"ill I if r AH- MONDAY, .MAY 148, 1888. WAMIIINOTON I.KTt'lllt. Russell lb Co., -Ilt'lLDKIlH or- ISiig-ijjes, Threshers and Sawmill" -Al.HO IIKAI.KIW I.V- Tli Mill tllll 'I li I'olltl) ill nltiiullnn In tlm Hriuiln -Tim I'cimlnii hclirino Ollur (.'hpIIhI NiiIid. Vhiiin(iti).v, .May 111, 1H8H. Uupni-oiiliitlvu Mill uxpit-x- i ii'l dcni'i! In thu lili.il pamaim hy ill. II imo of hlrt lurlU'liill ulihout imy uiiumkIihuiiIh radical unoii(ili to ehuiitfo the Itill in any iniiturliil vvuy. Other iiiciiiUirH of tho Jlotifo uro not ho coiiliilent. lliuy ho lluvo tlmt a turlir bill will ho pUHHuil Uy tho House, hut tlmt It will iliili-r tuition ally from tlm original Mlllil.lll. Tin) Kcnural tlooatu u thu hill i'IhIh to-moriou, hut jiiHt whut M then to bo tloiio him not yut hoi-n willed. Two tiroMiHltioiiri uru lieini; C"ii.iile:eil. Onu 1 In to, luavo thu turiirbill to o over until llfll.T till) St. IJIIIh IMIIVOIltlotl, tlllll Kst ! that convention to (milord) it h i Hlronly that no Di'inooratli; riiiiiitsr will il.tru to vote) itK.ihiHt it. Tho other U to rut oil' till iimcmhncutH ut the (nil of til) '"ii ural iliihaln anil takn u vote on It at once. Thu IumI lilti. i in very In viting to tho advocate..! of ImMiiuh In politico, hut rather fiMitful to the tnoiu coiiHurvutii'u anil timid mcmherH of thu party. If thu I'nwliliinl uriu linked to dcxiilo thu iiiattur ho uoiild uiulouhk'illy ailvimi thu latter ooureo, Iktuuhi ovary iiiiiiiniliniiut iiccDiilcil for tho hill would weaken it iih a olllcnl Ikhiiu. Thu Senate committee) on privilege'! and clocllonn roportud iinauiiiiouHly h. vorof tlm lability of thu eduction m . utor Tiirpiu, of Indiana, hoo elcciioii wiih illMputiiil hy curtain ItopuhllraiiH. Hisciut hom-iiiis of tho Kiiialo aru not likely to Im nhullnhed for a Iuiik time to conn). Ily iiioru than a Ihii-f-fouithn majority tlm funato decided, thin week, hK.iIiihI coiihIiIltIiik thu FiHliurlea treaty ill OpUII HOnMollH. Senator ViwtV rt'Holutloii (iniviillnn for a select comiuiltcu to uxaiiilnu tliu ipiort tioiiH touching moat ami moat prodnclH of thu United Statex, together with thu trauriHrt.ttiou of thu name. Iuih Ik'uii udoptud hy tho i-'onato. In liU ruiiiai kH on thu HiihjiM't Mr. Nest quoted u tahlo hIiow lute Ilia iimount of hoef uoiihiiiiiciI xir capita am inn tlm principal nation of thu win Id In KSI. thu t tilted Static head tliu lint with IIM miiiiuN pur head ; llicicmro no c inioioioii mat nuyiiiiiiK at feeling moat audita production and IruiiH porlation la of vital Importance toovory hlnulo liihahitaut of thi country. Umiu iccoiiimi'iidation of tho Naval Hoard, Hccri'lary Whitney Ii.m granted 1 McHMrH. Cramp & Sunn, thohliip IniililurH of Philadelphia, an oxIciihIoii of four iiioiithii timu for thu completion of thu , now vohhoIh, llalliuioiu, S'oikloiwi and VcHtlVltlM. I Thu