RATlMtDAY. MAY 11!. I8S8. DAILY AND HMMJ.VVI.KICI.Y, iivtiii: Kat Ori-K1"1''" I'iiIiIIkIiIiic C'titnpAiiy, I'UNDI.iriON, .... OltKUON. tlAfl.r HUlMVIttlTI'lN iiatm: Oiin ropy per year, by until (Illl nillV HlX IllOlltllff. hv mtill Oiuiropy mr week, liy nirrlur. 4 MIllKllI lllllllll'TN rt HKMt-WHHKI.VHUIlMCItllTIO.V IIATKMS One ropy prr year. t2 BO Ointcopy Ix irictiilliH I"' Ulnulu tiiitiilTn Wi I'ruiiiltim puprr free Inyciirly miuih llivrn. AflVI'.riTIUW'l IIATKN! (i'li A'li rrtlirvirntt.) Ono llirli, or lenn, In HeiiilWi-ekry prr month. V Oim Inch, or lri. III Dully ih.t inontli. .. I to Two I'li'lim, or IriK, In liotli, prr nionlli... 3 Hi Ovrrtlin!liii:lic'K,H''iiil'WiT'kly,p'Tliich per ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '! Over (lirru luuhi'4, Dally, prr Inch p -r inontli I 2i Ovor tlirt'o IiicIii'm, In liolli, prr Inch per Miuiiin i i. Hollit nonpareil iulvrrllcmrnti In Homl Wnkl or lliillv. Hint I imc rt in n. mir Inch ll.uu; rurli KUlinvijiiviit In-iTllon, Sue. Iirnl nutkci, ten eriiU per lino each In- onion. C'OI.UJf IIIA ItlVHIt IMt'llOVHMKNr. Tim (UCHtlon of freoltiK tliu Colutnlilii river K()rK'J ir"" nillro.nl monopoly !h now hiicIiii tiioiiiuntoim ono Id ttui ix;oilo of KiiHturn OruKoti, ufuxii'lully rlnco tlm ittluuipl U ul'.iIii liuliiK inmlu to fitKtun upon tlm pcoplu tlui t'ontiiuicil ruin of tho unuinluH of an om:n rivur, that mo luurtmllli ruptlnt u valuulilo extract from tlw rtMxjrtof Cunt. (!. I Powdl for IH87. HoHuj-Mj Tim ralltiiail :oiiiaiiy ouuliu: tlio kIii trio lino uluMK tlm Collllnlitu ilvrr aim own nil tlm hti.'.iiulnnitH ab'ivo tho (W i'ii (I i.' h anil it tall poitapi on tliu Uu-hlnt:-ton fltlu ut tlm ('nwuliM, m that tlinro ii no (')tnNtilion uli.ilijvcr f i on i tlm uppor ('olumliiit voimlrv to hlilp navigation. A tulilt) npi'Cinlcil rlinuM tint i uteri on itruln, w IiIl-Ii mo tiliit tho Ii'iihI of tlio fielnlit tat I II". It can Ihj nolirt'tl that It eiwtH very nearly lialf an nnn li to t arry kniIii for koiiiu -10 mllori alone; tlm Coltiinliiii river to tlui licail of nhip navigation uh it tioori from that ixiliit to rairuno. Tlio CMunilil.it Ivor lielowlliu DuIIi'hIiiih u nntnral low-water ilopth, except at the CuHcaili'H, creator than that pinjurtcil liy tlio MlHulxhlppi tlMirroinnilHHloii from tlm month of tlio Illinois to St. I.oiiIh, anil mpiiil to th.it piolucted from St. I.oiiIh to Cairo. Almvo 'llio D.illrH tho Cohimhlu river Iiiim a nuvlualilo ilotitli equal to that of tlio Ohio. A fruo river highway In tirovontcil hv tho forioim oliMtiiictloim at Tlio (Wailo mill DallcH. An nri'omit of Hinall anil uncertain i proprialloim to uj nint; of tliu (Wiiilri canul will reipiltti nevi'iul rarn. For tho nan io ri'iisnim ho m ill an ailt'ipiati! improve incut at Tliu Dalkx, anil which In not vet mithoricil. The. OHtlmatu for tho oprii river ami t'unal workHtit Tlio Dallon, hiiIi rnlttcil from a Hiirvey for compliame with theuctof March II, 1H7II, to