East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 07, 1888, Image 1

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    D A.ILY.
A ruin: i.iun.vuv.
Patron of tho Dully or Semi-Weekly
KAST OIIIUIONIAN mil frcr-ly iimku tun
of tlio HAST OltlUIONIAN library when
out tlii'y kii iIckIic, Tim public urn cnr
illully linltrd In tlult I lid olllcti whenever
mi Inclined,
. flt-crnlilm"",eJr,,r""",,'"w"
'I', . l"u-Ulyi:AST)i:K(lON-
- .!
.im. One "" ' .... ,,.
"" .iir mill If! I' OCTIlflWili iiiit
ii .iiv i;.s i mii.'.' "
NO. S3.
Leezer & Kuebler,
Margc-.tnvl most cninpteto moot of
'A A Pr rnnnu A urinific?
m i u ii h i n i iii
I 1 11 L IA A V - w.
In Eastern Orogcn.
.f.. niAAt - Pnnrilntnn.
mil i iiinnri i
.1 rni.i ih lis
mi n i v iuii i n n t rra i
r do happen every ".," ,w "f"
WrrfH l von ymi will wish Unit
" jmi wen- liiMtred In Hi
. . ...... i ....jtitfrtiiu ii ii nil fllnlr III. Ill
It Wire 1116 IntlM cioimniiii iiumti iii
-liilnleven twai railroad mitl sicnm
3 wMfuli rvi l.rltur ii.ii ,11. I'ny nil
a",llli"ittillvninit. Iinmodlatoly upon
' . .1. ..,.. i.-iiAfd Villi ti'jtrfult II fit
i oni in si ii iMiiii-M n.
Millions ol Ai ots. Two Millions
cl suiplus.
ii iiii.il i iiuiiiiiiiw'iDi nvrwi
Glopton & Jackson
Resident Agent .,
.n...lH l.ii M . 1 1 i HAinllnn ii rti
T'lTiUIIIMll UUII'llllt iniMiMiiiiit
Pciilcr In
.l --.1 m
rnwurp u 1 1 ii wh I'M
IIMmtjr Drnmnflu Diinn
min Hiiu:i:r, i'i:ndi,i:ton.
I r iii I'lrnif imiroiiiib'ti in muiciiou
n t I
mes rawrn-m.
'viurcr of u .tl I)irr In
rnp arirt cc i-ir-roc
- . M lit I
, - -
Whips, Etc.,
nts and Wngon Shocts
10 suo
Mf, lowi' nullillnir, M'iIii utriiM. Ju2l
. n iii i
ciii nnn( smnn
T.TTT.TJ rn TflA BnTTrnwc
' " VV W .iUWI
7l I'oimlar lino In connection
,"V "rn llicillll llllllWU)
aiUPnuU ilMinueiipoll
(klraxuni,,) t, f'.att.
rituupiKn, llii! Month.
iiniIiich, l.envciiivortlf
Atrlilnuii unit II
(Vlll I lOllllPOtllilF Willi lllA
U liHIf iii-. V-ii i. . i . . . .' V i . . . .
'iivini'ijin mm jvuiiiiiH
'I'Uill tVIl l I i,... . . . . ...
...... i nn 'll".
""IllH IVim-. vi f. I
? f HI IhrtiMKli Kxpresn Traliu on
' I?" eoniiectliie r.illwiiyn,
0 "film i ma!-ni union ,n.(,tg,'
t ir,.rj:r1,,'':!!!,'e".!.,i'ni!?.
.MJnue-n I'uudo Ilullwny Com.
Ticket .Wont, o. It. a N. to.,
(tt,'!,..K.KNK,Y. Aw,
'",,J - i'orlla-jl, Ore.
' !" B'liKnr"
.Ki. c it. i. ,t p. a. it,
- , MlnneapolU Minn.
'fill '
J ' " -tr. --t,oiUietaii
Hmun, Or
"inn, noil Mil
KlUll. (if llltj.
li"H I ludtni
ni' iiu sold on
t ins illllull- -
Mi-Ill piuu.
PHNDM'.TO.V OH AITKlt NO. 2.1, It. A. M.
McutN nt tin1 Jliiniilc Tcniplu on tlio
llrst ntid I tilt (1 Krldiiyn of niph tuonlli,iii 7:.TU
nVlock. J. 1. liUrill KK, tl. I'.J K. II. CLOITO.N,
KVS'.IK r.01)UK NO. C . A. V. A A. M.
MriUion till' NPi'otlil Mini Ollltll Moll
unys of uncli inontli, nt 7!) o'o'o lc. II. J.
Hkan, W. Mij W. Ii. I'otwinh, f t'urutiuy.
