rraucihco oiitioim are weak
and lower. Chicago cloned yentorday
with a'l'a for Juno and 83 for July.
All AsuH suto ltnwitrd orb'.'.OOO (in'nrnl for
Toelr Capture,
WiNrmtH, Cai... Juno 8. Ono hundred
armed men with bloodhound are boom
ing tho country, hcarchlng for two men
who brutally uxHaultcd a citizen named
Wouglitell a fow dayn ago. It Ih lieliovcd
that tho guilty partlcx are concealed In a
ravine near thix place. Tho aggregate
toward ollered for tiioir capture Ih '-,uOl).
CI,i:Vi:i.ANI AND TAltll l" ItCl'OltM.
Henry Guoieo mi DiMilurm mid Hnyi lie
llnllute. tlnit the 'llokot trill bo Trl
iiiiiplimitly i:iei'U'il.
Nmv YoitK.Juno 8. Ilonry CJeorgo in
1 thin wcokV iHrttm of bin paper nnro
' forvudly declarex for Cleveland and tarill'
reform, lie belloven tliat Cleveland and
iThutnian will bo trluinplianlly elected.
Tim I'lnii hliould Hui'coAil.
ho Anui:i.kh, Juno 8.A plan ban
, been diricoveied to 1)0 on foot hoio to
puieha:i thu entire oil torritoty of South
, ern California by an Kantoni nyudicato,
' and put tlio entire product on tho market
I ut ono time all over tho country, in order
tlitit tliu nionooiy oi tno nuiiKiani un
Company may be broken.
'I ruin Hubber Aiiiillillttrd,
Nooai.kh, Juno 8. A Hhoriirn poxwo
had a light to-day with tho Sonoru train
robborn and Hiiccc'eiled iu completely an
nihilating tho ontiro gang. Ono wan
killed, two badly wounded and tho othorri
captured uulnjuied.
Killed Ii; it l alllllK Trre. '
Si:aiti.k, Junu 8. Kdward Hon. a
White Hlvor farmer, wuh cruHhcdbyu
... . . . . ... .. 1 1 .. .....
t lulling iioo to-uay wuuu vnsiiKua m mi
ting timber.
. Opi'll to All.
I Sin ritANiii-co, Juno 8. Tho pupremo
court hurt decided tiiat tho Klamath ual
I mem llnhoricH uro legally opon to all.
1 !.
Nnt the Nettn to III. .Mullior.
I From the linker City Democrat.
! J, h. Hand, tho nowly elected diHtrict
'uttoruoy of tho Sixth Judicial l)Intrlct, in
! about the liapiilcnt young man in ilaker
i Citv, and hit IriendH aro hujipy too. Ho
Ih a' well reflected young man, urn! inoro
I than that wo lieliovo ho will dinchargo
tho dutlort of tho ollico to which ho ban
been elected with connidorablo ability.
' Yi'rtorday. after liguring up lib inujoritloH
111 IIIU PUIVIIII V vj.t . . . .v... ...... .... o
folf certain of ills election, ho inarched
Htraiglitwav to tho telegraph otllco unci
rent tho tidings of his good luck to his
dear old mother In Now Hampwhiro.
.Mother will bo proud of her Iwy when
Hhe receives his telegram.
t'utlier Ilull'y' Moiiuiueiil.
From tho Walla Wall Joaniul.
V!l ... t. 'li.uni riw-nlvnil tllO COIltrilCt
i for tho Father Dully monument. It will
I bo ton feet big, Italian nuirblo. mir-
mounted with a cross v. tht ho iihcriptlon
lllllllllK.il 1. I'll .. . ii
" am inu junuiiKv.iuii M.... ......
1 in the Hold of tho die his inscription, bis
! monogram T. D. iu front of tlio cap. On
I ono side of tho Hold will b ongmved a
galice, und on tho other, an 01.011 bible.
The cap will ixi supisirted by four col
iiiniis, very nicely curvod and the beauti
ful iiiemonto.w orthily l,otowl by a faith
ful Hock, to a good Hheplioid.will U erec
ted Aug. l"i, and will cont about 4(W.
