tiii: mam, oa mi: a fizzi.k. Tim Retitnrvlllo Cluli llfTnm to no InWi'i ton, ami the Stars I'luyu One-Hlileil Cmo 1 tlh n Wcntuii ".Scrub" Nlur. Last Sunday, us announced beforehand in this paper, Pendleton's athletic .SturH boarded the train for Weston, with the I intention oi iuayiii mo t cntorvlllo nino tlio tlnui game to decide tlio champion ship, on noittral ground. It had boon rumored that tlio Centervillo boys ob iected lo playing at Weston, for somo lfIi i t "t l'l'Miiii'ton, rt' I peculiar reason, and oji arriving at thu CuIIi'mi.' ui1 w'li I iViitorvllh- dupot thin nnimr wan verlllcd; . ... ilrnni'll Oltlec. t()rfRonii 0Kr,siAN IlliM ..SibIW?"'"!'' . iiu "mm "...ml IHr..""" " ...in , l-w.lt 1 II lll'Ki lie. : .1 ...iir it ,, ' "' .....i.... iii Hlu , Inn Marx WITH Itllotltiod Unit, niiilnr mi IIIIBWTIH . .!.- i!.-.t,tnll Knle. and Jul!" liuwri nro r!Si'r'ii,u,lv,,r,i,,L,,Ifor ' ... i:.,i . of Camus l'ralrlo, tn ... . i I Currier If celling grocer 'tvi.lnii-1- ("tori!. ,l,e.M.K.d.mol. .... .. ...M.i. tnniMiiiu in ui-u- nl HE IIUAV -v . i i.t moms or oiiiooh in rW.ii.NIA.N nuiltniiK i'.. f.nni .M upwards ut kflcr'H fiirnltiiro More. . KjhIov ha open! a boot ,llJ . ..t.lM Alflt rfiipoll Slum Hireui, ,i . ...I I, ,i4 II liirttll llll 1.1 Kile in Miiall or law t . II 1....1..I.1...1 f.l c...ii .t W icelcr'S lliriiuuru ell killo.1 Friday night 1 tlio MUi.nt-nii'H hirers for Ice JHUW ' k i.irt." under "Now 'wll for bid for completion of r.i.,.,. nwrfriim l.a (irando UWHv... - - , mtilntt. anil reuiriiuu nun p. Intletoii luysMcnt nut to the mtficniuon to witness tlio In- J C, Klrkinun will deliver a !lilre i the M. K. Church w-livat II a. 111. .....i, riiiiim:iii captured llvu Vt nlitht at tins mini, 'i iioj . i .i.t .........n... IWffH lltn 111"! IIMIH II U.-Ij .., Illi. ruf till. "I'lll'tlll' JEa1 Portland, will lccturo at rim.li il.U hvhiiIih' nt 7::ti). U II vt. I ......... lu.lr Ail. I. ... Clllllllill fill I 1 I I il ........... ..t DM mm, uimi mm" nuuun ui Onliiniiu U'.IU llll. II lift ullll M nun. rncli U llll 1 1 II M Im'1'11 1 1 tl :l1 ill t 1(1 ii .1 ..r Niuv iiiiiu mi iiLxuuiii ui niih- tin'lri'ijiin liishoalth. L fl I I. I . i V.W1CH uutu Mill imiiv iui kvcliml Ii.iIk. All of them aro ... I A .1. . t. .! ironic lor ujovi'iann iicikih ; Eii-km and Herliort StuveiiH xhftil Alexander it l'ru.or'H .... I. III.. ...Ill 1..I Mr. ilirkcn will roinovo IiIh tKuMd irmanently. tmjnilrivcthcontiro lenirtli of irtrwtlirMip; with IiIk team at a J, riuwrtnl (he id.M that a nin ttlbi-edon llut htnu tiiro. roir- Urjwlof teiiiw whilo vruHHlni;. .'iinVn ul.n ii-.. nl I.. MI.1....J..I.I i Mu aio ti v wit fr cm h. ro- W nt;lit iivvr tlio Short I.lno. las liU furiniT iHifition of tiro-kelVniHetoii-Wallu Walla road, ml IIh Carrot, Northern 1'a- wiifw at Wu1Iii.ii, were ar t for liiircLiry of Homo iuo pn-d i hm l . inn u'lirii rn ifier quite a diauo, and taken JSf9.wlllK'lI fiirnllnro In in. 'IW!noniioteti payablo aftor w one iK'niriiii to purcliHHo tllDkl l OIlKllIt III ia riwiu.nullili. Itoir price. on mk-Ii t uhu aro an wj in town. tlio ratu of fare on tho (). i;' n nni t. . i ...til i .. . ' te only one dollar. Memorial 'rme iiunpii-. s of tho Ci. A. W IFVCnterVil, " Umt i . -ini on mo i "mi ifu inn iiniirirw nth annual iimiim'mroinont of I .rill . .1 .. . I . vulnnm, Walla Walla, on !pJt Juno Int. I'urV W. b. il deliver the oration , " uilM war. WIN ' !" an.l Park Willis. " l mUv last a wulNI wnunieilJim swaIn breathod i etrvuillktiini-iid