(jgrcgfo .Rockford Railroad Watches. TJIIKKIUY, MAY 17, IKK.- wahiiiniitoh u:iri:it. Bncrrtirj llayiiril nml lli( I'rnicli llriul lie Tli :l in ll Mto Mini Kvart -'.ii pt l m y Alinllirr (IimiiI Ili'iHilillciin Oiiiib fVliiiic Tlin IllTrrnnil llurlior bill. Waniiinmion, May I J tit. 1HSH. fc'ucrotury lltiyurrf luiHoiiiloiiti"! Ii!ini!l to ovury patriotic Atnurlciiii i I'l. . i lv hi iiiuiily anil c(iiiriit,'i!(iUH inhtructioiix to .in. .Mulino, our iniiilxtiT to Prniu-u, in llio ciiHu.i of euvurul iiiitiiral ! I Auio.ii-.iii cltli!tin who huvo Ik-l'Ii urr. il.'d uiul cmn (Killuil to do tnlliliiry lut i.i Irutiru. Wliun their roluiixo wiik il iiniiiilril by our iMInlnlor, tho Kri'iicli Wlnintci loiilleil in u.tcli citu that thu ii'ii-'iliin of iillii uncu wim duo over s 1 1 i -i i t!ii uiliuliilxtni-1 tlon hail no jurlllcluii anil juitt hi nettled by tho cotirtH. It wai fully not forth th.it mulct I'lourli ! irliitlplcM i:iti.(tiHhii In foiifurrcil by jiaruiitiiKo anil not In plum of hlitli. unil that expatriation of tho I'ruiiuli citl.i'ii roiruirv tliu uoiihuiiI uf tliu Kroncli Uov-i ariimuiit. I'h)ii thi'M! pjintM Air. Itiyuril Iiuh iiihlriicttiil MIiiIhht Mul.unu to' in form tho Kn.'iii'li (iinoriiinunt that thu Uovuriiinont of the t'nltoil HaliiM IihIiIhI that tho critllii'iitu of niitiiralliition 1 Kruntuil by It to u l-'runrli nti.cn In not i onon to iinpfiicliincnt hy tho 1'iuiith; UovurntiH'iit, olthur in lt tiM-cntit" or ItH Jiiiliclal liranili. In plain KimlMi, wu piuH)Mu to wto that Animican cIiIum aro ullowoil to Ira vol iliiinoluMuil uliur ovur thuy inuy (lu.lru to no. lint to re turn to .Mr. llayurd'H InxtructioiiH. Ilu HayM in coitcIiiHiiiii : "Yon will further . Hay that If niilili'i:tiun to foni:l uiililary Hurviru of tho clti.etiH wIiohu i'.iicm you re-1 jujrt iii IiiihoiI upon mi uiHiiiutitiou Unit , thuy are not cllioiiM of thu ( nllcil StutuH, ' thin Doii.irtiuunt uhUm for tliolr liutiit'ill- ulo rult'iiMo, unil for u proper i'i)iiihiihu tlon fur tho Ioih'H whli'h they have ie cclvud from hiivIi ilelentlon. It (.annul hu iiiliuilleil that Amurii'itn till isuiii not eharKi'd with unv crime should hu diitaliied under nriiiht for oven u Hin du day lifter their nroofn of ellieiiHlilp liavu U'cn Huliiultleil. In uaeurt like tlih the l lilli'il SluleH can nover admit thu I propiiuty of Huhuilttiu In thu oidiuary ilelavrt of Jiidiiial iieilnn." TliiitV thu Idnd of talk to make thu roiled Sluton Wo havo Foctirud the agency for (IiIh city of the celebrated Rockford Quick Train Railroad Watch Which wu have lilted In (lold, ItoH-!lllrd, Silver and Nleklu winch, which wo Hell lit priced that DEFY COM ETITIONl Are Yon Protected? Wu hIho carrylu full Htook of Howard, Woltham and Elgin Move- inuntH, of all hIzuh. OurMtwk of JEWELRY, CLOCKS AND SILVERWARE, N now completo, and of the latu.it patteniH. We "iianintou t;vur tiling we m-11 to k- an represented. CAM, AM) KX'.VMIM-: OVH STOCK. FINK WATCH ItF.FAIltlXO A MPKCIAIf Y. TP. J DONALDSON" & CO. (Ht'iVKxxOHS TO K. I'. NICHOLS.) p:i City Drug Storo, Pondloton, Or. Great Western Bakery, DINING ROOMS, M. (MAT., lrofrletor. A. FI'HST-OLASS MlSA.il.! Hilt TWENTY-FIVE CENTS! A NICK. Cl.KAN BED FOR 20 OH no CENTS Frosh Eastern Oystors, in Evory Stylo! 