East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 17, 1888, Image 1

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    D A.ILY.
. nvfirnlnniliH will
a riti:r. miihauy.
Pntroim of tho Dully ir SoniMVroklr
KANT )tli:ll)MAN ran frr-rly imiko u.o
of tho HAST Oltl'.liONIAN lllrnry when
M,,!rS"kly 1SAHT OltKCION-
nn"'...,'.'.rn,Ml nf( V rrnU will ly
ever th-y ilculrr. Tim public nw cnr
il hilly Invltril to llt Dm ollUti whenever
r"","iiiiy :Asr "K,,oN,AN r,,p ",0
i IihIIiii'iI
NO. 05.
VOL. 1.
1 W h
litis been taken oil both
Woolen and Cotton Goods
Not by Congress, but by
And they now oiler their Jjiirge una uompioto otocK ot
llrmiirrHt Kvrrywhrrn for Vl.'latliit
ltepuhlliuiiH Nearly All for lllnliu I'm
pert of liicrrinR In Columbia Itlvrr A
proprlnt:oii Drclnloii Aijiiln-t Henry
OeuiRfl Vlllnril AroIii.-A (Irl.l of I'oi !
liitul Nuw A Yninlilll runner Injured
Oilier Kitftterti nml Count New,
no'i) Is t ut nil', unit the youlp is split buck
from each corner of thu foiohouil to the
crown of tint head, tho skin dropping
down over tlm face. Sltuit weighs 7n
pounds, and had ho not Htrttek tho bruko
rou in Ids fall, would undoubtedly have
boon killod. Dr. (.ialbroath t-owetl up thu
woiiihIh, which ho says will not neeossar
ily prove fatal, hut ho cannot toll yet to
what extent the hplno Is injured.
Ni:V YOIIK Itl-.l'llllMCANH.
A Mlverre Cuan Art.e H.n Vnuri .if lt.. '
rUtl I.lfe A lllMlnated Doclor'n Trou
ble!. I'oiiti.and. Muv 17. Suit wuh wim.
lincneed to-day in Judgo Steam's eouit
dv siopnon norm, ulicimun, uged ubotit
r tl-nir irnnds. iret their nrices. ami convince yourself
that tlie above are not mere assertions, but that they will sub
itaotiate what they claim. Theirs is not an "Infant Industry,"
therefore they have discarded Protective Prices, and will freely
General Merchandise Stock i
Consisting of
hole and Fancy Dry Goods, Men's Boy's and
hv.:inna nirkfl-iino T?nvn-?aVn"-n o- PJ-nnr? a
Mens Ladies and Children's Shoes
Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery
and Glassware, Groceries,
Hardware, Etc.
I will sell for tho nuxt 110 duyH at a
Discount of 10 per cent, for Gash!
My Largo Stock of
Boots and Shoes, Harness,
Saddles, Whips. Hits and Spurs.
I goods' marked in jilain figures.
fifty-live yoatH, uguliiHt Murgare.ttu Hernl,
bin wife, aged iibout lift y. 'i ho complaint
charges defendant with cruel treatment,
endeavoring to estrange his children from
him, calling him hard names, and mak
ing his lifo a burden in various wuvh.
Mm. lterni denlcH all those idlogutlunH,
nets tip counter charges, and uskn for di
vorce on tho grounds of inhuman treat
ment, failure to provide, Bquandering I
their property and ucin abusive and ob-1
J Hceuu lauguugc to her in presence of tho
rliUtlron. twmr cltfMritM tlui n irflnu in I
tho Hult wcro ill court three girin, aged
twelve, seventeen and nineteen, and one
' Hon, aged L'5. Theno children aro all very
nico-ap.'aring anil Intelligent, lheir
testimony eorroliorateii thu cliargeH mado
by defendant, tho two older ulrlH testify
ing that they had hcoii their father strike
MrH. llernl in tho face; that they had
worked out and paid their earnings over
to their mother for tho Hiipmirt of tho
family, 't he con toHtllled that ho had
worked for wagon and paid them to bin
mother. Tho cuho in utill on trial.
lu tho jiolico court, Chapman, u well
known character of thu gambling deim,
wiih up on a charge of vagrancy. Tho
case wiih contiuiiud.
