XSDAY, MAY 2-1, 18S8. ....Lilian HrniicliUHicr. .11.... i.f HlC l'.AJlT UIII.HUiiiiin inn "":.:. i. riiniiii ii i id AinnutoM 11,111 ml Moor, muter tlio mine VflSJw? H munfk. lit., will Ijo render tlicm imy service in ut t Kll ut tlio opera house. .!...., Iiwrii COtltS it llltSS. i. fivnr lo-U.iv from Juniper. lond luisicturned from vuinuia. .. i i 1 i.t.ttiii fur Miiln lit pOCOIlU'liiiii" I'i.v karstcn wont over tho moun morning. Hamilton, batruugo man ut tho s reigned. i - tm tinvnr nf , is in town. j M)p crowd wont up tho river tliirt morning., -. miiimii'II tho old Merchants' sjIooii thin morning. ... . ., i i..... , i'rn..r leit lor roriiann ian imiN v. swim. Kunnim v ut II In Krecli In Pendleton I,nt Kelilna Illoglrnl mill MUli-iiclInc TIiioiijjIiouI ilin Alulleiice OreutlyDli mnlHlril. lion. John V, Rwlft, llio grout Itcpub llciin uun, who it hud boon alleged was to demolish u nd disconillt tiio betnoeiutle hosla iind turn thorn nil into tho ltcpub llo.ui runts with IiIh eloquence und IojiIl, in lived lust evening, und dollvciod li Tin self of his giout Hjiocoh nt tlio 0o;u House. llo Fuid tho good limes wo lmvo boon enjoying for tho past Iwoiity-llvo voiiih was duo to llio high (ailll's imposed du ring tho wu. Wo hud no "good 1 1 inert prlo"- lo tlio wur, bceaiico thoio wuh liioii tir.'ii'tlc.llc f mm Inuln. I In nilnilllml (Imt , , r...i ... .1 mu.,n iiiniraumij 11 v.un uir thu turlll laws hud built up latgofoiiiinos. (Iced that ho piedlrlod Clavulund'H 10 "nuuiui, iiu mini, iiiiiiiuiiiuimcH on u election. liugo sculo, is eeiluin to muko 11 good I During tho speech about one-third of iieui 01 inonoy unii 110 will do so 1 10 am enco oft t m nmin. (inn -.L- ing nnvthing for oxjiort. All wo could 1 do would ho to noil 11 few mout-o-trupa in Madagascar. Wo could not compete with Kngliuul, und thoio was no iibo in tiying, without coming down to KuroiKMin I WllgOS. Might hcio would huvo hecn u good , oi)M)rtunity to lmvo oxplulned why with till tho rent of tlio "protection ' American labor hud not Leon pioteclcd ut nil ng.ilnst tho fico Inflow of tho sumo JMitopcan labor, hut It was not done. 1 Mr. Swift cloned his lomatkH with a1 "VCIV flltlliv" tiicttlro of Imw f'tnvol.iml 1 and IiIhIi would poifonn when they met together utter having fooled tho people of Oregon and reduced tho wage- of all tho laboicrH in the land, t.-.i . . 111 1110 course 111 inn tiniti it wuh no- 9IULTNUM.MI 1IKMOCHAT8. From tin' I'ortliiinl Hittiituy Wilcoiittj. From tlio inforniation of tho Hast On koonia.v and other journals with similar opinions of I'oitland Democracy, wo fhull ntuto there !n no hucIi dissension in its ranks an In Imputed to It by nowspu pers outside of Miillnoinuh county, 'llio Democrats, of Pottiund uvo fully ublo to tulco cuio of themselves, are willing 10 tiav their nun fiimtiuiim cxnensos and do their vo'V utinont in battling I r... n. ..!....!. .V. 1 1.1..1. 