East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 23, 1888, Image 1

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    t 4 VT.
A I'UKi: 1.1 lilt A It V.
rntrim of tlm Ikilly or McniMVcnkly
lj.irn' . ,.AsT (,hi:(1()N.
M' i until if",r ImNovniiiliiT
(rtliiiri.n.iiirir criii. win imr
j ICAST OltlUlO.NIANM.ill fi-ccly InuU u. o
j, or Hi,' NASI' OltlUIONIAN llbrnry . wlieu.
ifvi r llicy mi di-slrc. ,TIii initilln urn !,ir '
jillully lmltcd In tllt,tln, titllee wlivimviir
I Inclined,
' . n,i.i!erelli:cH'n "
Iins been taken ofl' both
i -n ii t
ooien hjulu uttuii oruous
IS1ot by Congress, but by
And they now ollbr their Largo and Complete Stock of
coii. hush vniTi:s a m;ttj;ic. 1 fifriiliVu'V'i ,lI,1J;iu110' Jcht ilwri tlio ploWHliuru of that teniilc ur iiiUt low rules t( duty tluvcouiitiv ie-
Examine their goods, get their )rices, and convince yourself
kI,0 nlmvn ure not mere assertions, but that thov will sub-
atiate what they claim. J heirs is not an "Infant Industry,"
reforethcy have discarded Protective Prices, and will freely
I'. ..11 1,...,. MM. ..
a competition irom all quarters, ihey carry a
i tin r i . n i . n
Consisting of
aple and Fancy Dry Goods, Men's Boy's and
Mens Ladies and Children's Shoes
Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery
and Glassware, Groceries,
Hardware, Etc.
Vegetables, Fresh Fish
It AppciirH In till MiiuiIiik'k OrcRonlmi
rnrtloi. or It I'nntnnt by Telegraph
inn iircKiniikii'R Kdltorlnl.
Poiitlani), May 1!3. Colonel .Tolm P.
Irish, in u letter to tho Oregonian, pub
lishod this morning, denies that ho was
ti cundliluto for delegate ut largo from
California to tho Democratic National
Convention which assembles at St. Louis
on Juno Oth., and says tho San Francisco
eorrostiondont's reference to him wan un-
noeossiiry, false in statement and infer
ence. Closing his lottur, hosavsi I muv
bo wrong, but It lnw HOtMiied tfiat niv er
rand to this State Iuih rmiHcd utinecossur
ily n degrco of jiersonal bitterness, abuse,
detraction and Iwllttlonient on tho part
if some of the Kopul llean leaderH in
both California and Ore ion. that Is nut
to their credit and in no ovldoiirn of good
lnannerH. My interest in jKilltiw Im not
roused by desire for ollice nor N it mani
fested by porsonul or political abuse.
Tho issues to bo met by both parties
reiiilro only cold roan m in their discus
hIoii. llouuttt men tnii diirorcnneorning
thoin and Htill bo gontl 'men, while fooln
and blackguard)) will go on butturlng
ineir ioiiiieui parsnips with hard words."
i ins mornings urcgmnian contains an
editorial Inspired by this letter in which
ii suvs:
nt t.f i. t ..I i i
.ur. infii nniiouiacdiy iuim iiio nanio
righta iih .Mr. Swift to bo In Oregon, and
um a mail is woiiny 01 iiio name res poet'
fill treatment. It is his coming ns nuii
iohoiI agent of tho mini n strut on at
Nashiuuloii that has been criticized, mid
under the clreiiinstanees the oriticisin has
not lieen lilttur or harsh. Mr. Irish was
ut tho national can ta where, as a Dom
oerat, ho has access to the innermost cir
cles of politics, societies, anil ndininlstru'
iiou. aiiorconsuiiauou inert) no came
directly to Oregon on 11 political mission.
o navo saltl that It Is his comlni! as
HiipN)sed agent of thoAdmlnlHtratlon that
has lieon criticized. Had not our people
good reason in tho circumstances to sup
mso him an agent of tho Administration?
terdav alio shim; "cortinrH." A rnlo nti-
hlbiting "corners" wiw carried bv a largo
majority. "This action, is t-lgiilllcaut,"
tho local papers say, "for tho H'uon that
a 'corner' in .May conn has been jimong
tho probabilities, and a 'corner' in Julv
wheat might also occur without surpris
ing anybody."
