East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 30, 1888, Image 3

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    API' H.l)lllMlln
m:day, mvy:w, r.
. .. I1.,.lllll Olllll'.
., iln-COIlim .. . I
,i in iiic AiiiimU'M
'' i.i i tit tt; I'. tullctcni, atul
' ''Will t-i --tifilty, to miiU.;
l -i h i T.irtlii"'l " will
t',',.w." . any kitvIih In Ills
t, nun
.n, cr3 rent"
Waller is dM on tho iiifiid.
.i,r from upwards at
Lai'-r- . . I...... Lt,,..i w
u'lit'lcr h ninirii"-- ......
pViikui is ii lililo bettor (IiIh
xvn ,i't for Uatl.ttiri last night,
i i - . . I ,i ttmilfti
this evening
a l.irtl III UIU uimii
1 IV - . . .
.... SHIIL'll .uonuay
,iini1 1 MS J'lOrCIlCU .'I. mi""'
.n t Vim or Ml urumiu
rth of town t,miu
ii,..,nt hut a largo iiuuntity of
ii"" ; . it .... i. .......
lur for WIU I" l,"m" " e"
. .i. .i ii... ....iiiil ptiiinrit lio
lit nr mat "y " ..,
L...tl.iil II 1H UUill.lll n ill, .ill
. .. I ... 1
I Ill H 7.U DlMl'lUlHl nil
t...M x Whcolor s iiiriiiiuro
1I-...I... ..il.ir la ITIIlfl lllMl to llifl
hvini: had his knee thrown out
ii. . i .....i i..i...
rncin. ui mi" im ......
I li..il....t ...unit till fliltll
f a: inm.imii vimivi .... ..v...
.-ic IVInio , of I'iikor City,
iL.li town III n morning on
.Wall., Walla.
'.nwicii feht A"'i
. .,1,f dim I'llllll' llllt Wil l ll S
If a.ilvH'rali'lieil.
srllMi ii of A. F. Kririyuro
On of ttivni lia tvpli ilil pneu
.Mfiiiirir.iliiH III tho van I Iin-t
i. I ...At. t.tf.i ilii.r In itnlllilit
Umatilla ami lay ovor bote.
ll.inLf.l .0 f'n. iniiorl tltili ihisi
jCiIHHU is i'.uriniii ru mi...
-italuirii work all tho timu.
F Smith In llllllll? 1111 OXrollont
i MiMintaiti Ilotii. Itiauo. J no
i H i .. iii. i-i i ii....
liiii mm nil nun luriiiiuii.
B '
lliiumcr went Must yeMurduy
j ..u ..... ii...- ti.t.i
(fWi.'! J l Ililn lUllnilllll 1 t " 'IIU
i 1 ! . Ill I till.
klM Mill lllj.t Ul tl'l ll It lllll
I ttti a tit 1 ii tit timl til 1 i
. tUllV 'III llllt IHIU Mi
.l?iftl. PYlinisn inntitinlKror lu
i ul. ii. ii.ii. . . .,
uu nana inula, lu.luuil
ul Orvlllo Whlto wunt out In
,j j
!n KjIh'm iir.lved on this
"sin mm ini'ir ii'iino in Mtn
. 'i i..i t.ri... iu i. .... ......in..
M, mam - a loiai oi ninuiy.
'WTMmi wi'iitwitlt tlioUun-
illlin llift lh;iii iikml in lliii
' Mf-'ic I. s: it C oiiniaiiv win
en1 viiHtno limits until to-
v iiiin ri ar.ivnU from
I I. tl ki .1 f I I I
' - v ri lit I a- in ii in .i n i in
illremiliiH ,iii tlnw.vMt-
' O'tn a ( !iiliam:in no. I a
L..1 .. .. .....
nil' IVVHI- IS n UflUlI '
tin m."--o tlio luLillinn
''I'S'S't tho w.ioi of tho
llortio ont wiih oxatnlnutl hoforo
JiiHllco Ictluarry at Contorvillo yoslof
day for robbing it livery nlablo loan at
that iilucu of tIG. Sho wim iilaecd iinilor
t-OJ IioikIh, ami not buinu it bio to fiirnl8h
tho iiiHount at oni'o wim htotight to I'on
illot'in to bu uoiiiiiiltlod, but hor frluiulrt
rained tho atiioutit on hor ai rival hoio.