13A.Y AjOT) TSTIG-I-iT! Main Street, near I'oHtoJIce, I'cmlletnu I (tSW tlair reHiiecleil thu woildovur. uuatom DiIiiiiiikIh and lIvurlH, thu two leuilliiK Itepiilillcau memliorHof tliu Sen iitu .hidieiiiry Commitleu, to which thu nomlniitiiin of .Mr. Fuller for Chief Jim tluu Iiuh Im'uii referied, uie charged with' havltin coiiNplred tinot Iiit fur thu piirHnu ' of delaying a ruixirt upun tliu numinii 1 tlun until afler the 1'iey lilenlltd elecllun. unil xliuiild a Itepuiilicau hy accident lie 1 oluulud, to delay It until alter IiIh luaiiKur iitloii, that hu may iiiiiiiln.ile a Itepuh-1 llciiu fur Chief .limtleu. I dnii'l believe (tlilH chiiie, not that Ihu Senator minieil I would object to carrying out mucIi ii plan ' worn it feasible, but U'ciiiihu they me en tirely t bluowil to iittemjit any thing which thuy know il In Iiiihh xlhlu to iicciiinpll-li, utiil tills would cut t.liuly bu Imp.Khilile. If I ueiu illipnsed , towaorou thin Kiibject, I hhould have; no hcnitutlcii whatever .in l.iyllii; ihIiIm' thai .Mr. ImiIIit would ho cmllniied In Hide of three weukn, and iiiiIukh Home-1 tiling mine Hurioim than tinylliliin yet bmiinht MK'aiiiHl hiniHlioiild bu iinoaithcil, IiIh finitlrin.it Imi Nllkely tolHiiiuaulmoiiH. Another punI Itepubllc.tii olllco holder ban (tuuu wniii. I IIh accounts uru nhort M.miothliik' like Ilin name i dun. .lax. W Kuliik'. mid hu wiuiipoint incut and (lixlinrniiiu cleik of thu iVp.irt iiieui of JiiHili'e. Ilu wan aiiMintcd ih a Itopilhlliiiu Home nh nr elylit ve.irn .ik'o, from Went Virginia. It N wild that tho dufiiliiillniiH Infill In Ins-.' and have con tinued tnM al.iun until Ihev iim iiiut to thu iihoui hiiiii. The Knveiiimeul will lomi uothluK ax he wiim under ImiiiiI. Ho has lieuii ill-niiHM'd. and Frank O'llranl I.MU. of Mouheiie, Ohio, a kimhI K-m-iK'nit. apHiiiited In UU place. Iladthlrt been dune In the imily dayn of the ad iiiiiilftinitl'Ui. KuIiiu'h iNiiidHinen would nut h.io had ho much to piy. The Senate has p.iecil tlui bill forfeit iiiK all uninineil niilro.ul laud KnintH. Thu lloiifu committee on iippinprlii-tlou-i Ii.ih refuted a bill apiuxipiiatlni; (;I,.hW.iM)i) to meet dollcioucloM In the up priipiiatloii fni the Kiyineut of army kui ulun duiliit; the icmaiudcr of thu pnviuil lineal uar. Hnimtur N'lHirhi'en, who wan coiillued to hU ro'iiu with a curhuuclo on his le fur i Hourly a week afler liN lecent hhhh'1i, j un.iiliusl in the Senate for the laii);uaKU