East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 31, 1888, Image 1

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    1) A.1JLY
A inr.i: l.ntitAitv.
"iTlh Hrnil-Wrltly KANT OHHIION
ts'r,ar .....I! fcr llinNowiinlmr
IS ... .1 nr., ..n.,.. ,rill .mv
I'ntrom of thn Onlly or Si'mMVerkhS
CAST OltlUIONIAN inn freely imikn
nf thn i:ASI' (llllillllMAN lllimiy when
i'xt thi-y no iIibIii'. Tlio pnhllu urn ror
" l0"";. 7v :Asroiti:iMAN r.,r th
'jy "
dliilly liullnl tit tli.lt tin- iillli'ii ulidicvf ill
it liii'llni'il,
'nr. 1
NO. 77.
The attention of the trade is
invited to our
Best sellers in the market. At
retail everywhere. Wholesale
only by
Mason, Ehrman & CO.,
Portland, Orogon.
Thrrtlri liiuipou iwty l'i.v, nml wIh'O nun
.. ' I,. t ...i ivilt W trill Mill I
vmii writ' lrun'tl In Mi
Ilini bkbllU M1VVI1IIIIWH w Villi
Tnr IlllVKIXIls' risl)lirV"H Hllllllllelll III
fit t nll'O 111!' hlllM MH)r tllOlM IIIIUX or
ii.im.iini wrn i-'fc.ii railroad mill meiim-
M rl'Vnt i-in lirhiif upon i, I'ny nil
.lm, n il lime il m'liuii' Piitiicillnti'ly upon
M irt f ll'f i liny ITiiotB. Mm Forfeiture
trtrl.loinlnnll At polli'li's
Ten Millions of Assets. Two Million's
ol Surplus.
MID MM Y lim.blitts, i ,KO,n0,
Clopton Jackson,
fifsidont Afjcnls,
fa'tOre Jim an li dMIll f, IVntlbvi n, or.
Healer In
Hardware and. Tinware
PLUMBING Promptly Dono.
main siiii:i:t, i'i:mi.i:ton.
1 ilirc of lli puollo uitMimiii N mllclli'il
Ice Cream Parlors and Luiich Counter
(V In mi I f -to y mrs If with a ton or
II" If. 'li , I t li-l, ,,f lliiii , iiiflllll
il ''U l' LUlur- l-i H'ffll lilftHlii. urt mi
i'" lit I Wll r t i.' it UTllltl' (Mlilli,
NoChtn mi mill ntiimt Urn rnii II.
M-ilii tleet, I'cmllvfrin.
Ureal Rooklsiand
'ft. If1'1 IU'Ulnr lino In connection
teli?J?rt,,J',r, ''"I'll' Kiitlwny
"vWht. 1'ulll HRll MIllllOlipDlW
Tt'lilfi.-mn( the Hunt.
ToHt. I.ouUnn.l tht Mouth.
.MfliNun ,i iCmiHim city
ilieOlllv I lino Connecting wttli tlm
liiir'? 1 l--'furtii and iviina.
"llWl,'"AM hh I'OIMM t!ANT
Pullman J,f?tfl Sltepliia ami
I'altud DlntiKj Car.'
" ,l,r".'l Kxjre Tralim on
TUD4M0nn!a!? ,,y H connectlns railways,
M connections imUa In union depots.
'ilDivntnTnn,,llon rwinllni; mtea, mnps,
! or v2?.?y ro"P "KOIItOf thbt). It.
Ticket Aisent.U. It. d N. 6o ,
So uvt,,K,!S;i:,,.Y' ABlil.
(" ill' ,! L a n. j. a p. n. n.
A ,i..nii.Jg!;K&.Uffy.
MlniieapollH Minn.
""ml Mer
ui,. 'P' II)
l'Uuos, Or
ian. ana itll
luiiu of mu
. I o I liiKtm
iiioin on
tlio liuiuil-
i.ntxn: iiitt:rrHtY.
F:ni)m:to.v ciui'n'it no.ss, it. a. m. i
Ml'ltN Ht till .Mllnnillr rutllntn mi llm
1 1 r 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 llilnl rrlili.jN of i-iiuli liiiiiilli, lit 7:;;u
oVInclt. .1. I. ItUitlKK.ir. !. T. It. IIMHTO.N,
KUNZIB Wlm NO. tU. A. !'. A A. M.
