East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 12, 1888, Image 3

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    ..v MAY 11.'. 1H88.
L'JW" '
.nnliiii lri.mh Olllto.
",lfl1 ,,.i ill. Vr. under tint mini-
,w,ih. II' f ir . , l0
,, lloimr ii . i.,11il,,ii.1iiiit
..... m il' ii - ... i
I ... rfilllirillll.lll IIII.H
j.-i..-- ... 111 i'i in lit I II IIU ill
. vlall win ..i.. I. I.
l.i - it... m HIIV Kl'lVllU III II
mill IT "
u Hour
n.,.-,inU:ll);mk Mid
blic pcluwl ut Contervillo cloned
. i.. it iiiiii
i.i.nii unit tiowu in wiiiiniin
to meet ii friend who wus prow
... rinnimi returned from
1.1. itiiirnllll'. wnuru nu iikb
iui; v
. t(itiil.i'.
,a!,Wii any quantity. Knciu.ro
ioanI. with Despair. & now
.... M.iln xlri'pt.
i ..M ti ill. L'encnil house
imlVtoS. M. Riehnrdson.ut the
Wild Uom Trees.
.... otiened for tho con
. i ,.i 'oi una nos num.
m the neighborhood of $50,000
arc live cents a yard tit tho
Warehouse." Who cannot
HM.e, the marhlo cutter, is
, Kvnitlfiil scroll, lo mark tho
f ilm Into Mrs. Mnrv
Unk contemplates going to
on Juno 1ft, und there will no
..in. iiiU vii.ir mi iieeotint of
conducted by Rev
id, will l held in inu upern
wintii 111 ni'it m i in r iir x
m irn n it uiiij uiiiuumi
... lit II iL-itf I Tit V
.. t. i.,.(i.f tiiMilit fiir It In Mm SI .
.! ... nl I fit t nrt'i I In ii ri
1.1 L..I..1I 111
nii'ir tun ii iff rviii.i.iM wmv
' i. ,.f 41...
.ni: country
i. ........ T A Ir-t,.,... tl...
.1..I......I.I.... ,,r I'.iki.iinf i.
L I flfini-li unit u fit.
.. .1 .....
11.11 n.
...iii.i mul tul rvluteriiitJ nil
It iu (i uiinjruiiT i iuiiiiiiiK
i t . t ir
Leaner; .nrn. im .liuruHii. wu
tdbrt nfonnoiI.U in nulta u nre-
. W. Rtllov and Hon roturned
lfiimlA I.LHf 1) L' It. .MM. HlllIlU'
i " i i i A.
it nu muni irviiivi tiiit in
. i . i.i ...in . ... i
W. Webb. .State Prohibition
, will sivak ut tlio court Iioiiho
i . ... .. .
.N!.- T ..l.ll.. I
Lultnitcln infomiH tho U, O.
i aipnt of Hcrtium .MetzKcr
"loreu in Kourtu'H wuruiiotiHo
... I . . i ii
nil ni uiwii ii iiiiu umiuiii'u
.1 i.. it y t
i iwiuimvu iiuiu v uiujiui i ar
""" n'V) iiinw id umiUf
' lll'fA kAlOPril niiiiitliu iil4nMlttit
mti. i-vvim iiiwiiiiin i tvilillll
A Co. will noil furniture to re-
rfWIM itli nntiw imvnliln tiflnr
Any ono loflrin to purdiiino
If.ti i.pIjsi. .... I
i lium uu nnvii ruiun hij Jin
any in town.
lutwnjl will ItMVo for San
tliH ovoniiiL' to 1m in ntliMut-
r n m CI. i .. til .1
-V HI IVIIItllU Utlilt
J untitle, Mr. Iiiainond will
wlin.tvi.itn met at FiromunV
uinl iliiiiin.i tii.. r. .ii
.. vdiiMii rioMdi'iii ; I., isiii-
MlX' I'fl'ylll.'llt I Ilm mm, U.,.
," iu.iiuiur. i jiih or
.-...,., K1 ,,lu riMiKiiiiuvmn
nwnext ri'.'nlip ,... u,... ,.ni
--n"".. ,.-.'.. n ..ill
evening May 18th.
