East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 30, 1888, Image 2

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i it i; ci item r ,iDi)oi:H!iir,
ny Tiif
Hint Orr-jnnl.ll l'iihllillllig (.'imipflliy,
Vv.wlk In tlio " Kant 12ml" will iluiiFc i
take notice that Multoon I not paid two or
tliruu nl(.'lit vifltH to IVridlcton. arriving ;
at 8 o'clock and luuvliig tit I o'clock tho
Katnu night. '
livuN tlio littlo ahouur of the blpwod
rain iravo now lifts to the lroojiln NpirllH,
Organs! iamss
Ono ropy per year, by mull JtU ")
Onoeiipy nix iimtilliN, by mull , I Hi
Oiinonpy pur week, hy narrler. J"
Hlnitle iiiIiiiIiitk. Ufi
Ono copy per y cur. .fl till
Oiiii ropy lx IIKIIllllH I 't
HIiikIu numheri. 05
I'rutiiluin piipi r free loymrly miuw I burn.
aiivhiitimi.no iiathii
llHUit'W Aitrrrthrmrntt.)
Onn Inrli. or le. Ill Hrlnl-Weekly lT
iniiMtl . Ji it)
Oim Iticli, ur li In Dully tier tiinull I Ui
Two Iiii'Iicm, or liw, In both, per month. . 'I tu
liver ton l ue lieH.riem Weekly, imrhich
per liliilllll I V.'i
Over tliri'ii lliehen, Dully, per Inch per
miuitli 1 J.1
over lliren inrlio. In both, ner Inch nor
inoiltli 1 7fi
Hullil imnpiiri'll ii.lvcrllx'tticiilM In Heuil
weekly or 1'nlly, ilmt lnertloii, ier Inch,
II.WI; eiich Mllmfilli!lil IiixtMoii, roc.
Ih-iiI iiollrin, len renin per lino eiieh In-netllnn.
Information wuh lucclvcd hero thin
inoiiilnp that SnodnraMH and .Mattoon
worn Hpicadlnn Ihu u-'iort all IhmiiKli
Union county that Ituloy icfimcd to meet
Mattoon In that county. Mr. Ifuluy itu
coidliiKly tt'lciailicd thin iioriilnn that
ho would ho In dilou lo-inortow O'htitH
day) ovinliitf, In Siuiniicrxlllii I'nluy at
onu p. in., and hi Iji (irainlo Friday
ounhiK, and challenged MiiIIiniii iilmIii
to incut him In jiilut illHciiion. Wlitithur
lio will ai.'copt, ur If-Ho whether lie will
keep IiIm apNilntiiiunt alter lie Iiuh inadu
11, icinaiiiH to he m-iiii.
Mr. Italey Inm muilo two vIhIIh to
Union cotinty,thii IuhI lime Hlitying ahont
u wek, plannhu: l' I hi hi l;matilla
county the l,it neck In the campaign.
On neither of thorn vlnltn did
ho hear a wonl from Mullimii nhoul a
joint iIImmimpIoii. In fact, uheu ho llrnt
went oxir thete lie wax lufoi uied that it
had Ik'iiii iih'iccd hy the ch.ilrineii of hoth
couiiiilltouH that Iheiti xhoulil ho no joint
dlrTtiHHlou In that county, and thin
waa In fact true. The isnuuiltleoM
had m ukuviI. IInl iMioilntneH for
whom Mattoon In only unsure-head
tlilukliiK to play a very nniart trick, wiih
lirepaied to challenge Italey the very hint
of hint wctik, to couie over to Union
county iikiiIii to meet Mattoon, and Hum
keep Haley out of I'matllla county and
iiIho dve Mattoon an ommimi for not com
liitf heio hccaiiMi It wan woll-kuown Unit
he had Ix-en niuLlnn (mwlto proiiilscH.
