East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 03, 1888, Image 1

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    A FltKH I.lltltAltY.
I'ntrons of tlio Dully or Hcml-Wcekly
lOAST OltKdONIAN run freely muko linn
ortho i:AST OltKdONIAN lllirnry when
ever they no desire. Tim public nr cor
tlliilly Invited to tl.lt tlio ofllec whenorer
no Inclined.
. in money or stomps will iny
r rents '" ' innriuNlAN
"-Until "ft"' ,h0 ,,n"0 ,,collon"'
B(,w until ,
' if nitliflONIAN for tlio
i. . Ill of Iim
NO. 52.
fitv 1 AKlrr
Has been taken off both
- 1 I 1 1
ooien aim ullou urooas
Not by Congress, but Jjy
And they now oiler their Large and Complete Stock of
n i m ini in 1 1 1 ii 1 1 n I in it fiii'.
ai ai a ar ai ar m mm m m mm m m m ma mm m ai at at a. ta
K a mai at m a ai ai at ai a at a at ai ai a a
fl fill III! 1 liUll LiUUlIO JUVlf (lilU UUIIVlIltJU VUUlhUU
"" cj ' u a - ,
die nbove are not mere assertions, but that they will sub-
.itlint flinv olnmi I linira 10 nnt nn "Tnrnnf Ttwlnatxir "
UiUV Ilium - .......... ,
il.n.t ltnx-i iiiQnoiliWI Wt-nfnnfNri Pi!nnci ntwl ,,511 Vntl..
i ..HitwtliliAii fVMii nil nlttllf)la HMiMf stnvftr fi
.u aaa1 Iff ttn ssi n i rM DIa aIt
SUBS' V BUB 1 1 B. B
I 111 III IfllJi illll III! mii 111.1111
Consisting of
Children's Olothmg:, Furnishing: Goods,
Mens Ladies and Children's Shoes
Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery
and Glassware, Groceries,
Hardware, Etc.
ri ' iiujnvvniLnn uiv ni uu rt iia ia
run rmi nnnT a kin nunr nTnnr
I will noil for tlio next 30 days, at a
t of 10 per ent. for Gash!
My Largo Stock of
ii - m lit i m a v m i
Saddles, Whips. Hits and Spurs,
"WkU innrl'oil 5n iilnin (imirna
5 KHDI C nmiDDnti mm dvc ttmciiro. mo com itv ddciijo
. i f uiiiiriiiij.j nil. r j imiT nil pi rn nnwi r- r nrrn n 1 1 ri
' MMnww. Illtfl kill U II I llaUllbll WW I UteW'. II 1 I Uf t
--iiii.viMiiiii.iint. lii niiiunuiiauni ..lasf n i uhaiuwwi
nu?lnnm nii.n. .. ... ..' . . . . '
v,inu n i:Hariii'Ai;FJK ivnimui I nhni 1 .. .. . .
wiimm fiwil.j lillUfl hUUbll II1CI1 V IlllVr UI1I
& & 11 .
11 T unMI m A
mM I H I 1 1 I If
ill mill r
HPfllll tll M .. a
Lirini i.h:u lyiiiiinu'vT
ww JiWWi
fMI H.I .
ik. v )"i'ir imo in connection
hi i. .
k Lukii. mni ... ...
-i i7 nuuiili
I"MoueM, I-euvemvortU'
AtrhUoii uud KtuimiM City
Unly Line f"nn'!"'8 with the
anlFlnir. t. "iwiinnurniiiia
f woni, Uaveuworth und Kunson
C0A!n IA, l'Ol.NTM 12 AWT.
L'l I . . . - .1
..vv .UVVJIIIIj (Illlt
"'ce J)if,l tVtr.s
it " ,nrolSU Eire Trains on
""ecuomniadslnuulon denntu' '
TieketAcent.il, u. A Ni (j0
in iru.ii.. .
v"i "'lAijr. n. I. iMi.lt.
MmneaiolU Mlun.
Notary and Corporation Seals,
In Pendleton,
Tlio imial price (or seals nmde by other
jmrtlcK, In Tortland or the Kast, U from 56.CO
o J7.W, with exprcis charjc added. If you
noed a seal, send your order to u, and avo
rrom )1C0 to 13.00 thereby.