Ilotbort PtavoiiK I'aiuo down to-ii.ty
from Alba, whoro ho him boon e 1 1 u; i 1
tho pant wri'k I it vulfiiij? tho Htook nf ixhIh
in Aloxamlor it Kia.ur'n Ktoro latolv imr-i-bafi'il
by hiiiisolf anil Harry lik'korH.
no na.vH tno iihiiiiiij out tiicio i.-t vorv
llml II iy. IS.n.l Till.
Tlicro now, bad bovn, don't minilu urlp
iilcH. Did you io.ul what Itapputiuit to
JumiM O'.Moara in llallitnoro tlio othor
day',' I Jo marie HMit of a wourien-leggetl
mint by, lliiiplng ami v.hh Htiildenlv af-fi-eteil
Willi "imiM'iil.tr eonlraellun!" hh
tho iloclnrrt eall it, ho that ho had to limp.
In tliii maleri.illHtli' ajso It lll not bo
L'encrally belie. ed in the Mine hi-iiho that
It would lmu been elhleen him
riix'il yearn uro, that tlio uttaek
was a Hieeial tnmlhtiiiiit finm I'mvl-
rioneo; but oven wleneo herself will eieri-
uof.ii, npariyofeiliteateliiiit'l,li;otroiit 1 u,u ioiiow h ou his xihiiioh Willi lielng!
in olio nay.
Three birirt woro rorolved for tho eon
Htrnetlon of tho new tlolden Hulu lintel,
as follown: Stokes A I'reeman. of Tort-
tho dlreet cauno of his own midden all
nient. It was prohablv notpuioaecl
rient by any means Unit brought tlio
''contract! m of tho niiiscles" just when
luiiu, f 18,400! IC. H. I'arkes.ofl'emlloton.l ' ,T ,n ii ilMl . . 1
ill,o:W, and il. V, Zeigler, of lVmllutoti , F" u" ,u' u '"'which
sihItiM)! Tim .,.t.il!i,.t !,. ,.ur,i.wi i. 10 l llvu ' explanation. In this CUhO
Stokes A Freeman. Iu'0' ",u pmlmlib oxpLina;
Itesidi'iits in tholowerenriof town.pnleoiiilllloit of O'aleaia was hiu-h
AK IlOlt.V, I'roprletor,
Northwest Conipr Mulii nml JCoiirt 8trci-t,
sueli as to
i.u li nn rim. in iiinnui, um Clllllll lill II- rOllllCr llllll lit llll.V tilllO HIlKC'OI it illlO tO
it if. iitu nw; r tiitiiiiiB nillill 111 IIU tillull
liver, in plain night from tho windows
and doors of several residences. Tlio
marshal's attention lias been called to
the matter.
iMessm. Ktigono Keith and I'. Zahncr
have located an engine on tho Hat below
their houses, In tho upper end of town,
ami will pump water for their own irri
gating purioscs.
lioe.ur iV Kuebler havo caused an elec
tric call bull to bo placed in their drug
store which communicates with the bed
room of I ho night clerk.
A. II. Stadium, formerly a Tiibtiuo
typo, Is cloiklng for II. S. WliHIo & Son.
llttUNKH'H I, A MIC m:rr.NHK.
I'nNiuxro.v, On., Muv 211.
'I'd tho Killlortif tint KiiKiUroiionlnti,
Honscr's defense, as publlshcil to a
very few- persons yestenluy is a curiosity.
'llioro is hiicIi a thing as miblcrnigo,
and there is such a thing as vermifuge j
and between tho two llouscr appears lo
bo CMiiieniled.
Ily the shoivlti r tho iccords of the
an attack, ami that tint furl
that bo vaHii ta"kiri iust at that thno
reiiiesented theainountof Iniluenco which
iiifiiil has ovor inattur. It is oasv to ac
ipilio a habit of Iwitchlng tliemoiith or
other parts of tlio body, ami tlio twitch,
which may at Ibst have been slmplo imi
tation or aH'ectation, may become invol
untary ami beyonri conlntl of tho will,
nml happen when it Is least execteil.
Mothers sometimes tell their children
that if they do not stop making ugly faces
thev VIII stav that way; but It Is seldom
realized just now true that is.
M.-SOO.OOO u Ymr.
Kroin Iho N'uw YorK World.
Tho junior liigh-tarlir organ in tills city
lias cltncr tho ignorance or impurieueo to
Ro-opcnctl, llc-f it rniahed
Equipped in Kirst
CIihs Htvlu.
urn if u re Oealers.
Largest and Most Complete Factory on the Coast.
