East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 10, 1888, Image 3

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    feast irexv
.... ti t v in 1 tiuu
lIl'HSUAi , MA ( Jt""
!Mill,nl.f lilt- K.IHT 0UIM10NIAN llll i
fl!. "TiV. iV rllnliil III lllO .Ulillfitllll I
,,HI1CIII" . . , 1 1 1 1 1 1 n I llll) lllllll. I
. .. r. ITIMIII n-'V-l. . a. . .... .
a ti.ttimi- ii inn."". - - -
m in""'. . i it Pimii 1.1011. ami
''.'.'" i ) ri.Vm Ki-liornlly, Hi milk
w I I'orlluml. Ho will
T'' L. unv Bcrvlco In IiIk
lr renin.
lWj,golo tho MtiHonii) rentiiur-
SnI(,'niHS of I.a Grande 1h in
Vinson, the Noli" merchant, wuh
French is laid "l witli un uttuck
am lam" ml '" 01 1"n
ling friends in rendloton.
- I I- nw'nll'lllL' It llll HlltllllV ()f
rgtr limn tiny provioiw year.
II. Cox leaves on tills ovon
liU rntnrn to l'urlhlUil.
.Ill v..
fllA woman who iindorHtundH
ookitiK. KiKiniro tit tlilrt otlico.
Hi (ierald'H llttlo lrl 1h hint
;n; from an attack of tho inoaloH.
.i... hi Km-lntv Ik to li orimn-
morrow evening ut l-Iruiniui'M hull.
I s. lUrnard han opened dreMH-
. . inn riiuTiliitii.it riti
JUiIUIp ,,, v.'.. .-vi a...
. 11.1.1 t.Vi.. al.tll.lt. Inf.. tn-
ntatlvo on thu l)einoeratie tieket,
in to-day.
,iK' of tho Court UoitKo Mock ban
jotinii'd until .Monday, tho 11th
nnd. l'VY'l.
!.inM of ?t. l raneN uavo their
liinio in Mr. John (Jagen'HL'rovo
Miitli.it uflemoon.
rly in Hei.mnr in inereiiHinn in
nil) a railroad In 'WHiirod to bo
IK Ml I. .1.1 . a.
11 JW ITrVk linn Jlllli
lli.rvnv left fur Titeonui on hint
'. . i.. .i...
ln tliut widelv boomed ell v.
M.J.Tiin.erund Mrn. 11. H. Her
on llm train hist evening for Su
tvl'lt to relative and friondH.
h Kc'.irlh, for two yoarH uui
.milter in llm (iolilen Itnlu IIn.
fine to work in tho .MiiHonio rcu-
Wnllit Wnl I ii .tiiii-M..1 n.. .i...i 11
r. n ii a UUI UlUIIll, It,
G. Cullon, Iiuh been lol.hed, for tho tiiird
(lino and c hojio for tho hint timo. 'J ho
ninivi) .ih eonmimed lam Sunday
niuht, mid when inoriilni; eamo .Mr.
Cnllen was chort Ml) wotth of koc1h.
rho thieves foreed tho back door, tind no
trace of them liuvo us yd been obtained ;
lull look to your doom at niht, and bo
oyer on your Kuurd, for tho country
ubiHiudri in bad eliurudor.i.
Wulla Milla Journal: Kd. .Munpin mid
nuneliL'niHM Hill run u Hi.lendid 10 l-vard
race thin afternoon, for .frit) a fide. '.Mr.
lltmehBraHH got nway with Mr. .Iuiilmh
In lino Hliajie. Tho llltlo full nv i-bind
to beat, and cleaned out ovon thine in -(liat
lino In Portland. I'barli. j al.o i
blowinau. Ureal oxeitonient.
Tho Orepn llulldinj: & Ian Ah.-cI:i- 1
tioil H Hliu'k ih liolni' I
Hons winhint,' to Hiibscrilio to Htoek, or us
curtain on u lml iirlin.tiilnu ..........1...1....
i to bo conducted, nhotild call at tho
olllco of tho Umatilla Ileal Ketato &
Loan Ansociiition in tho Hast Oi:i;oonian
An ollbrt Is bolnjj niudo to Htart a tolc
I'hono oxchango in l'o.ulloton. Jlr.