Ti:.AS Iin.ltllt'KATS.
.... .it. i . . .. r " ' i .. . r .
im um, jiu inn inn iciiimi uio aw mi (ti-uvore(i imm ino (i'i(Mesynui .oi '07 111. a
lemma of u son with dictates of conscience eoinparutivolv few luuntlis, ami Jiko an
onmo side, and luconwlvablo veneratioi4awakenel giant nmivhed on ils patli of
for lib) father on other. Ills father was tLmxitness and iiowvci After tlui panic of
Kentui'klan, who never gave utiernnco t .w 7:t it striiggleil 011 for live long( woarv
the miserable deivlt that a gentleman years. From tho MJisago of thu tiirltl'iu't
hud put into his mouth, lie would sax f -, down , to the last lorn days of
to the venerable gentleman that he for- Hiiclnumn's udiiitaKtlratioiin when civil
j gave him for hiding behind tho grao of a. wur was imminent in (Ids country, not a
I dead father to wound tho living Hon, bond, not a Treasurv note, notai uoveni-
Kntiorvm ciooiiiiui-i'iu,ir tlm Mill, mil lti:i:" vm i'Ti:tT:oN. uieut obligation 11my foiniisold for less
-i:miirc iicinncrMic l'Utrorm iirissi,, That talk about incidental protectiua '"j"1 '",r .W'Mit wliilw inimy of tiioui
nmi coinuo um sijuniMy Au-nini.t thu arI- 1 wiw u sham j that taritl' for lovenuo omj. wmjiitu very considerable; premium, on
tniion ori'riihlhltioii in Tcnii.. was a target for the. same arguinvnteU50'!''
1'onT W'oinii, .Mav L'l'. The Demo-! wliU'li wore used against protection,. TV . ... ' believcib Ibat tlio.paHsago of tbis
eratlc State Convein'lon assembled this 1 l!iellent, ho said, was tho leader of ,lbo , V'01"11 riu,.un: tiiutQliul Jtijjiry to
morn iil'. '1 in i ftirtu ,iili,t,wl nmi,, 1 Ueinocraev. l o was 10 1 siionsor of ttJ . invivuMry 111,11111 couniry, 1
morning. Tho platform adopted eiidon-es wi-inocraey. llo wusj llio ills.onsor of ." , " ' 1 ""Wlr 1 1 co niry. 1
I'resident Cleveland, favors thu .Mills 5itronugo, and ho was rapidly sliuklrtti ,w 0,1111 hesitate lwng, nntwltjistand ug tlio
bill, endorses the Deinoeratie platform of . die dust of civil service, reform.. olli, h wwwtwy n(v 011 us, before casting iny
1881, and asks for renewal of eoiiim-ieitd ft'et ; he was assiiinlug control over his olu. f,'r..it' I..1 l nUishcd that In-
restrictions between Mexico and thu
t'nltod States. It comes out wiiuroly
against any fuither agitation of; tho Pro
hibition tiuestiou in 'lexas.
Tin: win. at maiIki:t
.KEMLER'S Grocery Store, on Court Street
us. tine lioiiBB. Hns Tea. and tverv h nr Fins that a Mrs -c ass
Grocery should contain.
a 1 . mm rm a -m mm mm m mm
At J3oi'tom Prices,
II V nil V I A m. mm m m A k gk-m m mm. mm
I Ua u n IW 1 I W If a 1 1 tr-v. 1 m
Arrc.tt-il ror Aiilt llcipunr n Clootl
Town 'CIik Uiiknuwii Stun' Itmly I'ouinl
l'oitTl.ANli. Muv . Willlimi Dulnv
was up in thu jioiico court to-(lay,cIiargel
with assault and battery on Captain
Mountain, who is watchman at tho Ash
street dock. Testimony showed that
Daly was ordered oil' thu dock by Moun
tain, but refused to go, wlioreiisin Moun
tain pinned 011 a "star," and said "1 will
take you to jail." Ho took a canu from
Daly and struck him with It. Thu judge
held that thero was nothing to show that
an assault had 1kou committed, and that
Mountain erred in not plainly stating
that Daly was under arrest, anil defend
ant was dismissed.
