East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 04, 1888, Image 1

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ni.ln liioi-y cI
a riti:t: l.tnu.vnv.
1'ntrnti of Hip ltnlly or Heml-Weekly
KAST Oltr.dONI.VN can freel) make me
of the KAMI' OHKOONIAN library when,
nvr tlwy tte.lre. The pnhlle art) riir
illully hivlti'il to llt the olllro whenever
no Iiii'IIiiimI,
'" .....II nfl
S"1 . ..ii Mrtrr the November
.nnir u'"" . .... lll(iw
.....In fir '
ii'iinVIAN fur tno
hf time l.y
NO. 80.
& Kuebler,
irf,,t nn.l mint ctimeloto stock of
Lf 7
ffrlfonnv Artip.lfts
I I I II I 1 I I M. M A W Jh W tW
lU A
InEastorn Oregon.
, Block - Pendleton.
.tin i ninnrii i
i,vvtv A.w. iind when ono
' ..tmt Vlitl Will WIMI 1111U
. utMiiniiinr nnlinil
ilui i u 1 1 k it ni 1 . r- 1 1 1 1 in r i .
1L J I11WMIII"""
i .i. ...t lirint llimil II I'llV (ill
..t.in nriMtrx. Ann I'orrmium
i of Assets. Two Millions
ol Surplus.
Clopton & Jackson,
Resldnnt Arjcnts,
wmn n mi iiiiu. n'uimnii.ui.
t'enW'in In
i mi
mnnrt nnrt 'I'tvmrnrin
um n i miwaiG
vim? aiiii
niNC nrnmnriv uono.
tlx srithivr, t'K.NDi.irroN,
cflM put lie pulrontilfu lit solicited
n Karinr? ann nnon iinnnior
naJli "n y uirilf wltli ii leu ir
.nmtdMi nf iinv k'ei'iciiiii,
s t ktmry livtwccii meals, get 1111
I laoeh pr aret hy n white ciuilc.
111! Im.thl-Alnllll .1. ........ I.
Hinmi . w ...... ,-
Miln xiioet, I'etiilli'tnn.
. H i n i
li ttnnir n nnn
' nwwil IVMLQIIM
uw w a mwi
'11 WllUlll- linn In
t trih... f....lt... .... ..
M.UuUt,nUi Mouth.
)liiliie, Lcuvunworth'
'lilionniiu Kniu, oitv
JDlv Linn J-v.nnecilim with tho
tllWnit. VI "'Wm Hluivt Mini
: nn-cjiiiin ana
"i tre ll,ti)ij fats!
'i mrouxli Kxiiremi Troln on
'ii.. .. "
Vv.:! 4P".'. I'uentof i
Northern t" III1.
'-"Ut,,, VM.,an ltnll..n..
TI.V-, ."' lillll Al.
TIckUAu-ent.o. It. j, N. to.
W f w r . . . r,
"",1E V l'u..
- . - rortlaml. Ore.
i-'M kook.
".cu)uii .Minn.
J'11!.' r ttr,..t.,,li
t'lulio, Or
, Jim. uml nil
Hl'id of inu.
I I liutru
- wiiti on
the install.
i"'-nr plau.
7: f-aaa rtriHlnTuTe
. i'i-. tin the lnlaua
Meets nt the .Mnmnle loin pin on thu
iiiiu tiiiitt rriti'iyMii eitrn mimtn.itt :m
It'll. .1. I'. lllt.MltKI.'. If. P.! I'. II. Cl.OITMV.
l Mfm t
tTllJ'N llf OIK"
CO 1)13 K Nl. at. A. K. A A.M.
on til'- Rccoml tiiitt fourth Mom
eiieh month, tit 7ino o'elo Ic. II. J.
IlKAN , V. M.J W. K. l'OTWINK, t'CCtOtllty.
FiNDf.HTON I.OPUK tfO. M. A. I'. A A.M.
Meets In tilt' Miioiilc Toinpln on lliu
llrKt iiiiu thliil MciinhitM of o'.oli month Ml
iHI O CIOCK. T. .1. .MILLION, W. M.', It. AI.
ktamikii, Hri'rt'tnrv.
