i ) J1ST 'H u A t ' i c i : I : i.iitit.Mtv. t'alrnii nr tin, Dully in- S-nil-We kly IMST OIIKOOMAN ran freely iimko uaa of the IJASI' (lti:!OMA.V lllirnry when ever they mi ili p.hr. Tim public um enr- -t,.ni e cent In nio'y nr 'l f,t,g,wl.WrrUlxKABT01IEa0N- Vmnoir until utfr lh November iiallrHASrOIIKHONIAN for the illiilly lilt Kid In vl.lt I In. oilier irhenerer d Inclined, PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO., OKEGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 0.1888. r 1 NO. 58. Ul HE TARIFF litis been taken oft" both ooien ana ooxxon urooas Not by Congress, but by Amltliev now oiler their Largo and Complete Stock of Y GOODS. CLOTHING, ac AT- .TCP. TRADE PRICES fnr fl ASFT! kis, get muir prices, ami convince y outsell L mere aasortions, but that they will sub itum. Theirs is not an "Infant Industry," liscardeil Protective Prices, and will freely !.. tlwtit rv-rl4j irnf ill nit iittwwiD itul iKiniti'mm tttfwt1 P 1M1II IIU LUWI tWW fc-ww vmmvmm I ' vwvi WIS t T 1 1 I V IUUI Obil the above are not competition from all quarters. They carry a 1 HAT 1 J . fl j 1 Yi n vin i nil 1 ii l uri r Era n in i wyaziix a n m n n -m n ki i liii ml m .am. m m. uu j m njm m wl m mm m. u t w . a Consisting of Mens Ladies ana Children's Shoes Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery and Glassware, Groceries, Hardware, Etc. IT DTTIJ-1T-T A I7" W PAMS PmiDl? T3 A UtL A TTG -AT THE- uhii mil uiiiB i mill (limit o riinr inn i iiiii i ii 1 1 hum iiiiiii iiiiinr llH WIS WW VIBWBal W W BtM I will null for tlio noxt .10 (Iuvh ut u I a M at a. m tv m mum nf IN ner fint. fnr Rash w w w u wa mMm mi m m-m My Iiiro Stock of ots and Shoes, Harness, Saddk's, Wlijps. Hits and Spurs. OIVK MB A CALL AND 11B CONjVIKOBI). I ".. II ... ... I JAS. WHEELAN. J. VAN SOHUYVBR fe CO., TO-DAY '5 JELEORAMS, TONV NOI.TNKU AI'I'OISIIIII J'OSTAT. INSI'KCTOlt. A Muilillo In ICncnril to tho tVaalilncton inrrltory I.rRlnlnturn Tlio Siir'inr Oniirl IIcpIiIpi that n Cminty Court Chii- lint Aulltnrlzu llrwnriln for CoiiTlctlnn nf Itrlliert A 'lilll C'ru.liril to DniMi Mor row County 'ery l)ry-A IUnbiir' J'atal YUlt. IJuiH lifcn tii)olnte(l jiostotHco instioctur w tliut llvo nuitronw can Iw cinpluycd nt j tl.inpir that im lnunacliin It from v.int in imiuu in vioorpo .uiiHon, v.ui'jum limiait iitruiicifrt lo iiiHiruct t lie , caino uwnil Hiiriilti.M. it J "" U'M't'ii. .Miiincr in ni jirccoiu hiiuiiwh hi (ionium u: diuiCH. tiiltoil .Sltiti!i Woljtlicr anil (Jiuipor in tlio TlionniM llrowne, of Montana, luw lioun rolk'ftor'H ollico at lVitllanil, luit will n-- noininatcil U. H. toiihiiI at l'araniatlho. cibii anil awvnt tlio now ofliuo on mvoiint that A I.r.OISI.ATlVi: Mlll)l,K. Tlio AVu.lilnUnn Tarrltury IuUItur. Io'l Know wh.u their T-rm will Kutl or llcicln. Kn.rri.i:, May I). That which promim) to m thu blgKUHt iHjlItlcal HoiiHalion that uvor occurred in Wahlnj;toii Territory, iinloHU Coiiyrt'HH correct m lnattcrH, haH jiint been tlevt'loK.Ml. Uno nf tho lawn panned liy tlio liiHt U-jtMaturo wan that tho next Kennlon of tho Let-Mature nhouhl lwIn on tho nccond Moiidav in January, 1881), inxtcad of the llrnt Motidav in I)i- ceinlier, 1881). Tho