East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 06, 1888, Image 2

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a4 f()
I'nat Orcgnnlnii l'nlllUhliii;i f,'iiiiinny,
I'knm.i.to.v oukmo.v.
..tl fl
.. in
Ono crip)' per yi'iir, liy iniill
Ono copy lx iiniiilliK, ly riiiit I
Oiiii npy per week, by carrlur.
Hlnl) iiilinlwrn -
((''"' Ailvrrlttmitnt.)
Ono Inch, or lei, In Hrnil-Weeltly per
month. .. W fi
Oti Inch, nr linn, In Dully ner iimutli I tn
Two liiclii'K, or lwn, III liotli, ner luoiitli... :i fill
Uverllireoliirlic,mmil-Vw'kly, per Inch
per moiilli 1 2S
Over three, (lichen, Dully, prr t licit ier
iiiontli I IS
Over threii ine.hcif, In both, prr Inch per
tnontl - 1 7S
Hiillil iioninirell nilvcrllkemeiitft In Hi'inl
Weekly or Dully, Urol liinrllon, per Inch,
JI.U); i-ucli ubiciiit'iit lnertlou,Mc.
Iirnl liotlci, Inn colli per llnu each In-nvrllon.
Wllltlll Hlltl.I. IT, 11 1'.?
Thu election Ttiomltiy wtwti" Waterloo"
or tlio UurnocrutH in thin Halo. They
would not lmvc lcen ilimipiioliited ut do"
feat, lietaiiwi tliuy tiro iicciihIuiihmI to Unit;
but It lini been utidi u defoat iih they
liavo never before miUored iiltnont a
coinpleli) rout. Not only in (Jearln de
feated for ConsrcHM by a larger nuijoilty
ever given lieforo to u ('oiiKruHHtnuti, but
the I.eiHlatiitu Iiuh a Republican major
ity Ik-'VoihI precedent.
The result of tlio county uIccttonH in
many itiHtaneeH atrorded Htlll greater mi"--priueH,
and all one way. CounticH that
were doubtful before appear to bo hope
IcH'dy lout to tlio Demoeraey, and counties
considered Hiifoly Deinoenille have in
Homo InhtuncoH mia'aly waved u man
from tlio wreck.
In Umatilla county thu PcinocratH,
whllo apparently badly worried, iiavo
lost Ichh than in hoiiiu otlier localities.
Wo gave .Mr. Haley, Democratic camll
datu for Joint Senator, a IiuihIhoiiio ma
jority; wo elected ono out of three Hop
rcKontatlvon; wo havo clectod four other
minor ollicerH; and on riicriir and clerk
the voto wiih very cloe. In fact wo
elect jd a)M)iit half our ticket. Compared
with twoycart ago, thin Ik a signal defeat;
but compared with Hiveral former eloo-
ff,.iu It tu mil .if (t U..1 f .1 JIMH.fillll .lt.illf.s
have tried to mulo It a nowny paper, well (l(,Iuj
worth lti HiibHcriptlon price. Whether i;nt tltu.u aro hoiiiu discouraging and
wo havo been hiii:cch f.il i 1 n .this atlempt omlnoim features about It. Two or three
convinced by thin event that wo aro In
error, or that wo aro doomed to ultimate i
defeat. Cleveland cannot cuvy Oregon J I
that few expected. Hut we (thai! Htlll
havo strong Iiojkj Unit before tho Nooiii-1
bcr election, many farmnrH in Woriorn i
StateH who are liclng plundered and,
patiiKrlzcd by uneiUiil and unjust taxa
tion will go out from tho Republican i
party, and join tho Democratic wia
upon UiIh icsuo. Hut even if not even I
if tho next CongroHH riiould bo Itepubll-1
can bccuin-e of tho ralring of this Ihhuo
Niill wo tdiall not denpair and hIhiII not
falter. Tho J'reHident may not bu alto,
gelher tight; the MIIIh bill may not he
jpitHD. KEMl'EH.
I' oprltor of ttio
Five. Cent Heer Hull.
Main Mt.,opH)nll' potol!lc, Pendleton.
I'ftnlletnn licer on ilrntlKllt, Wllie", Honors
iimi rijiir.nf tin. lien braiulH. u lock.
yoOUWAItl) lilins.,
Iloiiici.pnllilr I'liyolclniih i Miirai oni,
OItetrlci Treatment of Chronic lJlnenoof
Women mill Clillilreti.
