DAILY. D A.ILY. .11 ST M il IT VOlt WANT. a nti:r. miiiiakv. ... ..Miliiiiionivnrlnintwlll !"'n C i. .!' :ast hiikmon- t'nltmiK of tin- Dally or HiMiiWWrrkljj Oltl.OOMAN inn fit-t'l) nmkti unit rw.T.'" ..mil ..rt-r W . it.tr .l.itl.ir ni"l "ft f nlii will lny 'l'1.0 ?. . IIUIMIONIAX for tin. of tin- r.AST M!i:IONIAN lll.rnry rlirn ihit llifj- mi iltnln-. Tim putiHi- am r for II" 11 illv HAS riMii.u.' illully InWtiil In llt IIik iillleii hciii-vm! . f tlmr by mull. i Inellni'il. VOL. 1. PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO.. uRBUON. SATURDAY, MAV 26.1888. NO. 73. THETARII TO-DAY'S TELEGRAMS. litis boon taken oil' both Woolen and Ootton Goods JS'ot by Congrcdd, but by ROTH CHILD & BEAN And they now oiler their Large and Complete Stool: of PRY6W,CL0THIN6Jc 1'OltTI.AND VOINTS. AT- FREE TRADE PRICES, for CASH! Examine their goods, get their prices, and convince yourself i i .1 !... ni tint iiini-o nuunH irma lint, flint tlwiv will mill- u-liiif fhf'v rlmm. 1 heirs is not an "Jntunt Industrv. tlicrelbrc they have discarded Protective Prices, and will Ireely meet competition from all quarters. J hey carry a eneral Merchandise Stock Consisting of -k ji . . -mrr tp a -. i j . T-i ri j Umicirens ui,OLiimg urmsmiig- uooas, Mens Ladies and Ohildr oil's Shoes Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery and Glassware, Groceries, Hardware, Etc. r II ii i v i 1 njj i in V- c know uxvu unxbji.xiij CHEAP IIMililHiiV riiil) 9 111 IIilI. I 1 luisl 1 lOli Mr. KoonU nun -The oUtlrt (IjiltiloiiM of I'rimiliiriit lli'iit"! rut.. I'ditTi.ANi), May I'll. .1. II. Kiwntz, uf hcho, In In tho i:lty. Ho nuv.t Ills loss bv the burning ofhlH grist mill" amounts In about lo.ODU, over and above insurance. Ho will not rclmllil this season, but will put In a chumicr In order Id keeji uji tho llnino, which would llkolv lie neglected if unused. IIlHioKjrt of tho uondlllon of tho crop in that section in tilmiit thu samo tin that of several other purtlurt from J'-llHtortl Ori'L'OIl. who hm-ii liccn Inlnr. I viewed on thu subject. Kain would hrhi),' .out tho ijraHH, but not tho niln. Mr. Koontz loft for homo thl-t afternoon. Vobb, who attoinptcd to steal a diver water pitcher, was held tj appear before tho Krand jury in tho Mini of U)I). "What In tho imlltind outlook?" naid your reimrtor to a prondnont Democnit and ux-ollico-holder of Kilmu. thin mom "Good, uood, nir. 1 heaul olio of tlio bent nolitleal Hticei- hh In S'ulnni 11 tow iil!ilH ao I over heard. It wan de livered ny .loiin r. irimi and 1 toll you no ih doiiiK jsood won; lor our party. John M. (iearin MuikIm an oven cliaueo of boinc oleeled, and if ho kcIh out in tliln city on election day and cuiivuhhch aH ho ouht to, ho will lo elected." llowaliout tho loKllatlvo ticket?" "Well, nlr, to tell you my candid opin ion, if tho DomocratH all over thu State will turn out and vote tho ticket, I bo Hove they will elect oiioukIi of our men to make the next Lcuinlaturo Demo cratic." UoorKu W. Webb, Statu Treamirer, HpuakhiKon tho name mihjuct, wild tho pro.spect for Democratic victory in Juno wuh bright. Ho thought "Johnny" would heat Dinger, and wild Mr. (Iearin thought ho hiuiKcIf. He (Webb) wuh very much nleaned with IrMi. and xaid ho wan helping tho Domocratiu party in Oregon a great deal. AT- M'WIU. IS'IU'CKMHNTS OFFKHKD FOR CASH. Or (.'niiim. tl Ol-cKiilllilll" SH) H -. I'oHTI.ANli. Jlnv I'll. i Ori'LMintuii nl- itotial this inorhliig hivh: "Duo thing tho .Mills 1.11 1h itino: II hart utteily I knocked tho bottom out of the wool maf ontii.nk kct, and tho wool grower of Oregon ate un.i.i.u to get olIctH for their clip. Tlio iii.ii ket In onu of Oregon h largcnt ptoductn i.