11 1 iUl IIIU I'lllltll'IU IM IIIUII tlll1, havo over Hleadfuntly ' Htood. That thoio aro half u dozen cranks In our mldnt, who would lw pleaucd at a fac tional light, In vcrv evident, hut theno few havo neither fnlluonco nor uhillty, und. working in tho intorcf-ts of the lie inibllcan party, can accomplish no real injury to tho cauno they huvo deserted. Tho Mast Oiiiuionmn must remember that Gr. Shindler & Co., Furniture Dealers. j Largest and Most Complete Factory on' the Coast. whether cngngod In munufactu.lng In j ingmau win he.inl lo sav as ho ca.1.0 out )Z Z D,1",1 1JMUn"1n,,,,, ?1l"lly.iiire i.owoll.MassadiUhctts.orIiiManch.'stor. ontl.oHhont! -Wnlt. 1'vn in ,. . u ....V.. 1 lll'-,rcnllys (Hated fmm those .of I mutlllu, J-' !iau '- I tlio Kopublicuu ticket, und thoiiR it tho l Jo did not explain why, this being tho Domocratu woio lying to 1110. but if that is nil tlioy have to tell its, I'll bo d d 1 vote it any longer.' This man ovl dontly exp.espcd tho views of numbers 1 no spcecn was 11 nut lainti-o. it was on lit face so contradictory, ho illogical, so uungiing 1111 uneinpi 10 jusuiy imconstl tutionul and cluss logMatlon in tlio iit torcst of capital, that no ono could bo do eolved by it. Tho trouble tors Is 1 l'oiio about a week 1 wiison loads ol onilgrantH ,roiiKh town this mornliig. Matlock made another shipment 'ef catllo to I'oitland last night. llowaid has 11 largo quantity of 'hay for sale in small or lurgo rrick, Jr., of Minis Hros. A Co., 1 (iraiido in 1110 inieieni 01 111s euo, laws to luvor tins foitunalo class of pooiilo woio necessaiy. llo said it was bettor to havo the a foil lines go to Amoilcuns, men of our own iiatlon.than to Englishmen. Tho comfoit und well being of all poor pcopio uoponti on one w oiti employ ment. When ncuily nil people uro employed wo havo "good times j" when lcH iKJoplo a 0 employed wo havo "dull times;'' und when people uro hugely unemployed wo have "Iiurd times." Ho foigot to say in connection with this, that u far gieulcr per centiigo of tico' plo huvo been unemployed under tho Iiigli than under tho low tarlll's. Lust your, ho said, wo bought sixteen million dollais' worth of foreign wool, and forty-four million (Minis' woith of foreign cloth. If this had all been lulsoil und muiiufactiiicd in this coiuitiy, all eisoiis could have had employment, Thoio were "00 000 Idle peoplo tiiimps, lu tho cotintiv , who cost tho peoplo ifli." a year each, in aggregate of L'j.OOO,- lliodl."t Cicncral Conforonco has t hH comes 1 ut of tho jHioiorclusses I its tumoral tonus I10111 tliieo to ioiho i. uoii io-iio pcopio iiko nun- imiiii ii!iiM iifi iiiiii iit ir in iiii.iiiiii inir iiiitt i'm i" nt-ji i iivmii urn 1 uuj is putting up 11 fruit next lo McUullough'x . I......... nit htatid mil. ilcc fuiiilnhed rooms on giound rent, l.iiinuio 01 .Mrs. J . nox- tMicct. ,ere Kll to-night at l'razer's Op- I I....1 "....I voit uiiiit to laugh. 'arrolli at her icnldolico on Webb ar tlio Kast Uiti:ttoNiAN olllco, lv irum iwiu iu iuiii. 1 o flock of tlio Into Win. Hons Is orciloiiy u. 11. inoinpson, an cr. imiUr "Now To-duv." ,,t lj .,lfwllir fill! fit f..iut litu hoots and shoos. Tho prices at ie dock is ollbied aro low. iiiti.i iinfft h Hiinrv urn ifiiiiii lived chlelly oil' peoolo of small moans, ny sponging ami tuiiciiug. Tho speaker dwelt 11 consldeniblo timo upon this gieat bunion tnmii soclolv. uml Hcotncd to Ixi Hying to uigito that u high lurid', if it only could bo uiudu high enough, would ut onco hot nil tho turnip it 111 1 io.iici-h unii vug iDomis 111 1110 country ut work. llo went 011 to druw quite 11 dowim: picture of tho beauties and comioit.s of wealth. Ho liked to neo peoplo live well and expensively. He did not want to go luck to the plain old limes, when 