PKNDfiKTON r.nlKJK NO..S, A. I". A A.M.
McbIhIii Hid Minonlo Temple on tlio
Mint mill tlilnl MoinliiyH of ench month nt
7SI0 o'clock. T. J. .Mli.t.tON, V. M.l It. .VI.'
KXAMIKlt, HCiToliiry.
f' 'IiA I.OIK1K N'6. II !. . O. V. MovIh
everv Tliill'dnv lilulil nt Hie Kneliin
llOIIHe, III II U O'l'IOIlK. .1. U. IiKAHUIIK, .M,
W.; I' V. Tdhtin, lliconlfr.
17UIIKICA 1,011(1 K NO. !li. 1. 1). O. t Meet,
J very HHtiinlny ivi'nliiB ut 7i:ii)o'ulncl:.
'1'. J. Mti.Mo.v, N.U.; K. i:. Miuiron.M-cruliiry.
O. v, McctH on tlio ncroinl mill lint
TnniKiliiy. of iMieli monili, nt 7:M o'clock.
I,()T l.tVKIIMOItK, 0. 1'.; K. R HllAIIOM,Scilbl.
J. O.K. Miptx tlm llrnt una tlilnl 'J'liurs.
iuiyi of cuch month.
HAItMONY r,OI)OK MO. 21, K. OV l
.tlo'ln In iiilil 1'VllnwH' Hull wry Tilt) '
ilny ovd.lnu lit 7;30 o'clock. .1. ('. l.KAMUliK
U.O.J U.J. VltlTAKKIt,lv. Of lt.ll.lll fi.
OAMON tiOIKIK NO. -t. K. OK I'. Mrrti 'n
Oilil KcllowV Hull ovciy Wi'iliicidiiy
rvcnliiif nt 7i.tO o'clock. M. MoiimiKAl), O.
U.: II. h. OAllXlKM), IC. of It. mid H.
KIT UAItMON I'OHT, O. A. H., incftlH nt
WhculorM Mull every TlinrNiliiy nlulil.
Ii. M. Wakki.k, Uoniimitiilcr; .1. S. IIowkn,
It Stands at the Head!
Hlniple, I'rnctlciil, l.ulit t.iiiiul.iif ami
Many try tociiliil II. lint none k.kitiI.
Don't full to Men lliij "Ddiik Bile'' licfoiu tiny-
iImw inyil 31 1 in n IlrON.iil Co., Aucli'M.
On mill nflcr tliU ilntn. Ill M llilllllslrnlor Of
tlio ttitnto of the Into William lln". 1 ollir
for -iiloiill tlio II vu kltick owihhI Iiy tin- J
Tlmroii'jlibrrtl llvvj'cnl Jlnll.
liort-liin-ii ' it'll-, Grtulii Cattle,
nint '.i in .Sf.trA" :ttlln.
Tliaroiitlitnit! Sjmnhh Mivino
lim it mill Huts, liiyMrri'il.
Grail lluc.h'H a, ui Stu . .. 'sp.
AUo a lurso numlior of IIop-ph ul a ijnan-
tliy oi n i.i.
ForiiarttcularK, call on ormldrem
inyJIiHivtf lV'iullcton.Or.
Notary and Corporation, Seals,
In Ponclloton,
Tlio usual prlco for seals made by other
partlc, In 1'ortlaiid or tlio Ka Is from J6.00
o $7.00, with cxpr-n li. isen added. If you
need n seal, ond your order to un, nnd save
from U.(0to $3.00 thereby.
East Oregonian Pub, Go,.
nihil ilif
Pendleton, Oreoon.
Main and WebttiMwatt.
Knsterii Jlnrto IloU
mid HIkmh lu
Perfect fit Quoranteid.
Such Kntlunliiin Otcr Dnnlrl DiiiirIi
erty'n Nonilnnilnn of Mr. Cle cliiinl in
Wan Nover llcfnro Het-n or llciinl In 'ln
Oinmtry "A Nrtlilo Kntwlncil Mlili Vic-
St. I.ouih, Jt'tio ". Tlio Democrat lu
Nutionul Con vontlou broke llto tucoul for
tlio gioutost tlidpltty of I'litlniriliiHiii ovof
wittiCHHcd iiy Hiit'li u ImxIv. For over
twonly coiiHt'Oiitivo inhiiitsri lL'UJ ikjojiIo
lllliitl llifj air of lln B.cut ooiivoulion lmll
wHh u voltiino of cliouru. uoiiimialjlo
Willi notliinij on ouilli iurliiiH but tlio
lu.n ui uiui uiinui iim.ini, ji wutj on
thuuttaruiiro of tho-o woiiIk: "1 (lvo you
n nuino untwined with, victory; 1 noiiiin
uto Urovor Clovolund. i,f Aow Yoik."
