East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 14, 1888, Image 1

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    DA.IL y.
A riti:i: i.nm.vttv.
I'ntroun r the Dully or Spinl-AVrrkljr
HAST IMtt:tlONIAN ran frm-ly limkii nun
oft ho I'.ASf OltlXIONIAN Ill.rnry when.
vT tlv mi ilfslrr. Tli imlilli' lire 'iir
itlitlly llullril In llt tin- oflli'x wlii-iinver
mi liicllm'il,
rfor" ill iiftrr llinNotoliilirr
r1 0 . . i, HAS r OIIHHONIAN fur tlm
L lmsll' f "'",y"'""-
OL. 1.
NO. G2.
Iins been taken oft" both
oolen and Cotton Goods
Not by Congress, but by
And they now ofi'er their Largo ami Complete Stock of
Examine their goods, get their prices, and convince yourself
i il... .L.fik nin iwvf mfitn Mount! tnno 1111 ( flint flwur ytftU
I antiutc what they chum. J heirs is not an "Infant Industry,
leref'ore they have discarded Protective Prices, and will freely
U.t competition from all quarters, lhey carry a
eneral Merchandise Stock
Consisting of
Itapl9 and Fancy Dry Goods, Men's Boy's and
Children's Clothing, Furnishing: Goods,
Mens Ladies aiiauniidren's Shoes
Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery
and Glassware, Groceries,
Hardware, Etc.
Alexandria. Mlnuurl, Inundated unit tlm
I'uiiilara Ooiiiirllil to Moe About In
Kklir.Hiiil Hafts.
St. Louis, Muy 13. Yesterday morn
Intr tho lovco situated South of Aloxan
drill. Missouri, broke hi several places.
iiml u viwt volume of wntur hoirau nomine
Into the town, which completely Inun
dated it. a spasmodic attempt was made
io cnecK uio irresistible now, and in u
'.tow minutes the laborois who made tho
attempt accepted tho inevitable t re
quired loss than an hour to inundato tho
town, which in now eovored with wuter
from two to six feet, submerging almost
ovory foot of ground. Tho water reached
half of 1 1 io houses and tho occupants
sought refuge in tho upper stories
of buildings, where they will ho
imprisoned until t lto flood sub
Hideri. In tho main sheets tho water
Ih fully three feet deep. Transportation
from ono point to another in only possible
by meiiii.. of skills, or on rudely con
Htrucled rafts. The sidowalkH are over
flowed, and skill's arc Handing In door
ways of private residences. IIuhIiickk Is
entirely suspended. Thero has not been
any loss of lifo, nor groat dainugo to pro
orty within tho city at this point Tho
Mississippi is fully seven miles wide, and
within tho rnngo of vision ono vast ex
panse of water greets the eye.
A great amount of farming lands In tho
Missouri bottoms, estimated to lie 76,000
acres, in entirely submerged, and n eon
timtanco of the Hood will result in u loss
to tho fanning community of that region
of fully 4:100,000. A high wind is pre
vailing to-day, which lias caused tho
waves created therebv to wash holes In
the Warsaw levee, which allbrds protec
tion to somo thirty acres of fertile Illi
nois lauds.
I will sell for tho next ISO days at a
Discount of 10 per cent, for Cash!
My Largo .Stock of
tools and Shoes, Harness,
Sitdtllt's, Whips. Hits a:ui Spurs.
IMl jjootls uiurked in plain Hgures.
Arllngtnu Arbitrator Hiiioaeit to tin I'raJ-
indent Aifalntt Hepnr 1'eojile.
I'oitTt.ANi), May 13. IIuvo just leilrned
from parties from Morrow county that tho
Arlington people aro so prejudiced against
a road to Hoppuer tnat In two eases wnoit
right of way ami appraisement bus been
left to Arlington arbitrators tlioy allowed
more for light of way In each instance
than was asked for the entire ranch.
Ono man ollered his pluco for seven hun
dred dollars and ho was allowed thirteen
hundred dollars for right uf way, ,cJ-A..
