Are Yon Protected? Engines, Threshers and Sawmills ALSO DEAt.EItH IN- Russell & Co., lmti-nniiH or TJIUKHDAY, MAV.'I.lSfcS, Itl.rUIII.IG'A.NM AND .KOHIMTION I KIM. A NratliliiK ItrbuUn of Itrpulillean ftna C"Bry ml lljpotrlnj An Opn Kne uiy ll.ltiir limn a TreacberuiM friend. To tho Kill lor of thu Eiml Orcitonlnn. Tbcro In Homolliltig Iiidlermw In (lie mixloty uxiruHHed by tliu IJcptiblfc-an nowHin)trH of thu Stuto loHt fit. Jobn'H vIhII to Urcuon will do tlio I'rolill.ition cutiHU Kruut liurin mid lotard mow. jnent for yearn to coino. In onu ., lUlb lliuy call St. John nil tliu nuinu' in tint calendar, In luiixmiKu cliolco ami (! iit;nt, mill coiiHijn lilm und nil tliu ' fa untie I'rolilliltlonlHtH" to III.) j.u:Ifuit UOpillHOI IOIIIHMI MjnllllOII 111 tllU IIUXl II...., ..I. ...I ......I . ..I ... ... III.. mi; niiuu ui.jriiHin miunu'n i.l i.-uumiliu. (earn mill tonuhliiL'lv eoniMo with tliclr it . i .1 . . . . "Kooti iii.iii.h, inn rroiiiiiiu iiIim.1, ovur tliu lurrllilo tnlHfortiiiiu of tiio "hIiiiiii nauii h" caiiipuitfii oi iiil' miii i. , mm blunter In vury iioiihoubIcuI, ainl fullt. vury .. ..1 L . I I... - I I ..... ' iur mion oi iih oimcci. ui I..I i... .. ,t. ...!,.( .1 ..n n. i.i.iiii iiii.j I ni t ni.i miau, ..mi mi i tho otbor thliiL'H oliari; !, but tbu bntrud niiioriiiiiiiiii tor nun mm uio uihiboi iichkji1 Uk.m him liy Itopiiblleim newrt-liatM-rM, nro not canned liy miy nliotteom- II,-I til liftl .iif.nil ttnfllr.1 I'liflm 1... lit ..If. IIIVIIII HHVIIIbl JkU.IIUI ,IIJI I Hilling from thu ruHiiltH lironnlit about by inu murui umiinmu on mu nun 01 1110 i . . i . .a . .. Kopiiiincuii iiariy in ruiilKini' to ncuu tlio roouuHt of a la mci proitortlun of tliu ltoHt nml moHt liitclliL'ont of our nutlonul ins ulation, mill dccJiim In favor of coiimiIIii- iioiiiii rroniimion. Micro wus u tiuio when tho Ibsniibl.can tiartv wum voiiiil' and Hied with a noblu entliUHlitMiii for priiiulplu ; that It wan thu party of protf.u.ia iiiiii luiuijll , llllll It VtHI inn flOW 111 UIKU .1 t ....... I inu iiiivaucu hiuji in any wormy move' liiiinl for thu Improvement of our iwvorm iiiunt anil thu wull buin of our luoplu; that It wiih to bu found on thu iljilit nldo ot all llm uruat i juoMt ioim of thu day; but In IIh old iik) It hart uroun moiu Wlirldlv. W'lllnli ami cnriutit. It Imx Im- 00111(1 pOHHCHMC'lI of tllU Olllwlioiilill' mania, wnn mi iih iiiloiuluiit trRLury, inornl cowurillro and baiKuln-drivini;; it ban contracted thu hault of viewing nil iiiii'hiioiih wim un nyo on thu iiiuln t'liiliu... If it. t I. .m... . I. ...!.....'..... I .1.. , . .i" ii'iiKi' u, v.uin:n irm lunri for thu rlht. rt'aidli'HN of all nnwwltlon, mu i iiiiuoiiMi iiNCKiiaiii'1 which lacuoii in inu riiiiiiKi'ni iiuiiiiTicaiiv aim iiuauciaiiy, iKifoiu Kraiillui IIh c.iiif.i,nmiont ; if thu uiiitirmicu ih fiiKin it iIoiI.m lint Nhiiu or IioIiIh out pro,HiH-ulH to both, Still miiuu of lint old Hiilrlt. Iiiln rrllv rmnain; diioiikIi, at h'att, (o imiiho It to i i ti.. i I .. . iuui un im.tciii lu'Krauaiiou, iiuncti iih lill turncHH toward thnmi wlioxu couvlctloiiH and adlmruiiii) to piluciplu rouiiiullud Ilium to Icavii thu partv of tludr faith and iiaiui iiiciiiHclvi'H topitbor in mi