East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 06, 1888, Image 1

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    - c. I V w .
i m . n. - .
A I'ldii: l.llllt.VllV.
! I.
I'titrmiK nf-Oic- Ontly or Srinl-Wi otily
CAST OltlHIOMAN mil riirl) m.ilif iim.
nflliK CAST lllir.UOMAX lllirniy wheti
ever they nil ili'.lie. Tim public are eiu
illnll.v Invited In vl.tt the nlllrit lienever
Ml Inrllncil
ir.llir I" tm.iMW r.liii.1
7, m ."" ,,f,,'r
Irtish f """,""'"-
OL. 1.
.'l-NIMJiTON, UMATILLA ORUttOV. ) jXhSM A , J l NI5 (f LS88.
NO. 82.
Leezer & Kuebler,
, lntct mi'" wont complete Mock of
u t if ii fi i u fca ii
I I 1 1 L. UL . u I
1 1 n I IV III 111! I 111 I1U1UU
In Eastern Oregon.
Spain Block
.mKllvn lllll I
I.I I "II I .1 III
i .u iv mill
III t-l I I U II I
rdo happen every il.iy.iiiid when nnu
Wfnilnynii, yim will wWi I nit
" JiillVMelllMlrcit In Hi
alliivr.l.r.i!V renin me nre Milllc'enl to
al i.nrr lilt innul eiinrmoui iiutim nf
aidbilev-n urrnt riillroml iitut sii'iun
iht li"it cui lirlni' iii'iin Ii. I'.iy nil
lvHIkiuI il mniinl Imincilliilf ly upon
mfiiil.fftiliiry liniiil. Nun l''orfi-lliiri
riilcailntll Itn pollolcH.
iMtllions of Au ch. Two Millions
Of Slli plus.
Glopton h Jackson,
Resident Agcni3,
Ii UsincfnmJKr fin
IH'iiU'lii III
wm M TlTIWflVfi
IIMRIIJO DrAmnflil Ttnwmn
mux Min:i;r, j'UNni.irroN.
't3To(tif pudllo iairniii;n U koUc:IioiI
tti !IAw
UParorsanu I unnh nniintfir
'a il fr.-.-ji. yonrHi'lf with n ti-n or
1 r nt ,Mi of line Ice cmuii.
i liuii'ry hi'twi i'ii iiiimiIm, ci-t an
' Jurufi-pu-dl ,y a u lillo cool;.
uofmplov'tl nlmnt Up. nimii,
M il u"i ft, IVnilli.li'ii,
...i n ii i
riinT ii i a ii h i im. i
Iilll 11 I . . il 1 fit II
... -iiiw vy amwi
i i,,ii'
' r lini' In eoHiRvtion
.1 f'll.illl.l llrfll.t.V
' Il i .
I J4l I
M lllll'IIIIOllH
uui l. i;ust,
'"I. LouIh anil t It i Niiutli.
lo3l()liirH, la-iivcimorUi-
AIiIiIniiii ami Kaimiii llltv
VlllV J.illO ""ll'tlln't Willi Oil.
r f'IB!uiti, Invi'iiwinni uiil IC. me
': A 1,1, fOIVTS KANT
(1)1 (I
'unco DIhUuj Cuts!
II... ... l-'"V
" ! xprMH Tralni on
If... ....
111 tllillin .limnm
' .i ., ."rr:
t ,. . V r. AI,t.OVAV,
- ''MS. AUI. l II I. lt ,.. . U,
Jiuiiieapoiu Minn.
I'lnniH, Or
'ana, nml all
klinU of mu
lcrt I Insiru
niPiiiH olil on
j-, ine iimtiiii.
ElI' i j 'j'PPtJIw llielntanj
i.oixu: mitix'Toitv.
i ji;. iii,i;tojy ( HAl'l'MlNO. va, n, a. m.
lie.. .....I . ''"
J. Jlt'OlN in tin' Jin .ijiiic i .,1,11,1,1 mi ii. ,t i
iini,iiiiii iiiimi nnri.ii in cncii iniiiiiii, nt 7::
oVIiiclf. .1. l bL'.Utur, 11. I'.J V. II. C,uiton,
'iri'.y.irc r.oiKii'. no. hi. a. aa.m.
IV .ll'MHIII till' M'i'iitiil I ml iinill, M,,.
iijn in mm innimi, in .! o'elo k, ij
I.kan, VV. .M.J W. K. I'oiwim:, Secretin.
iS, .rtn
I .in
II, k! 1,111'
i' t'llnl MnniliijM nf (...t-it inoiilli nt
"!..') oVtoelt. T .1. .MlM.liiM, W.
ii. m.
i-4. . irr.it, r-rrri'illl V.
Yl I.A I.DI (IK NO. Ill .il. V. W. Mee!.
every TnMMliy i.i.Mii m the Kiujlne
....nr..-, in
I 0 n'eloek. .1. (;.
vv .: i
TlMllls, 11 voider.
