East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 12, 1888, Image 1

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A l ltl'.i: MllllAKY.
I'nlrom nf tlio Dully or Heml-Weckly
HAST OlllKlONIAN run freely niiilio won
oftliii I'.AHt Htl'.(l()NIAN lllirnty when
ever tlif.v on deulre. The iul)llo urn eor
illully luvllril to Unit tliti olllt'U whetioTer
mi Iiii'IIiumI,
ilr.n,eeenU In money nrstanipa will
Hm H'-in.
v ....in
i.rter IheNnveiiilier
pom i nr.. ..ill itv
. nntf
:0,7,KTrUi:flNANft.r 'the
th ... ,. ..mil.
, lens". 1,1 """ ' 3
NO. 61.
Has been taken ofT both
ooien anu oxxon urooas
Wot by Congress, but by
And they now offer their Largo ami Complete Stock of
111 UUVlSU.UJJVlUlllU, uo
SCOTT ON riirc TAttll'l.
u u- u: - - k m rii w n. . n.rvt r w- : u w h i
Examine tb.eir goods, get their prices, ami convince yourself
at the above are not mere assertions, but that they will sub
mtiute what they claim. Theirs is not an "Infant Industry,"
erefore they have discarded Protective Prices, and will freely
PCtCOinpoillHiii lium tut mini ivia. ani-y unuy u
ahahqI MflTwhanHiofl Vlfnnfr
Consisting of
m W a eaw-k. ft
i ni in Tim i iiiii.ii mi y n iii'ii urn 11 r ti lriiiu
Mens Ladies and Children's Shoes
Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery
and Glassware, Groceries,
Hardware, Etc.
I w 111 sell for tlio next 30 dnyH at u
t of 10 per cent, for Gash!
My Largo Stock of
ool;s and Shoes. Harness.
SiuldW's, Whips. Hits and Spurs.
II o-nrwli: imirL-rwl in tilnln (iiriirns
runaflnuin tnwiYirauixt, tcmow Lauui.)
He Mttke. h llrllllnnt H.ercli In Dufeuta tt
Tnrlrr Iternrm.
Wasiiikoton, 1). V., Muv II. SVott of
l'cntiHvlviiuIii. In difinso' at Iip Mill
bill, ln'KHn IiIh Hpocth with a dofuusu of
tlio Hcionco of oolltlnil ccunoniy and tlio
rorrcutnuHH of iIh coiicIuhIoiih. II axkcil
wliuthur tliiw great country, nlxtv million
, HtroiiL', with inventive kciiIub kenner,
wiii muor nioio Mtiacd, Until anv other
pcoplo on the kI'Juo, fhould decllno to
coinjH!to for HUircinaoy In tlio inartH of
mankind, and contlnuo furovcr to trudo
anions tliunmclvcH, under tlio infuno
(lehiflon of Krowinc rich by tlio rocoM.
Our fiiondH. the ot'onoiniolH, naid
yen, let uh build a CIiIiiuho wall around
this young and vlijorotw jicoplo, wluwa
eager cntcrpritto already. chafcH under
bonds of nature and If we cannot make
it wholly InHH-'rvioun let us inako it as
nearly so as wo can. Thov wore Uonr
bons, Uourbons all! and Iif tlio duitHcst
kind, with their faces dirtied backward
and not forward. Tluty wore looking
throuuh the dismal shades of the dead
past and not through tlio glowing dav of
tlio Iivinir nresont.
The bill was framed in the Interests of
the whole eople, ami was in the first
instance to stav the mounting suriilim of
ino treasury, inreuiening ovcrwuclinlug,
possibly immediate, disaster now visibly
impending. .Second, to relieve, as far an
prudence permits, at tills time, over-bur-
(luiicd industries of the country from ox
cesslvo taxation, tlio proceeds of wlilcl
do not pass into tho treasury, but go
directly to tho support of the grasping
monopolies, which were tor tlio most part
combined in tttto'ly indefensible, atro
ciously oppressive trusts. Tak nir it tern
by item ho said it gave the astounding ro-
suii mat tor. every dollar ot reduction
of tho duties in the iron schedule, $-5
was aimed to ixirdcns ot tlio public in
debteduess already too onerous to bo
borne. Instead of reducing taxation
this bill actually proinised to increase it.