ton.... n. .n..v, .v. mil iiiu e uh dwtored by a niUtoc.k hU iiml i.l,. .....I an aimniliBtfcfo put p elww, and will continue I'lriuiuirttiUKVM would their oponcutH play at Woston, notwlthntandlii? tho fact that thulr expoiiHos would bo paid and a imrno of l?tvon to tho winner ly tlio lihoral citir.eiiH of that plaeu. '1'ho Start!, after inducing in Home hantorinn. deter minedly pui-Hued their way to Weston, and tlio C'entervlllo boys just as obsti nately stiild at homo. Tho I'eudletoii ites woro luwpltably reeeived on their arrival at Weston, and a nino wan hastily thrown together to give them a little en tertainment, but us a matter of eourso the L'aino uiiM tin vtlitiiLf lint liitiii-iwllmt 'I'l.i.i. nun; Piii.-iuiiui v iht.uuu, IIOWOVOI, 1111(1 Oil 1 ad (in maning on ineir return I rip were all In the best humor itnagiuulilo, brimming over with fun and ineniment, combined with an unlimited imtutlty of cnthusi astie Iuim power. When tho train arrled at Centervillo, thu base-ball boyH oi uiai piaco wero urawn up in a compact line on tho depot platform, each .arrayed ju full uniform and shouldering a broom, signifying that they claimed to bo the champions and had "swept the country," rendleton's Stars included. At tlio sight of till maddening speetaclo.'every "Star" Immediately jumped from thu train, ,ind the scene that ensued'was n regular pan demonium in miniature. All of tiieiu wero shouting and gesticulating, and wildly oll'ering to bet any sum from one to one thousand dollars on their resiieet ivo nines. It is believed that only a little spark wiih needed to kindle u general lougli-and-tuniblo "free tight;" but tho train soon pulled out, anil the spark was not allowed M.illieient time to generate. I.A OltANDi: IT KM K. II. 1). Mrrulii.nn tiinniiu llnr Tenilcr, Com liiltn Hiitililt Xntm. L.v Uiianiik, ()a., May l!7. llrand Hondu valley was vNlled with acophiH rain Friday, which settled tho dust. Not much fruit will be raised in the valley this yea:'. I'rof. IIopluiu. the uceompll-died pian ist from Pendleton, gavo a recital Thurs day morning, which wax largely attended. IIu will piobably succeed in' getting a largi' class here. Minis ISros. it Co.'s representatives, 1). Ilerrick and J. U. Calloav, aw hero, and two doing well, 'lhevwlll leave for Hakor (.'Ily to-tuoriow. II. I). Merwin, day bar-tender for W. S. Ford, bec.iine vlduntly insane Frldav niglit, and atteinpted to hijiito several men. Ho stntck the night clerk, JamoH l.uinliirtli, cutting his Up prottv badlv. Mr. bunblrth, i-eeing that lie was apt 5 hurt some one badly, and an everv one pre.-ent were too badly flight mod lo in sist in subduing the maniac, got a beer bottle and knocked him down, and then tied his hands with an aprnn which he llie marshal was then I NHW TO-HAY. ft OTICK TO COKTKAUTOU. IIu StujvM It 1'liiluly. 1'i:niii.kton', On., .May L'7, 1888. To tint F.illtorof the Knut UrFKOiilnii. I noticed a very jiolnted and well writ ten article in your valuable paper of the -dth Inst., by Horace. Now as a por tion of said article refers to mvsolf, in connection witli thu much talked of court house business, I feel it my duty, for Horaco'n satisfaction and all others" who may bo in the least skeptical In the premises, to sav once for all that If I am elected coiiiityjudgeon tho-lth day of next June, thu other nieinliers of the county court concuiring, and tho decisions of the lilfher courts permitting, that thu Court House block and College block will both bo sold at