Smith was allowed the samo amount for
right of wav through a sand bank at the
mouth of Willow creek. Heiipner people
have to pay for tho right of way and in
terested parties aro indignant and aro
looking up tho titles and llnd them no
good hi many cases, laborers who huvo
the right of tiling on ranches aro doing so,
titles being contested. In the meantime
tho road will bo pushed ahead, and com
pleted by Nov. 1st, next.
ltr.t.ow tmi: riiKtlziNu roiNT.
Colli Wrnthrr In Dnkulu mill Milium)!,
ami tile Crop llulneil Tim I'drmri
U P.t-i Mho Miiv ll Afiiir flftix.ll
davs'of contliiueil rain 1n Minnosota anil
Dakota, tho weather lias suiKienly ie
como extremely cold, the thernioincter
registering beliiw freezing jHiInt. In
soutliem Minuewta tho fanners aro
much discouraged over tlio outlook. Some
siiv they will not attempt to finish seed
ing. In all of tho ilver counties ground
is so wet that farmers cannot get Into
their lleUN. When it Is dry enough to
work it will bo too Into to sow wheat.
Many farmers havo given up sowing any
iikiio, and will put the ground in oats and
corn. In JUco county (Kinds of water
stand on plowed Ileitis. Fanners iiro
afraid Mmt much of tho seed sown boforo
tho rains will rot in tho ground. All
vegetation is at a staiidt-till, and has
boon ho for two weeks, (iardon seeds
sown two weeks ago havo not sprouted.
lift I'ulU IJmler it Wneoii WIibkI nil U
C'riikhril to llrnlh,
W.u.i. W.u.i.a. May 14. On Saturday
I l.iut n.irnlu Mnnrlinnsn. u well known
I farmor, living a fow miles from this city,
just across tlio uregon lino, camo 10 iowii
ITWWt Ti-nm rt i i o..4 i with a load oi cuopjieii teen, accoiuiuiuieii
KEMLER'S Grocery Store, on Court Street jl)Vt,Vo young mon, named i.yndi and
railllg. JUSl noioru re.tLioiiK iiuiiio iiuy
licgan skvlarking, Moorehouso losing his
balancoand falling lnjiioath tho wagon
wheels. Ono wheel passed ovor his
stomurh, crushing him badly, and ho
died thirty minutes aftorwards. Ho was
fortv-oight years old, and much resiected.
I Io leaves a family.
PONSARDIN CHAMPAGNE. (Yellow Label.) mpi.o.iw.tm
Groceries, Vegetables, Fresh Fish
Spices, Fine Coffee, Fine Tea, and Everyfhing Fine that a First-class
Grocery should contain.
toll on mo if you want Oroceries cheap. D. KEMLER.
'by lire yesterday. The loss Is estimated
at !17t.,0i0 with only 15.000 insurance.
, Thlity families are homeless.
and Corporation Seals,
In Pendleton,
I '" l,"r,IDi r the Kum, In rrom o.U
'"ti-pr, hanset. nldwl. If yon
I -'. s,t. y in-onli-r li u. and mm
"a un... . .
East Oreconlan Pnh. Rn..
renaition, uregon.
They do Implicit ovt ry it y, niut when ono
liitiiet'iiit I'Oim yi u will wllt that
n wen- Itiniri-il III 'll
Tim Killlor of llm MrrBimluii llltterly At-
I 4..m. i,.t l.v IVIIrux. rrmirletor ttf the
Ititlly 'tnv.
l'dim.ASii, Mav 1-1. This morning
John D. Wilcox, over his own sipiatuio
in tlio Pailv Now. Intiinatos that Hurvoy
whon ha was eolieeior ot eusioms ami
charges him with another erimo uhich is
i until to l roiii.