lvo navii.f lion for tho pmnu part of tlio year uh tho (.Wailoit eanal, in u lit tin Ichh than f7,70J,(HM). A a OHtiinutii for a ninelfl KteamlKUt railway in two hocIIoiih, w ith navlcution at mi inlnrmeilUto raplil, Iiiih lieon pUi'ril at fl, .17.1,000. Prompt ami temporary lelief vun lo nU'orileil hy pnlille poitui;.) rallnuiln; tliev cn bo linllt in hii inontliH ami n't imxlorato cimI. In tho meanlimo tho eanal work at tlm facaili8 ami an Im provement nt llin Pallet cm Incompleted. The leant leiilh of (oilat;o at The Dallen winilil ho 111 milex, and at tlio CaseadeH I.IHH) feel. The fnimei wolllil eiwl, ilnli- lilu-tnu'k turrovr nauKO. eipiipei unil leady for wo, Ichh than $'J.(l,iM) anil not oer ono-llfth that amount at the Can eailiw. Ilelnw tho Hiiw-led IiiIIoh poitaKO in u nijiiil, whete rloam-hoatini; nt low ami meiliiiin ht.iKOM Ih practiealile, Put not convenient. The oMhnalo for full lm ptoveniiint at the rapid Ih -.'.c',;I;hi. Iu h ear'H work thete will fuinixli huuo lene lit. Improvement at Ihl-i rapid will I hi leipiited in any plan of petiiianent im provement at the U.illiw. Or tho poit uu'o road eould In eteuded three inilott to a u'inhI place for liindiiiK U-low at ulxilit l-UHl.tKHi total coht for the Imijter ortato. Tho lepor: of the U.xud of iMijjIneern on the t 'awaiUwe.tniil, Isn), Miiwled a mil poilauo for temiHirary nw, hut to fraliicd from Uh mitho rivommond.itlon, nliieo tlio pivernmeut land wax llmiled to it initniw Milp, and the ttahliNhment of a thorouhfau miulit Intoifuie with tlio coiiKtriicllon of tho canal. Addliioiiall laud Iiuh Nlme I t en ue.piiutil, hi that tlio 1 iH)rtat,'o intorlereitce woultl now Ut lern, THAT VMFOIITUNATi: Al'FAIIt. tfoctli lloiihcr, tiouilticc for Shcriir, U hmnwt and capahle. Ho Iiiih lived urn utiff uh for many jearH.nud Iiiih earned a wldij-Hpreiul reputation iw an upright hiiclnexH mini, fiomu, Ihj it cald to their nhauie, have madu a (lantardly atlempt to hlacken IiIm reputation by asocial I nu' IiIh nimuwltlitli.it unfortunato ull'alr of fs. I lendryx. WcHton I .oador. "That unfortunato uiruir" Ihu very ood way of putting it. "Tiiat unfortunate uf fair" and lih eonncetlon wltli It Ih oiiouk'' to t-aiiHo his defeat, and Mill thero aru other reasonn wliy lie rhotild not l.o elect ed. It Ih aiknowleiled that John lient luy Ih hotter littcd for tho olllco, and hu Iiuh no "unfortunate ull'air" to contend witli. "Viii:m u free trader tellrt jou of tho 'fuliiiticH' of thu taritf, link him for thu (It)llultiou of thu word. For iiiNtaucu duc it mean that tallori earn ',r week iiero and only D.ot) in 1jndonV '1 hut iron putldlurH can earn J l.ol) per day lieru and only l.UO in lielKinmV' Tho above Ih u cainplo of tliu argu ment anairiHt freu tradu that one pcoh in Homu nuw'HiaierH. Wo retieal that "when a free trader tulln you of thu 'iuiiiuitlcH' of thu tutill', ik him for a dellnition of tho word." For ItiHtaneu, douH it mean that barium can