DAILY. ID AILY. JUST U'HT YOU WANT. i w r atuiill.il will ItilV A l'ltKI? I.IItltAltV. I'nlrniii of tlin D.llly or Hi'iuMVrckly KAST OIIKOOMAX nut fr. rly nmkn uaa of tlic KAMI' OltKdftS'lAN lllirnry vhrn-ovt-r tlu-y no drain.. Tlir pittillt! urn cor dially Invited to Mt tin- nflli-ii wlirnoTflr no lnrllm-il, iZUu 'My 1UST OltUOONIAN nw iinlll af1" ""' ,,cc,l""" rt."ii.Fiiiltwriiejfnvt.cni!ii will pny the Dully'"1"1 ,- IrngUi f I,,B X" "ml1, PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO., OKEGON, SATURDAY, MAY 5. 1888. NO. 55. HE TARIFF Hub boon token ofl' botli ooien ana uoxton u-ooas , Hot by Congress, but by And they now oiler their Largo and Complete Stock of mrnAAno nr Amnriffn Qr n I ItIBIIII lil ill I 111 WIt AIT 11 X UVVIkj UJUVJL 11111 Uj VXU AT- kVaminn rr.mr LnHHin. iriL iiimr iirmnH. :iiim n vmnn vnnven t i ..Ktfn nr tirtf tiinti. ODDAttliAtirj Itttt tin 4- Kn. ...... K I I lit! il UJ 1 U UU ItWV l v v, HCVI UUIIOi UUb LJULU LilUV Will lllf MM. nil lit! ltllill UIUT Vlltlllli X1IUIO JO IlUb Ull -Llllllllli 1 V. . f ilwt ltd XTtX 1 !ntll Hlitil TtW 1 Dtiiin.i .....1 ...Ml .. 1 - - .. n ,,.. mm. eneral Merchand ise Stock Consisting of i ..J tti t. i HIT T 1 HI11MI.II11 Milll V aA V lIUUL.n. H n IU X H.ll II Children's Clothing. Furnishing Goods, mens juacues ana unuarens onoes Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery and Glassware, Groceries, Hardware, Etc. lUt.T 1DTTl?riT-T A I7PC A XT 01?1T r IJ 7n 13 A T-s A Trn -AT THE- cuiiLiiiii uiuiT Him vunc I'Timr uwlliuii uuui miu uiiul oiunu, 1 will hcII for tlio next ,'10 days ut ii t of 10 per ent. for Gaslil TO-DAY'S TELEGRAMS, IIKI'OKT THAT HI.AINlt WIM. HVS. A IVholn Family Hum li llmtli In u lUrn InXebraaku Tlio Cimcndo Tunnel CunH plutud, mid Trillin to ltuu 'i lirotiRli by June Ut-Trouliln with ii NccroMoliln Aliilininit-ltiilit In Culir.rnl.i I lie Km eror llcttur Othor Kit.tein ulxl I'onit New. HI.VKX I'KltSONH HUJt.NTO llKATH. t A Hols Fnnilly Myntrrl uly l'erldi In I llnrnliic It ii II tl I tic Aiiu.soto.v, Nr.ii., aiuy o. A burn 01: till) furtll of 11 widow tmniPil Kriwilin. Ill' iiitf nuur liuro, Ijurnud thlx luornliiv,'. .J, Iiohmo oi iiiun wem oni io iiio ft'cno ol tnu lire, ami woro liorrllicd to iliwuvor thu cliarrctl ruiiminH of hovcu liiinmii holtiKH, who wcru ruconiiizotl uh iiiuiiiliurri of tliu lioiiHoliold living on tliu farm wliuiu tlio burn wan Hltuuted. Unu theory is Unit thoy woro tlio victims ol foul t'lluv: mi other irt that thoy wont Id tlio barn aftor diHcovuriiiK tlio tiro to huvo anlimilH, ami wcro ail MiKiduniy Hiillocutod. OUIMi: IN AT.AIIAMA. Coullkt llrtwrvu u Micrin l'cjuio ud a Ni'cro Slob. MosTdoMniiv. Ai.a.. Muv 0. A bad condition of atmiiH oxixtH In Lowndes comity, growing out of tlio rccont lynch- mi! (it a ncuro miirduior hv a wlilto mou. Tlio tii'KtooM for Homo time iuxt havo been throateiiln veiigeanco, and to-duy thu Hhcrliruml a jiofHo arrcHted llftcun of them. On tlio way to lull tlio iiohbo uiicotintored a mob of armed negrooH. and a eonllitt followed, in which two whiten woro wounded and poveral nuurouH k il ed. More trouble In feared, and troops have' dooii Kent to tliu kcuiiu. lll.AINi: A CAN1UDATK. Tim l'lilliidrlililit Tliiifn UlHliim that Ho llm Itoconaldornil Ills Drrllnntloiti riui.ADKi.i'iiiA. May 5. Tliu Timet) thin niornlnir elainm to havo reliablo inforinu- tion that Uliilno him yielded to thu pow erful jirenHiiro of hit frlondn,, and given his