I I I i IB DAILY. m r7mmmmmi fmmm'mmm. Yh, Hnil-Wrrkl KAHT OlllMONIAW IV 1 W M, I VV HAST llltHOONIAN mil freely iniikii into t J , now until ",0 .'" '' sZ A . r llm IIAST Olti:(H)NIAN lll.rnry uhon- l( t"r"',,v" "" wl" ry ,.-,lr.. Th- ,i1.tl.. urn cor- "it .iiiy i:ast oiti:at)NiAN for flHBHBHBBBHIIHI 11 gg , uit the oiitc whenever Iff "length of tliiml'r"' ""inara I r inclined, r M! VOL. 1. PENDLETON, UMATILLA. CO., OEEGON, WtiDNESDAX MAY 2.1888. NO. 52. " . I I Ml II .1 , . ,. , , TH K TARI FF lias been taken off botli Woolen and Cotton Goods Not by Congress, but by ROTHCHILD & BEAM And they now offer their Large and Comploto Stock of DRY G0ODS,CL0THING, &c AT- FREE TRADE PRICES, for C ASHI Examine their goods, get their prices, and convinco yoursolf that the above are not mere assertions, but that tliey will sub Etmitiiite what they claim. Theirs is not an "Infant Industry," therefore they have discarded Protective l5riccs, and will freely meet competition from all quarters. Thoy carry u General Merchandise Stock Consisting of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Men's Boy's and Children's Clothing', Furnishing: Goods, Mens Ladies and Children's Shoes Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery and Glassware, Groceries, Hardware, Etc. CASH PUtlGHASERS CAN SEOUBE J3ARG-AINS -AT PENDLETON BOOT I will noil for tlio t nf ID nor I Ul IU JUJ My Largo Stock of Boots and Shoes, Harness, Saddles, Whips, Hits mid Spurs CilVK MH A GALL AND UK CONVINOKl). All goods marked in plain figures. W. J. VAN SOHUYVER & 00., WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, 03 FRONT STREET, - - - PORTLAND, OREGON. AGKNTH CYRUS NOBLE BOURDON AND RYE WHISKIES; JOS. SCHLITZ BREWING CO., (Milwaukee. Wis. EXPORT PILSNER BOTTLED BEER. ARCA DIAN SPRING MINERAL WATER, runaAtiUIN UMAftlrAUNfc, (TellOW Great Rock Island -AND- ALBERT LEA EOUTES. TViih7ivnJ KPlnr line In commotion iromsuPaui aud MInneupoli T'Chlcnsunml the Ku-tt. Tu Hu tauln auit the Mouth. To DeiOloliieN, Leavenworth Ti n AtrM"ot KuiiHun city lllO Oalv Linn Connecting with Hie " Council nl,,(i7V "Con Miort Lino CltVfor mas Leavenworth una Ramus "HIUUOAXW AL Li VOIAITH KANT. Allium PhiZT Sleeping and l'nhice ninhiy Cars! 'tuffi? 0,1 tl,r0l,8" Express Tral nsi on in uilMMl UCpcjU, tes. ninps, S or NorVi i.; ""Pon no"tof th.o. . ""rto "ern l .:.in wny Com. Ticket Agent, u. It. a N. Co., Pendleton, Oregon. SlU""n,on W., - "ortH.n.1. Ore. Mror.RK001c.- A1::.' ".')'.". a Aw '-".T.naU..-M'.UH'y. -.uui-u.ioiiii .Miuii, THE - AND SHOE STORE noxt I!0 days at a out fnr Radii Ullll 1111 UUUi:l (Waukcnsaw, Wis.) VEUI1E CLIQUOT LaDOI.) inch 9 0w3m Notary and Corporation Seals, In Pendleton, FOR ONLY FIVE DOLLARS EACH, Tlie uauul prlco (or eul mmle by other partlei, In 1'ortlnml or the East, U from (6.00 n $7.00, with express ( barges added. If you need a eul,eeml your order to ti, nnd mvo from 13.00 to $3.00 thereby. East Oregonian Pub, Co.. mhHdtf Pendleton, Oregon. ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN I They do happen every day. nnd when ono happen to you. you will vlli thut you wero Intured In Mm TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMP'Y. the Tkavklkks' ri wiurces arc HiitMoleni to pay t oiH'O llio iikui enormous miig of ! I'luluu 1 1 1 " t even no at rutlroiul uiul ieiun I xiii t ncclili iil ran bring upon It. I'av all elalmx, wlilioui iikcouui, Ininiedliitely upon rtn ellil .f 8 'lifai lory roof. on Korfaltnrv provivloiiii In uli its po:icio. Ten Millions of Assets. Two Millions of Surplus. PAID r-OMCV HOI.DEKS, IHGOOO, Clopton & Jackson, Resident Agents, East Oregonian building. ondleon.Or. LAST NIllUTVS St'KKOIIKM. Governor I'ennnrer' Hieech In 1'tilt Htiminary oftlie Hpocchefi f CIpnrin and Miller. Tlio Opera Houho wan crowded hint ovoniny before uluht o'clock to HhIch to tho HicakcrH announced to