-t 'hung up' to await lestiltH. , DniiKiuritlH Surreril In I'l-lernlinri;. I'lrnniMintri, V.., .May M. DemocratM vcHterd.iy elected their entire ticket, j headed by Citation F. Collier for mavor, by n'.'O majority, and eight out of twelve county men. Tlttw tho entire municipal government nmw into tho handn of lioinocratH for tho llrxt time in eight yearn. A largo number of negroon voted ino iciuocraiic iicuet. Oulilriuiiii Will Unvat" u". San I'ttANcim u, May I'd. Thu Supremo comt to-day alliimeil the decision of the HUtierior cotut in the cai-o of Allen (iol tiuiiHon, who killed .Mamiu Kellv,iiHchool gin, jn.st year. Till kciiIm Ills late. Or.u-o n Cnmllitiitr. Ni:w YtiKK, May '-'(1. Fx-Mayor Ciruco Ikih announced hln intention to go before thu Democratic Statu Convention and iiiiike a content ag.diit-t Oov. Hill for thu nomination for Oovernor. poxed, and continuing down tho opposite Hide of tlio mountain several hundred feet, whcio another tunnel Isb.-ing piwhcd into it, from which considerable of the ."amo chaiucter is being extracted, and which in elevated several bundled feet hluhcr than tho oDcnlnirn on tho vein on Cracker creek; onward to tho south the lode llndn Itn way through tho inountainH that will hold 10,000 toiiH.nn opera house, anil other latuo brick blocks, and contour- nlaton biiililint! thice-Morv brick hotels. All the-o foundatlonn aiu Milid and tlrm, 5,f and will stand for ages. 1 also erccivo!!j .1 M II ..ll.. 1 1 1 . 1 . i uiai iiir. iaruu nan cuusaieraoiu moiiuy luvuHtetlin builtllugin l'cudluton. It appears hu in not afraid to llsk hirt own monov in lVmlleloii, but hu tclln tho and acrosn canyoti fortnllen and has been tcui.enn of t'matilla county it Ih not located in mining cluinm all along tho inafo to build a court hoiiho in rendloton, :h Spices, Fine Coffee, Fine Tea, and Everything Fine that a First-class Grocery should contain. in f v I't want (irvrioH cheap. D. KEMLER. tU Aiiihk of Mlniu iipoll. Haiti In lm Woiklnt for thu Noiiilinitlnn for Vlra l'ro.lilrnt. Min.si:ai'oi.ih. Mav 'M. It in ttosHlblo that l'ortland. Oiegon, may indirectly furnish a candidate for Vice i'rcsidon.on tho Democratic ticket. Tho man will bo none other than Mavor Amen of Indian- apolln. Thin scheme ban ltccn hinted tit uoioro, nut olillclauH til tl.u Uemocraltc party have atrected to connider it a Joke. .Mayor Amen in certainly In the Held, and uronosnn pushim: bin candidacy in bin usual dashing style. He will leave in a few davH for St. I-ouIn. and will open heiidtpiartorri from which no delegate need go away thirnty. Ho will baso bin claimn upon the argument that bin noiii illation would Inmiio tho poven electoral votes of Mlnnesola, nine volen of Wis ennsin, and inissibly thirteen votes from lowa to the Democracy. MYHrr.imtttn miuiii:k. I.iilmt .'Miirln't Ili'imrtK. I'ohti,anj, May L'tl. Fasturn and San Francis(o ml vices to-day at noon show a decline all around of thteo-tpiartern of a cent Itelow yesterday'H closing prices. rriccn in I'ortiaiui remain uuenanged. Cunt lcti-il if Amnn WAM.A Wai.la, May 'M. Tho jury in tlio case against Clink, on tiiul for arson, returned n verdict of guilty last night. At preount ho in lying very ill. Thd MurkrU. Ciiica(ii), May I'd. Wheat closed 8(l?u for May, Htlu for Juno. San FitANctsco. May L'tl. Verv dull. only nine hundred tons selling on call. A NittTinlll lluriieil. 