Oinco hours-Prom lo t lti . m.i from '.'In I
l. m.i 7 toll p. in.
Oltlce-Koom II, Kii't OicKOtilnn bullillnil
llplO ll.H'
wo will leave it for our reailorH to judge,
Wo well know that '.tho D.mi.v, ban not
been ii hucck'h (Inaucially, the iccelptH
being fully fUM) per month Ichh than tho
oxMUHort of thu edition. Wo exKclcil
UiIh Iho llrnt few iiioiiIIh, but wo weto
i.'oulldent tliut tho iniTca-Ing patronage
would noon overcome lid." ubriudo.
o nceii tiiimi t-uii. crlliorH, anil u
olllicr iniiHt havo them or t'cao the dally
liuniicaiioii aitogeiuer. .t pavciil wo
have 175 Imiu fldo HuliHcriUjiH to tlio
Dally. Of lource wo ptlnta linger uutii
her than thin, which wo .circulate, but
UiIh Ik Iho iiuiiilxir wo get pjlil for. Now
wo propoHU to luduco Iho price of tho
Daily to llflieu cciiIh a week, and UiIh
reduction ulioiild give iih at least .'Mil nub
Hcrlliern. If wo Jo nut gutilho ioiuited
nuiiilrtj.' by Iho 1'iHt of July wo will din
routluuo thu publication of tho Daily on
that date.
Thin ntei in ulwilutoly iiievccmry. If
tlio x'oiii of IViudlotiui think: Ihoy need
ti dally pajH'r, hero in u eluiuco for thctii
to havo ono. If Ihoy .do .jiot want
ono wo aro KrfiTlly wilting to abide by
their iIocIhIoii and diHcoutluuoilt. Which
hull It bo?
It hcoiiih tclerably cot that Iho
Republican uiaiiagurH urn determined to
count out .Mr, J. II. Rainy forJoint-SVii'
ntor. liirly lari evening hdogniuiH fioiu
Union gao Mattoon'H majoiityjn 1,'nioii
county iih llll, with only one precinct,
Hurley, which ciihIh but a few vnten, to
hear fiiiui. Mr. Raley ban aUiut it in In
UiIh county, which would gio hltu n ma
jority In iho dUtilit. Snmltfiiiv w.ik
heto l.ut ovouiug, and icHiitisi that
MiiIIuoii'm majority iMiiuplcto whm an,
which would mill louvo Rainy a niajurity.
SniNlvirMM' orniud wan no doubt to obtain
our oMU't voi an heto llii'ie wuh no
Mlttnupt Mt delay, itiucotihueut or fruml,
anil iimko Matinou'H mnj illy in 1'iil.ui
uonntyJimllU'lciiily large to elect him.
'UiIh inoruluK other iiiiikon auuouucnd
iIalloon' majority In t'nlon at over I'ill,
with MtviinU piwinetH to hoar fmni. Tim
pnriom of Ihln in oWdnnt. Tim niilnKid
eonijitiny. Suulgnnw, and the Republican
imiuuipni nrt dut rmiiiiHl t.i U'nl Raley
by fraud, fmwry, or any meaiiH what-
vur. Ihoy ni4v Kinsetsl, lut we i It ml it
It. m hen wo uto I'wten by auv fair or
tlivont mouiiH, we mo wUHnu to Huluult
like nmii, but wo will nut U counted out
in tlili luaiiimr without at le.iri a ritugitlo
nuiiulalti our light. Ilf cuih.i it by
nuy uioiiiii whatever Iho Hfcim can Ut
diHitoioil mi an to ylvo .M11I10..11 mi
upjiviraiil nuijnriiy, tho Republican
iu,i jot ily itr the Somite will ho.it him
Kuuw iiiK UiIh, SnmlKir and the oilier
Republican uuiuaifon uro detoiuiltied to
"llx" the llgunw tn nult tin mvanlou. At
le;ust (Jut Id tbo way the riliiution ap-
hwm now. o ar mItlvi that Mr,
Raloy in eKM'hsl. Hut bin op.moiitH mut
(iimniiiM n o unw upuliiiiH, ami will omint
hi i ut If limy can. That tlmv bae
tkUum I ' i do wo U oiiUnt.