East Oregonian Pub, Co.,
Pendleton, Oregon.
They do hnppon every day, and when one
haprenHtoyoit. you will wlh that
you were Insured In the
TUB Tkavklkiis' renoiirces ore suDlclont to
pny at onco the inot enormouii mam 'of
claims that even Brent railroad ami mourn
boat accident can brine upon It. I'ay all
cliilms, wlllniut dUeount, Immediately upon
receipt of satisfactory proofs. on horfitlluro
provisions In all 1U pollclc.
Ten Millions of AsscTs. Two Millions
of Surplus.
paid ror.ioY noLDKits. iii,ooom
. . Clopton & Jackson,
Resident Atjenta,
. East.Oresonlnn bulldlnc, endleon, Or,
A Now Land District Katnblltlird In Ore
Bon -A ltiimor Almut tlm SlnliliiK of ft
Btcanirr Terrible Cilms In Montana
l'rtland Hew Mayar Tlio i'mmlon
Mill Itunnln? at Full Bprcd-AU tlio
latest I' Uilrrn unit Coast Nit,
Favorable Itcport on Chlnrso Treaty.
AVahiiinutun, Muy 2. In i-uurat hokaIoii
to-day tlio t-'eiirtto coinmlttcu on furulun
rclutloiiH ruiwrtctl back tlio CIiIiicho
treaty, with u rucomuicndiitlun that it bo
ratilled. Tho coimnittco liuvo rojwtoii
two nilnur iiniutiiltnontH, 6110 providing;
that tlio prohibition featurcri Hliall up-
,uy 10 tnoso now nudcm irom tlio conn
trv. rcfUrdluHH of unv tHtrtlltmtnH thnv
may hold. Tho other rutitiircs that
ciaHHCH jirivncgcti to roinrn Hliall only bo
lirivilcged to return upon prenentiiig u
cerliflcato hhuoiI KUbroquunt to tho proa
cut tinio.
WastheUueenoftho 1'aelOc Accidentally
San Fkancihco, May a. An odd istory,
which in behoved by ninny, 1h in circu
lation hero to-day, regardinij tho foundor
itiu of tho Hteainer (juecn of tho l'acille,
near Port Harford tho otlmr day. So far
tho divera have found no leak, but only
tho coal port on tho Hlaiboard nldo open.
Ah far iih can bo leui tied tho linking of
tho nlilp wiih wholly duo to thin ciiiiko. It
in now believed tho port was knocked
Iooho bysoinoono on tlio nlilp with tho
iutoution of finking her at hch.
Am IniuiieMan Killed.
Jackhon, Cm.., May 3. AugustUH AVI
lcy, in a crazy fit, went to tho ranch of
I. Ciinco ycHtonlay and attacked young
Cunco, uged 17. in a garden. Haying ho
wiih golnu to kill tliein all and tuko pos
BCHnion of too much hiuiKclf. lie then
attacked Cuiico'h mother with 11 nhovcl,
when tho hoy took a hhot gnu loaded with
buckHliotund hiHtantly killed Wiley.
Tba Great Caicsule Tunnal Almost Com
pleted. St. Paul, May 1. Tlio great tunnel
through tho Cascades on tho Northern
Pacific will propably lot daylight through
Homo time to-day. Workmen on lwth
hIcIch aro already within hearing of ouch
olhux. Tho tunnel ifl 01)00 foot long And
coHt two uiilllon dollarH.
Canada Asking It l'u for Mmey.
Ottawa. Mav L'. Sir CharlcH Tuppcr
to-day itHked parlianiout for uulborlty to
liorrow twoniy-nvo inuuonH lor 1110 pur
poHO of paying tho floating dobt of tho
Dominion, and carrying on public workH
authorized by Parliament.
Tcrrihlo CrluiO by an IusauO llan,
Uni.uSA, Mo.vt., May 3. Atolx o'clock
last ovoiiing John T. Hand Hhot bin wifo
and child and then hhufelf. Tho woman
and tho inurdoror aro dead. Tlio child
will dlo. Insanity wan the caimo.
Aiiotho Ktabezillui; Cnsbler.
San I'kancihco, May 3. F. O. Uarnc
matin, fonnoily 11 canhlor of tho Hub
trciiHiiry iu thiH city, was arrostod to-day
for tlio ombo..loinont of f 10,000 of cur
roncj from tho mi'rtiouHury.