A writ of review wim
ytiwdrvMit court to 0. i Cun
?nrmUy List, urn! on UYiinn.
"iiimiii k;,iiii iHiiiiiH in inn
11 nn. . .... i
YlnA.1 il. I . . . - . -
.if " iw mill iro u it can
"imi ne Niiiiu 1 1, .i 11..1 t..o.
" . WllllOlIt (I..I.1V nnil
-iimi viood. Wo imvn
r inu ii ... i .. . -
tlio honor of ll.'ltrrtTitvf n,r
'M irom bore?
1 lld lirnun n i.,...n.
II. , v "IIHil.l Lll IIIIU
hZ ,," yW'ftHM by
" . v 'iJ1'? 0,1,or red
m2 W..Mn. Wei;;!,.
.. . if ii ii iniiL'nii punt
-llVMl, WIlll'll nHr.w.lu .ill.....
T p.i..... . . .
t)n 1, " A"'H. passed
i ! W "Wit on hi nvln
"4lin r... . i ... . .. .
... , i ."iv-ncii worn I h ut t m
.x, II i.i I.. .... ...... .j.
A Suactman iir iliiitfi Wh. 11.
Vrogftn ofTiwin. ( Wlmt III Cluirern hi u M"ntli1jr for Water
Vhl .Jollll Ulcus liVCH in Wlllltt Walla. ' lh" 1 nM'' ItMinviilr In I rmllrton.
uakorieii, each $2 00
Harbor Bhotis
FirHt chair $1 00
Knelt additional chair 23
Hath Tubs
T.rHt tub In hotels und boarding
houses $1 00
Kach additional tub 50
Harbor nbops und boarding
houses, e.teh tub 00
Illacksniith Shops
(hie llro $1 00
Knell additional tiro 2j
llroworlcs, each 00
Huildlng puriKiws
rotting uacli 0110 thousand
Ho owns a valuable piece of proporty In
Pendloton. A fow years airo It cost lilm
a few hundred dollars. Krom it bo draws
11 good rent. I.a-t year he was ollcred
..00t) for It, and this vear it Is worth
fully IOiOUi). 'lho InmroviMiitiiitM mi li
consist of tuniblo-down shanties, 'lhey
1110 good enough for John Lucas, as ho
lives in Walla U'ulla. Ho has no inter
est in rondleton itself. Ills interest
consists in tho amount of inonuv ho can
withdraw from it. Ho is ho Illiberal and
pellish that ho always objects to making
necessary Improvements on bis property.
The other day ono of his tenants was
forced to pay for settling ono of his shan
ties to tho grado of Ilm sidewalk, and
John Lueui Immortalized himself as 11
public spirited citizen by otlering tho dirt
which had to bo taken out from under
the house before it could l o settled, for
sale. It was 11 shaino that bo could not
find 11 purchaser. It would have been so
prolltablo If bo could bavo gotten cash for
tho dirt und at the ramo liino make his
tenant imy for un, improvement that he
should havo paid for himself. Tho side
walk in front of tlio Lucas proertv is not
on tho stablislied grado, und John re
fuses to niukVs the necessary changes.
There is'un ordinance which, if onforced,
will compel biin to do it, und this will bo
put In eirect If tho sidewalk is not forth
with changed to conform to thoso in tho
immediate vicinity. John Lucas h not
too ioor to do his share of tho Improve
ments necessary in tho town, but he
would slmtilv like to hava the rii?ht to
levy a tax tiKm ovory man und escapo
irom l'aj ing 1110 nix nimseii. uur uws.
to Boino oxtcnt. cncouruuti such men. unit
that is the reason wo havo thom. John
Lucas is olllV 11 creature of circiitiiHtutiivH.
uim no noes 1101 runny unow mat circum
stances have made him what ho is.
A Narlc. of AcclilanU.
Mrs. Major nrockonbrouish' and daiiL'b
tor left l'cudlot in but Sutui(l:LV fur U'uhIi.
inglon via tho .Nunhern raclllu railroad.
Major llrockenbroiiL'h rycelvod a lutti-r
from his wifo stating that owing to u
freight train's smash up her train was do
taincd at Heron aiding, ami nossliilv
would remain thoro twenty-four hours.