of the men defeat .-d had hmvoI the
county well for two yearn; unler their
management thu county httidnci'H had
prospered beyond precedent ; outside of
patty cotiHlderationH they deserved re
election. To defeat them by the narrow
est margin In really moru of u defeat to
tho Democracy than to havo defeated
new and untried men by several hun
dred majority. The ieoplo had no rea
son to havo lust lliulr coulldenco In these
men. It wiih little k'-H than u .hiimiiful
insult to faithful public Movants to defeat
Another HtirprlHu to men of all parlies
In the defeat of Mr. Ramsey, it In
llltely lo provo a dear Ht'-prI, j.too, to the
poiplo of UiIh dlsttlct. Of cotirsu thcio
wiih an objection to him on account of
his btief resilience hero, hut it in evident
from a cauviisH of Iho rclimiH liiat this
cut a small llguiu in the case, lie sim
ply went down with thu rest. Tlicie
H'emed lo huvu Ik-cii n (file of
Republican tickets, without any icasonahle
c.iusu now app.ircnl, wnicii Hwept I'eiu
ocralle candidat.'H for almost any olllce,
and of whatjvur iiialItlcatlotiH, liefoio it
Irresistibly to defeat. In UiIh inriunru it
Ih a matter lo Iki dephred, on now w.'e
ond thought, by Republicans us veil uh
Democrats, 'Ine jieoplo of UiIh district,
In UiIh frcny of Republicanism, havo no
doubt done at least one thing they may
regret or at leai t would do ho if they
had any appieclatirii of what a coutt !
ought to bo. It Ih lo 1k IiojkhI wo am
mistaken. Wo opposed .Mr. Ramsey's I
nomination; our eisoii.il interests are
iH-ller served by his tlefeat than theyl
would have been by his election; yet it .
Ih nolhing complimetitary lo the joplo I
.. .ll..i.t,.tl...il...l-.,.-.l I '
t jitoi'oAi-H roit w.vrr.it pipi:. i
Meuteil nrniKitiiM w.ll bp received by tin1
n imi inr r if it int. hot i urn JitiMiut II iilcrmnni'ii limn n, 01 uic 10" " '
- ' , , Juno, A.D. 18, for fUH-i '
ami worKinii lowaru mo riL'ni; ami one in place, in iio-oni n
.i i . . , ictiieo nun iicl'ui in
way oraiioiner, oeioru many years ino i u'rit. cnlnm
.!..!.. .....I .1... It .tt.. . 1 ..i i lw,i ft till I href, ltli'll lilt.li.
nKiinuiu uiu jumm;rmlu iniici lies 01 ,i . ' ,, iV.V11iij: tn.m the
"cuual rights to all and Hiicciul privileges nth ilny of June, a. d. m,u the lltlib '
,. Itl M.I.....I. June, A. D. KS'U. IIM lo bu eiiilun . 1 ro-
tonono Will triumph. po-nl fur water mi... to h nililn ic.l to the
Coiiilnir back to the entintv ctei'tinn It ninterslirnoil. Thu light Is r-ui' il to reject
i. oming imck 10 ino toutuj ucuion, ii y HM(J U uo,,.Ns.
has been Haul Unit this wavo of Hlltlcal jl t. supt. rciiillctiin Wiitur Work?.
change swept thu full length of the ticket j
rcgartllesH of men. Yet In some Individual ,
case.itheru wo-o other reasons not cnsllta-1 ,
blu to certain coplo calling themselves j
Democrats. Professed Democrats of o-l
cal ironilncnco were more anxious for i
Iho Hiiccess of ono or two men on Iho I
ii. f ,
ml IHIItllrs'
.! of till"
ill nil Wli-
mnv lie re-
Ithli will Is) received lit the olllccof the
city .sutviyor until imhiii, Kntiinhiy, Jens U,
ISsh, for cxteiniiiiK Hi" itvvc iiioiik ine riiiH
lllln river, to bo bulii linlliir to the present
leven In form, but not so lilnli. Atiiouul uf
money to 1 expend il Is iiImiiU !. IILIh
iiiimt no per cubic yiinl of embankment, per
cubic y.inl of rock, ninl i-crcti'ileyiinl exca-
i-iillmi lielr.il' l.itv Wfilm mnrl. Mtieellll'll.
Republican ticket than for any or all I iioiikciiu bysceu nt tlieniiie-nt thcCity siir
,i . ... . ,i i .... i, vcyororat Kolhcliiir. A miS store. Town
the men upon their own ticket, l'ro- , nerves tho imht to reidt ., v t.ini nil hliK
frMKii1 DiniincriitM In tills noil ollwir lire. J II. W1I.SON, I'll surveyor.
lessen Pcmotrii H lit inis ami oinor irc-1 t,y onlor of tin, Co-ninnn Council, mi.tiw
cincts were ready to ' ttado olP' any audi . .