Cur Halt llvclded.
Ciiicaoo, May 'J. Tho hu1( of tho Pull
man Car Company.for uu injunction pre
venting tho Wugnor Company from uing
veHtlbulo care wan decidcu to-day in favor
of tho Pullman Company.
A New O res"!' I.nnd District.
Wahiiimitok, May 3. Tho IIoiibo haH
tiasHcd tho bill for catabliHhing uu addi
tional land diHtrlct iu Oregon. In tho
t-'onuto to-day 0.") pemiion hillH woro
pa.sAcd in nix liiliiuteH.
Mull Kubliery on a Train.
llAin:iHi:i n(t, Pa.. May 3. A mall rob
lorf fMttiiied lat niht on tho Northorn
Oon'tinl nilhoad. and rojriKtcrcd lettera
containing ovor ten thousand dollara wore
A Hoy Shot Through th Hand.
IIi:ri'.si:it. On., May 3. Loonuid, tho
Jtt-voarld son of A. II. Hooker, living
on 'Eight-Milo, viis Hhot through tho left
liand by tho uceldontal dischargo of a ro
volvor. A I'ropossd lfanu r" Trust.
Toitka, Kas., May '2. Tho convent Ion
callod for tho organization of a fannerH'
trust mot yoHterday. Two hundred del.
ogatoH wtro prcHunt, montly from Kii'iHas
l'ortlund's New Muyor.
Por.Ti.ASi), Muy 3. Van 1$. DclijHh
mutt wiih unaulmouHly oleetod maor Just
ovoninsbytho council, to fill tho unex
pired torm of tholato Mayor OatcH.
The Sultun Is Obstinate.
Tanoickh, May 2. Tho Sultan rofuws
to fiubmlt dlllerenccs tjctween Morocco
and tho United States to arbitration, and
tho dinputo has been renowed.
JSlS Loss by Fire.
Salt Lake, May 3.-Tlo Hoisling
workH, mtpplv nhops, etc., of tho Lcllpio
initio, ut Littlo Cottonwocnl. woro burned
to-day. I.osH, flOO.OCO.
Killed In an Ore Crusher.
Html:, Mos, May 3. Andre Itaclno
woh caught tin tho machinory of an oro
cruHher hero thin morning, and wan al
most instantly killed.
Antl-Soloon ltepubllcnus,
Ni:w Yoiik. May 2. Tho hcoond Na
tional Hopublicun untl-Haloon conference
began horo this morning. AJarge dolo
gation was present.
Not Very Important IfTnm.
Yokoiiama, May2.-('ount Hirobrome,
priuio minlator, hu. reHigned. Count
Ktimna, minister of miriimlture, sucoewla
The llmperorfs Condition.
Bbbun, May a. Tho Emperor lwiwwl
a good night and is butter to-day.
Iteport nf the Jnlin Day and Lone Creek
ltii.nl Committee Last Kvenlnc The
HuiVfjer'n ICstlmatas Commltlees Ai
pointed tu rrecntu tlio Work,
About twenty inembo-s of tho Doard of
Trade were present at tlio meeting
lastovcnmg. iiio cQtiiiuitteo npoiutcd
to visit Long Creek, and Surveyor Ar
nold, who accompanied them. Biibmitted
tlio following reports:
'riiK committisg's unrotiT.
To tho Pendleton llonrd of Trade)
Gr.Nii.UME.s': Wo. vour coinmiltco ntv
pointcd to vllt Long Creek, beg leave to
Biiumit tno loiiovMug re poll:
Wo went on tho load fiom Pendleton
toliong Cicek via Kilter, und on nnival
at tho town of J.ong Oreok woio dlsap
pointed in ilnding tnoHt of its citizens uu
sent ut Cuiiyon City attending court. Wo
endeavored to net a team to iroon to Can
yon, our own horses being Jaded, but
woro unublo to pi-oeuro othors. Tho loo-
plo romuinlng at Long creek, however,
welcomed on win nil v. und wo found them
it unit in favor of our road and on behalf
of all of their neonlo expressed thorn
bcIvos uh being extremely desirous of
cstabllshim: business relations with Pen
dletou. Thoy said they wore willing und
ready to uiitwo uud keep up tlio road Loin
John Dav biidno to lmi: Creek. Thoy
have made so vend otTorts to lind ushoitor
road up Meadow and Uranlto cieck but
have ho far failed. Thoy uio, however.