A camp meeting will be eoiiimoncod ut
U-ingiou Juno H, by tb M. I church.
Necr.d mlnUters will lx- iu ufendaiu.
and cver)lx)dy h cordially inwt. d to
I... . . .
tho resut reel lull unit tno iiiu, nun -
N SI I NAT I N 1 1 C 1. 1! V K I . A N II.
Th .cpeti.'ii Mailt- ill Hie Ht l.oiil Con
i iitloii, Noinliiiillnt; mill uritntlltii; the
Nomina' Inn
Amid gie.it out li tit-in-ni and anplatihe
Doiiglieiiy, of aow nk, ascended the
plaiionu to the light of lliu cliairmau,and
addicted the couvcntiuii as folloWH:
1 greet juii, my countiyinen, with fra
toiiial love. In your lueccnco I bow to
tho mujcKty of tho people. I bin night It
self is itirtiliing, llui tliought that it in
npiics I.h (uliliiiie. You cmio ftt.Mii eveiy
State and lenitory, from osery nook and
coiner of our i.i'ciiii-lioiiiiil continent.
You in 0 about to diychargo mine than an
hni.eilal dutv with tho tdmiiloxt ceiemo-
nlals. You, as iepieentatives of tlio
eoplo, aro to chooro a inaglstrato with .
now or mlirhtlor than that of a nionateli.
and checkett anil eontiolled by that hu
promo law of a written constitution.
TIniH IiiitirossiM I. I usceiiu tlio roHtruui to
t I i ., ft fl I
naino tho noxt rreritlent of tho t tiited
States. .New tork pieKentH lilm to tliu
convention ami pledges her electoral vote.
The delegation from the thirty-eight
States and nil tho territories aio assem
bled without caucus or consultation,
toady Hiiuultaiieously to take up tliu cry
and inako Iho votu unanimous. We aro
here, not, indeed, to choose a caiulidiito,
but to iiaino tlio olio tliu people nave in
i ono tno puopio nave ui-
Hu is tlio man for tlio
reor illuntrutus thu Klory
ns. Klght ycatH ago iin -
ready ehoi-en.
iHsoiilo. Iliscaa-er
of our institutions
known save In his own locality, ho fori
the last lour vears nan mihki in tnu gazo u,0 , porm the entienchmentH of sub-
of the world, dischaiging tho most ox- r,v ,! monopoly, bv lei unending
ailed duties that can Ihj conlltletl to uior- Hm,-, jmilcloim revision of our turitl' svh
tal man. lie determines Unit. , not of ds t ,um ,w m wcllro oipiality iu tliu distrl
own choice, but by tho liiandato of his imljon f puhHe butdens, and lighten thu
countrymen and tho Function of heaven, oxact ions of labor. Applause. Ho lias
ho Hindi fill tho I'tesldency for four years ; m, (10 t.Urago to Inaiigurato a war on
inori?. Ho has mot and imiHteretl every tmt l(,rtlble inlsnomor called tnirts. Hu
tiuestion, us if from youth (mined toiimrt m t,0 fourago and patriotism to re
HtatesinanHhli). Tlio promises of his let- (,0 Presidency of the United Slates,
terof acceptance anil inaugural address not aH tv irHonal penpilsllo, actpilrctl by
huvo been fullllled. Ills lidolity in thu . piirclmse, or discovery, or diplomacy or
past inspires faith in tho future. Ho Ih esulioat ; but ho lias leganled the l'resl
not a huiHj, ho is realization. Scorning ; ,oucv as it grout public olllce, continued
Hiibterfugo, dlstlainlng ro-electlon by con-j ,v ji;0 lmM,ught HtiHrage of (hoH'ople, to
coaling his convictions, lnimlfiil of his I jJU iKliuiuistcrcil wisely, fairly, and jutll
oath of ollico to defend thu constitution, i t.iouslv, impartially, honestly, In tho In
ho counigeously dcclarcH to Congress, . tort!nH tJ( tlio people. (ChcorH.
dropping minor mutters-, that tho supremo j Well, (1U (M f tho business is, lie has
Issue is the lefonn, revision and leiluc- H) UWVU courage that it is unnecessary
tlon of national taxation that the treas- , uniunoratu; lint there is one thing I
urv of the United States, glutted with tin- j Wimt ( m t.HH-cial attention to. While
neeiletl goiti, oppresses inuusiry, emoar-1
ratios buslncsHjiind bleeds extravagance, .