Dr. Odcal, who wan charged bv ono
Dragner with having roblied him of eight
dollarH Home tun ilayn ago, wan tried and
huld in llftv dollar bontiH to apj)eur before
tho grand Jury. Dragner Htntcd that ho
met Odcal and had u few dripkH with
him, when Odcal Htated ho had no place
to Kloop, and Dragner took him to bin
room, where they panned tho night to
gether, lu thu morning Dragner minncd
eight dollam, and had Odeal arrested.
Thu olllcur who made tho arroHt teKtillod
to having soon live or nix dollarH tho
night after Dragner wiih robbed. Odeal
mild ho had money, but that ono Mc
(iraw, bin friend, had paid him $15. Me
(iraw tcHtillcd that ho gavo defendant $lf.
Mr. Met! raw Htuted to your corrcHjiond
out that Odcal had been quite a promi
nent phyeioian in tho Kant, and wuh a
gentleman, but that drink had driven
him crazv. He was well tiatiHlled that
Odeal did not Btoal any monoy. Odeal
camo hero from Spokane, and formerly
practiced medicine in IlllnolHiind Dakota.
Kred Hundley, from Echo, 1h at tho
(iilman. (
fineries, Vegetables, Fresh Fish
h Spices, Fine Coffee, Fine Tea, and Everything Fine that a First-class
Grocery should contain.
jonmolfymi want (irocerien clioap. P. KEMLEW.
fARDIN CHAMPAGNE. (Yellow LahoU moi.o.uwsm
H m Corporation Seals,
In Ptmclloton,
(ipoti- Iti'tliictloii uf Titnitlon and Ituoni
lii prAi.o, X. V., May 17. DelegatoH to
thu Republican Statu Convention which
met here yesterday, aro nearly all decked
out in budges laming thu name of
Ohatincev M. Depow, and hauilHomo
lithograpliH of Dejiuw arc lieing distrib
uted by the arnifiil. Depow wiih elected
one of tho delegates to tho Chicago Con
vention, but U non-committal hh to IiIh
choice for l'rcnidnnt. Tho platform op-po.-o.t
thu MilN tariir bill, and urgeH the
defeat of every device intended to plaeo
upon thu Htatute bookH the free trade
theories of ('luvcland'ri message.
A rrolilliltlnti Si"lir nml n MKlluulUt
rrpflir 'liy lu Trll WIml They Don't
1'oiiTi.AMi. May 17. Miller, tho Trolil
bition candidate for Congioss, and Kov.
I. D. Diivur, had u Joint discussion at thu
court hotiHo hint evening. Alxmt L'OO
people wore prenent. Miller Ih no match
tor Driver, and tho Hcntiment Ih Htrongly
in favor of tho latter'n HiiKjriority.
Miller looked hungry, and bin mind
seemed to bo running on u square meal,
as ho mentioned thu Democracy going
hungry for twenty-four yearn.
Tho lllTrr nml llurixir Hill rrolmMa In-
cri -i or (.'oliiinlim lllvrr Ainorlntlni
by tlm SniMtii 'I li IIImi-CI1Io lUtlrouta
Hint Survey Itlll I'mmil A I.Ur from
Clt'vrlitml ! Ilruill.
W'.witiviT.u Muv 17Tlin Suriiltn
comuiitteo on commorco in holding daily
I 1 ,l Ill I II..--
HOHH.OIIH 10 coilHiuur iiiu ivm r t.im nui-
bor hill. Dolph tlilnkH u win no ieneii
I (I... tlrt ,.f ii.vl mini- Tlm liill 11H rc
ported to thu b-'onato will contain tho
following tncrcaso ut appronriauon : r or
tin. ni.iiitli if ilii Cotiiinlilii. 1111 iiicroasu
..r - 4 I". Itit 4ntMUllUlll. tlm I imitr
D. KEMLER'S Grocery Store, on Court Street, Ifflft
1 of tho Columbia, from ?17o,000 to $300,
, IKK).
