East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 05, 1888, Image 2

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    HA'I t'UDA.Y, MAY B, 18SH.
Mil. KlllKMOL'H'S WAY.
i:ut Orc;;niilnti 1'iitilJaliliiK Oiiipnny,
Olio ropy T yinr, hy nmll !'' ''J
ll C'Ofiy XIX IIIIIMlllX, liy IiihII
Ono ropy per wee.lt, liy inrrliT. f'
Hlnilln IMlirihcrH
One ropy Jmr year. !? f'
One iupy -Ix mouth I
HIiikIii imiiiiImtk
Premium puper free to yearly hiium' lln;rn.
(lll!ii! A'lrrrHtmnt.)
Olli! Ilirli, ur It", III Hcml-W'ecltly per
imiiitl W )
One Inrh.or III Dully iicr immtli I '
Two Inrlien, or lr. Ill Im1Ii. ikt limiittl ... it Ut
per 11 1 I1 1 1 I It
OYi-r tlinii Inchex, Dully, per I null pr
month - I t
OTiTllirrfliirlicit, In liolli, per Inch per
month I "
Hillil noiip.irell iuIyc rllKinrnt In Hcinl
Weekly or Dully, Hint Imerlloii, per Inch,
H.liO; racli kllliKiillulil Insertion, Oie.
Ih'iiI nollccn, ton rents pf r lino nidi In
ert Inn,
Urn prlto for Htsul mIIh on uccount of tbo j
ilut. And it !h probably not un cxng- ir, lt,0notir tuldrcMcd to me mil
juration to nay that tho price bas ken ! .,;,,,, c rciuust!ns Its publication ,
luiliunml by tbo prutcctlvu taritV ut leant jn t, 15AHT Oiikuonian. All of It, In ,
IM er ton. Thin tipoii nlno million ' my ,,,,(.,., that pertained to or con
toiiM coiHinnuil umoimtH to ono hundred , jttnc,i uny oHHontiai Htatcmont of the
and I'ljthly million dollar. To mako nmt(cr j Hsuo-tlio tran-autlon between i
! j;.iud thin extra cost, uh well uh continual (unotlrl Ilakcr, and Itontley wuh pub-!
linfuruHt.aiidintoiciitalHO on u flctitlutiH ( nH10ti aH recitieHtd, without abbreviation
Ivaluo of which tho real cot Ih only the , or ,.imtfu. Ah to tho meiltfl of tho matter
U.wi, tho ujjrleultnrul IntereftH the Wjiitrovcrny, nothing was omitted or i
, Hhlpiwrri of tho country have been o1-1 cmgC,. n wa publlMhod verbatim. I
j lij(el all (bono yearH to pay hili ratert of otlur 1Kjrtf,,nfl) containing nothing in the ,
I freight. Tho nhlpiorH, tho itrictltural- at,,ro 0f fucJu. but only pereonalltlo.H ill-!
iiisTonr oi' Tin: Tahiti'.
ciiiii rn AitTici.i:.
In the hint article I llnoumMl oMpeelully
the wooletiM act of IK17, not only bceaiiHO
it Ih the moHt Httiklng llluetrutlun of the
manner in which irolcclie duties muio
advanced afler the war at tho demand of
IntorcHtcd prodnt'erri, but liccance the
duty on wool and woolen U now madu
eHvcially pioiulnent. Itul thi'io uio not
a few oilier fit-on in wlilrh an lurruu"!) of
dulloM Iniyond the level reached during
the war wuh made. Take the copNr law
of I SI Jit, Hefore that year the duty on
copper ore li.ul been live per cent, and
that on copcr hi 1mm and ingota two
and a half cents per pound, and under
lhoo low ilutiu largo copier ludiiNtrieH
had gtowi up in lloflon anil I'hll.idulphia,
wheie Chilian oie was Hiip'lled and ie
lined. Tim change In the copper t tit 111
was made In Iwiu to natlxfy Hie demand
of the owiiitm of llie copper mine then
recently illhcoNcieil near bake Suporlnr,
but was it necei'Haty, excejit to make
thoNe uwnerri millionaires? The hike
KtiK!tior tnlucH could mipply this couutty
niiiie easily and cheaply than thoi-o of
any foielgn country. The increased duty
deHlioycd the Hiuellhig woiks engaged in
handling Chilian oie, and tluew many
workmen out of employment, and liciio
lltted only the owners, and not the wutk
niL'ii, In the now mines. Tho duty was
raised from live er cent, to thtee cents
a Niuud, and tho duty on ingot copper
was doubled. The result was the ustiul
one; the mining companies of Lake Supe
rior combined, and simply divided the In
creased prollt among themselves, and
workmen went on laboring for the same
wages they had received tho same
wages they would have received with
out the Increase of duty ; and the cost to
all consumers of copcr was increased
twenly-llvoor thlily cr cent. The price
of copper has steadily U'cn higher than
the pi ice of copper abroad ; the capitalists
hac pocketed enormous piotlts; and
woikmeii have leeched tho same small
wages fully as low, in piopottlon to tlie
work HHpilieil and accomplished, as In
foielgn couiittlos.