bo present. Tlio Hpcuking was preceded by iiiuhIo by both haudH. Jlr. 1'itzGerald called tlio meeting to order, and llti-t introduced Governor l'ennojer, who read tho follow ing addrcBH : l'KNNOVKIt'd Hl'CCCtl. Fkm.ow CiTizKNs or Umatilla Coi'ntv: It allbrdrt inu plcaHiiru, after the lapno of two yeurH. to apiin uddieuB you upon tho jKilitical iflxncH of tho day. Wo are now HtauilhiK upon tho thrcMhold of u now era in tho history of ottr country, llio overnincnt of tho United Statca Iuih leen in uxiHtonco un der tho coiiHtitutlon just 0110 century. That century hat been imo of wondorful development and proHpetltv. Our pupula Hon during thatieridhaH lncreaned from thico to over nlxty million of pooplo, and from a narrow pcttlcmcnt along tho hIioich of tho Atlantic our country lma expanded until it lum Kpauucd tlio con tinent with tlio pciHfotcut energy of Cau eaMlan thrift and ban covered tho whole laud from ocean to ocean, with tlio Mous ing of a ChriHtlun civilization. It Iiuh been a century of unexampled iironperity. Andean any one woudoratit? Tlioro Iiuh nover been a jieojilo favored like our peoplo; them Iiuh never been a land blotted ilko our laud. Tho human race, in all ilH mlgratioiiH, finco the time that Adam turned IiIh back uhjii Kdcn, lum uoviir found a land like that which wo inherit. Where eltio upon tho globo.tmch fertile noil, mich woodlandrt and prairieH, mtch lake and rivern, wlicro mich fatucBH of harvcHtB and where cIho haHl'rovldence Htored in a land of Hitch abundant plenty, in river bed and mountain Hldo, and in the deep bosom of tho eartli mich wonder ful HtorcH of precloiiH tuctalH ati our land h;iH fiirnlHlicu? l'oHgcHHing tliCHo natural rcoourccn, wo could not fall to bo a prostorouH ncoplo. When population becomes in any locality crowded, when wagon from any cauno Iw como reduced, there Iiuh been during tho last hundred ycarrt for tho oor man tho privilege of migrating westward and of making for hlniHulf in tlio now territories a comfortable homo and an indoiiendout livelihood. Now all this in changed. Thciu in now, comparatively HpcuUing, no more territory where tho poor man cau make, by his own labor, and without money, a homo for himself and children. Hero wo ate at-ceinblcd to-day upon tho Hhorcrf of tho I'acllic, the westcrumoht verge ot the continent, and yet tho early pottlomunt of Oiegi-n dates back nearly forty ye.iM. Henceforth population in tills country will become dencer, and heueefotth the condition of tlio loor and laborinir cIuhm'h will become harder, and tho cluincea for the amelioration of their condition will dccmio lees and less. lUiieeforth uIho 111010 attention must bo paid to tlio government of tlio country. It Is an easy matter to govern a ooplo w lion all are prosperous. A government may Ihi guilty of great abuses, and yet tho gonoral prosperity of thocountry may tolerate them, nut let theso abuses con tinue when mich pioHtiority ceases, and then there will bo discontent, and if those utilises do not then cease, then thero will be revolution. And 1 nay here that thero must bo rad ical changes in tho administration of the general govorninont of thocountry in order to meet tho chaiiL'cd condition of the tro pic. I rJiall speak plainly. There have been flagrant abuses in tho government, which abuses still exist and must lie 1 remedied if wo iih to perpetuate 11 free i government, 'lho federal government, especially for tho last quarter of u century, 1 litis been guilty of abuses ho flagrant ami outrageous, and which abuses are still continued, that it is a wonder that tho descendants of tho men who rebelled against tho llritish Crown mora than 0:10 hundred years ago, have tamely submitted to tliem. That government has become, during tiiat jieriod, pimply u powerful medium for imjioverislihig tho laboring IKJOplo, and enilching u fow favored