Mr.Ncal Vaiidiiyn, who passed through
this city recently, on his way to Coburg,
will shoitly locate In Ileppuer, where ho
will engage in merchandising. A recent
visit to Ileppuer having convinced him,
ho said, that a Uitter xi nt for that busi
ness could not bo found in Oregon,
Coroner Del.iu s.iys there is no doubt
but that thu body recently found In tho
river at the foot of Alder street was that
of tho unknown man who juiiijed oil' tho
Morrison street bridge so no time ago.
S. O. Ualloway and J. J. llalletay, of
l'undleton, am registered at tho St.
J. II. Koontz, of Hcho, and Mrs. F. K,
Seoloy, of Conteivlllo, arrived this morn
ing and aru at tho St. Charles,
.Mr. Frank Kellogg, a leading lawyer of
Ileppuer, Is at thu Ksinond.
VII.l.Altl) It) Till: 1'ltO.NT.
lit, Nauru n Circular Ailclri-K.rU to the
I gMocldn liter ortlio()ri-i;iiiiniicrj ri"i)ii-
I tliicntiil Company
Nkw Yohk, May L'U At thu annual
meeting of tho Oregon and Trtiiisconti-
nental Company, which will occur in this
cltv 011 .nine in, it is limicn-ioou inai
Henry Villard will bo elected 1'iesldont
! of tho company. An address has lccii
Issued to stockholders In Villard's name
'in which ho stutes that having leudored
! assistance to the company iiiuciitical
Tim I'rlcp of Wlimit In ClilciiBii nm I Hun,
rrniivloiii Yri.i'rilu.
CiiiCAiio. Mav L'L'. Wheat oiH-ned. to
day at 8(lln for June. h7.j for .Inly, audi
closed ut Ml for .May, and 8(1. for Juno.
S.s Fiiancik'o, .Muy No. 1 ship
ping tl.!!" to-tLiy.
7, J uuuitHUN AND Hit WHISKIES; JOS. SCHLITZ uncWINU , HIU-U " 1 uuir, no now . '
Pn Jo "uncnuL wfl 1 1, (.WflUKensaw, WIS. Vtuitc uliuuui . die company. For this purjioi-o ho says
--'in, HnAiuncriL iv.ii.iu nh.i . . i... 1. ...
- w, ...nil ouiiL, 1 UIIUW UUUUI.
inch OiiNW.Im
.Ueal, O'Reilly & Co,
J)oua LARGER STOCK at Lower Prices, Wholesale uutl Itotall
man any uouso in the Nortliwcst.
-r-"vi lumnni . Pnrtinnri. ornfron.
r.i j .
ho Iias obtained co-oneiatlon of foreign
capitalists which ho represents, and his
1 friends in evidence of their intentions to
infuse now life into tho company and
1 have already acquired large Interest in
, tho stock. In conclusion, ho requests tho
corjionitlon of stockholders in the . pro-
jwscd olfort of rehabilitation of the Or
; egon and Transcontinental company.
e,ai Pr for
4 r;.
"N maUo by ottior
iB,,t the r.nl,urrom J6.W
. - " inai. 11 von
... .
r to u,, ami aVQ
t OD'h t, ...
tol Oregonian Pub, Co,,
Pendleton, Oreflon.
Maine Ilciiuiciut Wmit ltnllou of I'rc-
11111 1 ,,lnnP , rut UiUutTrlir I.um
W LL HAPPEN 1 Ai oisrA, Ma.ni:, May '.-The Demo
miuu uni ' ' cra,j0 tato convention mot this morning.
A. A. Powers was elioscn cliairinan ami
1 niado a brief addioos, mlvocating contin
! iianco of tho administration of President
'Cloxelumi. Tho platform adopted ni
1 proves tho ellorts of tho DemocralH in
Congress to pass tho bill which, in tho
1 languago of President Cleveland, will ro
I H..VO tlm iMuinlo fmiii onnoeossary taxa
tion, having iuo iog.ird to tho interests of
capital Involed and worklngmen em
plovetl in American indiuttrios, and says,
''W'o do not advocate fro trade but favor
ami doMro a revision of the present un
just anil burdensome tarill' laws."
