East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 02, 1888, Image 2

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    . ....... I til. ,(l t,. Mm ..Ittoa wnrn lnrunlv on the tiropogeil irco list as mll 'sh
i ,c. M?. .IS"J 1 "EE"" W " 11 ,W I held in Tho chic governed tho ' ycgotafteB. tig m. datcH, and uhWci. no
"?,k parties, and tho mlnom govemeu
The wont flagrant nln of oinisrion on
tin; part of Iho Federal CongroM In be
half of tlio rich and In ItHopproeelopof tho
!., lu (,,l,il i.vm.mHnn of I Mo wcaiiii .1... n.... 1.1
of tho country from federal taxation. vihtch id'l patriotii would join to repel tho , woman had given hlrth to tvcntYllv
I The great wealth of the 'Wintry, amount- nVtlHiim. lml the nitoon iw a greater children in thirty
lug to over forty-three hlllloiiH of dollnrri, ( ,rii tluiti Jiwtilu army, and therefore , ought to ho done to protect AtneriL.m ,
! IW "n !.,0",irrf..,.ux.. ?l! !" ZUVWi , tlioiiBI of u third party. ! mothe.H. . .
ol uio novum mum "' '" m0 opcaKcr elicit .wacaniay h propriety .ir. uhi 'r; ' ,r " ,r1r1.tv,i
Mngle man. worth a million, doeHiiot pay llmt not'latur than tho twentieth century in the Oiegonlan declaring the I rotcai
near an much an tho poor laborer not 10 ,c,mH0 Wuuld full, not from en-; tariff lawH a htiiullo of UUi i , .
worth a dollar In tho world, who liven by ct0lll:ninu hordes of thlevcH and vundals, tho lumber tarlir the greatest iniquity , 0
thel.ilMirof hln hand, and who luw a but j . onuutitluruil in our irildt. all, but now the Oregonian was oppoBinj,
l.irgo family to Hiipimrt. 'J his is an In-! lt JWM HuiJ thut ..yo Cll-t, tho Democratic party becauco it ytiH trj
liiHiico of which no other government of , .. l!ant.' Suptwo when tho war ing to keep ltd pledge!) anil abolish tlioxo
ended it had been nuiil that tho Iniquities. 1 0 iwkcu vouth 10 m.j 1 -armleo
could not bo disbanded, tho party whkli was doing what the On.
That would have been art reasonable in to gonian had declared in 188. waH "M"
nay wo can't mipprehH the liquor trallic and the, party inai wan cmous "
Hut wo can hear of nothing but tarill', , keep faith with tho people and benefit
WKDNJMMY, MAY '2, 1838.
DA1I.V AND hkmmvkhki.y,
Cml OrrK""'"11 I'lilill'lilliK INiiiipniijr,
1IAII.Y HUllM'lltl'rlO.N' llATBHS
Ono ropy prr yi-iir, liy nintl...... (JJ
Dim ropy six mouths, liy mull 1
Ono copy pi-r week, liy carrier. 2
HIiikIii numbers
Oiif ropy p'T yciir. 1; :fi
One ropy lx months 1
HIiiKlu iiiimlrn u
I'niiiiliiin pnpi-r free loymrly nu" Mir.
((''") tihrrthniirnt.
Ono Inrli, or letw, III Heml-UVi'Uly per
month.. '
Onn Innh, nr Vm, In Dully prr iniiiitli....... I M
Two IiiWii-k, or o, In IkiIIi, pit inoiilli... .J m
por 111011II1 : i . 1
Orrr lliii-ii InrliM, Dully, pi-r Imli p r
iimnili 1 '
Overtlin-lin lii , In luttli, l"'r I111I1 'r
inoiilli ' "'
H0II1I iimiptiri-ll iiilvrrllwiniMitu In Hftiil-Wi-kly
or Dully, llmt limnrtloii, per Incli,
tl.10; rimli siilKiit(!itt I iix-rtloii, fx.