Tlio Hjieakor wu Danlfl llou-'liortv, of
Tuininany Hall. With bis Iiuad proudly
oiuui,ovory iioio oi nw niio loaiuro I iiiiiv
ciliiKi ana ovoiy noivooi bin noolo lim
ine touto, ttiu iiniynllli'ciil volco of tlio
oraloi wiih ullciiiutvly lliiilllnj,' tlio vumI
utidlonco, and boldlng tlicin npoll-ioiiiul,
Vlion at tlio climax of bin olo
itticnco b'i named for tlio Hint
times tliu mail wbo wuh i ptieriuo.it lu tlio
tlioulitH of nil, and win unable to utlOi'
another wonl. Uoujjboiiy pauHeil for a
moment to izu ovoi' tbu ftantlo clieu.lii)
doleualeri, and oven more f.iuille tbuu
Kamlri of H)ociuloiH iMiyoud. lliub aoovo
tbo forest of boadn woro waving iiinumoi
ablo led Oaudauas; Iui'm andcancH wcro
being pltcbed lino tlio air, uliilo (lie
cbceilng was becomlui; ho tunlilc Unit no
hIiHo uutbiiHfaHt coiild bear lux own
'Hctx-eeli lu tbo ono ovoi,-ioivorlng yell,
i At UiIh tuoinent amammotlipletu.o of tbo
1 canltol at WiiHliInulon covnrliiL' tbu wall
far abovo tbu platform in plain view of
tbo wbolo cotivenlion wuh hcoii to mviug
back, and tbo Hiuiling face of l'lCHidunt
Clovolund Ixjiiineil out on IiIh lulinlrorn.
Hvorylwdy lu tbo ball yelled and wan
faiily l;ei(lo bbiiHelf with excitement.
Mckolnio of Kentucky necondcil tbo nom
ination in a Hpeecb which agnln aroused
an uproar, i'bo plalforni, aftor a long
contest, realllrniH tlio tarill' plank of 1KIM.
but It Ih Hiiid tboio will bo a plank added
to conform to tbo princlplcx ununclated
lu tlio rrcmuoiil'H mc :h.io.
l'riiccaillucii of tliu DPinocmt nt HI.
I.iiiiU Clfivclnnd Nominated by Ac
clnniiitliiii. Tui plo lipeiik.
.Sr. I.otti.1, JIia. i. Turiiio wuh
fa-iiuoutly lnloriiiited by callH of I! my,
ana bo Iiuh JuhI i-onuludcd IiIh Heecb.
.Sr. Lol'ih, ll:'.'l a. vt. ltoll-c.ill Iiuh
begun for tbo iioniln. lion of Vico-l'ic. i
dent. '1'urplo of C'alii onla taken tbo
platform to nominate Tlniriinm.
lnl.iriioii ripnur.lnt;.
Sv. LotriH. II : t7 a. ji. T. M. l'attoiflon
j of t'oloado taken tbo plalforni.
! Sr. Lot ih, 11:60 a. Mi l'athrHon io
feried to IJluckV i.ar hoi Ico, and to IiIh
action in tbo Cblcaxo Convention of 1881,
tlion iiO enlod a tjlegiiiiu from llluckdo-
, ('lining in favor of Tluumun.
Sr. I.oiih, JUm. 'ooi been IIiiIhI'o.h at
1' :.:!. a id Is followed by Albert II. Co",
of (ieoiIa, wbo xccondcii tbo nomination
of (.inty.
Sr. I.oiiis Juno tl, 1:10 p. in. Tbo
motion bv McKenzIo to Hiiripend rules
was i'aiicd, and Cleveland wuh noiiii
naled by ucclumutioii.
Sr. l.oi in, Juno (!, i :L'2 v. m. Dower,
of Mow Yo.k, ollered u re xilutlou, making
revctsrt until 111 a n. to-morrow. Ciiesof
"no," and great confusion. TburoHolu
tlon was dofea'it'd.
Sr. I.ii.'is, Juno 0. 12 p. in. IIouhjI
announces Unit bo proio, oh (bat tbo con
etillou oidoMbo lortoliiilon of tlio com
mllioo lo rojioit, Crios of "giwil" and
iiiucli confuHlon.
Sr. I.ouis, J nun 5, 1 :2i) i; m. Tbo mo
tion of Voorlieeri lo adjourn to 10 a. m. to
morrow was lost by viva-voce votj.
