ESDAY, MAY S3, A ItAIti: THIUT. nl.ui llroiicli Hlo. H mJnftlioI,01'1 begun with tlio over Mn. 1'crkln' Muttcal ltccltnl Perfect SllCCCM. . Mrs. 1'orkins' recital, which took phtcu last availing In Mima llnw. & Co.'h iiiuhIu juniors, was u trout long to bo remembered by tlio select eompanv of friends present, lhoio woro over ono hundred ladles mid gentlemen in the rooms at 8 o'clock when Will III' nW:. ?nZ, i ir.-tiornll.v, lo inako iiti'rii uiv'1 . 'ii ..ii.niii mi win IIKKVITII'.S. taiwui ... iit.,n . ..-..I... Id Hum i .... 1 1 i nl.iiui for nalo at J iWMIM'il.H'" I - m ..I i . .1-,, n frnlll IIlO U. II fXIUl isuvi"" - .,,1 , at the Opera Hoiico to-inor- 'nlins 1 ,. f.unilv returned to .Klliwu " It,. I tiil'llt. ..... lloJullBint IS uio -uobh (jrttmoaU. Ue.K'of V"m WOrk '" In-nllillt. tl.v comes on the 2d of Juno iVaJlitho next legal holiday. HVrt fond ni'i'lo l ,urK .iVi l.Mi4 to fan 1 raneiseo to- iv - i Howard lias a largo uiiantlty of , W for nalo In small or largo i r,.ii, it, a itninililli-anftidilucco. r,riiti1,u ,,vi : , ., , ' L .1 I ,nl I lOUSU UVU Wnliovlland "ill furnish iiiuhIu t,,A, H. on Memorial nay in lcu- of 'w furnMied rooms on ground ( fftlti Wlijuira ' uir. ... ..lnvt. jJMr. Oniric Hlaek, of ioIiii i tuck fWer, .miss umucs, farcin town. Fitnon, tlio well-known .ill in V 11 aril. jri lhnlev is building u hIioo 1 rwi'loiicc in connection on urnl of Weill) stieet. . ii I t.1 .... "U',,1.1. iirroii. ui hit i uiMiivii u w.i ..v.... Kir the KvT Oju:oo.nian olllco, aiotfrcnt room to rent. T .. I! . . I.. V..... V.,.1. .... I.Ij to a tailor sociable at tlio i if. i. . 1 1 i. .i.i.. u .Manual i itm.ii uun even- M...H. M Hill .111 11.11 ll i k Howard havo just received lUrmcni oi niro kock unnuy brUutirri. nvir lirounlit In l'in- T ..!.... if " -.1 .1- 1 V f a i 7. Eunaril, of KohmI, Gilliam H I ... .....I ..'III .IIHTI JflUlli Ulllt 11411 riivnu here mtini: h U duimhter. Kim-llil. dtiot. Tho Iliimniilan Dance. (llnihiiiH) by Misses llertlin Jtean uud Uraco Kvans vim next on tho progminmo, and tho young ladies acquitted Ihenihelvcs bril liantly. In this dltlicult piece two pianos uoio used, a llaiiiesand a Starr, the full, rich tonus blending in u most plcat-Ing and harmonious manner. Abendglocklelu, (lviillak) was rather ii didlcult piece for inn., nil., ii i.... ,.i i i. very crcdiiuuiy. noing Hoinowliat fright ened ut llrst. Iho llrook. (Arthur I'ooto) by .Miss Viola Ualioon, elicited loud an- plauso from tho uiidienco. Thu test of tho programme was excellent, and was as follow h: .Spring song, (Jlen dolsBohn) Miss ISertha lioan; Comet bolo, (Uagloy) l'rofessor Perkins; Tuiu uud tiplel, (Lichnor), Miss Cozzio Haloyj duet, Caprice, (Itouuinont), Misses Cozzio llaloy uud Annio Marshull ; Song Without. Words, (Mundelssohn), Miss Gruco Kvuns jSonutu No. l,(Unicry), jiiHs Aiinio .Mursnuii; Bong, "iny soil' tinel Ami," Professor Perkins: Invita tion to Duneo, (, Mrs. Per kins. 