Hotel Fn 1 i lisliinn-
Free Couch to unci from Trains.
HllocnHKiirn tft )
MAltSlIA LL ,0 SOX.,
say that "In IKUS tho average ail valorem
nut v on an linpoilH was lll.o.S per cent.;
to-day It is only III er cent. a decided
riecieaso in rates since war limes."
Tlltu lOlllllul llltuul.ilimwitil tu ...ll..l.1
, - -... -II.IVI....II1 in ll-lllttimu
I by any ono w ho iKsnsses a file of alma-
! tlMi'X. 'I'Iiii Irnlli hi Hint Dm iifi.r.ni.i t
. . - . . ...... ...v ..11.11111 in j
-1(1. oH ner cent. In 1SCS was imon dmlnlihi
county being tho i roof I looser had MOO tinpoi tH, not tisin "all the impottH," and f
when ho went inlo part it Muhlp with lien-! that the ill percent, named as the aver-1
dr.vx. Ho and llembvA v ro In iiarliior- .".'"f . year was upon the total iiu-l
shin four vears. at tho end of wh eh tiine I'oiIm, not the dutiable aitldes. Tho av-1
i intiiii'L'v wiia ii iiar.iiiiini- in lint urn.. .,r i-niuu rate t iton ii'in i i o i nitons imhi iii'iiiiin unit tut n t niir.
..,ifU. fi.i n.u I 1....I i vear was .47.DS nor eont.. nr l.fin imp i.ml I "ml IniokH iniuli' lunnlvr.
tlowfth. ' j hWier than It was in 180S.
Who had it? Nobotlv but this vlituou.s ihls illshone-l Juggling with llgmes lo
and ostreinelv hoiie.4 llousor. As lien-! ,,lllkM il iil'I'o.ir that the averaguof tho
di vv's lmriiiitp bo linil Minimi nr .il.lunl i war taiill' has been ii'riuceil is of a niece
enough from tho business to pav up the ' "i,M tho assertion of tlio saniu journiri
dobls (when ho was foicetl to, not Itofmo) j lllut "carpenters, iiiiihoiis, painters, gov
uiiiiiiuiii iiiiii liiuiuuii eiitiuuyees iiuiom;
Ctrii"r Main nml Witlurfil".,
Pontlloton. - - Oregon
All it lint of UlaHcNiiillliliiL' ihmo III I lie
Jtrpttlrliift a Sn'claltir.
I'ltrllcaliii titlfiillnii In liorm1 hIhii-I iilc hi
a Specialty.
Bedroom Sets,
Parlor Suites,
Side Boards,
Folding- Beds,
Bedding, Shades.
G. Shindlcr & Co.,
Waientom, Kill First S'tiect,
Mnough block '.'00 feet to
1(17 and Hill Front St.,
ronri, vni. . . oiiimjon.
Rockford Railroad Watches.
Wo have secured tho luency f t-this city of the celebrated
Rockford Q,uick Train Railroad Watch
Which wo have titled In (iolri, Hoss-lUleil. ,-llverand Mcklo cases, which wo sell at
prices that
We also
carryj a
full stock
of HowttrcJ,
meiits, of all
and Elgin Move-
latest pallet lis.
is now ciimpHo, and of tho
anil llendryx had nolhlng.
Mtat is tho necessary infen.'iico? Whv.
that llousor t'ol away with the boodle.
and llendryx was the victim. The thing
Is wormy, and vermifuge needs 1 1 bo
m Wed with subterfiiiio heforo lloiisercan
app?ar lit to lo entrusted with u dollar of
IVAa coimly's inoiioy.
.(xttli I nallv had to d siroruo aflor ho
had lieen doing a swell business for years
on tho county's money. All tho allida-
vlts his Koiuiblicau ftlends can make can
not oxculnato him. nor clear tin this rec
ord. J "STICK.
"fi'icOreuonlan, laid to
I rthuul the . ;hrr dav
' 1 llirt, ,1. t f,L
' 'r '''oil. nml my
' n Ma'l. wuiild veto for
"I'txer.-Uesof Ascon-
' r. .-..I'.niv iilll
.. i iii ii.p i ..