coiiHont to an apcHslvo mnvoiiiont in favor of his ro-nomliiatijii, and that if hard work unu uluntv of onthiiHluHin will accoinnllHli anything ho will bo tlio He- publlcaii uoinlneu. Vhurcr Atfulmt mi Alii.kn Conil'uny. AVahiiishton, U. C;,3lay 4. Tlio Sec retary of thu Interior to-day transmitted to the IIoiiho a report of (iovornor Swine. ford, of Aliinku, upon oporatimm of thu Al.iRku Fur Company, in which ho alleges that tlio company has grossly abiiHed tlio ii.itivtiH ami iittacheM an alllduvit to huh- tain thu charges, lie concludes with a quotation from his l,it annual ropoit that it would bo lA.ttor to allow ovory fur seal to Ihi exterminated than to continue ho blighting a monopoly. Simon llitinliiirK ('ouilcted, Ban Kiiam'ihi'o. May ft, Tlio case of Nimnn Iliiinlairg, charged with swindling an Oregon armor named l'arkor, wan llnUht'd to-day. I'iliiier, ono of thu p.ittnorH in tlio Nwimlling Hcheino, iiiado a conioHHion. I lie Jury returned a vor diet of guilty in twenty minutes after thoy woro wilt out. Not it ('uiidldnto. l'iiii.Aiii:i.i'iit. l'v.. May (Jonoral Mtistor Workiiiuii Powdorly has written a lotter, which foiifliiderti "I tukotlim oi nortiinitv to sav that I am not a canili date for anylliing. I don't favor ruiiniiig Knights of Labor Into a party, and will havo nothing to do witti patties." Sliijor OnK-' Will. l'ouri.Asn, Jlay A. Tho will of tlio Into Mayor times was nicil lor pronatu to-day. last night, wrecking tlio eniner and hov cral ears, but no ono was seriously hurt. Ilk- I'lrn nt Snn DIcro. San Dikgo, Oai,., May ft. Klro hroko out hero early this morning, ami de stroyed tlio old market building, and u largo hardware store. Tho loss is lu0 000. Child I'nltnnrd, Auianv, On., Mayo. Tho two-year-old child of h. Diindeiwood drank ii.Hinall quantity of concentrated lyo yestotday, and tiled In a short time. Tim Cum nd- Tunnel Coiiipletril. St. Pai l, May o. Tho CaHcadoTuniiol ww iipened yestnnlav. Trains will l:o running through by Juno 1st. The IJniiioror Ilrtttr. llnrtUN, May -i. Thu Emjieror is freo from fu'vor ami ablo to rlso. His strength In gradually increasing. CONtllti:SH. Optnlolia on tlin (hlnp.n Treaty Turin IIUcumIoii In tlm Home. . Senator Mitfhull thinks tlio now Chi noso treaty will still havo defects which cannot bo removed by legislation. I lu Is of thu opinion that tho rights secured to Chinese under treaty, as amended, 'aro grouter than they now ikihsohh under tho present treaty. Ho will In all probability opium ratification of thu measure. ' Air. Morrow is of tho opinion thu coin niitteo's uinemhiieiit will accomplish tho object desired, and will bo stilllcientlv strong to exclude Chinese laborers from thlM country. Tho tarlir bill wiw discussed in tho House Wilson of Minnesota donouneed tho protective system. Ho was opposed to tho present tarilf, because while it en riched a few. it nrovented expansion of our Industries, anil liecati' o it was espec ially unjust to tliu mirlcti turn! Interest. Thu Importunt question nrcsonted now was. whether tho wealthv elassus shall U allowed to lovy tribute upon tho indust rial classes. McComas of Maryland said Clovolund'8 uiossugo, and this foumllitiir now called tlio Mills bill, hail a common purpose Doth used tho surplus as tho fulcrum w hero with to atmlv thu freo trade lover to dislodgo the protective system. Every .MUitnru at ontakio. up, and every singlo dollar of tho ditler euco bail gone into