East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 30, 1888, Image 1

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JJwhItou want.
. in ituinryoriinun will pay
iwr itrllv'cciili will pay
::;t;',r'U.:nONIANfor tho
., of tin'" y"'";
a rni:i: mhhakv.
Patron, of tlin Dully or ScmMVerkty
IIAST Olti:(10NIAX ran freely nmkt. uf
of Mm HAST OKIUIONIAN library utten
over tliy on iti'slm. Tli puhllr uri cin
illully lultrd to tl.lt tln oltlcn whenever
n lurlliiiMl,
NO. 52.
Has been tnkon off both
oolen and Cotton Goods
;Not by Congress, but by
1 they now offer their Largo and Completo Stock of
.i . ..i.. . i. ii. : i !..
amino tl'.Cir goons, gia uiun jjnuus, ami cuuviuuu yuuiHUii
lie above are not mere assertions, but that they will sub-
ate what they claim. Theirs is not, an "Infant Industry,
fure they have discarded Protective Prices, and will freely
otition from all quarters. They carry a
com i
i u m r m m n ut n ra iifniRMii . w 1 n
Bill IB. I flWllll lillll.lltl Dkllf Lf!l.lflJll
Consisting of
in n. I 111 LUAVi T ir A. V h-a itJ MUM kJ adW W
mens Ladies ana uniidren's Slioes
Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery
and Glassware, Groceries,
Hardware, Etc.
.It T-lTTO'-l t-T A CJirilJCJ "l A VT Q 1T 1 T T O 17 T A Ta. A TTC
N f- N m l AN I NHIIr- SIIIKt
I will Hell for tlio next 30 days, at a
t of 10 per Cent, for Gasii!
My Largo Stock of
I II Z f I I I I 1 III ! I'll
Saddles, Whips. Hits nid Spurs.
flTl'I.' Ml.' I ftlTT IVn TIT. PAVVIVOtM
ocds murked in plain figures.
T tt a -M' cut mrr rr ttpo r -
nun 1 o 1 ntt I , - - - cunikAHU, uncvun.
Pnl);Dnill nil. ..r. n.lr- , .. . i ll '
& S. a
yji kiiiiu arm 1 n n n
111 11 111 11 .n iiniin
nn i- i.h u UMMUiuv
popular line in coiutoct on
iiurmvru i.umI.i. ii..h
h ......
.m int. t BHt.
V BL l-Ai.l. . ..
- mm wm Kuiilli.
T 3olneH, LeuvHii wnrtlf
AtrhUon nnd Khiimuh lllty
Dnlv i nm Conictii.ir w.ih n...
'ji -vcnwijtli imU Kuma
L'ti:u .....
iiiir .svii.i. .....1
.Vf( IIt.
Roct2r " ,hrouSl Express Trnlns on
""oc '"aJe In uultm depots.
w'y'tS'IS?? re"n6 rates, maps,
Ticket Atent.O. 11. a N. fco.,
,wn M- l'ort aud. Ore.
-".BROOK," "
Mmnea.MilU Minn.'
w 'IHPV.M obtain ntinuui
4 fy " C "?f ' "" Ui ' er 1,1
Notary and Corporation Soals,
In Pendleton,
Tho usunl price tor souls made by other
parties, In rortlaud or the Kast, Is from g(UK)
o HM, with express charges added. 1 you
need a seal, semi your order to us, aid save
from ilCO to $3,00 thereby.
East Oregonlan Pub, Co..
rahli dtf
Pendleton, Oregon.
They do happen every day, and when one
happens to you, you will wish that
you were insured In tho
TUB Thavelkiis' resources are tmfllcleiu to
pay at r.nco Hie most enormous mavs of
claims that even ureal railroad and steam
boat accidents can urlnir upon it. Puy all
claims, without d.scount. Immediately upon
rwoliit of mtNfactory proofs. Hon torfeiture
provUlons In all Its policies.
Ten Millions of AsseTs. Two Millions
of Sut plus.