clashes. It lias boon a parental govern ment, not for tlio bonoflt of tho needy, but for tho benefit of tho opulent. It is tho truo provinco of all good governments to protect tho weak agatiiNtthoHtrong, but tho federal eoverninent. with a Persia- tencv of purjwso which hIiowb an infamy of design has continuously plundered tho noor for tho bonollt of tho rich. Can thin bo denied? I-ook at tho special privl- leges conferred upon national banks, ut its munillcent grants to rullroud corpora- tiotis, ut its tariff laws, framed for tho niiilcliiiiunt of favored classes, by which a small portion of tho ieoplo havo become imiiionselv ilch at tlio oxpenso of tho great body of tho jeoplo, und donv j tlio niutiuiacturer. 1 nut conclusion irom tho Ftnieacliiuont If you can. thoso statistics Is unanswered ami it Is Let us for ono moment glance at tlio unanswerable. I'nder tho plea of pro tarttr, tlio groat injustice which lias been ; tecting munufuctiircs the fanner has tierpetrated by our tarilf law. Tlio gen- len and still is persistently robbed for oral government was given tho privilege ! tho benolit of tho manufacturers. Is this of laying imposts for tlio Hole puipoto of just or fair? From lmo to 1X80 faun collecting tho necessary revenuo for its wealth increased only WASXfihHMl, the support, but tlio I'ongrosw bus wi framed farmers constituting idsiut one-half of tho Homo of its tarilflaws that thoy havo lieou population, while during the mmo peiiod instrumental in enriching tlio few at tho j tho uthor half ineroaml thoir wealth $3, oxponso of the many. It has been I .tut.TOl.ittl.or live and a half timet) to tho claimud by the advocate of tho protective farmers' ono. I did not pnjwioto lather svnteni that suuli sytont is a benefit to 1 you niucli with llguros, but mj much lias all ilaei of our pooplo. What! fan I Won wiiil about tlio bh-HMntw of tlio proa all chuwe bo Usnofltled by a tax? If so ! ent pioioctlvo tarill'that 1 will bojmrdoncd tlioro is no more need of searching for tba if I statu that Hut cnu loports how iihiloaopbor'a atone, whicti, it is Uiievod, truiismuUw into gold ull the baser inotiiU 1 it touches. Tho taxation nmdo by our t.iriir laws is u taxation ox- citiBivcly upon our own people, and if it can bcnelit allfUHKcs, as tho udvocates of protection claim, then itRmttst Mecca- Barily follow that wo can all bo made to 18(50 under 11 revnuo tariff farm wealth rich by taxation, provided tho taxes be increased 101 per cent., from 18(!0 to 1870 made high enough. The absurdity of , under a protective tarill ' It increased only such a claim Is so transparent that It.:!!) percent, and from 1870 to 1880 it in dee i not doscivo notice. A protective creased only 0 per cent. Is not a pretec tal itf to bo effective must bo unjust, anditivo tarilf tho robbing of 0110 class for its effectiveness is only in tlio exact ratio tlio benolit of another class? Statistics ot us injustice, if It could l.o possible to franio a protective ta'ifT on just jirinci icm, ho unit just o.Nactiy wnat ono in uiiHiry iccehed by it would havo to bo paid out for the protection of other in climtiles, then no indwitry would demand protection, becatiHe it would not receive any pecuniary Iwnctlt from it. If any tax, collected from our own peo ple, was to bo paid out among our own people, for tho fostetlng of industries, It uiiisl follow, if unci 1 tax bad looii col lected equitably, Hint In Its eqtiltablo dis bursement each individual would icturn buck jusi exactly such amount us ho bad paid in, less Ills sluitc of the cost of col lection and dishttirctncnt. Tills would bo just. Hut If this woredono, no one would clamor for a tax fur tho purpose of tostiMing or protecting Homo industries, for the reason that no one would bo ben olltted by it. It is only bacaiifo the protective hvb torn is unjust, it is only because hoiiio In dustries aro benefitted by it, at tho ex pense of the great mass of the ttcotilo. that those industries desiro it. There aro Foveral highly protected industiles that havo made those interested in them immensely rich. From whom was that wealth accumulated? Lrom our own peo pie, becauso our own peoplo paid all the tax. And does It not follow that if Home of our people aro lienelittud bv a tax col lected from tho whole People, that others aro injured by it? 