. Wilwtx threatens to niukc tarlliiiK ox
imMirvn 'f Pott's eoiintftion in thv tmp-
, iort of Sinmn thi your, when two yearn
ago he bluet ly )i)wiwl his wlocUun..
has lust
Wlivat n Ttlllt. Illi-lir.- No Spilt Trnat-tliHU-Nothlni;
I1..I111; In I'Hrllnnil.
I'oiiti.anii, Mav 11, ,'! ii. in. Options lit
New Yoit and I'lilcap) are a trillo hiher
to-day. No spot transaetiims aro talcine;
nlaee in cither city. Tho price of wheat
In San Franeiseo Is a trillo lower than on
Saturday, hut no sales aro bein made.
In l'oitlitnd no sales are leimrted at all.
W heat is iiioted at ll.i per eeutal.
A Narruw Ktcapa.
Skikank Fai.i.h. Mav 13. It
lieen learned hero that Oeoruo K
dor, superintendent of tho Idaho mine,
was a fow davs inro almost overcome with
powder fjas In that tiiluo. When hauled
to the top ho fell back down tho shaft.
When help reached him ho was senseless,
and ono arm was broken and his liody
severely bruNed. Ills Injuries are serious.
Coiiaiiiuail Kleht I'laa.
Sa:.' l'liA.scisfo, Mav 13. There was a
piu-u.ttliiK contest at the seaside pinions
yesterday; Thowinne.r consumed eight
plot, weiKhinn tlireo ioumls and a half,
ami catiio near dylnt; from tho ellcctH of
stiillinn; himself.'
Til r.irtlHmlrm Will llm luinr.
Skattm:. W. T.. May 13. Tho Wlllam-
ottcs of Kast I'ortland apdu defeated tho
Ilrowns of this city to-day. lho score
was 11 to 5.
A few third jiarty Prohibitionists met
bore Saturday for tho iiurKso of putting
ip a ticket (butjthoy did not (jet to work un
til too lato to Kot a dellnlto report for Sat
urduv's Issue. Tho meeting was first
ealle'd to order in tho court houso. but
for reasons hereafter set forth, tho busi
ness was llnlshcd in tlio council room.
Stato Oruani.er J. W. Webb, of Salem,
came up Saturday morning to Ihj In at
tendance. Tho mooting was called to or
der by S. L. Iturrell, of Adams, chairman
of the county central committee, and was
opened by prnyor from Huv. Hichardson,
of Adams'. Mr. Webb then made a short
address, in which ho clearly set forth lho
objects and business of tho meeting.
There had been a stir all tho morning
111110111! I looser uml YouugV "wire pull
ers," and it was evident that some plan
was iK-'Ing liatciieu iy which uio rouven
t ton was to bo corralcd. Tho suspicion
was verillod when It camo tluto to elect a
clmirnian. 8. L. Ihlrrcll, of Adams, and
V. J. Carlson, of reiulleton, wero nomi
nated. As every ono in tho convention
voted. Carlson was elected. Mr. Webb
stated that it was customary to circulate
a third party pledge, and limit tho voters
control of ureal areas of country.
Fourth Should maintain tho pilnciples
of tho Inter-State commerce law and
should niako such charges as will prevent
extortion or discrimination against per
sons, places or products.
Fifth Should Issue all moneys direct
and make all moneys so Issued ii full lo
gal tender for all puriioses.
Sixth Should provide for electing
United States Senators by a direct vote of
tho people.
Seventh Should declare tho modern
"trust" and other combinations artlllclal
nrices to bo n consnlrucv air.tlnst tho com
mon welfare, and that It bo punished ac
Kighth Should abolish tho internal
lovenuo and correct tho iueoiialltles and
eliminate the uuiust discriminations of
the iiiesent tarill" schedule.
Ninth Should vigorously enforce the
prohibition of tho importation of contract
labor, prevent the landing, so far as jms
slide, of all anarchists, criminals ami
The Prohibition party pledges itself to
do these things whenuver it obtains con
trol of the government.