i he uxml in reply I m; to Insulin' cIi.iixim. i Tliu rUer and liarUir bill han Imhmi . pawd by the lloui-e by a mum than two-1 IblrtU in.ijurily. It appinpriatiM 'D.ihki, 000. The iMiieiix of the iViiUH-rutic iiieiultirH of Ilu) limine held it WtilnewlaN evening did not ilittMIMM I he m.ims ttiiieiidmenlH to the MilU la rill' I. ill, an it huh Keuerallv Hllitildt Wind. I. bill piwllu K'hlli"tl tlmi all nmeiulmeuU pi.imed to u. otliinul by iMmiH'ratn kIi.xiIiI llr l e ul mlltml to Ihu cuiiiuiiltH mi Way and Mean, to Ik oonnidermt and iepnrii iiiiu to uiiiilber chiiciih luU hehl nel wik. Tbin iiKKiIutiuii wiw iiimniui.iiii.v uijiNMl t. but .Mr. ItuiuUil gave iu4Uv tlml ho did not prop to l UhiihI by any cancan uctiou. A Ihiko niuuUir if timuitdiuciiin havo uheudy Uen wibinit ted to the Wm)'m unit .Mutin iNunmitlce. JOHNSTON & SMITH llnve opi'lli il ll I'lrnl f litN GROCERY STORE, III HinliiillilliiKiiii tliiM'oinrr of .Miiln unil Wnler NtrcnlK, unit will carry u lull line Groceries, Canned Goods, Vegetables, Anil ilu nil Hint a tlml cliimunn'i'ry utotu hIioiiIiI ilu, nivi-: its a TurAi.. JOHNSTON & SMITH, lll IllHH- iKNiit.nTo.v. oukoun. H. F.Johnson &Go.,: Prescription Druggists. ; PURE MEDICINES, CHOICE PERFUMES, Ilequiuttea of thu Toilot. SCntionory & School Supplloa, Flno Imported and Key West Clrjnrs. (iilli Vlllurl IIiiiim', HOWELL & CO., FURNITURE DEALERS AMI UPHOLSTERERS. A 1.1, KINO- OKKtllt.SirUltKltKI'AllttNO lltiN'K VTTIIK l,0VIT ItATKS. Cull iiiiiI t'xnmliip prices. (jiiuc'I xtiH'k of rurnllu r In Ka.tern Orrk'ou. Howell & Co., I'H.NDI.in'ON. UIIKIION Miicki'lirleV I'livminuli IIiiIIiIIul'i loo, lotumi IVihIIp N. W. HIESTAND Echo, Oregon. IIKAl.KH I.N Gen. Merchandise Pendleton Boiler Mills Flour. s'i otiAC.Kiitut rait va udixg Photograph Gallery T. C. WARD, Till' IIKUl Ul'.' tlll Pl l OTOGR APHER, Pendleton Meat Market. M INSr.,.S'K,ll II I MCI). GEO. J. IHRIG, Prop'r. Iliivlm; ri-iiiii'iii'il llm iiIhivi Miirkrl, (Kim. Iiorl'a olil nIiuiiI, wi uliiill lit' iri'iiirisl nl ull lliui'i lo v.ipplv Die pnijil or IVmlloluii wllh llin vi-ry Iwkl Boof, Mutton, Pork, Voal, Etc., Tli.it Hie m.irki'l nui ml. ml, nml hi prtoi'i nil t iin ri'iii li. Pianos, Organs! sot.t iiy MIMS BROS Those who believe so thoroughly in protection shoultl not go any longer without insurance on their property, of whatso ever kind; and nearly everyone believes thatu policy in u pood, Reliable Insurance Co. Is worth every time whatsit costs, and procrastination should not be indulged in when it conies to taking out a policy. In the flrst place, pick out competent and RELIABLE AGENTS, With whom to do your businessthose who represent none hut the best insurance companies and go straightway and insure. When in search of such agents, don't fail to turn your "peepers" in the direction of the ollice of Clopton & Jackson, Located