oblct t of thu chatiL-o wiw to have tho fo.h!oii hein in .Ftimmry. wuroii road.t. of its Leiiifr Letter pay. A Lively Olii C'llinlniil. Luun-on, I'a., .May tl. A nun named Hinwurx, mventy yearH of ao, who wan under (ioiitcncu of death for the murder of liln two Kianticliildrcn, cK-aped from thu jail here lant nllit, by ligins a hole tlimiiKh the Htono wall, ilu left a letter bidding dellanco to tho puoplo who threatened to lvuch him, HOW TO VOTK. Anil it lw lMnln Krimiiim fur Votlnc u Cerlulu Hnyon ltiirc.rntntUr tu llm Lultlnlur. To tlio Kdltorof tlio Kuxt Ormoiilnni Tho time will noon bo at hand when it wliall ho tho duty of every true und patri otic citien to advance to (ho ballot box, And et. Hermann. Polnli ami Mitch ell could only pci'iirc t he munillcent niim of $17A,t)tHl for theno Iniprovenieutn of tlio Columbia river in tho Inland Empire, than which, ierliapH, no one ninglo re gion in tho whole I'nlled Staten ncedrt or dchere a greater appropriation. Think of It, yvi voternl Hermann is now before you an a candidate for re-election on the Uepublican ticket for Con grennman. He in opponed bv Mr. (icarln, of I'ortland. 1 know nothing of Mr. licarin or bin ability, but I naw and CONdllliM.H. and therein delimit hin verdict an to i heard dm once, unit furmpil dm Inmn-M which, lit bin opinion, of the two great mon that If elected he would do all in bin panwn w in tlio Hunt in tlio coming bat Thr tthvr and Uurlior Mill l'atiin-Tlia Snw Chliirin Trruly Msrthwr.t Notra. The follow inu bllln woro introduced In the Hotiso: Jly lownnend Aimrotiriatlnu .')().non for tho erection of a ntatuoto tho niein ory of Gen. Hancock. Hy IJolman To forfeit certain lantln granted to Oregon for tho eonntruction of tie. o lioncHt und counciontloiiH citl.en will diKlee tlio iiuention. Ho inunt decide one way or thu other. 'Ihin being tho cane, it m incumbent tijiou him to think an well as to act. Ho inunt ponder well and lutellluoiitly on the bent method of canting liln ballot for tho benellt of Iho power to further the Interentnof the peoplo of the State of Oregon. Hut laying theno coimiuerauonn aniuo, i nay in lieaven'H name we want a change.. 'In tlm light of Hermaun'n pant ivvonl ami failure, it would Ikj nuleidal for our inteientn to re elect him. lie ban liecn tried and found wanting. 1 do not iiucxtlon bin ability, followIiiL' tlio November electionn. Iiisteml of Homethlng over ono year after inemlierri wero clouted, lbo nieniborH of tho hint Leginlaturc. whlcli anncmbled on thu llrnt Monday of Decombor, ls87, wero elected in isoveniDcr, lH.su. ko doubt Mr. Tliompnou, who introduced tlio bill, contemplated that uiomlierH to lie elected in Noveiulier next would meet in legislative henniou on the nccond .Monday In January II V I'lielan Autliorizini! the iiubllea. lion of "a documentary bintory of the financial, lineal and cominercla'l recordn of the Confederate Htaten." Immediately after tlio call of Staton Itlanebard, of Louiniana, wan recognized by thu Hpcaker, and moved to BUHciid tho rules and pann tho river and harbor bill. Snowdcii. of I'cnnnvlvania.demandod a nccond, and tlio motion to Minpcnd the noiiiu liiexpliealilo no cry inextillca- next, tint tli h an pcuro to Do a nilntako. According to tho mien wan neconded. 