"coitNi:its" Anc11.mil ui."
1 li .Miirkcla To-duy.,
l'oitTi.AND, May l:i, II p. m. Advices
from Now York ami Chicago report u. de
cline in tho price of wheat. In San
Francisco there were more oll'erings nuil
some transactions at yesterday's closing
prices. In this city a prominent dealer
said lo-(iay mat tiicro would probably lie
a stoutly decline In F.astom. markets until
thu end of the week.
AVnrk lit t'oinmviica nt )nfi.
Wahiiiscitos, May 1'J. Tho lUlllngs,
Clarko's Fork and Cooke City Utdiway
Company have secured a right of wav
through thu Crow reservation, and will
commence the const met Ion of u road at
once, with the oxcctatioti of completing
nearly the entire road to Cooko City this
Ho tVt'tU i Scuttle Girl.
Skatti.k, May I'll. J. J. Valentino, of
San Francisco, vieo-iirosidont and gen
eral manager of Wells, Fargo oV Co., anil
Aitss Alice iiiauciiarii, eldest daughter or
Dudley Hlaiiclmrd, of this citv, will Isj
married this evening at the resilience of
the bride's parents in Seattle.
Woniiiii NuirruBe UncuimtltiiClniinl.
SroKANi: Falls. Mav L'L. A tiuestiou
of woman's sutlrago was before Judge
Nash to-day on a test cane, and lie decided
tho act unconstitutional.
Hrrckeurlilk'a 11ml Hiibor IIhto h Tilt IIiciI
of Mulun WunM 110 Itlforni A (I lout
Heecli liy CiirlUlc.
iiiii:cki:hiiiikii: and iiakkii.
After the reading of tho journal, Haker
of Illinois was recognized. Ho said that
vestcnlav. at a moment when he was out
of thu hull, wortls woto spoken by tho
gentleman from Kentucky ( Jlreckonridgu)
lullecting 011 his honor, ami lellecting
liism tlio honor 01 his constiiiunts. lie
then hud read tho remarks of Ilrecken
ridge, lullecting upon tho manner in
which tho tleleat of W. It. Morrison, In
tho Kightcoutlt Illinois dlhtriet, was ue
coinpllslied. "In my own naino," con
tinued Haker, "and 111 thu name of tho
entire F.lghtccnth Congiesslonal district
of Illinois, which he has dared todefamo,
1 hurl tho wortls hack to thu gentleman
from Kentucky, and denounce their im
putation ns grossly untrue. I
hurl the wortls back into tho face and
teeth of the gentleman from Kentucky,
with absolute ami unmitigated tlullaiico,
fuppli.iiio ami laughter. No gentleman
from I 1 nliicLrv shall hw log his black-
snako v . ip over my shoulders ami over icsourco of natuie, wealth, ami a frugal,
tho snoi I'l.irs ot my com-tiiucutH wiih imiut-trloiiH people, the aits anil maiiiiiat1
party. Thoru was but tine freo trutlu.ujid
tho President was its prophet. Whoever
tell in battle In tho service of tbirt ow
Allah and its irohet, for him sliail)en
the shining gates of tho heaven of foreign
liiisslous ami federal, olllces.
Heed said he did not purpose to defend
protection. Its vast growth, within tho
last ouartor of a century tlefoiuletllJt, let
ter oven than eloquent oratlims. It was
horn with thu Itcpuhlic, It was tint- faltlt
and practice of, uvery clvUUod uation,
under the sun, except one. Russia, thu
granary of, Ktiropo, luulMmudonsd freu
traiie, witn the siriKlug result that where
as, In 187(1, before duties weru raised, she
bought eight million hunditd, weight of
llrltish metals, ami paid thcjofor$:iO.()00.-
000, she got tho sumo quantity in 188-1, 1
ami pain only i7.uuu,wu lorn. Austria,
(ienmitiv, Italy, Mexico, and the Domin
ion of Canada, tho chilli, of. Biltuiu her
self, hail all joined in, tlm array of pro
tection. Continuing, Heed said.: "Hut to thu
rovenuu reform, orator, iuoiioiniIv Is tori i
lilo. There Is a tliemo on wiileli lie tun
tako up the notes of tho dying swan.