'--i, Uliliu
1 1 ' l -hiihI Kdna Sla-ITau-uti-i
,m ii,at 0XW1.
t Cj,
''V'l f.iniiiun. to to
i" mi. j.i.v.tl.lo after
",0 -iriii' to piircliaso
, ' 1 "Is at this restonsiblo
' ''iM n Midi sales aro as
'' "imunl iv boot and
-n wrivt. nost to Wll
': ' lb' mil .tlMiearrv
He . ..... .1
r Inn,
f r t . .
th 7 l'tuu f"r mil-
' ' t Ueli-i-i Julv
;" t.'d t . fainilluriio
" '. in'l f' irojimvd
"n lie . ailed mini.
p. ' ;,"vk, ,m, Ih,t thore
' llllit to dotOI-
.,'.r'"" ? , 1 1 tvli'ltnito
, : -''"i th.. t-
Mil III 1 1 T
f .1-
' i,
'tfrd.iv ii vniin..
OS III "iP ,.. a'l1.i.
.ile i e n.iiti. ... n
IV. i ri-.-tt iriilli-i
E3 r.v.
llotrl ArrltuU.
VaiiAMi! Hoi'sk. Ifeo A IJarnhart
Wild HmsoCivok; W .1 (iihuos, Helix:
I A Ihornton St. Louis; J I) doling, W
V Kliorly, J 1) ICennedy. .las l'n'eiluian.
Jas.Maitln, Jno F O'Shea, Tertland; H
It ualnos. (Jhlcairo: M Mehhensou and
wife, O Wl.aild.ltobort.Iyfo,T II Walsh,
nana walla; whit renin, roster; U
M Irwin and wife. Mix Collin. Union:
I'mnl; Vanwlnklo. Weslon: J H Sinilh
ami wife, l'llot Hock ; Clem F Kesse, Ad-
aius; V li I'aimoi, irnker tity; J 11
Fmnt., Fred W Kalslen, l'onrileton ; W
K Siiutli-irri, (! W How. Koehestcr, N.
; 11 l Novens ami wlfo, fiords l alk,
San Fiuncisc'i; F I' G times and wife,
Dayton, Ohio.
tioi.itiJN it. iif.- i has i.aiMi. .Airs .1
Kelt, .Miss S K Mixtre, J S Watterman,
W Salisliiuy. Pl ot Kock: Cliai es V
l'lto, Sail Fiancihco; K A Lout, lllich
Cicok; l A Harvey. Walla Walla; T A
Hoiilnger, l.Idge; 11 .Mooto, Milion ;
m 1'iieilloy, l.a Oiinilu; (Jyc.tr Hovanl,
A Koberls, CanuiH I'ralrlo: I) l
Hoinor and wife, W .1 (licks, lCcho; W
F Smith, city; I' Smith, Contorvillo; 11
S Smith, l.o!ig Cicok ; 1' II Cnstiillo.ooun
try. ItowMAK IIiu'hk. () H Kinnur. (i C
Vmny, J V Matlock, F Wall, W
Aloachaiii, J l lirmviioll, l.a Grande; T
M Smith, .Nolin; 'llutmas Ualy, I'oriliind;
(ioo JliMito, Julius Kisor, .Nioiitana Titrri
lory; Thomas llumott. L V Anlipaugh,
O Hrownliig, CentwWIle; !J W Dliick,
.M il ton ; Mary Ciasiou, MIsHomi; Mis
.M'spolt, Idaho; MIm K Vietor, W (J Fal
lon, Walla Walla ; .1 U Calluwav, (J It .t
N: J Ktslio, D It KdwHrils. I, UuspIo,
MlsHouil; () W Smith. Koarnoy, Neb.;
A .Moitou, .Milton; Frank llylaud, Wo
on;,I F Uiigftl.iliuitulwlfo, J:icl;siinvlle;
.Mis Ward, .Mis. Ilrown, Iluppuor; .
Warner, MassauhuefUts ; J M Toonor and
wifo, aleachani; Fmnk VaiiWinklo,
(llinrcli A.tiiicliitlmi ronncil.
Yiistartlay afternoon a meeliiiv was
hold at tlie'Church of tho ltcdeeinor, for
tho ptiriKtso of forming a chinch askocia
tlon, lhoio was not a oty large attend
ance, but enough woio nionuiit to transact
tlio business for which tho meeting was
called. Articles of association were drawn
up atul signed by those presont, and the
vestrymen and a seciotary and treasurer
woro'elocteil. Uioimtuoof tho tibsocla
tluu Is the Hector, Vostrynion and War
tlons of tho Chiirt-h of tho Itedeomer.