I'.mtr.illntlim and corrlltitiou: that blirli
taxation, vital for tho oxiendlt'iros of an
unparralleled war, Is robliery In yearn of
prosperous oaco; that tlio millions that
jiour into tho ttvasury come from tho
liaril-earnod savings of an American peo
ple; that In violation of equality of rights.
tho nrescnt tarill has created u privileged ,
class, who, shaping legislation for their i
er.tonal gain, levy by law contributions
loin tho necessaries of life from every
man, woman and chlltl iu tlio lami; mat
to lower tho tarill' Is not free Initio, it Is to
reduce tlio unjust prollts of inonoixilintH
ami manufacturers. Thu man who in
portH that to lower the tarill' means fteu
tiadu lusultH intelligence, ami wo brand
him as a falsifier. It is iiirtliest irom on
thought to inipeiil capital or disturb it,
onterpriMss. Wo aim to uphold w.tgei
It is furthest from our
ami protect tno ngniH oi an.
This administration has rescued tho
public domain from the would-be barons
ami cormorant corporations falthlesH to
their obligations, and recorved it for freji
homes for tills ami coming generations.
There has lieen no pilfering, thcio aro no
lobs under this administration. I'uhliu
ollico is a public trust. Integrity de
mands a guaid at every post of our vuit
While tho l'resldont him been tlio mo
ilium through which lias flowed tho un
dying -rutitudo of tho republic for her
soldlois, ho has not hesitated to with
hold his . iiprnval from special legislation
wherein i. -miry revealed a want of truth
and justice
Alwvo i"' I ho ban frowned iix;n sec
tional Htrife, and sixty millions of free
men live in ties of brotherhood, aro ptos
ierous and happy,
Theso are thu achievements of his ad
ministration. Under (ho wuuu leader, wo
are reatlv to meet our political oppo
neiits iu ldgh and honorable dobate, and
Htako our triumph on tho Intelligence,
virtue and patriotism of tho eoplo. Ad
boring to tho constitution in its every
line and letter, rememlicrlng that tlio
itowers not delegated to tho United States
by tho constitution, nor prolilliltcil liy it
to tho Statos, aro renervetl to the States,
uectliiL' tho voice of our ixsotilo, by the i
, r . ... ' m I r
1 fnllmvu '
j "I lxsar tho commission of tlio Statu of
I Kentucky to this convention, and in tho
naiiio of tlio commonwealth I but bus
I utt-nn in llmt State a Cluv and a Critton-
: 1 (ion, i uosiro io peeonn uw
11! . 'l,....l..,,.l fnr ll.o 11 hl',1 III Illll i
i den, I doslro to w?coiul the nomination of
vinnui iu,u....... .... ( ., ,
l'nwliloncv of the United Status. Great
appluuso and wild cheering. W ithinthe
liroatllimiUof this great land there Is but
0110 luoio xjiul.ir Deiiu crut than bo, and
tluit U tho (uenly woman ho has mude
bin wife, (iteut apl'iuiiro.! 11 mum ihj,
Mr. Cliairmau. a matter of feli. ltatioii to
nvorv L'oixl tliuell wiiiuii tnu iiiinm ui
t.t . l.t. I.. ll... II. ..14.. - - f
our laud that tho hlstoiie Wldto Ilouno,
arouutl which charter m many inemoriup
tbut are ileitr to uverv )iatrli4lc heart, m
jirepidixl over b a man h 1ms tlioi'.nii
ago to t-nf' rcf olx dit ii' c t" bail laws un'il
th v !n- n-i'taled ui.d M .n.ii.tid !