CharlcH lIopkiimwuHlooMtabliHli nn cx
clungo hero, but for ood reasoiiH ho HayH
ii .-un uuiiniuiiuu 10 givo ino mutter up.
If tllO ll.'lHUlirV llrrilti(-.itt..inu ...... 1...
niado tho exchango will bo u thing of ro
ullty hooii.
A lllllldlllf linliniifliiir li 11...... C II
V.I U(1l'w "harn, Htablo and waroboiiHo, in
W alla Wulla, was burned .Mondav ovo
ning. .Vovoral now bugglea wero' ulno
coiiHiimed. Tho Iohh Ih tI.'.'OO nnd no in
Hiiraneo. John laiinb uIho lost a. buggy,
and horooH, worth $180.
Wlllln In Hi,
i irr' V on l,"rcl,llH)' " 'hiu cougar
riu nun ihjiii u 10 I'oruanii io tiavo il
iiKinntiwl. Ili
inorning, mid it Ih a boauty, being over
uiK'u met long.
A. (J. AlikNcli mill .Inuiuili 'In
Tin-: St i k uv.ru in.ouo.
An EaatPortUml MUer'i I'nlntn Ftchrnl.
I" t lie M-.i,
A lnlBor died soino thno ago near East
lortlanil, caving property worth tlj.ODO
ami no heirn, unil the nionoitv ban thorn-
foio escheated to tho Stalo.' 'I ho dead
I "itHor'H naino wuh John IiiHlerinuchor.
j no camo to Oregon many earn ago uh h
. piiyato in (lip army, and afterward nut-
il ltd in Hum! I,.,ll..,,l ..,. 1.1 i ...
. . . v Im, iiuilklllf; UH H UHY
I '"""'or. Ho wuh a minorly poiHon, never
known (o expend a cenl unueeeH?arilvj
I and Homo who know him intimately nav
that lu i h greed for weallh, ho oven do
I'M veil hinii-elf of Hiilllelont to eat. Ho
pasHod a iiiIhoimIIo cxlHteneo. till May 17,
when in a tit of ItiHanilv ho com
niitled Hiiicido by hanging hlmcelf. Pro
.!i y ,'u,"lu,'lu " "Iteiiipton bin llfo bv
culling IiIh lhio.it. Afier his death
uii;i inn iiuuil
Kcarcii wiiM
erty, coiiHidcratilo of which wuh found
iui led In various place. A Hhort timo
before hlH death ho Htaled that ho hud
lost Boveral cortillcateH of dciwdt ropro-
umillllir iwi uim ill mini I....' i...
, "." " I1IUIIUV, Ullt 111)
refrained from divulging tho naino of tho
ll.ltlli- tlii.f f, 1 .1 a .a
........ u,, .m.i imiiuu iiiem, ami up io llio
lin.Hi.nt limn tint f.w.i l...u ....I i. ....
tuiiied. Ho never utioko of hhnHolf or
iiuiiiiy reiaupiiH, anil no one hero ever
aVHUIl JI1JIII 1III.F1I'I1 I II f.lll.in limi.u. .. Fl ..
Ins death, nil efTortH to learn asto who(hcr
orwhnro he had lawful liolra wore una
vailing, although no little trouble wuh
taken in tho preiuiHCH.
nan, of Weston, who have been taking u
trip through California, returned this
I .w.-pa.a a. ..!. anil, . Ii V 1 1 I i I I 1 1 I 111
illumine. 'I lint r..i.nW il,.. l,.,u..
. V."'. "J """"Ml H'MIU
from tho boom, and tho countrv Hiitrerlng
for rain.
I'lMlll.' Klllllli 111.,. Ii.iu 1... t..
,. ,,,, utin iii.ijii urnini-
iiig Dr. Campbell in bin dental olllco at
V'.. I I .1. .. . . a a .
iiuniuii, lUllllllfllOll llio lllllll lllSl lllgllt
lt..a.f...l 1 .-Tl 1.. t II
..uniuu n Kin to no general House
work. Apply to S. M. Klchardson, at tho
uiuuiii ui . im itorco creeic,
K. O. Honrv, agent of 0. A. Kllnkor A
Co.. of San l-ranclsco, manufacturero of
rubber HlanipH, is in town.
l'rof. llopburn Iiuh doforrod his recital
until to-morrow evening, on account of
uiu uanii coucori lo-lilglil,
l'inrrn T Inn, it n unllii. ,t 1.',,......