Glopton & Jackson, -
Resident Agents,
East Oresonlan bulldlne, endleon.ur. ,
HOItltllll.i: FAT I! !' A MTTI.i: OIItL.
Two Slot-o Crimes Cnuscil liy At'tilskry
l'ostnl Inspflotor Mason I)cuil Two 1 f the
Mnrflold Family to be .ttnrrinil Vho Mul
lan Tiiiini.1 All Itlglit Tun Cai or
)riiwnliie-Tlii Illackroot Kxcltmimnt.
1'I.OiritINd HIU HUKNlil).
J. It. Uoonti' llenrlettu Mill. Iivairu.l
by Fire Tills MorvliiE A Ilruvy Lors t.i
tho 0..mmiinlty,
Kciio, On., April .10. Tito Henrietta I
...ii. viuiiiuk iwu. ll. ixuuillu.
wan i)iirnetl to tlio Krounil lust iilght, and
with all ItH content is ti total Iiwh. '11 10
fiio h Hitppofctl to lmvo orllniitod front
Utliltt'M fll'tlur frvu.i It... ...iul.l...t..l
Hcngur train, an llnmoM woru dincovotctl
noon after it ii.ihmhI. Tho Iosh In about
sf),0()0, partly iiiHttrciI, tuobablv for
about hall tno valuo.
Parlica who uumo up n:i tho cuhMwuiuI
puHHcnuor train hint night, which loft
Sellout 1 o'clock, know nothing of tho
flro, which occinrctl Hhortlv after tho j
train hail p.tHod. Tho Henrietta mill '
wtiH built by .Mr. Koont. in 188!l, am
wiM a sreat credit not only to iilin. hut to
Kcho and all tho Ktu rottndlnj; count 1 v.
HIh Hour Hoon ranked with tho very beat,
and tlio mill wiih of ItnincnHO bonellt to
tlio pcoplu for many miles around Ucho.
.Mr. Koontst ban tlio Hincoro Hynipatlty
not only of bin lmmediato ucluhborH. but
of inany jieoiilo throughout tlio county,
111 iiih K10.1110HH. wo nopo no win DO
able (o null throuuh. and to rebuild an
other mill equal to tlio 0110 destroyed.
Later iohji(h tiro that about riO.OOJ
bUNhelH of wheat weto burned, lwnldo a
larvo iitiantity of feed and pacta. Tho
mill cost over $L'0,0(X. and tho vallto of
ItH contcntH could not lmvo lccu less than
L'5,000 or $.10,000. Tho ropoit further Ih
that there wiih about $-'8,000 itiHiiraneo on
tho whole proiorty. Tho llro wiih dis
covered almut 0110 o'elook, aud caught in
tho loof, and no doubt eliminated from
tho endue. I" J. Ward, the uMit watch
man, barely cHcajieil from tim burnini;
A Man Who had too MueU Whiskey Is Laid
out by a Itecr llottle,
San Fiiancihco. April .10. TIiIh morn
iuir John Goldsmith, a waiter, entered a
miloon kept by Julius Lambert 011 Kear-
tinv utn.nt. mill l.v linlutornllkl nntiAitnt
made hlniHelf ol)iivxiouH,and eoiumonced 'lih-wtjon
A Hoy Drimiied.
Ka.v Fi'ASi t. tio, Apill ISO. Yenterday
afteiiKHm, Frank (.'tnnniinn, tho ten'-yeat-old
uon i f a livery ulablo keeper,
wuh dnwned in China elouh, oppoiiitu
Oakland wharf. Ho in company with
peroral youths had none wwinnnin;; in the
Hlougli, and ho was taken with cramps
when in thu doen wutiT. nnd was
drowned before nsHlHlaneo could tench
Double Wed d 1 11 R In tlt (Inrdnld 1 11111 1 1 y
Ami unced.
