ID A.ILY ' jl-HT Wll T VOM WANT. !,,n r. nl-VWUly 1M8T OKIHION- A riti:i: i.iiiiiauv. I'nlrim of the. Dully or Mi-inl-Weekly HAST OIIKOOMAN cull freely iiiiiIik ii.n of tin HAST OltlUlONIAN lllirnry when cti r tliey no ile.lie, Tim piititlu um 001 illull.v Itnlled to lnlt the. ollleii ulirnevnr r) Inclined. t'riri XAHflti:NIANft.r t., for''" "... ... ,i,,l,vninll. , lens"' PJUNDLETON, UMATILLA CO.. OUEUON. MOMhVY, MAY 28.1888. VOL. 1. NO. 74. THE TARIFF JIns been taken oil both Woolen and Cotton Goods Not by Congress, but by DAT M CHILD & BEAM And thev now oiler their Largo and Cotnploto Stock of MGW,CLOTHING,&c AT llxamim.' trcir goods, get their prices, and convince yourself TO-DAY'S TELEGRAMS, A I'OllTL'NATi: DKVTII tliat till) above are not mere assertions, mil unit iney win suu ttantiatc what they claim. Theirs is not an "Infant Industry," therefore they have discarded Protective Prices, and will freely nfrt competition from all quarters. They carry a General Merchandise Stock Consistii)'; of- Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Men's Boy's and nMlrlvon'a ij int. ii inc. Kiirnishmc lioods. Mens Ladies and Children's Shoes Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery and Glassware, Groceries, Hardware, Etc. CHEAP Groceries, Vegetables, Fresh Fish D. KEMLER'S Grocery Store, on Court Street si'KC'l.M. INDUC'HMUNTS OITHHHD KOH CASH. fits Spices, Fino Coffee, Fine Tea, and Everything Fine that a First-class Grocery should contain. (all i tn if - il-ichei'i. D. K CM LEFT. r lav BC4-M13 auiuill ' M n'- - Pwfsol No. 1. yiO.OO; No. sj.SlQ.OO; No. 1,1-515.00 Forsalo by JESSE FAILING. Pendleton, Or. FOB LUMBER, H V 1 t K t . si f - r- 1-T tt-m I 1 n Vtt f T" Mil n I At IBottom Pieces, CALL ON ml n DKicinrr um i t. n dnc np DEPOT LUMBER YARD. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, AG U NTS 131 C I'nn. ... . . rli iim c UUnBUN PNl) Kit WHISKItS; JUS. aunuit onenmu win, LTW"W. Wis. EXPORT PILSNER BCTTLtu cfcbn. amua !KrNG MINERAL WATER, (Waukensaw. Wis.) VEURE CLIQUOT nmARON CHAMPAGNE. (Yellow Labol.i nicno.-wsm Ranges ' ' LARGER STOCK at Lower Prices, Wholesale- ami Kctau !... ...... II 41.,. n.l uwu ui jjuuau ill mo iiuiunivi, "d and Yamhill - - - Portland, Oregon. II. 1). Mnrwlu, nn uliI Itr.lclrnt of Union Comity. Wlm lliitl llvpiinm Vliilimllv ln mitin Tliroiiilli 1'nmll.v Trouble, Mu oOeil In Klllliii: llluidrlf. La (jhandi:, Oh., Iuv US. 11. D. Mnru'tn 1111 fild niutititttt tf tTtilfitt ititiititi who Iiiim lioon hIiuwImk hIjiiw h( in?:tnliy for hoiiio timu,viiM takuu ill I'lurtw yestor- uiiy, iiHvuiK nwoinu iititnuii.teuiiiu. un fill Vi'lll 111 till, mtllrt linn ui. I. ii iltfntlllldlil to coiiiiiiit Hululito, by tiiroulnn lilmxolf ironi niia unuur inu catx. .uur nu rcueliod Union ho twico utloinptotl mil cido by Hhootinj! liimn'lf, but wus lio vontcd. Altliongli Imiiilciiircd, lio iiiun ULod HOinohow to mt hold of u lmndkor uhlof, which ho tlud aro.iud his nuck and a bedpost, and thon thunv liliiifolf w uh . . i. J. ..i. i. i . i mi. i if ,.. 10 nruiik um ni'i'K, killing iimicL'u in Htantly. Mr. Morwin a an varly iIo noor of tliis county, and vun well known tint! u-till ttLrml liv nil Mint liiumillv tu ti ruHiilt of family trouble IiIm wife huvinir , i . 1 1. n Li i i. ion auu runiHOd 10 uvu wiiii mm. TIIIC KXH VKItY HKXll. (ten. Mlicililiin lleciiinhii; Weftkor, anil I iHliiklUK l!iiilill)-, Tlnitiglt Coii.cluui Itrmlyto IMo. 