VI' I.A I.OUCJK NO. IN, . O. IT. W. Mi ets
iivery Tlinitliiy nlKlit nt Ilui Knulno
linllKi, III Ti ll OVIni'K, .1, u. I.KAKtniK, .M.
w.j r i-. i umtiw, iirrotucr.
7UIUS1CA I.OI'(H NO. 32. I. O. O. V. Meet
2J very Hatunliiy fvenlne iit7i3U'clnik.
'. J. Million, N.O.j K. K. riuiroii..ecretnry.
O. I'. Mot-tft tin Ilui M'rnll'l 1. 11 1 1 liut
Tliiirwliiy.i nt t'Hcli tnoiitli. lit 7l! o'clock.
DAUIiINK HKIIKCOA f.t'DOr No. 1:1, I. O.
JL t. K. Mift III" lit Kt mid tlilfil i'luirH.
ilny oft'uch month.
.Mi" I 'li i'iM KtillnWH' lliill iivitv Tilt"-
ilny pvt'i.lni; ut 7;.'li) o'cloclt. .1. (.'. I.kahuhk,
..:.: c.J. wmitakijii.k. of iLuiui h.
nAMON 1.0 nOK NO. 4. K. OK V. Mct-tn III
I). hi I-'iiliti'tt. Mull I'verv WfltiOMliv
fvonlni; nt 7:3U o'clock. M. MnttKltKAIi, C.
L.J II. tiAltKIKI.I), li. tu it. linn r.
KIT CAIfON I'OST, (I. A. It.. tneolH nt
Wlieulni' Hull inery Tliurmliiy nlitlit.
li. H, Wakki.k, Coiiiiiiiiniler; J. S. Howkn,
AtlJlltllllL ,
It Stands at the Head!
Rlinnli. ITnctlciil. l.lulit KiiniiliiK iintl
Many try lo equnl It. lint mum Htitceti.
Don'i. nil to nee tliu "I)t)mc,lr"l)i'fiiio tuiy
nu a ituwliiK iiiiiolilno
tlw my35 3llm II rim. A To., AgfM'R.
On mill iiflcr Iiiiu tint.', an nilinliilHtriitiir nf
the rHtato nf tlio Into Wlllluiii llnH. 1 iXr
forMilonll tlio llvo Ktoclt uwiivU liy tin- iU
'JlioroutMtMil Jitivti'tml Hutlx.
Short-horn Calt (iruito Cattle,
ami (Initial Stint; Catttn
rUoroauhhi-id SuwUh Merino
Jiiick ttutl liirra, Itv(fltviwt
(Irailn Jlitck.i a nil stot . Slwtp.
AIon lunte miinlicr nf Hoi" ! n iimn-
tHy of Hi'.
Kor jmrtleulurn, cull on or wlilrcni
niy2l tUw If l'ontlloton, or.
Notary and Corporation Seals,
In Pondloton,
Tlio usunl prlro for seal innile by other
parties, In rortlaml or the Eos U from Stt.ttt
or.W.wltli exprem hnrgc-s adtletl. If you
neeU aiieol,ouil yonronler lo it, nml savo
from i2.(0to $1.00 tlierehy.
East Oregonian Pub, Go,,
inhuatf Pendleton, Oregcn.
Main anil WbbbKtreets.
Kaiitern lliutu HuoIm
unit Mioert In
Perfect flt OiiaranteeJ. e
Tlio Hotly rminil In Ilui Colunihln Illvci'
NeHf the Wlllown Her Iniiir.t 1 1 flit.
AHI.I.NtiTON, dllllO il. 1IIU l)l)t IV Ot L
yotitiK wtmum wan tlUcovori'il ilfuling in
tho Coluinliiii river liy u i!hIioi'iii.ii.
imtiicd llulil), yoHtunlay inoniltit. ne.tr
tlio WiliowH. Won! mum iiiiiiieiliutL'ly
Hcnt to tliiri city to tint cnruutir nf tin
county, Dr. Hucon. Tlio citunur mitt a.
ntitnbur of citiutiH wont tip to thu V11
lowu mill tin iintiu!4t was held, tutt ni
verdict whs arrived at, tw jmrt of tin) jury
heliovo that tho woman caiuo to ho'r
death by viuletico, aiidnthurH hy drown
ing. Tho body was then brought to thin
city to await iluviilopinontH. There iiro
Hoverul theoricH abiuil thu c.ixo, one Iwing
that duuuiiHed bclontsed in Uoldeiitlaltt.