1MJ to 14, u majority viowri taken by Attorney-General Met- Hf tlm nmi.ow.i.u f i... .u. .L..i... i .i . i.i .i I r "I'j'v........ w. i.u ...v..ri..v .v.i.tiii- ciiii, iiuu uiuur iruiiiiuciu iyern, mo ing Iroin VOtlllK. r 1 ...r..lmu ... II. n mtlulnliiiu. 1 ... . . . . . . .u.iiin i ut .iiu j.i-umiui ill u I iiiniipiifir.i f.i I yMiiuiu... i.ri.tii.. ..v. eleclcil In NovcnilMjr, 188(1, did not begin plained tho chaneeH in tho bill, ntatini! until .Marcii, iH8,,anti conncmion ly tto that tho aggregate appropriation of tho not oxpiro untM tho tlrnt Monday in bill wan oiHv 'i.ooo mnm tb.i,, it uu March, 188!). or about three months utter wlinn tlm Vlll thu next leginlativo nennion hegiim. From committeo of tho whole ; that ltt,000 was mm n i. imm uinii iiuu inu piiniu muni- eiven 10 I'lcvciauu nurbor. berri who comiioned tho hint Leglnlature will iiLMin meet in leKislutlvo nennion January noxt. and tho tomiH of inoinhorH to elected next rovomuer win not boinu until .Marcn, ihsu. A I'llt) MI HUNT ItANKKIl'H DEATH. IU III Klllril by l'alllng: from u Window While lUcuplui; from mi Infuriated llui- liuuil. Nkw Voiik, May 0. Nathaniel Hatch. u wealthy nauicer. accomianici .Mm. i.a lianKcolield homo ut twelve lant nicht. She invited him into her hoimo. Her hiiHband, who wan anlcui) in tho back nur- lor, wan uroimcd by thu nolno. and Hatch wiih iiantuy concealed. fceoiiela'H loalotinv wan arounetl and lu tiuentioned bin wife in a violent way concerning tho man who wan witu nor. mio reamed to give I no iuuu'h name, and naid ho had loft tho Iioi'ho. Hcoflcld then loft, and nho nearched for Hatch but could not Und him', ami mipponcd ho had gone. Tho load body of Hatch wan found in a buck yard thin morning. Tho theory in that coiieiii loiinii iiatcii ami murdered mm. llenaynho has bad cauno to doubt bin wifo'ri fidelity. Shu in a handsome wo man of thirty. Latch. Itoiii tho evidence at tho cor oner n jury It in evident mat iiatcii wan killed by falling from u window wliilo try ingio encapo M-oticid. AN IM1MIHTANT DICCIHION. Sevmoiir. of Michigan, favored Ihn HiMjcdy pannage of the bill. tfowdon, of ronnnylvania, opiioned the bill. Chandler, of Gcorcia. naid ho would never vote for ouch u river and harbor bill an thin. Tlio motion to minuend the rulen anil pann tho bill wan agreed to yean 1U1, IlllVH (It). lllngham, of l'f nnnylvanla. moved to nunpend tho rulen and pann the Scuato bill granting right of way acrosn tho Crow Indian renorvatlon, In .Montana, to the llillliiRH, Clark'n Fork & Cook Citv Hull- road Company. Toolo, of Montana, led the onponltion to this meuHure, and on a necontling mo tion to nunpend tho rulen no (pionmi voted. A motion to adjourn wan defeated : yean (10, nuynlli). iiioniieakcr laid bcloro tlio House a mennago from tlio Tronldent, returning wiiuotii um a t provai I no n lortionau of certain Indian landH In Kannan. Mc liCOIllO H8 II Wbolu. und nf liimuiilf im twin but 1 kiiv lli il for of tlio uiauv ilitluiteHltniit lmrtM iMtnin tu I reanon. fimivliiiti nnf ing that mighty whole. When, llually, he blo.oitiier) he hanlgnomlnlounly failed