'AHiiiN(no.v,Iay"8. Gun. .Shcrldan'u condition is luiich'won'o than last night. Ho appears to bo gmilimlly Hinking, and all hope lias been abandoned. Ills HtruiiKth iri (jradimlly fallliiK. About 0 o'clock ho derilred to bo lifted up hiuhur. Two attundanlH. asslHtcd by Mm. Sheri dan, endeavored to ralso him up, but ho was ho heavy thoy had dilllculty. Tho General, noticing this, said, jokingly, "1 am jirotty heavv, but 1 havn't got any pandynls," rufnrifiiK to a nownpaiior statement giviui; tliat as his malady. Tho irdoma of tho lower limbs Is a drop sical swelling, duo toimKjrfectela'ulation of the blood. Gen. Hhoridau fully rcalicn tliat his end may uomo in a inoinont's time, and lias made all necessary ar rangements which ho desired orfcctcd prior to lils demise. MASH MKKI'INU OF CATHOLICS. Tlioy l'roona In Aocrtllmt Tlicy can At tend t) Tlielr Own Airulm, Without the Aid of Fupitl llrtrrlpK. Cnic.Mio, Mav 1!S. At u nicotine of L'OO duleptes of the Irish Catholic society, galbcrcd to make arrangements for an annual reunion and outing, a motion of luiortance was olio red relating to a inasM nicotine of Irish UathollcH to Ikj held on llmmlay next, ilio object of tho mass moeting is tho con sideration of tho papal rescript. Tho motion, which eatriod without a ills K'liting voice, was to the ollect that it ho thoHciissof all Iiluli Catholics that they could mauago their own liolilical atlairH, and that all Irish in societies could at tend a mass meeting to lend their voice In this lwllef. HANCOCK MKMOItlAli HfUIICH, Interrerrnco unci HmiiliTa of 1'ulltliUn. Ilinioiinrril. MoaiiisTinvN, 1a., May 'J8. Memorial Horvlces wero held over tho tomb of Gou otd llancock in Jlontgomery eomutery vestonluy. Maxwell Stophonson was tho orator, and delivered a Kieeeh in which hi denounced the inteiferenco of tho Grand Army posts with ioliticH, and io bilked political leadorri who would assail tho renown of departed defendeiH of tho Union, The Hpoakor was frenuently up plaudeil while making mich reforoncoH. rlvo thousand oplo woro inattoiidunco. I'KUIIAl'.S A THICK. Tli Hnily nf Tn.cott, Oim CIiIchco Mur tloiur. Hrinrti'il I'liuinl Hrouiieil. Mii.w.vrh-ia:, May '-'S. Tlio Inxly of a young man, shot in the abdomen, was found in tho lake last Tuesday. A ro iiortor of tho Herald has found that tho body Ixturs tho description of Taseott, as given bv tho chief of police of Chicago. Yostercl.iv a fisherman at Waukegan found a' lxittlo containing information that Taseott contemplated Hiilcldo, and that tho body would Imi found in Mllwau keo bay. A llOHSKi'niKl' KIIXKI). A H' r.e-lienler Mnku flonil IikIIho In MontanH. HF.I.EXA, Mont., May 28. Povoral bands of horpo-stealing Indians have been oiHjrating in tho vicinity of Marias and Teton rivers. Thoy havo already got awa with considerable htock. Thrco ilayH ago an attempt was made to run oil" hornes belonging to McDavitt at Fort Conrad. .Shots were oxchanged with tho night border, which resulted in tho sud den death of ono of tho Indian raiders. Thoy proved to bo bloods from across tho line. McOI.YNN ON THK I'OI'i:. He Ailmlnl.ter Itrbuke tn lloth the l'oie unit the Ki:w Youk, Mav SJft Mc,iln,,i" his speech last night nald that while , tho Irish fools aro sendlm.' froni W.OOtl to 40.OD0 pounds jur unnuin to tho row. ho fond-i them in return his blossiug. Is t not strango that while inonoy is being col lected in Now .uouth Wales and other nlacos forlreland. ho trends tliis mueh to IhoIWo? Ho said tho l'oj-o rosomblHil .!... ti.tiiviiliml who took tho Savior up' into a mountain. hliiTld in' Comlltlnn. Washinoto.v, May SH. 2 p. m.-Hher-idan'H death Is nraiMitafily expected. SollitrorOrr. Sax FiiANt'iaio, May i's.-Tho Calif' r- I ilia delegates to the National Convention ! left hem this morning for St. bulls. (Tlioy went in a M'edal I ear, which Immj .this inscriptlim: "California Dcleftatlon, I solid for (Oliver Cleveland." The Murk t. 1'outi,ni), May 28, 1! p. in. All Kast- I'lttlTKCTION OU OlM'HIl.SSION? To ttio IMItnrnf tlio t'nit OrpRiintiui. Tho tvpoH madu lis say in a former article that thuie aro as many factory jieoplo as there aro agricultuilsts. That was wrong; there aro eight millions of workers on tho farms of the United States orn markets closed a trlllo duller Satnr-1 and only eight hundred thousands en- day, and dropped back to Krlday'H pi ices 1 gaged in the manufacturing Interests to-day. No market here. Including alt the branches connected .iMrroj" i.