MONDAY, M'lllli .'!0, 18S8. iikhman.vw i.httkk. from OiuHalcui VlUclto. Tlio uiioxpoctctt (!xxjMtiro of Huriiuinii'H letlor through tlio Vitlotte Iiuh roduul an iiiiuiihImukh uiimiiii,' IiIh OIi-ihH. iiinl cIIbrlH wutu liiiululoilunyltH nuiiu'tilicilv, uliiili. luniuvor. f.illuil. Mr. f-lmoii ml inilri that u iluinuiiil Iiuh Ik'OH mailt) ior tlio rofuwllnjt. of tlio jiioiiov, lint huiL-nio tllUl till! IIKlll to ulioin liu o;inc(l il l in tliu unitcntiiiry. It would I iiiturjutiuK to know what Mr. Hurumiin wiit to lliu pccrutitrv of tlio nutloniil roiiiuiitU'ci, in Jilueo of 1 ho fatal hitter v liii-h hu mil to thiri Htitto. Mr. .Simon itmy huvotonwoit to tlio bankruptcy ivmnx upiiiiHt tlio Itopuhllcan party If tho nmuoy In not forthcoming. Ah Mr. Iluiiiiuiiii Inw in troduced every hill hu could thinl; of in CoiiKroHH hu mlht ptil In uimlliur onu for $1000 to huild up coiiiiiu'ico on Klutiuilli liikt'H, or to Hucup tlio i Ii.M'Im oil' 'l'llla inook rwkM under tliu uiieciluii of Simon. That tnlulit tlx tliu mat or. Wu learn that n duniuiid Iiii.hIjuuii initdu on Mr. Mcl'hcrKon for tlm Hinder Her mann letter, which called McrherHouVi utteutloti to the fact th..t lion. JomipIi HIiiioii wautH sfl.OOO udvuncud cainpulL'ii moiioy and wiintrt It Imil; that it would not IO ollcy to havo u niiMUiiiluintuniliii),' with .Mr. .Simon at thin thiu as tho Htiitu Im In a critical condition )Nlilie ally, mid In K'cat danger of koIiik dem i cratic, and .Simon ilou not want lu tako any chauccM of gutllni? tho money after tho Juno election. Mm underHtood tliat Mr. iMcl'hurHoii him heeu informed that If ho docH not deliver up tliu letter no will Ih tiiimecuted. .Mr. .Mcl'iieiHou In not to Im frightened in that way. '1 ho letter wiw iiddieM.-ed to lilm and delivoreil to him and hu InleiidH to hold it until he can comuiuulcafo with Mr. Hermann anil learn jiiHt what tho Con KWHHiuaii meant hv w;ndiiiK him Hitch a letter, if indeed ho did nend it. To provunt any fniud tho letter will ho Htcroolyix1! and a copy pent to Mr. Her mann. If ho rewniil.ei It and wautH tliu ordinal hack, Mr, .Mel herxou will letmn It. Tho K'tter way for .nr. Heruiaiiu ami tho ItepuhlieaiiHirt to keDpupiiHtlUHilencu . on tlio Hiihject and not plead tho li.iliv nut. It Im pieMinned Mr. Ileiiiianii whm Hinait iiiioukIi to know what hu wan iloin ulion ho wroto tliu letlor; ho U certainly aHHiiiartiiH .Mr. Illalnu in that rcHpcct. It iH'ciiHtomary to pithllNli letteiH from pulillo olllcura on all tmhJuctH, and tho column of tliu Viilollu uio ojieu to I'll". Tho letlor U lu i;ihxI IiuikIk, and if Mr. Ileriiiunn wuiiIh it hack, lot him writnforit. Should Mr. Md'hcmou mi lit to return It to tho nilollieo iim not for him, lit) could it up and It would havo to mt to Iho dead letter ollico, and Ihmu fall into tho Democratic hand. ISellor let It hIuv In Oiejfon hi wo can huvoii lllllu fun with it. lu tho mean time, Hermann and mum other ,u I'liernon had hellor tliu up 1,00U for .loo niuiou. H. F.Johnson &Go., Prescription Druggists. PURE MEDICINES, CHOICE PERFUMES, Requisites of tho Tollot, Stationery & School Supplier,, Finn iMportcl and Key West Clyan. Oe."'lle Vlll'ir t ltniM, iWHoose!if1 a, Protected? I.1VK I'ropriiitor, IMJNDfjBr t.V. nKKH'iN Northwest Corner Mnm and .Court HtrceU, PENDLETON, OREGON. CFHTRALLY LOCATED HOWJiJLJ.. & CO., 1 FURNITURE DEALERS jit.