tho pockets of that combination. I'mler tho oiieration of this trust, prices hud declined unnecessa rily and destructively. It was safe to say that on every slecr of threo vears oltl and upwards, raised wcHt of the Mississippi river during tlio past live years, tho market value had been by tills combination reduced not less than .H) iter head. Tho damage to the State of Kansas alone during that period had been more than $40,000,000, and tho wealth of the syndicato had grown proortioitatcly. They had a committeo heio now, having in their pockets inonoy of tills "stock ring," to get Congress to glvo thorn con trol of the question of cattle quarantine. Tliis "committee" had allies in tho rail road managers. They had allies in the railroads. Stop by step thoy had come to the lltial condition where thoy actually tlxetl thu prices of cattle. Just as if thoy woru thu inon who raised them. TAllin MhCt'SSION. In tho House Wilson, of West Virginia, took tho I'oor hi favor of tho Mills bill. When it came to tleullng with our own history, ho said, protection acted on tho rulo of the Ohio iiolitlciun. toclaiin every thing whatever that wu had gained, In common with all other enlightened peo ple, by our efforts, and those by man's control ovor tho (lowers of nature, from the advanco of science and of In vention whutovcr addctl wealth had come to us from the runitl scttlumcnt of a groat continent, tho enter prise and Industry of its neonlo. and Its ! , mineral and other resources all these it1 I calmly points out as Its fruits, although it 1 nan notiiiug moiu to tto wan tiiem tliau with thu motion of tliu planets and tliu wavos of tho sea. Hut those things, for which it is chlelly or partly responsible, it studiously Ignores. In arguing that tho tariff did not regulate tho price of la- nor, no coninisieii iiio prices pam in iiio i nim. .,i. 1....1.. MtfUliicr . of. l ' steht bhi,lelM,,ul,i ffiute i ?oV.v Tu ...K w iiii luSiSi 1 1 'i " 1 '--khart fell tlea.l in his tracks and .Mor ' ,S," ,iWor,h lw-,1,ir,lH ()f 11 ton and Smith drove 011 with tho load of m" Ii n0nnfCVf t ' 1 .1 1 1 . 1 Hiy. Such is tlm bov's account of tho Oyrua I.ockett Klllid by VVIIIIinn Mutton In n I)Uiut oior 11 l'lnrof l.imd. An Ontario, Malheur county, corre ppondent of the Oiogonian, writes: A controversy over tho posression of a small ttaut of lautl, embracing nbdit 700 acres, known as -Morton's Island, located hi Snake river, one milo from Ontario, culminated in the tlcuth of Cyrus Uck hcrt at the liuntls of Joseph Morton, ono of the oltlust residents in thin part of thu State. "Thu Island" does not appear to havu liecn included in tliu survey of this suction by the government engineers, and Snaku river at tills point lchig the divid ing line hetweun Otegon and Idaho Terri tory, jurisdiction over the little tract of land has nevor In en let ally established, .Morton has occupied die laud many years, hut Win. ami Cyrus Ixickharl con cluded to jump it, which they did last full. Had feeling ensued until, on thu morning of May 1st, .Morton hi company witli a man named Smith, was on thu island getting a luatl of hay for stock feed ing, ami Lockhart was engaged soiuo lit tle distance oil' digging sl holes, with his rifle laying convenient for in stant use. As Motion was driving away Lockhart started toward the wagon, spado In hand, mid a moment after a shot was llred. What passed between the two men or what was the iiuinedlatu provoca