A cold rink' on one IIiil'it bearH thuHe ini
tials: "I. 11. H. to U. S. ,.'
l'aiiBi.jer t ItocelT u UumplliiicntMy
Vote for the Vlc-l'r.l.noj-Triy Will
l'r.i.nt Uiaruiitu' Maiutt.
Sr. Louih, Juno 3. Stephen W.Whitei
of California, Iiuh been t'hoKen the tempo
rary chairman of the Detnocratie Na
tional Convention. Go. Poiinoyer of
Ort'icon will receive u complimentary vote
for the Vico-l'renitlenev. The content for
1 tho Vlco-l'reriitlency hart narrowed down,
i to Gray and Thiir.nun. Tlmrman huvh
1 ho in not Hcckim: tho nomination, but
will accept it if nominated. Turpy of
California will prenent bin namo. Califor
nia, Nevada, Oregon, KuiiHa, MiHHOttrl,
Arkantw, TennotsMCo, ToxaH, West Vir
ginia, I'onnxylvanla, Cotinectictit, Musa
chiiHottH, Alabama, Vermont, Hliodo
iHland, MinuetJotii and WIscouhIu are
ttolid forThunnan.
A vi:kvuihi:t kmcctiom.
HcrmniiK'n Mujorlty Will Not he OvorOOO
In MiiltiiMimh County-Arrc.t. fur
I Krnutl.
. Poiitlanii, Cit., Juno 4th, II p. m. Tho
election to-day him lieen very quiet iind
the voto llglit. Ileriuauifrf majority in
.Multnomah county will not Imi over 500.
Simon'n election to tho leuirtlattiro in ex
tremely doubtful. Twelve urroHtu Imvo
lieen luatlo to-day, ho far, on account of
fniml nml intimidation ut tho nollx. nine
1 of the inon urrcxtcd being Itopublicuns.
.SurjiririeH uru in utoro.
, I.lttlo Kiithnnlu.nl.
fir. I.oi'iH, Juno II. It Ih iiHtonidhlun
how little enthiiriliiHin in created by tho
mention of I'lenltlout Clovelaud'H namo.
Ho 1h ucceiited by inuny iMiliticiani tut
Himply nieilii'ino to bo taken by tho Hiulc,
1 becauHo It in nocennary. Tho only gen
, uliio fetllnu' difcovered hero hIiico tho
1 Demot'ratH Imvo Ixsou Kiitborlng in that,
which at ono time at leant, appeared for
Tliurnmn, tho old Koman.
Kllloil lllinit lfuml Wiri.
I.ooan, ()., Juno a. In u log cabin on
u farm, four miles from hero, tho dead
botllert nf Jamert l'hllllp.s and wlfo wore
found yesterday. It apiioarcd from a nolo
left bv rhlllipH, anil from tho testimony
of their little fhiltlieii, that l'hlllipn had
' cut bin wife' throat with n jiocket tnlfo
I mid then used tho Mine wcaion iion bin
o.vu t bleat, ending both liven.
Tu he lliiiiceil In Ausimt.
Wai.ia Wai.i.a, V. T Juno . Tho
execution of .Mr. I'ylo and John Hum,
tho IncondiarieH, wiw to-day not for Fri
day, Augimt lid, betweon tho houro of 10
a. in. ami IJ p. in. The murderero havo
jiiHt two montlw in which to prepare for
tho awful puninhmont of their awful
Cuyr-ln uf u Mine.
ritir,-h.Mo.NTA.s,Juno !!. A cavo-In oc
curred at tho St. liwrenco initio at noon
to-d.iv. Tho boll had beon rung to ceano
woiU', but fournitjn, three of whom iiro
. knoin to 1)0 auve,it iieingiumiuiiiiuooui.
