iF (&afy Umatilla Real Estate & Loan Association, TIIUHSIMY, MAY -I, 1838. hkatti.k, i.aki: hiioiii: & i:iHri:itN. Contract Let fur lliu (JoiHlriirtlnii In Hpo kuiin I'ull II in I. Iim t'l lie t.'iitiipltit l WItlilu imp Vflnm. A contract for tho coiiMtiiiutlon of lliu lliuill HllO Of till! Nt-llttlu, l.llkl! Slioiu & KuHtum rulhvuy, cotinectln Si'ulllu with Hpokntio I'uIIh, Iiiih huoii lot ti'li" mil lionaire; conlnicthit,' llrmofllsui .,. Ilomihl, of uv York, huvh tho .valid 1'oHt InlnlliKi'tit'ur. Thumifuaxu t-mliturcil lu tlilrt contract In nltoiit 'JJi miIIim, ami oxtomlrt from it point a fun mil m i'l i.f Gilliam inini'H, In Siiuk alley thy Kiioquahulo I'umh, to connect with tho flfty-milo Miction of the ro.ul wlilrli Ih now- ltolnu built M;t from tin- lalN. lliu comI of tlilrt hoctlon U iili tut . i,i)UI),l)0;), unil lliu road taunt ho comilulcil ho that tntliiH can run lH!tU':cn Nullliuuiil .Sm kan I'allrf within two yearn from till 17lli day of May, 188H. Tho route from f-'cattln ea-itward Ih through tlio latcHt lioi yard In tint woild, located In lliu Mioo lalmitt vulluv unil Hklitinu alont,' lliu hank of the annum FiiiiiuIiijIm fallx, Iheiuv uIoiik tin1 Sno (iliilinlu iiahle and !-ii.iiulmlu liver, to and Ihroiiuh an linmcii-e foroM of IIiiiIkt twenty milna l h and rlht iiiIIoh mIiIu. Ah thu road ciiioikch fiom HiIm futonl It punntrateM llm ni.ral mineral hell of tho C'liM-adu miiko, tapping ilch ln-ilt of an Hirudin coal, not vet developed, and Iim- hicum- depoHllHof lliiicHtonu and niiirlh-. COKNKU MAIN AND WKHIJ STItEUTS, Bast Oregonian Building, I'JvNDI.KTON, OKKUON. I.oatw Negotiated and HentH Collected. Money to Loan on Countrjnnl Town Projierty, M n T..ken on Dcpwit mid Ijanud for CtiHtonicrH. Will make I-'IIIiiim on OovernmenH kinds, 'i iilc ('onte.ttH leforo lliu Land Dnpartinent u HHicI:ilty. Town and Country I'ropjrty Nought and Sold. Irifoi million fuinMii'il fieoof luth Itallroud and (iovoinmcnt land. ' Ahutruclu of Title fmnMicd, and Coiivcyatiriiig attended to. Will act iim AuoiiIh foi NoiflJuidilentM on l!c,a"nii.ihlo C'uiiiiiImh1oii. Lontf-Tlmc lam inado Promptly on rami I.andn. Ftitutid.il Adflntumv of livery Kind furnlidied. UMATILLA REAL ESTATE & LOAN ASSOCIATION, Pendleton, Oregon. Are You Protected? Those who believe so thoroughly in protection should not go any longer without insurance on their property, ot wnaiso- kind; mid nearly everyone believes thatu policy in a pood, I ever Protection or Tariff Reform. Thin I.iIim.m iim i.l rl.,1.1 I.. I.. 1 1... i i lli.yoiiil iiii-tliiii, ill. TarltrN tin-Hhhu iiii wlilcli tlmrniiiiiiffratiiimiun win lie rmwiu, i iim iiiitiKH in i roan right into llio lieait , llM, i.i,Kiv i.i vri.v iiiien who Mould von- inUlllKimtly tn Inform lilnnolf upon a nub of the laiti'iiiM iron mlneH of thu SnmpM). jt-i-i wlm-h i-ion-ly iitr.et.H hi tviiiHrnl wnfarc mm, which iiavo iti'en owned ny cir 'is GEN. LIEB'S BOOK, Protective Tariff. oi .