110.11 ly all peoplo woio poor uml could not enjoy tho luxuiies una elogiinehM of life. Tlio speaker then alluded to tho 1'iesl dent's mcsago uml chuructorked it us 11 ccu!liir document, becatn-o it told Con gress what ought to bo douo. '1 ho people of l'omlleton, thioiigh Col. Itth.li, hud with tho Honubllciin imv that they havo been talkim? bosh and buncombe for tho last twent wears about nothing hut tho wur, mid putting ooH ii 1110 rciieuion. ami Having 1110 rnion, uml tlio groat guns, and tho lloutlngllags, and tho grand old patty and now whon it comes down to u matter of IuihIiiojis. nn Issue in which they have to give reasons uml snow cause lor their jilundor of tho poopio, iney nio 1111 ut sou, und know not now 10 meet tlio issue. Till: JOINT DISCUSSION. Urki'v's htoro building, occupied learned about thu message at the vcrv outset 01 mo campaign. Tho special Inteicst of President Cleveland's fiiends, tho speaker imported, were especially guaided in the mensago. He had not usked for 11 reduction of iovo 11110 on sugar. In older to got II fly mil lion dollais into the Tic.isnry consumers pay fifteen million dollufs into the pockets of the sugar planters and iiiunu lactuters. Mr. Swift, with the candor and truth fulness for which Honiibllcan seakers uro noted, did not tell Ills audience that thu Mills bill ludttccM thu turlll' iijhhi sugar over eleven million dollars, uml on woolen manrfactiiies over twelve 111IIII011 dollais. while pulling wool on the free list only 1 educes It ny 11 little over live dolliiis. Neither did ho sav that while I clgiitv'.lvo per cont. of tho tuilll' tax col lected on sugar goes diicctly into the tio.isiny, only uliout twenty por ei-nt. of the t..iilf t.iNei on other uianufactiiicil 111 Holes got into tho ticcvuy, while about eighty per cent., or miiio threo hiindiod million (lolluts a your. g fs Into the ot'k ols of the favoied classes, instead of IK- of only rti!licc, a fresh coat of paint liMtier aro reotiestcd to meet at IJ t..n, I IVan's, as pruviotisly unnotiuivd. , .1 .t. 'ir ji)iiii.miii. rmmrii'r inr inn ...II.. . is.u 1 unii innm m I'lirii icru'tr 1 iiiiiil I l' I ITH. lVIr lllllllirill. III ' I U - v 4 - - - o t 11A I lAlltiil itiiutmiwrrt Iill llittt. wllMit I'itrif V-IIVI IU(ly MII- oih hour l.itu to-dav, but will nuke tin mcst of It between 'I tlicro. Afhiiaugh, a prominent farmer ! MKIl I. .,.u 1., "v ... i.i inn ii.nit, . in 111 lllV. Till V.WT (1 If I'f 4V til W. I'.ratinln who has Ima h on "-aiv i,iur inniiiiiii I'.fiuTfirn nun iirruory 1110 past iincen days, re- i.1 lilt-lit il l M'.ill.i W.ill,. otray hordes aro advortl. -d 111 tir. UnilAa ... T....I.... A rriiponll.iiii f urn Multiinn, Which In I'mily Arri'pttl. Mr. .fumes II. Itulov iccelved to-dav the following telegram, in 1 espouse to his cnaiicngo 10 Air. aiattooii: ".Meet mo publicly nt ui lirundo nt 8 p.m. on Mny 'Ml,, Union .Mny -Ml It ; .Milton ma. m.. estou .1 ti. 111.. l'ono o- ton 8 p. 111., 011 May L'Stli. "A. I!. Mahoon." As Mr. Haley has been through Union county twice, ami as Muttoon well know hits Just returned from thoio to look uflor tlio canvasshi thiscoiiutyiliuing the next week, ho itnswcied as follows: "Owing to engagements hore, impos sible to meet your appointments ut I .a Gruudo uml I'ulou. U ill uccopt your in vltallou for Milton, Weston and Pendle ton on liSth. .1.1 1. It a 1.1; v. llntul Arrival. H11W.MAN 1 lofdi: .1 It Cox, Davton; Jus Itltiiiey and wife, Mlns.Iuckson, Coun try; John Nelson, Wulla Wulluj Peter Mitchell, Pasco; M W Mitchell, Idaho; John McCuus, Portland; W A Chimin, West Plains; !' It Sclndlor, Ohio; (IP I.lnilloy. I own 5 (I M Kiddle, Wuitsiuirg; Geo Irving. Weston: U tJilliain. V Mitch ell, Pilot Hock; T.I Kirk, Contucvlllo. .... .1 1. . ......I ... 