Tlio vestrymen will Mo articles of incor
porvitloit msiii,. Tho )arish is to includo
all of rnuitilla county. Tho following
nro tho ventmiicn i liosen : .Mossts. Win.
ai. uanisoy, win. faisons, ur, a, it. thin iinxlitction, ami tno pnsuioi oi tins
lo tho absolutely protected craftsjlhat is,
the products ami results of their labor
cannot bo hnpoiteri." No,.but tlio labor
itself Is imi orteil. duty fieo. at tho rain
of oOJ.OOO a year, to conijtcto with our
HUHMuiviy jtrolecled crafts" on tholr
o n ground.
To what Htralts must tho war-tariU' de
fenders bo reduced when they indulge in
such riownilght rilshoiiosty and repeat
such stale fallacies.
In ivcent testH on forty itoixons, ono
pint of sallcino was tasted In 1L',000 parts
of water; uf moi phlno, ono in 14,000;
quinine, ono in 7(1,000; quassiuo, one in
1H),000; gicrotoxine, ono in 1117,000;
aloino, ono in 'JUi.OOOj and strychuino,
ono in S'.'O.OOO. Twelve taslors dotecleri
ono part of strychnine in 1, '-'80,000.
Nol u Krcllonnl lularmt,
Toxnslias 4,5-1,000 sheep. I Ion-olid
vote in the Housowlll Is) for f.ee wool,
Intllana has nno million sheep. Half of
her voto will Imj for fioo wool. .MIssoir!
has a larger wisil interest than Indiana
ami Pennsylvania together. She votes
solid for free wool. Kentucky with as
largo a wik.1 hiteiest as Pennsylvania
voles neatly solid for free wool. ' North
Carolina and (leotgia with mi aggiegato I
wiMii inleresls as gieal as rennsylvaiila,
will voto nearly solid for lice wixil. So
with Mabama.ArkiiiiKiis, Flotlda and Mis
sissippi, with a much larger aggiegato
wool interests than Pennsylvania, (which
bus ono million sheep,) Those five wool ;
Malos ol the Ninth lur.o a large prtHmi
otiinco of (ho wimjI lutiuest of the iiul.ai.
Vet 1101111 F. S vvht tries to null wool
ovor tho oyos" of Hastem Oregm.Iaas bv
telling them that it is a icl.ol lliigudlurs
soheino to hint the pnw cuius wimiI mon
of the North. Is It not clear I hat ho is
gullly of a faWoltisMl ami that there is n
peril to tlio wnol intoiost involved in fieo
wool ?
The Pendleton Roller Mills,
(('ainclly fiw liitrrcN innlity.)
W S. BYERS & CO., Proprietors
Minnifiicliircrt of Orulnwii, Knintiliilcd nml
Koir rnniK i- ioiir.
I'ti-li ITiro I'nlil for All
Kltii of tjirulii,
Flour, moiil, clinn food, t ie,, ulunyi (in hinul
John McGarry,
-Driilor In-
Klrtt-rliiHf kimmId only in s'ih-Ii.
iluco Ixiiiiilit ami tolil.
Cm. .Main mill W'ulihSrrcott.
We giiuraiitco overytlilng we sell to lie as ropicscutfri.
fink watch uhpaikincj a s'-kcialty.
ttpi City Drugf Storo. PondJoton, Or
Selling Out at Cost!
My Entire Stock of Goods,
Comprising tho following goods, (o-wlt:
$8,000 Worth of Boots and Shoes,
The best stock hi Pendleton. Also
$2,000 icorti of Menu mnl Itoit' I pit a ami FuvhIhIiIuu (3omIh.
I also put on the Market
$7,000 worth of Harness and Saddlery.
All of my goods I bought for cash, ami 1 can hell them !! itei cent, cheaper ilinii
than men who buy on credit.
Sale to Is'gin tills day, May 'J. ( omo early ami gel baigalns.
Lease ami llxtiiies for sale of the Hue brick store, ( "itrt street, in Ocspaiu block
OIHcerii Kli.diiil,
The Kami of Iloe mot l.ixt Sutiiiilay,
and elected the following oillners:
Kthol Frnker, (JrganUt ; I'.lsle Fnlsom,
Assistant; l'MaKomler, Secretary; Mablo
P.uighwty, Awdsiant Soeiotary; Daisy
Allaway, Tioasuior; Willie Tnrrill, As
nlstant TroaMtirer ; Koy Kaloy. Librarian;
Mertio SwomoiiKeii, AsIoIhiiI l.ibrarian.