1 intr.K A Loikji.; :;o. :r?. i. .i. o. l Mi'tt
J IXI'IV Nlf,liiV ..Vllllllf ill ?,!llr.'..l.w.lr
T. .1. Million, N.i.i.j I'. p Hunmti, t-pe.T"fni-y.
I. '. Mi'i li ml iim .oriiipi i hi, IhM
'J niiiiiiy uf i'ih'Ii iiiniil'i, nt. T:li'-iicl(.
lArr l,iVriiMoiii:,c. I'.i K. liHiiAHu.x.Mfiiiio.
PAI'UNH IIKl'O I.01HIP No. 13, I. O.
.1 O.K. Mii'tHli" I'lM. Mini thlnl linns.
il.iyn nf cncll iniilitli.
HAItMONV I.OOUK JO. '.'I, K. ()!' 1.
Iclmn il'l IYIIumV ll'ill i-vitv Tni'i..
tiny I'vi'i.in- ui T;.nio'i'iofi, ,1, liKAsutii:.
IM'.f.J. WlUTAKIIII.K". Of It.HIIll H.
AMOV LOIXII'! NO. I. K. OP l. Mool In
Oilil l'VIim-' mill i-Vfiv Wi'.l'ii'.ilii v
I'WliliiKiit Ti.Hl iiVlni'K. M. Moiikiikaii, 0. .t I dl'lri .liino II II ll.. 'P,...
t.s II. (I.viiki r i.i). K. of II. unit H. . i ii 'f v I- i " -Ml M".1, Joln
C atnpliolt, of Jvow nrk piwenleil a ids-
KIT CAlt0N post, o. A. It.. mroiH ,,t olul i.ii of lo'ut on Hie nc'ioim lllnccH of
Wliiiiior'H Ilnllnvi-ry 'riinrmliiy nlulii. (leiieral Slioiiilaii. Oieat aiinlancc fol
AlJiniK,','K Co,"""""lcr' J- K lloWKNMloveilan.llliei,-ioliillonva.alo.leil.
j ClifCM'il (.'let rluiKl' N ll 1 1 1 c.
It Stands at the Head ! ,
Till: I, OUT ltl'NNINO
Hlinpli, I nu'tli'iil,
Many ry In i'iiihl II, lint iioii n'iii"tI,
Ooii'i fall io n lliu "loini'n c";hi,ii o tny-
llltf UN "WllIK lillU'lllllll
ilkw my.1 .UIiiih HriiH.A. Co., Am u s.
On uml after llilx tint", in liiilril-t uior of
t It Ktatti of tlio In: i' William Him. 1 ollVr
for lu nil I lie 1 1 v.i utock nwnel l,, t:m il
t''Ht'l, COIIHihllllt; o
'.Unn'otujUbrvd JIvnfoi'tl Hulls.
rthort-honi Cdtt'a, (Initio Cuttle,
nml (lint, tit Sic A- Cut tin
"iinitt;fht)Hl S;tnth Mirlim
Hurl, uinl IUi'ih, Hi :lntrn !.
(lrii.lt' Jlitrl.s unit Sim , Klierp.
Alio a lurcn minilier of Hor.
II y of Hi'.
i mi I a iUhii
Trnuo m omv nnnni! APcnp ,
. '
For piirtloiilniH, call on or ti'liti. m
in.v.M ilmv If
Notary and Corporation Seals,
In Pondloton,
Tlio umial prico for caU inailn by oilier
p.irlien, In I'ortluinl or tlio I'. ih In roin $6.00
o 17.0'), with expre -ii l' ;tn p-U1hI. If you
nvil a Keal, kotnt your orilor to an, raid h.ivu
from i2.(0to J1.10 liieieliy.
East Orogonian Pub, Co,,
mhii a if Pendleton, Oreuon.
A.. HEALlilY
Main and WebbStreeU.
KuNleru 3la(i Hoots
nuil Mhufit tu
Perfect nt uuarantecil.
i,i i . i' 1 1
I'mfCi'illtm nf
till Ik'IIIIHTllt.
nt SI.
TIio riiiirorm.
10:t7.v. .ii.-Mr. WjUteifif ti xalil thU
inoiiiliijx dial ovuvlliliiK Is a'iivii up.ii
O.K'UIlt lllll I'llMllllilll. Willi, I
P.e.MontV .,.. at, I
' UO.'Miilll tlio lilalliirm of 1 , .-I. Wnttot-
Him Hiiyn no iiiinu lliu plati'jnii will Im
m'.kI' lliii nfifin-Hiii, Suit uxKjflH a llnlil
mi u in uio couvoiiuuii.
CtlttMl In OnKr Ti -ilny.
