i n WliDNHHDAY, MA V 1888. NOT HO KAHY TO IM'.UMIK. T(i tlin Editor of llio Kimt Oreicnnlnr . A rluml onto imkeil tho inrn.ito m' nn uhvIiiiii what ho win lliuro for. "Null, Willi lio, "tlioy Willi lit llOIIIU tllllt 1 MIH muil, iiiul I wil'l tlmt I wiih IK t, but tlioy litul lliu majority." AiiucIiIhIh wont Into tlioc-'iirt liotijo at Atlii.'iiH, iiiul liwinl ii two urjrjiwl.unil mw tlin vote. Ho wiilkuil out mill hoinuMxly wild to liliu: "What tliink " of nliiti lilmityV" "1 think. - h.ifil lio, "Uh men iukiio cimwoh mid il"d 'olil' tlioin. Thimlt iniiHt over bo, ul-o mmi urauo (liiostlotiH, iiiul fooln il-dilo tlioin, moot often without reaillng t-r ll.ilcnliu' U tho cvlilume. Only Oniniioioni'o fun pro ilotomilno ii juryM vonli t, In mi olil mill trllo ciiyititf. Thoiio .'li think tlmt Ycrail in of rioccmlty u liUlo oil', I would refer to tho woikof Tin' iplilliin I'iumhih. I,. I)., Into profoHrtor f law In lliirvuril irnlvernily, entltleil "OuilitiM of tho Hellion mid l'hllowiphyi.f HAutleniwn:," If they oiiii Hud iioiliini? in that hook to liiteieHt mid lead them to look further, there Ih nullum; for them in the now church ut pieneiit, John the Ituptlnt cmno neither eating nor ilrlnkhiu, and they Huid "he had u devil." Tho Hon of Man canio llh eating ami drinking, ami they wild, "liehold ii wiiiediiliher and u eliittonoim limn," hut wiedoni Ih hoiiored by her children. I'eter ntood up at only the third hour of tho day, mid the unl,u lievini! Jowh wild Unit lie wax tilled with now wine; and IVhIiih wild "I'aul, thou tut hoHiilo tliVHilf; much learning hath inadit then mail." The taction of the op-po-Itlun do not iuiprovu u meat deal with time and ohanno. If "JeriiHalein Im ii quiet liahilation," theio In little room or chance for mi urKmiiontiion thoiiuoittlon of winlty. "tiulel Imbibition" wiih printed In one mtlclo us "ipilck luiblta lion." .Surely homo one wan In u hurry. YCHAI). An Aliln Mirrrh. I'rom Mm N. Y, KvmiIiir World. Chalriiiau .MIII'h htcIi In opening the tarlirdebate waH oiiial to the (mvupIoii, and (IiIh Ih Miiylnu; u Kruiit deal. It tie lluhied Ittrt wipHjrterH and iliMippoIuted lllH OpH)lielltH. Mr. MIIIm hboweil the orlnIn and prog reHH of tho war lariH' fiom a inoilcriitu Hchcdiilo iiverat?ln Is per emit, in 1HUI anil ID ik'i-cuiii. ilmlnn tho live yeuiH af terwmd to mi iivcrnKe of ! per cent, ilur ItiH the hiht live yeuiH and -17 -er cent, for the pant jo.ir. lie K)luteil out the Kriulual iibolltinn of the Internal revenue taxeriou wealth ami IIh enterpiiHeH, until all that Ih left of Hint hIiiik'HiIouh mvMoiii in the tax on wliinky mill tob.iccu, while Hie war larlll' on the neccHHilleti of the (kmc i lit Mill at the lilKbeit point, 'llio lelaliim of the tmlll' tO ONpllltH mid to WIIKOH WIIH diHI'llhHCll in a clear and Iclllnn ni. inner, hlioulnj; a imihtery of the hulijivt with which . Ir. iMIIIh ban no: U-en ueiierally ciedited. It Ih much pilued lo have thin tmbject thoroughly iIIhciihuciI, an II la hum ceitnlu to be. Russell lb Co., Ill'IMlKIIH or JEngmes, Threshers and Sawmills -AM 'I DKALKII8 t.N- Tlin OrrKimliiii' Hllmiri. llrohmi. I'nim Hi" 1'oiIIhiiiI Hmiiliiy Wi'liniui). Tim couiiuciitH In the IChi- Om:ioMN on the Multnomah coiinly Itepubllcau h'Kii-lutlvo ticket that awakciieil the urcat doruiant dally and Htlned tin lie Into H.iy iiiU Humetbiiu;, fertile llrxt time, ioku ni hil; Iih Hliidied nilciicc ii b cid