KupuhllcaiiH of tliu Sonatoooninill-1 too on .liidii'lary havu potoiiol thu con-1 Hldoratioii of thu nomination of .Mr. I'ollor to Imi Chief .Illation of thu I'nllod Sltituni until next .Monday. ItmuvHiintativo I'ltoh, of Now York! city. In tho llixt, and ho far thu only Ito-1 puhlii'iiu immlMr oi tliu IIoiiki), who lian Are You Protected ? THE PIKCG' -Pa- I SPRING IIItl8IEI AKU Mfxfmj Those who hellevc so thoroughly in protection should not their property, of wlmtso- ly everyone believes that u policy in n fiol, go ny longer without insurance on ever kind: and near ROAD CAHTS .FjMMWpi ..M THE MAHICET. Wo Imvu tho bent .Straw Huriiliix Hiiiriu in tho World. VAU. OK 8KN1) FOH UATAI.OOIJK TO Russell & Co., lilhlUillw UK), 1(12, 1(11 ami Kill Front Struct, PORTLAND ORECOM. Protection or Tariff Reform. II iy out iiiostlon, tlioTiirlll'ln tlio Ihmiimhi which tliiM-omliiu ramiialKti will ho anil It liolmo i'f ory Illon wlin miiiiIiI viiln Inti'llluoiilly In Inform lilmolf upon ivuirii rvi iiiii'rm inn iniijHirill Wl'llliro. fllllltllt, Upon II Mill- Reliable Insurance Co. Is worth every time what it costs, ami procrastination should not he indulged in when it comes to taking out a policy. In tho ttrst place, pick out competent and RELIABLE AGENTS "n't i-aZLr Elogant Pullman Pal KmlKtunt Hleciilntt Car. ruW J'rnw Tmm, ,7 OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS A J Kipo ofclinrgPnndwitJ Ctnso conncctlotn lit Pori'andi.J Hunt lioutiil PniiciiKfrrrltM.,J I.', 11.1 li,,ll,l In ""'IU I piirN i.l 0!) , . in. " """" ,l ' Wot lillllllll tinnnniiop Wont I11.1.1..I freight arrive Zl niirlH nl Jilft n. in. ""Hi U' ill lii Wnll nml I'fnJIfUtj ',2 u:' m. for Willi i riven at 7.1'p. m. from WilliM TO i rHiicicno, Tu I.. Uri'uon, Mnv ID Commiila, SImv'JO suite, Mny'Jl OreKim, .Mny 28 ColuinliU, Juno 1 Htalo, JlilioO nrcRon. Juno li C0I11111I1I11..I111111 in Stntp, Juno 17 uroKon, .111110 21 Coliimliln, JmioS.) Htiito,.lum'."j OrcK'on. Julys 9 The GEN. LIEB'S BOOK, Protective Tariff. WHAT IT DOES FOR US, Iti'iiili-ri Hlnit N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - I'oiixlili'rril 11 iniixt almtrilki' nulijirl rimy of romiiri'liriixloii. It vlll htvi' ii4 n Tnrllt iirlmrr fur lln ti'iirniTim mi'Ii iihm li'M-lmok fur lint li nrni il. 'I'liW ImmiI hIiiovk Ilii' inii'lli'nt rlliTl nf 1 1 n I'nilfi-l I vi x.vli'in iiinin Hi tinlry, IVrlmin tliiMiiiit i-iinniiii'iioim fi-aluri' of llii luiiik U Iih ixiii'l alMniiHwit Willi thu iim'khmu'c of I'ri'ill- lll'lll I'll'VI'lllllll. Tin; l,'ll(oii of .Mr. It j I ; "Ti nty Yiihh In Ciiniiri'M" h lald'li Ui, hit imwrtloiu iii'iu thoTarllt iiiimIji'iI, crlllclxil mi'l miiilc in furuMi invlr own r fulntliin. INDORSEMENTS: Tlm form iih 1 wi ll an tin- MilMunn' nf the IhkiIi I mo. I ailmlr ililiMinil 1 havo hi-oh not h. lint HiiriuiMiliiK II furimi' In