in in natinlied ho in in tho riuht. let him nut doimr tlio only llilin- that bn w.m itiwti-il only act pannlvely in canting liln own bid- J und uxiieeted to do. lot, but actively in iiernimditig bin neigh- ltut I inunt not center mv tiro on Ilor bu'1 to decide an intelligently an hlnmelf. ; niann alone. Tho Hon. J". N. Dolph do ll he ban good, logical opinionn, com-; rerven tho greater blame, for ho has had blncd with a fair nliatu of cuunuun nenne, thu gieater opportunity for accomplishing let him not bo afraid to exprenn thuin noinothing, wlille in reality, jiereiiaiico in boldly and openly, no that he who runn lentlonally. he ban acompllnlied abno may read and hear. 1, an out) of the cltl-' lutely nutlilng. And right hero, my zenn comiioniug our great nation, have ( hlemh, let mo nound anotlier note of formed opinionn on tlio nubject of voting, i warning. An nuro an the Hepublleann ob and In) they good or bad, 1 am going to hiin a majority in tho next Stuto I.eglnla- uiku inu rcniioiiniuuiiy o: exnrenn iil' i uuo, inni no nine w your .Mil an Ii end them, und run tho rink of bclm; nt)iut conceited by tho reader: Firnt, let mo nay a fow wordn in regaid to the coming election in I'malilla county. In my opinion, partlnan 1dean und prejiidiccH are enliielv out of tilaeo on thin occanion. Let tho voter take the two tlcketn, Uomoorutic and Jteimblican, place them niilo by nlile, and truritiug to um own gooti judgment, neiect mono can tlidatcn whom he tlilnkn tho mont wortliy und coinptcnt for tho honor of ollico. Let no consideration of party nworvo him irom an noneni ami impaitiai decision Should liu follow thin mutliud. bo bin mi li.f.ll.... ...wrv.1 .... 1....I II.... I.. I... Ml 1... VV...V1. few.. Ul IJUII, ivn 1U UIIU IWIII UO good) ho will bo doing Ida wholo duty an an iioncnt ciiucn oi mo comuioiiwealtli ol L'uiatilla. A man who, in a local elec tlon, will lillndly veto a ntraight Demo' crutiu or ltomiblicun ticket, nimolv ami nolely for tho reanou that it in Democratic or Ketmbllcau. in not tloliu: bin duty aa a citl.en. In fact, bo in unworthy of the renpounimiuy oi ciuzctiHliip, lor lio can not. or will not. think und act lutein gently for hlmnclf, regardlenn of partinau icmpiauoiiH. So far no uood. Now, in npciking of county elect ionn, I mean only tlio selection of county olli- ciuln. I do not refer to thu leginlativo I ticket. That in an entirely dillercnt iiuention with altogether dillercnt circiim HianceH Muiiountung it. ii in noro mat n voter inunt cant u rcrtitinuing glaucu at Atloo, oi isow; Jernoy.inuvctl itn reference tliu uttitudo of the two Partlen. liieir punt Tki I l i !... .. I .V WINK AND S PI HIT M131 - ACSKN'TH WBLE BOURBON AND RYE WHISKIES IMHUi4.tLnM lift- r-unnnv r... .iprh KHnl.1.. ..17.. . .1.1 . I'll T I . . . . . -ii.u iiiuitnHu iifiicn. t viuuKLnsiiWa viis.) 1IDnitl mi. .n. ..r- . . .. ' --nun, tiiHitirHurit, TCiicw LaDei.) CHANTS, RTLAND, OREGON. JOS. SCHLITZ BREWING BCTTLEO BEER ARCA- VEURE CLIQUOT Lt I at IBM! I KIIIIU I - VI n IIIII. n llrlllll ERT LEA EOUTES. n f?Pular lino Inconnuotloa VS,,rri lui-llln lt,.iluv oaMlnDeaiolU -ti.