public auction lo tho highest bidder, just as soon as it can ho adver tised and sold, the proceeds to 1) iihcd In building a now court house at either the north or south end of Main street. Look ing upon this as Ixilng thu best way to build tho court house without taxing the people to tin it. Such u courns would turn a balance into thu treasury, instead of taking money out of it. very rospecuuiiv, Wii.mam Mautin. lirnllL'bl iii. and ho started to I'nlon with .Moruln to have lilm examined as to his sanity. On their arrival there Mcrwlu broke away and almost succeeded In throwing himself under the train. He wan taken into a room and haudcuired, w here ho twice tried to shoot himself. Ho was locked up while his guard went for the authorities, and returning inn few min utes, they found him dead, having hung himself to a bed post with a silk handker chief in sucli a way as to break his neck. Hard drink cuimd his wife to leave him over u year ug.i, and ho has been brooding over It so long that It llnallv caused insanity. An inquest was calleit yesterday, but owing to the absonco of witnesses was ioitponed until .Monday. Mr. Merwin was very much of a gentle man, mid was an ollicur in tho late war. Jl i .1. " aiiinLMnn ii n f. - "i k ' ( tuiiii: ., , !.Vf 'wrH. was is .. n..r:r.'""i "t cipi . m mil ra n n n. u .. i.. A Convenient Arruuctiinrnt. Tlio O. H. k N. Co. haH lately comiilot- od ut The Dalles large and comnioilious stock yards with llrst-dass facilities for feeding and watering stock, and hereafter shipiHiro will le ieruiitted to stop at that point twenty-lour Hours, when desired, to Iced, water and rest their stock. No charge will lxi iiiudo for usu of tho yards. This will bo a cruut convenience to I'cn ilietou slilpjiers. as they can now stop ut The Dalles, feed and iot their stix'k. and take the next freight, bringing them into I Hpicker, I'orl and at 10 a. m. us end of n. m. as 1 sier, r. Knililj n Air. I'mtii tlio Mllloii lliiulc. The mutiner in which souio of our political cotenioraiies advance the inter ests of their candidates is at times truly foolish and can have but little weight with the Intelligent voter. Column after column Is lllled with such editorials (V) as: "Vote for Houscr. Ho will net tharl" or "Hamilton lias a walkover for tivasuior. He Is 'one of the boys,' and this will elect hlnij" or "The Colonel (meaning .1. II. ltalev will look dlllcront after election than ho does now," etc.. etc., ad inlln Hum. issue after issuo. How tlresomu this must get to tho voter, when ho knows that such rot is published to inlluouco his judgment hh an Intelligent citizen. Wero there facts anil reasons to back mich "standing advertisements" a certain In lliieucu might Imi wielded, hut n mure braggadocio statement that "so-and-so is bound to get thar" or "vote for so-and-so," appears like poor and very cheap campaign literature and is certainly not fiillilling thu contract entered Into by such mushroom papers with tho party to which they Iwlong. Tho farmer, merchant, mcclianle and all tax payers who are not entangled in tho cor rupt net of oiticnlpicfcriucnt desire and exect a full, honest and liberal argu ment of the iiuallficatloiiH of candidates put forwatd by both parties. The better class of newspapers furnish them witJi the only means of ucutiiring Ibis knowl edge and viewing both sides of the ques tion, and making a choice intelligently. Hut only a fool would put conllileneo In tho imsiipKirted IkmisIh of a brother idiot, and such pajierare not worth a onny to their party or to tlio taxpaylng voter. Mill will lie rci't'lvcil nt tlio olllce of the I Ily .