1'a t.oi'Hi:, W. T.. May M.W. L. 1'ow cm' sawmill wan totally destroyed bv llro nisi uignt. utM uncoil iiiounand dollars, with but little insurance. OltKllON'.H I.KADVII.I.K. In- ll-Nt itaxl Ib.h 4 Br or No. . .SIO.OO: No. ' Sli.00: No. -k Sl.'.OO For sale by JESSE FAILING, Pondlotoni Or. FOE LUMBER, ash, Doors, and Building Material, xVt T3f)ttoi:n Prices, -CALL ON- II IT. rsltrafclalv.M mm mm m. wm b m m m aim na mm mm m m. m m m, a iji m M 3EPQT LUMBER YAHTX J. vanTschuyver ?c 00., WINE ANJ1 lniTrP fMflWANTS. rniiuT ' i I ICtEX. ? All Old CViiiiiui.ilTluilrTtlo Orinul-Cllll- ilitni roimil Aluritrlvil liy Uiikiimvu 1'Hr- tl(. Viiioih a, Wis., May L'l). Inforinution Min icccivcd heie to-day of tho murder of four persouK last night, at thu town of Kickapoo, Mr. and Mrs, Kobiu Drake, an old couplu, weto shot dead in their own house, by unknown parties. Tho throats of their two little grand-children were cut from ear to ear. Tho lifelowt hodiori woro found thin morning when nolghborri made an invotigntion because of the unusual iiuiutuesn about tho house. Thu couple lay on tho floor, tho children in beds and everything was turned upsido iIoimi in the house. It i:i supposed that I tho utuider wan in consequence of a reso lute uMomiit at robbory. Thoio In no clue to tlio porin'IratorH. MOIITO.V TIIK DA UK UOIISK. A l.ouUlnun DeleentO Clullii tliut I.rvl tIII lie thu Mini. Washington, May -'0. Thu latest Iilalno programme talk hem In that ltlaino men are to Himiort I-ovI 1'. Morton, of New York, an tho dark horse, if tho de feat of ltlaino in tho convention is at all probable. One of tho delegates to tho convention from Louisiana in authority for tho stutomout that bin delegation will I not be stampeded for Ulaiuo. Shormam I may have four, and jtosslbly six, votes. 'On tho Hint ballot tho majority of tho I sixteen voten will bo cast for Lovi V. Morton. HIIlTltlOA.V VintV MOK. Ho In Tm ii tiled wltli it Jtriirt Dintculty tliut U I.lkel- tu lie l-'utnl. Wamiinoton, May "0. (Joneral Sheri dan is a vorj' fi't mun. II in physicians ino in constant attendance tiiMin him. His 1 trouble is valvular tillect Ion of the hnart. I lie has had several alarming sinking ' spells, from which ho rallied with tlilli i cultv. tho last lieing tho most t-overo of PORTLAND, OREGON, lull. Failure of tho heart's action has i brniiL'ht him near death's door t-ovoral AO K NTS timen. It in feared that a recurrence of . ''uBLE BOURRriN tun dvc iutcticc. inc crui IT7 nnPWIWR tho trouble may tako him away uddonly Lit K'.l a wi fw II u IMIMIIIUJ, UUIII.11. HHI..UI.M . w- JlUaukce. W.e FYDnRT on ct.'cu nr.TTi nn RPPfi iHPJ.'11'111') 1"omillt' ?0Wpn'l!iG.'!,1NEnAL WATER, (Waukensew. Wis.) VEURE CLIQUOT All Inti-rrillui; Dcii-rlptlnn nt tlio (Irt-itt Mluetul lli-li HontliMu.t of llulmr City The C'omliiE lllne. of Ilia Nurihwcut. I-'ioin the linker City Democrat. A fow mllort distant front Ilaker City. towards tho setting sun, can bo seen a group of high and Precipitous moun tains which lift their heads skyward to an elevation of thousands of feet above the beautiful and fertile l'owder river valley. Ilclow these mountains form a part of tlio ptincipal lllue mountain range which extends far southward and from which many spurs make oil', run ning in an cahteily and westerly direc tion, gradually sloping oil' downward and forming the foothills adjacent to tho valley through which runs the streams whose tributaries find source in tho gulches high up among (lie snow-clad eaks. Running