Mi'itmii the siimiiiI nnd ointli Mon
onyn of c-in-h inontli, n 7:31) oVItck. II. J,
IIka.m, V. M.j V. K. J'olWtM:, Secii'tury.
-)i:sn,iT()X m.ihmTno. m. a. v. a a.m.
X .Mi'OIMln thn .MhoiiIii 'lVinpIo on tlu
iiivl iimi tnlnl Mointii.N of I'Mi'h month nt
7::i'j o'clock. T. J. .Million, W. M.j It. At.
I.A MH.I1K NO. 114, . o. U. W. M-cti
every TMirxluy iiIkIU at Hid Kiinlno
1 1 mi hi-.
it 7i 0 oVIiti'k. .1. U.
l.iiAHUiti:, M.
TL'HTIN, Ili-coiiler.
luitiMCA LoiKii: .so. a.. '. o. o. k.
J. J very Siilnitlay ('Vi'tiliiB nt 7:.Tio'vlii k.
T. J. Million, '.u.j K. K. Himroii, riTr,'iiuy,
(). '. Mrttx on I In! r.i'1'onil nml Inst
Timrxil'iyM of I'Mcli uioutli, at 7i."i0o''lurl.
I.OT 1.1 VKIIMUIti:, V. I'.J K. R HIIAIIONrSorllltf.
T jAUMNK IlKHI' t 'OA .ODOK No. J.I. I, I).
I ii. I'. Mu I" Him Ikft nml tlilul TIiiim
ilnyn of eiii'h month.
HAItMONV 1.01)01'. KO. 21, K
.W"tH In "Mill ivilown' H ill i v.
nv v,
ry Tiii'.
tiny rvi'Llnit nt 7;:U)o'ntM'k. .I.t'. (.i-amuiik,
C.C'.j C'.J. WniTAKiai.K. of it. nml c.
OA MOV 1.O1KIRN0. t. K. t'l'" I. Moeii In
o ill 1-viuiwM' Hull I'vtry WpiinpfUiiy
I'vcnlntj nt 7MU o'clorit. M. Moiikiikaii, (J.
0.! ll.n.(iAHKii:t.t), K.of it. nml a
KIT I'AHWOV piiHT, n. A. 11.. mi'i'lM nt
Wliicli'i'M Hull i'vitv TlmrMliiv nlitlit.
II. H. W'At.'r'l.i:, Cointiiiilulrr: J. S. IIowhk,
j mi m 1 11 fT 1 a , i. in. .uij i.'t'iwpiiiiiii iiiiiiiuMi. ijiu ii;iv
It Stands at the Heaa.(v&
tiu: r.inirr hunsino
filmiili'. I'rnctlenl. I.lxlit i nun hit nml
Many liy lociiinil II, lutt none niu 'i oiI.
Diiii'i full In Kin llm "llDiiir lo'Miu.'n till v-
Imkiih uniKimicliIni'
llHWHtil .HIlllK lll'OK.JL 'o.. Ac ii'k.
O'l nml after (lilt ilnl, n HdmliilHlrnlor of
(hi mtato of tlm la e llllii'n Horn. 1 oUVr
for Mile all tlio llv Mtock owni"! tlio ile.
Tiorotifihhreil Htatfuiul Hulls.
lmrt-nnn CaHtf. Cntilo L'attlr,
a it'- dint rat Slui;'; Catttf
'J'ltaroiiflibi't'd ,iwnlli Merino
llHv.hu mt liirrx, llriilHtviwtl,
Gratia lim bs ami ,S A.- Sheej).
Alo a lartjo mimticr of I 'm- c
tlly or II .
for particulars, call on or lulilrem
my'JI tUw If
Notary and Corporation Seals
In Pendleton,
. . .
, tho proceedings of tho National Conven
Tho utuul rlco for aU madn by other , j0,of l'roliibitlonists, held lu?lo yecter-
nurtu-ii, lu I'ortluml or ttie Km U from $0.00 1 day. show that they ' wpro very cranky.
' ' 1st. John and Miss W illard wero in ut-
n 17.00, with expron iharucs ttUdeil. If you , teiKlancc. The coniiniltees appointed
need a null, send your order to u, n1 invo I adjourned for tho puriose of killing timo.
from 42. 0 to J J.OO theiehy.