-eatii " lor more man twenty ... -. mid liUM) Ihmiii pronoiniced hy WioiIh, lxith In KiiKiiiml and Aini'iicu,'a. iinxitr pUHHod In quality ol oio and extent of di- , junlt. lion tl mi linn reaches thu Hitminit of tlio CiiHcadu iiiountainM in the Snoqital inie piiHK it will hi only IL'.'i feet oIhim-Hiu elevation of the Northern I'acllle tunnel through tho Hamo raiiKu of mouutaiiiH, whicli ciwt .',(KU,IH)i), and over oO.) feet Iwdow the level of the Hwitchhack. lie hIiIcm tldn, on ticcoiinl of the nioro favor ahle exMjnure In llio HniMiualuilt) punn, hut little hiiorthheddlnir will Ui reipilted. Im-hvIiik tint paHM the road cklrtH along tho hhorei of Like KilcliiliiHM, u plotur-ii-ipui liltle IkmIv of elear water, one of tho moid heautliiil mountain lakcx in thu world. Tim road proceedH thencn hy eaH.v gradi'H and IiiixniiihIvi conMtrtiction to (he mineral regions of the Cle-liliini mid on down through the fertile and Ixmutlfiil valley of Kitlllax. a rich and productive gaideit Ihhtv iiiIIcm lu extent, mid peopled with a thrifty ami cutcrpriM lug iH'ople, wli i, on account of having no railroad facilities to transport their pro ductH to market, have gone extensively Into tho Mis'k raising IiiihIucsh, In the heart of this lieautlful vallev Die ro.ul reaches Kllenshiirg, from wh'lcli Mlnl It will ilerlvn n large tralllc. i At Kllenshnru thu road lakes a fiesh Mlart for the Cohimhla river, tmvoising thu gteat hunch gras and nhs k raising hccIIoii of Kastern Washlngten. The ,niiiiiiiila will ho crossed iiv an lion hrldgu at or near I'rlcst'n Ita'pids, from which Niint tho toad will hiii- away northwesterly to the llig lleiid country and tho enterprlMing city of HNkuiit) raos, inu t oimnnia river win tie u great lateral feeder, and it is Udleved it will tax lliu inmost capacity of the road to carry tlio grain which will come up tho river. f Itratich lines will 1st hnilt lu liast em Washington, and a connection with thu Canadian I'acille is also promised. NOMKI IIINd AIIOUT WIMIL, Wlilili SIiiiiiIiI Im Itrn.t by Ktoty U'mtl (Imtvrr III IllimlllU t'lllllllr lillil i:Ur. Mlll, Tlie llon.Charles Mllier.of .Sicnitnento. who for thirty yeais lias U-en recognled us one of the largest wimi) gnmers In the Htalo of California, has recently placed hhmolf on iccoid as lieing In fm'oc f tlio iihollllini of the duty on wini). In a ic cunt Interview he said: "I llM'd to own H.OOO sheen, lint llm past four years of piolis-tlon' have ahuist ruim-il (lie liiiHiuess, and I have Is-cii gr.idi.illv woikiugiill'my stock, knowing that a things are now going the produc tion of wool will sisin ho a ruinous enter prise, as Indeed am all olheis over which the delusive mantle of a protective lailll' uru thrown. I Mlcvo that a larill' for mveniiii Is a necessity and a delicti! to the country at large, (in it the masses of thu luople priwor, hul the height of ah tuinllty Is attained wlien wo llud the ne cessliles of life taxed hv a heavy imittv- tive tarill.iesulliug In the enrlchuieiit of a few hv imisiverlHhlug many. You might as w.