Sf. Lin IS, .lllUij (I )();J0 A. M
i.'oiivuiilioii in jtirt c.illuil toonlor.
T'h .Moi iiliit; Int i ir 1 1 Ion.
10 :L'!i, a. m.-ISuv. J. If. (Irot-no, of
Ailitsottri, (k'livoioil tiio Invocation.
A Kinutiillini InilnrHliii; Cli'vn iiud.
10:."j a. m. Aialioiy. m" riurilu, pw
nonlcd a itwliilion Ind ,iUi'4 tlio 1'icni
ilunt'H laiill'inomio, wliidi was ii-cvivuil
Willi cIicoih and itiilau. muhI olloicil to
tlio committee.
Thv lliikolii Di'lc'iiltmi,
10:11) a. t. 'l liu re ort of the com
uiilleo on ctoilenliali4, ,o.illnc V. V.
.Sleelo ami II.' I.. .Mcf .lio, ineinlioin of
tlio t'lnircli faction, in m Dakota, was
""""" ,r,-v
A Mlii- litnn liillnn
f I'Vcfhioirt tjovuiani'rt iVanVo iii ci.aV"
man voiiiiih' hpcccii wan uiectci w t
eheo m and wavlni,' of cane's and hats.
oni'lii'til Olii'iTi'il.
St. I.ocik, Juno (I. 11:07 a. m. Tlio
crowd is liejtinnliiK' to gather slowly. Ap
plaiiHo from the pilleries Kiceled Senator
Vooihees as lie walked down the aisle.
. The convention will lie called to order at
Tim CliiviMinnl dull.,
1 1 :li5 a. m. There is much npiilairo
and cheering al tlio entrance of the Clove
laud Club, of Hiitlalo, with a hand plac
ing "iJlxle." The cheeiinn continued
for several minutes.
I Imy llnvi'ii't III' nil fi'iim Oivjoii VI.
Sr. Lous, lltitt) a. )!. Showaiko", of
Althsouri, piescnted a Iouk eolation on
the tat ill', dcmandiiu; that war l.i-u sii. II
co.c-e, and dmn.nriii'j the pie out Iniiir,
Ills sjicech was iceled williap; l.aiso.
Cllllnl to OmIi
I :.'.") ,). in. Chai. m. ii i .mil. i c..ll"tl
VI if
the hall.
j Clii-t rng Viciiiilii,
! '2:St p. in. Tito WihCoiisin delegation
, li.ul her h.inuer d 'i .iiat mI vi'ha Uni
dauiiii, and Iho dilu;..i'" u.tvo 'iuce
'cheers fn Wlrvnnnin. .! ir-Wl .1 V'-
ylnin ami Wei i.;inia followed a. id
the clioo.iug was Ci'iitiuii'Jd. J'lie ludl
ami hauuei' is the nated with a Cleveland
TIik Hull Ciilli'il.
' 1 :1- c. si. renohitioii olleri'il ly Mr.
(iormaii was adopted, ortloiiuK a call of
the mil for (lie puipot-o of'iiamitis the
eommitivcM, ami tlio roll is lieinK called.
A Ml r (luti'l,
i 1 :'J'l p. m. Mr. I'attoreoii of Colorado,
I proeuled a j;"Vl of Colorado silver to
Iho eluiiimau.
:i,ih, t'.,r ('imi'iiiini,
I Vi'M v. it. There was renewed cheer
1 1.... .., ii.,. i.... .. i... i . t . i ...
IHH oi lilt) lliuiiiii'ii in uiv i iviuuiii n
naiiit. ami tiio i'ov York deleuitioii ioe
ami led In tluco choum fur him.
J Chirm for WuIIimhoii.
i 1 ''.'I I'. m. Ivonf ni'L'v miiiioil Ilnnri'
Valioi.4iii as a luuinlHtr'of the coinmltteb
on 1w.lnti.111, at which theio was long
and cant iuuod chcui ing.
Apt lilll.f fur Nnll'il .lli-n.
1 :A2 I', si. Tlio naiiie.i of Ailliur (!or
man of Maivlaml, I .con Abliett of Nuw
Jeivev, and ICdwurd C(siior of Now York,
monihois of tlio comiuitteo en resolutions,
werogreoted with applause.
IV,K I'iro 1" Oll.nm.
Oitawa. May (I. Itotwcen thico and
four hundred houses were burned huiu
last nlglit, rendering twenty-llvo liun
1 dr d ihv.'Oiis liomoiess. Seven blocks
1 wore burned, and hundreds of families
' aro camping out.
'I li Mufkrln.
j S.v . I'cascim-o, May it. SjMjt market
coni inuos dull, and theio is no material
, demand from extsutciH. No. 1 shipping,
1 ;:5o(tf t iit-ltf- Chicago clos-d Z'.k. for
I Juno; tl?H for July.
llllliuli blipienie ('mill.
i CiucAdo. May (I. Klcclions holil in
Illinois vesteid.iy make tho siiptemo
1 bench Itepuliliciii for the llt time in its
llihtOI v.