Take steel tails. Itefoio 1870 they wete
charged with a duty of In wr emit ; after
that )U8 r Ion. This at Hist did not
largely Ineieami the ad valorem diit , but
after IK';t when the price of Itesseiuur
Mot I and uf vteel mils went down to
per ton, and even kilow V-K l'r ton, the
duty has been oscr one liunilnsl er cent,
on the fixeiuu pi lee. let us kit what
this moans, and if the ct to tho poojilo
U wwtli the inflection, if any, lulually
iiH'eKtsI by wmkinitinen.
'Ihe total Mtnouni t( isIIhuiIm niiill in
tho t'liiltnl Stales sitae tS70 is in round
uuiiiIhhv alsjut 7",iKKi niilex. PniiuK the
jomis IH87 and ISSS it will have Ix-en
notitly, If uo4 ijulte, miles. To
Imild tlino lullruwl it took about nine
tullllun tuns of steel mils. While the
price in Kujiland was front f'.t to (HH vr
tun, tho pike In Amerleit at the same
time was from 4U) to (its vr tun. The
huge duty Mituulatml home prtHluctiuit,
but the heme pimtiu'eis. in initenumee
of that dut.N.and having oUtained con
trol of the ltoaMiiuer patent, e)inliliied,
ami kept the piiee up. lefultiti); in over
pixsluvtiun, which causal linal idleness,
link-outs, and stilke and that is the
way wotkineit weto protected. Tho n
ilallcts taild k4and it, lvcuus their im
meiise piotlts had made them indepen
dent. They could eiy well eitduie the
IHinle of IS7;t, largely caused by this leg
islation, and the couoiuent attitloial
stimulation of the tnaiket. latt working
men wete left idle, .and might starve.
Dining these times the Vulcan Steel
Vorks at St. l.ouls tetvived IW).lXX) as a
lsiuus fur keeping their woiks idle, but it
Is newborn recorded that workingmeti
thrown out of employment rceviuHl any
jHUtion of it And this Is the system
they call "dignifying lalwr "
Dutitig several years ivusumers in this
country were obliged to uy about doubo
Ists, tho farmers and wwl-growem and
s'oek-raberH and merchants have finally
paid "he wholo of tho enormous bill and
for what.' To protect not laboters and
ooiki.igiucu, but combinations uf
capital, and monopollcH, and trusts.
... . i . 1
To them every man wno snips
a bushel of wheat, or a isjund
of wool, or a bill of merchandise, must
pay tribute In Increased freights. Ami
yet they talk to farmers and wool grow
ers and dealers in merchandise
about "protecting Industry" and "digni
fying laW." Mr. Schocnhof says!
"Thousands of worklngmenaro consigned
to their homes to cogitate over tho Insuf
ficiency of the tarlll' to provldo bread for
their families, while mills have shut
down for want of markets for their
gsl.." Ami ho might have completed
tho picture by saying that still other mil
lions upon millions of workiiigincn to
whom ho did not allude, but who liavo as
reeled to me, I did not reprint in full, but
quoted, and ipiotod correctly, tbctefiom,
and made t-omo comments. Now .Mr.
Kidonour says I "garbled" his letter. 1
did not.
