East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 16, 1888, Image 3

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    I)NKS!)AY, MAY 10, 1888.
rt(rrB'"l' Htnncli Ofllco.
L ,ti iifllr. of UiO i5AHriJiii."uf"Af mil
hinf' in lie ''...,, .. ihn A 1.1112(011
.Liiiiitiirui" ,;;
i MtiM.il nnor. miik.:
,f Ka"u'fii OrrRtm Koiicnilly, l inn
i, a vlilt whi-ii In 1'ortlaii.l. Hew
!lr r el .cr llicm tiny Horvlco In I
mP.iIooh, beer "i contfl 11 ghw.
ftwwbcrrlcH in Hie nmtket to-iiuy.
Dr, Hiigiin i noiiiowiiiit hotter to-
watch repairing
r rciiiiuiu
Larries and loo cream every oven
1..1 Ir... urn irntt'flnil U'ttll
uiiiiutm iiliu ., wv, ..
fjtn frtlKht cars.
e west-bound train i two and one
hniimlute to-nMit.
Linos unit organs for salo at 1'lctclicr'n
l,n nsullmeiii plan
kiorilio l'out" lias soul liw intorcst
. it i- 1.V...1..
he IMi n'CK ivatfiu.
Li received at tho Star Itakcry u bar
Iftlnci'lckleH. Kitty ccntsiiKallon.
W ... . . .
.Limns Si'Iinol iiu. of liiirrMuurg.
I.. A ii ... ,.f ijl..,-!!!'
L'l'tl. 19 1" b1"-"1- u uiiumi
ic iicoplo of Arlington claim tlioy need
e leiwl talent. IVnilluton lias homo
... i t
6,o younj? follw nave netfnii iiiumiing
,4 lor HPCllUlIli: uiu nui. nuuiuui ill
II fluke, ono of the most Ronial
mini ever visits hastem Oregon, is
iantoil-A t;irl to do uenoriil liouce-
Ik Mv to .. ."1. HK!iiar(isoii,ai inu
lilli of Wild llorHO creek. w
n't forcut that Kli will bo hero on
I "Jili lnt.. at t loonem house. Ad-
Lion M) rents; no extra churo for re-
ked ecalH.
Iii Milct company drill which was to
r jt evonlnu at Armory hall has
ii iwtiioiii'd until next Friday oven-'
IlltS O l'IOCK. .
Ilu Iiiilie.4 of tho .Alolnodlst Uimrrli
bth will giro tin iro-cioam una straw-
irv UMlvul ill me court noimo uus
Inlnir. All are invited.
Ir. Franklin Kills and family, who
on wild Horse near Weston, have
In In town several nays. .Mr. i.ins
inTOinmiuav viciiuiy sun iook wen.
I'rof. Hepburn Is now ready to lieIn
hiimwji ana instrumental miisiu ich-
u. For terms iniiulro at Minis Hros.
Vh music rooms, in tho Kant Oiikiio-
W'. Slienn, of Now York, who has
(v teen In Oregon n low days, mane
illiutlon tliU morning for admission to
imur Iiouw. As ho was sick, he was
tm eil to no tho re.
Valla W'ull.i Journal: John S. Crock-
I, K who (Inured in tho courts hero
pintno p.Ltye;ir, has koiiu to spittle
iiormeil a co-partnership with v. v.
tin in the Uw business.
pnideraUs now lumber is being used
mini; up tlio old J'enclietoii hotel at
new location, hen the earnenters
throiiKli it will present n Very neat
h'oaniiiix). .No renter has vet been
M fr It.
PloellA Co. will sell furniture to re-
lii!llile cnms on notes paviililo after
Inert. Any one ileslrinir to niirelitiso
rnituro hlimiM couHiilt this responsible
I'Ji. I heir uriivs on such sales are as
kap iih iiuy in tow n.
IWalU Walla I'nion: The Ktlno houso
i ;lwii ItMKil to A. Ilann'n and Mrs.
llllli. (if IVnilli'tmi. u liii w ill luWii I'liiinrn
lilie expiration of Mr. Ivellimr'H term.
Pey aru known throughout Kastern Ore-
I" an Urnl-iiass e.itorors.
IlllO llllirlirjL'i mill ilioiil ni'iirUrr I'lim.