I :;!2 p. Mi Flowers' inotlon to mako
tbu time of meeting 8 p. in. cuirled.
1 :15I p. i. A mioHtfon on tbo piiHsagu
of Fiowuni' rcKolutlon Ixiing raided tbo
call of Slates is ordered, and Is now pro
ceeding. Thurmnn Nmnlunteil.
Sv. Louth, 2 r. t. Tbu man in nomin
ated for Vko lVc ident by acclamation.
l'llti: AT IIIT.VII.I. K,
Tun lliiiluea 1 1 outfit lliirnnl-Novcriil I'io
pit II()ioiiH.. -I.o ST, 000.
II .".VH.LK, W. T., Juno 7. KiUvillo
burned at 4:30 p. in. yostsiday. Ton
liUKiuoHS boUhOi, a bolel and a law nlllco
wo o dosiioved. Tbo Times building was
anions tboio burned; l'art of tlio plant
was tuved. Tlio t'ro hu Isd in tbo Am
oilcan Kscbi'iiso. Ono gioco y, iwo
baidwuio Hioos. I wo lutnlxjr yaids and
two live v hlablr wo o caved, A waitb
wo't wlnil was blowing at tbo tlnio. A
fow inbu'tos tut r tlio c.y of ti o was
given lbo entiro buHiuoH jh linn Nortb
of lbo hotel was w.apjKMl In ilamiH. Tbo
la.s is licivy lo our inarch.iuU, but thoy
ftKiiu bopofiil, and many bavo w.'nirlud
their Intuition to lo'uitld. A g out ninny
ln'oplo a'o lioniolcs. Somo wtvod only
tlio ilolbea thoy won-. Tbo law iu fiu,
000; Insuranco 1 1,000.
rii: at sai.kji.
Wectrlc I.lKht ami r'nnlm; SHU WorUn
lltil'iiiMl Lii'h 73,U0O.
Sausm. On., Juno 7. Mro broke out in
TlioniaIIolinan'slct'lcllslit kimI fan-
in 1. r. .Klj i.i.uiliii ul. t.n
mug huh iiwm ,,.r,,,, , "
oVIoek, and tbojnii bullUliiu nd n-,
tenia wore biwuoU, nolwilMhi.imnng a,
bard light by Uui Hie (JtrtuHHt. lbtf,
loiw Id about 7o,000, dtvidwl an follow:
r.ulldlngs k'lnwn as the Id tiuilenlttir.il
work.i .f-ViiM , electric light woiks,
M-I.OoO; fanning inillf. (li.utii): HbK'k.
etc.. $10,000; Jibtning ullls if I'buroblll
& Cook, lu the building, loss ),ob.ibly
4i'0.o00. 'the btilldiug I" xaid lo bavo
cm! S3,Ov.O oiiglnally. Tbo insurance is
U'hnt (Irnl In HnjA.
l'oitT.ANo, J tuiu ". (iearin huvh: "I
attilbulo my defeat p.lneip.dly 'to tbo
platfotm udo'itod at lbo 1'omljcton con
vention, .-'till 1 think wo wetu in the
right. I believe in and endorse, and will
always it'ibold the iilalfoi m on which I
was nominated, Tim result of tbo elec
tion shows Oregon doos not yet compto
bond the issue.''
Tbo MnrlctU.
I'oiTi.AXii, Miiiio 7. Foreign wheat
markets coino throitgli easv, while Mew
York and Chicago show a slight Improve
ment. Hum tbo feeling is weak, and
buyers in tbo interior are not going abovo
l.0(i, while the holders show inolo dispo
sition to sell. San Frnncisco'H upot Is tbo
same as yohterduy. Chicago closed at
85 J for July, aml'iS)3.! for August.
Tim llody lilKi.tlllcil.
I.mviuTos, Idaho, Juno ".Tbo body
mentioned as being found lloatlng in tbu
Columbia liver, near Arlington, is now
known to bo the body of Mrs. K. l'icrcv,
of Lowiston, ' who was accidentally
drowned at that place bn the -5th o'f
Itm rlnff drr.tiatn.
rioni.thu New Yoik,Vorld,
It is Hlgnitlcant of tbu feeling of ono
class of Mr. lllaluo's fi lends that tho
Now York 'l'i ibiine, in discussing tbo Im
portance and tho possibility of catrying
tbo doubtful States essential to ltepubll
can Htiecess, makes no mention of Judge
Urcshnm as a candidate.