-l Anlvftl. i with protected industries. The eight Po.tTMsn, Mav L'8. .JcllrovH Lewis ' tnillion tillers of tho soil aro not only arrived Saturday.' and oircns at tho Sow iiirotectcd but they aro compollcd to Paik Theater in "J.abolloltusso" to-night, t-'ompeto In tho markets wltli tlio products of cheat) labor when thev sell, but to nay ' duty on what they 'buy. I havo reduced my expenditures to the following items: DKMOCItATIC STATU IM.ATI'OKM. l'Olt I I, AMI MMTUIt. From anoocniiloiinl correspondent. l'oiiTiiANi), May 'J5, 1888. If half you hear on tho streets about the ltepublicaii ring in tho city bo true, Portland can taku the cake from Southern bull-dozing or Now York city lcpeatlngat the polls. The ring heio In Portland runs tlio Itopubllcan paily of Oregon and collect toll from the inteiior until they havo become i lull and begin to think thoy own the State. As I w toto you liefoio, if tho farmers and laboting men of the Interior want to vote to Mtsluln this ring who aro only the tools of corporations, who make thu farmer pay f i om lutoL'Oiiorcpnt. more man tt ought to cost him to get his pro I paid out in ono year for family supplies, freight and commissions, f4(l8.:i"; anU for protection $1151 .(11!. According totheso llgiires I worked two days for myself ami ono day for tho protection of other inen'H interest's. I would liko to mako this sim ple point of mv argument plain. If I could buy in a free market as I am com pelled to' sell, one thousand bushels of wheat would bring tho samo amount, say J.'OO, that It brings now, and that money would buy goods that now cost 7C0, ltiglit there, brother farmers, is tho dlH'or ence between tariiT and tariir reform. And where do the tl!50 go? That is tho monoy that buys tho pianos, tho organs, and tlio silk dresses in this country; and as ais duco to market, wo who llvo in the citv i that Is tho money that forms the great can stand It. Iho business men, both I surplus that lies in tlio swelling vaults at Republicans and Democrats, mo too much Washington nnd Now York. Who pays engrossed In their own nllalrs In making that money? Ton dollars aro paid by the money to tako much Interest In politics, i farmers to one by those who me bcuclltted but the time is coming when thoy will bo i by tho tariir. ho wear tho silk dresses? coniiielledfroninecessltytotakeholdof tho -Not tho farmer's wifo and daughteis. no owns mo pianos r .oi inogiriinui does tho dally choriug. It seems to be tho great deshe of man to avoid taxatiou,deatli and tho devil prin cipally the taxation. At least the rich man has never been able to shift tho other objects of dread on tho poor man. Hut that ho has made tho poor man pay Ids taxes is true, and it is no less a shame be cause the deluded creatures vote tho burden umi themselves. It is an ac cepted principle that property should pay the taxes. A tariir is nothing more than tho rich man's exemption from taxation. Kvery laborer of this country now, wiio earns two dollars a day, pays with his rich neighbor n iioll tax of one hundred and sixty-two dollars per annum. Of course his rich neighbor nays an equal tax, but tho neighbor with ids thousands navs no more to the Gov ernment to Hwell tho surplus at Washing ton, to muni Rtiulioais ami coast uoienscs, to build locks and canals, and to pay salaries, than tho laboring man who eats as much anil dresses as won. fo von see tho system is all wrong. Instead of matter and break up this corrupt ring, they did in San l-ranclsco many vci ago. This thing is fast coming to a locus, and tho time is not far distant when you will sco a peonlo's paity spring up, which will sweep tills present ring out of exist ence, liusiness men will leave their stores, mechanics their shops, ami go foilh to tlio polls to put a stop to buying votes as you imy can io. uormpiion can go just so far with the Amoiican voter, and no further, and I think from piesent appearance it cannot go much further in Portland. I understand that tho V. S. Marshal says ho is going to sou that tho