Htlll woiklng ut it, and hoiH) to get it
opened at tho next term of their county
coutt, which will meet In Juno. P.y tho
routo thev sneak of it is only twenty
miles from tho bildgo to Long creek, ovor
a good grudo, wlillo tlio load us it now
runs (via Itlttor) Is about thirty iiiIIch.
W o found while there that tho dlstanco
from lAJiig Cieek to Aillngton is from
130 to 1-10 miles, and the Huoitcst timo
tionslblo to muko u round tiin. coimr one
way light, iu two weeks, whilo a round
trip frequently takes from four to six
weeks. Tlio dlstanco to Hoppnoris 78
miles, ovor tliclr lieu routo, wniio 1110
dlstanco to Pendleton, over tho proio:ed
cut-otr betweon I3iig C vok nnd tho
lirlilL'.i. In 7:i?r miles. I!ut wore tho dis
taucooqual, or oven a little iu favor of
lloppnor, thoy wouki preior icnuioton.
Tlioy wets strongly in favor of
putting tho road in condition for
v.it.t null If, ivMittlhln nf liill'llif.
established a mail, stage und ox-
nres.1 touto between Pendleton und JMing
O.cok. Wo discovered, howovcr, that
littlo or no wool fiom that country can bo
expected this season, as wool men have
already to a great extern ouiumcu ad
vances und mudo an augments for de
livery' of this hcubou'h crop to Arling
ton. ,
Wo also found thut Hoppncr had licon
ivnd still Is making a Btrong oirort to draw
tho trudo to that town, csiteclally mi flinco
tlioy have n-prospcot foru rullroiidto that
point; but wo were informed thut ut best
tlio toad to Hoppnor was a rough ono,
and had porno very heavy hills : and tho
fact of it liclug u smaller und less com
po.ltlvo iwlnt, nnd on a brunch lino,
would give it Binull chanco for competing
with Pondloton for the trudo.
Ilotuining wo thought best to tiy tholr
proiwcd routo to tho brldgo, referred to
above, bat when nliout ten miles out
inls.edtho way and woio compelled to
return via a circuitous routo lo the Hitter
road, and thonco to tho bridge. So far as
wo followed tho proiiosed road wo found
a splondld grado on which a road could bo
easily mudo and kept in repair. Tho
people of 1ong Creek, howovor, will look
out for that part of tho road.
Arriving at tho bridge, wo examined
tho structures. There are two, close to
gether, one ovor John Day liver, and ono
ovor Desolation creek j and wo found
them sound and substantial ; in fact In
much bettor condition and 01 u 111010 sun
stanllal ehuiuctor than wo woro prepared
tooxp consldeilug tho long distance
of tliel ituution fiom settlomont and
tho Inac i-KiWly by rouds to thut pluco
at tho tl thoy were built. '1 hey uio
run us toll Idges, which seems to causu
somo diss., faction to oplo who are
comiolled t uso them.
Wo had hoard that it wa. iswslblo to
(hid u better grado up Trull canyon than
Terrell canyon, but utter oxamining tho
promises thoroughly, concluded it wnt
littlo or no Impiovoiiiont ovor tho grado
of tho presont read. Following tho road
from tlioh'idgo along the stream up to
tho foot of tho John Day hill wo found it
iu u very bad and rough condltioicausod
principally by rocks rolling down oil tho
mountain fiido und lodging in tho loud.
Tho road up tho hill Is in very ioor con
dition j full of locks und bowldorH; und so
narrow that it Is im,xMsiblo for teams to
pass anywhere on tho grado, und giving
no chanco for a team or more than two
hoi sos lo Hwing. Wo ulso found hoiiio
placcH whore tho bulldors of tho load had
lost tho grado iu ascending the hill, in
stead of pursuing un oven grado ull tho
way up. Wo found tho giado to lo uliout
ono and ono-foutth miles In longth, und
vcrysteop. Fiom tho top of tho hill on
to Uridgo creek tho read inns on a fair
gnulo, but needs to buvo stones thrown
out to muko u good toad. Tlio hill down
to lliidgo creok from tho south side needs
ropai'ing lwth us to removal of stones
and winding of tho grado; ulso instead of
tlio grado coming down abruptly to
wiinl tlm Uitloin it should extend on
ftirotind tho hill and descend more gradu
ally, Tlio road from Hildgo creek to
I Ca'iuus t-'ivok could lo made good by ro-
i niovlnif stonos and bowldsrs therefrom.