' Huriitwn and Phelps, lor l'belp.s and
Harrison, or llatrlson ami Hawiey," aro
HUgested as hoeftil combinations, and
tbu dubious bint is thrown out that If
Now York can bo cm tied by I)eww
"without risking any I'opttblieau Statu
having mote limn iilno uleetond votes,"
tbo geiiial Nuiv Yorker inlglit "solvu tho
problem." Hut no recognition is given to
the candidacy of the man Who is coilaiu
lo have more vots.s on the llrst ballot than
Harrison, and to bo tho tceoml choice of
ti much larger uuiubor of delegates.
Why KjihiH? Does tbo bosllllty of Jay
CSotild really bar Judge Gioshutn fiom
favor with tho liepubllcaiiH who have a
tonder spot for coipouttions? Did Circs 1 1
am'H iduntlllcatiou with tbu tatitriefotiu
adminihtnitlon of I'lesident Aitluir inoj
tidico him in tho eyes of those who favor
the pel not nation of tho war taxesforover?
wimt ih ihu maitur wan iiitisimm mat
bo is to hu counted out of tlio race by ouu
section oi ..lr. nialnus ailinlruiH
earnestly Hiipisnled bv otbei'.'
Wbatovor may bo tlio reason, lbo Dem
ocratic party could ask fur no lietter luck
than to have an old parly back, a lumber
lotd, or Homebody's pioxy, pitied against
.Mr. Clovolund.
III. Cliiirnctrr Oeoil.
Aproxislo tlio cm resondonco which
recently aniHi.tied In tho Ksr OiirtmNiAN
concerning Mouslgunr I'ouland, the fol
lowing, taken from tho telegraphic ills
p.itclios, may bo of interest :
Thu committee apisilutcd by I'isbop
Poller to invosiluato the history of A 1)110.
or as ho piofgrs to bo c.illed. Monsigno-
lloulanil, who caused sucli a Hllr lecouiiy
In the Catholic Church by renouncing
that faith, has mado its reiKitt, Hon-
html, it will bo romemlieicd, w.oto a let
ter to tlio Pok) stating bis rea
sons for abandoning tlio faith, and
thou . i to for admission to tbo IvpIh-
copal ( litirch, Ho bad loeu commis
, 1 .1 II , 11 .... 11 -I . C'l IIIVIJI n mill .11 K.llllf.vin, nil i'iiimiitii m
ed b; tbo Pojm) to col eel Poor 8 , j ' Uo , Jjlt , t f .;,,. ,
oin .ols country and hold yar dp. . doubtful congressional and legisla
s of ill iity, among Vl !,,rrt, l11,.at .'.'( itlvo district In tbo I'ulled States. To-day
k)iico In
lilies of
"Uenoral ui bo Sm ii'lv of tbo Advoc.its
of St. Pioio In Xoitli America," "Mum
berof tbo Arcades in Homo," and "Coin
muuilurof tbo Order of the Holy Seiiul
cbro." Ilo gave up tho mission t collect
mo American Pence, ah nw, . no to-
nounced tho faith the Ca I olle pape.H
can... out Mmnsly against him, cbaiging
tbu American ienco. Ah hooh as lio io-
t i.i I 1 14
hliiMyith knavery an. adultcy.
lis no-, roller, ihjio o leceiving mm ; t iumntvtl ))V ollr t(iIir lawn have
nto ho t hinch.apiKjlntod a eoinmlll?o to . , , , , ,,m;mto lo ,lm
nqu ro inlotheso charges. 1 hoy inado(H hH ,)( ,0 , . ,,
liuiulry Into his record in the dll ie" ( .lloluaiou. and which Is alsait to engage
p uces ho bad Ik-'cii In this count.y am j ifl).llll,.,loath slrugglo with fieo
iiijiu.ui. ui iiivir lujiiii in im u Am iu i in i-n
lllilll uti.'! I'lllllu liuuin i;ii;i.i.u iu ilium'
luinhip iii the lvplscop.il church.
"Only rnijtirer."
Kioni Ihu Ixnilon Kvlio,
1 onco, howovoi, saw tho tabluH turnod
m. .i l.il nf I. If. 'I lltllll U'ltlUI'KIM ill 11 VOiC
III! I (U. ........ . ... -.
unoxected way hy llanidl asna, ino
new bioiber-iu-law of Sir S.ilai' Jung, i
Ho was healing a case of mil iIoiouh as-1
Kault In lbo HiicetH, and r.H ouch whiles
for tho defendant e.iiuo up, ho asked liliu,
"wore you tlioro?" 'lun was llio .piy.
"VihI u limilwi was tliO'O?" ho continued.
Otily so tiiul ho said the witno ".s, oauh
onumeraiing hiscolleague-i Ino p ismior
nml ibo iihsallud. At hint when thoy bad
all !on hoard, Haindi uJled Ilium in.