tion appears to ho wrapped in mystery, thu only story elicited, being thu testi mony of (luy Lockhart, a ten-vear-old nepliuw of the murdered man, the only witness examined at thu Inquest. Thu bov tcstilled that his unclu went toward tliu wagon, when Morton, who was armed with a Winchester rlllo, raised thu illlu mid shot at his undo, thu hall striking thu wrist of thu left hand, bickhart at thu Hist lira cried out "Don't shoot! don't shoot!" and started to ro- treat, when a second bullet went crashing under tliu piercing tliu heart. ll,.t.,ll.. Hf.,t.,,. I...,.,l-...l 1...... 1.I..I. the wagus of farm laborers woro in West Virginia. they freo trader applauded both. Jjinliam, ol loxas, said that In viow of My Largo Stock of Suddlt's. Whips. Ilils mul Spurs. lilVK MH A CALL AND HU CONVINCED. I goods nnrkoil in plain figures. JAS. WHEEL AN. J. VAN SOHUYVBR & CO., WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, FRONT STREET, - - - PORTLAND, OSECON. -AGENTH "wviiuuii rnu in u 11 inon 1 1 J , juj, dunuilt, DnutfilliU w. iMiiMBUKec. Wis. EAF0HT PILSNER BuTT'FO BEER. ARCA mn orrllnu MINERAL WATER, (Waukensa P0N5ARDIN CHAMPAGNE, (Yellow Label.) iisou iliey aro not as iiigii as would Im If wo had protection oil'. uotiteiie 1 want 11 candid reply, or 1 want to havo tho gent Ionian retreat ig nomliilously from tho quostion. Wilson 1 can not yield for 11 scech, but I accept the gentleman as a full ex- tililfintlmi ll'liv ,1 111, lit tti Aftiinit lu u'rirlti .SJwM 'Cord!) fttK:.UmlyJ.wo:HiJi:ib U4ttnJn.yqUnoi;Ucut, oiiosllfon iorredticliig : TJIK SKW k0n land iiiMittCT. Tlio now laud district, to Imj called Harney district, embraces an area of SCO inch O.ilnvSm m . M & . . ai nucK isiana 1P.M I' 1 U' 11 I 1 1 I riiTri ... W JL JUUi m .urili,ru fucliio itaiiuuv una jllnneupoiu klfXllll tin. Hh. HI ....... " "Ol'ifs, l.f nveu worth' AlrlilMoi. ir...... ...... ., H.ll, I1J e "'HV Lino. Co"ectliii; with the tofitiintil,Luvei,wortli mid Knutai ,cBOASIII AM, l'OI.MTH KANT. 11 - hi M-auirn 1 1 i'llace Dlntnu Vm-s! S-?T 411 trough Eipres Traliu on .M ttleby all rnn,..lln .ii..... ' "w"ot' "mitt In union .lo.Voti ' ' ' tg 'rflT w"rdlnir rnten, map., -i' in- III. Ti- Knllwny ('.in VAV. A 'fill. II It ' Uillt 'till . 1 1 N. Co , rtigon. '. AL'CIlt, 1'ortlMuU, Ora, I. A P. it. M I hi. It. I ut.. x'nii ea jui. Ml'nu. Notary and Corporation Seals, lit Pendleton, FOR ONLY FIVE DOLLARS EACH. Tho usual prica for seal made by other purtlei, In Portland or tho Kuift, U from J&.0O o $7,0), with ex prom charges added. It you need ncul,iend your order lo 11., and nivo rrom J2.CO to 13.00 (hereby. East Oregonian Pub. Co.. mhiidtr Pendleton, Oregon. ACCIDENTS HAPPEN tor They do happen every day, ami wlion one happeiiM to you you will wlh that j oil were inmri 'l In thu TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMP'Y. Tub Tit avk-lbiis' n-ihmrwii nre milllolmt to pnv ut nnro tbu 1110.1 uinnou8 urn-, of eliiliiwth tfVMi ich' rbllioitd and tiieaiu Isiai mtIiIi-iiU cill bili.tf iili II. Pay ml olalma, without dutviuu' 1'iiiufdUttHv iimu riieii.t of h tir.utoi'j in hi.'-. Nuu rof-ltur PiovuloiiH in nil IUi poiU-lni. Ten Millioni of Aas. Two Millions of Surplus. PAIDPOWYH") I I R 'Jfiat A ) nts. Eiut Oret?oiilun bi iM.m., t- : '. . 