I tho fourth, wore caught in the mine. A
I largo forco aro now at work to rencuo
I them,
I I.t. it III. Life.
j Kktciium, Idaho, Juno 3. Hobort
I Iloardiilco, jiroprlotor of Heardaloo Hot
I Sprlngi, ten miloH below Chehalirt, W.
T., was drowned lat)t Wedncnday while
! fording Salmon rlvor. Ilia team waHalso
drowned. Hi Inxly hart not boon ro
, covcied.
1 Itaaelult ut 1'nrtUntI,
I i,.i,ti ivn .Inti.i 4. Two camcHof baso
ball in Portland yiwterday. rortlandu
lieat San Franelscort 13 to li.', and tho
Willamette boat tho Drown 8 to 3. Tho
game woro interesting and largo crowd
were in attendance.
(J.n. Hherlilan' Condition.
ii . u...vr-.T.w .limn .1 Thnro is no
change for tho hotter in General Shod
I dati' contlltlou.
our Hevontl Henry Villunl.
Prom IIih Walla Wltlla Jouiliol,
, While Kast, Mr. G. W. Hunt, our
i Mose anil fceconu iicury i nmrti, uum
I a ...,.1 (,.,.1-j ,i..-.rlv llift filn nf 11 I'Olll-
1 moil car, wherein to liaul water for tho
, -1,1 Inn nf I'lir.ll.:! 1'ljt flirlllOr.
i utVUI"lllw."v" -' .
.Mr. Hunt i also making urrangemontH to
, have a good nupjily of Itwlyii coal for
next winter' ur-e. which will put in
alKjvo want, a far us fuel i concerned.
: Ills Kureka Flat road will enter this city
bv t-eptomber next, and on that day wo
Will celebrate u wo have no or celebrated
before, for it will bo the day of duliver
anco,o to HjKwk, unlwJ,wo are badly
ifoolodinour glowing aiitiolpiition. anU
; we don't think w e aro. N o know- It U a
diiigorou thing to put our whule tnujt In
tho keeping uf ono man, but o nut Hi
now let us hoio for tho bast.
Slaultobn anil the Ntiitliweiit.
Farmer in .Manitn ia and tho north
wtMl mu tliversifying tiieir ernp. .Mmo
barley ami potatoes are being planted
thi hcaion. The Alanltoti.i nailoy
prove to be equal lo the best Canada
nay uaitoy. ucliolt imported coiHliler.i
ble .Manitoba barloy last himhiii IlO.hO.) ,
tos ),(Vll) l.ushcl. l or bjor-m.tking,malt
from Manitoba batley make nearly two
ba.' ieN in no beer for every 100 bushel
mult than any other malt, fbo demauil
for Mantlilba liotatoo of 181 growth WUH I
tielhe. ihern weto I0.7H1 ueres of land
in MS,' tli'Votctl to potatooH, whielt gave !
an outmit of -'..iDo.lWO bushels.or an aver
age yield of l!H Imshels per acre. In 1S87
tno average yieiit ni turnips ivus ;itiu
ImihUdU tier acre.of mangold 474 busliol.
of c:urot 3JI bushels, mid of U'ats 'JS'.I
busliel tier acre. Hie nonulation of
.Manitoba wa M.OO.) in 1 87 1 , iigalnr.t oo,
i3S in 1KS2, and 10S,(I!0 in LSStl; and of
iiuiitii'ir the Herni ation in 181 wa
L'01, against in 1881! mid L'1,000 in
ltJSti. 'llierewero in the colonic no
railway in 1871, iig.iitist tl."i mile in 18SL'
and tllKS milt' hi Hii. Tba export In
1H8J weie nil, against ::,0U0,0dJ busliel
of wheat and 3.'i,36ii sack of Hour in 1880,
and against I3,u00,n,)u bushel of wheat,
i .(m) sack of Hour am 1IU.U0J DUHliein
of potutoe in 1SS7. Tho total exports of
cotcul in 188" aro estimated to havo
been of all kinds ultout '.'5,030,000 bush
el. The Mackenzie basin I attracting much
attention. It include all tho territory
between tho llovkle ami IIuiIsoii'h llay
from the North buiikofthoSaskatchawan
river to tho Arctic wean. Tho great
Mackenzie basin iscxiicctcd to ho reached
through a branch of thu Kootanle and
Athola.-ca Hallway, tlirotith Northetn
ltrltish Columbia toward Alaska. This
branch lino is F,atward through the
Yellowhnad 1'hks of tho UockloH to con
nect with u projected road from Montana
Northward along tho Kastern base of tho
mountains into tho Mackonzio river
biuiiu, which i Haiti to be fertile with
Immense store of natural resources.