The streaker said the Mills bill nut wool
on the free list not only in tlio interest
of tho mciiufacturcr, but in tlio Interest
of husbandry Itself. Immediately after
wool was freo thu manufacturers would
begin to draw on the markets of tlio
world for their raw material to meet
American domands. Tho result will bo
an advance in wool in foreign markets,
and an advanco abroad would advance
tho prico hero, tariiror no tarilf.
iiot Ki. nuitNt:i in rum LAND.
and binning $.lfj in greenbacks and val
uable naiiers which' woro on a desk.
Agent Young was busy making his ac
counts, and had the m uiey and papers
plied on the desk in front of him when
thu lamp exploded.
a simi'itiMvo I'Aii.uiti:.
Colluon ti AhpM the wrll Hnoirn Dry
fl. ixU Hi liar or l'nrttai.il Cl'inril by At
1'oiiriANii, On., May The well
known dry goods house of Colinson A
Ahpel was clo-ed bv attaehmont suits,
aggregating ilid.OvK), to-day. The pres
sure t)t San Francisco creditors caused tho
failure. 1,. and.l. Whltoand tho First Na
tional Dank of this city are creditoro of
tho firm to tlio extent of HH.00U Tho
falh.ro of tho linn created great surprise. u" , ' Ken
us thoy wcro known to lie doing good lV Jl 'Vi
huslnscs and enjoyed a wide lopt,1a'rily. SJXirffta I
Whitlow Lodging llou mnA Hkloun
llilliKil !., HII.OOll, l'artly Inmreil.
l'oin i.ASii. Oil.. May 11'. Tlio WlnsloW
lodging liouso, corner of Second and F
streets, a two snry fraino, occupying
inaiter of a block, took llio In tho store
room, l no liousu was burning llercoly
wlieu tlio engines anived, tnouuli It was
gotten under control. The stiucturowas
cntiiely consumed excepting the walls.
.loKoph llarbare, pioprletorof the lodging
lioiiKo, loses tliico tliousanil dollars,
uiin no insurance: ;ur. uurry. a saloon
keoiK3r. in tlio same bulldinu. loses live
hundred dollars; fully insured. Tlio build-
1ml' was owned bv li.ilfour. Cmtliilo t-o
Total los about (,0X): fully insured.
raniciilars meagio.
TKI.hhCOl't:!) TtlAINN.
M m m m
M- mm e
rnnr m d baimmm
Kri n si:k ivimiiii
- -...v, iiiiiuiiir iiiiM in Cllllliui-'llllll
'.rill-.'l I'lll'lllll KKII1I1VILV
., . n u .iiiiiiicupiiui.
lhlrazunu tin- tiutt.
TM. LouIn unit tho Soutl..
To Den JIoIiich, l.fitvtM.w orth'
Alrlllam. ti...l Umiana I'lti'
ueOillv Au Connfctlmt with the
:Vror lJlotr. L.vonwiith ami Kuimni
1 1 ' ft a V .m... . .
tij fill-in KAnli
J'uluce Dlnlnu Cam!
uWiSf 8,1 throu" Kxprew Traln on
iteSf. Ly U roimectlruc mllwayn.
vlpDiv,1I.orI!,B,lon mt.'K, iiinpn,
5 ory2..Vy ,ol'i"' "'Son of tit ll. It.
or vortlietn i'.ii.ih.. Unii....... .....
,u W.I'. II.IjiU'AV
Ticket An,.i. It ,t v. Co ,
. ltVK,Y. 4J,..
aiiilnston hi., . . f,
,;'( nconic.
'ortlau.l, Ore
.... . t. r . .. V. 1.
Hi. ";"i5 v.; v.R '
i" T. ivl i ,V. m s.'. u ".
Mli nea miIU Minn.