I Jtidglinf from tho lay of tho lund und
wlmt wo liad heard said, wo concluded
jtliat Ihero inns lie a gutnl push down
1 Counts creek lo John Day; Hndoloriniiied
on lOHthing AUm on our ret urn to hire
, waddle hoios, and examine into tlio prac
ticability of u road down that mutn. On
1 arriving at Alba wo were able to procure
Dili two liorBOB.so concluded that the best
plan would bo for Messrs. Leezcr nnd
Smith to take tbo horses and oxploro tho
creek, while tho other members of vour
commitleo eamo 011 to Pendleton, which
was done. Messrs. Lcozer and Smith
reported Ilnding u splendid grade down
Camus Crook, on a wator level, belus a
irrmlllttl ftncnint tn ft!ritt tlitftinti nt1lu
fSUUlS UVk'VVItV 1VI tSjISYMIV till' ItVll UllltD I
nut the routo was vnrv kiiil'Ii. mid wnulii
renuiro a great deal of work, both uh to
building grades and bi idges, and would
nccossariiy uo very oxiHiiistvo. nut were
the road onco built, it would bo there
forever, nnd would accomplish nil thut
could lx) dono or desired iu tho way of u
good road to Ixmg Creek. Wo found a
fairly good road from Alba to Pendleton.
From iicsonal examination and obser
vation, nnd wluit wo have boon able to
earn on this trip, wo would rcsiieetfully
mnko tho following recommendations:
Fl st That tho Hoard of Trado take
whtitover Btops may bo deemed best
toward having tlio Ihldgo or bridges
over tho North Fork of John Day und
Desolation creek ocncd us fico bridges.
Wo would suggest that ncrhups tho coun
ty cottit. Inasmuch ast 110 road has liecn
legalized, could bo induced, were protxjr
Btops taken, to buy the bridges, ami open
them frco to tho public. Wo consider
their being oicncd oh frco bridges neces
sary to the hucccss of tho ljng Creek
road nnd to tho securing of tho bcnollts
to lie derived therefioni.
Second That tlio improvements men
tioned iu tlio surveyor's report bo made.
Wo estlnmto tho cost of such Improve
ment to bo from $1,000 to $l,i.'00.
Third That tlio Hoard consider tho
advisability und fix upon tho best method
of BccttrJirj :tn appropriation from the
Stulo ut tho mooting of our next Legisla
ture. to bo extended on tho road fiom
Pondloton to tlio No-th Fork of John Day
river. Such upn. epilation should not lie
less iu our opinion than $15,000, nnd wo
think it will probably require more. Hut
tills amount, wu think will go 11 long way
townid building a good road down Cumas
creek, und ono that would always bo
tho. 0.
Your commitleo ulso renort that wo
employed John C. Arnold uh surveyor,
nnd after a careful examination und nee-
essurv su.'vov find tlio mast nracticablo
route to bo (ho one Hiirvoyeu two yearH
ugo, via Terrell canyon. Wo recommend
tho Kendo down tho John Duv hill via
said canyon bo Hulllctently widened to
form n solid ca tit bat-o of eight feet in
width throughout, und thut turnouts hav
ing abase of twelve feet bo made williin
hucIi distances uud ut such points that
ono may lw seen from any point in tbo
grado down said canyon.
Proceeding northwaid up said canyon
the flay-second milo-iost, the following
changes tiro recommended (describing
tho changes), making iu the uggregut . u
cliuiiso of 105 lods.
1110 lower end of the grado ut Uridgo
crook for 11 hIio' t dlslanco tlroiis abruptly,
und should bo made oven with tho rest
of said gi.tdo.
A ravlno which the road crosses near
tho fo ty-cl'jlith mllo-ost should bo tilled,
to muko u good crossing.