East Orogonlan Pub. Co..
nihil il tf Pendleton. Qrcnon,
Main and WebhstisioU.
lUixtcrn Sliuie
tlllll Sllfti
Perfect fit OuarauteeJ
Uiioii Jsily
City AlUo With iilo - Itiitlilliii;
llri'iirutpil I'M hem ut lluir niMi.
t'liini.AM), Muy !!0, Tlio city is ullvo
Willi pcoplo, atnoiiK whom men In 1)1 iti
jinlforniH vittrinjt CI. A. U. ItutUus tlriijii'il
In black ttro tonHjilcuoiui. Kuilurnl, .''tutc
ami municipal ImildlnM dinplay llax at
half-muni, mid ninny hIi iv wi'mlnuri it. o
tiiHllly tlccoralfd "and appi-opi lately
draK.il. Marly in tlio iimininjt wtuntMi
ii. 1. 1 ni.ii.t. .i... i i
" . . V ". . i. . " . u e"V " ,r ,"JJ
I iruiniueiri ami DiiMtuiH ji
1 lowern, tiom to llm vatioim eomotetiert
in the vicinity of tlio oily. At 1 ::il) ti. in.
1 1 14 tiirx'wuiiiii fitrtttml mi f.Jlittfu If.it. l
. tn.ipulinl i.n.1 ........... C.t.... .,...1
tiiiv;na wui inn tuiiimii mill
mini HtteutH, Mulit on
Salmon: liiaml
Army (IIvIhIoii, Vainhill Hlieot, tinlit on
Thiid; Kiiht lteulment (). .N. tl., i'aylor
miuui, iigiu on iniiii; Arllllerv m.
Salmon Hlreet, rijlit on iliirdj WumonV
Itellef (.'orw, Governor and Htall", Col. T.
M. Andonon, Invited gno.itH, and tild koI
dler in u.itriajiert, on .x.aln ctreut, rltfht
on Third, in fharj?o t f t'onirado Z. l
Wrlht. The iiroeesHion marched throueli
tlio iiiiticlpal HtreetHof Mm eitv to I'mk
Hlock, w hero iikmiioii.iI oxerc HeM toot:
place. At 4 o'clock thin ovenlnjr u j,'rand
open ulr eoncert wan jjl.un bj thn 14th
( . S. Infantry band. 1 hoiwandrt of iieo-
,,i Ul,r .........j,,,,..., , o M,,i.
1 10 wu.r . emlance. At 8 o clock
I memorial oxercNo wero held at the
Tabernacle, conflntlnj,' of iiiiihIo, prayer,
conurt, ele., and an oration by Col. T.' M.
Anderrion. which watt liHtened to liv an
immenHo audience, ami was an eloquent
jiiinrt'll UH Plllinillll .111 llllllkl. Ullll II1U
' leading IiuhIiilmh Iioiimo.-i of tlio city wero
eiuHetl all ilav.
Ono ofllia Nntnrliitit TIiiiiiiiik I'llinlly Hlmt
-l'riilmblllly or lllmiily Vrmlnlta In
i Sai.km. Oh.. May III. Yoterdiivinorn
1 1 1 1 Charles Tliomas, ono of the notoiioiw
inomas Ikivh, who live lorly nilles ivact
I of Salem, in I.iun eotinty, fhouldered n
I Winchester rillo and started to walk from
' his brolheriudawV, I'luko's, place, to
KiM-k Creek ixwtotllco, two milert tlUtunt.
''Ihoimts proceeded liulf a mile, when ho
1 was ambushed ami nhot, the ball HttiUinu
him in tho left shoulder, and passim; into
' tlio body. Thomas, who was blind in
ono eye, managed to brinn tho Winches
iter to his shoulder and tiro at three men,
'who ho says eauio from tho bushes. Ho
then started back to Tluke's. Tlio
wounded man was bellied to his hon-o,
and medical aid from Htayton was pro-
eiued. 'i ho wound Is daucerous, but tho
physician thinks Thomas may pull
through all rijjht, Thisovent, It Is feared,
is but tho liouiuniutt of a bloody vendetta
that will end with tho saerlllco of many
lives. Tlio lli'imaM.'S have been a terror to
that country for years, and not lonn since
tliev each received a wtitten notice from
vliiiiantos to leave tho country or sillier
tlio eoiiseitiences. Hill 1 nomas rent a
verbatim cojiy of his warning to thn
ijlatusman for mihllcatiou. and added
tlult ho Intended to stay ilnht wlieio ho
Iiittlun Kllliil.