! Tho Senate bill appropriating 500,000
' for making tlnalHurveyH and otimateH for
I tho llnal construction of a Iwat railway
'around tho obstructions In tho Columbia
i river botweon Tho Dallen and CVlilo
pahxed Iho fccnato yesterday.
I'lesident Clovoland i-ent yesterday a
I luttor of congratulation to tho Urazilian
ITTT T tt a ivt nNrrTTTTTT'nTk O govornmout on tho aliolition of slavery in
w- J. VAN SOHUYVER & CO., ht in rt
1 lesult in increased Iuipimiiosh and pros
; purity to tho pooplo of that country.
' A lfiiiel I" llrnry 0nre DrcUreil Void
I llnui.o Ottiiriin' Iili'u. iln nut Hult the
1 Jminaculntt) Court.
. Tiik.ston, N. J., May 17. Chancellor
1 lltrd vestotdav decided tho case of tho
HutcldnH heirH against tho Henry lieorgo
clause in HutciuiiH- win, uy wineii 110
tho people. Tliis claiito was declared
....I.I ,.ul,nln.r llllltlllir II 1 '1 1 1 1 F I LI 1 1 1 tl . Ill-
...x iliw'tf Initfil lioillllt. lllO
licun hiui iwj'v. ,w ...... w - ... ,
tal to tho lawn of tho land, and tho judgo ,
naid ho could not sanction tho spreading
of such soniimuuts.
They tin linpncn ovvry d y. anil wtien ono
huprriin io you you will wlh that
nun' iii.tm it in hi
II I to lleconto I'ronldent of the Or.gon
Nkw Vohk, May 11. Tho Btatemcnt in
mado heru tliat llenrv Villard is to bo
elected president of tliu Oregon Trans
continental Company. Tho VorldsayH:
Sidney Dillon, the, present president, will
retire, but will bu retained in thu Hoard
of Direclorn In VlllardV interest, as will
also V. 1 1. Hall. Who tho new directors
will bo cannot bo ascertained.
Acrlilrut to n Train,
Ln.uivii.i.t:, Cm.., May 17. Whllo tin
exprcsH train wiih rounding a curve near
heru this morning, it left tho track, and
thu oxpresH and baggago cur weiu dashed
to pieces on tho rocks. Tho smoking
car wiih also demolished. A numlior of
people wore injured, but no ono wan
MurkrU Iternterlni;.
I'oitTiiANii, May 17, II p. in. Advicen
from Chicago up to noon say that optioiiH.
oxcept May, havo recovered a littlo of
what they lost tho last few days. While
tho feeling is bettor in Portland no prac
tical ellcct is visible yet, iih not enough
oIlerlngH havo lieen mado yet to test tho
market. S)t quotations uru uncliangod.
A Turin SJiib-Coiniiiltlre.
Wasiiinuton, Mav 11. Senator Morrill
has appointed the following siili-coiiimlt-teo
of tho Senate coinmlttuo on llnanco,
to consider tin ill" and icvcnuo Hiibjccts:
Allison, Aldrlch, Hlscock, Heck and
Kciitiu-hy for Clctduml.
LitxiMiTox, Kv May 17. Tho Demo
cratic convention held vestorday, adopted
an outsiiokent turlll'-ieform nlatform, and
aro solid for Cleveland. Tho Ohio Dele
gati'H uro solid for Clovcland.
Nm York Drlvcntc for lllnlni".
riiii..Mii:i.riii., .May 17 Tho Times
claims to havo wjcured knowledgo of tho
Killtlc .1 pteferences of tho delegates from
Now rk to tho Hepublican National
Convei. ui, and says that Hlaiue Ih thu
Tho riooii.
St. I.oi i.. Mav 17. Tlioro Ih no ubato
mcnt of tlioaMisslsslppl Hood, and tho
situation Ih Iweoming moro sorioiiH
Ingumoll for flrr.hum.
Wasiiinuton, .May 17. H. (J. Inger
soil, In an intervlow to-day, camo out tint
footed In favor of Irosham for I'rosident.
Tcnutiio- for Maine.