- ---..aaa aa aai..W aa 4 Tl in
gruuicu ciiizeiiHiiip pnjrerH Dy tlio countv
court ye.iterday.
Mn. Dwyer, of tin; Golden llulo hotel,
ban Bent to lloHton for 11 pair of mocking
A novcn-ycar-old boy of Jesso lleavcH,
who lives In Camas nruirlo. Ih vorv 111.
There are two cuhoh of Hplnal inonlngi-
nn in luwn.
Rand concert to-night.
ounlmnlof eiiialiition iihhoiii-
iiCtincHii.iy, mo nan mm., at
ti ie work is I'oinn eto.
mny frieniN of Judge G. W.
HI be ploacd to learn that ho Ih
if n i .t
mi imm IIIH alIM.ll III Ulf.aTTinUal
I al .. I, ' a a
. t'l.a . ll ll VI l
al II II 11 1. ..,!.. II... Ill
.(M III I I UllllUI fill. J I a 111U 1II1II1-
1.1.1.- . 1 1.. II . jl ... I a
wu 1'i.nu in l uriiaiui ui hoiiio
KIchanNon has fitted up neat
rlcctreata parlors, mid Ih ready
411 lit rriVlln utrnU'luirrloJ nttil
nnmrwHi I nn iw.ai it .nt n.iii
1 1...
mm. w
I!.! . i . , i t .
wlrK'IlHHliW. nvnnwu vvtnfr.nu
v . ... ...r,w(rf
U(M"lk. AIM k.irinifim in tin .mil
P tU IIIU 41. IN. 1111(1 LM-CfMlI
ii i
IKtl O. U filrtiitimt in
..... ilMIMllllU I U
ilielr prlce.H on jueh kiIch arc an
a a of the "Iluten, ltuleH and
KillliA utrli'dt -i..r.i-..,t-l If
j viiiwn wit, IUIU
Hie use of water for Irritratln;:
' r.v.iiuiiiu u.mu ii IH'lnUUn
"H fll St. U .1 I - at
w ki 4. in, mm t u if p, in.
aft ftltlAl l,Wl,.il..a. ..I tl 1 . it
nntl.tl..t...l il a a" f A
Ti U' ..i . ..
'Uld. Tim pit(.IM .tin
. " v Mill W.ltl UII
JdiV fii I J 1 a.
. niitd.i.n.. l a
.iiiaillSUH uroiii!iil in U H:lllll)I,l
i - a. nnvilL inilll IIIU -lll.l lll-.i
JV.-iVlllllt , twin'. i HiinwH
Jl. .aw... II. .. . 'a'.. .
--"ill. U IS 111 V I lOOt II L'll
in r"'"' mt. incnariison
ui make a crop without unv
.fll 1 . . I a ..- . -"-r
iciy iuv ih I iii Kin r nn.
ww tihlns the cenietorv ltoihiiIh.
.-.j iirni ii. inn nnniiln nF
'"WUItlly ( KM-rvn rnnunrn f.
imporiani matter.
mu nunipii Kii.inv .i. in
wairil ,"10 inw ranch In
."v iniilVH nn s-ifiia..!.,.. i. ...
""'K unit u nn nn 1.1... Tl.
(r .l i i f. "
..v .muitM IV IMA All,., nlii..
aosA mi., i . .. .i-v
iirfsi in 18 ""Known, ana the
" resting easy.
y K. I'.itui., . .
U n 2 It. U-llllPn l..a . t i 1 A . . a
I O ... . - "w " ' a ! I 1 " "
IMlM iuf ccr,?"l0y Mr. The l'endloton band will render the fol
"n ltover. 'I Ii., v. ,.... ,... I i ... n.-i i ... . .i .
night :
1. .March.
2. Galop.
3. ScbottlHche.
4. Alto obligato.
5. March.
0. Galop.
7. Andante and waltz.
8. Murch.
HuUI Art-Wall.