Ut.l0 tluttD.llohlinilim.tI
i rt:a v,hci m c -ui. will Jmd it nr 1.1a
Two l'Mivnerrj. Kllln.l I'lfly Hcrluualy
Injured Mini Inrnljr llrul'eil.
New Yoiik. May 11. A torrlblo colli
siuu occurred this morning just outside of
llergen rolnt, near Jeoey l.lty. A .New
ark train was standing a short distauca
from tho tunnel waiting tlio passing of
thu main lino train whou thu Oningo Kx-
iiross came around thu curve and dashed
into the .No.vaik train, telescoping tho
rear cars. 1 ho heavy loeoinotlvo cut lis
inch 0 U.w . itn way Into tho rearcarof tho standing train,
'crushing mid lotany wa-cKing ino car in
trout. llio passengers were prouauiy
fatally Injured j titty seriously and twenty
badly bruit-cd.
They do happen every U'.y, and when one
huprciix to you you will vlh that
you wero liiturcit In Ihx
i'iik 7a VK.Klts' rehiiiirren urn Ktilllcient to
pay nt oni'O llio iiuwl ennniioiu iiiun or
rlidnn lht even m-n riillrot.il mid Nieum
tiir.l iici'lilentN o hi brll.t! upon It. Pay all
ulaliiiH, wllliiiiitilicoiiiit. Iiuniejlulelv upon
reeelptofH llnfiu lory proof., Non KorMmro
provuloim In ull it pollcln'.
Ten Millions of Assets. Two Millions
of Surplus.
PAID 1'OI.IOY HOl.IlKIIS, $11,000,000,
Clopton & Jackson,
Resident Agents,
Kat Ore?oiilnu biilhllni;, emlleon, Or.
Notary and Corporation Seals,
In Puiidloton,
The usual pr!ie for sei.U ninile by other
pnrtlcK, tu 1'ortlutiil or the Hunt, U trom $0.10
oJ7l),wlth expros liiirKW. ailJeU. If you
nnl a Ural, semi youronler lo uv, iiml saw
from .(Oto f-UO ihciehy.
. East Oregonian Pub. Go,,
nihil a if PeniJleton,.Orcflon,
SO,000 Inturanre BlO.OOO lftO
Man out of Eniplojmeut.
San Fhancisco, May 11. A destructive
firo occur cd to-night on tho cornor of
Fourth and Horry streets, this city, near
the Southern 1'aciflo buildings. Hooper.
Hibluird A Co.'b cigar box factory ; Jowoll
Iloojier A Co.'h planing tnills; Fair
weathor's sash and tloor factory and Jesse
A Drew's stair building factoty were de
stroyed, alsoa number of dwellings. A
hundred and fifty men aro thrown out of
employment. '1 ho loss will teach eighty
thousand dollars. Tho insurauco is only
nineteen thousand dollars,
Telrnripl. Vlrei lllowi. Dntrn -Trnlui.
l.lllfil From the Truck and lluuavt I'n
CuiCAtio, May 11. A cyclone cf tre
mendous forco swont over -orlhorn In
diana to-night. Telegraph wires through
out a considerable extent aro prostrated.
Tho extent of the ravages of tho storm
can only lx formed from few scattering
reorts. At Wlm-low siding, on Nicklo
I'lato railroad, a train of sixteen freight
cam wui lifted from tho track and dis
tributed across surrounding prairie. At
Walutli a number or houses woro tin
retried, nilKKNII.W'KS llUUNKU.
A Lump Uiplo.le u' d De.troyt n Hall,
r ltd Mun't M nry.
Ai.ii.iXY, On., May fl. laist night a
lamp exploded in tho oflloo of tint U. K.
A N. Co. in tills city, causing a famuli tiro
Th I.arsrit Vri.lt Cannlnr RlabllitiBat
In tl.a World Ooii Ifii.ter.
Ban FitANuiscv, May 11. Lusk A Co.,
rxteiisivu cauners of fruits, have made an
assignment. Tlio failure is duu to that of
(loleinan Co.. who had an interest in
the Uiin. l.Iabllllios KOO.UtK). It is the
largest cannery In the world.