'lho Oregon wheat grower is forced in his own caso, as ovorylxxly Is forced, as a logical proi0' Bitiou, to answer that ouostlon alllrmu- lively. Ho has to comtteto with tho Hast India farmer. Doth sell their wheat in the Liverpool market. Tor their produce thoy got tho same prlco. Hut tlio India faruior buys what 110 needs in a cheap freo market, while the Oregon farmer buys what lie needs in a high protected market. Tlio Oregon farmer is thus degraded be low tho India farmer. Tho protective tarilf system, which proposes to protect our own labor against foreign cheap la lur, may udvantago soma wealthy manu facturers, but It injures tlio Oa'gon wheat grower. This is but ono instance of many which domonstrutes tho fact that tho law of compensation is inexorable, and that whllo hoiuo may lie benollted by a tax levied uiou the wnole people, there must bo of necessity a compensatory bid unco who aro injured by it. No mathe matical demonstration can bo plainer than that fact. 1 will not on this topic indulge in do tall or burden you at length with statistics, but will content myself with citlui; ono or two instances of tho Infamy of our pres ent tariff taxation. The duty on window glass is irom til to U7 ier cent., tlio uv erago being about 8S jier cent. TI1010 was paid in tarilf taxes on window glass in ItiSO -1 ,1 7-1,000. Tho census of 1880 shows thut less than four thousand per sons woie employed in its uiuuufuctuie. Taking what was paid in tarili' taxes and tho enhanced prices of mich glass on ac count of tho protection duty which goes into tho pocket of tho protected manufac turer, and it is estimated that tho peoplo of this country pay over live million dol lars a ycarmoio for tho prlvilego of allow ing the tuiulightof heaven to illumine their dwellings than they would have bad to pay but for this protective taiifi'. tied sheds ids sunlight a freo giftupon hillsides and valleys and all over the ulad green earth, but tho citizens of this tlio proudest government of tlio world aro heavily and outrageously taxod for tho privilege of letting that free Hiiullght into their homos. Five million of dollars tiro paid yearly by tho whole peoplo for the apparent protection of less than four thousand workmen. It is a very high prlco, but It is lor a very noble piiriHwo, Hut aro thoy protected? Uy tho census of 1800 wo find that tho avorugo wages of glass workors woro $$'J,tMJ per day. Uy tho census of 1830 wo find that their av erage wagos ier day wore $1.7U. Here is u decrease of 711 per cent, and hero tho cold stubborn facts dispel that other fulso claim, of tho advocates of a protective tariff that such tarilf increases tlio wages of labor. You remember that last May at tho meeting of tho Stato Grange in Salem I gave statistics from tho census of 1880, which showed that while the profits of farinini! wcrooulv 12 iercent per annum. estimating tlio cost of production ut :i jer ucro, tlio profits of manufacturing woro over .10 iwr cent, und assorted that this undue profit of tho 0110 Industry over tlio other was becauso of our unjust tarilf laws that took money from tlio ockets of the farmer, and put it Into tho iockets of thu! from lhoO to IMki, tarilf, weahh in this 1 120 per ivnt. whllo froii low, uuuvr ti iuujiuu country iucreuavd 111 18UU to 1H70 It increased only 7 I'er cent, and from l7o to IHhO it iiicreasea only 40. per cent. And now, fanners of l