Vn.iaAiii) Houhk. Goo A Harnliart,
Wild Homo; L H Cox, Geo Popol'hoiimH
HohIoii, Portland; II 0 Vuughan, Center
vlllojJ K Kirkland, .Milton j F N Church
hill, Chicago; J K l'urdoo, .Montana; C
G UobortH, Tho DallcH ; W J KnodgMHH.
La Grundo; M llrown. Illinois ; Vm I)
Hocho, San KranclHco; Henry Cargill,
l.... 1.. II 4J I llll. . .a . .
nuv iv .u .-Niurp, iiiiiioih; nelson Jon en.
Hoppner; Mm Uumboll. Dayton; P Me
Corklo, 1.0UII ; John WilllaniH, eoun(ryj
JH Klrby, AdaniH; II C Smith, l'ilot
Kock; II P Conn, San Fnuicinco: Gen
Gouiiw lln.K.Sani HiillingH, Arling
ton; 0 IN .MelloynoldH, Alba; V Peek
ham, Juniper; J K. llmwn, Hoiihoii; 0 J
AnderHon, H S llulveinon, KightMilo;
jonn raruH; loin ivenv; j a j sea ill,
Dayton; II W I'utterHon. Jlickle(on; Joe
Coddington, Cal ; V It Stoken. KaHt Port
land; Clark Walter, Contorvillo; J S Mt
I.eod, CIiiIh Hanloy mid wife, City; Joo
Xeiguian, A .Mix, YveMou.
I!owm.n HoiBK. T Canlcn, Center-
vino ; u u ling, .North Powilor;
0 Johnson, Sail Pruncinco; A M Kir
chem.City; C I) Kinick, G M Mulkov,
Pilot Hock; John Nelson, Andrew Nel
Hon, Walla Wulla: Kllen Heiinet.. AdaniH;
J L Cannon and family, John Walker, J
ft I. .11 . I. ' 1 . I a.
w nrowneii, lai iiranuo; u rnco,
u'.,n., w'l.ii.,. i. wuh J n ....,ni:
,i...i. ii hiiii ii iiii.iinn, ".'UlllUI I IIIU ,
0 Childo, Denmark; G 0 .McGlnder,
John Day; 1mh Olcott, City; Jumen
Wright, Tho Dallea; . A KolwrtH, Myr
tlo Point ; (i A OlniHtoad, Chicago; G A
Ohntiteud, Chicago; U I, Knight, U
Gr.indo; T I. llrophy, Wulla Walla: K 0
Knight und family, country; P PNevill,
I. a Grande.
At WlierUn'..
At JamcH Whcolan'ri thoro Ih a lino
Htock of nien'ri uud boy' hatH at coHt for
tho next ten days only, ulno ii largo Htock
rf innn'u fiirntulitnt wnrua ii'lif.tli ttiat u
w ti f t?i rta liiunv I rj
Bold to muko room for other goods now
arriving, compiining tho bent Mock of
iHjotH and kIioch that Iuih ever been in
i . ii i. in .. i
ronuieiou. .hi oi our goonn w o guarantee
to bo what wo loprot-ont at priccH (wenty
llvo or cent lower (ban at any other
CHtabliHhmeiit in Pendleton for tho naino
clasH of goodri.
Vailou I'ollllcal KvcbU
Now Tlilliilmlilrn Dnniililtii ....
nro im nHtructcd. Tho platform doen u
Kii.ui ut-iu ui (leiiouncing.
Michigan delegaten uro liiBtrueted for
Delaware Dniiincr.iluln.lnHu,. r.....i.....i
a. , , . T iru UlUlUllllllli
Ilavard. and tlm M . 1,111 ti...
.1 1 a... .llll WUIIIUII"
t km wuh harmoniouH.
Arizona DoiuocratH had a wrangle, and
Hcnt anti-adininiHtration delcgateHto St.
Michigan GrcenbackerH held a conven
tion and are intruded for Weaver for
TumtHirani'n mnn In r.nnr,.l,i I...I.I ..
1, " lavwiam iiviii
conventlnn. unil f.ivnr IV,,lill.lii...,
Coloiiido I'ihIiIIiIiIiiiiImIu 1 III Ilnl.1 .t
Slato convention und elected delegates.