..n....uu..... ..ii ty........4u ... "'' r "" vuun iioiimc iihm-k hi
niaiiiriii uii Kuiuuv-iMin iu n i uiu
litis been taken oil both
Wnnlfin and Gotton Onn
V W m , w J
iNot by Congress, but by
KU i nuniuu oc BfcA
Ami thov now oflbr their Ltirgo ami Comiilcte StocKf
a -r-v t- -r-T- TITIrt n s, .
iii dji a m . m. mm . ar . .-bsv a w ww m f m 1. 1
1" I 1 1 1 J I J dh - w .rwr. aw Villi
. . . i 1 j .1...!.. . 1
i.1.... ... . .n t-i.iti. rrriMfia inn. lie iiiii'i.i. .11111 I iv nun ..-
JAUllllUU iii""l h"" I ' -hum, ny
il .i .1 1 .... ..rt mnrn nccorl inilB Mill tllllf Mini. :11
lIHlt II1U HUUVU IIIV IlUb lliviiv .woviv.w..", vw..u uuj VI1
...... ,..l...f fl.n.. nloim ' hriirs in nnr, nil "Intnnt l.,,l..
allllllllllU niiiiu iiiv; ni""" - , ii,uusi
therefore they have (lisctirdetl Protective Prices, mill wiltf
. ('....! nil miiirlnra Tlmv r'lirrv n
1111't'L UUIlljltllliuii nuiii 'jv"" --.."j
If nocesHiiry all Democrats
votes for u Jtupubllcaii. .More than this, !
ri'iiilli'lnu Orrcnn.
.1.......U ..I .,r,.r,..,..l 1 v,,..,..,r ,i ....... .'Oi en in iicreny kivcii inni mi iiecoiiiu hi
downs of professed Democruts weru i thonilJoiiriunent r f theClr,-ultCoiirt of Unia-
ll il 1 1 1 iiic inn uiiy oi
General leriandise Sta
waltltiKtobo lioufjIit.S'omu of them needed
to bu bought overy day for weeks,, ami
then at thu last moment thoy weru quite
as ready to nil out lo tho other side.
They wero Democrats but only for ruv
entio. Thoy uiu men without any politi
cal principles, and without xilitical
honor. Thu liest way lo treat litem fel
lows Is to let them alone .from bo'ilnnlii
to end and neither pay nor tiler them
I anything. It is tatter to ta taatan with
lout them than to win with them.
Another plain i .anon for Democratic
' defeat In this county asido from the one
I already quoted, anil beside this treachery
ion thu part of profes. ed friends is that
there was no oiauiation, no ituily, no
system, no couceij of action. I'.very man
was looking out for Number One, and
letting ail 1 thu others take care of them
i elves. There seemed to Is) no common
iinderstaudln, no nulled ell'ort, no head,
no order. This will hring cailahi defeat
I in any county us clcsu us this was known
lo be. There Is not tho Hliithtcst uxcuso
fur losing moru than u man or two. A
lltllo thread of unity, and a little regard
for order and system, would have dluctcd
both I'untley ami Harttmiti ut least, with
but half thu ell'ort that was probably put
foiih by itlieni and their friends discon
nectedly. Rut It is perhaps timlcss to moralize.
The result is before us. Some who are
dinapiNiiiitcd now may possibly learn a
lesson for tho future.
IIIIil cntllltv. llri.irmi.
June, IMS, Ihi' fiile of Court Hnu lllook linn
been pitHincit anil iiiljoiirneil until Mini
ilny. Ih- lltli iluy of . I line, im, at V oclock In
the forenoon,
lly nnlerof tho County Court.
mlOiNwtu Cinuity Ulcrk.
V otici:
Nnllco l hercbv itlven Hint tho npprnlcri
Who Iiiivp lit en nppolnteil lo view mill n
iirnln IhiiKroilinl, Miiulit lo be conili'inueit
fur lie llllriii.Mi of tviilciiliiir Conrl itreel. will
meet for Hint iniri lit tin) ennnclj room In I
the town of 1'eiiilleton, nu June r.'tli, at 1 1
nVlocK. a in., of mid itnv. '
jui ni w. i:.citi:vs.
jiPianos, Organs!
KoM by
Aro Fully Warranted.