Accortllnijly Italey, early lat week,
wlicd MattiMin it challeiiKo for a joint
(IIhuiikxIou In thix cuiinly. Matton, k'o
liiK that IiIh little pinie uiw up,
wiled hack a proHlton to meet Haley
at Wiilun and Iji (iraudc in I'nlcii
county, and at Milton, Wtvtou and IVn
dliiton in I'nialllla county. Italey hud
Ik'iiii Ittlctiat hoth I'nlon and Uttirauile,
and Imil nKiut wune ten or twelve Un
III I'nlon f unity ; MalltNiii Imil not hIhuui
111 fact Ly lall)ihl In I'matllla county;
thanifuio Italey actvpUxl thu proHic,u
at) In thin county, ami wiih at Mlllou,
U'eaLm ami rondletun tf tho tlmcM ap-
polnletl ly MhiIooii lilmmilf Uit, an whm
HUCttttl KtHllll he tlH) CliM, nil MultlMill
wua)Mn. llo wan btwy inaiMHl, hm U
rilll la, In MtylMg Km) wouhl itut lueet
Hu niiuiit Mr. Uafey, t Hm rink of
Imviug IIiIh tsHinty tluiiiK tlw lut
unit niUuK for thu ihlnl
ttiiio to t'ulou ruuaty -lum hmIu
HropuJ tu iiwAt lnu U,in tiiiw In
I'uloii hhiI Iji l ; rand. It I to Ut IuumnI
The Kaht OitkonMAN ailmitM that It do
ulreH thu election of Mr. Katiifoy an
.IihIku. It ntcitaliiH thin (IuhIco Kolcly
for the reason that ho l an experienced,
coinpeto'it man, who In u practice of
twenty yearn has worked IiIh way iiilclly
and hy hln own iiioiIIh Into tho front Uh well a to tho drooping hladiw and
rank of hla profusion ; and ovon tho Icivoh. Let cveryhody hoio and pray
campaign M.iniletor can llud in all this for moro.
twenty yearn' roconl not one word to wiyl , ,,: - "r" u ,
aaln,.hl,n,notaHlngl0act or woid to I. .-"""'"""'.r V " . 'J .. L. " -TT.J. m rA
I, 1 7. . , .7 , V i' lrttb-WAfcttob uuuuo
I tleH. (jet in and tako your niudicino, yu
I ItepuhllcutiH. Hut a jrood many of you
wont. 'o liiivccoino toKiny.
Now will LeiMiiru Hiilt you. .Mr. Voter. V liuv. inlupteil for our i n-t i o. "Ilnnet
.. .!... .1. I., t .(.I. ..f. . II .11. ! '
iorv,irunii .iwuu, wiin v.avinu.uH, v.;naiK,
-Sol.l hy
Q Si
Aro Fully Warrontocl.
Anil ie tlile flrm'i Ktinraiitee ! worth
IK) real on the ilollur, they
will IiiiikIIc only
Inrutfivtiirer of anil Denier In
Harness, SaddlesBridles.
Whips, Etc.,
I lOUKD. K KM I 'Kit,
I'roprlDtoc of thu
, Klvc.C.-nt II,.,.,.
Main (l..oppo.sllo olni)c.pu' .
i lVnilMon heor on iImhkIu. v (I
a... eUii iv. i, n . iiuh hnind. .rj.'J
IiIh dishonor. Ho fir uh thu editor of thin
jxipur I h concerned Mr. Hamtiey'H election
will bo a detriment to hlin, hut no ono
luan'ri inlotoHtH ouht to Htaud In tho way
of tho public Inlere.-t.
Without nuy iinduu illcpaniemcnt to
Mr. UaniHoy'H opx)ucnt ; without lenoit
III); to epIthetH which aio tho chief Mock
in trade of thu campaign Handoier, we
ink thlnkinu men of all partion hnclnwi
tl)OtlVAUD llltCIH.,
iiiiiii-i.iuiiiii' -H.1 meinii s ,
; M'K.riALisTii. "'
SllOOtS ()lilelcs Troi'lilfiilof Clnnnle Ii '
Women unit I'nil t, Ul,,"iJ
Ullloo li.itirM-.finm lot,, :2 ,,, , . . I
. -.m..- nniflll'S! c. tu. p, ,, .
A I lil'jl ISUUiv i millet lliioin l. Knt OrexnnUn U,
...in .1.... -"
arul Wagon
for Salo
nlliii! mid fnlr prleei.
Wheeler et al., an aiHlHtiints? Tliafn 1
jiint what a voto for Feo incatiH. I
John Ittii.vinT Ih a practical Irlend of
tho woiklnumen. No Ih iiIho an able
men and all taxpayer- to look the two I, ,.,., ,,,,.,
1 ........ II... II... -,. "'"J I n. jt'tifi
Kiilt jtutH one or the other of tliem on tho
bench for hIx yearn, tiiako an liilclliKcnt
choice, oiii) that will hent hervo their own
Tho iIikIkchIiIp Ih not a io1ltlc:il olllco.