in tliu EAST OHEGONIAN building, Pendleton, where you can have any kind of insurance, whether Fire, Ma- rine, Accident or Life insurance, done up in APPLE-PIE ORDER! m.. Aro Fully Wnrrnntod. Ami s tlili' tlrm' liimnuili'o Is Murtli M iv nl mi tin. ttoiiiir, 1 1 ivy will liiimlli' only ' i First-Glass Goods j i i It is well to remember that to be secure you must insure in one of tho Thirty Reliable Companies represented by Clopton & Jackson, with a combined capital of more than $100,000,000! Tickets to "lie, Elogant Pullman Pala J KmlgrHiit8t-eiliiir Cnrrunlhr. preim Train , ' OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS Afitj Kreo of olmrne nrnl withoulrtJ Clne connections nt Pori'n.j.... clico nml I'uuct Houad jy KtMt IhiiiikI Piunnii.ror.u.... KmI hnunil irelulit nrrlvcn t i.A Wont uoiinil iiiiwnner rrl,mi Went liotit.it imlirlit arrlvtuii, pnrtnt4!l5p. in. ' Wnlla Unlli and I'en4ttt i.eavcn in u:i) n. in. rnr Willi rlvcf lit l.oup. m. from Wall win To nan Friinclciio, Ti v.-M r CO IDBIM.I rjf on, K to unu UrMtui.il nlf,JtJ lommuii Ornonjl Hiute. Mnr 1'J Orcuiiii. Mny 10 ColtimtilUcMnySO HNltl'. Mn.vll OrrKOii, Mny 18 (,'iiliimliln,.ltino 1 Httilp, .lunnn (iri'Kuu.JunoO Colutnlilu, Juno 13 Htiito, Juno 17 Oregon, Junu SI Coliinibln, JunoU Htnto, Junu'.tl urcKon, jiuy u Lcnvo Ntcnindiln wlmr. Portiujl .i - 'm I1IKIII. I i.envo Spenr Ht. vUnrl, Rn FrMtl ii in. Union of TuMice, IncliullliK incut otid btrtfl Cnliln, - HtocrnBi', ... Ituunil Trip, Unllmltcil, For further nnrllntilitriilnniilnrfJ of Hie Cuniiiiny, or A. I Maitiiil iv i , a., i oriiunu, uicgnn. A. I MAXM o rl II. MIMiUlinil, (lenenil MnnoRcr. W. V lil.oVAViia 1'oiiillrtiin.l GREAT OVERLAND III THE I Ymk W'oi M: A tlrad (or miu ivut rtvitit .il tliu SulcTixwrniry ytwlui tiny in Hu iimU It wu iliuun l i iiiilmul luik at ltriitao!t, i'ihiii., mill ' m tlu i'livuiiiuT NMtiouul UuuK n( till ' I'lt.V. It HU Milt til tllW SlllxTllMit- lir In muk'mI o( w Imluiuv then ttyklHNt I ho llriiliPirt ImiiiV. lUttllt HI ( Ollljil'ill. of !. JuMi, Mo , w.i lW y.Nr i4d Iumi TiiMkUy mul tin" ft). JiMtii H".ml i4 I'rmlo .ivi n lan.Uil In Umu of thi 0vmiI. He l h liul.' !( mull, walking I'ui'l iili u Mk Mf llo Hww i)fllhr tiUuiii niir Hiiinr, hwnir Hoi iml iwing tlu inh1 itbuut wwn .u Wo liiiveroiui' loKiny, Wo IU Wlllllltwl fur Olir III .Ull, "lllllHll iliniliii; nml f.ilr irlv. Wr liny mrl -tly furniali. Wo .luill kIw iniri'liiioni llm Uuiurli. Wo enn soil you an Organ or Plnnoon monthly in stnllmonts. TUb liit Unuiil Mftiiil ulvn iiy uuy umloty uMHrli'il ll. KtinUnlt I'rvun. Tlio lnntoi l.vk uf I li.-o ju.iiy polrbmtoJ uriiUIlk .! ail 'Mlllilltilll 111 111.!. or ii On nni ut our wnro r mm. ..nui k ii.i. ..f i.k.xl VMma Kmc AV I 1r I. n.ivv lm-lM In IN ii.Ii. i.iii, ut the ul.l tUuul ill llio ftkii uf Mam Mirvt. "nr lit' lirUlKO, unit fur lino hot grnphs, Tlntypo3, En lnry;fng and Copying, Cuiiilut ! .X.