1 tilatu family. H 1.4 widow ami sou wcro named as executors. ltulu In Cullfornlu. San Fiiancisco. May r. The rain storm which ceased tills morning has been genoral throughout tho Slate, and is wortli millions ol dollars to uaiitorniu. Thu harvest Is now sure to meet with rcasonublo expectations. A Crack Cmupoittor, Atlanta. Ua..Muv li. Charlio Thomp son, nineteen jvars oltl, a couiositor in tho Constitution ollico, sot 7,800 ems of solid nonpareil in threo hours, yesterday, and there were but three turned letters lu tho proof. A Wind thut llleir home (luiul. SiiKitovoAN, Mich., May L Heavy gales last night opened tho straits of Mackinaw, and probably tho largest grain-fleet on record passed down there this morning. Iteportrd l'rlm I'lk'ht. 1'okti.ani). Mav 5. It is roiwted hero that a nrlzo light between u.ivo uampnoii tho conditions which Hiirroiiudcd Con gross, and in view of tho intrepid stand takou by tho President, ho could not how any Jioiuocrat onizo n general proKs: taxation. ' Allen, of MaHsauhusetts,soko at length in faVor of tho protective jMjlIcy. Cartith, of Kentucky, characterized tho protective tariir as a most insidious en emy. It walked in silence and under cover, and whllo it pretended to bo giving tlio country protection, it was in iculity stealing its substance and destroying its life, TllUltSDAV. Among tlio bills retried ami placed on the calendar in tliu Seuatu woro thu .Senate bill granting to thu Oregon Hall way ,t Navigation Company right of way through thu Nuz I'erce Indian reserva tion, and the House bill to restoiu to thu nubile domain a pait of thu Ciutali Val ley Indian reservation, in I'tali. Stewart introduced a bill to execute tho stipulations of tliu now Chinese treaty (referred). It absolutely prohibits after ninety tiuys from its passage, tho entry of Chinese lalsirers, or laborers of Chi nese descent, wherever thoy may have lieon lxirn, excepting only such as weio, at thu datu of tliutreaty.or shall Imj ninety days f'tii tho passage of the act. in tlio United Statin., who may leave tliu coun try, ha1 1 g thu right to lutiiru lu pursu ance of terms of tliu tieaty, ami such other Chinnso lulwrers as may enter thu country f . transit across the United States, Th 1 last mentioned class aru jiermittod to enter only at tho ports of t;an Diego. San Francisco, Portland. I'os- ton, Now York and Now Orleans. It is made a misdemeanor, punishable by a fatal ending of the nuarrcl, Morton tiller ing no evidence in his own Mialf. Tho coroner's jury returned a verdict that Lockhart came to his death at tlio hands of .Morton, ami later in thu day Win. Ixjckhart mvoru out a warrant charging Morton with thu murder of his brother, who was taken in custody by Shoriir Murray. Tlm Wool Mill lint. Vmm tho ArlliiKiniLTIiui'i. - Now that wool is coming Into tho cit in considerable iiuantltles tlio market I llOirlllllllll. Ill ullOU UOIIlll uloilM flf llll). Ill nearly 10,000,000 acres, or one-sixth of - though the price of wool Is very low. The the entire Mate, and is U I miles east and'oiilv largo sale uiioii which we havo til west, and 101' miles 1101 th and south. It, IUci information Is ono of a luigo lot of contains thu well known Harney valley. 1 linuvv wool which hmimht ltii.. cents. ; following is tno iioitniiury: lommeiic ing at Snake river in tlio State of Oregon, 1 011 tho township line ltetween townships 1 12 and 111 south of the second standard of purallel; thence west to the noithwest corner of tow nship 1!) south, of range - I east of the Willamette meridian; thence soutn to tliu soutnwesi corner ol town shin -",) south, of range -.'1 east of the Willamette meritliiiu ; thence due east to the boundary lino of the Slalo of Oiegou ; thence north of said boundary lino to tho place of beginning. 