Ihi'itifiu work of oiirvmllnK t irutli iinionu ttiu iH'onlc. IHIN .M. llli'KI.NMIN, I'imluiimliT (li'in nil. II lioi iililiMitiil loKhml xMi.lton of I Itf liiJUtli-i unit ilrl'mloiiH of ht linitirllvi tlu- ory. I ln work li II ly.iiinl u vi'ry valualiltii'ontrlliiilloii mi Hiv II UTitt lire tr larlll' reform. It W. TDW.VSKNI). M. V. I io'IIii' thai 1 1 1 1 U"ik U nnlvlnit limit iioiiniciutiitloii, It U Uilloini'it uion futnlii (it'll lit I tnil l. Illlll I Wl I I lilt Hill fili'la mill nr.. Ml. 11. 1. 1. I... I I .....I ...l...lj ... i'i'ry I'lllrii i-nlli-il iimiii lhUj.nr lo iiti- iihih thr uri-at irunoiiilral oiii'IIoii of Niiriilim nml fnrltl. IIMV.JUIIN r. Ill,.cu-.fi.iiiiall.inrriif IVimloim. I liiKt; ilfxui-. li. ui Imiz till workmir In nrly l'iiloroiiiiMil, unit in nml Hint lo- iil imllti'i anil I'lalii n.i-t In i xli nilhiu ll clri'iilallou iimoinr tin. viMitk nf IlllnnU. .... NIWTI'J lli:.MU( lt VI II' I'KNTItAI. ( O.MMlri Ki: III' ILLINOIS Anil many olhi'ru. The SEMI-WEEKLY EAST OREGONIAN, One Year, AND CEN. LIEB'S BOOK. Ilonk IIiiiiihI In Chilli nml Hi iiil-Wn kly 1'imi Or. cotilan Omt Yi ar IliHik .loiii', in rloth, pot puiil Ad.ln.HH EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO., 11' ii t 1 t u it , Ori'cou, M (H) 1 10 Umatilla Real Estate & Loan Association,, APPLE-PIE ORDER! COHNKK .M.M.N AND WKIlll STKHWS, East Oregonian Building, rKNMH.iri'ON, OltKCON. IHllllil'ly IIIIIIOIIIII'l-ll Ills IlltOlllioll nf Hllll jiortlu tho 1IIII1 tarlll' olll. I Its m.ulo a HtK'i'cli In favor of tuvomiii icform on Wi'ilmwilay Which I'.ntv will control tlm Smalt) af tur tlm llli of nasi .Mari'li? In a itiastlon often anki-il thi't-o iI.ivh. On tlm !ll of March tliu tciniM of twi'iily-nK Huiiatom will nxplro, thin mmiU'r liciuu i'iii.illy illvMuil Uitwonii tlm iiailiiH. Ouo of tliu Uupiililicutirt ICUIilltliirmr of Vlrnlnla lian hail a I'imiiH'ratK: tmtvoHHnr I'lccicd, anil tint roi.1 nri iiicllv niiiii In Im miii'- oci'ilcil hy ltiiuliicaiiH, ullh tlm nikhIIiIu iii'0itiiin of Orison, tho PiuiUM'ratH may rwuroa n'li.iinr fiom that Slalo, hut it Ih ilniilitfiil. Annum Ilia thirteen IViu oorallt) Houatorn icllrinu', thcia Im only 01m wliu U not ccitaln of lnlmr hucccciIciI Iiv a Diiin K'rat. That in Mr. 'IcI'Iicimih of .Now .liiifoy. Slmulil the )iinx'ratH rotaln Noa Jersey ami caituii'(ii. hi It woiilil m.iko the Souato Mtaml thlrlv-nlno DoiuiK'ratrt ami lliirly-Hviui IttmulifiraiiK, Just nivornlnif what It Ii now. hut thu chances aio that Oiokoii will leluin aj Ituiiulillcau ami .Siw .leisey a Democrat, which will make tlm Semile u lio, lviu tlio contiol I In (iiitli tlm Vico-I'iiviiliiut, to whichever party cairlcil tlio I'iuhIiIkic tial eleclleii. lUmiHciilatlvn MatHon, chalriiiuii of ' Imiw Nu'uliutoil nml UcntH Colloctwl. tho I hum) comm ttco on Invaliil IVn-. nioui, ami tlm leui.K'ralle