Idx-iil nollccn, loll renin pr lino ciicli In-kertlon,
part leu,
If u hoHtilo
German army wcro en
.1.- 1 1 1 ,.rj unrii in 1 in rinncu uy
..11 i., ii,nu.. tiling tn coino In free. Uo
had noticed that a Chinese Johh had xcii
ana wonucrcu onjeci o
camped In our coitnirv, ami hh pieceuio im poncu ., ".' ,j i
STl bo Ignored by 'both political par- had not been nude jo their f ,
0011 1)0 11 Hill 11 pari- wiui iiuiiiv"!- . " V . -,, ,?...llvn
(Coni'hided from llrnt page.)
coinage. During tho wheat yearn of 1HSVI1
there wcro expoi ted from Oregon H,H(i!l,-
ICO biiHlielH of wheat, at tho average
homo prim of Hcventy-four centH. If ail
of 1 1 10 prodmlH of Aliwilcan mlue.-i had
Ihjcii coined into Ametlcau ilollarH money
would hai) been moro plentiful, which,
of Itwlf, would havo a tcndi'iicy to en
liaiicn price, and 111 India at her homu
NirtH raunot lay ihnat (low 11 at Iohm llian
11 dollar a buHhid, that would uuiloubtedly
havo Ix'i'ii the price here at our own homo
HirtH, being an liicreiiKti of twenty-lx
ccntM kt biifhel on the price iictiully re
ceived, which on I In amount cxrld
would have aggregated i'-',ll)ll,IHl caved
to tho Oregon farmorri in ono year.
The CuiigrenH of the I'nlleil SlatcM,
true to tho iollfy It Ii;ih presented for
nearly thirty jearn pant, of favoring the
rich at the oxkiiko of the poor, haw ulvcn
miiuitlceut gruntHof latnlHaud iiiouny to
railroad coriNiiuiloiiH. l'or their benefit
It 1 IhhiiciI in IhiihU over ill millloiiH of
doll.iiH. and Im pain thereon more than
7 millloiiH of dollarH lutcrcxt, and Iiuh
, iiiiiile a fice gift of an empliu of land
aiiiouutlng to over l-iO 111IIIL111M of acrcn,
an area moie than three and a half IIiiicm
greater than that of tho fix New Knglaml
Slatert. The mouth and arroL'auco of
corHrato iHiwer in the I'nlted Slatea N a
wan a Power entirely
time 01 thu formation ol the feilaral con
Htilutioii, and hence no wholcxomu re
Htrlctlou agaliint It U found In that iiiHtru
ment. In fart it wiih not until tho year
17111, three yearn after that iiiHtrumeut
went Into oHratlou that IucorHiiatIouH
were n.inctloncd by law, In any of tho
StatcH of the I'nlnn, and thono then Ham
tinned were uicrely for literary, charitable
ami it'lluloiiH puriNifi-H. Since then they
have grown, until now, when corporate
Inlluunce invadcM our IcglHlattou halln,
trlllcM with the Handily of the judiciary
and layH Itx Imploim hand ujhiii the ballot
box that In the palladium of our libertieH,
It wax fho impt'rative duty of Slate leg
InlatureH and the federal CougreHM to havo
kept pace with thin growth of coriorate
mwer, by iieceHwry rcHtrlctlvo legisla
tion. Hut it apHarH an though the l ed
end (Viigti'HK hanaldi'il them In their ru
pacloun uxactloiiii Umiii the people luflcad
of loHtrainiui: them. Ami I ho federal
Judiciary haa Hiipplemeuted the federal
taxes aio now collected from tho Indus
triert of the country, and wealth In totally
excinpted. Thin In again favoritism ol
tho rich ami oppression id uio isjr. n
it oujiht to Iks exactly tho reverse.
Wealth should 1) taxed and tho minis-
ttlen should bo exempted. A federal In
come tax should bo imiwed, and tarlir
turn! Ion Klioulil lie removed irom all inu
tarlft", tarlir and tho siieaker drawled the
wotd out with a great sneer but prohibi
tion in as much above tho tarlir in Imiwr
tanco an the hcaon in above tho eaith.