"I bavo IibuhI," ho nuld, ' vour ovidBiicu
ami il is ouito doMr tiiat tho liioiiur did
not Utah tha iicou. -al. It In ab-ocloar that
tho Hcc ieed wan hUIiIsmI, nnd, what Ih
morn, that you.- ilmi e i wo the only
other jieopfa piOfonl. Ono of you muNt,
tlm-efoio, Im tiia culprit; ami I shall
tliaefo'O let lbo jaisonor go '.ve and
have vou all l x-Ued up and ll.x',eL
Jilhlii ti Hliull dune in the lliuiio nf Al
luli !' bo foul in"cd. m lln'v . i' li.iu
dled tut into the oort ii"J, !'"'.,iii
that thoy bad .u'-cr i'O. n nc-r the m viii
of thoniisnult, mid woie"oulyiMj uwii."
in ni:si'KitATi: sTit.vim
I'uttlm; tbo Hcrnirn mi Mnutifiicttirent to
sqi.cj.-j out it Itcpnhllciiii CiimpalKii
'' , ,
Tbo following "conlldentiiil" circular
has been sent out by James P. Foster,
I'lesident of tbo Uepubllean l.eagiio of
tlio L mted States. Albert Daggett, tbo
indotrer, is tho Uepubllean ox-slierill' of
i.rookiyn, wno Decatno noioi ions as a
balf-biced nianipulator during tbo dead-
lock in tbo Now York Legislature after
the resignation of Conkling and I 'la t
"At.ni:itT D.mkikti',
"01 How Street,
"(Hooin 12.)
"Ni:w YoitK. Mav 25. 18IW.
"Mv 1)i:aii Slit: I have been requested
to submit tho enclosed communication to
vou. and 1 do ho with tbu ureatest pleas
urn. With mv knowleduo of uraclical
politics I unhesitatingly say that this is
tlio most important iindoi taking in the
cutnpumn of I8&i. and 1 ejiilideutlv telv
tilion your endofcinent nnd tLHlsi.inco.
Will you kiudlv Hiibscrilio and return tl u
enclosed Hiibscrlptiou list to mo tit as ea
ly a day as practicable, as tbo work '
: outgrowing tbo resources of tbu League,
which now contains over nono clubs, willt
a membership of half a million voters?
"Yery truly yours,
"(Inclost"-oJ Ai.imirr DAOturrr."
(Dlctllttll.) OKT1IK
IIK1TI1I.ICAN I.UAlll K Ol'Tlli: I'NITIill HTATns.
Ki:w voiiK, Mav 2o, 188S.
Mv Dcaii stu; Tbo Kepubllcaii League
of tho I'niled Slut'es desltcs to bring vou
fiteo to fucu witli tbo Htitttllng fuel that
tho coming Prcsidenittl election is not to
bo fought on tho old pmty lines which
bavo beretofoto divided Demm:mtH ami
ltupublieans, but upon tbu dlicct issue of
free tado vs. protection.
Tbu League stands for protection and
is lighting in your interest, u is no
Fouith of July oreiinlzallon for diess na
lade, but is an every day working force
of practical H)lilical workers, wbo have
in four months enrolled tin tinny of over
four thousand men to light against Iliit
ish ftce-trado ideas, ilritish gold and
Democratic Hessians who aro lighting
under her banner. It is useless to arguo
tbu case. IHrniocmcy stands for free
trade and against your interest, and you
know it, no matter whether you bavo
horclofoto been a Democrat or a Kopub
lieau. Iligh-Koumling platforms of words
cannot gainsay (his fact nor fool you un
less you wish to bo fooled.
i 1 ho coining campaign will bo fought
I for protection under disadvantages never
I bofoio encountered. Mnety-nino or
y tit i. i .1 . .m.l. i. ii
ui. in, cent, oi tuo rcuorui oiiiciais tiro nemo
niiuoi ., i ...in .i.ii. ..i.. ii :..ii.. i..
iliim. nun urn iuiui iimiiu iiiiuiiLiiiiiti lu
llio hoed-for niccess of tbo Ireo tinders.
Mover before bus tbo Democratic ficu
trado or "tai ill' reform" pany been in n
foituualo a iKisition.