-- UPHOLSTERER3. AM, ICl.VtH OK I'tJItMTUHi: ItKI'AHUNH HONK AT Till'. I.tVKT IIATKH. Call it;il i x union price. IjiirKMtHloi-k of furniture to Kntcrn Orryon. Howell & Co., M'W'a'iiJil in'. t.'lvniiwh ililltdlllK, '(i i. n)Ki:i I'oi.ll- opened, Re-furnished Equipped in First-OIii-'-i Stv!. and SAMPLE ROOMS FOR MEN. COMMERCIAL Free Couch to unci from Trains. ia:: ss?&os.n: ::b ir.rAUTur.ti tmnr it kcii iiu .)'it iii,iiu.l In tin I n In ml ySTIt V ANIMALS. If you ti.ivt hu iintiual clrny, you rnn re over lilm by i'Xp"inllne t!M In mlverllMnu In Hie Kat OukoonjaW. It ciitchM tlicm nvnry llmr. l'llla (Yitllli-iilra, From tlm llun ri iiy bvmU It turiiH out that them aio in our Homo very clover KV.IndlerM, and tlimigli their oiH'ialloiih havo I een coullued on a toiiull Male, NinrotiH nillit Indiire tliem to Imuuli out oxleuxlvely. TIiIh U Iho time of year when road tax in eollei lod lllld uvcrj liody Ih oxK'i lel to lunduco tliu Mini of 1,00 and icceho their receipt. TIiIm wax th'.iinlit to Ui a oi.v j;od racket by whlcli oiio or iiutoeiHiiHcMild male UHlako. A ki'IiIIiikI.v fiauduleiit iveelnlM were in.ido out in the name- of Hie dlller out mm4 Willi the HuiHuinlemlent of MmetH' name, Mr. Mnll. r. attm heil, and if Iho nrnou fioiu wIihiii tho tax wan duo piefeiied aliiK Iho canli. with a hIIkIh dlKiiaiut, rather than woik, lie wan I'toeonled with a ieeeiit and the money l';ild over lo the jkuniii HUpi-oceil to ho uuthoiled lo collect. Of coiiiko it wan oiuy now comern mat tlio taekel wan I'la.M'il on, and they did not llud out their niixtuko until after IhiMhniwd worker had lefl the town Several uitleMWcio lleeced ami am theiefoie wralhv. A l'nhirMl Vniillit. I'lioii the Iji (iiniiile JiiiiiiihI, livery man Im llahlo lo havo wipcm in tlio eheult eouit. Kach of Iho ciicuit judeti nl thin dlMilct U called iiim each year, to panx In wimo form, on pmhahly live huudioilcuheH, or four tlmott an many iixourHupiomocouit lUx'tdow lu u voar. It In tiuHUtani toeveiy man that tin? eii cull eouit Ik lmlilliy men of oxpoiiouco and uiatuiity of mind. In Iheio an in telllKTiit man in the ditrtit who Kiliovcn that it afo to e.uifei mi important a tniht uh tho circuit jud'Mhip uhu Januw A. u now lHKfiiiutr .' t he nnivermd venllct in, .So! Wright & Son, -OK THK- CHICAGO STORE, Widh to cuy to their patronH and Iho puhlle lionurally, that they nro conHtantly receiving Those who believe so thoroughly in protection should not go miy longer without insurance on their property, of whntso- kind; and nearly everyone believes that a policy in a good, ever OOJK SIUTAJ3M3 TO T 1 1 111 ST3ASOX. Wo havo uhI opened up a lino lino of STRAW HATS, which wv will sell very clow margin. at a Wo inako a SPECIALTY Fino Fitting -at- PRICES that will SURPRISE YOU. Vo huy our BOOTS AND SHOES From tho hiruent moi-t icllahlo and Wright Eastern Factories, Which cnaUcH uh to 0 UNDERSELL Our competitor. A nice, frenli lino of GROCER I ES. & Son. W. V, Matlock, I'ioh. .1. II. It m.i v, (ien. M-r. s. V, Srt mm, 'rrea'. ('. s, Jai-kmin, VIco l'ren. V. II. Ci.oiton, Secy. Omatilla Real Estate & Loan Association ilNCOUrOKATKl).) Corner Main and Wei Streets, in