-ll talk of protecting wolves among a luml of sheep. That i all ourM-called piotcclleu ailiellillH to. In K.'.ll I Mild wool for hlxlceu cents r snind; tinlay 1 H'll it for eight cents, Mimelimes getting as iniiuli as twelve cents. In ls.,11 there' was no demand f.ir ..l mill theie any protective t.uill'. et wm took cine of itself at hi.xlcen cents, or muuly twiiv what It will I. linn lo-d.tv under a imitcctlvo taiill of leu cents ht pound.! In fact, I am glad to i-cll w.ml i-d.i at I tho pilco of I In latiU'iil tie to sav tioilf lug of tho cost of the foreign product ex-1 chu-iviMif the tin 111'. I'oi lulame. the lowit ginde of AiiMr illau until costs i Mxht'ii cents per sund. Tlireo or four I cents more must lo addtvl for height and 1 inM)ruK, w men, witn two tents tlutv, aiiuuieiils the price of Australian wind In this market to twenty-nine or thirty cents. I'ioiii this sliowiug ihi et that the taritl' is no protection at all to the wool grower, heeam-o the Hist com of layiiiK even the iMHiicct gtstls in the mar ket Is moio than our utKil luings. Our I Uw wools do not luing over sixteen touts, whlk Aiwtralla's lowtvt gnido win not ho had for lesthan nineteen cents." The WHAT IT DOES FOR US, it vlll Iti'liili-rs wlmt Is UKilally iiltcr il a mnit nlmtrux' nuliji-t rosy of eoiiiprrliciiMnn rrvn iin it iiinn irniMT nir me n-iiniiT lis wrw ii n ii'xi-ihhik inr i lie ii'iiriieii. 'Mils iMiult mIi iWn tin- iniii'tlciil I'ltcel of tin' I'rolcc II vi H) Mem ilium lliut'iinutry. IVrluilis tlio II. ot t'liiiMili'iinUK ri'iitilix- of tlie ImmiI; In Its exiii't nllu llinciit Willi tliu iiii'hsiiki- of l'ri'-l-ili-lit I'li'Veliilii). I In- nillliill of .Mr. Illnllie's "Twi'lity V' lils In ConKri-si ' Is liilirn ili, Ills iims.m tlim in lli Hi tln-Tinl I iilialycil, i'HIIcIki-iI ami limile to fnriiMi liii lrnwn r filiation. INDORSEMENTS: Tliu fiirm as well us tin' Milnliinri- of the IkmiU imxt iitliiilrulili-, unit I liavn m om until 1 1 IK i-iirnil on ll fnriioi- lu t lit itrt-iil work of n ii.IIiiu' tin1 trulli iiiiiomk tin- pi iiilc. HUN At, lill'KINMlN, I'iKliiiiiKli'i-IK'iii'ml. tl Is all nidi- unit Imlnil t-x 1 1 lot i of tin-1 nj II -t li-t unil iIi-I-hiiiis of tin- pnilrcllvi- tlie- orv. i in- worn i iiiiii iy.iiiiii u vi-ry vamiinii- roinriiiiiiiou mi me ineniiiin-ni iiinn ri-iunn. ii , .ni..w, .ii, i I tiolli'ii Hint IliU ImhiU la ri't-i'lvliiK L-rrnl riiiiiiiii-Miliitliin. II Ih ImiIIiiiiii'iI iiiioii fiimlii uiciital I nil It-, anil I v I 1 1 ilmi 1 1 1 fmi unit