noinlnee for ( ?tU'iriliir of lllitl.lll!! Ii:l4 l.lluirlo.l 11 litll xliiullii tlm tinio of aruarat;o of n'ii-1 Mouoy lakcnon I VHwlt ami lancil for (iisloimm. niomiHoai toKivo tliu Uiimtlt of tlm act ,.,. , to all claimant who liled their elalniH uf- " 111 ""lk" HHubh on liovernmenrt ImuU, ter tlm Mlr.ilion of the lline limit, or Title UmihvU Kiforo tlm l.an.1 Doiurtnient u Siwlullv. luav vet II e c a nw lKdire the naxhaiM of 11 nits tun . iiieieioit mv.imp.invim; tlmi bill Htatentltat if uewi'il it will iot the! Clovernment prokihly not mote than ! JiVl.lKHI.iKU, ami Miiuxestn to tho llonxei thai Dili ii the ". ! wt meaiiH nf Iniralm; the mirpliiH In the I'teasnry." ' Itu tslit rjr ul And liii. From thu Kill Jmiraul. ' I'atiick INiinmluitH.au e-luvi henler, well known heie, t aether with hjn brother Floience, (ivhIi Iimiii the laiiwrulilj Ule. eiuKtrkeil in the mIhiii tunimvM4 at , Antuloi l.ut fall. In miter to uUalu creilit.it npivaix that he forueil a imto,pur ' i killing tu Ui I'M. t'umiuin)$!i' note for 'M i.7o, paxuhto to Patrick I'limmin. 'I'hU he iloiKn-ltiul with Win. rane l'o., tuoivliaiiti. nf Antelov, ami olitaiueil cuxllt fur atout IS i mmi it. Uixt week i'atrick ami I' lmenco wipil,iiwiut; over Jl.iWO to tlu issiple of AnteloiKi. ami a few tiuuill Hi'tMiiuti. at l'osil. vm. l ane lima ptventikl the nolo to t'litn niinw. who IUe near hero, ami who i a half lir ther to I he eolpriUi, hut a very lii'ii'imhlo neiilloiimn withal, ami he i-iai 'ii u wan mil tun imid. mtt a lurtpvy With whom to do your business those who represent none but the best insurance companies and go straightway and insure. When in search of such agents, don't Tail to turn your "peepers" in the direction of the oflice of Clopton & Jackson, Located in the EAST OREGONIAN building, Pendleton, wht'ro you can have any kind of insurance, whether Fire, Ma rino, Accident or Life insurance, done up in OrfpiiL Urrtnit vJ I'olOBbil Orroinja -uiondt I'olomy: Wlinu Leave Hlouimililn wlmrMwi..,! iiIl'Iii. Lonvo Hpear St. wharf, Run fn u. m. Itnten nf l'Miift. IiicIuiIIiik ineati iinrJ Cnliln, sicvniKn, ... Hnttnil Trip, Unlimited, Knrfurtlioriiiirtlciiliirilnnninrf nf lliDfompiiny, or A. IJUiiii x i , a., I'oruuua, uroKim. I A. K mx Ofl (Joncrul MnnoKfr. W. V. AUAAA IVudUtoo. 1 Money to Ukiw on Country ami Town Troiwrty, lown anil Country I'miwrty Nought ami PoM. Inforiuatluu fiirnWmil fn-e of Ixith Itailroail ami (lovernnient land. Almlractii of Title furni.ilieil, ami Conveyancing attemleil to. Will act iih Agonta fot Noii'lteeMentH on Ueaxonalile Coiinnisslnn. l.ont-Tiiue 1.UHIH inailo I'romptly on rami Uimln. Kinaiicial Aixtamv of livery Klml furnlMhiHl. UMATILLA REAL ESTATE & LOAN ASSOCIATION, Pendleton, Oregon. It is well to remember that to bo seenro you must insuro in ono of the Thirty Reliable Companies