There wore jicoplo voting for the memo
necessarien of llfo and left alone, If loft nt ' r(;)1 of (l wur uml t.,ic,i twentv-llve years
all, on the luxuile-t. Hiln would bo u a(.0 ulul Othor for an imaginary tarlir
just taxation, and would nsiiro a frugal reforln but prohibition wan a political is
government, as wealth, which is now the mMJ f for greater importance. It was
nation's plunderer, wouni men stop Hay because we were whipiicd last vem
plunder when Itself and not tho laboring
isxir would bo tho victims. Simple justice
demands the Institution of a Federal In
come tax.
dm It thou Imi denied by any ono that
the federal government has become tin
Immense engine for tho oppression of tho
poor, for the lienoflt of tho rich. Fok at
the tarlir legislation, which under the
oKratlou of law has taken wealth from
one class for tho purK)se of enriching
another, look at the munificent gifts con
ferred uxm banking and railroad corpor
ations outright, at tlio privileges s!rinltted
to the telephone monoisjiies ami
oxeiniitlon from haxation granted to
ber, wo should keep quiet. On the same
prlnciplo Kepublicann should make no
nominations because Illalno was defeated,
anil tho Democrats nono because Her
mann was elected to Congress two years
HKo. Ho urged 1'rohlbitionists to vote
their principles. Ho had heard somo
things slnco ho camo to l'eudlelon that
caused him to sjicak plain. Ho didn't
care if it did mako somo jieoplo mad. Ho
characterized those who would not vote
for prohibition If they believed in It as
cowards. If It was good last November
it was good now; if right then it was
rlirht now. Some said that It was only
tho! throwing votes away. Thin reminded
the 1 him ol Hie district scuooi iiicciiiik, which
'..,.ii(, .,f rminirv. mill deiiv it if von I voted to build 11 now school house,
' -.i . .1 .. . .1 ... 1.. .11.1 11 ....1 1. 1 tin. inn
IIII1H ' llll'll III Ulllllt IV UN. V. .
can. Can 11 nation
prosper Dial
tlie iMMieiii 01 1110
iiimri'HM'K uio noor lor
rf.i' Twi.nl v II vn contiirlen am) the
lirophet of 1 1 io '.Mont High (iisl denounced
the rulers of a nation for a like crime
when he said' "They Judge not tho cause,
the cause of the fatherless, yet they pros
per, and the right of tho needy do they
not luilue. Shall I not visit for those
leilaln of the old, as far as they
would go, then to build it iion 1110 em
occupied bv the old one. and, linallv, to
havo school kept in the old house till the
new one was completed.
The Democratic party was married to
tho liquor trallic. In tho marriage cere
mony it had promised not only to lovo
The timo being up, Mr Gcarln closed,
tho hall was cleared and tho dance began.
Dcnlcr In
Ami Proprietor of the
Henrietta Flouring Mills,
IllL'lieKt cnili price Paid for xrnln. Ornlinm.
Ornniilmctl ami Wlf-rMnir flour In
mock. Corn rural, C'liop vte
ln for side.
AnentH for KniipPillrrll 4 IV
Agricultural Implements and Bain
things, eaith the bird, shall not my soul anil cheiisli, but to obey, anil uio vows
be avenged on such it nation as this?" , weie faithfully kept, l.verylsjdy know
Within half a decade after this prophetic ! this, without discuss on. I he fepnbll
denudclatlon of that nation for tho op-1 can party had pretended o bo friendly to
presslon of the needy it was subjugated ' tho temperance cause, but were worse
bv Iho eneinv and Its citizens taken into than the DeiniKrats, Iwcause hoer Ilea
ii'longund weaiisomo captivity. No one and unfaithful, lhe Democrats " Id not
need Ui 11 either 11 piophet or the sou of a pietend to oppose the saloons; the He
.,r..,,i,.,i 1.. f., 11 ih,, fnin of ilm fmlnriil liubhciini caiiiu up with a saloon on ono
Great Slaughter of Goods!
J. P. Bushee.
w m m a om jib 1 .
I I II 1 m kk I . M B H I
m J M T I w -w - I a.
vi " w J w '
L'ovcrnmcnt unless 11 chaniM oileuislatlon
in ell'cctcil and It ceases Its favoritism of
the rich and its oppression of the oor.