A lli.unty r vmo.ooo.
Wasiiinhton, May 11. Tho liouso
coniinllteo on ventilation instructed
Chairman Lamles to report House bill.
appropriating one hundred and fifty
thousand dollars as u bounty to A. Do
llaussuott, of Chicago, w hen fie shall have
completed and successfully demonstrated
tho practicability ol Ids Invention of an
air snip.
Murder In the I'lrtt l)e".
Waixa Waixa, W. T., May 1L. Tho
grand jury to-day found an indictment
against Mrs. l'yle, John Hum and James
neiiey, under arrest tor burnlnu the Au
rora hotel in March last, of murder In
tho llrst degree. Their trial Is sot for
next week.
A notlier Tariff Mill.
Wasiiinoton, May 11. McKlnnoy, of
Ohio, has presented a tarilf bill, which
ho will introduce as a substitute for the
Mills bill. It cuts on sugar and internal
revenue, nun increases tlio duty on wool
Carel'tt IKIvor Illtcliargail.
I'oitTbA.M). May 12 .Nelson Fuller,
the driver of the team which ran over and
crushed thu life out of a little child, as
narrated in a previous issue of tlio Kast
uutxioNiAN, nas nccn discharged.
x Mayur Itryant Drowned,
San Fhancisco, May 12. W. J. Urv
ant, ox-mayor of this city, was attacked
wnn vettigo on me narrow gaugo lorry
Iwat this mornlmt. and fell into llio bav
and was diowned. The body was recovered.
Portland Nottt
roitn.ANn. Muv ll. Chief I'urrlsh is
improving the Riound for somo new lin
seed oil works. The site was purchttscd
yesteiday at a cost of seventy thousand
dollars. Work on tho works will com
mence at onco.
A WIIOO Waft-rr.
1'outi.ani), .May ll. A well-known
ltepubllcan has bet another ltenubllcan
filH) that lieailn would succeed Hermann
as Congressman at llio Juno election.
The checks were drawn and deposited
I.U., tno.ooo.
Hot Si-niNds, Auk., May 11. Nearly
two blocks in tho business part
of the city and its gas
works wero destroyed by fire to-nluht.
Tho loss is one hundred and fifty thou
sand dollars.
Chicago Wl.aut Market.
Cim i nt. May IL'. Wheat opened
higher, N10 quotations for Juno aru HTi:
July, 80 August, UH)!,'; closed 1?0-'1
I'nrllanil Wheat Market,
1'outi.axi' May 12. There Is hut a
small trade doing in wheat horo to-day,
buyers Having no cany needs, isoon
notations, Walla Walla, 1 17i .
Itapaatedly I'leilginr Ilarlf to Ilrduatlon
of the Taxat Now Oppntlng what II hat
tlflrn Aeknawledsed Neeritur) Uni.ec
ettary Taxation It Unjutt Taiatlon."
To the Kdltornf the Ks.t Oreuoiiinn.
Tho utter insincerity and hypocrisy of
tho ltepubllcan patty in its piesent oppo
sition to tho reduction of tarilf taxes, and
lis persistent howling of "tree trade" ut
the Democratic party whenever it at
tempts to take a stop in the reduction of
tliOM. taxes, is ruailliv wen nv 11 llttln
retiosjiectivo glance into history. In constant Invitation
1H72. the Ue puh lean patty Had lull con- waste, a
trol of tho Federal tJoverninent. in overv I said that
dcpailincnt, and, of courso, had full
resiioiibiiiiiiiy lor tin nuanciai legislation.
There was not as great and urgent a
necessity for a reduction of tarilf taxe-i
then as there Is at tho piesent time. Hut
a tedticti hi of tarill' taxes was strongly
demanded, uud a bill was pupated by
tho Republican majority hi Congress
which was expected to cut down tho rev
enue from tarill' duties about ;i.',U00,UUU,
and from internal revenue about
'1 lie Democrats
in Coiigross did not
content themselves with siini ly standing
back uud jelling ' fioe trade" at the Re
publican in.. nity, w lion they woro en
deavoring to lot on the bunloiiH of llio
twjplo, uy teduuiug tho laii.f taxes.