It is estimated through a npecial com
mittee's report that in this great basin
aro 1 iill.OOO to Lt)0,000 acre of miriiferoti
lauds. There are know n to exist In this
basin gold, iron, graphite, ochre, clay,
mica, gypsum, lime, sandstone and j-etro-lotini.
Thorn aro in this basin KtW.OOO
square mile of pastoral acres, of which
-(1,000 is open prairie, besides a jiossiblo
area of 000,000 square mile suitable to
potato growing, 400,000 quaro mile
adapted to barloy, and 300,000 Hquaro
mile fltiltablo for growing wheat. '1 hero
aro along the Sasktitchawun river largo
area of productive laud, Hiillieiont lo
create eight State of tho ul.o of the State
of Ohio.
HiihlT l'octi About l'rco Wool,
Kiom Ihe lMillailelplilivTlmes.
Mr. Mill ieak for tho solid delega
tion of Texas in the House in favor of
free wool, and ho and they represent tho
future empire wool State of ihe I'uion.
Toxa alone, a estimated by tho agi cul
tural statistics of the present year, ha
4.5i'4,000 sheep, and hor solid vote in tho
llouso will bo for free wool. Un the
other hand, tho bulk of thu vote against
free wool, including many very reluctant
votes, will coiuo from New Kngland, New
York, Now Jersey and Pennsylvania.
Tho wool interval represented by tho
wlnglo Stuto that I solid for free wad,
compared with the nine State which will
give the largest voto against it of any llko
population in any other section of the
Union, us follow:
No. i f sheep.
Miilini ftvi.uoj
Nen KiunpshlrH '.'liu.UM
Vermont auo.ijou
.Miiiiicliiit'tU.. W.0
Ithoilo Ul.iml... vu.uxi
Coniieotleul W.0.U
Nuu-Yi'ik l,Viii,i, 0
Nuw Ji iy lUi.UiU
l'eniia)l inla,. tu,uuj
No. of he?p.
Texan I,&I,U
TotaU 3,W,Uu0l Total
It will i e seen that Texas, with u solid
delegation in tho lloiibo for free wool, I
legislating i jC a vustly greater wool inter
est at homo than exists in all Now Kn
gland, in Now York, New Jersoy mid
I'eniiKylvania added. In addlon to these,
Indiana with 1,000,000 Hheep, will voto
ubouteiiually for and against free wool;
Missouri, with a larger wool iuteiesl than
either Indiana or Pennsylvania, will give
nearly u wilid vote for free wool j Ken
tucky, with about the same wool interest
a l'ennylvanla,will voto nearly nolid for
freo wool; North Carolina mid
Georgia, with a wool interest aggre
gating that of ronnylvanla,willgivo u de
cided majority voto for fieo wool, and
Alabama, Arkansas, Florida and MIssih
Hippi, with a much larger wool interest In
tho aggregate than l'ennsylvonla in pro
tuirtitin to their roiirescutatioii in Con
gress, will cast solid votes for freo wool.
Is It to hti assumed th.lt these Stutc. ro)H
resenting a largo preponderance of tho (
wool promici oi me country, uru vuuuh
tn tlestrov their OW
n couHiniujiiciua uiiu
thu Industrie of their own States? On
thu contrary is it not tho stronger argu
ment that tho cry about tho jeril of freo
wool is tho parrot cry of tho olleto Uour
bon or tho blind partisan?
Iu Corporation ! eUutu,
I'rom loo M. IouU l'ot-I)l-pitoh.