Nahhvii.i.i:, .May 17. DelegatoH from
Tennessoo to thu Chicago convention aro
instructed for Hlaiue.
Vlriilnlu lleiiiiirruU.
Nohi'oi.k, Va., May 17. Tho Conven
tion of Virginia DemocratH endorse Clovo
land. I) 12 ATI I Of COWL.
lf f i or in, j.;uSfi u frijm m
JH If yoa
J l. r to wia tHvt)
brt Qregonlan Pub, Go,.
ftndlitjn. Oregon.
TllK linvtXKi:' rfnouicpsnrestitllolcnt to
p.w lit moo Iho mol enorinmu in of
..I.Vl... A.'.t nr. nt ruliriutil mill fctMUIn.
I -uiiii urn c. i. til ,,
i lint iioi'lili ntu wn hrli.tr upon . r.iy all
' .... . ...1.1 la. ...... 1. l.i...i.ulilllAll' miu. 11
eiiiinm, w,i inni' u'-"'i' ..i........'- .
rH. ciiiliif h INfiu lory proor. 0ll fotMluro
tirovfiloim In nil it- p.illulex.
Ten Millions of Asots. Two Millions
of Surplus.
Olopton & Jackson,
R.sldei.t AQftits,
East Orononlan biillulnj,', lvn.il on, r.
Thrown from lib- hbmi Upon Hot kn. he
I U I):iiiL-iir.illlv Cut ami llrilUr.lt
Mc.MiNKVii.LK, Ok.. My 17. Irank
Ktout, a proinlnont farmer lh na naar
Curium, in Yaml'Hl conntv, fell from u
1 loud of hay to-day. ioclvfng lorlotw in-1
' jinies aUmt the M-alp, face, and spiuo. I
l, hti iking u. n r. k. He in-m-d uii
uglv ganii itcioBH the chin, pait "I I"-
Umloiibl.illy Alnnlereil for hU Money
The Sty.tery yt Uniolvnl The hlnirulnr
Note, ofitn Unknoi.li I'lirty-iloe McCoy
In the Itoloof u I.rtr.
Kroin thu Mb tun I ufle.
It will Ihj remembered that somo tlmo
ago tho Kaglo gavo tho iiowh of tho mys
terious death of W. A. Cowl, who loft
Milton In Decemlior for Now Orleans.
The family of tho deceased havo been un
able to uscortain any further particular
of his death than those given hi tho
Kaglo, and wheu Joo II. .McCoy departed
fur his eastern trip luet month they dele
gated to him tho work of wdUngtho mys
tery. In tho New Orleans TimeH-Domo-crat
of April lii'th is given an account of
tho circumstance!) attending tho death of
Cowl and an intenlow with Mr. McCoy,
who in urroneuutdy staiod to t a lawyer
from Walla Walla. Thu article rendu as
About trtcotv-flve voni ago u loan
imllibtl N. A. Lu-l a:;vtl ill WJia
Walla, Wm-liingt' ii 'letiitory, ai-coiiiiw-liied
by bis if Hi- bad in bis p.. sc-
ai -10 " im.i-Ji, a p'itp4t'f vbi' l.
ho invested in farm land, becoming u
rancher mid at tho same time establish
ing a country store. Ho soon succeeded
In accumulating money, but was such a
perverse, eccentric kind of a man that
very little was ever found out about liim
further than that he wiih a native of New
York, and had moved West because it
suited him to do ho.
HusInesN irosH!ied with him, and us
! he grow wealthy from tho uruducts of his
ranch, and the prollts of Ids store, ho
speculated in various ways. He had no
' conlldenco In kinks, so always kept bin
1 money about his house or curried It about
i ills poison.