Resolved, That wo tender our thanks
to Messrs. J. 11. Turner and H. .1. Bean,
resectlvely, for tho prompt oiler of tho
use of their olllces, after that certain well
known Itopubllcan leaders of reiulleton
had had tho impertinence ami unfairness
to virtually deny us tho iiso of the court
house, granted us for the purose of
holding n prohibition eon volition, in which
capacity we had assembled.
They now proceeded to nominate the
representatives to the State convention,
who wero ltov. 1. N. Hichardson, of Ad
ams, ltov. l'ruett, of Weston, ami N.
Pierce, of Milton.
.1. Y. Martin moved that tho Prohibi
tionists endorse .1. II. Haley for joint
senator, but tho motion was lost. O. F.
Thompson, of lvcho, was thou nominated
joint senator hv acclamation.
.1. W. Stanley then moved that no
more nominations be made, owing to tho
fact that they did not know who wero tho
third party Prohibitionists, which was
carried out, only two voting against it.
Tho apiHiintmeut of committee men fol
lowed, in which all tho precincts but
eight had to ho left vacant owing to tlio
fact that they wore not represented in lho
convention ami tlioy did not know whom
to appoint. Power was vested in tho com
mittee apK)inted to till the vacancies ami
substitute names for those appointed in
tho convention, as they saw tit. Tho fol
lowing aro tho precincts lepresented:
North and South Pendleton, Adams,
Weston, Ceutervillo, Milton, Ktho, Helix
and I'nloii.
In tho ovoninir. Mr. Webb addiessed
an audience at tho otiora house, hi which
ho scored tho Republicans for their action
in the convention to thoso who signed, in tho convention, ami It Is evident that
This was straightway objected to, and a
motion was made ly .Mr. MioomiiKer,ami
eariiod, that all who voted for tho amend
ment last fall bo entitled to vote. This
practical I v placed tho convention in tho
hands of Ilia ltoimliKcans, and tho Prohi
bitionists left, Messrs. . I. II. Turner and
II. .1. lic.in tendering the uso of their
otliees. Tlio council room was. decided
upon, and tlioy repaired thither, wliero s.
I,. Iturrell was oicctcn cuairmaii nun
ltov. 1. N. Ulchardson secretary.
The Republicans, after tho Prohibition
ists had left, resolved that theio was no
need of a third paily in the Hold, and ad
1110 rroillDllloniHis iiiiixiunru uiuui-
inittee who drafted the following resolu-
tiuiiH : . ....
Resolved, That wo demand Hint tlio ill-
fairs of our county shall Ihj economically
administered In all its departments.
Resolved, lhat wo most earnestly dep
recate in this campaign all personalities,
L' i ciir v. I io nacKiim or cainiirniK in
iniftii Iiiiu tint iv.ittwttl mil
lho l'tohibltlonists.
friends afiiong
i m: ni:v iui:r .mistici'
.l n .. . ... ....ntintMil Illtlllt!fnl. til
4Jir. III.) t..r. ' - -
.-ii. lit .iiro Mm mitht enuriucM ina-a of
i l.tmmli'tev. n railrim.l ami iieain-
Ihm' iit-.-i t. ..I . .-hi lull i main I'. IMy hi
i-lultiw, wi ll i .( uii' iiiiiwllul' lv upon
rwipt'f' lU'it'ioiv i r.'. Nun I'oiMllire
lili vf.luiia ill i'l! .t-. V i-Io. r
Ten Millions of A sels. Two Millions
of tprl"s.
Clopton & Jackson,
H sl.K-.t Ag nts,
Enit Oret'iiiiluu l .11 "ii,-, Jmi '.' .'ii.nr.
(I.1HM.V1.U AUIOhT l)ItHTItlVIil.
Tim M"t ltriniili I'1'" Ifver !Uier-liMifnl-Thlrty
1 anilllM 1Iiiiii-Ii.