Ami ii thlo 'ilrin'M eiiiimutcc l worth
lUOrciiiN nu the ilollur. they
will liiimllu only
First-Class Goods
S'e Jmvo coniD to may.
I for our motti
rami fair irUv.
Wo liavo nilonleil for our motto.
' i
Slneo tlio ntavo wus in tyv, word lms
Ivoji tecolvod which indicates that Mat
toon ha givou up the ilbt, ami that Uiu
Kumullut'rt iioktniwhslm RaloyV elue
Uun by ii majoilty of alwmt twunty-sW.
If so, wo do net enlii.'ly maintain all
tho iiImyo statoiuents, but the facts uhovo
linrint-.Ml just i Hod Iho tuvusatioii.
Raloy in tio doubt oliK'tml, which, with
the electionof liainkv, Robbius, l'ionn,
Arnold, and WalUr, and tho wuvodini;
close votuon soteo others, shows that tho
if this district that their partisan zeal or
prejiiilire should elevate to the Intiicb a j
you in: man with rcauvly a sIiikIu natifal i
or acqulied iiualilleatiou for Iho oillce, in j
preference to such u inati as Mr. liauiM'y,
Yet to any one witltuveii uuMleratuiibilitv
Iho bench may bo a nood M'lusil, and .Mr.
I'eo may luur.ii moio rapidly than wo
Isiliovo ho c.jti. Wo certainly hope ho
may iIIkipkJiiI us all, wo shall always lo
more toady tomiiimeud than tueousuio.
Unit II wasj "fieu" of patlisauship,
nil 'rly without ilict initial liij judgment,
is shown in (ho vote for dir-lrict allot uey
as well as for Judge. Mr. I 'raw fold is an
attoiuoy of middle tigo, of leptttatlon, of
ability: Mr. Rand is a youni: man, with-
out oxpiiiioiiiv, and unknown outcido of
Raker t'lly. In anything elm but sii
litK, smplo would oxeiejm n little dii-cio-Ibui
and judgment. Thoy would not
"cut oil' their own noses to spile their
faces." Rut it seouis that imn ami bud
nine ullko marko.l for sacri'Uo, ami all
must c;o together.
Ah to Repiocoiitativos, tho men elected
aioisitfode of politics the finals of their
oiHiueuts, and iihiii them it couJil only
Ik opoi'.ml that voters would o.ioreim
their isJiiical pivfetoucos. Since the
State has ifono moverwhohuin(;ly Repub
lican, it makes no osjvci.d dllleieiuo to
llHioplo oi this county which of iho
men proiHmwl topromnt tlieiu in tho l.e
i.lnluio. IVaMiually, Mr. Kirk oiiveially
U iiioro than tho ptvr of inot of tho men
ho will moot in tho l.oilauiio.
Only ono euoral explanation is oll'ered
for UiU ikuuowliat iuritisiiii dofo.it. 'I hat
U, tho atlltudo of l'rosidoiit t'lovolaml
and tho Dotnoi'mlie ptiily on "tho taiitl"
iuutKn." Tlio lomurk is fnsiuonily
hoiml: "Tho ooplo don't want frei
tnide." Tho roason, if Iho wriect ono,
and tho remark as well, both show to us
that tho ooplo do not et uiidorstaudtho
liiostiou. I hoy neither iiiidorstand the i
position ol Mr. C'lovoland and tho IVtuov
niey, nor do thoy oouiptoliend tho nalttro Stntiouorv
. .i i... i . .i . i i . .
ur ino iiiaKiiiuuio oi uio lsuo UlVOlVCsl.
As for "tho taiitl' ouoslion." wo shall
"Si f The Gtrmnn Scholar, Dr.
-vJLEIPZIQ, Germany, Secre
tory Etinologlcal Museum,
F. S.'U. G, A., M. 0.
Author and Savant, wrote
over his ntttnrnpli, hero
bIiuuii, n folluKs:
"I Irleil HI. Jaenlm Ollnnil
wiu cnllrely cuicil of Jmhi
ruliilr pulu."
We Wuy Ntrlctly for rimh.
Wo nhnll irtvo liurcliuverx thu benndt.
Wo can soil you on Organ or
Piano on monthly in
stallments. Tho Inat (Irani! Meitnl nslven by nny wiclety
wim awanlcit the Kimball Orvmi.
Thu lnnrct lx-U of (box llllly celfbTHtnl
UrKiiuiicvi-i'oii cxhililtlnn In Knot
em Otckoii nt our ware-rtxmiii.