election is conducted proorly, if ho has to apjioint llvo bundled deputies, and 1 only Iioikj such is tho case. the ring iianers make a terrible to do alsjut John I. Irish coming heio to can vass for tho Democrats, while thoy have imported ono from Now York ami anoth er from California, who aio stumping tlio fctaio lor tno Kopuuiicans. I am opposed to theso political rings in any shno. Thoy ato always dottlmental to tho iieoplo. Although a Democrat, tho wilier was In tlio convention w hich nom inated a )ooplu's ticket in San Francisco several years ago, which defeated a cor rupt Domociatiu ring in that city ami so demoralbed them that thoy novr rccdv eied; and It created a bettor feeling, not only in the city, but throughout tho Slate. And that is just what w ill bo done in Poi Hand before long, if it is not done at tho approaching election. If you could only get tho business men of this city to see this matter in i n proper light these political shaiks would bo thrown uvoi board in Juno. - It takes injoplo who do not muddle ih politics a longtime to llnd out the w ot kings of thoso jsjlltlcal rings, but when they do once get aroused they very soon put a quietus on them. Tho loading ltepublicaii paois of Call- lornia scorn ai present, io navo uregou under their special euro from the numer ous quotations published in the ring pa llets ol this city. At any otner time tuey aio inclined toHpoaic disparagingly ol Oregon. Tlio writer Is a correspondent of a Cal i 'rnla pucr, and in ono of my let ters I shaved to tlio host of my ability tho Kiev advantages Oregon ii issesood, and hoi ndoveloied resources when fully dovolojieil would make her ouo of the brightest t-tars in uio galaxy oi mo Union, but tho California papcis weio careful to suppress that poitfou of my letter, These pajiers now havo a isjlnt to gain and their ttinu Is changed. "Consist ency, thou ait a Jewel." V.... .. I. .1 I ..-!,. I 1. 1 Oil L.lll Mll II HUH II III JUlir IIUIU UUUk that Geariu Is going to bo our next Con gressman, and Thompson sheilU'of this county. Tito Dally World is a bright, spicy pajior and is doing good work in the cause of reform and oxposlng cor ruption, Democrats should, and I think will, give It a llbci ulwippoit. W. 1J. fc. Kuml-lluscar ut Work, From Hie Wullula Inland Empire. Monday evening, shortly after tho arri val of tlio nine o'clock passenger, an unknown man, who had been employed as a grader on tho Kuruka Flat load, was knocked down and somo small change taken from him. Ho was uudortho in- iluenco of 1 uuor at tho time, and not feeing him since, wo were unablo to learn the amount ol ills loss, uonsianiu ivi tirotxirtv navliiL' tho ercatest tax to sup port our civil is virtually a poll tax paid by every man, woman and child who eats and wears clothes, Tho Injustice of such u system of taxation is sur- ly plain. It would Ikj far better to placu a graduated price upon each inoin bor of the household, as tlioueh wo were slaves, and pay at tho rate ol something like as much for an ablo-lwdied tollur hh for a thousand dollars in cash ; live hun dred fora woman, Ifsho werogoodat tend ing babies and chickens, ami an equal amount for the young ladles who could churn ten oundii of butter a day; but lot tho Idlers and tho babies go untaxed. With a rato tax the capitalist with fifty thousands would pay llfty times as much to tho U. S. Government as tho laborer who paid a thousand-dollar rato, but now ho pays no moio unless ho eats more and wears better clothes, (five us anv system but a tax on tho ne cessaries ofllfo. How such a robbery can luivo a friend In a mini who works out side of a factory is ono of tlio inystuilcH of tho ago. A tax upon luxuries might bo IiniMised and not lio called a lobbery; hut when you domain! of tho hungry la liorer Ids monoy for taxes or his life it is going too far. It may frighten tho timid to even whis!or frco trade, but it can't scaro you if I ask you to vote for such a tariir reform as will no