Pohti.ani, Mav 14. Word reached
Jiere this ui.Tidng that the biwiue-s jm.i-ti.-a
iiftjoldi-nd.il'. W. f- w.id.-tr ed
President Cleveland continues to make
voyages of discovery. With this silley
ho began his admiustratloii, and ho has
maintained it with consistent (Irmiioss.
Of the nine gentlemen houoicd with
Cabinet iipMiiiitineiits, but (m II mud
and l.amar wtiiild havo Ih'oii thong it of
before Mr. Cleveland selected II cm. In
the diplomatic scrvico theio aio lour, or
Krhaps live, Miuistent who Inula party
record. Tho reinalnder wtiro tllscoveiios.
Melville W. Fuller, of Chicago, who was
nominated yestoiday for Chief Justice, is
so unknown that his iiauio does not ap
pear hi tlio latest standard works of con
teniK)rary biography. Ho is tlio most
striking ami original discovery of the ad
ministration. Wo do not refer to this as a criticism,
but as a conspicuous illustration of what I .. ,(,.. tiiwttutaU iitntk i if lint ti'itliitl fif
n .. i (u I 'i.ki'n iiml iitniliiiilln riiiniril4 tiki ii .. t
conveii iuis, nriis'ry or inner corrupt. ; "''" . .......... .v,.....- . . (( ,.UM.t,H, in nuiiung incenso ami sor-
tmicllu ami wo invito tiiiriKjimcai op-, w iso ii.nii-1. ai n,m . ; vilely Isiwlng Uio Kueo to tlio Miutiieru
iKinents u far and candid discussion eaten ny uio laci una uio i munn m .m,,i,. for a tatr ml of thteo scorn years
df tho pun. iples and Issues that now til- HniKor tlian IiIm Iy, uuii uiiiioiiifii hi , aIM tllllt uiim,. ,y t, lR.i(.f that It
villous. iiin.umi. ... ..." i was a paying nusiness invesiment, viuu
l..utl..i.j! rritiit U'n t..tiil.riuir ilmiiVa in ho has proceeded iiikiii tlio tlieory lli.il
tho Pendleton and county pajwrs for their I antecedeiit Democratic services twliili-
to know.
enurtesv. and thov aro reiiuestedtoi.nl)-. lishedcluhnshu was bound to respect.lho ill.tvliiif that tho luteresls of tho
lish the proceedings of this eonvoiitioii. ' paity proiOHH to iiominale lilui "'f Ameilean Kioplo hi no who materially
Itesolvcd, uuii wo recognuo uou as
tho Hiipiemo ruler and governor, and to
lllm wn npical as to tho sincerity of our
motives and for aid in our work of hii-
nressim: tlio liouor trallic, tho great eno-
my of tho homo, tho school and tho gov
ernment. Resolved, That wo indorse tho plat
form of tho Stato Prohibition Convention,
which roads as follow h :
Wiikiikas. lho three great objects of
government aro tho Njcurlng to citizens
tho rights of lifo, lilwrty and property j
and . . .
wiiiniKAK. Through tho criminal nog-
In. .4 .i..l .....Ij.l..iiu lii.rlylfltfritl .if till, flfitll.
itiant iHjlitlcal parties, great evils havo 1 shrowdness and coiiunoii hohmi. . with it.
Iieon fostoit'tl which impair ami liniieril l-roui wnai wo learn t no im iiiuuout. xunMiV0 Hirlt
all the.o riirhts. most prominent among oi .Mr. l;uiier at i nioi J usiico is a good , nM, wh(rh at last all the ni'L tis of
which evils Is that of tho legalized liquor I mw. Ho is a lawyer oi oxk)iioiico. hi , , imiu H,m Hak() ,ulll(,H , UIuUy UI1(j
tratllc, with a tlrm reliance on an over- tho prime of life, with an alnihablo ioj . .