At Irrciitilar periods no would sudden I v
pack his trunk and gripsack and take a
trip into somu of thu StutcH lu thu South
.aiiit fcoutliwcHt: '"going I'.tist," tnoy call
it out there, so all that would ho known
ulsmt his jaunt either by his wife, son or
neighbors would iio mat lie nail "gone
ilieso Hying visitH, however, wcro
Ah nuWquoiit events proved, for ho had
tiiuiiabitoi buying propel ly In the dif
ferent States that ho went to. About
two yearH ago ho camo to Now OrleaiiH,
and taking a trip over thu laku bought a
iihicu at titilf View, near Hav St. Louis,
for $L',000. This, he said, 'us bu was
growing old, lielug upward of seventy
yearn old, wuh to bo his winter tesldenco;
but this Intention ho nuver carried out.
On December 1-lh hist ho told his son
that ho Intended taking a run Kust to
New OrleaiiH and Hay St. l.ouls. Tho
Isiy, us usual on such occasions, packed
Ids trunk and valise, and saw his father
on tho train for Frisco. Cowl lumained
two days in Sail Francisco, then took tho
Southern l'acllle for Nuw Orleans. Ho
had between $7,000 to $ 10,000 in cash on
his person, a trunk full of lino clothes,
and a valise with smaller articles put up
for his convenience.
On December "(I ho camo to thu room
ing house at No. 17. Haroonu street, where
ho engaged lodgings. Ho had then
Nil IIAtlllAlli: W1IAT1.VI.II,
mid nothing besides thu clothes ho wore,
a part of which was a heavy overcoat.
lie was u largo man of muscular mid
commanding presence, and assured thu
landlady that ho had sulllclunt moans to
I Kty his way. A very few dayn sulliced
to show thu imoplu of tho house that thoy
had a very posilivu, grull' mid peculiar
customer. Hu lescntcd all proll'orH of
kindness, refused attention and allowed
no friendly advances. Thu landlady also
soon tllscoVered that he wiih mi extremely
sick man, and considering bis ago likely
to dlu on her bands. Knowing nothing
iiliout him, slio decided to havo liim go to
tho Charity Hospital. On January Ith
ho wuh tiiKou to thu hospital whom thu
physicians and Sister Agnus did all that
wuh iiossiblu for him, but on thu eening
of January Mb, at II o'clock, hu died.
There wuh found sowed up lu tho leg of
bin drawers $1.10. A part of this money
wiih used to givu him a decent burial and
tho balance retained by Sister Agues,
There wiih also found on him a memor
andum from tho Southern l'acllle agent
at Itosenbiirg Junction, Tux., to Frank
Horgo, general baggago agont of thu road,
stating that Cowl had left u vidlso, a pair
of hoots and u bundle at that xlht, mid
to deliver sumo to him on pieseiitatloii of
order. Tho order, of coitrso, hud nuver
Ik'OH used.
Now comes thu chapter of tho story that
On tiiu '-'7th of January his family re
ceived a packugo, addiiissed in CowTh
own handwriting, that contained a lot
of deeds to property scattered about tho
country, somo other pajH'rs and tho fol
lowing note, wiltteu on a piece of puper
that hud evidently had the letter head
torn oil'. Thu note was crumpled and
thrown in among tho other papers and
rend thus:
"Now Orleans. I.u., i (meaning Jan.
1). "Mr. Cowl died at the Chiuity llos
pital, Now Orleans, l.a. Thoso paixus ho
intrusted to mo before ho left the hotel
to houd to this address, Tho one marked
on package . Thoy took u largo sum
of money from him, ho said, but ho could
not remember who got It. I also ship u
trunk bv frulght, which ho said waH al
most worthless. Iv. A, Hamilton."
"V. P. I hopo you may find all pajx-rH
of imKrtuuco."
Tho handwriting of this nolo was plain,
llko that of a clerk, but the coiiHtruolloii
us to capitals und form of MJiitonccH wuh
such us to urouso suspicion that it wuh thu
work of
to put up tho letter lu Unit style.
A fow dayH after tho receipt of HiIh
inysterioiiH missive his folkH lecelved
through tho K)stolllco u liugof keys, but
tho trunk novor camo to baud, l ouring
that ull was not right ids family commu
nicated with a Mr. Hymen of Hay St.