(, -..miut.Notl( u'Moliie, M-nvi-nworlh- "lrliUoiittiiit KiiuaH )ty Line c?,nn'ct,,,K with tho I'ultica .S'oniw. ....i mnl,iu carat l Ihrousu Exprcsa Traln, ou ' Wl.byaU fonneetlno. n... '""'In uiiloa liepoti' ....,., iiiiiiwiiy nun. nilIet(jn,OreKOi. .KIIY, lieu. A "nD - Portland, Ore. -BROOK," " . i to.' ""twju'J HI M a s". l. tu.- uea ll Jllun. lev. "'."CCUifl.itinula. 'Si . J' "paitw(,i " M llill m The Hiipieliia Court Hold Mint County Court Cuuii'it Ofl'er u Ituward for Convic tion for llrlhery ut ICIrctlnn. to tho committee on Indian alliiirn iMioruin voted und tho Hoimo then ud journcd. In tlio Senate connltleratlon of he rail road laud forfeiture bill wan rcmuncd for a nliort time. Iho Houno bill to rcntoro to tho nubile tlomaln u part of thu Uintah ludfau re- nerve waH panned. TI1K NKW UIIINKHC TIIKATV. Tho Fonato in oxecutivo nennion ratified tho Chineno treaty without divinion. .Son- atom Toiler and Mitchell made npecchen, in which tlioy not forth the groumlH of , Sai.km. Oil. May i). In tho cane of TIlOIIIUH J. Mountain VH. MtlltllOllluh their omionlHim to thntreutv. hut .11.1 nut ! flinn. l.n'fr.. .....I ,ii.,n.yi,..tn.l . t....- ii.i I'ftllrt hna I .1 1 ' . ....... record, and their future probable action. And let mo tell you, them novor wan a niuio needful tiiuo for a long, nearchiug glance than at prenent in Oregon. 'Micro In an innuu in tlio coming party content for HiicccnH in tho State Leginlatutu an inntiu that in of vital iutcrent ami impor tance to tlio wholo of Oregon. What ia it? Why, the uuention that for many lorn,', weary yearn ban leen unnermoHt in thu IhoiightH of uvery merchuut, farmer, mechaulu. laliorer. and editor, in at leant thu larger and more imortant portion of our Mate: "V lien, In liod'H uaiim, will county, iipiKtllant, the Suitremo court ban demand a voto Article I. of tlio treaty is an follows: Tho high contracting partica agree that lor a iiorloil oi twenty yearn, beginning willi tho dato of exchaniio of ratilicat on of thin convention, the cominir, except uudei ihucondKioiiH hereinafter nix;cilled, I'nlled States ACCIDElfTS WILL HAPPEN ! Tlioy do liippun ovory day. ami vrUen nnu hiippeiiH to you ynu will wMi (lint nu were Inniitd In Hih TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMP'Y. Tiik Tii.vki.i:us ri-noiirooa ro Kiuiluient to pav nt iich tlm mnkl enoriiiiiiin iiiii-h of cluliiH Hint even un'iii railroad anil meum bom acol'luiita can brine upon li. Pay all clatiiix, without illHi'muit, linnieilliilPlv iiimiii nvipt of h tUfiii'tory pioofn, Man Korfliure DrovulDim In all IU puIIcIoh. Ten Millions of Assets. Two Millions of Surplus. PAID POLICY HOT.nKftMII.OOOW, Glopton & Jackson, Resident Agents, Knst OiojnnliMj biitldlnir. eudleon, Or. ruvomod tho decinion of tho circuit court. and tlio cauno in remanded with direo tloun to tlinmlnn tho writ. Die opinion wan dollvered by Judge Thayer. Tho jioint involved in in relation to tho lcgall tv of a inward oflercd bv a county court. ,v, - . . 1. ... --.