'.. .. . .i i.. i.. nt.itl.iii nt. Iiimii. ulili'li luililitM fur ll 1 - -
rilling rroviuonco in lavor oi nm ukui,
and iVisui tho moral sonso of our best cltl- groat deal, and weuis to - roproKoiit
.enshlp. tho Ptohibitlonpaity of Oregon' Jio clique or inlluenco whlcli would
submit the following platform of prlncl-1 bo nerved by bis adviinwmont to bo
IH'lll II. illin, 1llllll iiu iiiiiiiuiimit .no
! scandals which havo attended wunu a
1 Diiliiliiiiuits. is an immeiiM) advuiiluue.
Wo loprint ulaewhoie. m an oxamplu of
his intellectual endowment, a speech Mr.
Fuller il-llered u few evonlug rbire ul u
liauquet hi honor of Stonh n A. hmV i-it.
Thin, um nr Mtle(s will ilrM r.e rt
nriidtialltv und flmid rli-t i i- il ti.n-i
I tin- K.,-1' i- ( ..nlJui- ul I
nei tin- h; ...-i ll ( il
in. ill i f t i I... An . i inn '
lllll'f Willi !
at r. 1'uller, kiojL
The (invormnoiit
Pirtit Should prohibit tho munufae
facturo, salo, wipply, oxiairtailon, and
imiMiitttiioji of, and inlomtato coininoiee
in, all iiitoxlmtluif lliplors an a bovonwe.
Seciind Slioiihl sul'Uiit to the I ovula
tion of the Mtventl Htntes a iiiottaiim wi
arulo from every otlier ueaUou, provid
ing by n HiiKsiidmeiil io the .Miiriiuiiii n
for the dlsfrum lii i on ii' i f i .lopi r-. il
liteWc-' ail-l i ' 'ii i ii'i I' 1 rrniiinil- and
nb lUlan He K'v in tin i li- ii.c
eiecuoii nut ; .iiirNiiu.i ' """"""'." .(tiller from thoo of tlio iieoplo ot any
Deinwirats lHillove In a I WIdcnt who ,hor ,.,,,,., IUII denvlug tho roclltudo
knows his own mind. hi o loaders ()r fu)mtv o( iHai.lhig ourselves up
who Iwro the burden of the battle wiioti (10,r x,M)IIMt) ,.. xl.llHve tsillcy.
the paity was hi a minority mav fret I )h,,m., ,,, natri, ,W f mtl.,l
over tho ingratiludo of kjII tics ami Jjlu oKi'hanges, I avow myself to Ihj a radical
forgotfiilnoM of Presidents, it Is fur tho , frL,0 (nl(nr , , HxU)t of ,i(.Hj,IIK
lasting good of ho lenm'iaey Unit hoio , tu, uM),j()I1 fn) ,. hmiMis through
should be i now b oot In tho leadership. 1 0Ht tho wnrltl. That oveut Is far distant,
Of lho Cabinet tliscovertes Manning h umIml,(l.(y , i)llt i IkiIIuvu It will como
select on was ait liisplratloii of genius. , , tKmhm ,, nllgbteni.ient of
Mr. Mltoy Iuh leen a source of i Iiu,lkl)l(l. My flllth lH tt)HO,o that it
strength to the party am tho adiniiiiHtra- , , . a,ivaiitau'u 'Hh to every branch
tion, and theio is hardly an instance , in ;,,!, mHtrv .whether at home or
which tho i-coking out of now ineii by tho uniKUt liH realisation cannot fail to
President has not been creditable to his i ,.r,I1L, ...... HLfllll i,wh1i1l,h ..I,.,.,,
ami to fooler a moie untile ami
of human biothethissl,
sorry lliiSnlil It,
It is said of ono (iilim Williams, n
Wall trttot broker, who leccntly died,
that oais ago he lmuuht a wpiaio of
gtoi.tiil in the tMiitur of Cbii-agi' f r ion i,
w ldcb he hold suli-vii"iillv f..r 4 H 1. 1 .