ICipial taxation and equal justice must be
had or Ichahod will soon Ik) written upon
the walU of the national capltol, liod
charges not, ami the fate visited iioii
xliouliler and a chiueh In the other. He
did not abuse the Republican party more
than the Democratic party, oxcoiit for Its
false pretenses, 'lhe two parties were
like two prisoners. The Democratic party
plead guilty; tho Kepiibllcan party plead
not L'liiltv. and theieloie the latter do
llllllkvr. 1111, ...... ...w ..".. r-. . . m .
..n...r ...,ii....M r..r..rt,ii.uu'illi.ii ilm r.wi..rnl Mcrvcil Ilm severest sen once. Platform
r ffil a ' .."S P-.nment In-cIundUing will vWl I, if f "'W
11 power ciiiiii i iiiiiiinii ill inu , ., , , . " , . I ,. 1,1, ,1, ll,.,,,mo imi! lliiirifnni bull
lli ennuuii iiiireiiiiiiirui n uiu ucu uiiii i- i .'v.. w n " , , T .1 V.
vorltlsm ol tho iMwerful. In anv govern-1 got down In the gutter with the old lie
ment of a free oploe.mal justice In Hm publican jurty, to keep It company. Iho
administration Is Its only sure basin of en-speaker then read the rrohibition plat
iliiring iicace. It in the duty of every form through, to show Its position on
man in thin whole country, rich or oor, other questions. He made a violent
high or low, to crv out against the lla- assault on the Democratic parly, anil said
urant wrongs which have been and still it had done nothing toward fulfijllng its
urn wiiii'ilnnixl bv lnw. Ami It In ilm es Dromises. I lo agreed with dovemor
pedal duty of those clothed with olllces of
trust to spent iioiiiiy in nenaii 01 justice.
There should Ih) uo shirking or evasion.
Men am more rcsousihlo to (Jod and
their own consciences for their
conduct than they are to their
l'ennoyer exactly, but Governor i'ennoyor
did not represent the Democratic party.
Before he was dono there were calls for
Gcarin, but Miller held bin ground till his
time had expired.
I .i.nr...a In llilj u.ii-L- ,tf ulllbiiilliiiitlm.
tin i rl'.lila ulul lir.iiuirt v nf tlm luumln I.. I opiuession of the isxir is, Itesct In the fu
coris.nile demand. It has decided that a I ' withMrlfes and couunotlons-a filthy
State lenlslatuio can give uwav the rluhls I penalty of a vicious departure from he
and prop,rl v of the ivople bv conferiing "'" liin iil'si of a just governinent. Iho
fnu.e hUiw i'iuiii iMriKimilonn. nlirlilL-iiiL' "ther path, which must be pursued if wo
party or the r neighbors. Ami It I Mr Gearln, on being Introiluced, said
in a safe rulp to follow which exjectn that , ho )lrMt ,it.Hrc,i t0 thank tho ladies and
men in public, an well an In or va to, af- L,u,,tly,,,0n who had glveu till the lull a
fairs should never condone Injustice or " t o( lho 0V(nln and positioned tho
pa ter with wrong. I military ball until tho sjieuklng was over,
l ellow eltlenn of I inatilla county, H0 w; ulH0 thankful to Governor l'en-
I here are iwo painn Kiore ine ivopio ami , novor forllrt 8occh,un
the government of thin country, lhe one i ox;u.tv expiuswd ids
aireaiiy piusiieii uv uio uu ihi i leiuisin oi tarill" Muestion, and
It iii (i'it 1 1 n iiiii'iiuriii u titvj ttvti 1 1 r
the lights and priilegen of ciilens, and
that when once conferred no subsequent
leglslatuto can instore to the people that
wiiich has htvu limn iiujiiHtlvHuriendivil.
thus vlitually islabllshiug I lie iiiuiikIioiis
dii liiiie llmt lhe iudiwtructihlo soiereign
ty of lhe Slate can Ik' cddlod out to cor
Kinitious or friileied away by piece
meal, 'this tlocitiuc is imwurranted bv
the eonstlluliiiu, and In destructive Isith
of State HoNcicinuty and dee Koverumeut,
Hut it has It-en enforced by the courts,
and under its enforcement one right after
another has K-eu surieudmeil up, until
now MrnitluiiH nie iHiMintng stronger
than legislatures. I'hey cm and do im
nmo upon tho people burdmisouie taxa
tion, which is mecUv Urne by the iko
pie, but which if ilnwixl by lhe leinl.t
tuio would anniM popular llnlUnaliou.