earn Ul er week In tho Went and from only $!) to 10 in the KustV That day lahotorri can earn from i- lo f-'.fiO u day hero and only 7o tenlH to 1 a day In thu FiihI? It never onco outerri thu head of Htieli KcrllihlurH that it in thu bountiful ftce liindrt that Ih thu cuiihu of hii'h wagun in any coimtri'. Kliilit yearn ato wero not w.icm In Oregon higher tlian they uru now, mid ueru not laudn freer? Ih it i not noticeablu that uh lamln Increanu in ' valuu both lalior and intercHt dccro.io? .Sower thu country lilnlier thu waKorf, ami j higher Intercut Ih, anil wliy? llecaiiHu! IuimIh iuu fieu and (hu lehourcen boiintl-1 fully HUpplietl by thu I'reator aro on ev ery liutul fiee. to every imiu. When thu nutural runoiirccM of any country uru fiee labor can not be poorly paid. Thu tnu nopoliatlon of IIichu resource into tliu Ii.uiiIh of the few in what killn tho (jooro that Iayn the pjltleu OKK'- Tut: "cuinpalu fhuut" ban Ivuu up all liopeH of clectinj; any oflholtepul.il can ticket, unil do vol en itnolf uxcluilvely to John I'. Wilder, editor of thin paper. Up to till Unit) it U not known for what olllco Mr. Wilder iri rimuliie;, hut doubt Ichh thu "campalKu nlieet" in poHtetl by tliu xatuo reliable authority (?) that fur ulxhed It with tho CoHnum letter, .hu H.tmo Im'Iiik tho liiKh-toned "chump" who atlumpled to net Ilurtf out of tliu country to Hhield biuiHelf. Hu Ih informed ri'ht hero that Mr. Wilder in not thu man who wiiH tho ciiuho of the publication of tliu proecotllnKH of tho Hurtf trial, which htm Kivon him ko much pain, ami if he wnntH to know who wan renpoiiHlblo for that publication ho can uncertain by calling on or aililrcHMlii)' thin olllco. WmriNii letterHtipiH'arHtOKet inoro men than one Into trouble, Thu reputed editor of thu "campaign rlieet" thin time Ih the victim. Ho wrotu a letter to uliidy, and iccelvliu; no aiiHwer to it, prcheutetl hlniHclf peiKoinillyund wan'Mlretl" for bin trouble, Ob, thcHo da.VH of letter- u riling aro not what they uped lo ho. David ('oilman, iih ho Iiuh lieen tiHeful In another liihtuiuv, hlioubl bo liilliiemvd to hIu IiIh iiihiih to IIiIh eplntlu, ulro tler.ylni: all Know leiL'o of thin train'actlon. Havy woultl not hen itato to perform thin favor If tho iljjht kind of peiHtiuelon was ulleictl him. Tiik ICiihI OreKoiiiiiii, under Ihu man- aitement ( that delectable ppcciuicu of inoiality( continually worryinc; iln'lf ami iU leatleiH aliout the re-election of J, N. Utilpb. Tlio I'enmcrat (lleilimk! talkn uKiut the irHoiial liiittory ofotheiH. SupNiM) an lnvtiliruloii Into itt iltdectable man aiiii ctlltor wif made. Tho :iImio .iiiinrapliH aru from tho (Iivkoii Hlatle, piiMli-hed ut llttker City. They ate leptiuteil to hIiow what u "tie lectable" ctlltor the jwople of Huker City h ive in their tuiilxt. Oh. how "delecta ble" ho intixt l o. ! worn, koch on the free lixt, every fartupr who rhearn IiIh hheep tliis npriui; FOR NEURALGIA. Th3 venerable BILLA