iiruuiiit'iils may lie lu tlif liainH anil iiiIihN of every rllli n nillnl iihiii thu f i nr to vole tlinii Him ureal itoiiiiiiiIciiI nucMluii" of Kiirplnx ami mrlit, ui:n. John ', lil.ACK, 'omiiil!oucrof lViilin. We tiiki ii.iiiiii' In Hlvhnr till" worli nur tunny Initiir-i'iiient, ami ri'tommi-nil Hint lo rn i i-fiiiiiniiiri's hum t'l ii i is iioiini in ,.ii lining us rirrtirmnti niiiiniir lie- vnn'm in tioiiiiii. MI A'l i: l)i:.MI lt TH CI.NTItAI, ('OMMITTKi: OK ILLINOIS. Ami ninny other. The SEMI-WEEKLY EAST OREGONIAN, Ono Year, AND CEN. LIED'3 COOK. 1 1. M.lt lliimiil III l liilli ami Neinl-Wei'lily t:nl llr-Koiilnii One Vrnr. ft ( ItiMik Alone, lu rioih, mst piiiil 1 en Addiess EAST ORTCONIAN PUB. CO., 1'i'intli'toii, Ort-aoit. Russell , Co. -IIUIMIKHH OK- JSrigines, Threshers and Sawmill! -MMt ni:At.i;its in- THE FIIJEi t - IWTO SPRING MilS, 6866IES (Jp) Reliable Insurance Co. Is worth every time what it cewts, and procrastination should not be indulged in when it conies to taking out a policy. In the ttnat place, pick out competent and RELIABLE AGENTS, With whom to do your business those who ropicsont none but the best insurance companies and go straightway and insure. When in search of such agents, don't fail to turn your "peepers" in the direction of the office of Clopton & Jackson, Tickets rv&issaa ...... ..unipp. Elegant Pullman Paiac Kmlgrnnt Sleeping Cum run lhr.-l OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS ANOsJ Vreo of clinruo run! without Clono connections nt l'orllndfwJ elsco unil iii7ri u.... .'7M "u"TOo IV?f1ttf lintlllfl nnuAHn... Kil bnuml irclKht arrives"? ffj )itrtsnt6:W)p. m. West linunil tinnBAnuA I nnrtM ill iill ti. ni "IIJ1 . . . ........ U'nllu iVnlln nml l'endlu. . i.v.tvvs in. u;w k. in. ror Willi J ves at 7hS0p. m. from Wall! Til -w OriirnA i I'olumli. u.-.. ..si "f'ro.loJ Blnicur.S "win. I J Co lira 1.1, il "'MSI Columblil Ciilumtlt; Lrnvo utoumililpwIiatM'ortltti J rives To Han Frunclcao. Htitto, May 12 ureitnn, iMiiy in Columlila, .Sliiy SO nunc, ai iiv xi Orecon. Miiv I Cnl 11 111 iil.t , .1 tltiu 1 28 Htatt-. Jiini-0 OreHim..liineO Ciilumlilii, Juno 13 Hlnto, Jur.o 17 OrPKon, Juno 21 rolumiila, Jmie2S Htulo. Jimu -Jl) OrcKon, July 3 nlirhl. l.eavo Hpear Ht. wlmrf, Han Fnat J it, in. Unlet of 1'iiiiktt. IiicHidliis incnU nmlbcrtlnl Cnbln, lUnimf'l'rlp, Unllmlteil, t'orfurtlier imrllruliini lnnulrfj..l in uiu t,uiiipiiiiy, or a. u .Miiii L A. Ii. 3IAXH IV. II. IIOMJOSIR, 'P' (ioucrnl Malinger. W. C. AlilifMVAY,4t IViidldon, iJ CREAT OVERLAND RO THE Located m the EAST OKEGONIAN building, whnro you enn have tiny kind of insurance, whether rino, Accident or Life insurance, done up in Pendleton, Fire, Ma- ROAD OA HTS n THK tJtr.T- Fpffl WAGON VIK 'lAlt'tiT,- Wo havo tlm Ks Stmw Itiiniln Kiiliut lu tho World. CAM. OH SUM) R)U CATAl.OOUK T(l lull IJ ill w Russell & Co., KW, 111:!, ltil mid lilii I'ront stivot, PORTLAND OREGON. Creat Western Bakery, AN II DINING- ROOMS, Smi l.sirtvt. i l'iitU f, Ci h 1 1 Ju...v' i .iir , ti u. Qu 1 1 ju...v' i'.iip vitrl I JR. 1.1 '-rltlU4, Hk llilliai I rittt i tat iiintf in 'i' -! I M. Oli. I i'lttpi'letitr. V F1HST-OLASS I IS A. Xj ! tHH " TWENTY-FIVE CENTS! A NMOIC, Ol JOAN HUH I-'C)H vjr, OH 00 OISNTS Fiosh Enstorn Oystors, In Evory Stylo! op;iasr :oj.yr vtstd TsriGri-iT! Main Sti-ert, mu I'osf ., l,uHettm APPLE-PIE ORDER! It is well to remember that to be securo you must insure in ono of the Thirty Reliable Companies represented by Cloptoil & Jackson, with a combined capital of more than $100,000,000! If you contemplate insurance, call on them and get posted and it will cost you nothing, licmember their oflh-n i .w uiv EAST OKKGONIAN building, or address Nortliern Pacific M XI IK ONIiY MNE HU.NSljJ Ptitlmim Jiilace ,Sffrp(n(i rhri Miwnincrnt Jhiu (WW J-.lcutmt KmliimntHletflui Wit A Jltrtht lWf1 From Oregon and WasMnjtn I to the Eatt, Via Ht. Paul unit MlnncApolli. Til imeruniiimt i-mnco umiciu-i i.m'Hin 70 cenii.) Fnntrat Tlmo Kvt-r Midfi tn Count vt-r tht Mortkrnl I'urinnHKIIrou To HIihix City. Council Mult. Ill A t(ili)ii, lA'nvenwiirlli, ktau'l narlliiKton, Oulncy, Ht. initi,air all poliitHlfirotiKlioattlin Kadull eiiNt vlu Ht. ru u l nml Jllnrtipoa UMItlUANTHIiKKPISOaii Aro hiinleil on reL-uliir rinrfii tn'i the entire leniftli of tlio 'orlh(ril uauromi, T.vavo Walhila luiietlon 3:t3 u.m. Leave I'nrllnml .1 p. in., iltllr; ir .iiiiiieiilHiiiK nr ni nun iiuup.ni frilirlli ilnv. 1 Comic elliin rmuln fit HI. Paul itlltl oil to mi iiotntii Kfiit, Hontii anil :i PACIFIC DIVISI0X. Train will Ifnvp I'nrtMnil dill j ill m connoclInK with O. It. A N.CixH til pomm on I'titfci Hounn. i fionnrnl wfntorn Piiiierijr Api'i WiiNhliictnn Ht.. INirtlnml. W. C. AI.f.'lWAY.Afl I'encllfion.v Tn Ran I?rflnp.ifir.ft JL.U UUU JLlUllUlUUVj lly wnv of the Orogou & CalifornioE Anil Conin-rtionn Tlio Mount Slinstn Hoi Quicker In tlnir llm" anroill Homo, iiriwrvii rOIlT(.ANI) AN'l) HAN KRASM Lcavo Portland at4:00p.m- Through time. 39 houa l'l)lli3l,lN IUIFFKT HtKUrl Excurslor Sloopors fori Class Pns onaoiS on I throueh trains fre charge. Fur from I'orllunil tn arr unil Mum KmnrUr) FlrNt.rluH llnllinllfil.. ... FlrHt-rluNM, Limited..... Net-uni.f Iunn, l.luilted - TloUet Offlci C'orm-r Knutl Krout Ht- rrlll E. V HOUKIia.O. KrwJ u. KUKiiiiKK, AianuKer. WM. GARDNER Sanitary and Mi U j Pendleton, Oregon. Manufacture r of Steam and Hot w Heating;Apparatu VOH I) WE I.LI NO.S O ll PUDLIO BCWl furnWH . r - "- " ...V. J lieatlm; bullUlnw In any ection w '- try. Conaixmdeuce MIIcltt OFFICE: I34THIRDSTBE1 Portland, Oregon. 0 riUNTINQ Can Im. had ut tlm East ORiooj(U,f iMii e iiihi will pniio - v,u than tluuo of any other pilntwt