- - iiiiuu, 114.1 WWIIVIIIIUlin IIU.UI 'iho county court of Multnomah conn y, 0f chine i laliorern to the at tuo .May, ih.mi, lorm, mane an order that it reward of JL'oO be oflcrod for in- formation leading to tlio arront and con- ictlon of any iornon guilty of lirltwry at the election noon to bo held. Mountain claimed that ho gavo Information which led to tho conviction of W. ami t'.,in tho t'nltcd Staton court, of bribing 1'. ut mild election, and demanded f.KK) roward. The Supremo cotut holds that tho county com t had no authority tomakomich an order. Hon of that ureat and uiluhty thorouidifaro of Nature, tho Columlila rlvur?" 'Iho (pientlon in now junt an far from being aiiHweicd an it wan when it wan flint pro pounded. Thin doplorablu ntato of af laim, however, cannot dinguinu nor altur tin) bardncHrt and adamautliiuuatuiuof the fjict tlmt tin. iiiioKttnri Ml hi lui niiuuiiin.l nhall lie bnulutely prohibited: and thin for Ibu inluniMn ami tirontxirItv (if II l'li'al prohibit ii nhall extend to tho toturn of and foi tlio nectlon demand It. j Chineno l..oier who are now in tho Now. wo ikiopIo of tlio State of Oiuimii. United Sl..'-'H, whether holdlm; return nn.l hihcIii1Ii-nf tlmt filtr tin. I lii'.illtlflll certilicaten undor tliu oxinting Iiiwh or . region known an Kantem Oregon, inunt not. i endeavor to find tho kev to tho nolutiou Article II. excentn UllV ClllnCbO laborer ' nf IIiIh liminrtiint nuoMtinn. I.nt iih lmii ...i... i i i... ... . . . . '--"-I i . : iwio nun a lawiui ne, cmid or pairnun , at our iiollllcal boroncopo, drawn and Mr. Holnli. lie re-elected to the I'iiIIci States Senate. Can you allWd nuch a re election? Can you ntaml am titer nix vearn of weary walling, watching and hoping, only agiiln to be bltteilv dlna pointed by a tiivial, dribbling appronrla tlon now ami then Junt tuioui;h to keep you from lonpllng over an you balance on tho verge of despair and insulted bv a Until wind-up of ?17o,000 to cap "the climax? Again let mo caution voti, rentier and voter, (o think long and deeply about this matter, before you cant your ballot for our county's reiirenentativun. Heineinber that a Kopufillcau elected, as thu Kaht OimtioNiAN has nald, means one more voto for Dolph. and that thu three from the county of Umatilla may tell tho tale, ono way or the other. Remember that when a I nited States Senator is elected ho is supposed to nervo thu whole people, and not a certain clans or corporation ; and wlicn by a Kepubliran veto von fur ther the ro-eloction of Dolph, ynu have yournelves to blamo If liu tlinnpixiiiitH you fnr Is not his pant record of failure Mid baru before you, and can you rcanon ably expect him to do Isttter In tho futiiio when he in milled up witli conceit over the knowledge that his past actions have boon endomed by a re-election? I retKiat, then, that tho cltlen should think twice before ho votes fur a Iteniibli- can candidate for Statu Senator or Retire- neutatlves, and on the rccond thought cust bin foitmio ami ballot with IioiicmI. ntralghtforwaul Democracy innlead. I bad Inteudod to sound a hIoimii ulso auent the coming Presidential contest ami its one living issue, and the need for lurtiier, ticoxr, ami mom peaichlng thought than over on the pa it of the oter. hut nnaco forbids. I will mwnn tliis uubjoct for my noxt coiiimunicatliiu. (.'iiDiimv. IHIOUTII IN .MOKHOW COUNTY. Notary ami Corporation Seals, In Pendloton, FOR ONLY FIVE