along parallel with this mountain laugo in a broad and extensive mineral licit, the Unsure of which trav erse tho spurs, cutting through thorn on their course, boldly outcropping up one side, down tho other and across thu can yons between wheto tho actions of the waters of tho rushing sta-ainn have cross cut them, exposing to view their contents to a depth of thousands of foct front thulr outcroppings on tlio summit to tho base of tho mountains, where nature ban pro vided for man the most dcsiruhlu facili ties for thu exploration f Iter veins while in search of the tieastue vaults that might ii contained within tho walls of lissurcs. These ' clns, some of them of immense projKitti .i-t, are faultless, never having been brtk it and displayed by upheavals and dlstti auces of the earth's cruM. cun be reality traced by thult bold anil continuous outcroppings for miles along their course through separate and dltl'er- cnt lormatloiiH oi ones or bells oi slate, jiorphory, granite and gneiss with dykes of one or the other of IIicm) formations running through the parallel with tho veins and somutimen forming one or the other of the walls which indicates irma- nuiicy and rielitu-KS ot tlio veins in depth, a fact which has been fully dem onstrated in tho exploring of veins in tlio older and moro advanced mining re gions, In lact the actions of nature with what assurance sue nus norivcu irom ino hand of itiuu In developing these fissures lino, which tiro being developed with llattorhiL' results. Another larco vein similar in nearly every particu lar to the ono just described, and run ning parallel witli it He-i, about four miles to tho West and is known as tlio Mother Lode; although thin lisle is tra versing a granite formation, tho formation U slute, through which tho former runs. The Mother lodo has I won discovered for nearly tlvo miles and shows a width of from '-'II to over 100 feet, and Is cross-cut by the waters of Silver creek, where u targo toi oi suipnurated quartz carrying .... .... A ...A I l.-Al V'.. nn nu nuiooi kih a goon louiiuauoii. no, tnoeouhty must not risk its money in such an unsafe place. Now whuio docs ho advise thu coutt hotisu to lo built? I'lHin the blttH'or hill, cither uoitli of tlio river or south of tho railroad, but it must go on .Main stteet. Now, .Mr. Martin, which end of Main street, north or south? This question in vcty Iuiortaut to tlio voters, especially on election day. Ho also preaches economy. As the present Honorable County Court Introduced n plan in which tu build a coutt house with out costing tho county anything, by sell gold is exiMiscd to view, which continues I n& '" iMam street property and building for hundreds effect alont! the lodo; tho."" College block, ho now sees where ho samo character of ore is found in various cconomi.e by selling both blocks, (daces along the wholo length of tlio j ami ptitchusiug a piece of proor!yon lode. From .the lodo branches oil' sov- Mho hill on Main street, lie pi o wises oral well-dollned veins of good size for further to eeononii.o by paying working, on which lias lieen donu con-! architect Habcock about ,iiikI siderublo development work and forms n throw his plans away, and accept some very interesting group of mines, l.vlng; ' oilier plans. Why take other plans? still further west ultout three miles from Hccauso that other picture wan nicely tho .Mother lode and running parallel volored, and of such a modern style of witli it in a gneiss formation, is the I.a urciiitcctttto. lie don't