inatilla county, 1 look at tho following figures: From 1830 ' show it ami it cannot bo denied. lleforo Conurcss bcuan the tmconstitu. tlonul and Iniquitous svstein of protective tarilf taxation, for tho benefit of manufac turing and other favored industries, agii cult til 0 was ono of the most profitable and honorable occupations in tlio Repub lic. Now it is all changed. Kobbcd by law for tho manufacturer who is protected, by tlio railroad corporations who have been fattened by gifts at his expense, and by money sharks of (lie country to whom the government has surrendered tho control of the 11 nances of the country, the farmer in almost daily despoiled ot the just rewards of ids labor. And with agriculture, the commerce of our country Is nlso a Httlferer from this ruinous protective system. You, whoso years number witli my own, romembor ub I do the time when tho Amorican mer chant marine wuh the pride of the nation, bearing as it did the ensign of tho Repub lic on ovory sea to every port in ovcry clime. Where is it now? Under a revo 11110 tarilf wo led ovcry nation in ship building. To-day our ship yards aro comparatively silent. In 1880 Maine did not build 11 single ship. Protection lias effectually killed ship building, by mak ing a vessel cost from $M to 'M per ton more in Maine than across the Hue In New llrunswick. Tlio foreign trade of Great Hrltuln Is moro than (100 per head of K)pulation, Franco fl5, Germany $:tT, and our own onlv about ('-'."). In 188(1 ono hundred million was paid by tho United States for freight, which might have 1m;cu saved in our own iioclicts if a u protective tarilf had not obliterated our shipping and turned over to Gieat Hrlt uln its currying trade of tlio high seas. The claim that a protective tarilf is ad vantagcoim to labor is a delusion. Tho census figures of the glass workers show that, and cumulative evidence on that point cau bo had. Wo have had protec tion for Bovonty-flvo years. Tho mon owning ptotcctcd manufactories have grown immensely wealthy, but none of their laltorers have ever been known as millionaires. Tlio protective tarilf is a protection to tho rich manufacturer, hut none to the poor laborer. This should all lie reversed. Protection should bo given to the poor, ami not to tho rich, huhor should bo protected, not on tlio ground that tiny industry should receive protec tion, but on that broader ground and moro substantial basis thut fundamental doctrine which is the very corner hIoiio of nil just governments that it is an imier ativo duty to protect tho weak against tho strong. To that end stringent legislation should bo liuil, excluding all Asiatic Im migration us well us that of tho pauper and criminal classes 01 r.uroH). Aimed to this, every artlclo that tho laboring classes eat, drink or wear should be abso lutely free from taxation, 'lids would bo just protection. Against such 110 one could complain. Till: NATIONAL HANK IIOIIIICUV. I como now to another act of parental ism on tlio part of our government to the rich at tlio expense of the whole peo ple. I refer tit the National banking sys tem. Tho federal government, with a favoritism to tho rich, which lias signa lized all of its actions for the last quaitor of a century, in 1S(H magnanimously turned over to tlio national banks the privilege of issuing the paper cttriency of tho country, ixit us briolly glance ut tho immense favor which the government has bestowed upon those ot institutions. Tho first national hank notes wero issued in 1801. From that year up to 1880, 11 pe riod of sixteen years, an average of (luce hundred million of bank notes were is sued. This required '.I'M million in bonds, The buyers of ltonds had a corner on sccio from 180-1 to 1808. and Ixtught thu bonds at an average of fifty cents, ho that tho government, for a loan of l(Vi million in gold, gave bonds for !t:i0 million, tho bankers thus clearing lOTt million. Thu bunkers received U iter cent, interest on thoir doijsltod bonds, on which theircur rency was issued which made $10,800,000 annually, and as this was paid in gold for 10 years at tho uverago premium in gold of "(1 percent, which amounted to ?.rt,741.',000, it would maku the interest really received by thoin tlio.rHL'.OOO annii ally.which In 1(1 years amounted to f 108,. 