1 t ,
NhIIiIiii; I.Ike It llnfiirn.
ThocaHoof Alwaloin PrlcHon, 11 white
boy living in Clarendon countv South
Carolina, in ono of tho moHt lomarkablo
known to medical kcIoiico. The lov wan
playing about a mill when caught b'v thu
geailng mid nulled under 11 revolving
Ulll'l'l (ill wllll'll 1111 Irini l..ll i...,u ......1.....
ing. Ileforo tho machlnory could lie
mopjieu 1110 wncel had revolved u
Illlllllri',1 I Ilium tint I ml I ii.nili Hi.,.. I.....I....
through tho boy'H forehead. When re
leased 11 wuh found that tho bolt had
torn a furroiiL'b fmm tlm tm ..f n... 1.,. ,.1
. '." ' vf. IIIU IIU.I1I
Jo tho middle of the none, five inches
long nun ono men iioon. Tho bruin wuh
----n ...... .,..1. ,.vvii, uiu lllillll hum
exposed for thrco InclieH, particles wero
..v.. ..... .. lllu .mi,.!, uuuu nun turn
out. ill h was 11 weok ago, mid tho boy
decIaroHhois not going to dlo. Ho Iuih
to Im kent nn litai Imi'L- f..i- lr 1. 1 r...
"ii.i aw. . im, Ui
downw-anl u Hllght jar would probably
iiiiun inn 11111111H uiu, 1111(1 II III OI VOnilt
IllL' would iirnvn Cilnl 'I'lm ...1 ....
-r. , ... ...U T1I.IIII14 1111-
I-cirH (o hs hoallng.
lloir til Clirfl K lla,lurli.
Krom tlm I'lltJibiirij Ciiiiin rclnl.
(ill 'I'lWlU.l.ll. ..l.n.a ...t.ll..l.a a-..i
.Hamuli, iii-ifiii. iiiniiiiuiu, unicor
Murcer. (if Alloi.lwuiv unit,...,! ..
L'O lilt!, (llll llllllllln llf Mlll.l alll.aw.1 .....I .11..
1 1 -- "'. ...Mi., niiuti 111111 1111;
11 liolo with a hatchet. She placed tin
object In tho holo und carefully covered it
llll. Tlm llllll'lir lllllllirlll.1.1 llwi a.l.tn.tl I
--, . .......a,. ...1.1,1,1,1,1 , U l,IJt.-i. illlll
found 11 small handniirror with writing on
11 which no couui not docipiier. inking
ittntlm until 111 'u lmn.11 uli.i ..W..I..I.....7
,.V ....to, r,,u u.ti.iiiiut-ll
I ll.lt (III) UTlllllir nil I lia. oluuu ii ..ull l.'..ll.;.
Son and Holy GhoKt, and that It was a
t-iiiinii in urivo awuy 1111 aliment m her
uuuu. 11 was 11 .".wish ciiHiom, ami hIio
yantcd to keep tho mirror burled for
lliviw. .l.aa... (Jl... .11 la I a.
iiiitu uiyr. nno wuh iinoweii 10 rentier II.
aaaaaMi i aaaaaaai
Tlm CmnaUry Jliul lin Improved
The IkjIIh of tho varioim churcheH will
lw tolled Tuesday evening at 7..tOo'cl(.ck,
for tho purjiosu of calling tho attention of
limn., iniorusieii mai u ineniiug win he
liolil lit tlmt liittn In f liii Wilts...., .......,
, ti ...... ... i.iu ..wiiiij iiviun ui
tho I'.aht Oui.doxiAN for the purposo of
organizing a Comotory AssiK'iation. Pin
Hons IntercHted in thin worthv work
hIiiiiiM lint f ill t.t tu. .in 1......1 1.'. ......
resident of Pendleton Is intorcnted in the
Improvement of their own citv of tho
dead, which Homo il.ty wo will' Inhabit.
Tho improvement of the cometery is u
dobt to the dead, and it should bo paid
without delay. Como ono uud ull to tho
I.tketl Kren Trails speech.
Krom llio New Vorh World.