1 be next day another letter camo statbiL'
lii.u inu mini nun succeciieii in l'i'IIIiil'
arouiiu inu wrect uitniuiweivu Hours.
hut another tnoru serious accident Ihih
Just happened on this side of l!6.cmau,
uouiaua. a 110 u 11 irain co hied will
their train on .Monday morning early.
throwing tho passengers from their
berths und injuring some of them se
verely. .Mrs. Hrockonbrotmh wr tes that
sho received tijuiinful and severe cut on
tlio forehead, about inch and 11 half long
anil 10 1110 none, inoiign 11 was not sc
nous. roino 01 tlio passengers woro worse
injured, mo little daughter cscaned
without unv inluries at all. Tlio .U.iior
. .. . .. . j,-
is in receipt 01 another letter irom .Mrs.
Hrockenbroui-h savinu still another acci
dent bad hapioncd. A laud slide hud just
occurred ahead of their train, which
would detain them some time. Hero is
a series of accidents that seldom bupiens
to one train. It is IioihmI that tho rest of
Mrs. Hrockonbrough'H trip will Ihj serene.
1 1 "
Satisfactorily Aniwarad.
Krum tlic Clltorvllle Itonir Vttn.
How is Italey to uct three hundred inu-
ority in tho two i'enilluton nreclncts an
somo of tho Democrats mo betting ho will
unless there is u ring iu Pendleton of
Republicans us well us Domocrfits who
iroposo to swap this man into otllcoV
llonunt farmers, bewaru of such intrkni.
iiig, La tirando Gazette.
This is about tbu easiest thim-uiisunrnil
imaginable. It is for tho reason that bo
has resided iu Pendleton over twolvo
years and bus conducted himself so well
that Democrats, and Republicans allko.
know that ho is tlio nuiu to represent tbu
interests of I'malill.i county, und that he
will act us well for I'lilon county as for
his own. Ho far us these counties and
the city of Pendleton aro concerned, bo
knows tho prosperity of ono means tho
rosicrlty of all. Ho is not without
deas. Ho Is not going to thu legislature
to bu 11 llk'urohead for ncduniss and his
ilk. but to rcpicsout tho material Interest
of tho people of both counties.
Wetting each barrel lime 10
Wetting each band cement 10
Stone woik per cubic yard 07
Ilutcbcr shops, each .". if 1 50
Family utes
Kach family, includlm: nrlvutii
bath tub $l
Peed Yard
Kach vnrd Including wushini; of
carriages $;1
One-eighth siiunro inch ucross
section of discharge pipe $2 00
Additional ono-ciguth square
inch ....$1 00
Hotels, Restaurants, Hoarding und
Lodging Houses
Having live Is-d rooms or less...2 CO
Kach additional bed room 10
r.ticii ono hundred sipiuro vurds
or less 30
Irco, not otherwise Irrigated,
each 05
Laundries, (public) each 5 00
.Meter mites
1 .000 to 50.000 gallons water.ner
1,000 gallons 00
Over 50,000 gallons to
Ofllccs, each $1 00
Photograph Galleries, each $1 50
Printing Olllces, each ?1 50
i-uuiio liiuidings ami mocks
Not otherwise specified by spe
cial rata 1
Public Hulls mill Theaters, each $1 50
Saloons, each $1 00
Schools, (Public and Private) each... $2 00
Sidewalk Sprinkling
Kach twent -live feet front or
R-'sJnebidlng washing of win- '
lows v 50
Kach llfty-feot front or less 7
Kadi additional twentv-llvo feet
front 25
Sliihlos, (private)
Kueli horso or cow, including
washing 1 f one vehicle 50
Stalles, (Livery and Public;
Kach stable including washing
of carriages .15 00
Steam Knglnes
rive horso power or less f2 00
Kachj additional 11 vo horse
iiower tl 00
Drug stores, ouch fl 50
Grocery stores, each fl 00
Dry goods und other stores,
each 50
Iu stores and blocks. each 25
Iu hotels and boarding bouses
each 50
Water Closets, (sell closing and com-
iression coeks only allowed)
hotels, boarding houses, sa
loons, storo sand public build
ings, ouch (I 00
Private closets, each 50
A Novel Ark.
from tltn riilltulrlplilHTimrK.