Mill:ical iillaiiH, eii dlu'i'ted initio at the Orcein lauV liicoiiHislciwy than the Itepubllcau c.imllilaleti' iiiiIIIiichm for olllce, nn llio Kant i IiikiI'IM an' article, printed Mow, will i-linw. It in doubtful whether a meie UH-miill iixu tlin ieu lirkel. IIihI did not at llio .nine lime cut our contouior ury iixiii the raw, would have Hpurrcd lhet)reieuiau Into bieukhiK it ileal lily Htillue.iH. The HoiiHtt ban paired the $Sil,000.00i) 1'eiiHiou Hill, mid Mill tho cry Ih for "more." The d.iiiuhterrt of I be borne leech were itoord.VHpcplicHcouiparcd witli the ('laim AuciiIh' itln. Death Iovch a iiiiuiiiK nbark, Ih the Int ent lenderliiK of mi old line. llixmarck mviiih to have ipiit jumpiui; on tho Hick Kuipcror. The funuoin' 'Vu In Providence. Leezer & Kuebler, DRUGGISTS Tin li.rvft iiiul imxt inmi'loic t(Hk of CHEMICALS, InEnstorn Oregon. GIVE US A CALL. Dcspain BlooK - Pendleton. I I VI'INvl MERCHANT TAILOR, IikIivIoii, ilii')iii VIui.i s.,uur WoliU. .1 pi k srm ii or (iooj)S Sntlafaotlon Cunrnntood ! ! til " t .U . k 111. I' .... the -'..! xsr - - ' m l a 15 i" 1iV. -AVti- 1 a r-yy l3S iknfil MjlDJft J!f:p, 'J'B sai ran rtaiiZ', Vo Imvo tho boHt Straw HurniiiK KniIno In tho'Vorld. CALL OK SKN'l) l-'Olt (JATALOOIJIC TO Russell & Co., mills (law 1(H), 1IIL 101 and 1(5(1 Front .Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. JEWELRY $ JEWELRY! RELIABLE AGENTS, KVKIlYTIUNd SKW AVI) COMl'I.CTK, EVERYBODY COME! Anil nuoour now rnck of WATCHES, CHAINS, CLOCKS, BREASTPINS, Anil In tact, nvi rythlini hept In a FIRST-CLASS ESTABLISHMENT. We linvn I'lmiiiml Mil. (IIIIIW, ii pnicllrnl Wulplimnkor iiiul .Icwclcr, who will nttcml to , Iti'iuilrlliKmul Mnmtraoliirlnu. Kvcotlilnu minrnnlci"! iiiul Molil iim l!cireHi'iiteil, nl IJntCnui I'rlroH E. J DONALDSON & CO. (Mn mOitS TO K. V. NlUHOr.H.) npi City Pru.t; Storo, Pontlloton, Or. V. V. .Matlock, I'ren. J, II. Uai.uv, (.Sou. Mir. S. 1'. .STi'iiiiin,Troan C. S. Jackho.v, Vice Tren. 1 It. Cmhton, Peey. Umatilla Real Estate & Loan Association iiNcouivm.vrin Corner Main and Webb Streets, in E, 0 Building, PKNDM-rrON, OKKtiON. Land Filings, Land Contests, Conveyancing, and other Land Bnsiness, Attended to. Tho Company ban n complete wt of Land Abstract Books, nd rwordrt of nil railroad lamU in IIiIh K'ction. I mux money on town mid country proorty, for u nlioit or lout? liuio. Hiivh and hoIIh real entnto in town or country. NiKotiutofl loaim, Iiiijh uoteH, county ncrip, mul other ncKotinble pajior. UMATILLA REAL ESTATE & LOAN ASSOCIATION, Pendleton, Oregon, Great Western Bakery, DINING-ROOMS, M. ait.t'JV., Proprietor. A. FIRST-CLASS M!E) A.L! KO TWENTY-FIVE CENTSl A NIOK, O I j KAN HIsJO V()H v5 OR r0 CENTS Frosh Enstorn Oystoro, In Evory Stylo! OPEjST DAY ASTD TSTIGI-IT! Main Strict, iifur rustojllce, l'l ixlttton a,u- ml im mt I Ik mm ni mm w n i HwnfHfliiKBMnaMraBHHFi m t n m m h H wmmi k H H mm mm mm mm fi p u bi ih m i hma AH Mi Those who believe so thoroughly in protection should not go tiny longer without insurance on their property, of whatso ever kind; and nearly everyone believes that a policy in a pood, Reliable Insur Is worth every time what it costs, and procrastination should not bo indulged in when it comesjto taking out a policy. In the lrst place, pick out competent and ance Co. With whom to do your business thoso who represent none but the best insurance companies and go straightway and