When a man Iiuh ncauu In court involving
IiIh propoily, or IiIh llbeily, or IiIh llfo, ho
docH not ank what the .liitlgn'H politlcn
aie, hut whether ho Ih a capalilo, honcht,
and jiint man,
Tho eoplo of thin tllntrlct cannot ulFord
to tilllo with their liitereHtHln thin matter.
a rooit ti.mi: to ni:oiv in m: ito.s-
Si:.satok Mitciiiim. hIiowh IiIh good
HetiHo in the position taken hy him In re
gard to Fuller's contlrmatlon.
Oiidh aro laid In Portland that Mr.
Gcarln will bo elected.
We Imy ilrl ily fore:ih.
Wesluill H've piirehiKen the Ijelietll.
Wo can soll you an Organ or
Piano on monthly In
stallments. Tim lint (Iriunl Mctlnl irlven hv ntiy society
wiih awiinlett the Klmlmll Urtfiin.
Tho lnrel xlock of thee JuIIy eelnhri'lc.!
OrKiiiiHi'veron t'Millililmi In Kiit'
era OrrKoti l our wait
room'. Mims Bros. & Go.1
Odil Kcllmtn' liiilldlm-'iMiitii T""- J"21
Tho Ir.rKct nail moit complete Ptock of
F. J. Donaldson's Toilet & Fancy Articles
The attention of the trade is
invited to our
. A lotto'1 published to-day ex k)o-i pietly
fully and coneclly llio"truo InwartlnesH"
of llousor'H iiumaculalo honexty. llo
knew for i'iiim Iho county wiih Ih.'Iiik
robbed of Ibiiii-antlH of tlollarn not by
llenihyx, but hy tho linn of I Idiimt A
llendryt. 'Iho county'H money bought
cattle, bought niureliaiiilli-e, bought viiox.
Il wan an rollen illHhoueHty as wiih over
perpclialcd In Olefin or aiiywheni tilw).
Them in no other mime fo.- It. There can
bo no M)H"hy dxcUi-i) for It.
When tho etanh caino two jearM iiko
when, afier nix cairt llentlryx wiih'
Dually foiced to let K' when, at Ihoj
nami) time, Holder after di'Hienilo I'll'ortH
had failed to hccuro tho nomination for
.Sheilll when exer.ttlilnt,' 'hoy had wan
attached ami llondryx had Ih'cii thrown
in jail when, in hhort, tho Kmno wiih up,
and all thu priH'eedH of tho plunder had
lieen seled then It wiih dlM-iivored that
llousor had tho "(dull" and llenihyx
Wo will do Mr. NoiiHor Jiihtico. Wo
Ih-IIovo that after tho HmiiHliMip camo ho'
acted Hiiuaielycnouj;li,aiid that heturnetl
over IiIh iioK'ily to pay the debts. Hut
what husInesH had tho llrm with liO,000
of tho county'H money anyway? For a
man to bo honest when ho Ih caught and
tho stolen Kxdi ate ilNcocied, Ih no
Kicat cictllt to him. It at la-st oiiKht not
to put him almvi) a man who wiih alwava
a hi'.man iiiitni:.
The man who drove a horKi to death in
Portland, iih nairated In our I'orllatul
imwH hiidet to day, Is a villain for whom
tho DXlteuii) iHiualty of tho law in far too
light a iMiuUlimoiit. Tho man who ( Iiuh
wantonly iiIhihw cruelly a faithful dumb '
hrulo iHixht to hai) no place anient; his
fallow iiinn. Wo can look with uioiv
complacency uml toloration iiou a man
wiio in piwulnn or for xnln kills another,
nicH'thiK an iHiual animal and Porliat
mi itiiiiiiif nit own lift., than iipun thu
I't'rluip.i no mnn over wit
aifstd mure physical suffer
I tit; than
II. II. EMQS.tlio Croat
llnllrond Coiuraolor of S.
An..: lea,
.ii.. u....i. i.. i....
.''.' M'l I ",.l IH'II 13 lllll
Miuwn and who wrlu.t:
HI. .Iitenlia Oil linn itrroin
pl!'i. il itiinileit. It lillimj
po.lllte liiiliiiM-iiii'iit."
Ah an crnaiple Oiirlnt!