At f Milein'o Urn vole of Culifornia will
bd cast u President Stanford, of tho Cen -
ttnl & N.uihoin Pacini' mad, may ill-;i
ttnl & N.uihoin Pacini) wan, may in -
reel, and tho voto of tho great State of
Now York will go there in the jKx kot of
Prtwldunt Deiiow, of the New tirk ten-
tral. Tho Missouri ilelegatlun alll come
to St. LouIb with iio-rientueni u w.iy,
of tho'Fibm roud, ut it bond, and
will tlouUleiw travel on freo pao fur
nlilietl by him. It will tw intoroeting to
ooinpaw tho nitiuber of iioekot dtdegu
tiuim attending tho two convention, to-
tqioctively, in chargoof railroad ollkial.
llyilrophohla llu. no Terror, for lllin,
Thank, tu the I'reurh HclontUt.
1'ioin tho Now York llcralil.
"1 went away a dead man and I re
turned alive!" wit the startling ntatc-
ment Imado by William C. Chamberlain.
0f lliowiiHvillo, Texas, in tho cabin ofitho
Kronch HtoaniHliip La Gast'ogno.
The big "Frenchman" had Just liediun
to her pier, after a vovago of ordinary '
.liir.itlno fmm Hnvro. nml Air. (MiiuhImt. !
hiiii wa a iiaHHcnu'er tiboartl of her. He
Wa accompanied by two brother, Kdwin j
Chamberlain, of San Antonio, ami Dr.
Arthur h. f-polin, of Corpus Lliristi,
Texas. Tho three gentlemen constituted
a party which hurriedly left Now York
ny tlio mcamsiitp Alaska, oi tno union j
lino, toward tho latter part of last March, .
and whoso Until destination was. I'aris.
On the tlth of that mouth William C.
Chamberlain wa bitten by a mad wolf
near hi homo hi Toxa. Immediately
uftorwurd, accompanied by his brother
and Dr. Sohu, ho started for tho French
capital to place himself under thu treat
ment of Dr. l'asteur, the noted discoverer
of u method of euro for hvdrophobla.
Passage for tho party was taken on tho
Alaska, but when the Texan arrived in
New ork she had left her dock, and
they had to board her from a tugboat
down tno nay. i
Mr. Chamlierlain mid hi companion'
arrived in Paris on March 30, and be wa
at once placed under tho cam of Dr. Pas-
Ills condition was then pitiable. The'
wolf which had bitten lilm bad torn two
great hole hi hi right cheek and opeuud i
a long gash under thu right ear. Tho i
pain from tho wounds wa very great,
!.,.. ,.u t- l'l,,....u.rl,.t., ,.V..I.,t.....l l.lul i
.i.fc, ..n . - ...... i'aiiiiiiivii .un. 1
night, it was a nothing compared to thu
mental agony ho endured. Thu wolf,
(hut attacked lilm bit another man, and (
that man tiled of hydrophobia. Mr.Cliuiu-'
lierlain had had premonitory symptom1
of tho dread disease himself, and ho t
didn't know what time hi turn to dio in ,
agony would come also. i
Dr. Pastour hud expressed Homo appro-1
hension when Mr. Chatnbeilaln cmuu to
him that too long u time had elapsed slncel
inoculation from tlio bite, mid ii knowh j
edge of tho Professor' fear by no mean i
tended tu reassure the patient. I
However, the treatment of hi case pro- I
ceetled under tho jiorsoiial euro of' Dr.
Pasteur at tho institute naineit alter ami
conducted by tho latter, and with ho fa
vorable result that on April L'lth Mr. ,
ChamlHiilalu wa pronounced cuied mid
discharged from tho institute.
Dr. Pasteur then took oraislon to say '
to hi patient that ho had u very narrow ;
escape and that he (tho doctor) had .small I
hopes of Wing able to ellect a prevention ,
of hydrophobia In lit caso when he pre
sented himself to him. I lo regarded thu
success of hi treatment of Mr. Chamber-1
lain as ono of tho most Hatlsfactory evi
dences of tho elllcacy of hi mode of
preventing hydrophobia which ho hud
neon prlvilege'd to observe. In till con
nection it may be mentioned that the
Herald lecently, by cable, gavo Dr.
Pasteur' view hi relation to the matter.