'Iho Hong"Gisola,"(lCuckcn), bud to bo omitted, gteatly to tho disappoint ment of tho audience, on account of tho illness of .Miss l-'lorenco Despain, by wiioin ii win to oo loniierea. inoHong tlV I'rilfliUMnr Hlttllillt'tl mill tra irha iHii forniuiii o w ere specially complimented. .Mrs. Perkins' pupils all showed tho marks of careful training, tho credit able manner in which all their perform ances wero rendered being tho best com pliment that can bo ollurcd to their teacher. Those who had tho good fortune io receive tin uvit.mon went uway Willi grateful hearts to: ho pleasure they had oxjiurienccd, thugi iiural sentiment being that the entertainment vas a great mm- cess. Till! l'ltOlllllITION TICKICT. A I.ntter Cliiilnnnn linn 111 of Inlt-r- cut l tlio I'lllllll'. Adams, Oil, May t!L', 1888. To tlio Kitltorof tlio Kant Uri-uouian. Thu followlni! is tho Prohibition tickut as it now stands: Tor Congressman, Prof. G. M. Millorj forrepreheiitatives,Hov. W. II. Pruett. of Weston. Dr. P. N. Hichard- son, of Adams, uud .1. N. It. Gerking, of loutcrvillo. .Mr. u. 1-. Jiiompsou was recommended by tho convention for joint Senator, but declines, and us there is no organization of tho party in Union eountv. tho committee thinks it not lcst to till thu place. Mr. N. Pierco.of Milton, was nominated tor representative, lint also declines, giving us u reason that ho was in tlio Democratic primary, ino committee has supplied his place with J. N. H. Gorklng. None of tbeso men nro olllco seekcrH uud do not want these olllces, but simply eousont to run Iwcause they believe tho cause to bo a lust ono and otiuht to Ih) supported by all good men. They do not ask thu vote of tho good people for them selves, but for tho princiiilo for which they standi the entire Prohibition of the liquor trutlie. Thu convention did not deem it lest under tho clrctimstuui-cH to noininato other men for county otllcors. lll aniiear ut tho Onoru i leaving nil frcrt to luako their owu choice ftuMliy evening next. Aduiis- ' "f thn o aheadv on the other tickets. 11 U V ii-iilK. uti nn nIm mo lie iiiuiicaus inn not uuoeur uio lneuvcl rmIh. f , Prohibition party mon to them very IflrtWheelan oilers his lurgo MI,,Il'Il1 tliolr nrtloiiH on tho 12th Inst., fflf')r wlo ut cost lii this l ln nioru thoy lio about us in their hihoiilfcni for sale tweutv 11' or elHowhero, tho more virfes they tfrAwon Main slr.-ot and tun wM ioxo and tho moio wo. will gain. u -'Jitrcetoi.iitothool.i.iliii? ,lmnU .vm r putiiisning u irutnnu ' " ; wutoment oi ino cuce. l ours rospei-ttullv, S. L liL'itiui.i,, Cliairmun of tho County Central Com mittco of tho Prohibition party. Hotel ArrlitUn. Viu.AKi) lloitsu.-C Herman, Wullula, W T: iMrs Hlack, Couutiv: Miss Grimes, Iho Dalles; W Simpson, Country ; Cbas Hoadamel; WG Taylor, Chicago : J U iiruuioy. m. jajuis; ,i n million, .Milton l-rank l-razlor, Walla Walla; W J Snod grass, I ji Grande; A I Wciler, San Kran- CISCO! iMrs riCCutt. Dm. Mini .liitlnx Mull i brainier. Portland! G A vallisjT.I Matlock, Ileiipner; .fohn h Lox. Country; I.ang, .loteph 1, Simon, Portland; I-.d Gilmartln, P Mulhem, Chicago; Isaac Grail', Mountain Homo; Walter H Craig, New Yoik. Goi.dkn Him: Miss M Ilagon, G H Odell, W H Gilotto, Kcho; 11 V Imwolt, W C Somoiids, Mo; Kd Morris, Omaha; W H Humoll, Ohio; C K Lewis, Milton; O C Giirdeau, Kidgu; A 11 Henlck anil