longer Iiiioho a tax on life itself, for tho necessaries of life aro ro-illy taxed In this frco America, Again, my follow laborer, If all of that jioll tax of ono hundred and sixty-two dollars were lequired to run tho govern ment, It might bo at least patriotic to pay It without growling; but about one hun dred and fifty dollars go to pay for brown stone houses in tho cities, cottages by tho sea, and for lino horses, carriages and servants, while twelve and a half dollars go as taxes or ruvenno to Iho government. The capitalists aro benefitted by thu dif ference between tho cost of production in this country und tho cost in other coun tries, with duty and freight add 'd, and tlio consumer pays that difference to him as well as paying the taxes that run tho government. A 1'aiimkh. i:y Knniiuli To lie Worth Trylnu'. From the llrllMi .Medical Jnninul. Kxmclso before nartaklni: of a meal lingsworth was notilled andsooncupliiied Istl.nulates tho circulation of tho blood the two sand-baggeis, but nothing was found to convict lliom. lliey weio led to First street and given ten minutes to got out of tho city. Ihlnklng It tsjst lor their M-alps, thoy lost no time in getting over tho ties towaids Poillaud. llie Voter Know llliu. From Itie linker City DemonrHt. There is no opposition to W. M. limn hoy, for judge, In .Malheur, Grant and ISakur counties. Thu otcrs are a unit on hit election. With W. M. Kamsoy on tho bench It will bring the people back to tlio feeling of security that eharaeteiized tlio judicial administration of Judge L. L. McAHhur. Mr. Itamsoy is an ablo lawyer, tiio oqiiul of any practitioner In Oregi ii, und Ids ree"id before the Su premo Court is a tesiuiK'iiial of hit worth that any man could well bo proud of. and facilitates thu flow of blood through (lie vessels. A glass of water washes out tlio mucous, pai(i.illy distends tho stom .cb, and prepares the alimentary canal for tho morning meal. Observation has shown that imn-lri Hating liquids pass di rectly through tho tubular stomach, and even if food l pioncnt thoy only mix to a slight extent. According to Dr. I.euf, who bus made this subject a special study, cold water should bo given to thorn who havo sufllcioiit vitality to react, and hot to thoothiiiM. In chronic gastiie catarrh, it Isoxtromelv beneficial to drink warm or hot water lAifnru mutils, and salt is said In most vn-os to add to tin good oH'wit pio-iluced, Seats havo U'un assiginMl resirters of tlio great dailies in tho St. Louis Conven-i'jii. The Democracy of tho State of Oregon, in convention assembled, declaro its fealtv to thu great national organization of wiileh it is a part, and asks the re spectful attention of tho eoplc of tho State to this, its statement of national politics. Hesolvcd, That wo heaitily endorse President Cleveland, who by his capabil ity and feat less honesty, and Illicitly to the trust reposed In him, lias illustrated tho pilnciplo that this is a governmcntof, by and for tho people, and pledged to guarantee eiiual rights to all and give sieiiaj pi 1 lieges to none. Hesolvcd, That we approve the present faithful and elllcieut Democratic Stato administration. Hesolvcd. That wo most earnestly and iiuiiualifledly endorse thu policy of tarlll' revision, and a reduction of tlio surplus revenue to thu needs of thu government, economically administered, as set furtli in the Piesli'ient's last annual message to Congress. Wo believe that scch a lovls ion is dictated by sound policy, and that unnecessary taxation is unjust taxation and oppression, and that thu public tovo lino should, as far as possible, bo derived from taxes levied on the luxuries rather than upon tho necessaries of life. Hesolvcd, That wo demand tho for feiture of unearned laud grants, and that the public domain bo hold as a sacred trust for homes for our rapidly increasing imputation; and we commend and aji provu the President's message In regard to Oregon wagon load grants lately sent to