1., ti, ii.i.mii) iiihm;. vi .v iminiiuii, v, 110 lloivo: J II McCoy, .1 H Klikland, Mil ton; 1) II Wilson, . I V Swift, Hun I'ran Cisco; H V Smith, W Jones, Pilot Hock; J W Sampan; llenrv Stover, Country; C U Harlow, II C Allen. II S Johnson, II Metgar, Portland; T 11 Col lins, S.iiininervlllo; S 11 Sweeney, Walla Wulla; Mrs Collins, Cove; CharlesHoad eriiiel; It It Hlshop, City; J II Settle mler, FWSettleinlor, Woodbtirn; Joseph (Jarrctt. tloi.niiN Hi 1.1:. I) Kelts, T J Tweed v, Pilot Hock; S.I McDill. J Shay. Jack Canyon ; HA Ilurdwick, i: Ilhiton, Hut tor Cieok; K II ('iimbee, Adams; MJ Kelly,. I Nelson, J It Knynl, Walla Wull.i; Cosicllo llrothurs, V Jones, CItj ; Amos Johnson, W 11 Hudson, Mea'cliam; J ."0..11W, Iluich Cieok; J M Turvilugor, Oiiiuha. l'lieio you have a sure maiorlly of bit) or -00, whllo heto the Hopul llcans have an easy 0110 of (ii)iiln iniletlimes.which when tho necessity is urgent, and tho suck con Hooticntly plelhoiie it-t present condi tion may be Increased to 1,L'00 or 1,500. To keep this fraudulent vote t educed tho Democracy is determined and, judging by the sentiment universally expressed, It will succeed so far, that u number of tho local olllces will lo tilled bv Democrats. One-half tho Ix'gMutlvo ticket will lie elected and so largo a vote given for Hon. John M. Uearlu, our gallant standard bearer, that ho will bo Oregon's next representative to Congress. Should tho fault-finding counties cuter the campaign ami worK as Heartily and untiringly as tho Democrats of Portland aro doing, wo venture 10 pieiiict a i'gislattiiunext .inn nary that will crown our victory by send lug an Oregon Democrat to the V, S. Sen ate. 1 It is iKJsllivclv assorted bv Illalno lead ers that under no ciicumhtilitces will De- pew tiermit his .mine to go In-foiu the convention, ami ho will bo in Chicago, himself a delegate, to foicc his wishes. They usert that Illalno will accept the nomination if teudcied to him, ultliotigli tney pioiiiico nololtortobucli uttllieassor Hon. They claim that tho sttength of DetHiw. Ilnninon. Pheliw. Allison. Stun ford, und almost till Hint of Shei mini uml husk, 1101 iowcii Horn illume, will cmne back in piopcr timo, mid whenever culled upon. WIIOl.HSALH AND HKTAIL. T-Io i e 1 1 i u' 1 lirtliinc,- a Specialty. Bedroom Sots, Parlor Suites, Side Boards, Folding Beds, Bedding1, Shades. G. Shindler & Co., Witierooni, led First Street, through block -00 feet to 107 und Id!) Front St., I'OIITIiAM), NltW TO-DAY. FOR SALE On mill u'lor IIiIn ilnlc, nn mlinttiltrntnr (if Hip eitnlo of tlio lii'o Wlllliim IIokh. 1 olTcr for nio all tlic live Mode owned hy llio do- C(tfCl,COtlH!l,lU of Thoroughbred JIarr'uril Hulls. Short-horn Cuttle, GruWa Cuttle, and Gtfivrul Stock Cutttr. Tho rou fhbrrd Situnlsh Mrrlno lluvlCH und liwcH, Jtryltitered. Grade Illicit und St oik Slice). AIo n lariso number of Horiti 11 tut u quan tity of Uuy. TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS. Kor pin tlriilnrx, cull 011 nrmlilroii R. C. THOMPSON, AUtutlilHtrntor, iiijJI Okw tr I'i'iiillrtoii, Or. T .KKN UP. rlp'iso lm this year's jiotatoes n igh ti use. Ho planted them niTV. ,lti, I i.'