Sihjkank Vwim, W. T May ill. Chief
of 1'ollco Warren In airesltng two
diuuken Indians last evening accident
ally killed ono of them by an uninten
tional dlsclmnro of his revolver. Ho wits
i struggling to overcome one of tho Indi
ans, and struck him with bis (.Mill, when
his revolver was discharged, the shot
n i a ijiifln- taking ellect lu tho neck oi me other in
Jdian, killing him instantly.
r.uhllilllaiilit mini; Suit.
, . May ill.-SUverton llilMtion;
Iitta have lieirun a hi it in thu circuit
j court to oust from office four inenilwrH of
1 tho present council of that city. It will
; be lemembetcd that tho Prohibitionists
were counted out at tho recent election on
acenunt of tho voting of illegal ballots.
Utnd tho citizens' ticket was declared
! illegal.
i A Slocluimii Kill
j Colfax, W. T May 31. Cornolltw
Grady, a promlnont stock man, who has
1 ranches on Snako rlvor, while crossing
tho Penonwawa ferry, enrouto to Walla
! Walla, with u band of licef cuttlo, was
crowded oir tho ferry by tho cattle nml
losthlsllfe. IIIh body has not been re-
Pri'lilliltlmi Natlmial Contention.
LsniAN.U'oMs. May ill. Headlines of
Tacom. W. T., May .'II. -While a
I partv of four wero out driving in a ba
' roucho last ovening.tho hind wheel of tho
lit; came oh", und tho party wore thrown
t.i tlm i.mlllld. One of tllOIII. IlllH. Jollll
Tommi, was so badly Injured that fears of
death resulting aro entertained.
A Clilimniun Attempt" Hulrlilc
i,.i.'ri vn. Muv 31. Lung Tul.it China
cook, jumied from the Morilson sireot
bridge but night, with muoWal intuiit.
He was rescued in a ciym uoiiunii.ii.iiini
. ... If.. 1...., t..j.ti otitis .in. I i
wan ruriUbUttUuu. iiu nun wh nv
out of wotk for Bomo timo
.. Ltin co.nin rtnin it
Mutiny of a Slilp' Orew.
i Pout Towns, k.ni, May HI .Tlio. crow of
tho liritlsh Khlji fc'ilvtvdale. lixuled with
ilumlsir, fioni loit Dlsouvory for Mul
IlKwnno, mutlniod after the ye hud
' sailed. She returned and unchoreu near
iTlattcrv Rocks yesterday.
DHIiih'h nu. IiIci'.
Nkw Viiiik, Mnv !ll. St'onklntr of
lll:ilii"V l.iit li'lti-f, tlio Woild civm: The
iiliiiojratloii is riMl'r IttMMiiy fio conlil
Imvu li.nl tin; nomination, not for ickliu;,
bill iy fliniily ruiimlnlni; .xllont. Ho lias
Ktinlioil liiM frUMittrt itili'tiiM lu'fore
Tlurc Mm Klllr.l.
I Ai i:oMi., Win., May :it. I'ivo men
were lutdly cranlied hero yesterday, three
Of them fatally, liy a heavy erih of lum
ber nltdliia on them. They wero enaed
in tvlcanitn: a cril that hail heen eaiight
at the ilverV eilL'O,
Fuller In Himi friiiuUiii.
Ss I'li.wciM'o, .May 111. Melvillo W.
Fuller, who was nominated bv Piesldent
Cleveland for Chief .Justice of tho I'nited
State', has Uten in this city on business
for the past few days, and left yesterday
for home.
Tim MIoBlMlppI Mtlll ItUhif.
Altos, III., .May ill. I'nder tho in
fluence of icccnt rains the .Mississippi is
lisini; rapidly, mid is now blebcr than at
any limo this Keasen. (ireat excitement
is felt.
A Whole I'umlly Hurni-cl to Dilltll.
Fiederlck W. Toye. township clerk, and
Ids wife and tluee children were burned
to death in their house at l'll!iitnn last
Slii'tlilnii D.vlnc.
Vasiiis(itos, May ,'U. The latest bul
letin loards say Sheridan is nasplni fur
btealh. Death is probable at any mo
ment. Ituln In Allmny.
Ai.iianv, On., May ill.- A welcome
downfall of rain commenced last evening.
I'roin Our Itf KiilnrCurrt'Miiinilfht.
VsiiistiTo.v, Muy Will, 18SS.
The President and Mts, Cleveland
went to Philadelphia on Wednesday, to
attend the WUIh anniversary of the l'res
hvtcriim church held in (ierinautoun.
Air. Cleveland relumed to Washington
Thursday, but Mrs. Cleveland will re
main in I'liiiadeipina a lew iiayti. .Next
Tuesday night .Mr. Cleveland will go to
.New York to take part in the Memoiial
Day exercises in that city, and Urooklyn
on 'Wednesday. I lu will review the Now
York parade In tlio morning, mid tlm ono
in Urooklyn lu the afternoon, letiirnlng
to this city at night.
Tho Senate has passed tho House bill
to establish' tt Dopaitmcnt of labor.
Them weie several unimportant amend-1
mentH niado which will necessitate to-
turning the bill to the House for its con-
Tho Senate committee on ttgilcultiiie '
have madii a favorable rcort on the
House bill to enlarge thu duties of the!
Department of Agrlciilluio and make it!
an executive department. The bill, as it
passed tho House, provided for the t ru us
er of the weather bureau Iroiu the
Department to tho department of Agri
culture. This has been struck out of thu
hill by the Senato committee.
Tho Republicans of the I louse have
hacked down lu a most inglorious man
ner by declining to accept the proposition
made them by Representative .Mills to
take a vote on thu substitute which the
KopuhllcuuH promised otl'cring, and then
on l ie .Mills tat I n I. wniiout lutiuori
discussion or amendment. This action !
on the part of the Republicans shows j
plainly that tliev were afraid thu bill
would puss if they allowed It to come to a
vote without fuitlicr delay. Tho bill will,
w hen taken up again, Imj considered under
tho llo minute rule by sections. At this
stage amendments will bo in otdnr. It
is not I kely that a final vote will
be !
reached cforoJuly.
mlttee h i'
niu,'c I., Iii.il. I.. ... i
,11 lllli I uiihiu ii iiiiiv itii j . tiiii' i
received many letteis urging ,
the conlin
ttloti of Mr. Hi. lor an Chief ,
Justice. 'Hie inujiitlty of these letters
have come from thu Northwest, and unite
u number of thorn wero written by prom
inent Republicans. He would probably
liavo lxien continued this week, had not
Senator Iugalls asked for further delay.
It s now Is.-l oved that ho will 1st con
firmed noxt week.
Thu llaltimore, one of tho new cruisers
for tho navy, will be launched hi Phil
adelphia July 4. It Is expected that Mrs.
Cleveland will christen tho now lxwt.
A resolution providing for an Invest! -
cation of tho fur seal fisheries of Alaska,
bv the Houso Cominltteo on Moi chant
Murine and Fishmies. hits Ikjou passed by
tho House. For many years there have
Isjon charges mado against tho Alaska
fur company, a cors)rat ion which has it
contract with tho government that gives ,
It a inonojioly of catching reals on tho
coast of Alaska. I'p to the present time
this wealthy corporation has always lieon
able to jirovent any legislation looking i
towatd a congressional investigation, but ,
jiow it is to be hoped that thu cominltteo
will muko an exhaustive Inquiry Into tho '
wholo business and method of tho com-,
Wmlnnailav nlirbt thnre was great re
joicing among tho Democrats hero, when
the news of Hie unqualified endorvumout
bv tho Pennsylvania State Democratic
('omontlou the President and the
MilU tarill bill was acelvetl. It only
jHimwn whut rapid headway revenue re- i
j for, U uiuklxij ainuim tlio jkk)1o of tho i
... f.. it..
jiioro will proimujy noi ihj nny yuiwr
fractional ouireuuy lnuuod just now. The
At l , . w... iuu.i,ui int Air Tim
Senate ooinmlttuo luis lopuited agint
the lU)m UU jirovidiug tlirfor. In
plat of It, tlwy luive roiMirtod u bill re
ducing 'be on jtul iiotea In suitm
Mow uiie dollar to mm cent. Thu oiik
wit jot. of Secretary Fuirchlld killed tint
fractional currency bill.