FLINT, Life Senator of the Dominion Parliament, Canada, auflcrcd for n onn time with neuralgic faccache, caused by a defec tive tooth, outl writes over bin nuto Rrapli herewith m follow : "I found St. Jacobs OH to act llko a 1.1 1 Ul III. . n CURES RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCI ATICA, SPRAINS. Boldly DrutiyhUond Dtalert F.rtryvhtrt. THE CHARLES A. VOQELER CO., DALTIMOnE. MD. TiltKD. KHMI'EH, Pniprletnr of the FUr-Ont Ileer Unit. Mill li Mt., opponlto poilodlc, I'enitlcton. I'eiKllolnii lieer nu ilriuiRlit. Vlnr, llquorii I unil tUhr4.ortliii hrl UrnnU, n hock, nirnnil , A 'yyrDODWAltD IIIIN.1., llomroputlilr I'hj xleliiiin A HuraroiiH, HPCCIAI.tnTH. Oljuletrlcx! Trnilmcnt ot Chronic Dlnonioof W'oini-u unit Clillilrcii. Olllcc hoiini-Knim 10 to 12 iu in.; from 2 tai l. in.: 7 tot) p. in, Otllcc-Uooni II, Hii't Uifh'otiliin ImllUln nplu Uw riMlAM.HTKKS w. ri;i. ! . . ....... I . ...,...u MS.... fl..ll.M ni ililV Iioiird Hvo DdI lurit per 'vrrk. tor filmier in fiirmutlur. itpuly at otitic ot mJST Itnllroii'l t'ciiilnrtor. prl2tlAur Wiilluhi, W. T. BOOKS BOOB JOIl MAf.K. Twi-nly.flvp hmiilreil hrn l of eood tnl Or ritoli Mlork rattle, In toll of Dot lex I linn lirail. WIbIiIiir to ill-po.e of thl rrmnnilt will mnkn II . n nlijcci toiilirlin. I' or pur tlciiliirsiipiily to W.v. MII.tiKI!. np2ilil lm t'nnvon C.t, (Iriuil Co.tor. kTOTICM TO COM It iirtOIUS HON .4. AND MA- At Less Than Cost! We have determined to close out our entire btock of BOOKS! I!M ulll hr irrflvr.l for hilllillnir the foun ilnilon wiiil of thn new tirlck limel, on tlm roriirrof Mnln nml Water treet, In IVniilo tnti, up to twelve o'clock M., of Mny 10, IHM Contrndor lofuriillilone, llmennilc mnl all rxriiviillii: to lm 'lone by llir coiilinu.v' I'lniin mi'l itprclllrntlon run lm xcen miring thrtliiy nt Mo- onice of liutlry A liullenty, .Main ctrert, I'rntllrton, Drruon I'KNDl.UTDM IlLTIir. CO., II V J. J, 1I W.I.F.HAY, liiiiSitdw til Hrrrrtnry. Male of the Court llntiHe Ulork In ( I'eiiitlrtou Ori'uon. Noirn Ik hereliv irlven tluil on neeount of tlirinljoiirnmriit of thnClh'UltCoiirt of Innii. i tllla county, Orri;on, until I In; fithilayof 1 June, IMS, the Mita of I'oitn HoiH' Itlork iimm lirru iiotiiioiiril unit Htljournnl until Mon , tiny, the lllh tiny of June, ln, at Uo elock In tin- forenoon. ' lly orilrr of tho County Court. (1. A. II A HTM AN, nilAdwlo roun'y Clerk. Comprising the UTILKTOTAXI'AYKUH. Leading Authors SUndard works If you want Bookn, r't'O U.S. Notlci! I lirrcli) irlven tluil toe corinuon Council will oil. ii a lioitril of cniiiillxiuion ' pa iipnii unil iiiullxr llir Ht -tncnl for till year PWS. All imtmiiik tn'l"KillMiMlr I h their ucrnKiiit ntt irr nouliril to pr - ! Ki'iil tlirlr clitlimt to onlil lio'inl In wit Inir. Sulil liiianl will eoiivrni nt the Coiinrll liooin nt ono o'clock on WMlnrnlny, May cum nun 1 Itth.DKS nml will continue In m'mIoii mull V.UII iiiih .rw,irk In eoniiivie. min.lKwtil