cna. t'ii. m nf g'"d !-until ilic
authority of the Domocracy ot .now ioik, (ienllomen ol tno convention, twenty
backed 'by tiio Democracy of tho entire four delegates from (icorgia lmvo come to
Union, I give you a name entwined with , thin convention, Ix-ating with them u sin
victory. I nominate (irover Cleveland of K (ommission, and that coiiimlsMon to
Now York. cast tlio vote of tho Statu for Unit leiulor
After tho wild cheering of lU.fKXI eoplo j10in our into convention, iu its platform
following Dougherty's great sjiecch, Mo f principles, characterized as uniting the
Kenzlo, of Kentucky, then took tho plat- wirdoin of Julleison with tho firmness of
form and atldrespetl the convention as .Im-kruin and tho patriotism of Washing-
Iks eiiaited. lApiilauf-o.) At tho namo
lime its ft ciul destinies ate guided by tho
f.ilr hand of tho uncrowned iiieeu (if our
A met lean womanhood, 1 never intend
to let Mrs. Cleveland out of this oanvans.
ll.aughter and applause. In hoc nlgno
It was Haiti, gentlemen of tho jury,
llaughtcr, at your last national conven
tion that (irover Cleveland was loved for
the enemies lie had mado. Still later it
was said that lie was loved for tho liiFcals
he bail turned out. upnlnUMS, and still
It was said that ho was loved for the ines
saeo ho had written. Applause. Ken
tucky loves him for tlio lluht there Is In
him, laughter and applause, and for his
hplcmliil taciug (piaiitics. ii.aiiguier.j
I Iu is as l'uiuo as I.oxlnuton, ami as
speedy as Tenbroeck.
in iitscuriicrioriu
ho won the
Hull'iilii tmiyoritltv stake
hands down.
Later he cantered from
HKt to M)lo in tho .Now lot k liantllcaii,
l it ttttiitt w tH1 .nit
I'J t'V'V V. V. (tltiilll j mmj
t Was then entered ugalnt-t tho Florentino
l.auKiitor.l nu
.Mox.iic from .Maine (treat applause
and clu'crlug, ami won tliu na
tional Derby by a neck. It tloes not mat
ter, gentlemen of tho IV'tntxTUtlo jury,
how-this national HWeepstaku shall bo
made up, whether it Iki tilled up by hy
perborean Icicles, or Florentine .Mosaics,
or (lark horses. When tho race is run
I through tlio bulletin boards will hIiow
i Hirougli
i iCeli ih
t hmtulit
f "rim s
llrm, mo natancu not placed,
er and unnlumc.
tato of Kuntucky loves Cleveland
for t10 reason that ho has bud tho cour-
othorn huvo written ilouiittui messages,
jl0 mH written a niessago to the present
American Congress that has about it tho
dltectness and forco of a Kentucky rillo,
and the executive ability ol a dynamite
cartridge. Applause ami laughter.
Now, gentlemen, this is one instance iu
thu history of American politics wliuio wo
lmvo a man who furnlsliesiu his Hrson
., iirwt.i-liiHS candidate and a thoroughly
hoiuocrutio platform. Applause. He
has done his duly: let lis tlo ours.
iiluiiMt.t I want every Democrat, male
and female, laughter) within tlio body of
this most magnltlceut deliberation hull iu
tlio world applause consecrated iu tlio
holiest puro.-u, outside of tlio Christian
religion, 1 want every ono to go homo
nf lor tin hIhiII lmvo i'Iom'iI thesu oxeiclst'S
wti', u liouitKiratic lienedlctlon, and If it
hIiuI nliMim tiotl. to inov i o that in aii-
ilition to ti rover Cleveland one of tho
guidons along the clear lino of Democracy
in its inarch to victory shall lx a led ban
iluuu. In conclusion, .Mr. Chairman ami gen
tlemen, I move to susH)utl the rules anil
make the nomination of drover Cleve
land for ('resident unanimous.
Kollowiiii! .McKeuzle. Judge II. I).