1 ulso replied to Mr. Hidenour, in tlte
columns of tho Hast Ouixionian, last
Monday, but his magnificent and mutilll
cent naturo does not suggest that 1 have
any right to bo heard in his paer, al
though bo required to be hcatd in mine,
and was allowed to lie so heard. .Mr.
lUdcnour has published, and continues to
publish, very vludictlvo und false attacks
ujion mo, written or Instigated by a ier
sotial enemy ono who is seeking only
liersonul revenge lsjcauso In the crform
unco of a public duty I allowed the public
to read a narration of that tersoii's
crimes yet Mr. Hidenour has not tho
tnaidluesH nor tho "fulrness" to publish
a word of my oxplatiailon. After all this
after being granted a request for a
Tho Girman Scholar, Dr.
-NJ LEIPZIG, Germany, Secre
tary EUnologlcal Museum,
F. S. U. G. A., M. 0. S.,
Author and Savant, wroto
over his autograph, here
shown, ns fellows:
"I trloct St. Jacobs Ollnnrt
MM rntlrnly cllriul of oU
ralclo pnlna."
Groceries, Vegetables, Fresh Fi
II H H I lll'llll u VJIA WVW ,T , - u ut
cinn cninnc r:na nnffop. Finn Tsa. and Everything Fine that a Fird
",o ur"uuui " ' A..tj -
( UlUCmy aliuuiu uumauii
Call on me If yon want Orocorles cheap.
Lrujjhtt and Jkalen EctryvUre.
At Less Than Cost!
We have determined to closc out our
' entire Mock of
W.D.Hansford&Co. BOOKS!
Dealers 111
Comprising the
good right to "protection" as any, if hearing in tho Kast Oiiikionia.vj afler
government Is going into the buslneFS of j ,,,H,ng everything ho eould lay his
feeding Its people gruel with a simsjii, aro,j immlM UjKJ1 Uf,atllii lm)i,0 nt only re
enormously and outiugeously taxed by j f,1HCH lo Kv u ,mc wor,l 0f my nldu of
way of IncreanMl freights to etiablu these, ,1U ,utter In which I was jiersonally
wealthy mill owners to keep tli:Ir mill4 1 t:oticoriieI, lut raprt tlio c-IImax of mean-
Idle w lien iliu inovitamo panic comes.auii m.HH m lc.(acKy ,v Hiljlng I "gar
riile liy complacently in nmiuicioui ami
fulfil and lisik uijn tho pinched and
starving workiugmeii whom such unequal
and unjust laws hae degraded to the
condition of serfs.
bled" his letter. Well, I'll not "garble"
any more of his productions.
.1. T. Waoki!.
Tiik MetlKslIxt conference, being held
riii'Hi uxamtiles of wool and woolens, ! hi New York, aro liavlng a long discus'
steel rails, ami copper, to which I have I slim upon tho proposition to exclude wo
alluded at some length, will do for illus- men as lay delegates. One minister said
trillions of the Injustice of the pin-; over two-thirds o' tho members of the
tecllve jMillcy, and lo bear out the iifser-1 church weto wemi'ii. The woman suf
tlou made at tho outset that oven the.fragu association of Washington, 1). C,
protcclho duties of the war s.r!od had
slnco been largely raised.
The duty on marble, on llax, jute, and
other atllcles might lsiclled. To protect
a single small marble district in Vermont
Mi. Morrill's constituents, the duty
in 18(12, 18(11, and 1870, was tuvet
ally raised to thirty, forty, eighty, ono
hundred, and llually one hundred und
fifty per cent. Mr. Morrill said It was
done "in the interest of iuiortlng mer
chants and L'cutlcmcu in tho marhlo-
quarrying intellect." I.iku Dolph in Ids
plea for the big saw-mill men, ho did not
appear to consider the consumers at all.
The dutv on llax was raised from $ir to
have expiesed their sentiments by pas
sngthu following i evolution:
"Itesolved, That it Is the duty of every
woman in tho Methodist denomination
to withdraw fioni any chinch wheie
its pastor iipliolds the action of the
general conference, now us.'cmhlcd In
.New York city, In refusing to receive tho
noble women sent there as lay delegates.
With the same county olllelals for the
next two yea's that wo have hud the past
two, and with an honest, attentive and
capable county treasurer like Jake Hob
bins to continue the excellent service in
formed by Mr. Henley and his deputy,
Mr. ltuley, the county In I81H) will Ihj out
of debt, and its warrants will bo worth
U) per ton between 18(11 and 1871. 00 hundred cents on tho dollar,
Mekel, to protect u single small locality
In reiinsylvanla, was given a higher
duty, which made a fortune for the hs
sessors of that llttlo patch of tlod's no,
tho monopolist1!" eaith. So I might
elto columns of llhisttatious, hut these
must sulllcu.
h Mr, Taunslg pays In ono of his works;
with the old regime Including Iiouser k
llendryx the result will lo very dllfer
out. Tiiiuik is much valuablo fisxl for thought
in the statements by Senators Vest and
riuinh, published to-day, regarding tho
oKratious of tho Chicago cattle trust.