family, Mis V Henick, Junhier; 11 Jami son. .1 II Coylo, country; S 1-runch, North Pork; J Nelson. W H ilimiinell, II Walker, Centervillo ; T M Smith, city; J W Sallsbiir, Vinson; J W Lawrenco, T II Hills, Portland. Howman Hotsi:. Henry Talbortson; M J Goodo, 1) lleirlck, City; Sam Maun, LaGrando; W KColton.Tex; 11 Hauyo, Portland ; 0 1) Morel, 0 F Andre, Coun try; J E Tuylor, Atlington; H F Wil liams, Salem; J no Callahan, Californiu; Dan Cameron, Helix; Jim Cameron, Kcho: A A Cole, I'niatilla; Kim Morton, Tho Dalles; J Koam, Sacraniento. A 1.1T1I.K MAlTKIl OK LOSS. AUrentUrnl of Viilnnliln Tlmo AViutml by nOfllceriinil II la Force. Tho Orcgonian announces that U. S. Marshal .Myers and his deputies were bu sy ono whole day tiling to figure up how papors wero to uo served at ittuiis, Malheur county, without loss. The dis tance is about 1200 miles and the fee al lowed Is ll cents lwr mile, making "2 for thu trip. Thu deputy making the trip will havo to pay 8 cents tier mile, on ac count of tho high stage fair, making his transportation bill !(). This makes a balance on tho wrung side of ijM, to which, when tho necessary traveling ex penses ara added, the trip will cost about or cent more than thu fees allowed. Tho conclusion aril veil at by thu force was that tho papers must bo'served ut u loss to tlio marshal. Tho marshal and his force, who havo ample time to enter into such calcula tions, can console themselves with thu fact that there are losses sustiilued by till business and professional men in 'some instances, but these Iuh.-l-s uio oll'set by haudsomo prod Is In other instances. Tho Government allows enoimh when it al lows six cents a milo for expenses. On an average tlio Government allowance covers exjioines and leaves a surplus. - i Mrs. Eininu Hobuits. neo llurke. and daughter, arrived last .Monday from Washington Territory, and will send about two weeks visiting her mother, Mrs. It. Ii. Hlshop. The Hoard of Firo Delegates w ill meet this evening at Fireman's Hull. NI'.W iikmm. 4Co,illK-ll furniture to ro- kfmmin notes i-umiMo after w I'tia ilt-ilriii" in iiiiri'lin..! ftwiMi-oniinlt this responsible w j-rli-es on such sales aio as ! J 1ST In Inn n -i. ' t5fTlienii)ii will stint Hast ,llu Nwtlu'rii l'a 'J Walla. S,ouill ok joined ! r. lot u ino in nliont two tosctlierlliy will g., to Jin I'bhoii Jlorris' naitv in MOI'NTAIN VAI.I.KV ITUMS, Iiilert'itliij; I.nrnl Itt-nm from tlio llenutl fill l ltilo Vutli-y. Moi ntais Vai.i.i:v, May IHtli, 18S8. Sheep hheailug U tho order of tho day, Tho Campbell liios. mo sheaiing their hhcop and tho clip averages between tun r.i. , .. , aim eignieen inuiiiiih nor ueaii. 4'Jl Sun, .iy K-hool w ill Oops look woll in this section. f 'M'iimdng In the woods I Hov. A. Y. Skeo und family aro visit- - ll lireiltt 01 t 10 I- I lllrmi tmr In tliia iinti.lilmll. iied,out thote w ho cannot WtollilB tlin ..1 i -i.i .. . :v v.. iv ''u nielr Ittnc-hoH by r ' Ullllm iii-i.l.i rn. Governor Nlcholls wus inaugurated at li.iton it on go Monday. Henry Schussler. iikciI 14. a Nana Col lege student, was drowned at Folsom, Cab, Sunday while bathing. Tlio President on Monday