U CMIintV iMiinriii'ii IL'i IuuiL-m In uliliOi
-I 7-l'l ll.iL'iMiif ti rttfi.it niillnr. IISJ'l .
ft linen, !iM-rii''liiL' 111 winks In tlui lino.
Win u I ii.il nf ! silo .n i i
(iilil rciiulro a ooii penman over five
m to niako a transcript of tho above
" vim,
The votinji neonlo havinir in eharL'o tho
cnlni' met Ut tlm rnnrt I mllUi, ,'rnlltiild
t evening, ami niado tho nei essarv ar-
n'!."entH . apiiointliii; u committed.
k llOUtVOl ll'rt lrkiin Mtriilvlbtrrliw mill
inniilo will t iinivlileil. urn! u l'.k.i1
neiu-xiieetwl, All uru invitfil.
tltt i
wcruiol'iet." I have un item of
" neivs. ii,u Htao lino which will
1 nOtttCl'n tlm ...., Il... I ... II ..
"llllOllBU' r iilr,. ..I .......I.... II. .
;n .i '-ittwu uiiiiiiiu it, iiuiiiniuii
' K'JthrouKh Hamilton, (irant cmintv
;ii.n? !."-. Creok ,wolvo or fourtoen
I.I... . i ". uus lum iuui uiu uv
"nun s iiL'mii n'l.io ...m i... i
.".''O-Bido-track and Hamilton
"civ nuri;,
wlSSn-i. n'1. ar? a,,,,.inR " swi,,K
1.,I . mill llllUUHT mOUKI UU
IllnO til UiO Ui.rbl 11. . f
1,10 I'iM'InK mill. This linn is
I..II . ""ti.n, nun IIHUIUI IU
lully abreast of tho times. Th
"TUltrOONIAK M nlnniiiul .w.l., II. ..
(11. nfc. ,'..-s.if 1 U II11IU llllli
wTJi ri ttt bwlnwH tlilH Hiring that
Tho people of tho eoillltrv Who llllVO Tlio Camcterr Mertlnc.
I relatives interred in tho I'oiulleton ceino-! About twenty ladies and Kontlcmcn.in
Merywill doubtless bo ulud to have Urn I eludiiiK tho pastors of tho Kplscopal, Hap
opiwrtunily of subscribing their sliaio to list, Presbyterian and Catholic churches
I the fund now eln raised for beautifying i met last evening in tlio library of tho
tho cemetery, iho committee who are hasr Oiikuonivn, to discuss tho cemetery
f ..! I ll... .....I ...... II.... .. HI. .1 . I it... t. it .
millennia mu niiiii uru iiieeuug w un no-1 ijiicsuoii. o. i . vuger was ciioseu cnuir
served success. mini, and ltov. T. M. Ilovd soctetarv.
Mr. A. 1j. Muxwoll, general passenger1 Mows were exchanged us to moving
agent of the O. it. A 4N. Co., Informs i 'o pieseni cemeiery. anil making u now
Aifi'llt AllilWilV Hint tlm rnimmtiv will OII0. It Will the SClltifllOilt of .ill IircseilL
llliuur inn ill"- nuiki, ii rn In fnilil I'lim II. Inn In Un 1 l llllli W 0 II 110 V IVIIIl! I'rV W'llS 11 111'CIW.
'tMiilluion.iiiul 1 NVnlhi and return on Decoration Day, ; fi'y. 'lie old onu should l.b linpiuved it ml
limit" ruiiu.-Miav. .tiiiv ,i iii. iiiiHiH si ciiuaii "
rate, and many will lnaku uso of it to! A coinmllteo of two, Messrs. Leezer
visit Walla Walla. "'id Ilium, were apiwinleil to confer with
. Wnltiir .mil lirmii Kmlil.. lirnilu.i- ,,,,,1 tho town . council, and usceit.iln if tlio
KUtiiriif AIm. ('iiiimlioll mill Mi--. wiUoi, !lnv" would pinvido (lie cemetery with
tlio inllllnerH.uriivedyeiteiday from their, fa).w'l.r m .. . .