-.II..I unxHluro. All Murk mi.i'iin'i . l I., tiixc in ir, k.iiif loliuii. I to invlfull, ..iir. T. V. .llll. If you contomplate insurance, call on them and get posted, and it will cost you nothing. Komomber their ollico is in tho EAST OKKGONIAN buildin-, or addre&s u. k. I' . l, U .i il. I ll f l 1.. II .1. I L.I I . ll I. I I'll. k )i v t '. . f I ' III III .' i "i.r . . ". It.lill, Ull II JoTi ii &i o"bert. MADE liBiitor uurtMitM hw ukliffiM( U tikA K'lmitfi, tm M hU duty. Tb iMiiuirv - hu ain'l uv fiMin Mr. !. " lurili. i iiii.t..i t.oij-vi.i.'o u'-mt t) Til- U in ilu. I i .1 i Mil- .UNI V I'l 11. II', IV'.I.I l.-t. HI . ' jviiii'l' . nl' " l R. 'i -' OvertV.M h- tpC iA lr- C :.VO, ft'llnJ it Of (Jt I.K VMNll- MERCHANT TAILOR,! Mklu Ml.. n-iur M'rl.h. ! GOODS, I'. 11 IU liii , Ort'iiuii A F.Vf STOCK Ol Satisfaction Cuarantood J ! Ill r t I :li I .'Ull I Northern Pacific fil Til K ONLY LINK UU.NXJ I'ullmim hilttcti Mteiitng Oin Miiuiilflcent Ihiu Cuuhnl lUejttnl i'.mtaniHl SUrrt- Willi lfk. 1' .1 From Orepon and Washlnglgi to the East, Vln HI. I'iuiI unil Mlnnrnpnlk 1 linn runnlUK l'litncn I)lnltdl (.iieuia 1.1 crnik) Fnolont Tlnm Kvrr M4 I'l CouNt Ovor thn Kerlkri rarlllnllallrul To Hlniix City. Counoll lllnffi. f a tnliloii. f.miviMUforlli. Kt'l llurlliiKtoii, Oulncy, Ht Ixioli.al nil iioinmiurouKUiiiii iui r.i 11 eimt vln Ht. rnul nml Jllnnopoil KM III It ANT HLKKNX0 M Arw li 1111 1 oil on regular rirrru I llio fiitlrn IciiKtU of I lie North itiiiimitu. l.ciivo Wnl lulu .1 unction 3:10 , raJ irf'iivo I'nrlliiiul a p. ni iimij; .MIunt'llMlX or nl. t'rtlll uuup.i funrlli ilnv. Cniilli'pflDII tiiHiln ut 81. 1'tuUnJl oIIh lo nil K)lnli Kiwt,Kmlh ana .' I'ACIKIOIUVIHIO.V. Tniln will leiivii l'nrllsuil ilillrl m cnnni'clliiK with O. It. d N.Cal nil polniniin l'linel Houml. ,1 'li'ncrnl Wtcro !'i!''n'i,'rr All wimli ut! on Hi.. iNirtmiiii. w. ;. Ai.iiOWAY.. IVmllrloo.l IV UUll UUUUIUUV) Hy wiiv f tlif Oregon & California 1 Ami Coiiiirrtiont. Tho Mount Shnfita I Quicker In llmf tlmn W liuuio, mmri I'OUTLANl) AND SAN mi Leave Portland at 4:00 p. Throunh time. 39 M riri.i.M.w nvvvKT hlM Excursior Sloopors Class Pas oneors throueh trains f'fl charge. Fare rrom I'orlluml l W"l nml Hnn Krunf wl KlrittrluMH Unlimited.. Flrnt'CluxH, I.lmlti'il. Horouil-rluHM, Liuillotl. Ticket OrBce.1 Coruor FonU Frout Htn-l"! E. i uniiElLS.O. K 4 r"-! II. KOKHLKK, ManuKcr. Pendleton, WM. GARDNER &l Sanitary and Heating li Slnmifaclui" of Steam and Hot HeatingApparatj FOIt DWELLINCIS OK I'l'UUC MA spfoinctttloni and entlmat W'M Iifallioj bnliatiU'i In onytectlonWH I try. Corrii)ileiic0 wliclte i OFFICE: I34THIRDSTI1 ! Portland, OroconJ YQ.U HLASJCs. Ul fiP'On Mow 1 hnn !. Uun-lrfJ v M in n ..' II. I r.rili' . lAWjn-' - llto.'.lii... .... .. I.il t .rintimn WUr