Ileriiinmi'i. Voln In lulliiainitli.
lie miiiiu's majority in Miilltiottuih
county will bo noailv a.OOJ.
Iloi iiiiiiin'. Jli.Jority fit III Clioi.lni;.
I'oirr vni), May il. Ilei naiiii's majoi
ity now foot-j up bvor i.OO i.
All i Aioount of he Tiirlll.
T,,i , i ivn Iiitiii .'i Hoi hdimii'm it i :i im
'MM' .A, :oV :iln. m
Ii 1 1 I ... Ann
1eiiiiH'Uin yvu .inn
lliu ii-.i.ii'.vi,o ... ' " p
to tho la ill quoslion.
, A toiriblo cyclono i;is.-3d nour Milton,
N. c,. Saturday uflornoon.oxtondingovor
a tract twenty-live inilos long and aOO
vards w ide. Tho dam ao done is onoi
inotis, as the cyclone pawl tlnoimh n
faiming section, and everthing in its track
was completely doMroycd. So far us
known no lives weio lost.
holv'emh , , onio" ai'lmlhee: ,"1"u"'1'4 ' - T",
rlilloViVlV.'ii.t,. v hi 1 1 1 a I i i'i ir! t I 1 1 1 Vn " " l'" ,i,,i,J "l'l"u ("V ch.ysolllo, f""'H.S ,"
Si:, slfUS ifi ' i:; f'v! ' -ir ,h',,,i;rdciJa::n: :
ve.ociesof "loutle." nom thS rear of,!' . '"' ..." P.. '!'' , 10 !. 1
a chanc'i: rmt tiii; o. it. a n.
I'M mi t tic Wulm Wnlln i ",11111.
Vho (). I!. : ., havinc alund ined the
l'.uieka Mat eiitorpii.-, Isii-jI dead yet
by any moan. m tho e.iniia'.v, "ii
chances fur e ;aiisi'n aief.i" mine pin
pitinus to day lii.ui ilu v,in' livo c.irs
UKo. llisoiir candid 'owni'n that tlio
(). ll. L . I'lilliliilliv kima lit,. ......nt....
ami will not sluiiiiicr over iho miiniii'.
icent eli.iic e in plain ievv. Wo aihido
to iho CNtei'slon of liieir Uipaiia mail.
ii i.i a t ncmiiii ih'uiiiiii mr iiniii 1 if t nut
to J ucrin'l ami from thmo mi via l!oes
.ini.cit ui, io Mpam.i; lint what a . ,),.
ohm end ui,' could i o atlncln il to liiis
7 ' He il'i.nndito Unit anv fnilher oianization tliun the
i unlit will, oinlnacj it, and nt no distant liraiiKO or iMIIanco is iicec-viii v, and ct
date and conlinno that loiilo, ftvin Uipaiia theio mav he good icanoim for hilnin:i in
to L'.'ifax ami Imuii theio on inio the fah- smnu new ornaiilzalion to do woik which
..I 1..I 1 I. . I .11 I I ....!. . . . .
null', inn nun IIIJ.UI.IUSIIDIO MIIIIC10I 1110
t'lciic d'.Mcno country. Theio Iho lei
minim of I lie road would he wmiowlieio.
.vinero it is it iv, It Is a ineio wav side
inn. Unile Him road would give the 0.
K. c X. a new le.is.t for n continual Imi'-
vet, it would also put water mi our mill.
our hi r.t wi, cii y lauueis cnild ship their
hiiii'I fn It inio the luomilalnsiightfiesh,
ami get it liglit ftesh price f .r all tlio v
could ra I ej nnr ine vcgclalilcM, f ail",
hmter ami ijl's. kv'ii.'MIi'iio In tlmt linn
could lh sliiiK'(l tli'ect and would not
nave lo go smitliwo.t II st liv older Io trot
nortliea-;. u In uiluiii would not the
shining gold, whether in bullion, nuggets winded of any class of i-ocietv; while lu
ordusi. Tiiat p.iit wouldn't: hither i's a their subordination to other classess ami
pailielo.us longnu woget it.autl then nolo iuteiests they lmvo been lllerallv tlio
tlie dlU'eienco in tmvel! One could get "howeis of wood and drawers of . 'aler."
on the cms heio after Ineak 'ast ami eat Hut the progioss of elvili.atiou, tlio do
siipner at Colfax. Now wo have logo velopinent and discoveiies in arm and
to allula, iiang iii Iheie'a. few hoirs, n'iences, ami above all tlie icllning In
then to J'asco. ami slay theio till one , lluences of humane ami Chtistian piln
feels wcay ami caieworu; then to I'a-! clples ought to litlug to the lalmier that
louse .1 unci Ion and tairy theio uwlille, all ; need of justice which should make his
of which Is no doubt tlie chief c.ni-e of ho i lot in life cas'er and belter than at anv
many suicides being committed nlonu
that line. Hut to bo serious, tills Kipatia
lino nittt't eventually continue, jest as
Di'. lWkei's road to Wallula had to take
up ill Led and walk. Tlio country de
mands such extensions as it glows older,
and the 0. 11. iV N. Coinpanv, having
eyes I j m'o iiiiil e.nw to hear, will not bo
long in taking in the situation.