llfllltn fill VVflttkVL erimL Mluu (lrtirii
un motion 01 .Mr. rotwino.lt was re
remain with lier sisters. ' i r,olL,(l tllil1 ll U ,hu ineetlng
m tii.iii.. M..11.1 ui. i.ti.. ,l",.t l.1 ,.'Ucteiy assnclation lie formed,
tf .Hi iV ii i v ii i . 1 1 ci u i i 1 hd tliat a coinmllteo of three bo up
from alia Walla las night. .She did not, pointed to draft a eoni-titutioh and ,v
bii..ikoiiui hii . i .mtu uiu a""" i laws for such an nrgaiilalinn, tj report
,..u....t.u .....t...r., ,.n liiuun mum. iul (10 nuxi nutting, .Messrs. I'otwlno,
'Hie west-bound pashonger train was I Turner and Hoyd Weio appointed as such
cigm ami a nan nours line nisi nigui, ar
riving here utoiIiO this morning. Tho
IllH ,
go to
Walla Walla train was also ono hourhtto
N. Berkeley, Jr., eamodown from Con
tervillo last night and left for Camas
iiiiiirio this morning, accompanied by M.
L. Weston. Thoy will return Friday.
At tho school meeting on the lUth it
wan decided to retain all the teachers
now employed for tho succeeding year.
Tills action will ploaso every ono.
Dr. N. 0. Illalook, of Walla Walla, is
registered at the Villard. liclng called to
see Judge Walker, who Is still very low.
Tho man who came so near hcltiir run
over by tho train at Milton Monday, was
named Noah Miller.
CI. A. Melntyre, tho Life insurance
man, returned this morning from a brief
sojourn in hcho.
A man named Wood shipped a ear load
of lino bucks to Ketclium, Idaho, from
hero yesterday.
J. II. Canon, nf Milton, is in town to
attend to a etc i in Justice HIsliop's court
Cass T. Harlow, Stavcr it Walkor'H
traveling representative is at the Vllluid.
Kddlo Swltzler received a now 40-inch
bicycle, this morning, from Portland.
Our Com Cure never falls to euro, try
it. Ie.er A Kuobler.
J. J. lliuimgardnor, of Foster, was in
town yesterday.
Judge M. L. Olmsted, of linker City, is
ii town.
Ijozor A Kuobler, Druggists.
. .
John l'lthholn find Amlrmr JoIiikoii In Iik
Tnkru to tho .liylUni T.clilulit.
John Pakkola, who has a line farm in
tlio .Swede settlement north of town, was
taken into custody Saturday by Mat Tay
lor and 0. P. Davis, on a complaint uuido
by Jacob Falck and another Swede.
charging hiui with insanity and that
lie was tinsalo to Do ut large, l'akkola
is about I- years old. unmarried, but
apparently very well educated. Tho men
who made tho complaint say that he has
been crazy nearly a year, but has only
lately become violent, lie has several
times, lately, frightened women living in
tlio settlement while their husbands were
not at homo, until they have all become
so terrllled that thoy will not remain at
homo alono. Last week bo came to the
house of Mrs. Manila, where Fulck is
woikiug. and there being no ouo in tho
house but a lit I lo girl, ho demolished all
the furniture and chascl lie little girl to
the barn where Falck was at work. Fulck
and tho girl ran to a neighbor's house,
and he teturuing with Falck thoy found
Pakkola with a club, beating tho fence
with all his might. Uo appeared to be
I un feet ly sane at his examination yester
day, before J initio Lucy, admitting that
he was out oi his head ai nines, ins
farm is one of Iho best in the t-ettlemeut,
and is worth about H.OOO.
Iho other crazy man Is the ono who
was brought from tho Weston mountains
some time ago with his iiiroal eut, and
who then gave his name as Andrew
Peterson. He was kept in the county
jail some time, and as his wound se.'iued
lo bo golfing well, nndnohlgnsof violence
or insanity l)elng noticeanle, lie was ie-
moved to thu oor housi., wiioio ho lias os ,)U,00 jt ilt ,K)SHi,u for tho eUi.lw lo
in.-i.il im'i rimu, ..uuu.t. u.v un .it. , , )ts ,w,mj i,r0,u,)t Work. All IlldO
K'caiuo wild, itud ioie.ited tlio talo which . ))un(0Ilt wi) (t.'aIa Woid l,0 a gieat ad
. ' " ii.i..ii,p.viih, , (iiiir)ii to i hoe c oncv ol thu rend eton
that the men wore trj Ing o catch Ii in to Firo )0partnient, w hlch is already ono of
kui nun. ii ere is no loiiui oi ins r -, ,u 1)0St or.,ait,,i (lopaitments in the
sani y, pronamy cuiihoa oy neii g ingu -1 (Stuto- So ui0I,K 10 mw tClU
t'ned half to death whllo aniong the rough i .... ..tlondliiL' tho ineetinu' tills oveninu' ut
On motion it committee of six. consist
ing of Mrs. Dis.iswuy, Mrs. A. M. Haley,
.irs. i, .Marshall, .Mrs. i. i;. i;cspuiu,
.nr. i.ot i.ivermoru anil .Mr. .lolin .Mttrnliv
was appointed to solicit subscriptions, to
report ui ine next meoiing.