Hopresentutivo ltuynor'H turiir hikjocIi
has won him great credit. Allen Thorn
dike Hico, editor of tho North Amor lean
Kovievv, heard the Heech and IiaH usked
Mr. Itayncr to writo u turitl'nrticlo for the
July number of tho Itovlew in reply to u
tin tut l eM tlm uunni trxitli In Unii,.nH L'l.n.
inan,which will uppear in the June issue.
I Our Mur Neeilml,
From the CIdoImiimII Knqulrer.
1 Tho lawyer whom Prenidont Cloveland
Iiuh upKlnted as Chief Justice him eight
daiighterrt, and ull lovely gi-jH. Thuio
justico-i. Thin gap ought to Ikj filled.
Tlm Inclilmit ttlileli (Invo llanRiimn Creole
It n Nnmp.
John Sllcott, 11 Pacillc coast pioneer of
18-JS, is now inlying thin city 11 visit, suvh
tho Spokane Cii roiiiclOt Air Sllcott Iuih
a ferry boat acrosH Snulco Kivcr, at tliu
mouth of Clearwater, noar Loulnton, and
i uiso u wcauny BtocK owner. From Him
V (i L'llt Ulll'llfiil t-.inilttLilnllinu tl,l
tiincH in this vicinity, among otherH tho
""'", uiu name 01 uangmun creeK.
AcClirilllllf In Mr. VIL.II'u ......... ..I l II...
-----n a 1 .ll-ill n 111.I.UIIII1 , 111 iiiu
year 18,kS Colonel Wright was exploring
..nn niauiiiuig inroiign 1111s peel ton Willi
fourteen companies of t'nlted States
Holdiei-H. Some timo provious u man
named Howling, an Indian agent, hud
been murdered at Port Vakiina by an
Indian named Squortln who wuh the
son of Owhic, u Vakima chief.
iT-miorun loolc refuiro w Itb tho
Ueur d'Aleno, tribe at the Pnther
"J01. ,nlHf,'"- or what Ih now
called the Old .Mission, at tho present
head of navigation on tho Cieur d'Aleno
river. Colonel Wright hearing of this
........ .,1 ,, ,,iu nuce 01 niuing of the
murderer, made u demand on Knilmr
Joseph, of tho mission, for tho jierson of
uiiiu.iin, ih Him (iinu uoionei wiignt
and his command wero camiied on what
is now- iiungnian creek, about twentv
llvo miles from whero this citv stand'H.
I at her Joseph wrote 11 note mid sent it
to Colonel Wrttrllt livllm Imllim t!,.ii,..l
- -r...a a. ,aa .,11..,,,, -.1,U 11 1,,
Htutlng therein thai tho bearer wuh tho
iiiiiruururui ixiwnng. uii receipt, of tho
note tho colonel called lu his orderlv und
ordered him to immediately oxeciito the
iniiian, which was done there nnd then
bv bunging. This wustlio tlrst execution
of this kind on this stream, but the Naiiio
year soino twelve or fourteen Indians
were hanged not far from whero SHikane
Ih now situated. Thev wero executed for
murder und for stealing. As these hung-
hlLTO llll limk Ilium nn tlm utni.im i.i.l
fmm that cause It became known bv tho
name it beats to-day, and doubtless will
bo known for all timo to como. TIioiiiiih
Hell, now of Uwistnn, Idaho, was with
Colonel Wright ul the timo, and ono of
tho (lersoiiH who wuh detailed to assist
nice savages on their wav to thu happy
hunting grounds. Col. "Wilght went
down on the Hleamor Brother .Inhnuthan
oir Crescent city, betweon San Pranclsco
nun l uriiaiui aiiom 1110 year IWl.'.
With reference to the disaster soino
weeks ago 011 tho Narrow Gaugoio,ul, (lie
Ilailrcad (Commission llnds that thu road
ami 1110 uriiigo wnero the acci.lent oc
curred wero projioily constructed nnd in
iriMiil criiiilllliin Hint Mm tr.il
r j ...... ...w . ii tm-
nlng ut 11 low rnto of speed, mid thai no
I I . il... : 1 1
""HviiviMv "ivi vinj'tui v.i it 11 in Nil II,
llllt till TllllMtlf'iMU U'liril tint InutKI.wl I..
jeopardizing the Mvch of tho passengers
jj ..iiiii iini imprviiKi'i- vuiiLiicn tii earn
1.....I...I ...in. 11.... 1. 1
1u.111.-11 nun utu niin;K, UH u SIKKICll
crowning 01 cuitio to ono side, of tho cuts
was tlio pitilialilo causo of tho accident in
nun uiinu.