1 lie location ol tliu olllcu Is to lie llxed ami thu ollicurs appointed dent. by the l'resi- lino ami imprisonment, for the master' of a vessel to bring in any Chinese iaboreis Senator Mitchell has given notice that next Wednesday hu will call up his hill to build a boat railroad around the dalles ami Celilo falls, on tho Columbia river. ltcprcsoutativo Herman has presented to the Housu icsolutions from tho chum 1st of commerce of Astoria, ixitltiniiliig for thu passagu of thu bill now pending for an appropriation to defray the ex punsos of thu revenue murine service. not entitled to entry. rhe railroad land grant forfeiture bill was taken up. and aftor considerable dis cussion of tho l'ortago Uiko canal mutter, went over until to-morrow, and tho bill was taken up for thu establishment of a bureau of animal industry, and to facili tate the export of live stock and their products. THE OATN.K l'OOl, HOIIIIIIllV. Vest said if half of that stated in tho corrcsjiondunco was true, tliu commissioner ol agriculture should Ihi hurled out of olliclal life, disgraced and lishoiiored. Hut ho (Vest) did not ls Huvo thoi-o statements. Ho could not support tho bill. Ho proceeded to sjioak of what ho called tho "cattlo syndicate." ami said tlio pcopio were helpless unit in An Important Olllce. From tlio Milton Kiigle, Tho Democratic nominee for county treasurer, ,1. II. Kohbius, should lo elected for rovoral reasons, first among them that he is honest and capable, a man who, though poor through supirt ing a largo family, is respected ami liked by nil solid men. Unlike his opjioiicnt, ho can hardly Iw termed "one of tho boys," but Is a steady, solHiriind reliable business man. Tho ollico of trcasuior is ono of trust and not speculation. As such Air. Kobhlus. inks it of the jsjoplo. and tliu salary alone will bo his reward. Can Mr. Hamilton say as uiuchY Wo u-iiti.li u-u 1 rather think not. He has lieen cashier which was ., ,,, ,., , ,. .. .. 1..1 1...1...1 01 iiiiim n ilium lur juuin, u iiikii n.imui:ii and easy position. Now, it looks very much as if tho fftOO salary as county treasurer was n secondary consideration. This bank very evidently w islies to got control of Umatilla county's money il is Ten cents is the average prio oH'ercd for wool with an average shrinkage of (io per cent. Last year a good many of the buyers sustained losses 011 account of thu shrink ago in tho wool occasioned by a gieater amount of dirt than usual; On this ac count, so wo 1110 liifoiineil, wool Is being iKiuuht on a scoured basis. That is, a small quantity of thu average wool is taken ami scoured by a machine made for tliu purpose, ami the shrinkage of tho whole lot estimated by it. This protects thu buyer ami gives those who have light wool a fair chance in the market. Wo believe that this new plan will hu a ben elit to the wool growets, and will compel tlio buyers to iiiuku closer bids for tho attlclu. ami Kd Smith, two local pugilists took Its jiowor. Theio woro llvo men or linns pluco to-da noar Calama. There aro no particulars yet. A Nuddrii Itrnth. I'ohthnu, Alto 4. Itotwt Henry, a HhiM-arutwt31d btuluUmly of heart disease whilywklng on a lwut Isjlng built st the Uanyard. CbArluy IyHi ! WiHiiiMir-ix, D. ('., May 4. Cluuley Layman, for maiiv n-ars the head of the 111 im en . men u.i"i- il d.l 1! l-lclt.