Tho Teinc varor Zeltutu:. in Its account
of tho Hoods at Teniesvar, reports tho sal- -vatlon
of an old gynsy tiddler upon tlio'
quaintest boat, probably, that has ever I
been seen. The old man lived ut tlio ox-,
tremo end of the 1'a-riker-platz, In a 1
wretched little e)ttaic. Ho went liomn '
about midnight iu u very jovial humor,
lay himself down to sleep, and uwoko
ubout 7 o'clock in tlio morning. When ho
opened his eyes hu made tho unpleasant
discovery that his lint was flooded, and
that tho water had forced Its way into his
bed-room. Ho had no movable L'oods ex
cept an old bedstead, a stool ami his grout
(louuio Pass, lie coollv placed his mon
slcr of u "Has grclgo," his beloved bread
winner, upon the surface, of lho water,
seated himself astride it. und middlec
himself to "llrv tuml" M-ltli mm nf lu
boards of his l'ed, amid tho cheering and
laugiuer 01 a nuiiiijor of gypsy comrades.
Ooliit-to Vote the Prohibition Tlckt.
W. L. Connars writes to tho Portland
"Aro you nwaro that tho heads of the
uopiiDiican party, Mr. Joe Simon und
his will workers, liuvo alroadv mud ur
rangements to trade o r soma of t in bon
est men who arc on tho ticket, and if tluit
is auoweii ny inu Keputiitcuns, wlicro can
you got tlio authority from to sav that
Urcgnn is soundly Uctmbl t an? I am
surprised tltat Mr. H. W. Scott and his
reform paper would allow this kind of
reform In tho Republican ranks. 1 think
that tho ticket presented at tlio polls will
do u oiacK-aiid-iau uiiatr. Fo tor mv part
und my llneo boys, wo shull voto tho
Prohibition ticket, No Simon, no Me
(Jinn for us."
He Milt (let Thrrr.
r'rom Ilm MIH01 Kiiitln.
J. M. Hentlev's ciiPinlcs havo nndeav
ored Iu every way to defeat him, but nows
irom western i matilla shows that in
every way ho is gaining, strength. In
this portion of the county' a unanimous
voto will lfd cilst in his favor.
He ha. the Uitalltlet.
I'rnm t je Mlttoti Knirle,
Tho ofllco of county treasurer should
no In the hands of an accommodating, ol
liging and comiiatont gentleiiinn. Mr. J.
N. Rohbins possesses tlieso qualities;
inereioro voto lor nun tor vmir next
treasurer and you will nover regret it.
Walla Walla Union : An oslra train of
12 cars camo out from lVudlutou to Drv
crook siding on Thursd.iy, loaded witli
heavy railroad Iron, to repl.ieu the light
rails now In use. Quito 11 force of men
uro engaged on this wink, und It is tho
intention of tho rut roadconin.inv to re
place all light rails between this place
und Pendleton with heavier iron us soon
us possible, tho change being made in tho
sharp curves and steop grades of tho
lino Itttwccn Milton und Centervillo first.
Am KnJ'tyulile Kntertluiiirat.
Professor Hopbiirn's piano recital lut
voning, in Minis Hros. & Co.'u music
rooms, was largely intended by the host
und most relined society of Peiidluton.
lho Professor convinced the uudlcnco
with his tlrst selection. "Tulo fiom tho
Vienna Woods," (purapltraso do concert
by Julio Rivos-King) that ho was muster
of his profession, und bo wns loudly en
cored. Noxt camo "Tho Hattlo of .Man
assas," by Wind Tom ; "Toast of Roses,"
from Martha :" and 11 selection by Mrs.
Perkins, which elicited many compli
ments; solo, "When Noilv was Raking
tlio IIuv," bv D. Henick, Jr.; duet,
"Life's l)rcam is O'er," bv Prof. Ho
burn und I). Horrick. Tho entertuin
nient closed with ono of tlio Professor's
compasltions. Rov. W. K. Potwlno then
thanked tho Professor in behalf of tho
uudlcnco, and stated that an attempt
would bo mailt) to organize a choral soci
ety, and culled u meeting for that pur
pose, to bo hold ut Minis Hros.' music
room, on noxt Tuesday afternoon, ut II
DUpule About Might of VTuy.
t-'iom the Willi Walla Union.