1 1
Xrw Lumlitr Cnainanr.
S. Ilothchild, Charles Cunningham,
John A. Guyer and II. Alexander (licit
urilelcH of incorporation in (ho clork'n
olllco ycHterday of (ho IM110 Mountain
LumlMjr Co., with n cipitul Htock of -lO,-OJJ.
The object of tho eorixirution Is for
tho manufacture und sale of lumber.
Trllrrr uf Itvftl Vulit'u.
Tlio On ROii .MnrlRimii Co to licit 11 lVcblor
Wll I.I1111 ct ii.x In .bnko K Itlliioro .Vols
hop 2ii, lit fin, r.'Cic. tl.mo. twin
J II Itiinzlp nt UN to J II KiiHii-r-Nw I, iico
Ull l. I II, I , FljIfW. (It l,
UHtn .Icrry Jl.-ttpjiln I.om fi unit s, liloclc
Hi. 11111I loin if, :tt llmul II. Iiluclc Kl, ICcKtrve
iiildlllnu In IVnilli'ioii, (I'iiioDt)
John lli-nuo In .Ikiiick M KIkIiiN Uof fra
a., tp 4 11. r.'U v. ai.if n. ((i. D.i
.i.i.ii i.iriiin .., itv.i. 1 M .... 1. 1.. .in
tp 1 11, r.'U . Ji.um, (W. D.) '
. iB ."V..A ,( "avi IIorn-tit l.8;inini 11
lilnoli H7, lU'kerve ikIiIIUiiu to I'l-nilli-lon.. J7OT.
Huln or tlm llniirt llnui- Illm-U In
I'ciiUIi-Ioii Ori-can,
Vnll.. lai l.a..a.l..l 11.... a
.... ,. .- i n K,,.- III. nn liurillllll III
tlieuiljdiiriiinciil film Olrnilt IVinrKif Umu
1 llllii iiiiintj, Oickiiii, null' Mm ftlli iluyof
June, I8n, iliHkuv .if, , ii-. hmix niiw-k ii n
.(in pnii nii ii n.i in 1'iiirMil im Mnn.
iluv.lli ll li iliij i." .In, . Ihss.u (loi'lddk lu
,11" i"!-l.lll.
Hy oril'-r of Hi" I'oi. t" mr
Ill 10 i'iiw i imiiiy (Jturk
Goods at Actual Cost!
Is tho way to got it, us tlio following list will toll.
Take the Advantage !
All Standard Goods !
Apricots, 20c, or 6 cans for
Blackberries, 20c, or 6 cans for -Pears,
20c, or 5 cans for
Currants, 22 ic, or 5 cans for -Grapes,
20c, or 5 cans for -Egg
Plums, 2oc, or 5 cans for
Golden Drop Plums, 20c, or 5 cans for
Green Gage Plums, 20c, or 6 cans for
Currant Jelly, 20c, or 6 cans for
Jam, 20c, or 5 cans for -
$1 00
1 00
- 90
- 1 00
- 95
Blackberries, 15c, or 7 cans for -Grapes,
1 5c, or 7 cans for -Peaches,
15c, or 7 cans for -
Plums, 15c, or 7 cans for -
Green Gage Plums, 40c, or 3 cans for
Peaches, 40c, or 3 cans for
$1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 15
In (filn Him
llllzril'ii.. i,
lili'lii tor
N'r.llpi- In lu.rnl . i li'Dii II. , a
' Oil 110 I Wll l III! i lull l r
ran n I hii I i , II- i
tin' yen. 1HM OI i u'.iiii u
I li tin-lr u hokhiii nla r- i
-ut tl.Rlr ra.iiM III Mil J I
M i III li'imil wll innv in
mil- ,.l out 'oi.- k nn W ilu- siliiy, Mm
'HUi, IKnH nn I u i.ihiiiiii In -I'Minii iinill
lli-ir wiirk In ciiinii . ic.
v K C It lld-nnlnr.