Twiggs, of (icorgia, saitl In pint:
Tho gnat State of Georgia, which I
have tho honor In part to represent on
this occasion, la proud to second the
nomination of (irover Cleveland : a State
which has been conspicuous iu fidelity to
tlio great principle ol ieintsiraey ami
economical government under our hh
tern, and which has found their highest
expressions In his splendid and magnifi
cent administration. Applause,
Gentlemen of tho convention.' .Mouo
oly lias Haiti to tlio ixHiploor Iho South : :
"Youiiio oor; build up your fai toilus,
dlveisify votir industries, I'roti'clJon has
made UH'opulont; it will make you so,
likowii-o." Tlio Statu of (ieoigia. al
ready vocal with tlio music of a million
Hi.iiu'lles, has 'given her lenly, lifting
aloft her proud and untarnished iddeltl,
on which is Inscribed her motto. "Wis
dom, Justice and Moderation." Shu has
raid to tills aitful brilxi; "Wo may be so,
but wo aru unwilling to grow lieh by
lowing tribute ujxin tno jKiopio. lp-
I . . .
ton. (( beers.
What is true of Georgia
is true of overv Statu hero represented;
and it might Ixi truthfully stated, geullo
men, that this vast ami giaml assi-m-blugo
of putilots ami DemtxTutH may be
culletl but ii formal convention, nw-viiiblcd
cauuu tnu u lorinui wmvunuoii. iism-iudhx
... r.,llf.. ll... .,..11.... ..( II.....
"" "" i"""'
eighties which huvo uhoaily Hixikeu.
i beers. ;
Gentlemen ol tho ooneiition, iu 1HS-I
the public caieurof 1 irover Cleveland wim
coiiliuud to thu UmitM of the giuat Statu
wliich proudly claimed him iih bur own
-v-diy, in 1WW, Iiiu namo Mild fame, and
earner are only bounded liy llw liorioii
of every civilised cixiiiti v iinui tlm face
f d' card. J .! 1 1 . hi 11.
UHH M.ij(l-l i' ihO -0 -jI I IlltO.l
"-later iu ISM-l, la tli't uliu knew him,
hi- (.'in.i.'e, l.i-'abilif. and J.i- patn .t
i-in .11' ) J .i- I' d ' ii e l ii..tjl '1 1
II. ..) ' - I n I i-le r j li .- . n . -
I sary to insure a continuaucu of patriotic
devotion to duty, wblcli has been uxcin-
plillcd by a matchless, unsullied and
uiilniiillil liilinlnlHlnitlnli. rAliiilause.l
! lie has not only won tho applause of his
I countrymen, but tho plaudits of the civil
1 Ixotl world of "Well done, thou good and
I faithful servant."
I Fellow Detntx'rats, hoarino for a 1110-
incut longer. Whence comes tho fact
I that from every State, from Maine to Call
1 ferula, anil from tho Atlantic to tho la-
cine, there is among the jieoplo compris
ing this convention of over 800 delegates
but 0110 uauio upon their lips, and but
one name enshrined in their hearts. I
will tell you why. It Is because ho linn
pursued honest methods. It Is Ix'causo
no is a stern enemy of roblxsry; of Jol
bery and monopoly; cheers; Ixm'uiiso ho
Is such a lion iu tho path of corruption:
because ho has laid the foundation of
gixxl government, of honesty and reform
so wide and deep that the principles un
derlying our federal syHlem havu found
their highest, and grandest ami lxst ex
ponent iimler his matchless leadership.
And last, but not least, (hear inu a mo
ment longer,) it is because of his Ixiltl
opposition tit Hiii tlio abuses of thu exist
ing tnrlll'. lie found the people of tho
United States were being mercilessly
roblxsil and plundered by thu rapacity of
tuonoKjlics under tho sh'cIoiih gulfu of
protection, and when ho found that tho
great agricultural Industry of tho country,
which Is tho source of all true wealth,
was bound baud ami foot, It was then
(irover Cleveland, matchless man that ho
Is, when he assumed the robes of jiowor,
turned his back on the blandishments of
expedients of ollico, an with a swoop
like a royal eagle ho camu to tbo rescue of
a HiiH'erlng people. 1 say, gentlemen, to
the rescue, Ixjcatu-o though the bill now
ieuilliig, known us the Mills hill, may bo
mutilated mul umusculutcd, though It
may sillier the fate of all gieat reforms in
thu beginning, (irover Cleveland has
planted seed whltii has taken root, and
its miro as God defends tho right, tho
country will Iks redeemed.
A NOlll.l.KSS I'ltlCi: THAIlKlt.