take Into con- ft. it i . oenvuo tone, wtiien lias cut Its way through n high range and ban been ex plored at different places along Its course for thousands of feet on each side of tho l.n Hcllvtto mountain; the main tunnel is on the south s'de and is on the vein sev eral hundred feet, oxposimr a true IIshiiih. which varies in width from two to llvoilect Uals-ock's feet; several chimneys havo Won passed house. If they throuuh of from M) to "Oil fiit In length, which are composed of lilgh ! grao gold and silver ore, silver predoin-1 muting, and where thu larger sivolln are, , tho richer the oro in tlio veins, continues to improve an depth in attained, ami. ' judging irom suriace indications tlio rich est part of the veins is yut to lw en countered, as sumo distance ahead of the breast of thu tunnel and on I ho summit of the mountain a shaft has been sunk from was i sideration, as our ptesent county court tlid, tho plan of Internal airangeiuents of the building, for Its convenience and durability of structure. No doubt but anv unprejudiced mechanic would coin cide with tho present county court In their good liidgmont in accenting archl plans tor a court did muku such u gruat error, an .Mr. .Martin says, It in strunce that thu honorable county court of V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 county should accept tho same plans for their court house, against live coniieleut iitchltects of San Fran cisco and two of l'ortland. Now where tho present county coutt contemplates building the coutt house, (on College block) tho court house cm be erected for M ,()(() less than any place .Mr. Martin can select on the hill, and the facilities which considerable silver eluncn w.m . for sowerairo are Itetter on Collcuo block taken that would assay from (10 to 70 per 'ban any other place hi the town of l'en cent, silver. Mleton. Now, William Martin's economy During tho winter between 700 and ! would take out of the county's purso 1 .000 tons of oro were removed from the 1 about f-1,000 w hich he would nay moro to initio by the work of but two men: while ! hulld on tho hill, and i'JiMM which ho developing from thin will bo assorted would throw away by adopting another Am.. iiti.iiic.ii i...... A.r n..i-..i...... ..... r.. i vi. .1 ,1.111111 1,-14 I'Jiir. in iiim-viiiT-n uiu iiji i shipment to the Denver ore market .early 100 tons of tho samo class of ore from this mine sbipjK'd to Denver.ylelded its high us JiUto.OOt) kt ton by the car loud. On the samo lodo, ami directly below tho I .a llollviio mine, is located tho Wido West, on which about 1,000 feet of tunnels ban been run. excising a good sized and continuous vein of ote ; thin is magnillccut projverty, and is the key to the unlocking of the treasures contained within the walls of tho whole lodo for thousands of feet. Several other nroier- lies of consldetublo Importance ate be ini! duvclotiod in this vicinity, and within t from paying (axes on a radius of several miles from the Cable i WOOO in IHK.'I, the lime lie entcicd Into plan, all for the benollt of the so-called (and there is probably more truth than iNKitry In it) l'cndletoii Main street court house ring. .1 i htici:. Itrriiril of Zorlli ll'iimnr. I'm HI I he LVliti'rvllln Ihinio rr. It is ituossiblo to ileal with Zoo Ilousor properly without connecting him with N. Ifcudryx. ox-lreasiiier. tu our Issue two weeks ago we showed how Zoo llotiscr got rich, ami how .oe got s sir, every wont of which was taken from the county hocks. it will no lotuoiuburcd