.u 1 1....I ... 1... l.t . , ...... nt.n i.iulll'll ill. liv 1111. f'T pLinihig them so cailv. iwi uviH ihV w lio laughs lust." ' !'' Vliilh.1,1 11 lli.lil iillli vnlliii. ul I'll 1 vh il'.i. in whlcli hlri 1 'V I II ullli 11 un.,1,. l,..a .;iti town to bo treated for wtng in a bud wuv. Tim iiinv. ... iM.ju.UMIll V HIS Bkllll IH r,i. m ,r i,eauro cmild mako 11 hot. 'eu arked a well known It.- ir.tiii imp ...inr .ir nil iii'i.ikiii r.i i' wwh cstray or knowing of others I ubout ten million 11 o.ir, on sugar. luialKcstray should lead tho.w Air. Swift then sliuck tho favo.lto notu -'WiU, woul. Ho H.d.1 Dish clitli.icil It wns ll.V t'l. Will Ki'll fnrnllnrii In rn. Dtlt Oil the flVO lUt 10 lliakd Wool COIIIO lM woih i'ii notoH puvablo after up, and at tho sumo time to make clothe Vnv rnu di'slrhiL' in imivlumi 1 come down, lie coiiUl not undoistand frt kllllt.l .1. ..1. ,1.1. ..11.1.. ' III. (I If lllull IK.tll.l ,..1,1,11, II. .,1 I... I'li.Tiui TPKJI1UIU ". ,...i. i.v ilielr prices on such sales are us I would I to a good onu. llio simple expla ' any in town, iiiutiun oU'ered by tho ways and means k Meriviiiun. wh,, ..ln,p.m nf cominlttoe, and that nutii ally would ....... ...... ....w , , ... ...... I I.'.... . . . I . . . 1 I. did not dolgn to notice orunswoi. Ho was sine that by g-t'iug clo'bes cheapor tallois would be thrown out of employment. He dwelt ut sonic length on what a doltimeut Mich a jxillcy wo.ild be to AuuiiiMii tailors. Nothing, s..id tho Heiikor, can be mado to lie like llgii.o. Ho did not want I-j have anything to do with ciutoui house and dealing houso lejHiris, und kIuIIsiIcs iiiesontcd by Cong.e slonul coiiiniitteeH. llo bud nothing to do wilh f!gn -s, but deiHsnded uiwn oluiu PKiK)iiiioii from n f(a. w.. V'.""" 1 " wl.li'li ll.n Iiif..mn.. ..nnlil l. ,li,ivvn lli'.t t I' iiio "it lu.Vf..,.tu' 1.,,'L i tlio Aniorlcan looplo have leon im- Tailor Horlulilx, Tho ineinlwrs of the Methodist Church held it Mx'lal.le lust evening at the iij dunce of MinHhal French, near the mill, ut which a largo crowd purtlcliutcd und a jolly (line was had. It was called a "Tailor Sociable," and was conducted as follows: Kuch young lady provided ma terial ami int out nn upron ; suiuplos of c.u'li ttproii were then put in a hut uml lllll VI1IIII1' Illltll lllll. 1 till , Wll ! '"-Ii l.l. Vl.,.1. ,l.,.r... y.u.,l.u .. III. II... Pl-'OI-llf r,(i.., Hfivf. t l)"(f, I.MVll'Oll . pU'i'f i v"'. ' " ur Iron r kiitt.ii'liv i wutriifi'iii 'Ho m- iiwk riircp tut'iiv liorfN enne Into inv Imnil In llio Ituio iiioooinliiKoiuMiin hint wrrk. Tli h-.iKiM tin. uiiirlcil nt fnllowM Onu iiioMrii lllll X-, Ii' out rltlit l IIIH lllll, Wl'ljillt I Ilk' lioiin.ik, IiiiiiiiIcI jz: llwo hir) mi Irfl Hliuiilil-r; ono Imy imrk", wi luli' ntxiul lixij, HlHintk vi'U jriiiiiiM, liiuiiili"! ('C'oi oM-ri!) on Icfl liinililt'i-; oiii' urny li'irn1, mlilli. inursfil. Iirnii'ifil i.iiiiHiiliiit lilt., ii ' tU'lil nil fi. 