"So now you know," ald Mr. Chum
lierlain. after ho had explained Homo of
tho particular of hi caso, "what 1 mean !
ny Haying i went away a ueau man ami
returned alive. There i no question
that Dr. Pasteur saved my life, and 1
shall never cease to express my gratitude
1,1 i.t... " I
yj Mini
Mr.J ChiimlMirlaln' case wa nuinlMiri'd
u,80:i on tho list of Dr. Pasteur' patient
who had placed themselves In his hands
for protection against hydrophobia, nml
Mr. ChmnlHirlhi himself said last eve
ning that on thu day when he was dis
charged from thu institute (April .M) thu
total number of patients had increased to
Dr. SK)hn has brought u largo iiuanthy
of the rabbit viru used by Dr. Pasteur ,
with him to this country, together w ith a I
case ol tho necessary medical Instruments i
for it application. Ho uxproasc the
Iiojh) that tlio general government will In I
timo come hi iecognI.o thu valuo of the
illwovory of tho gteal French scientist,
mid encourage in a substantial way, the !
foundation of un institute hero like tliul
established by Pasteur in Pari.
Thu lui-t word of Mr. Chumlicrluhi to
I tho roorter u ho hade the latter "good
i night" wore: "I never felt better in my
life. I've liuil a splcutliti nine coming
homo ah, bo different from my oxjieri
euco going abroad, when I didn't know
from hour to hour when that terrible
madness would seize mo!"
A Machine That Will tin Ihe Work of
Krtnn ihe Atlanta Coiutltatlon.
Tlio stenographer who report tho pro
.......ii,,,,,. ,,f (Vhilti'ss for iiiilillnatlnn In
tj,0 Coiigiesioiial Keeoril havo in tho
,aHt fow day i-ccuieil u maclilno to laclll-
,utl) tno work, witlcli Iiuh alreatiy piovcn
of liiestlmablu value. It is one of Kill-
son' Inventions, and is called tho graph
anhouo. The machine very much luscm
ble a lath'' sewing machine, mid 1
worked in the same manner by ti cdal,
Thu instrument i used in till wise:
When ono of the stenographers conclude
his lloor report, he goe to this machine,
road hi toort Into u funnel connecting
' wm, tl0 Ilmj cylinder, which i gutta
1 poicha coated, nml
j M)int of a needle (
, tulKS (rom Ul(J (wm
; aiinit H. Wliun tl
pcicha coated, nml revolve while tho
tine connecting wuit mo
funnel mouthpiece rests
iq kieiingrupnor mi
ishu roitding hi leport another operabjr
attucluM tul to tlio cylindur, connecting
with hU oars, work tin, imuildno, mid
the word of thu Htonocrupnur aro to
pouted to him in tho auiuo tone ot voioe
hii tlia Mviou tidkor. Tiie rapidity of
the talk can If regulated, ami tno oporu
i tr can lliu with cie lake d "'An the cx-
net word by tho two of u tvowriter or uu
ordinary en. Tho machine Is wonder
ful, anil enable u jicrson with the assist
ance of it tyimwriter to do tho work of two
ordinary Htecographer, who llrst have to
take tho re)Kiit in shorthand mid then
translate it-.
These gutta-percha cylinder can lie
stored uwuy, iind year after, if placed
upon tho machine, the name word used
to-day w ill lie repeated In tho exact tone
of tho speaker. Thus honld any record
become destroyed, these cyllndor may
bo'tutorteil to.
Another thing about this tuachino I
that a person here can talk for ait hour
into one, when by the uso of a ituichlno
tho1 exuet wonts 'used hero will bo re
jicurod, thus saving the latur of writing
long communications.
Kill.mi'H riiiinofirnph.
When Thonia A. Ftllson wa In Chi
cago last week, ho said to a reimrter:
"My phonogniph i ubotit ready for tho
market. I don't mean the crude ono I
Invented six or eight years m;(, but ono
for handy everyday use. I'll have fiOO of
tlieni' ready for tho market in two orthrco
week. Yon will see thoin here In Chi
cago. They will le n common us Hew
ing machines. 1 hojie. I don't know
wliut they will noil at Just yet. Thoy
w ill. Im cheaper than typewriter; proba
bly ."0 or 400. Tho sound will lie
impressed upon wax cylinder nboiit
tho dfmneter of u dollar, ono thou
sand woul to a cylinder. There
will ho' hall hI.o and quarter sl.e.