-fin Vfjor until noon, Hutunluy, Juiitt 0, 1SSS, for rxttiiilttm tlio levee iilonc f ho IJtiiu tlllii river, to tjo liullt nlmllnr to tlio present lovoo in fnnn, hie not mi IiIkIi. Amount of money to ho expoinleil Is uhoilt t2UU0. III'Ih iniiKt no piTciilne yanl of cmhanknieiit, per oiiinu yni ni loeK.auii per cii'uo yarn excii vutloii heh.w low vn mailt. Hpi'clllcn tloimean ha ki'pii nt Ihoollleo of tho Cltv Sur veyor or ill. ltothelillil A llenu'H store. Town rtaerveHtlH! imht In rmeet nny iiml nil hhlx, . . II. WILSON, ultv Hiirvi'vor. Ily onler of tho Coiiuuoii Council, hum iliw QWNUlt WANTKD. For a nry mure, brnmleilW II on loftitllle, "yearn old, woiuhH iihont imO pounil". Was left nt my liliieo of residence, known nn tho Scolt rnlich, SiultPi iiiittliweit of Pendleton, April Slst, IMS. owner enn huvo nniro by provlnir properly mid piiylnir expenses of Ki't-puiK nun hh vvrillllK. ma V. It. I'ATIIKHMAN. iicavlstones, Monuments ii. F. BEALE, Marble and Stone Contractor. For dolRii and prleen cousultJesio Fall Itifr. Main ulreet, Pendleton. lXIniiitex Klven on mono work for ti" tea fntet Arrlvult. V11.1.A111) Housi:. ti A Waggoner. Cor vallis; W II Hutting, II M Jaiuerson, .M tUilcagui Joe l.uvy, .1 A Hum- Clarke, San l-ranclscnj N II Photograph Gallery T. 0. WARD, The iiiohI MRveKMful Photographer, In now Ineiited In IViiillrlim. nl ilinnld Hlnml at the foot of Muln h tree I, uenr tho lirliluo, 111111 inr 1111 u Phootgraphs, Tlntypos, En larging and Copying, Ciinnot he nxeelle.t niiywheiv. All work UUiirnntccil to ulvo enlln KiillKr.ietloii. He ilieetfully, yiiurf, T. ). WAItll. FRED. GERBER Piiiprlclorof thu French Restaurant ON Main utreet, 1'anlleton, Or., op posite Court Jfoiixii. A nit-ehi rmlaurant: nil tlio dolleaclen of tlu npiiHon. MoiIn at nny hour; belli day MBit nlisht. npl Mm First National Bank. -OF I'KNUMiTON- liKV! AXKKNV, 1'rentileiit. Jacoii Fiiazku, 11 ! rmpl u ready, as there ix u thu stock yards. A Itupiilillriin Klckrr. AHi.ton, On., May l!Mh, 188S. To Hi') IMI'or of the Kiinl n u'oiilun I see Mr. I.easuru wan Is to beat Ram sey and Huntley. Tho people of I'matilla county will not danco to tills notations villain's llddling. Ills day is gone by. His Judas suiilu will not deceive many now. Ilarlmaii and Young have both done well in past yearn, but Hurtmun woikcd under nioto adveoe circumstances. 1 think Cap. .Marl it. is a tool of a few eel Huh men. f am a Republican myself, but if tho party will put tip such men against an lioucst man, 1 don't want to have anything to do with them. A Hki'i iimcan Voti:u. heiotofore. It will not bo nececnirv to ! Herkoly, Camus; ti J Camplxill, D V notify Tho Dalles ugent to have feci Donovan, riilladelplila; (i ." Dilworth, toed yard adjoining xus; .Mrs mini, .miiiiic.noui; u torn, lai iiruiuio; v. u jianow, r m luigv, K .M Kiiriuaii, Mrs .Mihmc and family, T II Walsh, l'orlliiiid; James (iatdner, Wunton; Uiramlo .Mayer, .Mo Jala j J VCollov, .1 II Frant., F C Catuii ImiII, It D ColVov, V H l'rine, City; ! J Huberts, Now ork; II C I.eo, Kausan City j J I, Corran, Albany. llowMAK lloi si:. Mrs I'teseottjCuionj Mrs Holster, Spokane Falls j W A Sam ple, J D Hrown, City: W J Smith, Wash ington Territory j II II Heck, Iteno.Nev.j II C U'dlngtoiij W II Dlnsler, Colorado; Wm Young, l'llot Hock; C 1' Foul, Meacham ; F S l.add, F 1' Newell, J F Malmnoy, I41 (irandu; S A t'rowner, Mcichuiuj M O'Donnell, Chicago; C Johauson, Heppuer; John Cameron, J i; Ileum, A Wilson, Wehton ; Funiiiu Carter, Missouri ; Alta Cartor, Caldwell; J D Hrowuell, l.a Grande; J W Carr, A J Hutler, IioisoCityj J M Waddell, Hopi uer. (ioi.Di;N H11.K. Dr McCauly, Dayton ; C II Campbell. W IIomj. F Howers. I' June 17 ; returning 1 Sniith, A Juckson, .Mrs A Shelly, feouUi o. For tickctH and Cold Spring; T II llagen, iaylor, odatlons address A. Fchoj Dutegoro Hruco, L tiriindu; nt geuoral pas-ioiiBor John Illoch, l.a tir.indo; loin Kelluy, Al Ar jo 11 nlii; i:l? Tho Northorn I'acillc lttiilro.ul will sell round trip tickets from I'ortlaud to Chi cago for ll)l,i)0, sold on June Dili and 10th; limit going to June good to Soptombur 1 Hlcoplng-car accommodations I). Charlton, assistant general passenger and ticket agent, iso. 1' waaningion street, l'ortlund, Oregon. Mum I. Hturslx. (Mnhlfr. TrnnnHct u iceticrnl biiiiklni; imnliif-i.. KXCi-aA."NrGaT; On all inirlnnf llmwfu. BOUGHT AND b )LD 1 iilleitniiN MmU- nt nil faint .n ItenMiiiiulile Itiii. G. Shindler & Co., Furniture PeaBers, Largest and Most Complete Factory on the Coast. WIIOI.KSALH AND HliTAIL. TTolcl lui'iiirfhin a Specialty. Bedroom Sets, Parlor Suites, Side Boards, Folding Beds, Bedding, Shades. G. Shindlcr & Co., Hi Waternom, 1(U( First Street, Muougli blink L'lH) feet to 1(17 mid Kill Front. St., I'OIITI.AMI. OltKt.'ON. Selling Out at Cost! My Entire Stock of Goods, Comprising tlio following goods, to-wit; $8,000 Worth of Boots and Shoes The best stock in I'endleton. Also $',000 irorti of Mvhh ami '. llttt tunl Furiiiitttnu Goods. I also put on tho Market $7,000 worth of Harness and Saddlery. All of my goods I Ixiught for cash, and I can sell them !!" pel cent, cheaper than than men who buy on credit. Sale to begin tills day, .May 1M. Come eaily and get bargains. Lease and lixtutes for sale of tlio line brick stote, Cotttt stii ct, hi Dcspniuhlnck JAMES WHRELAN. NEW BY FURNITURE! THE CARLOAD. Yillara House II.WK IIOIIN, ITiipili lnr. Noithwe.t CorniT Mm 11 unit ;('ourt Hlri'elH, PENDLETON, OREGON. Wo 1110 receiving, alino.d dally, Goods Direct from the Eastern Manufactories, Our stock will 1 10 new In design and comploto In assortment, consisting of PARLOR AND BEDROOM SETS, SIDKHOAUDS, HOOKC'ASHS, KAMI'S, WILLOW AND HATTAN CIIAIKB, Whatnots, Brackets, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc Also a complete line of Carpets, oil cloths, linoleums, shades, portieres, ana upholsterers' goods. GOOD.S SOLD ON F.A.SY l'AYMFATS. Forbes & Wheeler. Association Hullding, IVudlctou, Or. Eiockford Railroad W atch.es. Wo liavu hocu.cd tho agency for this city of the celebrated Rockford Q,uick Train Railroad Watch Which we liavo lilted in (iold, Hoss-llllcd, Silver and Nicl.le ciihis, which wo sell prices that DEFY COM ETITIONJ at Wo also carrya full stock of Howard, Waltham and Elgin Move- moiits, of nil slos. Our stock of JEWELRY, CLOCKS AND SILVEflWARE, latest patterns. is now coinpluto, and of (ho 1 ii ii uiiiiiiiii'ii 1 CENTRALLY LOCATED!,,,, 5: A llittkvt Meetlne. A banket meeting will bo hold in tlio rove near Jicho, Pegtunlng iliursday, uue Jlst.und continuing over tlio follow ing Sunday. Hoy, D. ti. Strong, I'resid- e was f,,rl.. j i ... ..,l'ul..,"!lnL' Elder of the Walla Walla District. Ul I .. I..-. !,... M !....! f l.,.ll..l.. n.wl 1 w 114111 went mi u'iilioni " u ji j 1 i-uuiuiihi, 1 imnniui .... 