A Itepulillrmi I'rntt'f thm OrKiin Sold by 11
I'm'plloiia 1'reeTrniler.
From the Capital Journal.
Wo cannot awatd to our neighbor, tho
Statesman, tho credit ami cutcrptlso of
llmling a mare's nest ; hut ho lias done
tho next best thing. Ho has come across
a fellow who has mado tho wonderful dis
covery, ho has dcsHileil him of Ids ks-
session, and imported tlio natural wouiior
into this city for the declaration of Ids
I'l'adcrs. It conies to us iu tlio hIiuh) of
the Mills bill; ami that wonderfully pro
gressive town. Cohens Falls, situated at
thu mouth of the classic .Mohawk, when)
it was roiortcd, wo am told, that all tho
cotton and wiMilou manufacturers iu that
hive of industry favored the Mills bill.
This Ix'ing regarded iih a tough Htory by
tho Albany Kxpross editor, he scut a re
jxntiir a ten mile trip in tliu cars, to llnd
out the facts, lie came hack with a won
derful story. It is so good that wo pro
duce It as follows:
"Thoiesultof Ids Investigation shown
that instead of tliu inauiifaetiiiers nil be
ing for the Mills bill they worn all
opposed to it savo one, and hu a Demo
crat of 1'ngllsh putcutago. The kind of
American he Ih can Iks seen from
statemeutH ho inadu. Ho gave us a rea
son for favoring free (mile that It would
bring employes down to starvation wages
and then they wohld not Is ablo to strike
ami manufacturers would have no more
trouble with them."
If the name of this xr(li!loiM
free trader could bo known wo would
wugur a trlllo that it is Dick Hurst. Ho
was a young man during thu war, of
Knglish paientnge, as wo aro told iiImivii,
his father an extensive woolen muiiufac
tiuer in CoIioch. Ho ami a hcoio of others
of the sail in (X'citpatlou and from the
same place, served iu tliu same company
with the writer. I'tlvato Hurst was tlio
life of tlio camp; nhvuys Iu hoiiio seruiK),
a torment to his olllcors, but with a heart
as big as it (iiiarter of beef, I In was an
inveterate joldst, ami showed a wonder
ful faculty lor spinning yarns, Hu ami a
voiiuger brother have succeeded to thu
father's busluuss. Dick must Ixi fifty
years old now, but is mishchsci of tho
same Insatiable spirit of mischief.
'I'b is Albany roxutor would go into his
olllce, with his eyes bulging out, to learn
alxmt the leixiited endorsement of thu
mn.. 1 tn LT....1 1.1 I...., 1...
1 11 1 1-t 0111. niicu a 1111111 niniiii inni, imi
Dick Hurst's meat. Ho would till lilm
full, and look as solemn as Hippocrates
while thus engaged.
It is wonderful how ready politicians
ate to Ixi gulled when they want to maku
it point Our nuighlxir has cautioned his
leaders against the campaign liar, and hu
has himself been Hold by the first one ho
A .lull for KuIp.
I'loin the Dos MolnoH Htntn Journal.
"It has been luixirted that Black Hawk
county has an empty jail at I .a 1'oito for
salo. lucre is 110 iiouiit aiioui mo jail
being empty, though thuro may Ik), iih to
its being for sale. Hut It would not bo
similising if so vn ml counties in Iowa
with empty jnlls iijmiii their hands
wanted to gut rid of them as iikcIchh
pioirty. 'Iho enforcement of prohibi
tion Ih tho explanation of the empty jails.
Tho iKJOplo of Iowa have come tutbe con
clusion that it is a good iUwl Imtter and a
giKxl dual ehoaiwr to iutve empty jails
without huIkiiih limn cmuilixl jails with
thuii. Under tho old system the plucuid
"for Halt)" ii--'! 1 pu up over thu
rK'u 'Hi. in --i, 1 1 store, or his lit
tle I, .iib. ...lii!. tin. HoJin'iis were
cIukciI the placard ha- im- d'.wi, ulid
II iw it li.mgi ' r tin-t-iop' v j i.l. I-.,v.i
I h.'VC- 11 1 In.- in J n" , in ' li . il
Ii . au I Plug J . !-