I hase thus mentioned nemo of the
stun of cimimisHioiiof the federal iMiiurefS
In behalf of the rich, ami will now allude
to one or two of its kIiis of omtsiilon in
the same Kihalf. The conMltutiou con
ferred upon fougietn the (mwer of trans
inllliugliilelllgeuiv among the ivople. It
availiHl lb-elf of iis lights in this tegard
in one resoet. it took advantage of all
the improvements of the times except
i win ttie Hst i liter it advanced
would peretuate our government Is ono
in widen uio lederal government, will tin
simi uo tax but for the public revenue,
and Whig within the hcoh of such taxa
tion tlie wealth of the country now ex
empted, In which It will confer uo more
grauts.Mihsldics or favors to the rich, but
will instead promote for the public Initio
lit great works of public improvement,
ami by stringent leglhlallou coiiiik I cor-
the Governor had
views iiiiou the
therefore he should
say but little aisiut mat. lie nan been
up nights a good deal and had been ob
liged to make long Journeys, and he wan
tiled and would not talk long. He wan
glad to coiuo back to his birthplace; he
was proud of thu city that had urown up
hero, with its splendid buildings and
K-autlful homes,aud especially of its mag
nificent school building, the existence
of which was ib-clf a smticient argument
to .Mr. Miller's speech, 'there was not so
much to lie feaied from tho saloons when
such a school building was "conspicuous
in the sunlight and wan kibhcd by the
breezes of a prosivrous community."
I'ref. Miller scorned to miMindcrstaud
Are prepared to ship wheat or receive
Grain for storage.
drain Sucks and Harvesters' Buppllo
at lowest Prices.
v-k . "d CSi-MA rlAi Cl L
n i n. n.f.. ri. Ton nnrl Cunrulhlnrr CItin that 4 CImI
fine opices, rine U0IIBUt rmu ma, anu UIDIJIIIHI& i mo mai a iiim-
urocery snouia uunidin.
roll on nm If von want Groceries encap. u. nbnriLE
City Bill Poster.
At Less Than Cost!
Wc have determined to close out our
entire Mock of
Comprising the
fa mil,, arowrle a S,clltih U'MW HUl WM W litillJUwlli Y Uii
, Lsa,ding Authors Si Standard Works Architects
jioialions to Ih Jus in their exactions i hiu uml Hofur ,wil mma ollt lmt ono
from the public and In their treatment of t .i.t.,., ..u.,,,, i,i. h, ,, Wli ,..,rr....tni
einpiovees. Let it puisne this path and ho WIW iriMiman. He acknowledged
he atlllclionsof the K'ople, instead of the lilt , ho t.ouIll Mwt ,u1., it i( ho wonia.und
p" '-" "v oo.'ii' l0 wouiit not it lie eouiit. lie Hail no ob
niiliMilKn nun iin (mm in ui.il rri nrii v
it but pursue thin Kith and it will l
i blessiui; to Koncratious .vet uiilKiru and
can Ih) ervtuated for long ages yet to
Mll.l.Ul'h SI'Ki:c'll.
Mr. Miller, the IVohlbltion candidate
for t'oiitfiess, was then iutroduivd. lie
said he wan a Miller, ami that the Itepub
llean patty was throwing enough cold
water on the Prohibition movement to
run a mill. In approaching a political
eouteM each voter should ask throe ques
tions; First, what is tho leading issue?
i-ecoiul, wliat lHwition nhall I take on that
issue? And third, how can I Kst take
that issue? The object should alwavs Im
Jectiou to rrol. sillier speaking, lie re
minded him of his little girl playing w ith
her mother's bonnet, putting it tirst on
one side of her head and then
en the other, pulling the feath
ers out of one place and putting them in
another she rnjoyed herodf so much
that he could not interfere and so with
the professor he was doing uo harm, and
M'cnicd to be having u bushel of fun. 'I he
speaker said he lieheved in tciucrauco
principles as much as anv one, hut the
dilliculty with Mr. Miller's prohibition
party was that it could not prohibit.
tt wan said that if the tarill' on wool
was reduced wool would tie che.ior. Hut
who knew thin? What reason wa there
Hlghcit market prleo pnlil for all It In J of
GS- E A I N.