They throw asldo narrow cliUunwhlp uud
hulpod the IteiuiLliuuiiH tho tailif
ruduution bill. The oxampla- of the
Doineorallo minority in 1U7J, in supiKwt
ing tho hill pieparcd by the liepu'.lictii
majority, for tlio reduction of the tariir,
might well bo imitated by tho Hopubllean
ininotity in 1S.H8. And the more eseci
ally so al this tiine.Hlnco the necessity for
n reduction of tarill' taxes N a hundred
I fold more urgent and imperative to-day
than It was then. As President Cleveland
; said.lt is not u mutter of ollev or theory,
, but a matter of absnluto necessity that an
honest dibit should be scedlly niiulo to
j reduce thu enotumus surplus that is now
such a burden tion the people, and such
a moiuice tothcprospeilty ot llio country.
There is no statesmanship or patriotism
in opposing tlio passago of a necessary
law simply because It originates with th'e
opposition party. '1 lie idiotic yawp of
''free trade'' which the Republicans raise
against the Democratic party comes with
an exceeding hud grace when It is re
publicans are call
free traders" for
attempting to do in 1888, what tho
former did do in 1872.
Our ltepubllcan fellow citizens raise
the lino and cry of "five trade," and talk
and unite against and denounce tho Dem
ocratic putty as If tioono over proposed
to icdnco the tariir before. Now, as a
matter of fact the Democrat ietmrty is only
acting in uccoid with u long lino of Illus
trious ltepubllcan precedents In the mat
ter of tcdiiciug the revenue 1 apietid
herewith tlio dellveiances of ti number
of distinguished Ueiuibllcan leaders upon
thirt very point, una singular as it may
now scum, tlio crand old Republican
party endorsed them as Itelug ieifcctly
sound views. Thu Republican press iinil
orators did not then call I'tesident Ar
thur and Secretary Folgor "freo traders."
Hut read what theso gentlemen say:
"1 recommend an enlargement of thu
free list so us to Include within it thu
numerous articles which yield inconsider
able revenue ; and ti simplification of thu
complex and inconsistent schedule of du
ties uon certain mauiifuctuies, cotton,
iron and steel, ami a substantial reduc
tion of tho duties ttioit thosu aiticies, and
uiHjn sugar, molasses, silk, wool ami
woolen goods." President Arthur's ines
sage of 1882.
"It Is believed that the timo bus ur
rived when ti reduction ot the unties on
nearly all tho articles In our laiilf is tie
mantled uud feasible. It will mob
ably bo found that in general tho reduc
tion can chlelly be imido on the raw ma
terial or coarser niunufuctuicrs, rather
than those on which u greater amount of
labor has been liestowctl." fc'ecrotury
Foliror'H tenon. 1882.
"A substantial i eduction of tail f duties
is demanded, not bv it mere indiscrimin
ate sj)ul,ir clamor, but by the best con
servative opinion of llio country, Includ
ing that which has in former times len
most strenuous for the preservation of our
national industrial defuusu. Such a re
duction of the existing tut 111 the commis
sion tcgurds not only us a true recogni
tion of public sentiment and a measure
of justice to consumers, but one conduc
ive lo the general Industrial prosoi!ty,
uud which, though it may be tcniornr
ily Inconvenient, will lie ultimately ben
eficial to the Heclal iutorcslH tiHected by
such tednclion. Repoit of ltepubllcan
Tariir Commission, 18811.
"rirst Unit thu exlsllnif diitleH uion
raw materials which uto to bo used in
tnanufactutes should lo removed. This
in bo douo In the Interest of our foreign
'Second That tlio duties iiiMiiithonill-
cles used or consumed by those who aro
thu least ublo to liear thu burden of taxa
tion should bo i educed Secretary Me-
Culloch's Report, 1881."
Hie Kupntiltcan parly pledges lisclt
to correct the inequalities of thu tarill',
and to icdnco the surplus by such meth
ods us will relievo tho taxpayer without
injury to lalsir or thu great productive in
terests of thu country." ltepubllcan
1'l.itform, 1881.