represented by Clopton & Jackson, with a combined capital of more than t $100,000,000! Great Western Bakery, DINING 'ROOMS, If you contemplato insurance, call on them and get posted and it will cost you nothing. Remember their otlico is in the EAST OHEGONIAN building, or address m. an t ry., ,(;. The ii'iie o eviilonll) in I lie lutliiluiltlii!? A of i'.iniikt aumiui. nml hU ureillluM -V aio jiM In I lie riitlii moetl lo put liltu in 111 elulclieH of the law fur hU CtlltlU, ulioiiKl i hex U utile to civli him. i :r s t- o l a. s s m ns a. x, i CREAT OVERLAND THE Northern Pacific TIlKONIiY I.l.NKIIfSScJ I'ltllmntt I'ltlace filefilng Oinf Mmmlfteent Itiiv nirkn hleuunt imlnrant SlmiJl Wttit forth, fmA From Orepon and Washltl to the East. Via HU Paul nmt MlnnnDolln : lino runnlnit Pulnci) lilnltjtJ (.11 rum to ccnu.) Knili'Kt Time Kvit Mtir M Count lver the Atrlwri I'nrinr IUIImH To Ploux City, Council Bloff.,tl icmnn, i.viivvnwnnn, ku IliiriiliKKIll llincjr, pi. iniuiv.V nil milntxtlirniiEtintit the Ktul 1'iiKt via Ht, Paul nli'l Mlnrnpnll KMIOItANTSI.KKriNOCll Ara linulpil on rcuiilur norm I tlie I'litlro Icnetli tl' Sato Knllnmil. Lciivo Watlula luiirtlnnS;lo.B.I l.ciivn I'nrllnmi .1 p. in., um;; MlnnoaiiollH or St. i'ul ItXf-i fmtrl Ii iliiv. Ciinnecilon mailn ntHI. fuolisJI oIlHtn nil pnlntx Kiml,lotim M s PACIFIC DIVIHIOX, Tniln will lenvn I'ortlnnct dillf m., cnunci'tlni! with O, II. A S.Wit nil imlntafiii liti.fl Hiimiit. I A. ILCIIAial Iinirnl wHrn I'nn'ntff j tr.iu.l.....n.. U. tl...lA.l if ,."i.ii'Ki.jii r"., t "I I ". . ...I IVmllrtM.'! 1 U UUU L 1 UUUIUUVi ' Hy wnv f tbr Orogon & OalitbrniaEI Ami Conui-rtioai. Tho Mount Shasta Kl Oulrkerln tlntf Ihnntnjottl III11I1H, lieiwrrt POUTI.ANM) AND MS Wi Lcavo Portland at 4:00 p. Through time. 39 hi I'lriiliMAN IIDFKKT Hi' Excurslor Slaopors Clnna Pna ansefS thr ueh trains charge. Vurn from I'ortlund t I"1 unit Han Frmnd"1 FlrHtrlnH llnllinltril.. - KlrMt.rluxH, l.lmltrtl, Nrrouil-cluMH, Muiltril Ticket Offlc- K. V IIUUKIIS.O.F it. KOr.MI.KK, Jlnusr, WM. GARDNER ifl Sanitary and kill Mnniiocturf f Steam and Hot tf HeatingApparatu KOK DWEI.MNOS OH I'l'BUCM" -KOIt- ( h.iml eil.on. die in iiiteu'i .if iteiilK-n! .1 M.iiiiu. II wli.i I v.ik jitll ilie . iliei nutii. .u.it iii i . nu 4uiml sli ml lit .l i - ii, i i . , 1 1 Sttliu- ll ,v III -t '(; . 'I I' .11 II - UoUMt. aii.l tmif hi iiainin. ounK UilUw, kmo him away. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS! A NIOIC, Ol.HAN HKH KOli ar OH r.O G12NTS Froah Enstorn Oystor3, In Evory Stylo! OPEN T)AY ATT) Main Street, m-up roitotfi 'Pendleton, tj.ww. i h .... 1 1.... . n .i c.i Itnlli I hfiiilns buliatDBi In aoywtto"('1, I try. CoiTsixinilcuce loHcHea- OFFICE: I34THIRD"" Portland, Oregon. 1 t on i niMiNo OvOfVA-M ' ."h .t the East 0g$j WAX uia,', tim,oof any otUvr P'lnw 1 huklern (Jri:on.