"No excuse ma I hi found for the gteat , 'r tutitf lawn which claim to protect
Incie.txe of duties. That duties were "",k0 ""n wiamsalo rolilery or cat
greatlv Increased during tho war. i '"' and they may very nat-
and in manv caxes then wantonly ! "rally inqulw why they should Ik thus
and unnecessarily, may Ui excuse.l , plundered to give an Imaginary and illu
by the luiHirat!ve need of heavy "'v1 I'rotectlen to their nelghlsu- wool
t.ixallen at that time, and the iunKwslbll. growers.
ty of avoiding tuUtakes and Incong. allies lr is beconilng apparent that It IsSnod
In the huitlcd ikum.iiw of a complicated grass who s nsilly running for the State
mass of Ictilslntinit. The retention of ' Senate, with Mattoon as a figure head.
th.-o war duties, luuy and often exorbl- if (,0 j,po of I'nuitlllii eounjy want to
taut a tlwy weie, for twenty yearn u.'ier ,, tttii't Itnilly tepresented bv W. J.Snod
the (M c.ulon for them had pa.od, is not grass, they can expiess that doslro by
ludcml to be defended, but may i tea- j voting for Mattoon.
wumhlv explalnel. Hut for the tuldb , , . ,..,,
tious to the pM.i.H.ivesvs(einnoexpla. HUlRilly indeiK.ndent pa-
n .tlen can l,o ulven that drn' not reflect 1 1"" ' ,1k' -c'toriul di-trict coinpriHing
on tlw jiood tuitne and the good faith of , iH)unties-the Milton
the Natlotwl l.lslatute. Such nuwHiHW , ,w tentervil le Home lWs and
can only UcrtMiut.Hl for wlwit we ,.ai , the I niott Scout-all warmly support .1.
ti tii'nd tliat out- imlillc life was "" ' ' ' '"" " uiniii
j moial!tl during tho years lmnn- ''itloou.
diatvly lullowlug the war; that 1!ook (. Mn.us, who dtew up tho new
Jolts wete plenty and lobbyists powerful ; tat ill' Hill, is one of the largest r-heep own-
I list some Congressmen thought it not ers in the I'nitcd States, lie says that
improper to favor legislation that put the tarlll" on wool lowers its price.
i money into their own pockets, and many -
thouaht it quit- pixijMr to sup,s,rt leg.sla- J" B
I IIUII llll Hll lOUOl'J lllll, lOO HH'kUIM Ol
intluentl.il etustitu)uts. The moasuies
Hardware and Tinware ang Auihots Si Standard Works
PLUMDINC Promptly Dono.'jf . want jj00ks, call and
iLeezer Kuebler,
Sticcivwrs to W. 'I'. Chalk.
Headstoaes, Monuments
A nhnrp of tho (iiiblle mtronu Ih nilldtcil j
Richardson's Lunch Counter,
.Main -l'vf I, Pomllftmi.
G. D. RICHARDSON, Proprietor.
Ili'inlitiarlcrs for Torplitn fiul :joiin".tlc
rTUIIK, UUIMllt'l, i;illllll IfOU'l", IIOU .-.utr. i
At tho Lunch Countor,
Ynu cue nlitnlu colli olli'il liuio, rolil sflecil
(..... i.lnl. I...I hJ. lll.l. .llllllllI'M. ,lVllrM.
i-.lil'lHill,..'! cwir-.W" conked In cv- ly 've, fJT .-T-f J C;vr-t- r
ii.iM,.n,iti1(MiM',j.rH.i iK, vf'.uu.ii.itaiii, Xi-Lail DIQ clIlCL OuOIlt.'
inoKiMi ii- rroor, nriii'i ttn" iiu. vi-.
Houso Opon Day and Night
I.uiiqIio from .V'. upward. I
rciidkton.Oreuon, Mnln St., near Wrlili.
Jnt rrcclvril.