1mls, who camo to tho city but failed to
makouny dircoverloH. Then thoy commis
sioned J. II. McCoy, u lawyer of Walla
Waila, to proceed to New OiIiuiiih and
take such mcuxuruH as would uniuvul thu
Immedlatulv noon his arrival ho
wulted uiHin ( apt. I.oontml Malouii, chief
of detectives, and ta il thoeutlro hlxtory
of tho case hufoitt him. ('apt. Malom
placed I'ocoru and (iaslur In posrossion of
iho tilings at hand and started iiiom out
to invest Itfato. Mr. McCoy remained
how until jeeturday ovoning, mid wis ac
cidentally run iw-roKH by thu ropoitur, and
from hliii tho story utu obtained.
The detect kin. IbU d-und tho ilillin nco
Bxi-tlli.' ill tin' .I.i f l li tetter .1 .in ,ir
it i )H 'i In
n. f il' f I:
, i ,-. n a e r 1
unv pup' is at Iho
Hi' I d II tlll'l.' tn si'.'
tcid f i "i. i,' . ' 1 1 v
lless, wuh known to have been u most
1 valuable ono. 'Hum theio was tho pecu
liar fact that thu nackaue containing tho
curious notu was addressed in thu hand
writing of tho deccascili "
Having unraveled this much tho detcc
ttvcH learned that his trunk had bceu
checked through to this city, but had
Much less had it been icshlppod from
thin point to Walla Walla or any other
Then thoy lieg.in to scutch for Hamil
ton, but iio such personage could bo
found. Hu has not turned up yet, and
probably will not of his own free will and
accord. '
Thu theory of tho detcctlvcH, tut ex
plained to .Mr. McCoy, is that thu old
gentleman had been trailed by a parcel
of conlldenco men who, by somo tneaiiH,
ingratiated themselves Into his good fa
viir, succeeded in getting him to hiIsh a
train at ltosobnrg Junction, und then
managed to rob hint. His eccentric im
tuie caused him to remain silent, but tho
thluves, fearing detection or exjiosuro,
had ono ot thu party keep on his truck
with his address, written by himself, in
his possession to use when required, and
hco what became of him. PcrlmpH thoy
doctored him too, and when hu went to tho
hospital "Hamilton" juuied at tho con
clusion that hu wuh dead and forwarded
thu packagu. Mr. McCoy loft thu matter
with IVcora mid (.luster to develop If ikm-
Ah tho case appears now it in
and should be thoroughly investigated
not only by Ihu local force, brt by tho
liollco of TcxiiH, especially tho clti.eiiH of
Itosenbiirg Junction und thu detectives of
the Southern 1'acillc. 'Iho cam piesentH
ovldcncoH of robbery and ieihaps n
darker crime, as tho old man grow rap
Idly worse day after day, until death gavo
him llnal release.
Mr. McCoy before leaving presunted
his powur of attorney to Sister AgnoH.who
thereupon delivered to him tho amount of
monoy remaining in horhands. It Ih tho
Intention of the family to have tho body
disinterred and removed to Walla Wullu.
1 . -t t
I,.,. I m
j u ,'
He bad
I)' Uf'
i,i,l I
It. I,
i, hi 1 1 . i i mi'.
Hi' ti'uiL. i
t ii.
1 id.
Nvi:, Oiti:iio.s. May in, 1887.
To iho I'M 1 1 or"f Iho KiiHtOreijimliin.
Ill vour issue of Mav 8th C. II. Ciinm-
boll brines serious charges against T. J.
Tweedy, our present stock insoetor
that ih tliey would no serious charges it
true; but they uro false, us most of your
nuinoroiiH readorH mo uwaru. I low Mr.
Campbell could neriietratu such a mon
strous piece of uuilactty, us to u:sort over
his own iiamo that two-thirds of tho
sheep lu I'mutlllu county uru nlft'ctcd
wiih scan, i am nnaiuo to uniiorsiiinii.
My business recently has brought mo
among somo of tho largest sheep owners
of thu county, and 1 am nwuru of only
one bund ailected with thu disease.