DOLLARS EACH, Tho tuual price for eaU made by other ruirtio?, In I'ortluml or tho Kaat, I from tbXO o J7.0J, with txncm . harttoti Added. If you need aanl,oud yourordur to us, und nave from .'S.i 0 to J3.C0 thoteby. A lleiinner .Mini Give a Oloomy Account of the Hit nut ton. I oitTi.AKii, .May . u. A. Itiieu, a promlnont stockraisor of Hoppnur, is in tlio city. He naysthore has boon no rain In Morrow county for over two months, and that tho country has not been so dry lieforo at this season of tho year for twenty years. Much spring-sown grain has not come uii.uud fall irrain was badly frozen out. Tho crop will Ihj a falluro unless rain inns yet tins spring. A UIIU.lt CltllHIIKI). Iluuuvrrhyii WuBouand Kllleil The Dri ver In .lull. Portland, May n.A child of John It. Smithson, a painter, fifteen months old, was run over and killed by a wagon loaded with five tons of Htono, 'lbo child's mother went down town and loit tlio child with aneighlsir. It was fear fully crushed. Nelson Fullor, tho diivcr, lias boon arrested on a charge of man slaughter and is in jail. m)T.TmiTi IMCOMOTI.I. thu United States, or property therein of tho valtio of Sl.OM). or debts nf a like umount duo him und pending settlement, providing certain conditions are complied with. Article III. oxcoptH ofllclalg. students. teaehorn, travelers for curiosity or pleas- laid baiu lsjforo us by political wiKuucres, and seek wisdom from Iho position of its prominent stars. Starting with (Iioki of the first magnitude, we find that Oregon and her Interests aro represented in Con gress by three Republicans, Dolph, .it. ..i... ii i i.i n... i ... .. . I .miciieii, ami Dinner iiuiiiiiiini, iasi us ro. lie brief. Wo must traco tliolr orbit in Artiilo I . provides that Chinese of the r.'niiL'resHlnnal horizon. What bnvi. uny othor clans, either permanently or ! they been doing? Wo sco tliolr names, tomiwrarily rosldlng in tlio United States, 'und esjiccially thono of Hermann anil shall havo for tho protection of their er-1 Dolph, figuring conspicuously and con sons und proj-crty, all tho rights that uio tinuoiisly in tho I'ortland Orcgunlan's uiven by tho laws of tho United States to tclpL'ranlilu dlriiiatcheH. Tl my in 1 1 ut citizens of tlio most favored nation, ox- surely bo active. Yes, tlioy aro actlvo copting tho right to liecomo naturalized in introducing etty jtennion bills, swamp citizens. ' lanil ini'iiHlircH. Iiub'iimll v nctu for liwll n. Article V. provides for tlio puymont by depredations, and tho like, Hiifllclont to 'una, und interiiiedialo points, Including tho United States of tho sum of l'7U.-: make considerable show, und apiearanco ! Cieur d'Alonu, to I'oill.iiid and Taeoma. nils is a rt'duciioii Lii'Ur ti Aleiie mo 'I'irlir nuil WiiKt'a, To sliow that a profecllvo tarlll' does not mako wiil'os hluhur. we icferto Hie fol lowing statistics taken from Nols, ami ii Consular roM)rts. Tlio conip.nlson is mako between ICnuland. that adopts fn-n trade, ami Gc-imaiiy, that adopts high irotecllon: WAIIFH Plat Wl'.KK. I Oreapalloii. Knuluiiit. (Jcrinuiiy, ' llrlclilKXT. 57 M il'Ji I liul imrili'iN i -j j, j I Mlliona 7 (H t J7 1 T'lliklN fi )7 ; 1 PI iK'eiera 7 0 , miii'iii. 7 ft (j) IlliU'ltkiullha., 7 ,T7 - ui llrli'Klil iliuia... 