Tbo ltopublicau league Is not composed
of theotistH wbo mo foiover promising to
tlo soinellilng ami never keeping their
promises. It has aheady done inoio than
tiny other xlltical organlza ion over at
tempted before the Piuildentialcamlidates
had Ison placed lu tlio Hold. Ah our pa
tiiotlo volunteers sprang to llio country's
defense when scccs-dou Ibreatencd IIh do
Htriiellon, ho at tlio call of the league vast
at lilies bavo been unrolled to light tlio
thousand times moio dangerous foo totbo
eountry'H continued prosjierity fteo
Wo will win tliis light if vou will tlo
vour sbaio and help us to llnlsh what wo
liavo licgun. Wo want money, and wo
want it tit once. Wo aro overwhelmed
with tails for taiill' docuiueutH and for
speakers and organizers. Wo ptoposo (j
Ibeio Is but onu majority in tho I'niled
States when the lines are drawn kitwcou
DoiuocrutH and ltepublicaiis, and unless
iiiucli is dune tlio next CongioHS will see
a freo-tiado House, Sonalo and I'lesident,
, ,., , j.ourp.ospority.
. f t u)f ,, iw
, , , fUct. IiovuiIIh.Iiwh. that tin
V'lLiU Mill 1(1 ti til 1 1 JiUtUlillliJ lfn i IlltlV tliu
,;,,frtH of the Cnltcd sim0s wbo
i trade
A ltoptibliean Ignited States Senator,
from a Stale which novur had a Ditino
Ciiitle rupiesuutallvo iu either Hoiiso or
Congress or a Doiuocmlio Statu olllcor, In
sieakhigof the well-known illstiosiliun of
llio manufacturing intetost to lock up its
IIIHIIlil, l,'l i.n i.iiiiitn imi.i iw mi ..inn
inonov, lull I IIh ii.tnds and look on whiio
homubcly b hgbtH for ilH HiiccoHti, nayHi
"Tho campaign which wo ino ulmut to
utiler wid column, mote than anylxsly
uk, tlio inanufactuioiH nf Ibis country.
Thov bavo buietofoto been vol y laggaid
in their coultibutions to tlio Iteiiublleau
cause, lu fact, if I oould luiiush thorn
, without punlNhing tbo on use of protociiou
U.0II, l would consign tin 'in lo llio not
toHt place 1 could think of mi iicciniut of
their craven prtinlinony. If Ibis class of
)oplu do not citto lo contribute lo tbo
HiR'cutw of the Itupulilicuu patly, thoy ino
welwniie to I'y their ehuueoH Iiuilor a
DutuourMliu uduiinUtrHtloii; I can Miami
it an long hu they can." And again, "I j
WUH Holii'lted coiildUltH lo a protective ,
tarill leitgue, and 1 replied that II Hie
liuinufui'l liters . i the I'nltod Stut m in
tl.i-ir uswM-i.iU-il .. 'lin-iiy wio-uiii'li'iii"H -miry
IiiHiitii.iuii ib.it 1 would suit- ti'i. i-
till-Ill U M lir-Ii It, l.iltlllit I il.'l Il'.l '"r
j . so in) si-lf in conoil. !' i.i"i.e " ..d-
wiiio- ino luicre-ia oi men vnu wctc
IimotlcHlly tho boIo uoneflt, or at IouhI tho
aiic'- tiif tuicre-ia oi men viiu wctc
most imiiortant bencllts of tbu tarlir
! laws. I am in favor of nrot 'd ion, not
tuecifely the kind wo are having, but I
j,,,, wn(, 0 ,0 cvcn ,lmt rntl,cr
1 than not to bavo any, but I am suru 1 can
i got along without anv of It fullv as well
,lH ib0 manufacturers can, and If thoy
i think tbu ltoptibliean putty is going to
maintain a b'gb proleeiivo corps for their
benollt, and tbo men who do the work In
that parlv tiro going to kcopuptbo ok
ponses of u campaign out of tlielr owr
netiseH oi ti campaign out oi their own
noeketH. Ictivlns tbein to reap tho frullH
of tho tarill' policy w ithout any deduc
tion for political expenses, they aro very
greatly mistaken. I understand that In
a general way tbo manufacturers of M'ow
Ktigland bavo been more liberal in their
contributions than tbo:uof Pennsylvania.
"In fact I have it from the best possi
ble Mittrco that tbo iimntifactuieis of
Pennsylvania, wbo aro more biubly pro
tected than anybody else, and who mako
huge foil ii huh overy year when times aro
pro.sien)us, practically give nothing
toward tho muhilciuinco of tho ascend
ency of tho Itepubliean party. OfeourHo,
1 shall not violatu what I consider to lio
a proHir principle of action ; but, if I had
my way about it, I would put tho manu
facturers of Pennsylvania under thu tiro
and fry all the fat out of them. If thu
Mills Tarill' hill comes to the Seuato them
will Iw Homo Votes cast there which will
oieu tho oyes of Homo of these people,
who have, while gathering their millions,
tieated tho Kepubllcaii parly as their
humble servant."