The larger loose rock should bo re
moved fiom the tiuck from Camus creek
to John Day live-, covering a dlstuuco of
about eight miles.
ltcspecuuHy submitted,
J. M. Lkk.kii,
T. F. HouuiCH,
oTUKit iiusisi:ss.
Hill of J. M. I.coer, for oxneiiscs of
the Long Crook comiiiltteo, $73.76; uud
of John O. Arnold, survoyor, for 30,
woro iHOsomcd, ami reierrea 10 uio
flnance committeo, which ieKnted favor
ably, and they woro oidered paid.
On motion a committee of three, con
sisting of Mohhih. Cohen, Lcozer, uud
Greene, was upiointcl to obtain sub-K-riiuioiiB
forimnmvltiu tbo load.
A committee of Unco, consisting of
Messrs. Shoemaker, Wajjor ami Dyers,
was npiwluted to interview tho county
court for tho pur,Kso recommended In
tho committee's reiHut.
On motion the secretary was allowed
$5 icr month for extra services.
Capital and Connrwulonal Notes of Inter
est to Northwestern Headers.
Tlio IIouso continued tho discussion of
tho tarlll' bill. Orosvcnor of Ohio thought
it struuge that tho Democrats hud arrayed
tlicrasoivcs in dofcuso of internal rovonuo
taxation. For years Southern gentlemen
hud opposed ull eli'orts of tho govornmeut
to enforce the law, uud hud ho thoroughly
educated tlio ieoplo of tho South into a
belief that tho system was tyrannous,
that thoy had bullded up u great senti
ment in tho South that to defeat, und
vlolato, and destroy that Hystoin, by
fraud, uud violence, uud bloodshed, mid
murder, was but tho assertion of the God
piven right of rolcllion ugalust tlio tyr
annous enactment of a tyrannous gov
ernment. Republicans were not us
alleged in favor of fteo whisky und to
bacco, but wanted to remit the jniwer of
taxation to tho States, Tho bill was dis
cus, ed by a uuiiiIsit ot other members,
Among tho bills introduced iu tho Sen
ate was ono providing for coinage of
000,000 of silver er month.
.Mitchell ollered uu amendment con
firming lo tho city of Portland, Oregon,
the right of way uud ilpuriun rights here
tofore convoyed to it by tho Northern
Pacific itallruad CouiMtny fur water
workh puroe.i; adopted.
The international i-opyiight bill was
opjsjifcd by Heck und Vest.
In tho Senate Ingalls replied to tlio
recent speech of Voorhees. Ho slarted
out with a long tirade against McClcllun,
und said that us to Gen. Hancock, he
was also 0110 of tho military leaders who
woro true to the democracy. Ho then do
voted himself to detailing Voorhees' his
tory uud movements during the war. Ho
doi'euded Hayes title to the presidency.
Cleveland, apparently, had a warranty
deed for thu seat which lie occupied, and
yet, compared with tho title which Mr.
Hayes hail to his seat ho was in ikwhch
slon of stolen goods, and the receiver was
as bad as tho thief. In tlio court of just
ice and fair conscience ho had never been
elected ut nil. Ho had been counted Into
olllco by 11 partnership between Dick Tur
pin ami Uriah 1 Ieep, foot-pads uud sneak
thieves, Cartouche and Pecksniir. Tho
country still had tho Southern Confedera
cy arrayed ugalust It.
Voorhees replied, nnd a personal dis
pulo was curried 011 for somo timo lo-
tween him und Ingalls. Ingalls de
nounced Voorhees us uu enemy of the
"I nronodiico thut." said Voorliecs. ris
ing, with uner in his eyes, "to bo a do-
Ilbernto fnlso uceusation. 1 voted for
ovcry dollar that tho soldier received, for
over' slitch of clothes ho wore, and for
ovcry pension bill that rewarded his ser
Voorliecs said If the uontlemau from
Kansas would find one sluulo veto that he
had cast against tho payment of tho
soldiers for their supplies for their boun
ties, against uppronriutions for their pen
sions, ho would resign his soat in tho Sen
ate. I'.vcy word the senator mid stated
on that subject was absolutely false, by
tho recoids absolutely falso. Tho senator
said ho (Voorhees) wus nn object of his
charity. Ingalls wus uu object of his
Iiurulls Did not tlio Bold ers of Indi
ana threaten to bang thu senator with 11
Doii-roiio on a train, alter lie mudo that
Lincoln dog sneecli l
Voorliecs Tho senator is ti great liar
when ho Intimates such 11 thine:. A
great liar und u dirty dog I It never oc
curred 1 Never in tlio world I Tills Is ull
tho answer I have, and 1 puss it back to
tho scoundrel liehlnd the senator, who is
instigating thc:ie lies. This remark was
mudo in reference to Hopreseutativo
Johnson, of Indiana, who wiih seated ut
uueskt directly in too tear 01 inguiis.