7 no a us I jiiiii'Iiitk a ut a ni llravniHii ft ;ij o (. llalloiv i in n ;Vi .Imvi'ioi..... h M f, v II irncn iiihU. r i ni m T l lira h w a TilHliilllia um Mil And soon through all the imhistrlal puiH.ilts, labor in free t ado Bngland comiuamls higher wages lli.in In (ier many, whom a high protective tarill' pie vails. A coinpari.on between Kngl.ind and tho folbiwing protection countries showH tho samo losuft in a greater or less degree; Franco, Spain, Austria, Russia, Italy uuo other protection countries. All of which show the utter fall.icv of thu claim that protection uives high wages. Iteiliued Iditf. on Orea, Tho Northern TacHlo and O. It. A N. Companies have iust nut into uU'cct a rate oi iu per ion on oio Horn liuttu, .Mon- inn rr. I...1.......U.. ... .1. ' . . 1. , ... ....... v. iuu.iu iiiiiuiiiiui; mi uiiii.iKu.i uu inu i. in. , cj rei ving laiiiiniiiy 1110 near iioopio, nut neso in the I nited States. i in Mum reality, tlioy huvb not done the Tho IIouko committeo on public lands ono vital duty tlmt they wero elected to discussed tho subject of road grants in do. exacted to do, and promised faith Oregon, but came to no definite conclu- full v to perform. For 1 liitirnviiiniiiitM nt Appilntcd East Oregonian Pub. Co,, nihil J u Pendleton,..Orepon. Vabu,-(Uon, Muy 0. Tony Noltner ' tho Indian appropriation bill bo amended V H. l'o.lal Impector to Sur- coed fHome 3Iuoii. sioii. Chairman Holman, however, in tnxluced in tlio House a bill declaring forfeited laud urants for this purpoto,Hiib stantially like that accompaning the 1'rexlilent's message, and thin will foim the basis of any uctiou the committee may take in tlio matter. 'Iho Senate committeo on public build ings ordeied favorable ruorts on bills for 1 public buildings at Reno, Nevada, JbG OOii, and irginia City, Nevada JU.OOO. Tlio c niiiniloner of Indian affairs sent to tho K-nato a recfumueiidatlen that 1 ho C ascades und The Dalles only a pal' try lyn.tHij was lecelved, wliilo an im-iiieni-o amount of money was appropri ated for our sister Statu of California, and will very probably bo fritloiod uwny In tii-eloss oxpondltiiius. And ull this while, tiuar leader, thuio was u great big sur plus in tlio United States 'treasury tliut was causing any amount of wony, anxi ety and trouble, and In nct and faithful ( uiigrcM-iuoii cnly bad t run In .ml grab till the apnrnpriu i m- tliev c i Id tarry awa, for alls'it i f 'ir; In a noL'Io effort to sao the natlin fuiu tho i lotty cents a ton on and aUnit H fiom initio, lluretoloro theie lias Iseu no Hecial rale In force on oio fiom iho lat ter point, tho iogii..ir taiitr l.uing about IHatoii. The reduction is the lesult of agieutdual of uegntiailoii butvieuu thu .Noiilioin und the Union I'ucifle, ami ipiiie a uumlwr feel mhUsHisI. It wau muile especially. u sayw Asuisluut (ien oral Height Agent M. (i. I'ulnn. of Uiu Noitlmrn l'a-f". ... 1 1 i' .cI ii. l Ri. i In- ' ' u i . ,k . b . i. i 1 1 1 ,i i.iImIh .i...u..t i li , l 1: ia .u.!jm. It is Iirul .ible tliat aiiol her rt- I ut-t i--u ill wmi . ai ii .on. ci . ii ii oi .i iwr, idall , t 1 I Til" , 1 11.1 ) ( Il