Till, .llnli'Oillrii.
It is probable that the meteorites icach
ing thocailh avemge several iter dav,
stales Dr. I Inns lioucli, though uio.U bf
them CHMpo oh et vatlon, and not moio
than four or llvofalNaio ivcoidcd ycaily.
'hoo i,odlo., wliicli this utilhov egatds
with l'iif. fiowion as bits of uomots, mo
oi iw-j p I..U' y g .iup.1, Hi'iny-nieleoiiles
nail iiiui-mu.eo i;es. The two i iuchial
in oc.asljiial ..his of lion. TJicirtto lay up anything scaicely for old age,
mli .o co.iic t actii o shows that 1 except what may come from tlio iImi in
llio-o inolooritiM weio originally cooled
fiom a nml en conditlju, like ih c ustof
oui UoiK'; and ! iiai mtua i.sM'inud that
Hie into to of lei ouih conli. : of u
htutvy . itlj (. ,o ein!.lliife that of tiio
inoto'i i.' . "Iii. .voiid toiip ciiui'i ii-ps
m.. on oi n.. :.u i on, v.iih nuiio o' le i.
,u' kd, ..mi an omuilunul HiiiiuLI'iig of
isloii g.lud. Such meloo lU" wov!.,".wK,'t,y. " ulsceincil hv
lo Hie IV sil it eil lo Imj tin,
soiiico of uiio- Idl'Aal ion oul.i
in miiiiio, inn the great nun es oi so
called uieieoiic iron found by .No denskj
oltl in tiicenliind iximu years ao wmo
pioveu to bo only liiuiis of tlio metal
wiuiihuivd out of lliu lock on which lhu.i
weio ili.icove.'ed. Tiio hi t not oi o oi" wane
meteoiitos gives evidonca Unit liieir or
bits have iiad tlio same si iking fo in as
I .1 I.!.. I. .1 .7., .1
till,. I'.JII UIIIIII1IH. llllll'U lllll, I II11LIII V III,-
ptoach close lo die sun ami tliun lucotlu
far from it.
kiiioiI nn iiniiiui.
lliu dav luo.nlng, savs IhoSiMikiino1?1, ir tno iignt, tiioiigu the Heavens
J'alls I,.' low, Jiiiliio Miyilur s e iarl loom
was illlc . .itli cilions ami Indians, ilm
occasion 'ing the I iijim.-t orer the io
mains of lie Indian hliot by Chief
Wuiien the lay bofote. The testimony
of six witiie .-us liesidus tiio Indian who
was a' tolled at Iho liino hi i l oiup.iiiion
was killed weio takon, iho Indian
stated (hat the chief was t ying io ano-i.
him and during tlio tusiel Iho of
ficer hit him over tho led . it 1 1
his levolver which was disehaigctl
iiHitHtiuck him. That they all i ode on
some distance when I hoy stooped by tlio
fence ami his companion fell oil' his
hoi.e deal. Th-t im laid no idea that
his 'i loud had been hit until lie saw him
jim nail inuu mi. mini nu n.iii nun
I his was H.ilistantiallv Iho tosliino-
.. . ..
of all the wilno.'feos ineludlii
Ml', i
W.lll.,1. (Inn In. II,.,. In (In. ..ll.lin.wi.
... ....
inn. ii ..! ,i ,l lli.it I.Ij In. .ii ii .in I. ...I...
lolu.nuda vo.dict that the Indian c ui.'e .
I., i.iu .ii. iii. i... i.i... .I .i ..i...t 'i i... I
t in owoi it uvivtviaai n a iiu
I'jiwlliit ..ifii.wiil i.Ica i.ii.ui. il unlljfmi.
n it... i.,.ii .,u
U'Wii't rvuunru ! i i u uuiiuitii rtuiiim-
.KJII UIIIUIIq lliu 1 1111111,11.,
and that if tho grct chief, iiintlng lo " w ago. Ia-t ear foiiy-K) von per cent -the
co.oi.oi, said this allidr was all ifght ""' .i.xliut.Ml a surplus lovenuo g.e.itor
it iv, ml i.l,,. I, In, f,.,.l T!,l, v OUch IllOlltll tllllU lllO OlltllO COSt of till)
. mum in iiiii i 1-imii Ktr i uni.. iwiiniy per
. cunt, lower than tho .Mills hill would
i-,.i.im. ur.ii, ire un.i. ' leave it. And the mint is.wuiful aigu
riie iiiinouH prico of land n Iioland .u,u and soluiiiu waiiilng in .l.iekhnn'H
as llliibtiuiod last weok at he aucl hu I I'mIivwiII Ail.tn.. k u, ,,ii,.t n 114 lllll It I.