HTOwnd 1-11 lum lhiminii
A inn if i.ii it km I fViiiu inula.
ria ami rheumatic fever
out i f f-ttu- i.'iiKiiiif In Pent
attt teil tliitlii i' I'.v lai(!i' wiitftfi paid
liy .ii wlei l:.il eoiilr.inls ninoiint
initio; i."i;.n;i.iiiJi. In tliii lli'M tliero
nl'ier Hi. .hei)l. did lis e,ood work
&Mti iiH'rW.-i"'! 't. Kttryithat.
tiALinioitt'. Jiu.
rug Store.
Pure Drugs,
Paints, Glass,
Machine Oils,
Preicilpllom coiilpoauiled day and uUlit ly
a plinriimel.t at prlres Hint
Weliiiudleonly Ihu I'tMtK.ST Idtl'dS thai
can IioTiIiLiIihnI, n'(!iirdleH tif prlee.
InEastorn Orogon.
Despaln Block - Pendleton.
on and uftcr Oils did", ih iiiliiiliilMriilor f
Ihe eMail" of the lice William lie-". 1 oner
fnrx'ilcnll Hie live Muck owntil hytlie tie-
Thi'ouhhi't'il llrvtfttvil Hulls,
hhort-linni Ciilti; (Irittfr Cottle,
uml Ci iiniif Stuck Viittti'.
Tlnnniliftrril Siitllt Mrrlno
i llitclts mnl ICivcs, Jtrtjlstrrwl.
(Smite Iturks ami Stock Sicrp,
, AUoa lurne lininlu'r of Heroes and a iiau-
Host sellers in the market. At
retail everywhere. Wholesale
only by
Mason, Ehrman & CO,,
Portlnnd, Orogon.
ook Sslan
Hardware and. Tinware TOWN PROPERTY
PLUMBING Promptly Dono.
main hthixt, im:ni)i.i:ton.
A xliiiriiof tlm pahllo palMiinci) I miIIc-IIimI
Hank ItiilMliiir.dnirt "tree t.lVndletoa
Mii.li'iil Mer-
t'llitll IN"
Hepi In
v I'Ihiioii,
,.' crc J in, .,n. ,.i
and all
m -ti'H ud on
mi in plan
llty of liny
rrni in -r n n 1 1 1 niinnmnrnn
Country Orders Respectfully Solicited ittifvi iu ami runbHAatui,
For Mirlli'iiliUH,riil on oraditrehH
Xnllec air Hale
ruder Oliiiltcl tlorl.
Nrttlp U hMy iilven thitt hy virtue of a
imlt0l iiiiir't'W. iiiH.lt hy A.J. llmnmuii n
IIUMvIIhiw MtiuuIriU,
liitflitu'llouH Iuivd conid from tint
knil Ikuwtw tliat ttaliy itiuwt Lu ilcfuultil.
Ow)u SUvont W'HltiM' iuu Uuiii' ii
SnodgruiM Mill ma MnIKhiU mil othbi : ' Kn' fir Hiiion,
UtoMU Uhmimh lUluy ia ioIhu Uumi "wver, MHimmiiti sui t A TIm io
'I1h. truUi ftlkait ilu IuimIimm u h.i . ' lu imnty ami irf I'iiIob ivunt i
Itnlcy lwa Imvii ul ll Umw Nay U iuwt ' ,,'0ou,l, to wvoily wnrlnianil ihU
4Uf'ii mu.vImk, iumI l. lU-tuwt ,M,y 1 1 !"" k1liuii. Tim ooiuUnatUic
.iiiui Ml imul iWM4itiitiii Iml Alaltnou tUi ' "wiy mni inn win ith'kwy nil
not ixhiio inlo t uuaJlla tMiwty, l.ttuo
It UItl ept.lllbor l.i, IMT, hihI
flll wiih III" clerk of llin e iniilvii l'niill.
liiHinlvMH. HoutltMtf. fruul bruiu uho u..i,i 1 L'j.J!?"?.' .'.T. " ,l"r"'!,r.r
tUMH lllliulrr H (ttllllfill limit'.. umIiiimI M'WU mtl lnipr,..t mi.l .,ii.,rm y I ,,, lltuvr
liniuiumit for llfo. or oven ha,,-lB: ' ISA En. "mVLLM itti.-i'V.l,:V.V"
1. iim iu. h.v,w . ,Hn,w, for wU KSU'S WS'JMaTis .'uVKl!
... A.u.Ili.d . ...... 1 I I . I, I.. ..... . ..... ... ... ...