072,000. Noxt thoy received us u free u'ift t.'fOO.OOO.OOO In notes which ut 8 per cent, interest brought thoin in 10 years 381 million. Noxt thoy hud tho benefit of tho interest on deitosltH which uvcruged 1(1 million, wiucii ut 0 per cent, for 10 years made tl&.iiCO.OOO, then the interest on tho ltonds held to recover thoso do-, itosits which inailo f lo,:!00,000 more. Sum up all these items of interest drained irom tlio copio by the .National banking I system und we havo tho unoriuoiirf sum 1 of 8-:i,:;i):,000 paid in simple interest. Carefully council out it will bo found j that tho National banking system made billions out of tho jteople. I For tills munificent gift tho government J only charged a 1 per cent, tax, which! amounted to tlneo millions a year, or forty-eight millions for the sixteen years. I 'lho national debt liisluiul of being in bonds for bankers to iuo currency on, mixbt as well havo Itecu in currency, wising tint abotu enormous cost. Hut thu moat luproheusible gift to the 1 rich by the uoveriniient was, when by u 1 rttMohition 01 CoiiiireaM, it made tho one 1 billion nix bundled million of five-twenty ltonds, uyahlu in gold, thut wuro lawfully to bo paid in cunenev ,tlius giwng, at one , Uiu-fu"tioii, a bonus of four hundred und i.l.'litl' titi 1 1 iritiu lit it. .11.. rj ( '. .ii.m.uu i il.l ,,aJ. m .j to tho bondholders what it ought to pay in currency; but it lum never niudo good to tho poor soldier tho greenbacks it paid to him, and which he was coniH'llcd to use at a loss w hich he could ill afford to bear. Tho worst phase, however, of tho nu-; tlonal banking systum Is not tho munill cent grants which the government gave to a favored fow, but it is in the fact that it makes the bankers tho absolute dicta tors of the llnaiiclal and business ulfalra of the jteople. Thoy can vary tho vohimo of currency, and thereby dictate tho prlco of labor and property. It is an Infamotm system and It should bo abolished. Tlioro should bo no banks of issue, State or Na tional. The government of the itcoplo should Issue tho currency for the people. The great demand of thu hour 111 this' country Is thu leadership of another An-f drow Jackson, which would, as ho did, 1 take the banking monopoly of thocountry by the throat and .inuko It dislodge its 1 robber grasp uon the lluuuces of tho ; nut ion. TIIK 8!LVi:il Wl'lltiTIIlN. Thero is still another instunro wiioro tlio federal government has been parental to tho bankers ut the expense of the jteo-1 plo of the whole country. Hut this tuiren talisni Is the most Infamous of all, for the reason that while in this country it is ben eficial only to tho national bankers, it is mainly bciiolkial to the capitalists of Great Ilritaiu. God, among tlio many maenlflcent endow ments 1 iu has bestowed . tiHtn our country, has stored for our bcn elit wondeiful dciatsltH ofsilser. This, rightly used, would have been ol incalcu lable 'blessing to us. Itut with a pcisist-1 ency bom nf selll.