On Tuosday tho O. R. A N. Co. filed in
the laud olllco in this city maps of tho
il'lit of way from Kureku Plat Junction
via Riparla up tho north bank of Snako
river to laiwiston. It is roorted that
Dr. .Allen, u resident of tho Hat, will con
test the entrance iu his laud, as accord
ing to their survoy tlio railroad will, by
his statement, utterly ruin his orchard
and farm. Ho claims that ho should bo
paid datnaues for loss of value to bis
whole farm, while tho railroad
..... '"vnvii vi 1 in 1 iii'ii 11-c wfiiiii iMnii. wiiiiti 11111 riiiiiira.ii cum ij.iii t
ilt . (liotl il 'bat place, claims that, as ho has not proved up on
iW tjV.ni tr. I .... . ' .1 11. 1 1 .1 ' .. i 1.1 ...... tl. .,1
tnA..l .rtir. Ii;.. 1 IIIU lllllll. IIIU. PIIVflllltV.il l'..l hu,v.
r.i'iis frt. I.n. I 1.1 1 I . . i I . ... .1 I
"II 11 (VIII a 1, I ... .
Wn ....... nnu nan
. ..'vnini. Uur.. I 1.
ru . '"r, mill l w,l
her to Seatiln. imp Will
and , 1.. ? Jrr ""r
iliii. 1 loacneo ash-
.b V n k ?:"
he C V a.fow ,,a,B "Ko.
iu do interred.
Dr. .1. 11. l'liiiinL-i""
make his noxt Visit to Pendleton
Monday. Mav 1-Hh, und can bo found at
the Villard House us usual all day. All
Hiiirerers from Kyo, Rectal, Chronic or
Norvous illseascs made welcoino to a free
examination, but uro requested to como
aa early in tho day as practicable.
llotal Arrival!.
Viu.aiii Hoi'SK K T Smith. Pilot
Rock; Mrs. Kimble und daughter. IIopp-
ner; I S Hlushaw;C II Conkoyuud wife,
J K Kdmlston. Walla Walla: J II Sail
ing, Hoppnor; J T Wormsloy, N Herkloy,
Coutorvillo; A II Ilisliop, Robert Irwin,
Chicago! Roliort Ilnviiuman. San I'rnii
cisco; J II Mc('oy, Mutou; 1! Whcnldoii;
Annlo iierms, (jrensewood; Charles Cun
ningham, Iluttor Creek; U. W. Webb,
Howma.s' IIousk. Tlios Hurnott, Cen
tervillo; J M HauNter, Alexiiudor
(irccnway, Geo Haulster. James Asli
wirth, 'eton; M II Zlmmor, Kan
sas; J V Hotls, Coutorvillo; .1 .Mct'orkle,
country; A W Colo, Meachiiuij Mrs V A
Done, John Nelson, Wulla Wnllu; O M
Diinlup, 1'omcroy; h J Henry, Mi
Francisco: W Hiabaruud wife, Milton;
R I. Fry, Nobruska; John Hedica, Hart
man's Spur; Miss ICato Potter, Pomeroy;
Charles Wells. Illinois; D J Vance,
Hrowusvillo; W L Long und family,
Kansas City; W K Ottering, A Hmris,
FP Newell, II II .Mulligan, lai (irundo;
Lowis OlcoU, P G ild, R Wild, city;
A K Wilson, Kansas; John Granott.
Goi.di:n Rli.k. R J Watkiiis, Tom
Hampton, Juniper; A Hradoy, Mikccha;
.Miss K Daughtry, Vinson; J M Tuylor, J
M Slator, City; A McCrury, Milton; Sam
Samplo, Cold Spring; A Mack and wife,
Iluttor Cieek ; T Graves, City; O Haley
and wifo, Omaha ; T Noblo, S Holtz, P A
Stillwcll. Pilot Rock: Daniel Putnoy.
country; John Grant, Cold Spring; W A
Dolor, Nolln ; F Anderson, La (irando;
J II Landers, Kast Portland; H W Pat
terson, Geo. Codclton, Dayton.
OurHtHle Kfiiator Arrcxt.0.