How wo do love to htiar him 011 tho im
lKtverished Lirmer. Then bo is not sub
lime, but he is pathetic, great. I heard
lit 111 llrst ten. years ago.. To mo, innocent
and untrammelled, U seems as if thu
Westom uiruier was tho most woe-bo
gono, dowutrotldeu, luckless tluvlliou thu
i.ico 01 the earth, 'i no lvasiern vampirv
had mortgaged his farm and thrown Ids
fences down, scattcied his substance wan
tonly to the winds. In thu fullness of
time, I traveled est myself, ion may
well imagine my astonishment, who bail
never seen ten acres together iu corn,
to lichold Ileitis of that great stunlu
Middling away to the lioilou's edge, to
see tracts of land which seemed to huvo
no boundaries but the visible sky; land
so rich that if wu hail tin acre of it in
.Maine wo could have sold it by the
bushel, while on every side were great
houses, such as only the squire lived in
in our villages. After souio days of this I
became sulky. I said: '(ientlemen, of
course wo have robbed you; congress
men would not He about trlllcs liko that,
but what disgusts me, is that we did not
tlo it 111010 thoroughly.' "
As Sx?aker Caillsle asked for recogni
tion from tho chair an enthusiastic gteet
ing was accorded him. Amid tho clap
ping of hands ami cheers, which came
from the floors ami galleiios, Mr. CailNlo
stood at the desk of Mr, ditchings, of
Mississippi, and quietly waited for tho
demonstration to cease. It was some
moments, however, before Chairman
Springer was ablu to secure order, but
when ho dually siitvecdetl in doing so,
Carllslo proceeded.
Carlisle began by replying to Heed's
charge of insincerity, lie saltl that ho
might retort that If protection was a sound
doctrine, it should I mi carried to its logical
cciicluslon totally prohibitive of duties.
In China the doctrine was carried out ami
produced Its logical ellecls. With every
They lo happen every ilnv, nml when 0110
hiipet'iu to you. you will wMi that
von were Intureil In ihn
Tins TiuvM.Kits' ri'nourcM are fcuillclent to
pay at nncp tho nui.t enormoii iiiu-s or
cl ilmt that uvfit rnt riillroii'l 1111U tenm
Umt ucnliluiiN cm lirlr.tf upon Ii. I'ay till
claims, wlili, ut iliM-oun' Imauullutcly upon
rci-t-liitofK turm-tory proofs. A'011 Korfluro
provisions In ull Its pollclon.
impunity. Ho would ut least Incur tho
risk of huI..g It wrenched from his hand,
and feeling tho hot end of it, mayhap. If
thero bo distinction in the adjective Ken
tuckian, thun I am a Kentuckian."
Hreckenridgo arose to icply, and ho
said ho had made no charge against the
venerable gentleman from Illinois. "Ho
wuh simply tho usufruct of what others
did. Ho got the lienelit of what other
putties did, and I have 110 doubt from
what I have heard of him that ho was,
lu thu main, ignorant of whut was dono;
that in thu iuuocouco of his simple mod
esty ho thought it was his intellect and
great jioiuilarity that accounted for tho
defeat of Morrison, and I am sorry if thu
facts should dlsncl that pleasing conceit
of thu venerable gentleman from Illinois."
Thu gentleman from Kentucky Ik as un
fortunate in historical relation to Ids own
great fathers as in tho t-out ho occupies.
Kobeit J. Hreckenridgo is a naiiiu that
liolongs to the whole republic. Ho was
great, uh a thinker, as a scholar, as u
writer, as un orator, and transcendentally
great as a put 1 lot. A patiiot whoso Intel
lect, whoso heart, whoso soul oinhraceii
tiiros wore In their infancy. Wo wauled
stead, oft hilt. lUwill ureallv lunnllt thorn.
and at tlm saimi Mum icliuve the people.