-h avarice, thu banking monopoly of the country has waged unre mitting war against that metal. You all remember how through a tiick in 187.1 silver was demonetized by Congress. Hut some years afterward, in 1878, Congress, yielding paitlully to a popular demand, reinonetlz.ed It, hut limited its coinage to two millions a month, or twenty four mil- ' Hons yearly. The annual production of silver In tills country forsovcral years bus " averaged forty-eight millions. Of this amount twenty-four millions has been coined and nine millions has gone into tho arts. What has become of tlio other llfteen millions? It Iuih gone to Great Hrltuln. Tho capitalists of Kiiglaud have been getting that fifteen millions annual- ( lv at 80 cents on the dollar. With that sliver thoy havo purchased wheat iu In dia at 100 cents on the dollar, wiioro sil ver is a legal tender, clearing from tlio wealth of our mines 20 cents on thu dol lar, robbing tho Ameilcan miner and do- tiviiig :tlio Ameilcan larmcr ot 111s best market for wheat. Sllvor. ns wo huvo eccn. wuh demon etized in 187!l. Now look ut its icaiing on the wheut iitiestiou. lho llrst iuiior tutlou of wheut from India to Livurpool wns 111 the following year and amounted to only ort.OOO bushels. 1 11 188.) the ox portutlou of wheat from India, stimulated by lCngllsh bunks through the vicious legislation of our Congiess was IL',f()0,000 bushels, more than one-half the amount oxttotted from the United States. Whllo tho impottatiou of wheat from India has been stimulated, the Impoitatinu of w heat from tho United .Status Iiuh been lelarded. In 1883 there was exported from this county Hd,3S.'),828 which brought 112u aggregating $110,8711,311, while in 188i thero wus only expoitcd 81,000,000 bush els, which brought 80-i, nggrcgatlng only ttC',K(3,0,i7. nils lestricicd oxportniion . of wheat fioni this country ami its do cteased value is the direct result of con gressional legislation in favor of American bankers and lliitishcupilallslt. Is it any wonder that llritish capitalists should stimulute tho Importation of India wheat in , preference to American wheat when they , can tako sliver wiuth $7rt00 iu lAiidon and receive $10,000 worth of wheat in' India? bit us look at some figures in order to see just bow this demonetization of sllvei and itsconseipieut restricted coinage hue cllcctcd our farming industry, l'rior to the demonetization of silver in 1873 ant the closing of tho United States mints to free coinage, tho average farm value ol wheat throughout thu country whs f 1.21 per bushel for the crop of 1872. Tho uv- erago farm value Iu wheat In 1887 was OS contB. uxtlc ut tlio lollowlng table 01 the wheat grown iu this country for thu twe yours mentioned and its value. Yeur. Munheln. Value, I'uim vuluo K-K7 .VI.:rJfl,jO. 3IO.Ol2.HfiO.. .i;s per hu 1K72.. ..il'J.toT.UO, . .UIO.IfcD.CTO. I .'.'I per hu Tho prlco 1.21 reduced to its coin vuhu was 1,10. This leaves a difference of It cents per bushel in tho farm value of tin two years. Forty-two cents on 1MII320, OOOeipiuIs li)l.(tri8,t.")0. The silver pro (luted lust yeur from our mines amouutec to .10,001 .328 ounces which Hold at 37. 108,201 instead of irtO.IWH.OaO which i would huvo biought If there hud been, 111 there ought to bo, an unrestricted coiutigi In this country. The loss to the iiiiuon wuh $13,281 ,080. Tlio loss to tho furinen nH wo have wen wus $1(11,058,0.10. Tin fanners' loss by tho unwise legislation o our country against ono of the most vul uablo products exceeded tint los to tin minors by $178,370,101. With free and unlimited coinugo 11 silver ut tho United Slates minis at -112K grains, 001 ) lino, for ouch dollar, tho prlci' of silver bullion would linmedtululy I e como fixed at $1.2!) r ounce, in place a 05 cunts, us now ; and John Hull vsouli at oiico siiMeiid his sperulalioii iu Indl wlteut, the miners ' 1 1 I g. t a III vul 110 for their liiilti. 11 ,,ni tin- 1)101(0 wheat grower w iM .it . n. 1 u bencflUot , HM India cunii' i lain- i . .t und luy j down ul her i 1 ' 1 1 p 1 1 '"ss than on' dollar jtorl.ii'lnl 1 !. 1 um mw 1m' ' liiiuii the fariiK-ia --i ' oit would b ltenellttol if Congress will n-moto thl unjust restrietioii uiiuiiist silwr, and u luW, lis it ought, its fit-" ami uiiliuiito' (Coni-hidi-d on si "i.d p..'- : U1 , r , . 1- t 1