-r.iU'.e. d Mil. ttuli" 11 Min.lir .Inl,., IL b t in tlio city of Chicago which legulatml tlio pi Ice of cattlo every day hy their ma nipulation of tlio market prices. Th so I 111011 owned tlio c.itilo raiser's property ' ami confiscated il as if they poscd the right to laku it from his farm without wiyluj, him mio cunt. "Talk," said , N'util, "uImjuI trusts, thu eutllt ool of; Chri-ago is the must infamous t runny that 'wr etUted in the 1'iiitml Stule-i." 1'ImiiiL agiefd with Vet. Ill bis upin- II, I lit- UOIrt c iloMll.ill ill 111 l-lf i-IiC- lli.it of 'lie l t .ill'! I" Ik ) ..cki ., ,....11 r 1 a "big tiling" ami the salary is no object. Hut, says 0110, Hamilton lias resigned as cashier oi Ilium's bank. This was nat ural, for campaign purposes; but does it seem possible that such resignation will last long? Would a sensible man lesigii 111,000 or :.',()0i) iKisitioit for a itK0 one for any length of time? We guess not. Thu Ouneral Land Agent of the North ern Piiititu! railroad ut Tucomu claimed to have received the following dU.,Ucli Wednesday floin New Ynik: "A eoiil..ii l M.lllnn Cuiidldiitioi, From tliu Walla WiillaHlateninan. W. M, ltani'Oy. of iVinllulou, Demo cratic candidal! for judge, and T. II. Crawford, of I uioii, Deiuocrntlu candi date for prosecuting attorney of tho sixth judicial district of Oregon, are in town to-day. Thoy havo been around getting acquainted, ami got mixed up in several tarlir arguments with Republicans, com ing out victorious every liinu. Itotli utu genial gentlemen, very popular, anil will be elected by large majorities. Thomas l'it.(iernld, chairman of tho Umatilla County Democratic Central committee, is in town. IL says the cam paign is waxing warm over there, and the prospects for DeniiK-ratlc success grow brighter every day. Oearin is carrying everything before him with his irresistible arguments, and tlio isiople, escciully tho farmers, aru ls-ginning to get tired of be ing taxed to death in the name of protec tion of Amuriciui industries. They know their only hoe is through Democratic siipioinacy.iiiiil will pavo tho way by giv ing a rousing majority for both the State and county tickets. - . r 'llin Pnrly for the I 'in pin. Krtiin the Iluntnii Lmiilor. The Democratic party has always Ix'im a party of the imoplo Iriesi-ective of classes, while the Itepiihlicuii party al ways apsials to clastios. This is slunally illustrated in the piiwunt cumpaigii in Oiogon. Tlio Itepiibllcaiis are iii.ikiug llieir wlioleai'isial to the wisil men. 'lhey luuo out ull llm ntl't-r featities of thu tariff q uost ii hi save only thu' wool U pluood on tlm Lin- lint, 'i'lm liftj iiiillloiia induction In I lit. laxaiiou of thu i L la lost .lull! 1 1. I Ii r 1 1. lu-. I! 1 UN ill ' 111 I III it 1 nevi. lllmon of 1 rklim. .-lit .in I in-.' ii . 1 1I..1 ill.U 11 .-'it 1 t 1 I was exoeiiteil tu-day 1 1 11 I ' .1 i c l- Mi Ki'i -lit, Mi 1 t.i 1 in 1 H 1 111,. 1 . 10 - 11.. ili- -I ... 1. . 1 . 1 .1 i UlrtiCll till . .111. 1 a mi in II -lit III!. 1 ...Ml- .t-of ii.- n, 1 tlll'gllll UIIIHMlll tl ipt ill- Mil. I.' . HOMll. Ill -1 III f tin I I -I. I' I'. I ' II I 1 bad 1 1 ,-at. .u t 111 11 ii. 1 la l!l. J .1 ,V. II. h. i. . I i.ltlll--t . i r..M I'jri '1 r.iiln .id . ith V .,0-i 1 i 0. t t I lys h yf t svslvlli 1 1 i tdiiHtp ) guill to h il it hit).-. . ..f fctjt; tlt belli - r' deal th the tllO m't l kill d il aM-ir t :i- -