oiKanlza tlon ph'di-fd Hiiimcly to thu Hiiiipoit of coiiHlltultoual problbillou. Tho Itiipiiblb i mi jihiij- nun niviin a niir opiKiritimiy to hIiow IIh culorn on llm nmlill.l. THE Rf.'CCT- SB , :x;if-jrW- mm mm, Mmi'Mm Ai j y THli f.Wi E M ymi: .;.'KET. Wo liavu tho bent Straw Uiirnlni1 Kngiuo In tlicJWorld. OALr, OK 8KNI) KOU OATALOOUK TO Russell & Co., mliWilivr 160, 1(1'-', KM mid HM Front Stront. PflRTt SNn nnPfirtN Tlioso who believe so thoroughly iu protection should not go nny longer without insurance on their property, of whatso ever kind; and nearly everyone believes that u policy in a good, Reliable Insurance Co. Is worth every time what it costs, and procrastination should not be indulged in when it coincsjto taking out a policy. In the first place, pick out competent and Tickets ,,r0tow Elegant Pullman Palace Emigrant 8IepJnK CnM run thmn v lrvn Trnln. ,i"0k OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS ANOST r icu u. uiiurifo nnu Wllbouttbi ouco onu i'uaet Bnu.,,i Knst boiiinJ tinjscnper nrrhn tin- iiipfc niiiiiiu iruiuiiL urrii'iii J...1.n...- .. " "-1fcA-llfc. INII n III, UiUU II III. W.tL, iu,h'. V . . . . 1 B "iiliriil X'lA . if.nn 11, uiinj ii. in- rnr wii To Hun Fruiifl.. Ilium,, us itfllliwsi i I Coiuuil)lu. Moil. Anr Q Mnin D... i i ipinfrtu 'i iiBa a m in i i.i.. . -""ir. I ' ill'l 4U nUIIP. MflN 1. I flpmriMi III. J , -F"vu,i - " " "mIUW,TB i ariinuu T.mnvl rif Qnnnr ! Blm.(ti M ...... , t,,...t nil wumi nun iirtB.u-. Hinio, HUM, Apr 1 Orru-nn tk . JEWELRY $ JEWELRY! RELABLE AGENTS tloll IIIIIMtioll. It llllll ViiCjiIiwI ilih.n.l thu Ihhiio, mid diiiiU'il uriicofullv ion thu fi'ino wln-iu it icinaliiH. Fnmi iih (iiuvalctl ih'M'Ii it IiowIh und U'latt'M inu rroiiiiiiiionlHiH with all thu volubility llllll Hill 1 1 if 1 1 1 tli ill mi ..I.I u. ........ I.. , I. ... .... ..... "irillUH. in IIh ntvliiKH It Hi'rutuH and lolluratun thu Hlaloiiiiiiit Unit Ibo pvat iiiaioiity of tlio I proiiiiiiiiimlHtM mu ilo'ilcw from thu Krauii oiu parly, ami that thuv should not, rmillv mm, ko bacL on It lii itn dw ClIlKl. If llUlril.l Hull Him lr..l. 11.1,1.... ...... i.w IUIIIIIIII.III ranLH mu principally nviiilti'd fmin thu Itcpiihlican paily, uioiu Ih tlio nliainu fur tliu latter, mid itn iiuwhpiikmh hIioiiM iml' inn urn i MlliM) 1101 II) liurp llK)ll a Miaiuoi iniiiL'H iiroimht alKiut bv Ih own moral rowan-leu and Indcctifioii. If thu puny iiot'M n t nam tocoiiiu out Houari'ly for or iiKaluxt tbU moat iiuoHtlnn, It I niiiiiiiu nuii'iij- aiiiiiu mo rCMllllH. it iWHiirt'dly k litis nothing by IIh npltuful inu ii i uimneui nut riOllllilllOlt ICIUl- urn, for, miil,iiK.iut in thu fad vJ l,,l"iblli,iii iiowHimiorH, tho i roiiini ion pauy nan uvliluntlv comu to mn. .1 iiiioiMiiaiKo mai rnuiiiiiiion- imh iiivor inu PoniiH-railo paity, It Ih lib mini an many othor ilmrKCH nuulo by Itupiibllcaii 1'aiiip.iiuii nliiHiiH. Tim Pni. lilbltlmilHtH nuvur hao uxiwtiil anv t hliiu fiom that patty, for it Iiuh diiclaicd iim'ii opHiMti in what it phaort toturni "Hlllillitliarv li'iiUI'iliim " it l- .,i I. ....,i -. r .