Wlmt Will llnp,rn In tho I'lntrrtod SIo-liojinlli-iiirtlmMIIU
lllll la Defeat t tl.
Tliero is an old story of slave days in
South Carolina which wo leeommend to
Ids ' the attention of tho monopolist "pro
tected" IntoioMs which aro opposing tho
: .Mills bill. At a coloted Itimtixt 'itn-
mcrsiou" the clergyman held one of Ids
' Hock, u burly coluied brother, somewhat
, too long under tho water, lie came up
! spluttering, and as soon as he could get
' Ids lueatii, shouted out. "Look hcah; ef
iyoti don't slop dls fooiin', fust ling you
I know some gentleman will lose a nigger."
.Monopolies, as everybody knows, die
hard; but all history shows that thev
polish mainly because of their own stub-
Pom resistance to tho most moderate
reformers. The Southern slave-holders
went to war because they would not to
eruto tho extremely mild reform tie -
minid..il he the North to keen slavery
out of thu Terrltotles. Louis .Napoleon
(beamed for veuis of giving Franco her
liberty, but liufoto ho could maku tin his
mind in nhalo nnvtliiiiL' of bis monopoly
caino Sedan. '
If the capitalists emxaiied in what ato
called tlio "protected imlusfties" have
sense, and desho to save a patt of their
privileges, they ought totally at once to tlio
suppoit of tho .Mlllsblll.whleh, so far, they
ato stupidly opposing. They will never
see so mild, so temperate, so oxticniclv
conservative a measure of tarilt' reform
pioitorotl again as that which thev allow
their thick-wilted spoliesnuui in t ongiess
to denounce as a free trade bill, This bill
is in fact so small, so inadcitmto a
measure of tefoim, that if it had been
brought forwaid by the monopolist cup
italics who are opposing It It could well
have been opposed as a measure ingen
iously contrived by them to stave oil" a
real reform of tarill' abuses.
l-ookntit! Tlio piesent turilT oxaelH
an average rate of sixty-live jer cent.;
tho Mills bill promises to icdiico this to
forty-eight iKir cent. 'Hint Is a reduction
of only t oventcen per cent.
And the Ptotccliotllxts denounce tills
leduelion, which leaves an average rate
..t ..!..!.. . tir....
oi joriy-uiuni it:r iciii. iuiiilt, n ucu
iiieir own tarill' commission, in 18SJ,
urged a leductlou of twenty-live per
To lie sure, tho capitalist monopolists
turned their back angrily on the commis
ciou they themselves hud netted, but
that was oulv another of their stupidities,
for their rejection of moderate refotm
then has kept them In hot water over
shuVi.iund brought them face to face with
thu . k'stion now in a shape far less Iioiki
fill .iir them than ever liefore unless
thev wisely submit,
lor, we ieieat, they will never again
see so mild, so temperate, so comervallvo
ti iueaMin of tarill' leform,
What tho legitimate Industries of the
country need above all other things is
peace, lost, security Ironi change, the
Nlllls bill oilers that, Inadequate as It Is
as a measure ot reloiui, II it becomes a
law It will end tarill' agitation for at least I the combines and inonoKjists lo be the
a dozen years, unless the "piotecled In-lptimo and ptcsslng iiecosnilios of tiu
terest" should themselves foolishly re-1 hour. Wot business men alone, hilt the
vivo il. It is ii measure under which the no-called common people tho three-quar-country
can live for a dozen jours. It ; tors of our jtoinihilioii mechanics, fann
secures law mutoiial for some of our ers, small tradesmen and inuniifaeturorH
most hiis)itant indiistiies, which will m have their shevos lolled up every
eive US a now and sound lease of Plosper- , day look for incrtiasini' national and In-
otm growth and enable nianufactuieis to
extend tite r works ami sen tueir surplus
pioductubioud. Thus it will very gieatly
pencil! workmen by giving them steadier
employment and ut Kilter wages, while
at tho same time it will revive and
greatly ''iihngo our foieign commerce.
With fiee wool we rimll rapidly and
greatly Increase our trade with Australia,
which wants from us agtlcultuinl implo-
incuts, machinery, tools and a multitude
f othur American products.