II CIIKWH, ltrronler. Leezer - Kuebler, Successors to W. T. Chalk. Mill SAl.lv HOWELL & CO., FURNITURE DEALERS AMU UPHOLSTERERS. At.t. KINDS OK KININITUKK HKI'AlIttNO DONK AT Til K LOWI'.ST KATKM. Call nml eiumlno prleei.. Uirgot dork of furniture In l'jutern Oregon. Howell & Co., l I Twenty lieiul of koihI liorrit,. comprlllitf i Iroott uoiri'N unil yoiinntork M'l'K " ; kkamc w. i.ki:. I mill Illl I'rmllrto.l, Uri'KOII, ur in rnrni on imcii i.k 'K, I Oil I UINTINfJ Can ht'liiutiit the Kakt OukuonIAN olllco at prlroN mm will prove lliey are rnrniiei tliiiu thoo of iiny oilier printing hoiixr In KiiHtcrn Orruou, Leezer & Kuebler, DRUGGISTS ICE CREAM We have lately received n lino of "GEM TRIPLE ACTION" Ice Cream Freezers Which we arc ottering at -Also tlie- -r-k n 1 Tk A - - wood, Charcoal Lined Refr iterators At priced as low as tho cheaper makes. Wn hnvfi also ntltled a eoinnlett! line of the iiiHtlv roU SUPERIOR Tho ln;eit nnU moat complete iitoek of Mackenzie.! U2.1 Cnvnnniili llnllillnif, Ion, (union I'emll- F.J.Donaldson's CHEMICALS, CITY- Drug Store. Moth IraiMH moid oWlalueil l.y iHm.loniiia-! inixlit litht uh uoll kill tlm milmalx at Hi? tlou, an.l tlm lltwt trai t, lift ohs iihUh llio ' muio Iiiiio. K lm lUnwirt tlm friv tratlo lIlf.v will coon ilo it for liim. lU'iml li-; iu aHir. lliu in oim of tho "i-ritterH" that Miiife 1 iiM'lf on what Wliitolaw Ueiil MvIoh flMHl " ' SIGN OF THE GOLdTnIoOT.; ihiiIuko would uiivwaiilv run. for Imil.l Iiik a riiu.il If thoro air- ltial ol'jivtiouH to inaliuc tlio imitanoon llio lanal l.uul it i-oultt It) hvaietl on tlio Wiihliinnlon dlilo, wlioto tlun in a U'itor lamlinn ut tlio lower tnul. wlmro tlio to.i-t lonuili of itt.ul woultl Ih) oiio mili. ami at u i-t fur laml, eiiiRlo tnul oiiiipv.l, ami latul- illUX. lf alxlllt iltHl.tKHI liCL-lll.llMIlM ful i)KirutiiK' tlio ixiitaKO ami ratiw for trout H)rlati n xlioulil lo matle, ami tlio iim of tlio iHirt.itjoi lot to Dm liilifKt I'itltUir on IhiiuN for faithful iivlin. Ihu ilintumv KitwiTtt tho Hiita?i'M w.iultl Ui aUiut lUtv niiUwt. uml lrauiortaliiin hiio Urini! thorn or tlm o oratlnu contractor woultl, whou tin' tiuilif U'tiuno ut all iiiui-iiloralilo, luxiiiilit liin ami mnton ami ImuHfur ftoilit in cms on Uulu from IKIltllKlM. Wuv hhoulil not Viii'onin iwjilo U luiiipy? An iniyntip:itioii lias iumvuii that oat h man, woman ami t'hiltl in that Slato Ik UMtelltlotl eixly i-onU on munt of tho taritl'on wmil. Tho h.uiio iuvtv-ti-irat Ion rliowH that tho h.uiio taritl' iu-I'n'in-oii tho ciwt of I heir woolen apvnni x dollars ivr hoail. Wlctviifiii hh1o uro thou'foro for 'I'ariH' Ui'form rvtl hot. Pure Drugs, Paints, Glass, Machine Oils, AT BOTTOM PRICES. I'rrnerlplliimieoiupoiitiileil tiny nml night by it phiirmiieUt at prlcoit that DEFY COMPETITION. We luimlliMinly ttio l'l'llfsr l)ltl,'(H that fin to olitalurtl, n-anr-ilt. of pilte. Country Orders Respectfully Solicited FRED. GERBER In Enatorn