These aiv strong words, and bilter; but
thoy tuo true, anil It now nminlns with
you ami your associates to delermlnu
whether thoy aro to bo reltenited after
this campaign is over and protection has,
through your apathy, been struck its
deatli blow. If you give us tho means to
win tlio vlcioiy wo will do it. Aro you
willing? YourH very litily,
Jam cm P. I'Vtkh,
Krom tho IhiIkvIIIo Courlur-Joiirmil.
Things certainly look lllalnlsh very
l'laiuish. Tho two Issues of the Repub
lican canvass aro Protection and tho
Ul.xxlv Shirt. Who ho good as lllahi.) to
embody both? Sherman and Harrison
aio ceitainlv malevolent enough, but too
col(l,metullIeand clammy. Ingalls is too
not ami ipilck-ou-niggec. aiiihoii and
DeHiw aro too good nattired. llvarts Ih
lis) tedious. (Iresham Is too hill. Stun-
foul is too rich, lllaino Is Just "a broth
of a Isiy," who can blow hot and cold
with tho name bteatb. nml skin the cat.
and leap thu banners, nnd plunge through
the balloons, and "march down to tier
footliuhtH. lire oil' two boss-nlstols, and
die like a Hoii-of-a-guit," I Iero is tho way
tho Critic, of Washington, puts It and
tho Now S'ork Tribune hjcs It, ioot!ully:
"Joint Hhrruimi Is tho Hlatcmuau that Ohio
nun in to toot
An the Prcxldrnlliit winner nil Ihe 'KM route;
And John N tnlithty ulUInc, for ho liken
that .or! of f.uij
He would urnh It lu ii hurryj Ino
Therc'n AllUon nnd llnrrlou, Ihu dnrlliiK or
tWII HtlltllH.
01 Iowa mid HooHlcrdoui, but each onu hfl-
lie In wnlllm: nnd ho'i willing to sliool tho
pirly UUIIi
Hut he'll only pull thu trlirticr, hlr,
Thrto l I'.viirlK nnd thorn's flroitham, tliern M
f it t M i ill i. mi noprn,
Ki.ch one n wllllim put I lot lo co thn parly
An. I lo do Hue 1 1 iIcimIh nf proinNe iik no other
iniiii una none,
lint only, fellow clili'im,
Thorn N Himiford mid llicre'N IukhIIh, tho
licit man mid llio poor,
Thoy urn watlltiuon Ihu IhroNhold, thvy aro
kimcklni; at the door:
Kuril nun In recommended, end. Ihu "fnvor-
lln Mill, '
Thoy call ouly bo pommeled lo
ThoioiHiiot a little soiiliiiiont of tho
Ikmiiuv sort iu this doggerel as well an
tuneful jingle, and, if tho man from
Maine Ihi not nominated, many liuiubcds
nf thousand of ItopuhlicnuH will feel as
though thoy don't cam much whether
school keel is or not. That lllaino xs
hohhoh tho iieatt of tho party Is undeni
able. Hois, Indeed, a biilliaiit incarna
tion nf IIh devil-may-caro lack of 'stabil
ity and Integrity, its pretentious, verbose
and H'If-glorlfylug pattiotisiu and ItH
tin ifty jingoism. His return to Ainettca
will 1st lbo signal for such a turnout as
bus not Ik'oii since tlio arrival of Juiulio.
Ah for bis health, It will be found snlll
cluiitly robust to answer all the needs of
a presidential campaign.
(lain In rupiilntloii.
Krom Hie I'oilland OrtkonUn.
Your by viar thorn is a stonily and
heavy gum In tho isnuilatiou of Ihu slate.
This in appaioiit In tin) vol cast at suc
cowivo utnttoul oluctionH. In June, IKKii,
lbo total vole wuh ri-1,1164. It will now
oxcoimI ui,0l)0. Mulliiomah couutv a'.'iio
liieioaHUrt ber volealsiut l.MXliu Iwo.M'.ch.
It is apiNitent Unit lbrouttlio.it the slu.u
the ilicieaning vote Is projMirlioiiul ly re-pullk-rtli.
Iu lliHO tho toml v' of Olll
gou vwu 40,810. Tho cenwiM nf thut ear
inade tho wij)ulutl.n 174 7W, Tim name
ratio would nidi, uto it putHillt )ioiulaliill
ul .'.'i7 oi.o i.ut aw 'iio M.nibernf iHiuilitw,
in JijosiI ion lo o.i i.' luudily ineivuL-
I !nu "ow lw .wu,
tng, we j.nigi- u.t' i 'iKiiaiiuu oi uiouon