AiintrnlUn while wliont, winter bnrley nrnl
rye (omnlii for urnllng parpoKCn, Tlio Aim
trnllun wrilto wheat In Jimt Uio urtlcln ktock
rnon uecil. It mulct-s a IImi-cIum ipuilltyof
July! If OltKfJOS.
James Crawford,
Mnnafarturer of and Dealer In
Harness, Saddles, Bridles.
Whips, Etc.,
iTonts and Wagon Shoots
for Salo
OJJ FellonV llullillnc. Mnln stro-t. J nil
Estes & Guilds,
Proprietor o llie
Bnlod Hay and Grain.
Nplrmllit IIIzh, Nlnsln or llouble, inn!
Huilille llorseH uIitujh oh liuml,
llnrn-H linnnleit bj- tlieiln)',
M'reU nr Month.
All KlmU of KeeJ For Hle, In Small or
If you want Books, call ami
SCO us.
Leezer Kuebler,
Successors to W. T. Chalk.
Headstones, Monuments
Marble and Stone
For ttcHlgm nnil prlco consult Jen.a Fall
trie, Mnln vtrvrl, rcrullclon. Katlmatet
Sivi'n on mono worn ior ouiiiunsa. lea
StanfielM Gore,
Dcalera In
TRY, and all kinds ol
step by step to the slai;e cmich.the hteam- the prervatlon ami piotivtlon of life, I saint; so? The prices of wool had
boat and (he railroad, and there tt stop-1 lllsrty and iirovrtv. Anv power that always been higher in the pat, under a
ed. When the telegraph was brought I divtivys thoco niiift U iimife tlie leadinj! low than under a hih tarill'.
into use, it was its duty to the pooi'lo to ! issue. Theni i sucli a nower in the land I No ono could deny this. The
ineoriHirato it Into a istal service, lint the lienor trallic and it is therefore , scare about wool was merely a buiraboo
The Pendleton Mfg. Company,
Machine Work or All Kinds
Ik) no pmmpily.
Pattern! maJe. Itepalra lo f.irm machinery
ami machinery of every Ueacrlptlou u
Cltartes for Work lleasontible.
John McGarry,
If ll 1, ..I .1...... ... .....III... ..
.. ...... ii.'.iv r. ..t-.iiii(. iii . ii.it'im
would liuvoUvn deprived of the privilege
thev now eujov of iUwHiiliii); the jvoplo
and so lho fivloml ivmciess, true lo its
IMiioral ixnirse. (wust'd and iv(ued to ox
er ise its constitutional rights. What has
Nvn the result ? Ity innitnional Inai-
Uon in the line of its duty in this reeard, of us as a Prohibitionist. At
wealthy telcKrapli corporations are exact- ton ho told us he proposed to orotivt
hit; from tho icoiIo of this i-ountry I babies from crytnc at niht, and the
twenty millions of dollars more than scoldlni: of wives, and usliius in appiar
would hae Iven mvesiry to U exacted , ance. This the Prohlbtiionlsts would do,
-Deal, r In
by tho iNVcriimeut if it had a iostal tele
eraiih. And to tho demand of tho people
in this regard t'onKnss has always here
tofore turned a deaf ear Legislation
against irorations and in the interest of
tho oorsluuloUm! Ismio. This is u mien, to uet votes. I)t any one tute the ore
tion that la Kmnd to eclip.-) tliewhole p-, out tarill' schedule, and compare it with
lltical horizon. Both old olitical parties the paKwd atluctiens and liure for
have ignored it but that does not take theuixelves how much they would tolen
the ipiestioii out of politics. It can no elitted on the purchase of ueces.Mries
iitur.. u l....i.riil )..... ll... .i.LtAH.i.. t ti... ..j .1 ltt.ir.ii'.rvtlil,.i t.'.r.. r..... tti
tho sun. Mr. liearin claims to eo ahead , feather in a woman's hat to the nail in I I J l-s,( ) v I S I ( ) ?V S
11.... It III.. L.t .il i. u ... . 11....... ' ' '
tltlllllll- iil vi iivi diiw iiiu rtuii'i., iiiiiiuic,
crockery, Kiass, aimosi everyiiuug, anil
tiud out how much could be and ought to
lx saved consumers by a reduction of
taxation. The speaker read from
tho report of tho Hepublican mi
nority of the ways and means
committee, protecting against the)
lujury to lariuera tho proposed (roe i
Japanese Curios.