"In 1870, 1'J7..000,000 was collected; bv
thu government fniiiLjniiauf.icltuurs anil
their products, livery vestige ot that
enormous, bunion hurt beuu removed, and
juoiKsrly removed 5 and! now, I submit,
tho tluui hut) Muni! whini.tlu) griudihmssoti
of coiistiiniiri have a. light to demand
relief. Them imvor was, a tlinw hen this
internal . tux reniuiucilxni maiiiifavtiirerH
ami t heir, producls tluit they would not
havo beeu.gliid to surrender u.ltirgo part
of tho iliitlowon, JinporUil goisls toremovo
tlutt ehutgoifrom,,thelcludustrie.s."
ihoMateiuenti tlurjipiotcelltui, euahleu
the luaiijufacluier to sell, Ids goods
cheaper, mid, enuWes, tho laboier to got
heller wages, were utterly inconsistent
with eatilt other. Undid not dciiv thuL
there hud lieoji. a lejuleney toward in
crtyifuil wages iuJliis country, but It was
truuotull other countries, fiuo trudo or
prottnitlon, Ther woui othur causes
than, protection for this, uutlllbo principal
onu was Int'ieased use ot machinery.
Theiois not a well-lnfunneil uun who
does not know t)at it is not the tarill', nor
rates of dulv iitKMi IiiiinuMi goods, that
have brought down thu prices of manu
factured, 111 tides, ur Increased wages, but
tho Invenllpiis which ho,Vu charuelerled
Ibis ago us nn other bail before been
It Is scarcely uecesstuy for mo to mako
argumcul to show tjuil as to all those
tigrlcnlttirajlpriHlnetrt whleU tho farmers,
of this country tire compelled to send
abroad to sell.at foreign nilivs. tho tlutv
cannot be of any possible benollt. Thu
American, farmer iijiik'rhtaudsthis.surely,
and the fallacy o( this argument has
licou so exposed, that It will Ihi a waste of
lime to dwell 011 It
Wlut b) to become of Hiose prtslucts?
Aru thu farmers of the North and tho
planters of the South to abandon their
gieat wheat and cotton Ileitis, and under
take the cultivation of crops not suited to
their soil, in order that these gentlemen
may oxperluwut to seo whether 11 homo
market can be mado bv legislation ? No.
sir! These great agricultural Interest!)
must go on, and the Aiiicilcuu farmer
must sell his stupids pioducts in any
market ho can. and foraiiv mice ho can.
The grout controlling clement Is thu
world's supply mid tho wot Id's demand.
American producers of wheat, for In
stance, do not couiK'te among themslves
alone in Iho great wl'eat markets of P,u
rox. Thoy meet there wheat from ICn
gland, Itussla, Austria, Hungary and
India, and all other wlieat-giowlng le
gions of F.urHi ami Asia, ami they sell
their product theio In competition' with
all the producls and 111 ices of labor on tho
ace tif the earth. The lately emancipated
slaves of Hussla, tho laboier of liiilla,whi
lives an summer 011 nco ami milk, ami
rooiiiros only a coarse cotton shlit and
sleeps 011 the lliMir of a bamlMsi hut, all
ixiiir their pioihicts Into Um markets of
Kuro,o to meet the wheat from Dakota,
and .Minnesota, and no tiuill' that wo can
put on and no system of luxation hero
can prevent this.
This same argument applies to all our
agricultural products, ami the American
farmer understands it, and he under-
no China bore. All taxation was an ovil, stands Unit so long us ho is compelled to
.....I I I I .1 1 I .1 I (If (
ami wo should endeavor to make trade as
freo to: ixisslhlu, with the lowest tax that
would 11 1 lord necessarv rewmucs,
Heed had made no inference to
actual situation, which made it imperii
lively necessary to leditie the revenue.
On the first of tills month lliero wasfl.'iU,
000,000 moio than was leqiihed to meet
! till government liabilities. No mouaich
ioal government would dare extoit such a
sum In oxcohs of its needs. Tho eil'ect of
this accumulation was to encourage use
less and extravagant expemlltiiies, with
out constitutional warrant. Tho people,
almost ton man, were demanding its re
turn to them. Wo still have a largo pub
lic debt outstanding, but it Is not sound
iKilicy to continue) to raise rovenuu to buy
Iioutls at premiums. In a few months
tho Secretary hud purchased fcl.'I.OOO.OoO
in Ismds, for w hit-h ho hud paid 1:1,5:111,000
above tho principal and accrued inter
est. This unjust iiriK'oss must go on
indefinitely, unless Congress caiuo to the
relief and reduced taxation, llo did not
mean iiuu any inieiosi should is) con-
Ten Millions of Assets. Two Millions
of Surplus.