It is estimated that fiom $700 to $1,003
will accomplish the work denied to bo
dono ut once, and it is thought that
amount can be easily raised.
The meeting adjourned to meet nt tho
sumo place next Tuesday evening.
Iltrt iirrlvnU.
Howmak Horsi: U 0 Holt, Hoiso City;
Hubert Todd. Centervillo: A Fielder.
Chicago; A H. huncs, Pilot Hock; D Her
rick, Jr, S J Wilson, city ; H ,M Adams,
Kcho; O Wlckcns. Pilot Hoik; Jno l.Islo,
Keho;HP Wadden, J A McCurty, l.u
Graiido; A II Johnson, James Caten, Juo
Moorliouse, H Wingard, Walla Walla;
S J Finch, Milton; K 11 Meltovuolds,
Alba; C M Dnnlap, Prcscott; S W'utson;
K M Powers, K Hldenour, Weston; A
Carstins, Hlparla; H Solomon, San Fran
cisco; II W'illiams, 0. H. A N; S 11
Nowlund, Hums.
Vn.i.Aiin Ilocsi: Frank Huckless; W,
V. Davis and family,.! II Cannon, .Milton;
N S Chapthd, heho; M I, Olmsted,
Huker City j J H Keeney, I'nion; James
MeDoiiultl, country;!' I. Wood, Nob; Cass
M Harlow, J W llunsaker, II Heekwilh,
Mrs Furmun, U I! Claiko, Portland; WS
Cash, Camas; U C Ogelsbv, Weston ; J
C ililler, Miss K'emhich, Chailes l.claud,
San Francisco; U A Waggin, Kansas
City; H Allee. Vinson; is (.1 Hlalock,
Walla Walla; W. W. Cuviness, Foster; K
J Wilbur, Moiiuliiins; Hurry Perkins and
family ; J A Dickinson; J P Schooling.
(!oi.i)i:N Him:. Miss J H Conrad, City;
M J Kelly. M Wurron, J Taylor, J Smith,
Walla Walla; 0 A Keen, Pilot Hock;
A J Mulhollund, Vinson ; A P Hartou,
Montana Valley; Win Coiikllu. Tom
Keiloy, Jack Canyon; A J Marsh,
Adams; H 0 Hostwick, Helix; Isaac
Knotts, Pilot Hook ; W F Smith, City; S
licit.. Pilot Hock: John Packard, Hunt
ington; M A Stevens, Foster.
A Tight tilth Kiil itniln dun.
An altercation took place this morning
h few miles noith of town, between J. n.
Coylo and William, son of J. F. Temple,
neighbors. 'Iho quarrel arose over tho
building of .soiiiq (euro. Coylo was ut
work digging post-holes, whou Temple
camo up, and alter some words they came
to blows, In which Coylo got tho worst of
Iho encounter, his head being bruised
and cut by a spado which he had been
using but which Temple got away from
blni. Covlo retaliated bv sbootini; ut
Temple, which did not tuku'cll'ect. Coylo
was arrested and brought leforo Justice
Garrett, Ho waived examination, and
was bound over in tlio sum of L'00 to
await tho action of the grand jury. He
furnished thu necessary bonds and was
released from custody.
Iuilcoiiileiit limit vim.