McNfott, O. Apil ::0. A donblu mar
riitKe Ih soon to be m'lomnlzcd hero at the
(larlleld liomextead between Har-y G.n--Held
and .Miss llello MitMon. and MIhh
Mollio Gatlicld and J. .Staniev Drown,
who wuh piivato pcc etary to tlio father
of lifs prospective b.fdo.
The Miillnn Tuuiirl nil Itlcht.
Tacok, W. T.. All 30. AHslstunt
Gcneitil .Munu(:or Ilttckloy, of tho North
ern I'nrlllc. huvm that tho Mulluu tunnel,
ropo-ted wrecked lunt night, Ih perfectly
neetiro and mife. The unow nltcd at tho
we.it etHnineo was di'Mtioyed by flro. but
tho damage amounted to only it few tiiou
Haiul dollaif.
Drnunp.l In tlii" Cnliimbln.
VASforvni, V. T., An.il .10. .Tones V.
Van Vllot, asod of Mrs. V. H. Dtowstfr,
was drowned in tho Columbia last night
ul 7 o'clock, whllo wate. lug his horse,
only a few rods from home. Ho was
untvonully loved In tho community.
1'iintnl Inspector Mason Dead.
I'oiiTi.Axn, Or.., Apill !W. Gooiw
Mason, chief postal inspector of this
(UvImIoi), did at Good Samailtan liosnltal
at 4 o'clock ycsteiday niornlnipof typhoid
A Clrjr and Cnrrrct Ntatnmeiit of tho One
Yltul DllVerence Itetwren tho Fnrtles at
To tho Editor of thu Eat Orevonlant
. Slnco tho daik tlays of slavery, tlio two
great patties, lJomocmuoauu uepuuucan,
have been lighting one another in each
succeeding J'tcHldcutiul contest, with
practically no issuo between them save
that of "spoils." Dining tho time of
tlorco pro and anti-slaveiv agitation
whoso bitter memories still linger in tho
hearts of some of our lest eiluens that
"grand old party of moral itleiw," tho He
publican, was unquestionably in tho
tight. At that time (hero was an issuo
worth lighting for whether or not a man
had a light to own his brother of pablo
hue, almost Ixxly and soul, as ho would
own a sheep or a dog. It took four yearn
01 lilooiisiicd and nut-cry to uccnio 1110
While It could not possibly Ikj
to heap epithets on tho heads of tlio
saloon-keeper and others in tho place.
Ho was ordeted to leave tho saloon, but
before ho withdrew lie told Lambert that
ho would "llx him." Lambert closed
the saloon at ! o'clock a. m., aud walkod
towatd Ituuie, holding In his hand a bot
(loot U'lir. When lie bad reached tho
corner of .Montgomery street, Goldsmith
ran out of a kuIoou and followed him
homo dlntanco, and finally dealt him a
terrible blow on the neck with his (1st.
As Iimbett turned around he noticed his
assailant making a motion as if to draw
a wcuiwu ftom his hip ocket, and be
lieving ho was about to uso a pistol, Lant
lieit luWcd the I ter bottle and struck
Goldsmith two blows on tho head, frae-
tuiiug the fckull, and making a deep gash
called an "issuo" between tho two nar-
M0.1, slill tho liepuhlican party can lay
claim to tho honor of "saving the nation"
in tho time of its great peril, without a
dissenting volco. Tlio cause of tint!
slavery was earnestly advocated with
brain ami blood by many a Democrat, it
in true; but it is also true that among the
immense numler of secessionists there
could not lw found ti Itopubllcan.
Itut that ttiuu is now past. It is use
less to refer to dead questions, that have
uolicaiing on our ptesent welfare.
From that time up to 188-1, the Kepub
lican party, by icason of tho piestlgo and
glory It obtained by being on the right
Fide of the quarrel, had maintained its
supremacy. There was practically no
dilleienco between Democrat and llopub
iu rMiiut 1111 niuniHH t hvvji' h" ,.
in tlio back v( his hcud. Tho injuivd 'P vo ,,01,,or' 01 " , " "
was carried to mriUK 1110 eivn war. j-.vury hk"i t iiiu
man foil unconscious, and
a receiving hospital, whero ho now lies
in an insensible ami ciitical condition.