E, 0 l'HNm.KTON, OUKtiON. Land Filings, Land Contests, Conveyancing, and other Land Bnsiness, Attended to. The ComiMtiv has 11 eoionleto net nf I nnl .tlmrnn n.i, .,...1 1. Miiltii.niiiili ll.nion.l.. 1 ' ..r.Bi,WuuWwmww Tho Mullnomah IVunoeralK uoininateil 1' wllruul lands in thin wction. Iauiih money on town and country nronortv 41... I ,11.... I.... . I.... 111. I 1 ",'l ""IIKI.V- iwiin u, !, 1 , Sluulir, Homy 1 Attorney, . . IMlv ThomtiHon! C ounty t'lerk, U. M. iroud; Chvuit t'ourt I'lerk, i'luilo J. t'hil-tle; Heeorder, W. I.. ('uri . I'lmtNiiier. I. W. IIooIIiIiik; Ahuiwoi.'.I. A. .Metulnn; ifchool Sueriuteuilont, J hu liaHnUiii;, I'oniuer, lr. H. Hickn; Survevor, N. II. Whitetield; t'ommlwionerH. lilljah lor Ivlt and John I.. iMuiu. William I'limvli. Jr., wan choM'ii chaiuuaii of tho county wmniltliv. The convention adouruiil till to-iuoritiw oenlntf, when iv 1. tho ticket will K noiuiualml. liujHand eellH real CMlato in town or country. Negotiated loiiiiM, huyii notoH, ivuttty M'rip, and other noMtiahlo panr. UMATILLA HEAL ESTATE & LOAN ASSOCIATION, Pendleton, Oregon, Reliable Insurance Co. Is worth every time what it costs, and procrastination should not be indulged in when it comea'to taking out a policy. In the first place, pick out competent and RELIABLE AGENTS, With whom to do your business those who represent none but the best insurance companies and go straightway and insure in :.. 1. ! . t. ..... i'..:i ... ......,,.,,....' v nun 111 M'lircu ui suuii iiguuis, uuu l 11111 iu nun ynu ijvuiiuia in the direction of the oflice of Clopton & Jackson, building, Located in the EAST OKEGONTAN whoro you can have any kind of insurance, whether rine, Accident or Idle insurance, done up in Pendleton, Fire, Ma- APPLE-PIE ORDE It is well to remember that to bo securo you must insure in one of tho Thirty Reliable Companies represented by OloptOll & Jackson, with a combined capital of more than $100,000,000! Tickets iq una from prlnHii ... in uio united Htauji c3 nnit Kuropc. ,Ut1 Elegant Pullman PalacoCi Kmlurnnt 81cppli Cnr run Ihrouth ... prem Trillin to N OMAHA, COUNCIL DLUFFS AND ST.fJ Krco of clinrKe nnd Wlthohtchwi Clone connections nt Portlnmt fur Sin tJ clo nntl Piltfct Houiiil l'olnii 1 1.0); Ula- JEWELRY $ JEWELRY! K niYTIUNU SKW ANlU'OMl'l.irVK. EVERYBODY COME! riom iV'tctMllo lluiiie t'ri. J. M. IWnlley lmc Kvn 4iiltr of lliit (HUity U't two om. i rinitt lum iUv cuvuftHl duriiiK hit Ineiiiidney ; uriiuttinU have Ikvu lriiKht i jiwtUviiuU lint pub lic ki"I Iiuh Uvu Im.Vttl nftr. 11 u not tvu huI ltted with merely eolWlUiii Hin h f uh 1 ho 1 h.isiui no. I ovwr ' tu him. iml in Hie inii'ivt l Oil' public mill ih it iv .in -kii'iH.I li Hi.' imroiiiir. Ili.m.l.i 11. ill.,. 1!... I.i.i.l.... il.ll..' fnll jiliIIi Ih-!..i-U . t .iii 1 , .it ,4 tknr uinl tin- will v ilwt ho in r- . eiivh-.i hv ..n HiiuMMii n.ujouiN I. J DONALDSON & CO, Mill ...... - - ' - I. .11 - Jiulu ' - tt U. Ml iM '1 tin' 111 ih! fci.our iu w -hvk wt WATCHES, CHAINS, CLOCKS, BEEASTPINS, Ami In liu-',xi r)tliMi kt-pt lu i FIRST-CLASS ESTABLISHMENT. If you contemplate insurance, call on them and get posted, and it will cost you nothing. Hemember their oflico is in the EAST OKKGON1AN building, or address Hunt liouml PHKupHufrnrrlvr-iiinij:!..! KiikI hounil tielKlit iirilvin ut SiMt.1! wnt nt 0:W p. in. "P.,1 V"t i-ounil iwsKMigcr nrrlve, hII.