Consisting of
Stable and Fancy Dry Goods, Men's Boy's
Children's Clothing, Furnishing Goods,
Mens Ladies and Children's Shoes
Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery
and Glassware, Groceries,
Hardware, Etc.
Ufri iuJAuri AriiM.o v-.i-x ocJ'juj.ej jo.ivwai.
i fi ni w k i r,inj j i jt m vv xjI i ri
'.M.'B Jil-M C ').
Pi- ens nl'WI fiinnn- 'n O ftlOnlV Mrt .1 stir.
For sale by JESSE FAILING, PendlotonrOrr
Q.-1 a T ! i -m ir i
A.t IBottom Prices,
soi.n hv
DruggUU mul Dailtr Kefryiehtrt.
ll.lLTIMOItt Ma
Mims Bros. & Co.1 XT T T.T A fiX Girt 0TT"vrT7"rnira o n
Photograph Gallery:
T. C.
Tho mi
Tho inut nuivoful
uornurJI SIHUtl, - - - PflRTLAHn ORECO
viiim,-' I'uoi-r uiuryuf pr;'? iyfc vjh iik iki n v rui IT7 hhcb
,.iti.. ., ....... -
bli. n iiKi'i' loll. VT 'T ll. I l'f!l -T. r-.i nc o isr
-. i 'w iiiiim le.i. iih n. ii i kui .aw u e i iiiiir i.li is
PQ-umm CHAMPAGNE, (Yellow Ubsl.) ' wrt,i
I. ii.iwlixnte.1 In IVmll. tnn, at tlieolil kIiiiiO
nt llii foot of Mnln tre. I, ncur the brWuo.
and for tine
Phootgrnpha, Tlntypos, En-i
larglng and Copying,
Cannot Ih- CXeellpil nnvuli.r.. Ml ..-..rl.-
ifiliiriinteeil to uif cnilr. kut f eti. ni. Hi
elfiilly, yiiuik, x. . Attn,
tuves ana Kanee
i '(.fit. trtieilly & Co.
Will hlbitl v. ,i I A n M if m mm. . . . . . r, .
i liaii any Itmi in tlio orthweHt.
. - - - v m w mum MHua mm v n -
James Orawford.
Mitnufiictiircr , Jiealer in
and Wagon
for Sa!o
c ICS.
The Pendleton Mfg. Company,; Harness, Saddles, Bi
PK.Nm.KTON. KKU'iN. VhipS, EtC,
Machino Work or All Kinds
IHiiio inini,fl
a r nKni()(Mv priof.s.
Mil l-VH Hull mi, Miilii .treit. jujtl
1'iittrriia iiimli'. Iti palm to farm uiuelilnery
mul liuioliliiery of evi iy il. orlitlin I
Vtmrtjes J'oi U'urk i: i-utific. i
H. F. Johnson&Oo.
Proscription Druggists.
J I u ' -hini l in I l ol . : -
vl IV.ilUn.l. Mil he friSlit iult, lot,
mul iiv-n'ti.in;t- mljuilni, ami fonarUm
, aiieii list to nromi 'Vi ut low i.iii, by ml-
U.WK lloit.V. ITnprletor.
.Vonliwe,t Cnruer Mam nml .Coart Streets
m m m m m m mum w - -
Echo, Oregon.
JVtmvniti. lhouj;li wouiukHl. urv f.irlrvm I'wlwl'l.v ivi it MunoiUuit ol "ii ni" for
coiuiuoivil In thin county. juwlnloi Utt not Wiuo we aro oitlior
Requisites of ho Tcilot
Jc School Supplies,
Fine Imported and Key West Clyars.
0iHuttt) VllUr.l lloiue,
in in
OHEQON 'vry ttiu'if.
w)iiTiaNiMiiKaoN. I Glass Stylo.
iiuyiny Msiiii,y tton, on comu.jinu , SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAl
ysnwv animaiX MEH.'
if jou hvennlmal e.traj-, you can re. .
' OKKOOSIAN. It catchetS T7rn 01. 4 , rt
ma l 1 1
IHHH IVIHI l.llnlllllii
W 111 I w 1 w I W IIMII1'
Holler Mills
S2 Oil A OE and FO ll H'J ''
m . .-.
ii sta. . ratUeJr! Blo
Cla-ses will reopen In tlie new
... . i.
nrutruturr w - ...
ine iniiitution l enuxiwereu i"
Uemlo honor.. Korcatalosu?.';'1rt.
ItlUl v-w