now .oo jumped riiKt, in isu in love group ot mines are lo lie loiind numerous ledges of quartz, witli similar surface indications to those already de veloped that are yet to be piospccled; witli one exception, all the propeiticji in tills region ate owned bv the prosticctors, who uru tlio oriciniil discovoreis. conse- quuntly tlioy are open for invcstigallon pailneishlp witli Norman Ilendryx, and on the part i.t tlio company ot ii it II. there weio taxes paid on fISSO. Ilen dryx wan till right with tlio State boatd up' to the time of Ids entering into pait ueiship with 1 looser, Itlght thuio tho trouble commenced. Now the law reunites (hut t'matilla and iHirchaMt, and I must sav that a more i county shall i omit the tax on duo tho inviting Ik-Id for the invostinout of cap-Slatoby tho llrst of April of each year. niuiu theio ital, the sun never shone on: the devel oed and partly dovelojied mines will cor titliily bear the most rigid Inspection; they contain the ores that carry thu pie clous nielals, while adjacent and near at hand me all the facilities combined nec essary for successful and prolltable min ing otKirntlons; extensive and dense for ests of thu choicest quality of timber overywhero uImiiiihI, while tlio inimv rug ged mountain streams oiler unlimited water power: tlio climate has no sum-ilor in tiny mountain rcuion: tlio mines ate all easy of access by way of linker City, initio neuti Winers oi low uer river; owing tu the fact that many of tho projierlies uro fairly d(iveloK-d, showing largo quan tities of oro which are attracting the at tention of capitalists from tlio mining centers of distant parts; tho country is certainly on tho uvo of a prosperous, solid and substantial mining Iwom. I). ('. 1'. i i. i -. , i I,,,, , AIIOIIT TIIK COUHT IIOIINK. la ivIiIiiiii-ii miilii-ii-Tit to (-oiivinco thu in formed observer! hut they uro romarkably I'cndi.kton, Oh., May "2, 183H. true, strong ami rich in tlio precioun mot-' TotliolMI'orof Ui i:mt OrcKonlmu ids. with everv indication prescntiui; itself , It appears that candidates for tho i-mn. of thoir iierinaneiicy antl continued ricli- Jug election are very hard run for Issues, ness down into tho deep. The Cracker 1 and aro tit a loss what to say or do in or creek lodo, which in attracting consider- dor to become i0Pulur and gain votes, ublo attention, in cross-cut by tho waters Perhaps they would gain moro voten by of Cracker crcok, where it Is oxed in I keeping silent than to publish their oplu tho bed of tho creek for forty feet In i ions and absurd ideas, estieclally such width and bus been explored by two tun-1 Jotters us tliut iitbllshod in the Daily He- inch o !. 3m toves and Ranges Deal. O'Tillv Qr (Jo. LARGER STOCK at Lower Prices, Wholesalo and Itetail aid Yamhill .... Portland. Oregon. I'jti a a Miiintit i' n.ii.i.i:i). Tliren I'rUmier. Aiiult Their Krf-poranil I.nriiiii Dklnii, Ino., May id. Three jirison ors, two tramps and Kd. ChauilKtrlaln, who intirderod his sweetlioart, F.tla Wit ten ocrg, at loii"lds tw-i weeks ago, assaulted tho sherill' with an iron bar, and mado their i-f-capi) fr mi the jail last night. Tito shciiii's injirics are fatal The wholn countrv for miles around Is bcins sc urcd. It Is thought Chainber lainwill bo captured. iii-ls. which have run in on the vein at the baso of the hteep mountain on either side of und a few feet ttlsivo tho level of tho creek, exjiosing to view hot u eon tho jirosent tenniiitis of each tunnel, nltout 700 fcot of tlio vein, which is comjiosed of quartz Impregnated with verv heavy, fine grained, tlark eoloted Iron suljihiirets currj lug gold and very rich. From the tunnel on thu north side of tlio creek to the cuminit of the moun tain is more than u mile and very ktcop. About two thousand feet iiji thin moun tain tlio sumo character of ore txisiscd , for over "i1"' fe t in width and projecting liigli til 'Vf the surrounding surface on Hie south side of the ireek. tie iii"ntuln in more abrupt aud in-uJi hteejH r, th ihstan elx'ingabi 'it l.