nominated Thomas J. Smith, of New lfampshlm, to 1)0 solicitor of internal lovouuu. Seventy hon-os woro sutlbcated in a burning building in Chicago Sunday night. They wero valued at f 22,000. Mrs. Sawvor. wifo of Senator Sawvor. of Wisconsin, died Monday in Washing ton. Mrs. Sawyer had been an Invalid for many yearH. Peter J. Oulnu is misslm; from Pitts burg. Ho is shod in his accounts us book-keeper 1MH). It is behoved that I ho bus gone to Canada. At present there are over ono million leople out of employment in tho United States. In Now Yoil; uloiiu there am U7.0UU men nun ihmwu women wno uro idle. Tho 74 Ih annual mooting of tho foreign missionary society of tho Hapllst church began ut Washington on Monday. Hon, Guoigu A. 1'illshiiry, of Minnesota, pro- i sided. I Visible supply of grain Mav llltli; Wheat, 20,022,000 bushels; coin, O.tMiO,. ' OCX) bushels; oats, -l.filtf.OOU bushels; ryo, :!(ll,000 bushels; barley, 48;i,000 ' bushels. Three thousand men employed by tho - ui iiii .lion l i..u.. i .. iiivio wail ii i'iuuI utiiwi- - ur.uuiiuii mill ,v- aws V -'MeUi'll. 'I will 1, . ''iiwtlng of tho ?WW'll-atinf,,r nilM.L. , ., r .oiiraem win bo ,u,ulu to cliool Miijoiin entlon I'iorco juiin our j io.l(IMg nuromi Company in their school a visit this week and was well i COi,j luinM u Pennsylvania uro Idle, on ploasod with its condition. Mr. lliuagan, (Jf fl dillbronco between tliciii and tho teacher, is giving universal satlsfac- t(m comiany. - 'I0'1;, ... , , . , . i -Mrs. ElU'i Lewis, an nged woiiiuu, und ilhaiii Gendano started for u visit to ,la.0 Mml t-hlldren woro burned lo ! Montana niid Idaho this week. , ,iL,;iti, ut Clovelaud, Ohio, Sunday night. Hov. Dennis preaches every third Sun- 'iho housu In which thev we:o Hsik lint day at the Mountain alloy chaj el. ,)u and was deslrmed befoio helj) ivachcd have Sundu school ovory Sunday, which ,10 ooiilng iH-ciipants. is In a flouiishingconililiun, i ii0,,rv Krolller and his wife, of Mil- , Dan Jones left for tho llig Hond coiui-1 Waukco. had u babv three dayM old. I-w-t , try ono day last week. Ho contemplates , (,ll ith tho niothor and grandmother jn iviuuviiig uieio wiui jus Mimiy io lermo i ft,j njdyop, i j,o niotlior awoko llrst, nun, tuiiii.iiiuiiu.y, uirniug io tno cranio, saw a cai which Campuieoilngconimoncesat tho Halni Jmil lccn left in tho room lying on tho Grovo the second Sunday in Juno. I ant 1 ,.1,11,1'h ehost, with its noso at tho' roliably iiifonned that ono of tin; minis- lttnouth. Hercrv uwoku tho grandinothor, ters who will assist In conducting tho ' w,0 imVo tlio atiiiuul uwuy, hut tlio fliild sorvicen of this camp meeting w ill lead to 1 waH ,oa,jt tho altar shoitly ono of Hidgo'H fairest ', . j Richardson's Ice Cream Parlors and Lunch Counter Call In unit frcer.r ymirRi-K with a ten or twenty-live cent itlsli ot line Ico crenm. If you arc liungiy beiwcuti meals, not nn oteollerit luncli prcpareil by u whllo coolc. No Chinese employed nlxiuttho rnneh. RICHARDSON'S, lw .Main Htrect, rcndlcton. H. F.Johnson&Go., Prescription Druggists. PURE MEDICINES, CHOICE PERFUMES, Requisites of tho Toilot, Stationery & School Supplies, Flno