insure. When in search of such agents, don't fail to turn your "peepers" in the direction of the office of Clopton & Jackson, Located in the EAST OREGONIAN building, Pendleton, whero you can have any kind of insurance, whether Fire, Ma rino, Accident or Life insurance, done up in APPLE-PIE O It is well to remember that to bo secure you must insure in t ono of tho Thirty Reliable Companies represented by Cloptoil & Jackson, with a combined capital of more than $100,000,000! If you contemplate insurance, call on them and get posted, and it will cost you nothing. Kemomber their oflico is in tho JOB-iNSTOiM &. SMITH 010, 1 GROCERY STORE, t lu thebalMlu on ilirc.Mi,,, f um i at,., u,u crry a fu j,u, J Groceries, Canned Goods, Vegetables, ' Aiiil .In .ill Hun rtr.' , .kr.Kiry Ure lnUJ do. Jaivia us a Tin a 1.. ! JOHNSTON & SMITH, Clopton & Jsolsoij Clnrrn Dnhu KllllKrHIlt HIcpdIiib Onm n,... n.WAHA. nnimnn nin.. Krco of olmrKe nnd Clusu coiinecllonn nt t'ortUnj, Glttf'fl llllll I'ltirn, Mnut houiiit Pninoi(:frrtl khhi 'Kiiiita ire c it urn:. .: pmtx lit 6:00 1. ill. " wfv 1'iiuiiii im.fpngerirrlt.. Wcatl.oui.dfrolglaarrlriu purm 111 iiiu i nit W ! I.onvcfi nt fl:m n. m fA. tr. ... in nnui To Banriuifli T.PaVO StllnlllMlllll lvlmr Il Mini wtu, Apr IB Otttnt, uiVKuiu tit AtttT n i-ninnt To I'ortlnnJ. T.cavlni; Spmir nt vhtrt .Mnr n 111 ax iiiuinTHi nun.?, nui . i iir . i if... i.'iiiiliiiiiiii, .ilon.Anru HIM,Ih Oregon, T11, Apr 1, Coloiiui Hlnln. U'l'il. Anr"A VfV'l....',, A till, .MMjT ll Itntea of 1iimi(i including menu and Cnliln, - "leoruffe, . Iloiinil '1 rip, Unlimited, t...H t f I AH ..(1 t Irtl. 1 A I I . nt tlin ('minimi v. iir A T. 1.... lv i , a., l uriiiiiiu, urrenn. A.0 Ooncrnl Mmmger. W. V. AM.OWAT, ii.. CREAT OVERLAND THE Northern Pacific Ihiltmnn J'lllnce filmitna Can! Maanlflcmt lnu Ctxuto I J.Irui)t Kmlomnt SlfjM it un jirriiu tin I From Orcpon nr.d Washty to the IvA, Via SI. I'nul unci MlnnttDolHi line running I'atace tolttl (oiohii 7i emu.) Vitotmt. Tliui Kvit WiU I (.'unit Ovit tho Ktrlkfl rnrlllolUllrtU To Hlnux City, Counoll niofft,! MoliUou, l.oivciwfiirtb, uj iiuriinitioii, uuincy, f wtoii nil noliiUltiroiiirliiiiil Mi fimt vlu HI. 1'iuil mul Mlnctil KMIOIlANTHl.KKriNQll An, linuli'il on riviilnr fiimil llin cntlro length of the Unfit imiiroiKl, T.cnvii Wnllulu .liinrtlon9i. Iauvu I'orllunil .1 p. m., dllj Mliinrnpnllii or HI, I'aul l!J) fourth iluy. Conni'oflnn inniln at HI. Poli olln to nil polnu Kiul.honlh lei I'ACIFIPIMVWOXI Tr;il ii will l.'nvn Pnrllonil it'i iTicoimi'cllni: wIlliO. lUAN.Cil nil poliitH on rim noun". ,J A. I. CHJI1 '.'I'liiinil WVntcri l'nM'D(trls WnHnin.ton , .rino To San Fraaciscs, Uy way of tb Oregon & Oallforniil AinlComirftiiwI Tho Mount Shasta quicker In time llinMJ llouto.Uetwefii I rOHTItAND ANI AN Jl Lcavo Portland at 4:00 r Through 1101639 to Excurdior Sleepers Class Pas engert through trains charge. Fnr Tram rortlunil And Ha fnBelr4i fr'IrMt-HiiMH Unlimited.. FlrHt-claH, I.lniltrd...-Micouii-cluHM, Limited- Ticket Offlc! Corner VmvA Front Hi E. I ROtlEItfl.O.F ! K. KOEHIiEU, Manager. WM.GARDNEHt Manufacturer Steam and Hot Heating Appara FOKDWELLINasOBl'UDUCl' Spolflentlon una e'ms,f'nf, litHllnic bulldlnir In any u ty. Corrpotiiluce lolielw OFFICE: I34THIRDS1 Portland, Orogo Pendleton, Oregon. Oil I IUNTINO Can be had at tho EAST 0J prli'en that will PWJ'JJfta than those of uny other jru1" tubtem urcgou.