Thu good condition of Mr. Tweedy'H
own slieun, und his oxn'rleiico lu Oregon
and California with sheen uiu Hiilllcient
guarantee of his comiictuiicy iih tin in
sMiitor. Thu Idea of u man of Camp
lull's capacity cilticising and giving in
structions to un inspector of stock, and
dictating to thu Democrats whom they
shall have to act in that capaiit), Is suf-
llcont to draw an uiiilllilu smlio irom u
Thu Idea of Mr. Tweedy'H loafing and
being In collusion with olllco-wuutoiH Ih
news to bis uclidihorH. nor Is It u lack of
discernment on their pait that thoy did
not learn ot it. when uutupiioii wuh
learning tho poworH of thu "lllarncy
stono" In Ireland, Tweedy wuh a stock
raiser on the l'acllle Coast,
Your intelligent readers will seoutonco
that Mr. CauipU'll's real object Ih not a
fear that the scab Iiiih Incn-ased, or will
iucieaso, nor jet that somo one Ih liicom
latent, but that Judgo l.ucy Iiiih tho up
pointing Kiwer.
Wo hero who uro Tweedy'H nelghlwrH
know tiiat thu county court wuh peti
tioned by many of Iho leading sheep
men of tho county to iipHiut Tweedy.
How thou can Camplioll bl.uuo I.ucv?
In conclusion, I will say that I consider
it mi Indited attack on I.ucv. through
Tweedy, and that both men uro worthy of
tho ollices thov oniov. and that thov nay
strict attention to their own business,
which Ih morn than can lie said ol somu
other peoplo. J. Mi HuooM.
I.a (Jiianiik, Or., May 1(1, 1888.
rotlm IMIIori.f I tin I Inni llri'iioilhin.
Thu following "Cash" I'utentH havo
Imjoii received at this ollico and will lxi de
livered to claimants or their auentH uiiou
delivorv of tho ltccolvor's duplicato re
ceipt ot corresponding number, u:
Nos. 7711, 771, 8.11, i;l!(.1, I l8:t, 1.177, 1501,
Kill, HIV.', Kt.11, UM, 1701, 17HI, 171' I,
1710, 171H. ih:, 18IW, lKim, ukw, h:i:i,
V.m to 101'.' Inclusive, 1011, 1011, 1017,
1018, 10.11 to I0j8 Inclusive, 1 1 MM), 100-1,
100.1, 1IHH), 11171, I!t7-J, 107-t, 107. UN),
1081, 1IH2, HNI, 11)80, 11)01, HMI I, 1000.
Hl',18, I WW, 000, l.'00;i, ''l)0t, 'JULIO tOl'O II
luchisivo, '.'01.1, 018, 'O.'l, O.'ll, '.'OIK,
mvj, sj:ki, l'Oi'H, 0:17, -mm, mm, wwo,
20.11, 20.10, '.'(Jill, 20(12, 20(i:i, 2IHVI, 2000,
i007, 2000, 2071, 20711, 207.i, 2070, 2077,
U)78, 20), 2(MI, 2(s;t, af.) ), 200:1, 20!)j, .
2111)7, 2101, 210.', 2108, 21110, 2110, Ul!l,
2110, 2117, 2118, 2120, 212.1, 2l2l, 2120,
2i2ti, iiiau, 2IS2, 2i:t:t, 21:1.), 211.), 2110,
ziiH, aioi, 2161, ai.12, 2i i:t, ai.7, 2iiw,
2100, 2UI7, 2172, 217.1, 2170, 2IK0, ils2,
2WI, 211, 2H1, 2L-I7, 22H-I, 2:Jl'i, .'XHi,
jn:;t, :A i, .:.;.. l.:..2, ::itM, 2-K1J, 2-1D-I,
1 1.., . i.ii, . 1 ,t, .1.1, L it , - :!, 2ii..8,
; .! ., .'-.1 ... 1, 2017, 21.nA, u702,
-1 I . - .7 ..
t I hi 1 mil to 1 .I iii us 1 f their xwt-
1.1 . .1 t it ' s their dii lic.ito
rcci-ipt bv 111. ill and uo Mill f .I u.nil iiiu
l'.itvlit, l.v 11, .11 t , lln-il Id
II. .. 1 it .1 1 t 1 r