I'nimlh" Hiik.'-ri'Ur n-inoprMt.
Yesterday 0 voning linker county's Stato
senator, Geo. Chandler, was urrested at
tho instance of S. W. Hlalsdel, superin
tendent of tho Oakland Mining Company,
on a chargo of feloniously nreaking u
dam. From present uppcarances it looks
us though tho farmors of tho valley und
tho Oakland company were in 11 fair way
to exjterienco considerable litigation.
Mr. Chandler.ns ono of tho farmers inter
ested iu protecting his rigbts.and ns u ro
rosontutlvo citizen, took it upon himself
to start tho ball rolling. Tho caso will Ihj
heard to-day
I r I
At WliPi-lan'n.
At James Wheelan's thoro is a lino
stock of men's and Iwys hats ut cost for
ti,n tw.vt tun iI.ia-h onlv. also a largo stock
of men's furnishing goods which iniint l
sold to mul-o room lor otuer goon now
nrrivlng, comprising tho liost stock of
i.t,. und sIkvps tlut has over been in
Pendleton. All of our goods wo guarantee 1
to bo what wo represem ui pnct iwvui.v
fivo per cent lower than ut nny other
establishment in Pendleton for tho same
class of goods.
Grant County News: Patrick McGlnnls
u vounir man from tlio Shoollv cnnnli-w
was arrested last wnnk bv dniiutv- HlmrliT
John I-lsk, on 11 chargo of horso stealing,
preierred ny tho Into grand jury. Ilo
was placed under bonds of 1 1. 000 for bis
apK?iiranco at tho noxt term of court, but
the court reduced tho bonds to 000, but
falling to givo the samo ho lingers in con
finement dire.
V alia W iill.i Stutosmun: Judgo Lung-.
lorn siuieii tn.it it cost nu cents a inlnuto
to run thu court, und that nttoinoys must
htivo their i'aes ready when called, or
there would bo trouble.
Hakor City Reveille, 10th: A nnmlror
of Umatilla Indians uro hero, endeavor
ing to 'fmamook tenons cultans."
first Imifcr match was iniido in
Coods at Actual Cost!
Is tho way to get it, ns the following list will
Take the Advantage!
All Standard Goods !
Apricots, 20c, or 6 cans for
Blackberries, 20c, or 5 cans for -Pears,
20c, or 6 cans for
Currants, 22 ic, or 5 cans for -
Grapes, 20c, or 5 cans for -
Egg Plums, 2oc, or 5 cans for
Golden Drop Plums, 20c, or 5 cans for
Green Gage Plums, 20c, or 6 cans for -
Currant Jelly, 20c, or 5 cans for
Jam, 20c, or $ cans for -
- 1
Blackberries, 15c, or 7 cans for -Grapes,
1 5c, or 7 cans for -Peaches,
15c, or 7 cans for -
Plums, 15c, or 7 cans for -
Green Gage Plums, 40c, or 3 cans for
Peaches, 40c, or 3 cans for
romiudcfl, gallon, -10c, or 3 cans for -roniutoos,
2i lh. can, 15c, or 9 cans lor
Jeans, I Cm, or 7 cans Tor -
The attention of the trade is
invited to our
Best sellers in the market. At
retail everywhere. Wholesale
only by
Mason, Ehrman A CO.,
Portland, Orogon.
Estes & Guilds,
J'ropllolorK o the
city li why Fi:i:i) a: salk
Baled Hay and Grain.
Hpli-mllil ltlir4, Nt'iiCl or lliinlil -, mill
Hudilln lliirxcM uluuyM on IhhhI,
HorHt-M liiinrili-il lij- tht-iliiy,
Wet-It or Month,
All K n la of Hoed For Sit, hi Hiimll or
Uia IaiU,
My second important order has just arrived, direct Irom Jupan.
I wish to call your attention
Something useful and well worth tho money.
All Groceries Cheap for Cash
Full Weight and First-Class Goods
Comer 12th and II Hl Cathedral Illork. '
Clause will reopen In the new building
Heplember Slit.
The liuttttitlou In empowered lo confer nca
Uemlo honor. KurcatDloL'Ue.addreti.
ilcv.DIKKCTim II. A. I .,
all lyr Vancouver, W, f.