Congress. Hesolvcd, That prier public jiollcy looking to tho future security of tho coun try, requires that the government keep all its pledges to tho soldiers of thu Union In Its various wars, and that thu pension roll of thu republic be jealously guarded as a roll of bono, without Imposing upon the peopl" burdens equal to thu mainte nance of a standing army, and exhaust ing the resources of tho taxpayers, which mav bo needed for future defense. llesolved, That as a free coplo, enjoy ing the blessings of liberty In a govern ment of the people, we denounce thu policy of thu hngllsh government In Its administration of Itish nllalrs, and that wo extend, on Imhiilf of the Democracy of Oregon, our earnest sympathy with Gladstone and Paruell in their ell'orls to secure home rulo and laud ic forms for thu people of Ireland. Hesolveil, That woendorsii tho salutary policy of the national ml illustration In restricting coriorutioiis to the privileges ami profits to which they aru strictly un titled under thu law, Hesolvcd, That we are In hearty accord and sympathy with thu cllbrts of thu la boring masses and wage-earners to ameli orate their condition and establish tlielr tights, and are in favor of tho enactment of such laws as will best protect their In terests, ami of legislation which will to tally exclude all Mongolian immigration. itcsolved, That we favor an amend ment to the constitution of the United States providing for (ho election of tho United States Senators by dhcet vote of the people. Hesolvcd, That we favor an amend niont to tlio present railway commission jaw of Oregon, coiifurilng upon thu board of railroad commissioners jsiwer to fix and negotiate the rates for transisulatioii of ftclghts on railroads within the Stato of (begun, Hesolvcd, That wo are in favor of tho opening and improvement of tho Colum bia river and various ports of entry on tho seaboard, so that the commerce of thu country may be carried without interrup tion to'thu markets of the world; und for that piirsisu we deniaml el Iho general government liberal appropriations, und ask a speedy enactment of the landing river and harbor bill now landing lieforo Congress. HtMolved, That wo demand of the gen eral government tho seeily completion of thu locks at thu Cascades, and the Im mediate constinction of links at Tho Dalles, on tho Columbia river, and sulll dent appropriations therefor; und that wo favor thu State, as far as in lis isiwor, making such Improvements at or mound these Klnts as will, until tho completion of tho locks, itccommodato thu commerco of tho country. A lluiiiorl.1V View of Humor. Iittl Nye In Nuw York World. Humor Is a luxury and yet It is a neces sity. Kvcrybody is ierinitled to use his own lasto and discretion in selecting his uteln of humor, but vou can rest assured ! tliat ho Is going to have it in somo form or other. Humor, iiku religion, neons puri fication, and all is not humor that calls it ut.lf uti! but whether it Is) In music, in art. i in literature, on inu siitgo or in tue pmpu, I it is doing moro in a giMl-natureil way to I wards ilisllguring the features of error und ' fraud than many more indentions ugen icies. In the llrst place, it has a bigger audience. In the second place, it bus u I good-uatuicd audience. In the third I place, vou can laugh a stubborn man out of a folly when you cannot knock it out of liiin. S ou can ridicule hhn out of it. You I can ridlculo him out of it when you can- pot preach him out of it or pray him out of it. Thuroforo, let a purified and exalt ed humor keep tho sinner gissl-uatu cil i while it makes folly npnar foolish and pavos Iho way for what is moio profound i i . . in A now gasometer in tho gas works at Hochulaga, Canada, exploded Saturday, killing seven pctnoiiH. 'I tie explosion was cnuiMtd by u tiller Incautiously u preaching a leak with u lump while en deavoring to locate It. Tho damagi' to prosjity Is ostluiHtwl at l.".u,i;0 to UWr oil). A storm moves .io miles per hour.