'I Imnwir i-.irow ii'innn r'ntver 'i.t'io liorHi liv provlni; iisiiir:y lunl imylllK i liuiKf nf iiilVPl.Ulliit unit Hi'i'iili'i;. Aililrcsi: V. M, KO' 'TV, A Pi.', nivalin, OllCii:()It(jr Mcl vIllllll.V. nih2l Int IVinlli ti.il, Oregon. II OltMITAIvlJN UP, Selling My Out at Cost! Entire Stock of Goods, Coinpiislng tho following goods, to-v.lt: $&000 Worth of Boots and Shoes, The best stock hi Pendleton. Also $2,000 worth ' Mrns uml linn'-, tin In and Furnish I nf; Goinln. 1 ulso put on the Market $7,000 worth of Harness and Saddlery. All of my good I bought for cash, and 1 can sell thorn J pei cent. cheaier than than men who buy on credit. Salu to U'glu this day, .May 1U. Come early and got baigalns. Lease and llxtutcs for sale of the lino brick store, Cotiit stieet, In Dospnln block. JAMES WIUELAN. Hksiiv Htiivhii, l'rckliU'iti. K. J.HOMMKKVII.I.I:, ViC'U I'iTXllU'llt. I'iikii I'.uiH-TcsTiN, Ki'i'n'tury. Jacoii TrniNiircr. The Farmers' Custom Mill COMPANY This new mill Is how miuiiibictiirlng Hour by the bilest Improved inctlioils Flour and Mill Feed Always on Hand We Hollelt u shnre of piihllu patroniigo. CARPETS! Wall Paper, Lace Curtains, Window Shades, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, etc. The "WHITE" Sewing Machine, TDK UKST IN Till: WOULD. Failing's Carpet Store, Main Street, near tho brill);', P.uigloton, Oicgon. inn' Ii iv noro, bMli'l'il II on lilt left IiIp uUiot ilia-it r 'iIiib u' olil, wik ii'k 'ii ii on ino .ii npoiioi Mut,'' "i "i '' ('. wimple drawn had to show the young iiian how to hem the same. Two prizes wore given, one for the neatest ami one f.,illi. t u .jl ....rlr 11 l'.v.i, li'i.u IUI IHn ., .,. ,, ... , H..UII ItW.li i variled tho (list prize and Cola Fiuker i econd. nefieshinoiils weio soivcd . . iy coniu ii couple, and tho receipts . v- ,i very good. Id I i" .w ii. I lie iii'icli at So. i m. -- Mi" to iiiUoh rii-i i f V'Tlli ho k. wln-.v owi.orcaii rvcovi r lilin. :iiw ANTi'S" NOl.Tf -.1 i' monsely bonollilcd by liiuteutiun. A man, said Mr. Swift, has no tight to turn his back on his neighbor ami go to Ivnglaud to buy goods. If woh.ulfico trade, all tlio iii.iiiufucti'iei.s llioio would i ..i. ... ... . .. 1 LIV UUII irilll111.il,..,,. MailV nf Hi. I ,.,. .,,,.11........ ....., iu n.iiuimeti. -...v. B. iiiiuiii)ii lo-uay is mo "e U ijnitu despondent und 1 1)0.,1" "'"""y would Le u few men to K li'e that his condition is not i ",ul1 " "ocsIiosm and sharpen plow .V.,'1 l.v f,- ... 11 Nlkl'l'lli i.tf-AtMii' 1, . In.. . il. 1 . fp w ii "u' lopoiii'ii mini In Mrs. Putter- tho southern , sli.it es. Tho high tariir coniH)ls llio lioli iniin to pay $7'i for u fll) suit of clotlios, and this i.i a penalty on the rich for trolim' . a.l l. . . i. "Ul,u,u'" I l.rn l I.nv clnl linu u-li.in lin nni'lit In cf-;- ..u. , ,o country home:' A'ain tho speakor forgot to mention that whllo the licit man pays on his broudcliKitli a tutiir tax of 50 r cent., tho inxir man on his eheaer and coarser guides of woolen goods juys from 80 to lfiO por cent,, the heaviest tax boiug laid on I he che.iM'r goods, Tho Xer York imiwrters and Poutliern On Monihiv colt ui tilanters want cheap wugas. 'llio md evond ulaccs ! Democru'ie party, and .Mr. .Mills and Mr. liul FiiH.ained tho. McMillan and .Mr. r-'cott and the Presi dent nil waul to see wages reuueeu in una cotintiv, Kegrocs in tlio .South now woik for $S ier month, and theso mon v.unt the labor of tho wholo country to Th'relt mi lti ilr... ''" lav John Mctiarrv. tho well- P, 1 la, i1" !