U'1,1. rr. .......... .... mI.iII ..... t .
ii mi mu i.fi; if.. in' rutin , ...,,,
our valuable trade with Chile, which was
With free copiier ote wo shall reguhi
nwopt away at a blow ami handed ovt r to
Mig and v tho enactment ol u iuohidi- i
live duty on copjier ore hi lh(Ki. I
Willi free salt we shall regain our trade
with tho liritlsh est indies, wnicii was i
I ist when Ihe salt duty made ithnisissihlu
lor Aiueiicau snips to nting uome sau us
ballast, and thus make Heir Went
vovagoa prolltatilo.
Already woollen muuufactiiroiK In Now
Kngland and in this State aie planning
enlargements of their mills and incieascd
(activity in pnsluctimt excellent things
, for woiklnginen of all trades based on
, the exectation that tho Mills hill will
i pass. Do not tho opK)iients of the Mills
lilll put themselves fatally in tho wiong
liefoie tho wotklng ts'ople, tho voters of
tho country, when they tilati to defeat a
measuio tho more expectation and ho)e
f whoso passage act as a stimulus to ono j
of tho most imiwrtuiit of our homo in-1
Tho Ciimogles, who isxikot u inilllon
and a half dollars prollts each In a single
year while thoy are kicking out their i
ttomnoji lor loiusiiig to ueco it ion jrtou so-eaKed protection for exlstenct ,.
cent, less pay those inoimisdlstH imtiir-1 Thev have listened to tho debates l jt
ally oppotjo a bill which, after all, would (Wuiosh and have heatd from tho lhf f
cnly slightly lossun their monstrous pnMlcun ldo itnthlng but glittering got :
profits, Rut a bushiouH w hich uIIowh its oralillos, tlie who of a yndieato of ca4
few owners to jockot a million and u tallsis, who woiihl pilo up big fortunes, y, . v'
half a year ajiioco while thoy ute cutting : the expense of good goveiument an jt fi
down llie wages of their
workmen is not
a legitimate industry.
It is a monopolistic speculation. Iai-
gitlinatu Industil
from tho puttiagi
m have no lonx to loar
tKUwake ol tho .Mill bill. Jn
Hit euntrury, they will gain lu ovuiy way.
and must of all In that ioudhiMi of tho
niuiket, that snout ity ii(lnt(iiaiiaenHiid
Htfaiust agitation for clutnjM, which the
jMnwuiftu of tho bill will ai everybody
kniiWi iiiMuro.
Tii RuMil4iutin fc'oimters throatnn to
cnh thi- bill. Well. hIhU then? Can
they criWi the iuutiou? Do not "thu
pro'tei-ted itidusliieit" see tliat this would
be only to enlarge the atea of the!'
contest; to prolong and continue thatij
agitation ho peculiarly nmtiui to tnobo,
"protected" indu-trles? Dues any tiro-i
tccimnisi in ins senses neiieve itiat wneu
this (iiiestloii has peon discussed befoie
tho people, as it will tie If the Mills bill If
defeated, tho end will be favorable tu
rcstiiction. tomonoiinlv?
It is our deliberate judgment that if the
.Mills hill tails to lieeomo a law at (ins ses
sion protection Is doomed. 'I hero will
never again bo proposed in Congress so;
moderate and conservative a measure of
laiill' reform as this bill. Discussion will;
dlr-dosc to the Amctlcau ih'ojiIo what
they do not even yet suspect the real
enormity of the inonoiMillst system which!
appeds for "protection," When thevlBj
have been made lo see that they win,
1 sweep it all indignantly away and decree,
iteedom ot exchange, us they decreed
! freedom of productive labor.
All tho revenue leuulied for all pur
I poses, Including pensions and tho Interest
j on tho debt, can bo raised by duticH and
internal taxes on not more than twelve or!
fourteen articles. Is it wise for tho mon
oimlist capitalists, by defeating tlio Mlllfj
bill, to provoke a discussion which will
make lids clear to every man and wonnnij
in the l ulled states I
Tin: mstii: is itnroiti; tiu: ri:on.K.l
I'mm tlio New York lliirnhl.