.....-.u- hi 1 nu ui .-.-iiiiiri'.ii, l lUMfrlllH
I CiUIII) , I'l. K'ill, HDll I uhllll, i ll Ihe
' tnii iiiy ur.itiup. lima,
m I oVI.irk p. 111. nfHHld any, II tli name
ill niit.lle Hi,i-t,fi, nu ii,!. 1 ri'iiilw. to Hid
h initi al lili,li: r.r ewii, l Mlliy nl I tlrbt
mi Hit' u i mid MiUirne) . f,vn, and emu
ami tlKhum iiihiiN.
I' 'idtiMon. May tth, Ivet.
""H . M. l l-A(. I , A.ral.
They tl ImpjHii every nui) kIip.i oau
Itlpl ell In ttH y, ,t villi uk, ttmt
v.ill w. r IIIMU.d III 'Il
For Sale.
A half lot fronting twcnty-llvo foot on
Main Direct, paying l'a cr cent, intcrost
niontlily, ami two lots on Wolib rtrcot,
oj'iwlto tho jilanlnt: mill, for calo at
very roanonalilo price.
INQinitt: OF
James Wheelan,
t liN Htoro on Court Si., roiulloton.
. inySI it'iv If
All I'll IllNt 111 tnr,
IVnilletia, Dr.
Echo, Oregon.
A.. H IE A. L, KT
.MmIii and WbbMirt.
Kiixleru llititc limit!
nod Mtt.e in
Vrti ni (luaniiiiftl.
Ben. Merchandise
Boiler Mills
! Flour.
SI Oil AO K and FOll U'A 111) rXO
Thu illrvcl mil poiinliir line In ruin.
iv, h I'm Mirth. T.i iMciiii. u.llil
1111111 .1. ,-riii nun .uiuiirapiiii.
To Dile11, uml tii, Hunt.
To Ml. ,iioIh uml ttu. Niiii'Ii
n iirs .Holm', lienwi H irll
A fClllHOII Ullll Ii I ".1.1,1
'IM10 flnU. I I... CoiiiiKcll., .i,ki
nt Council tiliiir, Ltavcaiiurt'i 1..1.I KiJ
Cite fur 1
ruic:it ami ,v 1,1, roi.M. khI
I'iilliniiu 1'iiliica Shfp:n
I'ttttn ti 1)1 11 lilt C1111!
Aivoinimny all Ihroucli Kxn- TrJ
llll" HUH!?.
rirKeidfor aalotiy all eoniK-.'lli,. nllnl
nun ronni't'tinnN iniiji in 111,1 i.til
1'orfllll lilforiiliitlini reiriinlli'V r.in.iriJ
ete.,npiy tonny coupun I'gonl 11,' 111 al
A N. or Norlheru I'nelllc l!nllr ' i
imnl. M, i.r to W I . A I .' J il.'AT. 1
1 ICKl'l ,lf"MI,H. It, 4 Ml
reiiuieioii,imji' 1
l.'IIAM, KliVlillV, lien. Mrl.
No. 3 Wimhliiittou St., - I'.ir.un 1. iH
K. A. imi.iuioniv.
lien, rat. and l'ii. Airl. C. I1. ( r. It
ChleiiL'n. III. m. v 11
. . tlen. T.nilil I'. An. M. .' tl
Aps .Mlniii'iii'"' X
L. D. Spear & Col
l" ve oi" lietl
t'.'rnnr t'ouit an I V Mnp'oa ill.
1'vmllnltiii, . . . OrrH
Ami art)Monini
a 1,1,7 Choap for Cash.
li U allcniiMluB, uHtku HnikW.v'n ,t,H-.
hum In run fur Joint Sena lor.
Tiunm lonl.l Ui no tliwiglit or talk of
TnWni-nr mount tinr nnnn.w C11II In and f. v. 1
1 nM v CLrnA ,v man r mwy --, .. or
1. w - ... ii w WW. ii. 11
i'HI 1 1, tvi:i i:ttv i' muni'
twiaty.ilve oeat dlli uf tin.. liTeieain.
t uni,t in I,,
l!un. lucam Mm l4l. .Upm.IUo. (Mug tlw lkUU tlckrt ti ,5"
'lUlitll.. naiiioLaHnrcnl. IWIiIhm-akle vutcw lor tlo-wiu. Tka ia a twu-utlKtuI "V 4'n, ' " ' "n
will trtiKt liini li.l.l- . j . .. lu-WIp'U .lnilWi! ,11 di.'..uii' 1 umvilUMv mmn !