uiuitin a most nt. iking niaunor. Tho I
wMniu iiiu ii giiiiui ..k. in, iji.iieu ui I
the ltt!e Iwil I avail) V. Inch WIW lefonod I
. I ... I., I I... 11 l.f I. .1.111 1....
to tlio other day wan .sild iiy older of ids
tiustooM, ciumUliiig of .UUii Air on of fiee-
'hold l.:n.l-ln fact, the whole Wund-
witli houbouud eniran.e loJg.rM, Isilii fui
nibh 'il. The auciioiipu' dexuiiiied tho
pirjieity as one of I he Hnont HiKii ting
o.-iaU.' in Iieland, thougii ho aduiiltcd
that tiio lananla wo o lliio yo.' ii ai
imra witli their lent. TlJ piojH) ty was
sold p..iclluill without rorcivo, a.nlafloi
ve.y slight comiiotltion was ptiicluiicd by
II Liu. ui mu iiium-nt i.Su.u ui or
aoout six slililiugs an aco.
1'inm llio 1'iHllo Ku in v m.
A call has lecn pulillxlieil lie a number
f piomineiil funnel ', anil niliers inlor-i-'ted
in iijtiieulttiinl pinwiits, for a mcet
I nyr lit Salem on .lune VI, pmx., for lliu
inpose of Stale itH.-mciation for tlie inn
in.il piolection of faimeis anil the ml
..incomont of their iutefeulM, We
pilnlcil the call with iilnasine, although
Iho inoniolci:! of it did not condesceiul'io
rami us u copy. Wo lojoice to hco this I
ii'.ViiLi'iii'il inlori'Mt iiiiiniiir lni'iiui4! nml
iho disM)sition to at least look aiiout for
i.mlfnit ier ineaiiH to timmoto and mo
teel liieir InleiestH. We n to not ceitain
the Orange has not dune or has not hecti
oigauied to do.
Hut Iho; o is one fact , at least, that is
clea; ; ami t lint is, that the agiiculliiial
iuleicsts a:v) winking at a gicat disad-
vaniage in their contest witli the other
nils tie.ss nleiesls of the wuild.
.Many men will leply to this by saying
Hint tlie farmer ami latioier have alwavs
been the servants of all ollmr inteieslH,
"ami as it was in tlio davs of .s'oah. so
iiiiisi it continue to the end of tliuworld."
iSow wo deny this necessity. Tlio nro -
ditcoiH of wealth, it true, in all clvill.ed
cjunliies so far, have liceti the least io
! fonner ieilod of the woild's historv. It
mayiKisatit that tins is even so now
That tlio lalsiier is lewaided bet
ter than at any former peilod, wo
will not stop to deny; tint the point
we wisli to inako and einpliaslo Is,
that tiio pioduccr of wealth (and notably
tlio iigiiculturiM) is not lewaided in pm
pinilon lo his iIcmiiI.i, nor In pmpoitloii
to the piogivss of the age, nor in any
smt of inoiioilion to the lewanls given
to capital, or in pionrt!ou to the value of
his hurvlcu.4 to hocicly. While men
may be seen all over tlio laud, in lliu
huge and small cities, accumulating f u
tunes of millions of dollais by banking,
railway nidations, uiantifacluies, and
leal o;.tato iuv'estiueiils, the laud facile
mains umlispiited ami indisputable, Hint
tlio man who dcnemls on cultivating ids
own f:ii in for the support of himself and
must toil all his days, us also his
minion, lorn naro iiviui: ami
milfoils, w ithoul ever belie.' alilo
ill'" of liieir lands. Now ouo man
i cannot accuiuulato millions in our siaie
I"1 society wiiiio tno oilier ion iiioiisami
j -1iiik1 f'c laio ONUtcnco on any basis
JusMco in tlio distiilailloii of wealth
' I' oluced by the whole society. Tills fact
' 'eon slowly iccogul.cd. That theio
' wiusoinelhlng wiong in the orgaui.itiou
"iiiii.mw men, ami uas in'oti inimiiy
liv inlllious, Tlie trouble has always
I Ix'on lo liM-aio the diKease nml agico upon
1 a loiucdy. I'or when lliu millions of pin
' ducers come to ouo uilml on the.o two
ileius, thoro will bo Homulhlug douo, and
not till thou. We have no ailvli e to give
, lo this foitlieomiiig conference at Salem.