-b.I Wont lmili.a fi-ulglit arrives ut S:Wn. 1 pnrMnHtiap. m. M'nlla Wull'i mill I'unillotiin fin t.cuven tit fl:00 n. 111. for Vnll fii rlvt'f nt 4.00 p. 111. from Wutln WMU, To Hun l-'runclnco, Lphvo dlcniinhlp wlunf, 1'urlUml. u , nlclit.iii. follini-! Culumlilii, Mon, Apr 2 tltntp, Friln-l J OrricoK.Turii, Apr 10 CTolumblii.SaLil Htiile, Weil, Apr 1 OreKOit.Hun.ASl -riiilr. AlirMl.lni. "'rl Orcifon, Kri, Mny I Colut'iiiiU.jJ To I'ortlnmt. I.oavlinrSpoiu Htnlinrf Hnn Kr&nelw, it III in iui in itbi Hliite, Hun, Apr t Oreson.TUii.Ai Cnluiublii. Mim.Anrl) HlnlcKrl. On-Kon, Tit, Apr If Columbia, urn, .1. ltHtCK Of I'AMaRtS Incluilltiu ihuiiIh mul Imlhi. Cndltii Htccrngc, u Trip, Hound Unllinlteil, i-oriiiruirr ji.'iriMMimrK innuuonitntj of IIih I'liiiipnny, or A. T MnxwtllpA. iv 1, t 1 i'rimiiu, vnuuu. A. Ii. MAXWKUl A. a.l'.4T.J Cloneriil Mnuiignr. W. J. AI.I.OWAY, Atf,l 1'eiiOlilon, Orrt GREAT OVERLAND ROUT m flortlipm Pacific Raild TIIKONIiY LINK HUNNl.NQ 'iiffmaii ilnce filcrilny Curt! MllllHlftCfnt Dim Clmrhrtt Rteuant l'mtiirtmt SlerBlnnnm'l With Jtrrth t'fif tf fdrfl From 0rcion and Washington U to tho East, Vlii m. ''mil 11ml Mliiiipiiintli. Th 1 line runnliiK Vatixco Dining Curt. r....l. 1 Fati'Rt TIiiih Kvfr .Kuiln From CoiiNt Over tin' Northern I'upllln llnllrnml Tn ul.inv rlt. llli.m. ei Ta.i u .Jf..A fl.lll.. ...lllia, nh.Wi AlcliUiin, Lcnviunrnrtli, Kiumi C iinruiiKioii, iiiunry, iu miiik.lhii-im hu I'liuiin iiinjiiuiiiiin inn khu nm ..In U. I.m.l .....I . I I .. .. I. . 1.1 ni. I .1111 mill 4iiiii!iiiinjim KMIrtttANT Hl.KKPIN'n CAI Aro limited on n-milnr cxproi Irilnic the intlru Icnuth ot tlm NortlifmfV if..ii....i ...iiiii.ii.i. T,cnvo Wutluln .tnnitliiU:10ii.ia. .ciivo I'ortliiml II i. 111.. ihillv! arrtni MIlliiriipollH or Ht. 1'iiul 12:50 p. u.,l luiirui liny, 1 Coiini-riiou mnilo t fit. ruul im.lHItt'-l oii to 1111 Hiiiiiii Knt.i'oulli una KouitM I'acikio niviaiox. Tri.ln will Icnvn t'orttiilul dally MllH 111.,1-IIIIIIFrilllK Willi U. It. iV Si. UV100W 1 nil poliita on I'usi-t Hounil. a. n. firAiii.To.v. ilcneral Wfuforn I'liKiioniri'r Ajfni yl iii"IIUKl!l m , inrimnii. W. C. AI.I.ilWAY.AM1. IVliiltetun.U.trl I Ily wnv of tli Ovegou il California R R Anil ConiK'i'tloiiM, Tlio Mount Slmstn Koutt Quicker In time thnn nny other Hoiitp. ltotMi'on I'OIITLA.VD AND SAN KnANCISWl Leave Portland at 4:00 p.m. im Through time. 39 hours. S'U I.I.MAN l.'FFt;T MLKKfEWl Excurslor Sloopors for 9fl uiass Pa3 ongoro on through trains froe chargo. t'arn from l'ortliniil to Hueraw"! unit Huii FrnnelNroi l-'IrHt.rla.M UnlliiiUeil... ... Klrnt.rlm.-i. I.lmlteil . - .. ' Merouil-rluHM. I.lmiifil 11 Ticket Olllcoi Corner Faml Front Ht.. l'orll"1 K.I' H0UKU8, Q.V &l'M$.M'tl WM. GARDNER & CO, Sanitary ni Mil n M nnu fact urern of Steam and Hot Wat Heating Apparatus, KOKIlWKM.INGS OB I'UHLIC Bl'ItDI 8p ineiton nnd estimates fiirnlik"1 1 liwnini:bulldlnii in any section of thee iry, urrspotUo!ico toliclted. tJ Mi llill.v.i Pendleton, 7 OFFICE: I34THIRDSTREE Portland, Oregon. ! JH ' HIXTI.VG Ui ftPmi ii1 "r'',-es lh' will prove tuey - trf,l v" VJJLX. tlmn tlm.e of any other prlutms WM s is&kiem Orecon.