An attempt will Isj mado this oveuini:
ut tho l'ircmairs lull to orgauliiaii Hide
iHinuout Hose Team. The enunril bus
promised to ptiicliaso a Iiomi catt for tho
team us soon us it is organized, and oth
erwise encourage them. Such u iioso
team would, in case of an alarm of lire
siriKu lor tlio uio plugs and gel one or
iiioio stioams on tlio idaze hoveral iiiiu
Villard House
I.1K IKMCK. 1'roprletor,
NortliwcHt Corner Main unit ICourt Htnel
Re-opcned, Ro-funiishod and
Equipped in Firsts
Glass Style.
Freo Coach to and from Trains.
Urn I or In
lIlKhriil rnKli prlro imlil for rniln. (Iridium,
urniiiiiiiicii una ni'ir-rimiK imur in
stork, flora tnciil, I'liop Kcoil.
etc.. for mhIu.
Arciiun for ICiiupp, llnrrell A Co'm
Agricultural Implements and Bain
Are prepared to ship wheat or receive
Grain for Storage,
Grain Baoks and Harvesters' Buppllo
at lowest Prices.
Fnmllf Grocerlci a Specialty.
ingiiiiie expecta-
mating in the interest of a musical
utio , wa; ,el(, yortoniay ttf,ernoon
16 rooms of Mlnw x- rv i w '
othe'chlr. ' A committee
"flUUl ltV. .Mr Pnlivino lu
.' uH and rmviit ..t .i. i
it J ii. I 1 " l,,u iioai meeiiug,
11 alUrilV nr.m .. . o .on .1 .1" "1
Mme phiee; B ' 1
There will u! i.u
fflUf,n"l,'?rst f I'ilot Itoi'k.on
S. hnr . 'I'viir LKllMSIM Ol IllllCIl
the I'ireuiaii's hall.
ind lawless wood-choiiiiers on Weston
mountain. Whether any one over tried
... i.m i i... i , i i.,.. i... I..,., .....
IU hill llllli in ivnun ii, inn iiu 11,1.1 ui- ,. ., I,,,, ,,, ll :,,. IV.,,, .
i.lnntlv had miod inasoiis to Iki eciied. IVter tlio l'oet in Iluker ( iiy Ueu ocrat :
ii.. ..r.n. ...ii.i.i.i.u.if A.iiir.iu. .l..l...sn Anioi)glhoiualui.iciorsoiitiiuirauicoiin
.. 1.1..1. I., i ,,. i., i.i ' i tv docket lately were two whose criinos
rilZm ' ilT ..elo, as ii.tei me ler hi " wl' lriliU wro wnw
! ' "H0.' V. 0 .'rA. 1 10 i ri I nuenllv watched with considerable inter
tV" .iS" " . . .f. ..m .i'... . . lest. One hud shot an e.Utor, tlio other
"rV ' ' .". Z i, , r. had snot a calf. Uisn the latter wretch
" ri .rr """.f Vi . ii . . retribution Ml heavily : nor did the for
ueo lie. iw ... ruuu "' ,,)lidi'Mi l.llllisliuie.lt. "TllOV
'"V0.1!? ? .. ".A V wU neVeV get their ilenltcniiary soup into
'u,lu.,.,', I"""""" "i - wi... ui.,,! ,o. but that deeoetion basal
language. . i.. . i. 'i .i... t i i.iu
ruatl luatliuil lliu lllll'liui i .hi. n;niviu,
lltu, lS i,?, Hanky, -May '-'1st, dt
1 Auir:,;;. "i inoroughbrea
i will bo sold.
A Silk lre Nlolrn,
"On thu I.1th Inst.," .Mrs. Jade Snitz
ler writes from l inatilla, "while my
daughter, Delia Switler, left the train at
the water tank Mow Juniper station and
camo over home, and beforo wu could
send tho boat back for her trunk, which
was left near tho railroad track, it was
broken Into and its contents, except u
handsome silk dross pattern which was
stolon, were seatteied on the ground,"
Mrs. Switzler writes that she is very anx
ious to recover this dress pattern, and
will give a liberal reward even to tho
tramps, who are supjiosed to have com
mitted the theft, if she can get it back
from them. Anv nerson roiiderinir any
assistance to Mrs. Suitzler in this matter
will have lior everlasting gratitudo, und
besidos have Iho rowaid which always
follow.tho doing of a worthy act.
, physica
mav it prove lo bo U'uelleial to
dca)ly, mentally und morally.