Ho s ory p.-mul 1 f his l ail'iiin .1- Wi ll
he lnllfbl have ln-i-n. f.i bis fi.mrl.i -. hi
l.lX till' IH) .1 ll ll I III.' 1.'.. Il.lll lll'll j 1 1 1 1
llli.t'lv Mil-I,t lill: 1. I Ul if III'
corporations and aliens front obtaining ! resting on genuine merit, and signifying
work none 111 a quiet way, wiiuout regant
to bands of music and circus posters this
is rare in these days of Itanium char
latanism ami noise.' We accept It as an
engaging qtialitv in the now Chief Jus
tice. It will not pass without observation
that this great olllco, the most ini jnirt utit
in our governmental system after tho
Presidency, goes outside of tho channels
of olllclal promotion and professional am
bition. W hat should lie a prl.o to tho
foremost lawyer hi tho land or a piomo
tion to tho most worthy justice on tho
Supremo llench Is given to a gentleman
outside of the court, and known, if
known ovcuthcio, only in what might bo
called tlio technical 'inner circles of tho
law. Wo are not sure this is for tlio best,
or that it is cither ltepubllcan or Demo
cratic In practice. Wo might oxjiect it in
Uiisla, where the C.ar's will is auto
cratic, but not in a republic, where the
palm should await the most virtuous ami
most diligent. And unless wo are willing to
concede to tho President absolute discre
tion, thero aro grave reasons for doubting
whether it is in harmony with our Institu
tions that the greatest olllco in his gift
should bo licstowcd upon a gentleman al
most unknown hi u proud ami conspicu
ous profession.
.Mr. Fuller comes tons, therefore, solely
on the Picsidcnt's recommendation. And
while wo mav regret that long service of
somu of tho venerable ami Illustrious ju
rists w ho now adorn the bench was not
recognl.ed, wo aro srsuadcd from what
we read that .Mr. Cleveland In his new
dlccovery has shown tho samo good sonso
and will win the same good foi time which
have attended most of Ids oxpeiimeutH in
executive seluctlon.
i'iti:i: 'mks A.si "MnTiTi'itAim.
Tho Aiill-Slurry Apontlr an Alimtluta Fr
Trailer. William I.loytl (iarilson, tho younger,
is throwing himself into tlio struggle
against protective taxes with an energy
and ability worthy of his father. Tlio
Hoston Traveller and other protection
papers having intimated that in this ho
was not following hi the footsteps of his
fattier, .Mr. (Iarilson closed a tecent free
trade sccch in Hoston, with tho follow
ing extract fiom a speech made by bin
father hi the samo city In IStlS:
Tho cause of human libeity covers ami
Includes all possible forms of human In
dustry, ami lcst determines how the
productions thereof may be exchanged at
homo ami abroad for mutual advantage,
llo is the most sagacious silitlcal econo
mist who contends for tho highest jus
lice, tho most far-roachiug equality, a
closo adherence to natural laws, and tho
removal of those restrictions which footer
natural priilo and sellishness. Tho mys
teries of government nio only juggles of
usurpers and demagogues. I'heio is
nothing Intricate in ficedom, free Institu
tions, tho law of interchange, tho meas
ure of reciprocity. It is the legerdemain
of class legislation, disregarding tlio com
mon liitoiosta of the Kople, that ete.ttes
confusion, sophisticates lho judgment,
and dazzles to betray. The law of gravi
tation needs no legislative props or safe
guards to nii.kit Its operation moie oll'cc-
llvo or moro ImjiiomcoiU. ii is supisised
otliT things being equal that those
whoso lives aro do voted to business ailalrK
ami lliiatici.il m, ittcis will havo a clearer
port-option of what concerns their inter
outs than those whos pursuits aro simply
professional or philanthropic, "Other
things b -liig equal ;" that It a very iiu
pottant qiiallUcatlon. Alas! they 1110 of
ten mott uiicq al. I ecaiiMi of tho ptolli
gale disiegaid of piluclplo; ami thou
follow congruilv, entanglement, loss of
vision, iiupalted Judgment, desperate ex
periments, calamitous tosults. This was
sttik nu'lv Illustrated In lho insane con-
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