IiikuIIh There Is u very roputnblo uen-
tloinun in the chatnbor. a citizen of Indi
ana, who infomiH me that tho signers of
that corllllcato aro entirely reputuhlo citi
zens of Indiana, and that he knows fifty
people who heard the senator.
Voorhees Tell him that I say ho is an
infamous scoundrel nnd u liar I Toll him
I say bo!
Till: JOINT I.ltASlv.
The l'ortlaud Stockholder Claim a Vic
From the Portland Hunday Mercury.
Tho "Joint lease" is oil'. A corps of
surveyors uro iu tho Held locating a route
Irom I'utiiilugtou lo tlio ciitir d'Aienu
mines uud ucross tho Cicur d'Aleuo res
eivutiou. Tho bill grunting tho light of
wuv to the Washington A Idaho railroad
across the reservation bus passed tho
Senate, und 110 doubt will pass tho House
ut un early date. Surveying purlieu are
ulso running a lino from Fiirmingtou to
Mjkaue 1'iills, wlilcli line villi ho ox
tended to the hike, providing the light of
way Is not grunted ucross tho reservation.
Connection will be iiiado with the mines
by tlio lake and liver fiom the end ot
I. ...i.. 1... 11... .1.1. ...I.... t. 1.1..I...
imviauou, i,v uiu nniiiiiiuii iv mum,
road. All of which means that Portland
will bo connected with the mines, uh well
us with Spokane Fulls, by the (). U, it N.
Co., dining tho coming summer. In fuct,
tlio future iHiileiids tin era of railroad con
struction in the Northwest, never before
Tho contractors tire ut work with a
large foico of men on tbo Heppnor uud
Willow Cieek brunch. The littlo gun of
eighteen miles, between Widlulu Junction
und Hlpurlu, us well us tlio bridge ucrosH
Snake river, will bo constructed at once,
In fact a contract for tho road bus al
ready been let, which will give the O, It.
& N. Co. a continuous lino from Portland
to Fiirmingtou, The fact that tho (). It.
it N. Co. have hitherto Ixjgii coiutelled
to trans-ship freight over the Northern
l'acille railroad from Hiparlu to Wtdlulu.
has prevented it from establishing una
maintaining uu Independent business.
Tho quilt "patched up" through tho In
genuity of Mr. Villard, concocting bin
"Joint Louse" scheme, Ih being torn into
11 thousuud fragments, uud ut lust Port
hind is reaping somo benefit from the
stubborn resistance of our leading citi
zens, und tho Hoard of Trade, to ullow
thomselvcH from being irretrievably tied
up by u few railroad brokers in their
efforts to make a "Stock Deal."
Itonerlclul Opposition,
From the llaker City Democrat.
Alxjut fourteen mouths ugo tausuro
strongly endorsed Mr. Ramsey for the
appointment to the judgeship insteud of
Judgo Walker. Now ho is working for Mr.
Fee, uud is supposed to be thu author of
mot of tho uowspucr articles
ugalust Mr. ltumsoy. Ho is fighting
Mr. ltumsoy so lie claims, because
U. is a partner of Mr. Wager, whom
ho dislikes, beeuuso Wuger, last
Juuuury, publikhed in the Er OuiaioN
UN un account, of the trial of Dr. Iliug
for blackmailing. Hurg claimed thut
Leuaiire wu lot nested with him iu thu
ImcUiiiulllu Mud recjlved apart of tho
"Isjodle." This LtMnuro denied. He id
now flahilntr Mr l! nn . I. 'auM Mr. It.
hiw formed u oo-puitiiurHiitp wiih Air,
Wagr in Uio pnu-licti i,f Jaw ; but such
opjiunitioll hli'iiild help Mr. Huinst V.