-. ii, Miiini mi hoiicHt opiNiuont, mid tho third patty ii -! nvm Hlll'n) III llllll II. , lair flKI in moru lii Ihi toHrH'i'ti'd limn u .iiiiu.ik. yacllliitlni;, would-Uv.f-m-.laivd-!i.riu ini-iiii. wm can piiiioHoi.iiically ondiiio .....i i. nun ui,. m,i hut m iiiiiwh, nut it ro- imiiuw miiiicuiiiii; mom man piiiiorwiohv til lui .l.ll...l. I ... Illl........ . .1 . I .. 1 ... ..iiiiiiij iiiiiiiii'iiuii iii mo inner h mil huiu nMin, uuniiiinv mm viriiiiiui iiIiiiho. r.Mioi, l iar.. Ur. A Hiiil.lun uiarilaKv, t-hort honovinoou mid quick illvoico mo Hum biluil'v pm Hcntod by an Ouhmh dtv inqmr: Tho milt for a dccicu of divorco by J. II. Shu nioiiH wan K'un a week aftor inarriiiKo to IkIiIii II. HhIi. Ho ina man of about t'41 yoam. Ilo mot tho lady, a widow of alwiit 117 yonrH. on a Frld.iv, mid Uttwcoii that tlmo and tho Monduv following; ho jinqHwd. wan niariiol tol'iordiiwily.and jiiHt a uok aftor imiiriau'O, on thu Moond t omlay, bo Imm bin divorco milt. Mr. NiniiioiM bud a nico faun, of which Mrn. WuiuioiM carrion olVn dcitlrtiblo hllco. At Santlapi do t'hili Siind.iv, u mob conqHwd of tho wool clo'no'nt of tlio lMHilaco.illionHltiido(ttmv tho our of tho train conqMny. Ihhiiiini tho ivmuinv bad not mvodo.1 to a tloniiind for a reduc tion of Itn niton of fam. Mom than tbirlv of tho coninv'n cars woro buriul. Tho ihiIIco mid military captured tho loudorH. Tlio tram iHMuimny Iohvh flW.tKKi in uun nlono. KVKIIYTKINU SKW AND COMl'I.ITTK EVERYBODY COME I Ami rouour new rnck of WATCHES, CHAINS, CLOCKS, BREASTPINS, And In (net, everything kopt In n FIRST-CLASS ESTABLISHMENT. W.ilinviMiiitnKcilMii.cniUI.S.iiprurllrftl Wutnlinmltur nml Jowclor, who will nttonil lo llvpulrlng uml Miimiffttliirliii,'. HvurythliiKgimritiitcHiiml Huld iih ltr.rcMentcil.nt llnttout I'rlcc. F. J. DONALDSON & CO. (rtUrCKS.SOH TO K. I. NHJIIOW.) "'" City Drug Storo, Pondloton, Or. W. F. Matumjk, IVoh. .1. H. hAIiI.v, Qmu jKr. St Sn:miIH Tn3aH Kj. Jackno.v, VIcu Trcrt. V. II. Ci.oito.v, fecy. Umatilla Real Estate & Loan Association (INCOItl'OUATHI).; Corner Main and Webb Streets, in E, 0.. Building, I'KNDLKTON, OltKCiON. Itntoi of la.i. Incluiltnit illmlK nml Ii.hi.. L'nltln. - . i . htcorngp. - . . . " jioiiuii mp, unnmitcil, Vn flirt lini. .11. t ...1.... I . ... ".I-. .iinHifi iiiquireortm oftho Compniiy, or A.U Maxwe l' J A T, A., PortlunU, Oregon. " A. I,. .HAXWtll k n . . . . mm "i uilill " ' ... .....(.j.l.l.H Oonornl Mnnnircr. W II AM.OWAT.Ap.t roiiiiieton, i I A 1 T 1 i 1 , . . i .1 r. 1 , . . r . . il.n l.,.i nr.r - -. 111111 vtuuiu iu (iu yum uiisiiiu3 musu wiiu iuniunuui iiuiiu imi uncni J w cnkANU no the Ixjst insurance companies and go straightway and insure. I When in search of such agents, don't fail to turn your "peepers" ru the direction of the oflice of THE Northern Pacifin Rail TUB ONl,Y LINK ItUNNI.NO Jiilnum muice NlerHng Ctmt ...... - "'''v .... ' y ifaunlflcent Ihty Coarhtil From Clopton & Jackson, Located in tho EAST OREGONIAN building, Pendleton, whm-e you can have any kind of insurance, whether Fire, Mu rine, Accident or Life insurance, done up in Land Filings, Land Contests, Conveyancing, and other Land Bnslness, Attended to, APPLE-PIE ORDER! ThoCoiniunyliaHncomplotoHctof Lnncl Abstract Book. im,i r,,.u .,. ,. . . u.a.,n..,ro.i, mtlon. Urns n.onoy on town ,,d country pmmty, foniHhorlorlonKtinio. Huyn and