Imported nnd Key West Cigars. Oppoilto Vllliir.l ltoune, t'KNDMiTOK, OltKGON NEAGLE BEOS.; Kurri-HHors to MAUSIIA f.L 0 SOS"., BLACKSMITHS -AMD- Wagonmakers, t'oruer Main unit Water SI., Ponclloton. - - Orogon All hliiiln of llliicliumtllilnK.iliuie In the lienlaml prompt milliner. Wiikiiiis, llni:len nnd Iihokn iiiiule loonier. lit'jHtli-hii a Speclalt. I'artlculai uttentlnii lo horio hoeln KKW TI1.IIAV, John McGarry -Dealer In- GROCERIES AMI pro-visions Flint-clam KiMiila only in sloek. (I u co Im m h 1 t iinil mill. I'ro- 13UYS arul SELLS REAL ESTATE Cor. Stain anil WobbKrrecU. 1'KNDI.irrON OltKflMV A Im Rrain ui Ea; farm For Sale I Two hiiuilrcil iM-jpn deeileil; SDneris mllrniul rientyof riiiinlin,'Va(er; K-iiiil IiiiFiko, kIii-iI mrralx, i"c.j nil under vihmI fence; a youiiK on-lmnt of iiImiiU l.V)irei-n; il aeri-N nf ineiiilme scl In tlnuitliy; JSneren liniUen nnil In Kralu All 4-an I mi jiliiwed. If npjilkil fur ui oner, It i-au I)' ImiiiuIiI lit krret Imiifiilii. Hi ii ii 1 1 payment iloivn; bill iiuroou liriim to Milt iiiiri'linser. AI'1'I.Y to NELSON S. CHAPPEL, Echo. Orotjon Umatilla FbolE state &. Loni Association liiyt l'UNDI.iriON', UltKdON. lie Ith "; know a yoim mil . . ' tha nomft nf H..I.I.. .V litiiii-n.l i i.i . i . . t I lllil UJO V. winirt .r.rili'1,.eu to ho was so .""aerahvorbv l..tti?, i.i. W H m Mwa or bK''.,h('vi.Iental shoot- m l ie. no "4.10,, kUIe-l unoileor. an ttk(l1 1 nMliflH?ll in- jsrt-v ti ,lu alHivo, V u?;'11 11 Irvine, at .ns, .?.?."?.. burned to m m L nlt IU all -ii.'',l!,"1'lii?as A .abaeks werunlar. ttlr? of wlver ..,, Mkia'hiS?.," nearly ttUro. 9fiillrfvon "ie liouso. in 1 boxes. A considerable nortion of this eoEW,,4n'f Salem, stock, however, i- undesirablo fn, ul.ln, daiiL'liters S. 1', Ilarton will comnieiico fencing ills --H) acre tract of laud next week. Mrs. Annlo Ilutts, of Uirnmlo City, Wyoming, arrived hero to-day having been called to tho bedsido of her father, , J. .M. Thrasher, who is a very sick man, und is slow y grow ing worse Tho doctor I i in tuteuiianco savs uiero is no noi oi 1 his recoveiv. Km. XKW TO-DAV. llawluif t'XHl khlppeil fl out lvi-titli elite via 1'iirlliinil, emi havn frclulit pnlil, lue uinl overi'liarKfn inljimleil, ami furiviuillu utteiiileil to promptly, ut liov niti, by il (Irenslnu- OLIPHANT &. CUTTING I'OHTIiANl), OHKCIUN. HOCKilIl!S A HPKCIAI.TV. Iltiyluir m 1 1 I Selling ilonu on Oummlmlou The Pendleton Roller Mills, (Capnelty Ui) ImrreU porilny.) W S. BYERS & CO., Proprietors roiulleliin,0r':oiu Jlaiiiifarliireri ut (Iraliam, Kranulutei) ami kmi ri'ini; r iour. HlCllI'Mt As an lirL'iininnt In favor of corsets, it may m said that if .Mrs Kullmoyor, of fc'an Franci-co. had not v.otn corsots her body would have ov'cujiied a slab in tho niorguo todav. Thoy saved hor from fatal wounds n't tho hands of hor murder ous lover, i'eter Kolb. Advices from Florida uv that there yot remain in tho tato L'oO.OOU to IluO.oiH) box es of oranges. Tlds would bring tho crop of this reason uo to a million and ,u half nrablo and not suitable for shiimient TOWN PROPERTY For Sale. A half lot fronting twonty-flvo feet on Main street, paying 