-... . ' . V1 "men was iiii.ou. for Z ' . .vin ui, and dopos- i ri . V "H' alidiawcr. On tar,, . - l , V"i " "lvu"I0y ins ; .i ., . bv II l ' d auhoFlirt National J vh '",'ii'H Co., who.dur- h I ,JM'ei lor tlioir many .,,1 v 1101 reniem wr a t 'o party. A thor ilJ nm vis,Inad? fortho nmn, but 7 . Ut be foiliul Tl. , -we Jir. .McGarrv will una. v .tCVI, " Tlii. Illlloii .Munlnrcr I (rail. Shoilir 15entIovlias iccelved tho follow iiig loller fioiii tlio Warden of the Jlaiti xiba nitontiary i "In acknowledgement of your favor of Feb. I'.'itli, iniuliing aliout an Indian named .luck'ton, I beg to say that uu In (linn was Hcnt hcie from l'ott Mcl.cod In .Inly, IHMi. His iiaino, date of sentence, etc., agivcs with the description given in your loiter, und no doubt he was tho man 'wanted: hut bo is now beyond tho touch of unv earthly justice, as ho died in the hospital of (his institution on October Oth, 18S7." . ii ii To-NlulilV Omicerl. To-nlglit, in tho band Htand. tjie JVn dletou baud will render the following se lections: 1. .March. 'J. S'chottische. .1. Galop. 4, Pass Holo. 5. Schottischo. 0. Concert Polka for cornots. 7. (ialop. 8, .March, In 1881 Malaga furnished to tho Unit eil Stales l.OIMUlU lsixes of raisins: Cali fornia, 00,000. In 188JJ. Malaga, 8V5.747 i California, IL'5,000. In 188.5, Malaga, j inn PARTIES IJ. I-I. SHOEMAKKR FA DcjiU'I it. 7 MACHINERY. HiiMi" " a- Mlilppel froio i:"li'ru rill via 1'ort IiiihI. '4ii Imvt frelKlit fiilil, lo.nm iiiul o v ri'MiirKCx ndjimlrd, uml forwunlliiK ulti nJrtt (o jiroiuplli , ut Imv riili'i, liy nil Uroailnif OLIPHANT & CUTTING. I'OIlTI.ANK, OUKflON. OltOCKitlBi A Sl'IiUlAl.TV. Ituyliitf uml St-lilii ilonx tin CoiiimlK.loii The Peiidlefoii Roller mills The J. I. Caso Little Gianr. Walking Gang, Sulky. Gang aad Walking Plows. Studebaker VVay-ons, Hacks and luoo-ics. F BY THE CARLOAD. v. lllll llio lauor oi llio iwiuiu kmiiii; iu i . "" ",,, Ann I mV como down to that, and even below. No j OS., 800; Caniia, 475,000. In 18S7, reason was given by Mr. Swift why these men should deshe such a condition of affairs. Ho ridiculed the idea of our being able Malaga, 4W,000i California, 1,000,000. William Shorwood, of Pultiinore, Md., has Iwen sentenced to one year's Im- to compete with England in manufactur-1 prisonment for stealing a bible. ((,',iMitlty M lmrr(k p r ilay.) V S. BYERS & CO., Proprietors, l'unitlstoii,Or..'iin, MiuiufitoturcM nt (Jmliiiiii, Kriiiiiilutoit imJ kir rUliif I'lonr. UlUlK'Nt 'uli IM'H'. I'll III roc III ItlmlM ur (lulu. Klmir, moid, oliou leal, t'tc,. iilviiiyM ur, linuil The Pendleton Mfg. uompany, I'KNUWUON, olcKiioN. Machine Work or All Kinds IXitio proiiiplly. 1 'utter Hi mailo. Itenulm lo fHrui miulilnory mid machinery of every (lenvrlptlon a Bpeclulty. Churuts for Work Iteattonubte. Wo are rccolviiut. uliiu..-t daily, Goods Direct from tho Easlorn Manufactorios. Our stocJt will Ui now In iIusIkh und compluto In iwirliiioiit, euiwlgtlni, of PARLOR AND BEDROOM SETS, SJDKBOAHDS, ltOOKC.V.SKS, bA.MIV, WII.l.OW .NH HA 'IT AN (MIA1H.S, Whatnots, Brackets, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc Also u coiiii'lctii lino of Oarpots, oil cloths, linoleums, shades, portieres (iUOI)b BOI.D O.V JJASV PAYMH.VTS. Forbes & Wheeler, Association IJuildlng, Pendleton, Or.