hcIIh mil cMatu In tow,, or country. NiKotlatcn loaiiH, iiu.vh notoH, county wrip, und other noK'otiablo pacr. UMATILLA REAL ESTATE & LOAN ASSOCIATION, : Pendleton, Oregon. Great Western Bakery. .AND lCkr I., llcrimu'o. a Ftwbvloriiui klml nluiHlf m bile in ibo pulpil, Uvmiuh) UwwWy wim imt ruimil. Ml the I'. S. AiMovUto JiMthw i l'lold( bict Jnlu, tin I'ln-i .bittlu (liMtiuui Urmrtk ill tbc li. I ultlittui KmHiimI tw.mmStS ...III I-. !n Wl... - ,1.11 DINING ROOMS, M. tUtATX, V oprh-tor. A. F.TBST-CLASS MIS A.L! rt)ii TWENTY-FIVE CENTS! A NIOI3, HIOH bm dr, OH DO CENTS Frosh Enstorn Oystors, In Evory Stylo? OPlHlISr DAY AoSTD NTGHT! unlit Mi-ret, near rustojllre, I'viuUHon 6lUw JOHNSTON & SMITH llttvo opr no. I n l ht cin GROCE.RY STORE, ",U"1 " " u t " s, " ' Wuiwirwu. ,! wll. carry Mil line Grocorios, Cannod Goods, Vegetables, Ana ,1.1 mi ihm m-l.1u.l,ftw. tUu 04,V 13 US A TRIAL. JOHNSTON & SMITH, yi . PK.N-lll,mi.V. OMM80.V. It is well to rcmcmbor that to bo secure you must insure in one of tho Thirty Reliable Companies represented by Clopton & Jackson, with a combined capital of more than $100,000,000! 'Ifi'"1.?""" Mt'pin 0 mtlt Jlcrthl Frtt iJf IIfArtnrt nttrf USm Ll-1.- w. wp... ti uoiiiiiuiun r to the East, Vlll HI. llnlll llllll Mlllll.n Hnl la .1. . " " "... ........v..jff. in. nun runniiisr minco Dining Cm. atvi.m tit I'CUU.; Fntct TImo F.vrr Maitd Vnm i.unni irvi'r iii northrra i-ui'inr ituurona Til HldtlT PI lv rviimnll llli.m. ci , MclilKon, lweiiworlli, Kunui Itlirll Mlllnnu U. I....I. .i... nil no iiMtlimiiRliout tlio Knit nd rum viii ni, rum nun Minneapolli. EMIOUANT BLKKPINO CAM Aro Imuled on rcKiilnr czprem tnJni ...u mu iviiKiu ui mo nonnfra ..IIIIIUIIU. t.niivn Wnlluli, 1MI...II..M ii.ia M Lcnvo Portlumt 3 p. m.,'iUllV trriii rnnrili ilnv l'Aoii'io mviflio.v. iruiu win icnvn I'ornanii mtuy inns nil poinu on l'uact Hounrl. , ... A. Ii. OIIArtLTOJ, lenernl Western rnKtmiircr Arml. Si WaliIi)i.-ton HI., I'ortliind. . W. J. Al.liDW AV, AjeOI, I'eniUcton.Onrx To San Vvnmm. U r liy way of the Orofjon & California E R Ami 'iimifrttoni. I i.r J.C., t-... -.' J11UII II I. . III, Mil, Iklllll (Jiilclii i lii time tlinn nnyothrr ftoiili., Un'wuon I Ulkl llt m II .1 M 1 UtIV b'lf A rill'IWll Leave Portland at 4:00 p.m. Through time, 39 hours. IMIMUA.V UVVVKT HLKKI'FM Excurslor Sloonors for r. v-iusu Kas ongors on through trains free charge wm ... . r H . .111.1 fcl .. ... ...... . ...... ...... iniirinrm .... ..... aw I m. f (I II II -. I II .l...lau.l IX . . -" ..,.irU,..,. " " Ticket r m !!. I Corner Fuutt Krout Hta., fortUi'1 K. 1' UOUERS.a. V, 4 raii,..P jAuwiiiKH, Manager, WM7GARDNER & CO., II you contemplate insuranco, call on them and get posted (Sanitary and Mug Eogte and .t will cost you nothing. liemember their oflico is in tho EAST OREGOxXIAN building, or address Mnnufactnrera ot Steam and Hot Water Heating Apparatus, FOIt DWELLINGS OH PUHLIO BUILDl!" Pendleton, Oregon. SrW'fltflr.(iHrt.. ....,lsVi.1 U ntln IJulMInt' In any ect!ou of thecoaJ- trv r . ..... OFFICE: 1 34THIRD STREET, Portland, Oregon, i33 Ton inixTiNa Can lu h..i .i.. ,, ... iv rwV I IU PnriiM .ha, ...111 n-w...n ....... ..mi ihrt(w KS wra olL?' n,,y olller rf"""18 bvVU "