1) per cent, intorest monthly, and two lots ou Webb street, opioito tlio planing mill, for sale at very reasonable prices. CiihU I'rii-f IM lit far All iiiiniH or faruiu. Selling Out at Cost! My Entire Stock of Goods, Comprising f ho following goods, to-wit : $8,000 Worth of Boots and Shoes, Tho best stock in Pendleton. Also $2,000 worth of ATn initl lion's ll'tlt and Fitrnhhtitf Goon's. I also put on tho Market $7,000 worth of Harness and Saddlery. All of my uood . ,.u,.iu lor cash, and I can soli thorn LVi net cent, cheaper than than men who buy on ciedlt. Salo to begin this day, .May '2. Coino early and get bargains. Lease and llxtuies for salo of Iho lino brick storo, Court street, In Despaln block JAMES WH ELAN. CLOSING $ OUT $ SALE. Owing to the ill health of of the the senior partner Chicago Store, the entire stock will be closed out at ACTUAL $ COST, Beginning The Flour, m in I, chop feed, i te ulwiiy or. bund -IXtJUIItK OF- Commercial Livery, Feed, ad Sals Uk J. B. KEENEY & CO., Props. James Wheelan, At Ids store on Court St., Pendleton. Put up your animals and your money ut this stand. There is no bettor in town. Our patrons and frioncls will bo wolltr at d. I COMK TO HKK US. A I.I. K(ND- uf WO,-. FOIt HJKK-TJIK KJNKST TVUS 0UT8 IS TOWN. J.B. KEENEY c Co.. PROPR. this day, s tock full Monday, May consists of a line of 21 Ladies Misses, Children, Men and Boys' Boots and Shoes, All new styles, fresh from Eastern Factories. A beautiful line of Mens. Youths and Boys' Clothing. A nice stock of Gent's Furnishing Goods. , A complete line of the best grades of HATS AND CAPS. BLANKETS, HOSIERY Etc. A fresh stock of GROCERIES. Those goods have all been bought in the Eastern Market for CASH, and will be sold to you cheaper than a great many of our competi tors can lay them down in Pondloton. You will no doubt perceive that this is a great oppor tunity to save some money. When this stock will have been disposed of you will have to pay high prices again. Yours, respectfully, J, G, WRIGHT & SON. Rockford Railroad Watches. We havo secured the agency for this city of the cli-brated Rockford Q,uick Train Railroad Watch Which wo havo lilted In (lold, Hoss-lllled, Silver ami Nli lde cases, which wo sell at price that DEFY COW ETITIOM! Wo also oarryju full stock of Howard, munis, of all i Waltlmm and Elgin Move- Our stock of JEWELRY, CLOCKS AND RILVEflWAflE, latest pattern. is now oomplulo, and of tho W giiarantpo ovmything wo sell to ln as rupieweiitcd. CALL AN'I) ICXA.MIM-: OUU STOCK. PINK WATCH UKI'AIItlNO A Sl'KCIAJrY. F. J DONALDSON & CO. (HIU'I'KSHOHH TO K. V. N 1(!I()I,S.) City Drug Storo, Pon'lloton, Or iiii NEW BY FU THE 8 TURE! CARLOAD. Wo nro receiving, almost dally, Goods Direct from Iho Eastern Manufactorin Our stock M-ill lw now In dosign and wnnjiloto in assortmont, coiiHlstlng of PARLOR AND BEDROOM SETS, SIDKROAUDS, HOOKCASKS, l.A.MI'H, WILLOW AND KATTAN CIIAIKS. Whatnots. Brackets, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc Alno a conif leto lino of Carpets, oil cloths, linoleums, shades, portieres. UOODS SOLD ON P-ASY I'AYMKNTS. Forbes & Wheeler, Association Uuildlng, IVndloton, Or.