-'W feet fn in the haw to the summit, whcro unnth r h v I outcroi iug of inincrullzcd tjuartu U ex- In IHSI. Ilendryx kept out of the funds until July I1,H17.0I, ami wan a deficit of t,'J7K...'l. This was tho year Xocth got rich, and wan asscsred 4-000, and tho linn of : Kiiiisor k Ilendryx 1(,000. in IHH; , lleiiihyx was ilulluiUunl to thu Statu In j tlio sum of $i;i,ofi0; all this wan II, 1 II. business, and interest wasltclng charged on said amount to Omutillu 'county, and taxpayurs were suH'eiing , from sucli a sluto ot alliilrs. In IHKti 1 looser iV llundryx were as sessed at -18,77t). The count" court reduced thu tax to l'.'.OOO, and "tho Unit of lliaisert lieu, dryx was burst, lint a tlellcloncy of tjl(),I-t 1.70 occurs to tho State in that year, to-wlt, 188(1. Ilousor wan buist, llundryx was burst, and in 1887 I looser was assessed on 0-r).'), and the tux on tho company's assess ment, uftor lioing reduced by tho county court, Is now delinquent, its well as bo oth's, for tho year 1887. These flguies ute till under tho cerllll cate of tlio State tioasiiior, and cannot bo denied. This and what wan duo the county from Ilendryx formed the stock in tradu no doubt and when the day ot suttleiiiutit came, as we said before, tho llriu was iiLSTicii. Ilendryx was an honest man until ho mot Hoithor. Is there any one after thin showing so dumb as not to know that Ilendryx tlelllteraloly kept back the State funds, and that Ilousor shines with 1 1 i nt tho odium, and shared tho prolltH and losses in investments? Wo ask in all candor can any one veto for llom-or to handle tho county money? brick blocks, until there uro now more !.Wooxect to see such works niudo odimiH than a doon blocks that aro a credit to ' by refusing to uioort lioufur, and do I'eudlutoii. and would l.o to any city of pewit your vote for linncst John Houtloy. ten liititM its siiio. We liavo an ex-mayor I 1 ' of lV-nillott.il. and during histurni of olfico 1 The world's iuvoct MpeeleK number .'lit), thure wuh a luvue built, uUiut a mile long, 1 000, according to Dr. J. A. I. hit nor, -'i,-tu iirotoct thu town from high water, ,00,) helonulnu to tlio I uitod Mutes. at 11 COM l'I IllSlUt f.lO.IMM. .Mi IV mis satiii- ex-iii.ior in a eandld.i'o for the of-l.i-c of i uii". j i tgc, und rigli on the c.e of el-1 ti"n, Hu nigh his great wmi hi, ho gku i hl opliti' us that we liuu tin 't gtounl in IV idlcton f ur a f nn tlati ii i f a tw rut jry court Iimiim' l'cntllctnii has a live story Hour mill, largo warehouses jiiiuiicuii on .May 17111, signed William Alarllu. 1 am now a resident of i'eiidlu ton for ten years. I havo closely watched the prosperity of l'endlulou, und seen it grow from a fow t!olo up to a town of thousands, and liom a low box nouses to About 1,00 i im-v hi h ,n tin- proiliii-lioiin of nun, 7 t ' or h.oim U-tng fiuil j---!s, und ii I --h Ib.iu lo lieimr kn- ,n "ii tho a jile tre 1 ni Dnt Mii'tnt. li-t'irall, Jovce, Ntw man and ihU11 have lucn clcxted binhopH In tho .M h. C huah. r : in