In tho matter of the turilr tho Kopub-f
) Hopi
to hi
llt'iin lmiiliirii In
Congress seem to huvoii
Hubstltuted tho cowaullco
of their fearsr
f.,- ii,.. ..r ii.. a.. ...,i...i,.ii,.i.u 'i'i.
position they have assumed in nut only a'JIj
coulessiou of political weakness widen IS'
rapidly bringing ridicule on the party,'
but Is umleuianlo evidence that when ',
party ambition conlllcts with tho obllga-i.
lions of patriotism they ate quick lo pio-ij
iur uiuir iianr io iiieir cuiiiiuy. (ij
I he people have watched the diseus-i
slon of the Mills bill with unusual audi,'
absorbing interest. The only object of;
that ineasmo Is to remove the udmllted.1
iueuualitles ol the tailll': tcihico thu rev
enue of government to tho basis of whole-'
, mum, nrnnimiv! oiuntv the hllixtlliL'
Tieasurv vaults of miliums which have1
I . - ... . i i i . .
M-en wionuiu iv oxtiacieii iro it c linnets
, of uislness and tin hard earnlngH of the
poor: en aruo the uiaiuet tor American
products, and thus give steady employ
ment mid good wages to thu laboring
classes. Tlio Democrats believe that all
these objects can lie measurably attained
ny means ol (his bill,
We say the Democrats liellevo this.
Let us say, in fairness to thu Republicans.
Hint they also have heivtoiere beimvei
It. Their platform of 1881, which wuh
niMMtir't'lt Kf IfU UIIIIHfllllllUllt 'l HUT
lioat thought of tho party, the announce
ment ui a policy in which tuey were win-,
log to pledge their future action, wuh.
modelled on these Ideas. On some Points
tlm Democrats and Republicans dilteiod,
but on nutters of tuilil' reform and re
duction of tho surplus there was substan
tial agreement throughout the length and
breadth of the continent. They wea ,
acknowledged by all except, of course,
i dividual prosperity through that or sumo
, uucii ineasuiu. ( ar e il and (iriint boll
! t.x.k the same view; Representatives anc
' Senators followed suit, and there was i , hfl
gouoietiri nvairy beiweon i'emiH:rais am t ri
Republicans us to which should llrsl
wrestle with tho pioblem and settle It,
Fortune favored the Democrats, mid
instantly the Republicans iieut, blinder
Uneaten ami block tho way by jealoutr
ami envious obstructions, Would tho j
lu.t 1:1 1' llm IMiOlllll lilllllH' tll:lll luU'llllttliei.tJ
.. ii.i'.i .i!..i., ... .. .. .. ..i..,......j ii...','t
niuui'ui lilllin lllll Ik .II.OIJ I ,ll.ij
ho thirst for power and tbelmpotoiegalii
R Hindered them llerce as the lion win '
has tasted h ood? Ami II they inns
needs tiostioy tho welfare of the iksojiIo Ii
older to obtain possession of the Whiti
House and its patronage, tire they llllnj
to pay thu pi ice? It should not ho no
cossarv to warn them that tteachery li
our material prosperity, even toitasun,
patty success, Is but a single removufron
disgrace and letitemeut. The) are no.
yet, we trust, so Impel vlous to the com
juiuctloiiH of conscience us to argue thu
If they lose their reputation for hlgl
moral ideas they will at least enjoy tic
excitement of the rake who levels lu hi
npiortuuitioH and whistles his principle
down the wind,
Still, they iHiople are the jury lu thl.
cast) und can
uuil can I mi sale ly trusted, mo.
Viiou- well Unit inonotxiHiiri. HViiilicntoe
imwU and all tho tost of the avarkiou 1
hnxxl have mado havoc with our bus ;
ness, closed mills by the Hcore and sen
worklngmun adrift. Thev seo plalnl i
enough that thu rights of 'tho masses ar ,
being throttled by combines w hich doi-on
chmigo the Rupiibllc Into an aristocracy
mi are not ready tor that yet, ami
the Republicans lu Coiiltiss lack
courauu lo lace tlio problem and settle ,
thu ixtoule will do it without their help i
the (sjIIs.
CrtK'kes' radlf)nieUir, a reumilnible I
tie luNtmiueiit in which tiny vanes
rotated by the tuition of liuht, I l.nli
iummI bv laench nle t .'ranhui for thniiil
iixioiureit, alii ' .'i.ii numbur of revel rpJ
tlons ol lite vuiira i r.
to ttf,;1
troKir time, whatever bo I ho
brightuoMM of the liht.
i I
a ii