Oregon. GIVE US A CALL. iFTfiia-- " , " j'.Si.r' ' " 4-i m STOVES AND RANGES Guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or no sale. Wo claim to have aa complete a lino of House Furnishing Hardware Dcspain Block Pcndlelon Stanfleld & Gore -Puilcr In- FRESH GARDEN VEGETABLES, EGGS. BUTTER, FISH, POUL TRY, and all kinds ol GAME. VKXT UOOIl TO KTUl ItKSTAtT KANT MAIN RTttKKT.. PKNDM-ITOV, rroprletorof the W.D.Hansford&Go. IW;tlr In French Restaurant Hardware and. Tinware 8 is carried in Oregon. 4 1 ii ,i LIlIl W(1 1 IMW 1IU Till IIIH TAYLOR, JONES & GO., COURT STREKT, - 1 'rjlMJXjnw CHEAP Trnf!P.l1lfl UArffltflhoo 17rifl0hkK W WWA. M. K I W m v. I 11.11 II II I I. I II II III J l "-"J , VMM AT- l'UACvril'Al. BOOT & SHOEMAKER Mnln iiiul Wt'titistrfi-u. IliiMti'i'ii .llmto nmt Nliix-n Nliick. IVrftft nt (lunninlo. t. DUTCH HENKY, The Track Mon DUTCH HENRY. Tho Transfer Man, WKtm KTUKCT KNDLKTON 1 ItnoU -ON . Main street, J'eiulleton, Or., Iiusltn Court House. A flrM-i'liui rolaurmit: nil tin- t'ellivit-lo of lht kr.imiii. Mo lit nt hiiv hour! both tiny llll'l lUslit, iil i-lm PUMPS AND PIPE. PLUMBING Promptly Dono.i MAIN STItKKT, IMINDI.IITON. I kotlcltetl , D. KEMLER'S Grocery Store, on Court Street M'KCML INIHTKMENTS OFFEUEI) FOIl CASH. 1 1 1 u uuiuutii i ii n iiinirt. ri iu iui x n ii nunr inihm lima mi n kirci.ri r , ,,, (0U) UIIU mcijiiiiug riiia inai a niar- urocery snouid contain. Call on mo if you want Gr.xvrie.s tlioaji. q. KEMLER W. D. FLETCHER, WAiCHMAKER & khnreof ii, luibllc initroniiue ll)f!llll,tHU- tUuk bulWliiB.Court utreet.l'cnUleton Oregon, ' PARTIES I Richardson's Lunch " Counter, M ill! street, I'emll ton, G. D.RICHARDSON, Proprietor. llnvnu koo.U khlrptvl rrom KHkti'rn clltok vln I'orltniiil, cn luive fieluht j'HUI, lo.ken iiiul ov. rolutrKri Htljiutrd, mut (orwiinllni; iittt'iitlt'tt to ninitlVi ut low rutc, by J. ilri'kilin; OLIPHANT & CUTTING. l'(Tl.ANn, OKKOUNi Miiklonl Mer ohiin t Inn FAI.I. KtNrH Wepi In STOCK'. t'l'inm, Or innn, unit all klmU n( inn. klnn I inuru mn'HkoMon tho Inainll. IIIHIIlplllO, OUOCKUIKS A Hl'KCIAl.TV. miyint and 8lllnc done on Commit) on ruchlOd E! ,.,.,ir.".,,'orr. f'"reln Hint IVime.tlc At tho Lunch Counter, ""'''JVbtalii colli boiled ham. cold .ptced Oolil bollril ejci. r rnokr.1 In I',?. ViT " ! " . J r k t-U elk. venlfon, lim! unokist htfrrhur, breud and buttr, etc. Op I.uuchi nouso Onon Dav and Nloh. u from 6a. upward. Jo3an Sietoert, I.KAUINO MERCHANT TAILOR, rendletou.Orf eon, Main St., near Webb. -i FIXE STOVK OF GOODS Jut received. Satisfaction Cuarantood j j Inaverr partlcutar. The Pendleton Roller m (Ciipiiclty 5oa barrel" penlrJ W S. BYERS & CO., ProprlelortI I'cmllelon.Oregou, Iannfacturer of Oraham, sranuUl 1 keif-rums nour. llieliCNt 'iihIi I'ricc l'lt KIikIh of Drain. Klour, nwiil, clion feed, etc,, owayioskJ ROBERT BOND UEALKlt IN- BEEF, PORK. MUTTON, VEAL, SH SAGE, DRIED MEATS, LARD- Court Street, opposite J. H. Sboem" mchlOdiw