In William Kle's Laundry,
renauum, - - - Oregon,
Importer and Dealer In
Chinese and Japanese Fancy Goods.
SCnrlojIil , nrrnre mid Ivory Toys, Icq.
un-it V urn, Hn Crokery, CHnlnn Crape.
Hllk liinxllrnrclikfa.Kmlirnlilered Screens
niid all kliuUof 8llk l)rfii Pttltenm, Klre
ork, Ti-i, etc. Invulce received by
every ktcmer. '
All OidrrH IToniptly Attended to
Having Eodi thlnDed tram ratio, n ih.
via Portland, can have freight paid, losses
and overcharges adlutted. ami rnnrnniin.
I uuenueii 10 promptly, at luw rates, by d
poutLand, oukqon.
Buyln; and Selling done on Commission
KIrst-class goods ouly In stock,
duce bought and sold.
became the liouor t rathe c-.ui.hihI there
things. The liipior trallic injures the life
of the nation, to prove which tho speak
er ipiotod from ex-Senator Whwtoiu and
tho New York Times. The primaries of
Cor. Mala and Webb Srreets,
list would be, and then read such articles I PENDLETON
Pendleton Baths,
Mnln Mlrrrt Pon.lta.n..
. m wM,
Are now open and ready for biulness. Newly
and elegantly titled upfor the. convenience
OI IhA mihllp.
,t.h, .. ' Slaving, 1VU.
Halr-cuttlng, . SVU. Shampooing, sj-u
. ! - ' i;i a,
I employ drtclau hands only,
H. L. CARL. Proprietor.
Proprietor of the
I'lve-Oiit llcer Hall,
fnl.. lit ......nMltf. ..nti.niM ll.nll.
......ll.... I.AA. ... I.. Il.l... .
menu ii
ll. .HAIII...IUII.I .t.tfl.jlUI
lilwain & Martin,
i n ti.
dim AMMHiiin,';!
Hooiuii 6 mulO, Portland Havlm b
Corner Socond and Washington
rOODWAHI) llltOH.,
I inminirinii; I rrni iiiniiL ni ijnnin p uhi
xiiiiun anu wiinurra.
Dltlro hours From 10 to 12 il in.! Irrsi
p.m.; 7iov p.m.
I I III.. llnnln 1 1 1.' 11 u I I ll.4IHll.il &ir
nptO dsw
.torn llinn two hundred formi't
t.lutilfu nt till, nflli.fi. IAWTfln Slid
ueedliiK special forms can uesuppmi.
a tip..tt..in . rv.ms TVsl im rtf
formation apply wt offlco of
i.n.i ti'ii.i.. , ,.,sa f ihu nr
win tn ii ir n ir .mi nitiftL ittmirrr.iw, r
....,l.l In, ' Pnnunn n.i flrtntO
All 4NlinOU0 nlOCK JUKI
thsl i
Uh Iho oldest Inhabitant.
. . .nlt IIIU
r A r u Y UUUIJM, iiuair-iwi
. . - . uurtl
mmw f ri
Men's. Youth's, Boys' and
reii's Clothing. Hats and
Trunks and Valises.
mm A sff
mm I a
Richardson's Lunch
Main (Street, Pendleton.
ii ivuisn anu v.
tisrntKiiiurifiH im ui i . .ri
Kruus. Candies. Canned uooa:-
v... ... tn,..i hiin.l"'
Deer, pickled pigs' feel.
iuv ie aim cuuee. jeri-M tW.
.inn).i..l 1 I .. KA..il uml LUlI.li1 .
si m.. and
I.unArrom5c. op