: Wo am u Htuichor after light ococlvos.
itut one thing wo mo iiuiwaiablv mull-
1.1....... I !.... ' 1 1 t
i ovnitinns no uioiioimiIIoh. If men would
Iiofoui abmos, tliey must Ihsi put all
piuii'illies buhbnl them, comfcleuliously
"'uk the tiulh, mid then couiugoously
"U,l.l l"l" .. I I 'Llllln
IIUIII. Ill, lillll llllll IM, p.lKllH'' M'MIIIIIIUIIM
N'o Turin' fin- Siiipliin.
I'. oiu lliu New Voil: Woilil,
It is doing violence to histoiy ami gnws
injustice to Iho c.nly luaduiH of tho Di iti
(s ialic im. ty lo cilo ilellbihon and .lack
son in (lofon.o of tlie pM!.-.unt unuecessiiiy
and iulipiiloiis war t.oill'.
hike all tho foiimlcis of tho Itepublic,
.lelleoiou isdiovod in giving eiieoi'iauo
lueni and pi. il col ion in what a hundred
yoais ago weio culled "infant indiisliies."
Itut the l.tiill deemed Milliriuut for this
in WuHliiugtou'M I i tno a vera ' I lint h'j
( coin, ad vuloioiii. Dining .lollo. son's
iiiliiiini at.iliiiu the need of moio lovonuo
, , - . r ,i .. . i . .
u! i' .M. of tho ave.aao Inly to
nilnit nri'tiiii i mi ritiM iiwl vn( nfinr tint
','l IIU 'Ull KJl I'UIH, illltl V
OX 111.111011 1 UI Olglll.V' JCaiH 110 11111110 01
,.,. l.. ,.1,.. I I.. ..... 1 .
JtH'uiou Jh viHui In Uilialf of u tu-iir lliat
VmUual tiovoinmont for u year in Julio,
von h iimo
It was dining Jnckbon's adiuiulkliatlou
I. it lllll 'ftiitfl ii u villi nut fmia' n-tiu ilnil
. . ,
oiai uio
rttfiiitirtii 111- HV'HIUM
tunanco of u laiiff liLilmr than wns in-
ijiuioil lor Olllior plotOl'liolt or lOVUIIIIO.
Tho D,iiiiin.il c imitv Inm fiiviuiul
. .. .. . ' . ,w
tne wouiooiaiiu luiitv lias lavoioil a
Uiiiror levenuo and a .mill' for nioloo
lion, liut it novor favicl a taiill' for nut
t'lun. At the rCMtiloti of tlio uupiuuio ooiut at
j Joil'ursou city, Mo., Chief Juatice Noitou
iixud Iho day for tlio oxecution of llugli
M. IJiook alius Maxwell, toe chloiofonu
j lnmderor of C. Aithur I'lullur, at the
i Southern hotel, for July I.'U At this time
1 last your tho oxoii'ilou was fixed for the
v;. ( IHt AllgUSt Ifllt lllO ('. !Ji WUS C..I
,j0,i to the United Ntaies supremo court.
t'Ai.t.Acv or t'liori'.t rioN.
All Olijl rl I.CK.nll.
A ami 11 a.v two fanneis. A 'm farm
will piedtico 100 bushels of coin or 15
builiiils of wheal per aci. li's farm
lirinas !!0 laisliels of wlte, t or 60 btisiicls
of coin perncie. So A uiisp' coin and It
inoihn-.H wheat, ipid thus ds each exeit
n!s pnulucllvo lower lo tho givalest ad
vantage. A exchanges a po (ion of Ids corn for
It's wheat that Ids family may have
bieatl, ami the coin is of u.e to It to fat
ten Ins hogs, that his family mav have
l'ut A's government steps in mid says
"you must ptoditfe what you consume"
and we all! impose a duly of $1 per bushel
on wheal.
A cannot aUbid to pay this, ami must
devote n pillion of his laud to raising
wheal, hut ii ieiuires two tines of ids
land, ami hence twice tlio lalio , to pro
duce what II mi pes on one acie. It, on
tlie other hand, cells his wheal at tlio
inaiket price, ami buys A's corn tiio
same as liefoio. onlv now he navs uold
and silver Instead of wheal. II must Ih
Iioiii in nilml tliat A's coin is wnith no
1 more than it was before, f ir lie must no
into Iho maikels of Hie woildtosell his
surplus. Tints do we see that A is the
loser, because it takes twice tlie produc
tive energy to bread Ids family tiiat It did
hefuro the-roluclivf duty was iniiosed.
And tins, my filoiul. is the way our
pMitocllvo tin ill' protects. Senarate tlio
chad' fiom the grain, tlio sophistry from
the logical, ami you will llud the above
llhist atlon tico oveiy lime, in so far as
the peoiile mo combined. tiusiHiiud moil-
le i alone excepted.