1. V"'0."1 otiiero aro oxnected to participate in the 'r-i thU niorniiig. uservh.es A cordial invitation is extend Walla Walla Journal: J. C. Swash 'Hi? h.ia int. ila ...11 1 . 1 oil tt nil I . . . U' t. .""v,- "'men to ins " , 1 returned on inursuay iroui 1110 nu ria, p.' Vwni itarvanl stir- Clink couvlcteil, I Okanugan iniiias. He reports many pros- ... -i llllMllVllTlil lla.l.r.l.. I tl n .11 1. A.I .1 1.. III.. I.. 11'.. 11.. 1 n., I.. 11.11 lr..ll I (U.-l 1 lOtl U lUllfll' i.l .1 . ' 'i"""'' tt.a. tiinK, on uiai in nuua iihiiu jitiwiii m iiiuiuumi n i.. v... for arson, was found euiltv bv a urv ' maao ciaiiy. no i;iiiui,u,i iuuitoii i i. . . iier W C Caiunliell. Jack Canyon; C Clark, Wisconsin; D Cordon, Juniper; W F Smith, (i W Diihlup city; II Fultz. North Foik; W Navlor, Centorvillo; F C Stone, J'ilot Jtock; S Chlldorri, Ad ams; Nancv L Trowl, Juuier; F L Hagsdalo, .Milton; T Maxwell, Center villo; C S Humphreys and wife, Hobort Oathergood, Alba ; F Mcltityre, S Sample, Cold Spring; J M Young, Weston; J II Coylo Walla Walla. Ro-opencd, lie-furnished Equipped in Firsf CltisH Stylo. and SAMPLE ROOMS FOR MEN. COMMERCIAL Wo giiarnnteo everything wo sell tube as icpiewnted. CALL AND IvXAMINi: OUIl STOCK. UKI'AIKINti A Sl'FCfALTY. F. ,7 DONALDSON & CO. (St'l CKSKOKH TO If, I. NICIIOIX.) aiKi City Drug Storo, Pondloton, Or CARPETS! Free Coaeh to and from Trains. I illlll I m ..1 1 ' v.ltpm I . V"aun 01 cast ,- IliltW, 11 n ... . . i . "'-i' uioiis invvrs. I TU .f 1 11 1'liiumerablo ikisI u.'r "as Ul tho W,w I... -a'J U a , v..i ..""""" 'i i-oiiven 'plier nil Mm I iimlui ' t:ilnu wlillo lhero and luadu eleven loca- ... - . ,. ,. . .,,, ,, lllllUII IIU 1IIIHM Hill .1.4,1 ILl-IC'l ...1... . I lUtftL, ,i "u weni .ur "illor. Ho Kav! he nit tiro to a lodging house tlio saino night the Aurora hotol was fired by .Mrs. ! I'yloand Hum. Clink is (14 years old, ! mid when ho heard tho verdiet no fainted. Mrs. Laudis gave ovidonco for tho prose cution, and so was discharged. tions. four of out well. k!;iva I M'lll! 1-! i 1.1 ...l.. rt ..w.l. 1.1 1.. lll-r..,l .1 I II IIIIUIll i'lliVJOIUIIl, IUKJ I.II1..II m III puntj-ilvo niiles,iv.ui,:ii,, (!i,i,.h. alwuttwelvo miles from ue ' n 'ltve,iwnhhilu.ainonL . i . " ZttT m,a-,,e ,ree8' - 10 "wke grow in Mrs. Haley awl daughter, Costzio, bade their friends good-bye Saturday. They left for Fast l'ortlund that evening, and will sH)tid porno thno visiting Mrs. Haley's daughter, who lives near there. Hermann's majority two years ago was one who oeueven iv tnivii. is In tnu'ii tn-ilav. and rniwrirtu ii. .t ni.ii.. ,i nin full Iii ! l jvui. Is thoro any that vicinity Saturday, It catr.o will be an much this year? down In a copious manner, and will do a great deal of good. Watche were first constructed In 1047. ROBERT BOND IIBAI.KIt IN BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, SAU SAGE, DRIED MEATS, LARD. Court Htrvet, oppo'lle J. II. Hlioomakrr'. mnlilOiUw DUTCH HENRY, The Truck Man DUTCH HENRY. The Transfer Man, WKRII HTIlKKf I'RVrif.KTON Wall Paper, Lace Curtains.. Window Shades, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, etc. The "WHITE" Sewing Machine, THU HF.ST IN TIIF. WOHLD, Failing's Carpet Store, 'M,,, Mm, tioar the hrlng-, I'euglei.ni, Oregon. J. H. SHOEMAKER Donk r 1 ii- JKOAU IIUANKS. More limn two liunilriil form of Irgul blank at tlil oltlce. lawyer ana other needing ijieclal form can lie nupplled. FARM MACHINERY. The J. I. Case Little Giant. Walking Gang, Sulky. uangaaa Walking Plows. Studebaker Wagons, Hacks and Buggies. ii r 4