Tor ilcilunx and irlcrs commit .lomo Kail
Inir, Mnln xtreet, ivuillcion. Kiiliiuitpn
Hlv. ii on Btoiie wort; for luilldliiK". fe-'l
StanfieldS Gore
-IH-ntors In-
Satisfaction Guaranteed I ! FRSH GARDEN VEGETABLES,
lu every pnrllo.iltr. ,
cuud, Dutiun, risn, ruuL
TRY, and all kinds of
The Pendleton Roller Mills,
(Capacity 600 bnrroU por day,)
W S. BYERS & CO., Proprietors,
Manufacturers of Urutinm, Krouutnted nnd
nelf-rUlm; Klour.
Iliolicst 4'iihIi I'nrc I'uld Tor All
KIiiiIm ur IJraln.
Flour, nifiil, rlinn fcnl, !( nluiiyx or. Iinnd
IN hthi:
Highest market price puld for nil kind of
G- R A. I 3ST.
Atlilf rtlllfiii tplilla u'lutnl .pI..,a I. ...I...
- ... ...........,,.. ,tiii-, imiii-J (lint
i ryi' for mile for mtiIIiik iiire., 'flip
, trnlliui wIiIIk wliei'i l Jul tliuiirli'loi.lock
iiipi) lived, It m like u tlnt-clum riiinllty of
j '.
July! tf OltKflON'.
Mnln nnd VebliStrueK
ItiiHtfru Haiti' ISmiiIn
Ullll Mio.'m l
I'erfrel fit (lunrntilr- I,
John McGarry
Denier In
ijku virors
i Iliivlni: ipmkU vlilppcil fnun I'-uUth cltlra
'..I.. 11....I.....1 k . ... .
. ... (iii.u.i, I'i, iinvr iii'iiiiu pmii, lorkea
and nv ictiarRn ndju.ted, mid forwiinllna
utti'lidiHl to promptly, ut low rate, by m-
Klnit-ela kio1 out. o. .. , lVo
diiou Ixiuni t and old,
BUYS ami SHI.I.s
I'oitr i.A.vii, om:aoN.
ultorntlHs A Sl'KCIAI.TV
I Huylnif mi i s, inn,. don on CoinmU.lon
tluniM'lCH how ly no inoaus tlio wurnt 1 i n tiiv riivutt (.Mart of tin- mtt of orepm,
iwultn of this Hato of tiling, t'outritm-! ,l, ,u'lr th "tl'!""u"?; .
...,.,..,. i i ,i M. M. 11 elier, plulnlllt, . J. X. l'ltelier, do-
ttuttn to tlio jiart.v cliet woro tnailo liy tlio i fDUdnui.
ju)twtol intuwMn, and tlio hoikiriI luxitv i To J. N. 1'lteJion
uf tltougl.t on ,H,l,llc tru. tna.to jlWa i.M
tlio tnuulnulatlou of tho tarlll' in tho In-, mn;'ul'it ntJ hismIiim iou tn the nuivt en
. . i . i ,. , i i n i , ' Itlt-il ult. wltliln ten dio' fiom iln ilti of
torot of privato tnilivuluaU. Ihogoucral tin. mtvIow of thu kiiniiooiw uimhi )u, if
iloinoraliaatlon onalditil tlio ntticti.l In. ! wrxwl In I'nmlllU itunl) , or ff turn! In
iioiiiuniiiKinuii ouaiuiHi mo jinuutul ut- j ,tilcr nuiniy In th. St.ue of Orvwui.
tonvitH anil Iholr uliamtiluu4 to tusli "'" wtthin twenty Uu fmia tin- dute of
,. ... ii i ueli kdrvlw tiioii yoa.or If M'rveit b publl-
thwugh UntBiUi'S luoartUWiJ whioh, in a wt ion i hereof, then on or before ihe tlrt
nioro luvillliv Kltito of ii til it wiinlil liiv.i i "et rteutiir term of thenlHM eu.
inoro iumhio MUto ui niiuirn, woutil n.uo ufl Hirt.i.Mvll: on or before MomUj.Muy
iiif .in, .i. ip. i iH'iviiiiaui m i lime no-
REAL ESTATE, u r u an:
M. r.JUNIISUI! 0M.5U.,
Prescription Druggists.
Won wiiwlKttotl anil rojtvteii."