. . . - -
llimril or'frntlx Allliit;,
A mooting of tho IkmhI of (nolo will ha
buhl at tho couit house to-day, .May :(),
&3, at 8 jt. ni. sharp. A full attemliiuco
is reiinosted. Imiortaut buHiness t
transact. J. K. Hiidv,
Two French biologii-ts have lteon mak
ing oxperlinonts in typhoid fever vuechw
(ion. In mice inoculated with ("iltures
of typhoid iMicilli gonulno tvphoid fovor
scorned to bo produced, but in mice Iiun--ulated
with broth In which thogoruis had
lived but no longer containing thtuii,
siibreiUnt hiiH-alation with Hie most in
toii'o typhoid vims was rosMcd.
Ono ul the chief industries of Bulgaria
Is the pioductinn of the attar of rotfos.
Tho sheltered vulloy of Kozanlyk, known
us the Valo of Kowis, Js tlio center of
H. F. Johnson &Co.,
Prescription Druggists.
Roqutsitec of tho Toilet.
Stationery c School SupplloB,
Fine Imported and Key West Cijars.
OiUHinlte Vlllsr.t IlminPf
Photograph Gallery
t. G. WARD,
Tin nut kiiwufciiful
lu now loom ml in IVin Hi ion, nt titc nlil otMt ul
lit Mi- fixii ot Mull) ittn-el, imar l Im l.rliluf
anil fur tine
Phootgraphs, Tlntypoa, En
larging and Copying,
Cm 1 1 ma be exu 1 1 (.-it miywher. All work
aunrmili-1 l ui vlvu ttmlrv iMtinf .I'tliui. Ill"
viffiiuny, ours, r. t.iiut,
Wo nro receiving, almost dally,
Goods Direct from Iho Easlern Manufactories.
Our Mod; oil I now In iIosIkii and comph-to in .w'.inn-iil, consinliug of
Whatnots, Brackets, Chairs, Springs, Mattretses, oto
Also a com! Jolt- line of
Carpets, oil cloths, linoleums, shades, portieres,
and upholsterers' groods.
Forbes 8c Wheeler,
Association lltiilding, l'i ndloton, Or.
Wall Paper, Lace Curtains., Window
Oil Cloths, Linoleums, etc.
The "WHITE" Sewing Machine,
Martin. It. . I. Slater and Frank U. Clop-
ton; secretary, lid V. Sharon; treasuier,
J. T. Umtiiiili.
Tito Wrmiith nml tlio Nbotior.
Yuvlonlav tho moicury stooil between
U5 ami IOO for so vend hours. Last night
was almost too wamt to bo coiufortable.
This moHiiiig ut 8:3) tho tiioreur v as
at it was 00 and still going up, but
wituiii an lion- ween it reached about
ti"). a tli-jtid r cloud tamo up suddenly,
ami a sni.trt shower, lasting sovoral nUii-
iiUrii wits 1 I00.U0J (nines in IWmj
Rtops ato Iteing taken to encourago tlio
induhtry lu other parts of the Kulgatlan
Tho smallest known fluworing plant,
wared)' visible to tho naked oyo, is
Woltlla uiicroscoitica, a water weed of In
dia. Two sjiecios of tho same Vnus, tho
larger about ono-tweuty-ilfth of an inch
in diameter, grow in the Kastern I nited
Call nail usini'it prtoe..
Largest to-k ofjurnllure lu I aler . Or. ti
1 vt:lf. .,,,at 1,0 oa Ia!il tho dust, during which timotho 1 17STIIAV
... r'COUlllTiiit 1.., ..1.1 . . . . m. li
. . 1 Jif Varrrr t , ' mercury woniuowii 10 mu euu pwii . h onmai etray. you can re
if n.ne,f.of !TaIo"'i ' camo out again and at t! :S0 tho mercury Lnnl?- S2n "'aini fJ.oe Vn i veiiuiug ,
Howell & Co.,
'iMiiiuur 111 ii'in nuir vsv fiu in inn tiri'iciii
. v. IIOUII V 4J All f tJ kllMMUl
I showers will probably como soon.
AfrirA I it. tl.
I every time,
iver him by expmumi ji.w 111 . .... , MackenrleA taVi
1 Hie Bast Oueoosiiah. It cstclie taem . ?uiea; v
L-irv llmo. I 1
CavanaKti llullilliitf,
Failing's Oarpet Store,
.Main Strool, near tit. luiiig.i, Paugieion, Oioboii.
IAmIct in
The J. I Jase Little Giarii Walking Gang, Sulky.
Gang aid Walking Plows.
Studebaker ragons, Hacks and Buggies.