win trtiHt nun. Ur(,.k. tiiiHii Iri nil right iiitywAy. with n 1 1 W . ii-1 to.y 1 nMi.. su,TvUu,v N-
nill l)....-,il.. iv lirovWaiwIimli IU lKiile:,..
fllll Douiocrallo vul. lk.......Li. l-MVl.taiw In nil lu !,,.:..,.
m-wt, inw Ml HIM '
lMMuUr tlua Uti I iHiUthiturv ia fullv aa Tn Mtliinns nl Ak.ni
.! ., . .... ' I.......! ...,,, ,.
nio onH'uiiM" cuumitiwi jaf tli UU.r ( i'. Ill iurplUS.
utt) uf I'lilca., tew iltcUatl. onriuy to
inu nnililiirji uf 1 lu. Uhur ikkatelu tlw
lloKI. thai ih'Imi.iU' a.'U'iii by thtiaJior
o ipiH Muitl.1 11,4 U citiH tivc in tlm imm.
It u Mkl HiwU.v'ii iiUu U to allu jUt- i ,,A1U WUrv HOi.UK.it. 1 itiwtt',
Um ovw Iww mxt iuutk- nlgbt. to ClOOtOll & JacliSOn.
Rf I .Vr.t Attnt,
iimt tMtiiiili:u, ana thcivahou oiwl to won'! kuov wluu 1m in .Uun. iil....... Km ,h"" Hiiidiiw. vji.iiu,0r.
lliW tlw ir.iigil. of ih. .gvnuiMiitm 1.1 Um, oim wy or auutbwr, mmu about a
iltrr'Tit'r. - , , 'Headstones, Honoments
nun.. l.n iuxui i-M,c. ami un.lcr , - m 1 '!' !!! '"'.iWloii
luily Hlion.w.r thev lmH .... .,...i.iu... I iM "rii I old, tail mil
.1...1- 1.. .i.'. ..... . ' aiitvo ami inonlully wimamw. It M.ail.l
lee Ceam Parlors art Lunch Cottntar 0L!PHA.NT & CUTTING.
riiistiaNI), OltlifiON.
Haylntr ,,, 0lllml,on
: Notary and Corporation Seals
I In Poncllotoji,
Urolirs. SMotoertl
1 tutct o n cr a tat-ti m a TT.DRl
hhvi .. .-1- 1 j-j.ji.ivyjj.xai. a in"""!
. !,,,., intin i:ni'rn f,t. k i ,. .1
vhi IHtrtlaud, eni hax,. f,igU ,.nld, h. um "! eion, Ockou, Mulll HI,. nMf
, , in'i', 11 v mi 1
jrou ie hHniiry Iwliveen iuri.l.,i
"""" lUHen prvpwrva j)- w W,nB nHlk
No CliiitM oiaplojwl nUaii ti nt, ,.
Willi HllWt. IVlldlrtllH.
.Iut r. et'lveil.
1 Satiafaotion Cunranteedll
In iivery piutifiii r
'It Stands at tho Head
- Bkr mm a B tm iiai mili tt-4 1 w
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J.ilU.ti UUiioi... the Km.tvr.,,... ,, I ' ,w uf M,t ! Itekrt Mnln Gja., ..iSLt'
ltoimUImn ,Hiwt. Thu iVnavnui, t 1'0 .mall .nil. x CVL UUUUC Z'
juriy u not i holly rtKht. m.r tho Kojail..1 Wmi limirin in Conmt thotv will 'AnftinnfAll ' m""i L T ,nf !ruJ' 1 i' iSSi'mj 1
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Bri.i.l. riiitlieCouui) iMir "fl. wIih.vk., .
mUJ.ir, A. HHTM N. ' 'tmiwi g.ldKl. J, ,
, ' . 1..UQ.) i 'trtu !. ml ,-ourordcr to us, lia MVe
MOTICK n IDNTlt VCTOH-. " ttoai moto S-W Iheteby.
East Oregonian Pub, Co.,
mU,,J Pendleton, Oreoon.
iwllcv aio a lliotht.mil UM tho lnjUer for l IVin vnitli anil a Keiuibllian has ht
Jalwrlns iik'JI ( tlo hov of tvcoj-nlUwu.
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