It will ttlso perhaps U) advisable to re
mind tho Democratic wool glowers of
Kasiern Oregon that tho "wool latlll'iif
18(i7" was reduced under llupiibllcau ad
minlstiutlon. and that prince of liluh pro
tectionists, Hon. John Shoiiuun us a
Senator fi out Ohio, held the casting vote.
His remarks at that time would prove
mighty Interesting leading now, but the
piesent oIicy of tho ltepubllcan paity
shows how gieat and wondcifull a thing
Is Republican consistency. In its present
hostility to tho proposed reduction of tar
ill' taxes it has placed iiself out of all
sympathy with thu ell'ort toieducu tlio
bunions of thu oopIo,
'llio Republican orators Isittst that "a
surplus in tho Ticusuiy is better lliuu a
deficit." While this may he trim in tlio
finances of an individual, it Is not true in
regard to the lliiaucl.il allalrs of a govern
ment. A slight Treasury deficit could d
no harm; hut tin overflowing treasury
like that of the I'nitcd States would bu a
to extravagance and
wise American statesman has
au empty treasury is the liest
defense against corruption in govern
ment. The Commercial udvoilhor, a leading
and iiillueiillal Republican jmriutl of
:uw Yoik, condonsos tlio wholo mailer
into a nut shell in tho following vigorous
and teiKo language :
"There is no public necessity w lialiivor
for continuing the buidonsoinoami Inequit
able war tat hi'. It eiuichus the few at the
(ixienso of the many, and not only d sis
the government not need the money or
revenue whh-li it pioducus, but that rev
enue Is ti issdlivu inconvenience and Un
gur to the government and llio uouuii v.
Hie tronvtny is glided in the burning,
IKiInt vtllh an ami in I suril ut of tiii.ru i
(huh ono humhetl millluu il H.iih, which
Is Itis wniitf um si
building bills, and river and harbor bills,
uud so forth."
Tho surplus Is still accumulating at tho
rate of 10d,00t),000 a year. At this rato
of contraction it will not be long till tho
entire circulating medium is locked up In
tho treasure vaults. This is tho alarming
"condition" not theory that actually
confronts us, of which President Clovo
land spoke in Ills message The Demo
cratic policy demands a reduction of tar
iir tuxes to a point where tho rcvenuo
shall bo limited to tho requirements of
economical government, It is in lino
with tho fundamental truth promulgated
in tho Democratic platform of 1884, that
"unnecessary taxation Is iinjunt taxa
tion." These words ought to be inscrilied
lu letlurs ol gold over tho door of every
school house in the land. 1-ct tlio voters
of Oregon not bo led astiuy by the bug-a-bisi
of "free trade." l)t thotn endorse
the party which demands tho teleaso of
thu surplus, so that the money may, us
Iird Sydenham once said, "fructify In
tho iKHikcts of tho peoplo."
Yours In tho faith,
A. F. Pahkrh.
From the UmtHvllln Oourlor-Jouriinl.
"We need ii tariir lo protect us against
tho iaiier labor of Kuropo;" that Is the
ground of the appeal of the Republicans
for thu support of thu working man.
The first answer Is that pauper labor is
on the freo list. It comes in without pay
ing a tax, Hoods tho market In overy
matiuiactiiring town and gradually re
duces the scale of wages in America to
lliu Iiiroieau level.
The next reply Is that tho vast Improve
ment of machinery reduces year by year
the propoitlon of wages to tho yard ot
cloth or the ton of Iron, though tlio pay
per baud has during thu era of mechani
cal ingenuity steadily advanced.
The third reply is that wages consti
tute only one Item in the cost of an arti
cle, and that It is by no means the con
trolling item. If It were nut so, wages
must bo thu same throughout America.