Thoy will lie put up in llttlo wooden
boxew, Homething llko pill boxe. You
can put u stamp on ono mid send it
among your friend by mall. You can
use u cylinder u doen time. A business
man can lust sit down to hi table, open
hi corresjMindciico and talk hi memo
randa into the phonograph for thu use of
hi corresiHmdeiice clerk. 'Tell Mr.
Smith that it i hnsisslblo for u to com
ply with hi iinqiosllioii,' etc., don't you
hoc. Then thu clerk can work It out at
his leisure. There will lo a till) .or
sounder, to which you can put your ear
ami start thu inaclihiu. If it goe hs) fast
them I a treadle to turn It back. It can
lie used by ncwsuiier men anil coiiiih)
iter." A lfnliiie Telegraph Hj.teni.
From thu Chli'ii(,'oTlnii'H.
There ha grownup among tho farmer
of u county in Michigan a telegraph sys
tem which might bo generally extended
throughout tlio rural district every
where. Tlio H.VHtum begun by two farm
er connecting their house with a wire
for their ow n couvenlonce and operating
their line with the ordinary Mori-u In
struments. Gradually other farmer ex
tended the lino to their house, and after
a while tho wire was run Into a neighbor
ing village. Seven year ug.i the com
bined fiirmor mid a few village mur
cliant organized themselves Into a
company and It has since lieen extended
until now it has sixty-live miles of who
and ninety olllccs, two-third of the latter
Mug hi farm-house, mid nearly all thu
rest In store where those farmer do their
trading. Ono or two newspapor olllce,
a many more railroad freight olllce, tho
county Telephone Kxchuugo and the
larger postollice are all connected, Hv
cry fatinor I hi own tqierator, battery
man and Hue repairer. Of course, aiiv
quantity of private communication (
kept up betweon the stockholder mid
tho independent system. Thorn me two
or three independent system of these
lines In oierutiou in the country, ar
ranged ho that they can bo connected
with each other at intersecting silnt,uud
thu whole Hcliemo Is Isjing worked very
cheaply and successfully.
Then nml Nine,
from thu lliirlftml Tiiiit''.
Fifty year ago It required llvo HirouH
to make eight yaid ol cloili in ono il.iy.
They got 'JO cent each iwr day. Tl
labor cost of tint cloth wa l-'u cent a
yard, Counting 300 working ilnyH iu.n
year, tlio whole product from these llvo
laborer wa -10 yard; but when coal,
steam ami mucblnury were harnessed .to
gut her to produce cloth, live orou
could produce 140,000 yards u year. Thu
lulHir cost of tho cloth wast 1 .08 of u t ent
ikt yard, Tho wage of labor, instead of
lielng 00 u year wuh $'.'87. Tho old
wage liad to depart laiforo tho conquer
ing march of high wage and stoani. It
wa nut thu into of wages that came into
thu market to contest the supremacy. It
was thu article that the labor produced,
and if it could be produced nt a lower
cost than a rival aillcle, it would drive
thu rival article out of the market. In
creased productive jNiwer, high rate of
wagcH, low cot of production, followed
each other us thu night followed day,
The l.ahttrer ami thn 't ar In",
I'rom tho Albany ArciiH,
The constant cry of the war tariir
champion is that it Is ncciwsnry for tho
laboring man to enable him to compute
with tho pati cr labor of Kuroe. 'I hey
havo rung thu change on this topic with
out interruption since tho Piosident'
message wa dullveied to Congri, uud
they have left no utouu unturned to jier
Htiatlo wago-earnur that their only sal
vation I in U'lngtnxed beyoudall bound
of equity or reason, It is gratifying,
Ihenifore, that at thu very opening of the
liuttln for tarilf reform, tlu) Urst of the
Democratic champion, the eloquent
chairman of the Wu) and Meaim ('oin
initteo took up this gauntlet flung down
by tho wur taillf uilviicute, and duqMweil
of Hie lalair qutmlion iu cunneclioii with
the turlll' in Hiich u iimnner tliat own thu
father of high protiM'tlonistH, who followed
him, did not dare handle It again.