Iv. It. (Iamiici:,
Snii-.t liy ii 111 ii It'.
l'l'iilil tin. Cliii'lnn.ill Teleuiioil,
(ieiicud Mike Ityau, in talking of tlio
MctioN)litau ltauk failme, leceutly told
a Tclegiam icpoiler a good st'iry Illus
trating tlie tower of Mull. It was' in con
ned Ion with this asset lion I hal with lit
tle blither alii fiom the other banks in
tlie city tlie Mcliopoliluu uillit have
been saved, lie said: "I have u
biolher connected with u bank lu I.eav
enwoith Kansas, '1 bete ate two banks
tlieie. and tho lival to that of my brother
was hi a shaky coiulilieu. 'I lie piesldent
came to .Matt and told him Iho ciiciim
stances, ami that; If thcru was
a iim the bank would !mi una
ble to stand II. Mutt told him to
keep a still' upper lip, for ho knew
tluil the f.iilmo of the other bunk meant
the failure of Ids own, lie jumped on
the 1 1 alii, went to Kaunas City, got S lil,
IIDO in coin gold and silve. In liei'icls,
tan back lo l.eavenwoith whh thoHpccjo,
ami got half a docu ibavs to Iho ltiot
lo take the battels lo the bank. Mean
time the ciowd of di'MlloiH had Is'gun
to gather at the bank, deniiindiug their
money, and Iho old man was talking to
tlieui to gain lime. All at once they
wtw tho iliays coming up, lo.iileil down
with tho ticasmo, and shouted lo tho
ciowil to wait alxiut live minutes and
they'd get their money, us it was thee lu
tlio battels.
"lu unloading tlio bannls ouo of them
diopiK'd and iuoko, so that, tliiotigh a
ciack, tho anxious dtidlors could see
tlio shining gold, and, as il lolled up tho
steps of the bank, o gold-pieces kept
dumping out and weio picked up by tho
janitor. When tho coin was all tolled
In .Malt cine out again and told all who
had lummy theio lo go lu ami get It, iih
the bank pronircil to ay them oil' mid
shut fiesli, ami didn't want such a cow
aiilly lot of (ItijH.-il'iis anywav. All the
lime lie was piling on tlie indignation lie
didn't want to i.e taken at his wont, as
the biink had only hi,iHXi cash on hand,
against ihi,ihhi doiMmit made. Ho hati
liiotiglii lo.iHM), (ait tlieie was still u
slnuiago of f'Kl.OOO. Ilowover, the gamo
wotkud. The people weio loassiucd by
tho sight of the luiiuls of coin and went
away satisfied. Thuitiu was availed and
the Imiiik pulled thiough all tight,"
Woi l. mill VViii.ln l.niiiliin,
Mr. Iikomau, ouo of iliu buidnn, Kn
gland, bid ni v lnssn'totH, found a woman
in tlio Kant laid, wlio was wo. Ling
for slxtuou Insns a day, inukitig waist
ciKit biiiioii-li ili-s, at I he t ate of
livo for lwo( jiico. A i'ur-eae-maker 'old
him: 'I woik i'toin K in fs and earn .'i shil
Mugs ii week, Koineiiinos lu. I havu
nothing to do for six mouths in tho your,
lu the oast end, ami oven hi ceiilial U)h
don, for the lowc.it cla s of moil's shhtH,
sold wltoh' ale at elovon slilllingsailo.on,
and lobiilod at ihhtcou shillings and six
ii'jiico, tho woikei 'si.'iuuneiution il is. aid
is one shilling a donil by macliiue woik,
and tlitoo .jiico a doon for hut Ion-holes
ami buttons. A woman, liv ciosu applica
tion, may make a doen slii.is a day, ami
thus palnfullv oaui nix shillings a week;
(lie Ibiiklmr uiiiMt Ihi content with three
'l Im I.on-rl) irk lii.inl.
I'lOIII lli IIIK I'l.fK Kol.
The I 'liiaillla county coitit has granted
the Long Clock loud, umltlioHUh.u'iiilou
on tlie Kilt of Iho cilions of reinllelou
is lioing clteulalcil succot-iiilly. Tho
Ileppiier i si bond in under const ruci ion
and fluppiior will undoubtedly imp ovo
tho, wagon inad between this plum and
Hojipnor. Wo will miroly liave two out
lets to till place in the near fiituie, and
witli two such lilacs in llcpmier and
I'oiulloloii, Ml 1 1 vftiie for the liwln of our
ltupuUlu, wo can lowMiiiubly eiect
lower in icon on all classes of jgoiHl, lliau
we have over oxt ji ion cod l5Q7.no. Tho
lluprmur route is ubeudy okiiioiI; now
llnish this nml of Iho I'endli'tnii loutoaud
tlieicby i 'coin the ('misiiitioii, Ihcii let
the longest Mile rake in the po.-i uiiions.