Hurci'Morii to
MAJtSUA J.L (5 SOy.,
-AN 11-
Corner Main nml Water KU.,
Pendleton. - Oregon
All klndi of lllackmnlthlne.ilone In Hie
bettiiuil prumpt niHiiner. Wugoiis, ilUKgliri
and Iiuckn mudt lo order,
Jlejmlrlnff a Specialty.
I'arllculiu utleiilliiu lo lioria tlioelnc hi
It is said that in 1SS0 thoro were only
live thousand Jews in Jerusalem, und
. . .,. t mi
now tnoro aro tinny inousanu. inou- fntfCDTICCDC ofoihtf.win,iAnumii
sands have lied to the City of Solomon; HUlCfllldCliw
fiom Husslan iersecution,4iiid Jerusalem , endtrtiin(ipcoiwninCriiciyo,wiii (md it or lit o
is becoming a brisk business place in . $ 1049 Rxi( SlnDh C T1IAM1C
consequence. I ihA4.it;iAnetLUIUI if IHUWIwf
I'niprlflorof the
French Restaurant
Main vtrcrt, rentllvtmi, Or., op
pitslte Court Jfoami.
A flrnl-cliiM rektmirant: nil tli ilaltriiclra
nf tlin cnnn, MiIn lit nnr lioiir; iKitliUuy
hiui iilelit.
iipl K-im
Iliivlnij cikmIi ililppM from KHUcrn rlf leu
via l'nrtliinil, oin have freight pniil, I mien
nml ovi rcliurgr iiilJiiHtcil, 11 nil fnrtviinlhiK
nltpiiilcil In pniiuptlv, nt low Tiiti'x, !)' ml'
Ilayliilf uii'l hilling ilonn on (oiiiinlliin
Pendleton Meat Market.
GEO. J. IHRIG, Prop'r.
Ilikvlnir reonciieil Die uliove Miirkel, ihii
Im rt'xnlil stuml, wu uliiill 00 pri'puriil m wit
lliiiek iii Hiipply Uiu pi-op u of I'l'inllt'tnu
Willi the very iieiii
Boof, Mutton, Pork, Vonl, Eto.,
That Dm market cmi nlloril, nml ul
prlct'ii all run resell.
Coods at Actual Cost!
Is tho wiiy to got it, as tho following list will toll.
Take the Advantage I
All Standard Goods !
Apricots, 20c, or 6 cans for
Blackberries, 20c, or 5 cans for -
Pears, 20c, or 6 cans for
Currants, 221c, or 5 cans for -Grapes,
20c, or 5 cans for -
Egg Plums, 2oc, or 5 cans for
Golden Drop Plums, 20c, or 5 cans for
Green Gage Plums, 20c, or 6 cans for -
Currant Jelly, 20c, or 6 cans for
Jam, 20c, or 6 cans for -
Blackberries, 15c, or 7 cans for -Grapes,
1 5c, or 7 pans for -
Peaches, 15c, or 7 cans for
Plums, 15c, or 7 can3 for -
Green Gage Plums, 40c, or 3 cans for
Peaches, 40c, or 3 cans for
JTolin Sietoert,
ruiullelnii, Oregon, Main hi., neur We Mi.
J lint received.
Satisfaction Cuarantood ! J
In every piiiIh'iiIt
The Pendleton Mfg. Company,
Machine Work or All Kinds
Done promptly.
ratteens rna'le. ItepalrH to frm innclilnery
unit machinery of every description u
Tomatoes, gallon, 10o, or 13 cans for
Tomatoes, 2i lb. can,
Roans, loe, or 7 cans
15c, or 9 cans for
for -
$1 00
I 00
J 00
U'orU Jlramtnabh:
I'oriill k ml nf I.koai.
lli.ANkH.iicll im l.eniei,
. , ' , .'..'l ,1.,' v.,
I'rolnie. t'o .ntv unil JilttldV f'iilr'.iii
fiirlkKik .mil Jdli I'rlntlmi. IKikliliiclliiif
IllunU lUxiki.or Hn vthliiif In ilio iirlniinu
r Imok lil nil inline, uil
I'l IL ( .. I'flnilteion.iire
Mninpit upon uppiicuii'in
iry second important order has just arrived, direct from Japan.
I wish to call your attention to
Something useful and well worth the nionoy.
All Groceries Cheap for Cash
Full Weight and First-Class Goods
in inn iiriniinui