...1 In ., .
Ill Wll IllL'
nilii kwi.I
F.J. Donaldson's
Drug Store.
Toiimtoo.4, gnl Ion, -10c, or .3 cans for
Tomtitoes, 2i lb. can, Uw, or i) cutis for
Ijciiiis, lTic, ir 7 cmirf for
1 00
- 1 00
- 1 00
e ori, ii 1,10 yowna cou-
ia u-.ii 1 0 wino'8 aunt, ro-
ileny. ' 1 10 K"eHt of MrH-
a I inn-., a. 1 ... ...
.Vn.1"i. uitiiiK nn a noil-
,:;1J .wt-wlmn' Hlion. win.
v iravprui. ! nn.. 'it i
Jn.l ii. . -XV luiiuu, union.
o III ma III.,.. MM
it . '"Vlll III. I AV AVIUll.
. ,enb 0''eo(the mcmlm of
14 the fn M- heI(l ut "opi'iier
1CTvSia,,wlI Howell;
'ui;m : ni runvAii
F, c r' ?' i'Geo j com-
( WHt)(
1w .T II Illlrlt.ililt
Will inako li! next i-it to IViulleton
Momlav, .May Mil, ami fan lo found at
tlio Villard llouso a :ul all d.iy. All
tuiirorers from Kjo, Hedul, Chronic or
Nervous dineaBos made weleomo to a fiee
examination, Imt aro requested to come
na nn.li. In llm jl.ii iat tir.int ll!l Klft
aa.J VUIIJ II, IIIV. 1. .1 t' ' j'll. v..
Ill !i 11 ......llnM l.m.n luvAn
rtll lllllUUlll aMJUallfcUlO lIVl MW..
peaceably ejected from the haylanda on
the Port AHHinaboino military reserve in
Wlmt lln U tliere for.
Krom tlio I'rnvldenee Jmirnnl.
Senator Stewart, of Nevada, IiaH intro
(iiiccu a Din to conijH! ino uniiect MnteH
Kovuruuieiu io iiurunaHo noi iohh man
a I miA AAA I . ..11.. I. ..Ill
riWu,wu jur uiuuiii ui ninur uiiiuun
That Ih what ho in thoro for.
MiHrrnrciiPiilliir the Ionl.
Krom tlie MrmnhlH Anneal.
It ta nn litfnriiuttnr (t.'i l..t fl.n .....o..
in m iiiivivniiii umi iiiu MiiiDfi
conventlonH of Soiitiiern Deinocratn novor
.II . ..ir Una. 'I'l...
tun iu imu iui iuiiii ii.iiiii.iiuii. ,nu
i boutliern I'einocratlo pajierH oi rrotection
tendoncien liavo no warrant for their jk
sltion from tho eplo.
fi TI I.. ..!.!.. . .,. ..!.. I
vj , I, ucilaaiiio nan muini iiiui.iviuu,
flhot through the head and body, in the
Little Colorado river. Tho remaiiiH had
1 f .1 .1 . .11
ueen in uie water lor several uayti. Jen-
kins came from Nashville, Tenu,, woh a
pnoiograiinor, was in company wiiu a
man named Smith, and hud Jately taken
up a ranch on tho river. There ia no cine
to the murderer. Smith is missing.
My second important order hns just arrived, direct from Japan.
I wish to call your attention to
Mach ne Oils, Something ufiefnl and well worth tho money.
I'lfkorlptlon ronipounded ilay anil nlitht hy
a plmnn ,cUt nt prlrcn Hint
JAll Groceries Cheap for Cash
Full Weight and First-Class C '
Walmnillfiinly the I'UltKHT IMtt'OM Hint
nun ua ODiHineii, reiiiuuiihii or prii-n
Ttvfti.lv llalal.l ... ....... I I,... ... , .11
...a...f ,,- .aw ut ... ,1, -c,, la'.llllill. 1
brood inuri-i nml younii fclook niiiv ,,i
KltANK' W.7.KK.
wMlra iviKllei) i. iiri-Kon,
Or at farm on illrch i' k.