Hut wages vary from Stuto to Stuto, from
city to city, uud yet cotton goods miido in
Massachusetts cotuelo in the Louis
ville muiket with cotton goods made in
South Carolina. Kquul prices In it com
IH'tltivo market for the same article do
not imply that tho wages paid for tho
manufacture of each article must bu tho
J.et ns sco if tills cannot bo made so
plain that even a fool running from Penn
sylvania to New Ivuglaud may not err
We tuko as our authority In this tirtlclo
tho first Annual Report of thu Commis
sioner of latlsir, made .March 188(1. The
Com nlssioiier of l.itlsir Is Carroll I).
Wright. Turning to pages 220, 221, 222,
2i':i, 221, and 22.'i, wu find a summary of
all employes, willi wages and time by
States. This summary shows a remark
able variation In wages throughout the
country In evory product,
For Instance, on cotton goods the av
erage rate of dally wages for adult males
is in Maine, (1. 23; Massachusetts, f 1.118;
Vermont, $1.15: New York, M.2II; Now
Jersey, I1.-I4; North Carolina, fO.txl;
lieorgia, fl.02: (iteat HriUilu, 1.17:
Oermany, UI(); Franco, JO.ll'.l.
Now if New Jersey can pay fl.-it and
compo'o with North Carolina which only
pays tide, why should It bu necessary to
protect Vermont, which pavMl. hi against
Ore.it Hrilain, which pays 1.17?
As a matter of fact, us thu Courier
Journal has nil along Insisted, high wages
ate essential to cheap production Hi cat
lliilalu pays better wages than (.'uriuuiiy,
Franco or Italy, but lireat Hrilain gets
4i higher product per man; she works
more machinery, she secures iKittnr skill
uud cure and hence cheaper production.
Low wages hi the Southern mills are
not an advantage. Wages aro low lie
cauco there Is not the same intelligence,
the saiuu will. As time goes on, compe
tlliou will fotcu thu Southern mills to
adopt thu Northern scale rather than llio
Northern mills to adopt tho Southern
As it stands, other considerations cna
blo tho Northern mills to pay belter
wages and still control to a large extent
our lioinu matkut. Tinning to pauu 1U0
of the same roort, wo Hud au analysis of
me cost oi linsinciion which is extremely
valuable. Taking ono yurd of sbcetinu'.
thirty-six Inches wide, as (lie unit, the
!cr cent, of cost varies after tills manner;
I.ubor. Mule- Adiuliil-.-Other.
nuit irut'on.
7 17
vury not
CeorK'u 17,(5
Nw York 21 71
virciniii an, m
WoiilhlNirollim 17 Wl
rtliitmiioi V.'. H
((illlicc'lcilt ... 'J),VJ
These items
3 HI
I. I 41
II. 17
Hluto to Stale, but from ouu establish
muiit to another, and from year to year.
The linger establishments reduce the
lor cent, of lalsir and administration by
bolter machinery and more of it.
Tlio secret of economical pioduction is1
round In hlgh-pilced skilled labor. This
demands the best machinery and the
most careful iiian.tu'eiueiit in every de
partment. The tinlir encourages waste,
IndlH'eteiice, uud extravagance, for It
makes giMid to a man the losses duo to
his unl'tnos or his lack of admlnbtra
live ability. Tlio laborer Is at no isilnt
iiided by the tarill', for pauper lalsir is on
the free list.
Aiiriiirli.llniin ..ml I', naloim.
Tlio llotipo committee on appioprla
liis tuav Ived In repoit a hill up reprint
ing 4;iHMi.uot) to 1 1 mot d'-il. IciicicM in llio
aiMir.ilill.illfill for thu iuimii lit of a rum in
leu out hi tho iKS'kots ..f j of mnoim duilng the lenmind.'r of tho
the ultueiis, uud which i noi ,dv use-1 prwttnt flvoal yeur.
Idas, but c nn-titiiies .il-u, u constant, IVii-loriu h.o I
b-mptiiti n P..- .ti.i .igini-e ill lite slia'ii O.im, ,l,u U-"lnilU,
of Lluir cducaii jii.iI Lillt ai.a pm lu- hlaki in, W. T, "
" ii granted to Mllo
Or.; Win. T. Tut but,
AM. -I