J. r. W.
I tlee tlial tf he full In upix-itr und Hiinuer or
' plead Mtlhlli huIiI tune. Ihe piHlutil!'. for
' wno! therof, ulllupply toMld Miurt for thn
' relief pruyeal for In plnlnillP. i-omplalnt In
thl.tutt. lir-llifor inlliiliill.iii of tlie loiiil
of iintlrlinony enUtliu: U tueen Hie ptntmiil'
Mit. Fbk is over in HaVcr county chow
Im? Iiittoirt of riiMiiiiiHinI.itiiiii fnun u'l'ldefeniliiat, und for pliilnllil eou und
lit), lomiia oi n couinu nuuuim mint ,n.t,iir,.nuiitof lhUu(t.aad foraeluilier
n...t.. ii.. n..... l i..... i.. ' .11. r.i.t.... h.n... .. ... .i...
.urerp. iipiiii, 111111111,111111 iiv.111, iiiiWi"1 ......i. iv,v. ,v ... -if..,i u,.,j ..i'iii
t.i 1 . t t i .
Kay nicy win u)ri iitui ivaum.' no is a
UoimMioau. 1'roKiMy Mr. ltuuncy
coulil obtain a fow similar lcttcra from
I IVnnocratH, ami what a weighty intluenco
' it V OllUl lo.
lt.MI.KY .V llAt.t.Klt.VY.
Attorney, for I'lutnllrr.
Ttilt kuuunona U published by order of
lion. (1 W. Wnlker. judje of ubovo court.
RUid Mrvh St. A. U KvS.
.at mcUJl d7w Attorney for I'lalntltt
Cor. Main nnd Wcbl. Snwu,
Jamfis Orawfnni
Harness, Saddles, Bridles. Requisites of tho Toilet,
Whips, Etc., Stationexy & School Supplies,
Tonts and Wngon Shoots Flne ,mpor,ed and Koy Wcst CiBar8'
for SalO Opposite VlllarJ House,
ATK JUl fCTHKKT . . rENUlirON mSf' ' 8hoWBker,-
City Bill Poster.
II iiihIom luff will. l, a
1 rt
Proprietor of the
Flw-Cnit Hcfr Halt,
ftilti Mt.. rttmnalln hn.lnM. t .
lViuupton bcor on urauRlit, winn
1 tul ultfnm. nf Hm l tout 1.
...... . , . w umum B
yobiVAiU) Mitos.,
Ilniiiiii.niilhli. !. val.l..... a .
uumuiriun, 1 ri iiiiiiviu 01 uiitonle
wonmn unit Chlldrm.
Olllco hourn From 10 to 12 n. m.;
p.m.: 7 to op.m.
Olllce Ilooni 11, Hint Orcgonlin
nplO iMw
"vv lUIUIff
At Will 1 1) 111 : u'liiren Two Dnllnn
foriiiHtii.i. uppiy 111 oturenr
.1. 1ILK
prl.'iAw wi
jou ham:.
'f.oll.ltl. Illll..ln.l
nriiij-inu imami'! ii in rnm i
ritiu 'ii'iir 1 hum . 111 iiilh pi i ih hi
IICUlhiNlinpiy 10 u. Mini
an.u u 1111 1 miiijii Lit 1 1 1 rir.i 11
11 jimi irivuiiii 11111111111 e.irij,xti
lover nun oy e-t'iiiiinir jjjfj in
III Hut I'lAhT OllltOONIA.N, It cad
every Unto.
NEW 61
iimnL'iinu niDCK juii rrccirro.
UIU 1111 Yf I II VI IIJB 111 UVVI uw
Uli tho oldeit lubabltiB'.
mm m
8 I.I 1'1'ICKH, OI.OVKS, III!"1
I.ACUM. 001lSICT--. NOVKl.
Mdii'c Ynulh'c Rnwc' ar.j
nun J, 1 uu III tf, uujv
ren's ClotliinK. Hats ad
Trunks and Valises.
b 1 t r P
nil, aiiiiiiiii .Kill
Leezer & Kuetk
Tlie largest mm momd""!"--
Mt HI'1
Toilet & Fancy At
In Eastern Oreg
Dospain Block
Mnln Ht-eet.
Aro now open unit rea'ly"f ?hpi
and eleKantly Ittteilupto' ,B
of the public.
tilths. . ayu. "h
Uulr-cutllns, - ". -ii
I employ flrat-cliua liandi onV-
H. L. CARL, rt