Glopton Jackson,
Resident Agents,
East Oregonian building, Pcndleon, or.
tho entire country, instead of a fragment sideicd in an unfriendly spirit, but ho in
of it. it is narrated of him, that, meet- Muled that the intoioUs of thu maiiv
ing a young man about to join tho Con- should not bo subordinate to tho iiitorosfs
federate army In the war of secession, he ofthofow, Applause. Tuxatlon should
remarked to him : "I understand you are be distributed among the people acconl
going to loin the roiUi army. 0111" lug to ineir ability to pav. I
father brought you to 1110 in his arms, a
struggling infant, and asked that I might
baptio vou and dedicate you to the sur
vice of Aluiight) Clul; but had I known,
ut that hour, that you wuld ever botruy
vi.nr i-oiinti v. mid enter into tho ruiikH of
those seeking to dstr,v it, I would Jmvo 1
The- Chicago H unl of Tail Adopt l
Amendment Aboll.liliK linei.
Chk ago, May -'2. Tho Hoard of Trade
found it in mv heart to have strangled
you at the baptismal fold. There was a
Kentuckian! That wiih a Koiiluckian "'
Ilreiki'iiridge said in rearcl t H-iki-r's
rcMiiurkHuliotit Im 'Hreck nridge's father,
that Haker did h't kn w int j whose fam
ing to their ability to ikiv. Vntll that
was done, we should always I mi omliar
rastmd in the ofl'oit to iuerouce or iimIiuo
tuxos. If tho proKint inoasure shoiild fail,
and dlwister ciiiiiu upon the imhiMlileH bv
rt'HSoii of over-tuxution, thu presold vl
ciiau fcvstfin would b iMiMiusiblu for It.
Carllslo Hixiku of the llu roaso uf munu-
facloies dining Iho wcullcd freo trade,
botwioii IH-'s) uml 1KIM), and said the eo
) lo won, iu favor 0 legislation that would
iring that ab ut. He went 111 to sa
that IrtistH md hard tin, is wire the out
growth of the high tarill' s stein
export and sell lu a foieign market a nart
of his prisluct, the foreign maiket is
Worth US much lo ldin 11s Iho I11111111
tho I market, beeatiso he receives theio just
what he would iccolvo bote, after deduct
ing the cost of triiiisiMirtatlon. Then-font,
in pliico of restricting Ids market, ho
wants it enlarged, so that his pioducls
w hich cannot Ihi consumed hero can llnd
a market among tho pooiiloclsowhcio.
What the American farmer wants Is a
home market in w hich ho can purchasu
his supplies us cheaply as his competitors.
When he cannot get this, then ho asks
that there may bo such a system as will
enable him to purchase clsowheru, ami
import thorn without being unreasonably
fined for carrying on Ibis harmless busi
ness. That is what tho American farmer
Wo want not only homo markets, but
tho markets of all the wot Id for tho va
rieties of producls of lids groat country.
Wo waul to sell our inuiiiifacltiretl pro
ducls to India and Hungary, the manu
facturing places of Kuiope ami Iho
agricultural places of Mexico, South
America and Asia. Wo want to remove,
so far as wo can, tho barriers which annoy
our industries, so tlud lids country mav
niue iih place with the groat eiimmercial
countries of (ho world, ami become us
rich ami powurful as any othur country
over was Uifote.
Ten Ciiwn lluiigcd.
Suniiiul Stevens, a milk dealer of Mon
roe, Conn., on goiiiK tn bin h.trn the other
morning, found tho eniiii- flooring of Mm
eow staples had given was dining Iho
night ami pioripitutcd bis ten tows into
the i,H-niiig .,,i!iiii' n-in.tii,, d but the
ht.illl lii ,1,-, In uliji-ll 1,1- rt, h k w r- f 1 -tt-n-
t d, and fi'ju Hit -.- Jriiig ti-u d 1 1 1 -, t m