Twe Tailors Kiiiko In a Drimkru Uaitrrel,
11 nil One of ttiuu Is Killed.
Kan FitANcibCo, April I!0. Ijtst night a
shooting n If ray occuned in Oakland
which roiultcd in tho death of John
I'bulan. a talloi. I'bolan was with two
companions, aud met Den Litciieiistoiu,
a brother tailor, with whom he had some
angry words about tho luleo of sonto j foiont interests, aud tho subject was so
work, and J'holun accused tlio other of interwoven and twisted among tlio
taking work from him by doing it musses of voters that to separate it into a
cheaier than tho regular rates. Lltehon- distinct Issue was iinpohsiblo. Thetefore,
stoin deniod this, and tho quauol was To tho Victors belong tho Siollsl" was
apparently smoothed over, and all tlio only ivul war-cry during tlio jieriod of
Presidency was conducted on thoso mom
ories of tho past strugglo, aud us may lie
imagined, ltepublicanism triumphed,
l'.'otectiou ami freo trado could not then
bo brought before tho twoplo to light for
and to vote for. Tho fallacies of tlio pro
tective system woro not so readily seen
aud understood then us now, and wo as a
Ieoplo are only just Incoming gradually
enlightened on this subject. Different
views aud opinions were held and
preached by tho rank aud (lie of both
parties, according to their suptioscd dlf-
nar ties took a drink in a ncluhliorini: sa
loon. After leaving tlio saloon tho quarrel
was renewed, and Litchoiisteiu referred to
rhclau aim ins menus in nntiHivo iau
our history from tho close of the civil war
up to 1881, and tlio Kopuuilcans guinea
and retained tho hjvoIIh by reason of tho
superiority 01 their past record, inoy
guago, when riiohm struck Litchonstoin wero lwrhaps dreaming of an indefinite
in tho fuco. Tho assaulted tailor wont continuation of their power, but they
away, but quickly returned with a ro- woio rudoly awakened. Millionaires
volvor and shot l'holan in tho loft breast, and pauiHjrs, rich, well-fed employers,
I'hclan died fifteen minutes after reaching
tho hospital. Doth men had beon drink
ing Intnl.
A IIOllItlllLIS sroitY.
A Little Girl Is Eaten Alive by a Savace
Des Moineb, Iowa, April SO. Tho
iilno-veai'-old daughter of 11 fanner named
Goodspeed, living a fow miles from horo,
IS lying Ul tno point oi ueatn, iiaviiiB
heen almost caton auvo uyaiio wnon
found. Tho gill had U'cn attending
school, and was on her way homo when
sho was attacked by a huge dog, aud
.,1,0.1 iiuuImI.'iiwo i-paclinil lier Ilia oritlo 1
had her down, and was standing over her ffi MuKa Sd"
"? IU"W,, " V i u.lnal partisanship, will
eaten awav so Hint tno nings wero ex
isted to view, wbiio her limbs woro hor-
isi.i Tl. ..1.(1.1 llvn.
nuiy inuiiivii. aiiu 111,. vw....v. ...v.
The Ulackfoot Hrsi-natlon.
rinoiT v.i.ij,. M. T.. Anril 30. The
nows of tho oiHinlng of the Dluckfoot row
crvutlon Is awaited impatiently llirotigli
out Northern Montana. A la' go number
of tiersons have g"tio to the lest-rvatlon
to Jocato lunches, mines and tow unites.
and noor. half-starved lalwrors, wero in
creasing too rapidly, and tho jiooplo
uwakened from their long sleep nnd de
manded a change. A freo jiconlo enforce
their demands at tho iolls, aud tho edict
of tlio ballot-box overthrow ltepublican
ism and installed Democracy in the seat
of government.
Vo havo had now neatly four years of
Democratic rule. It has not differed
materially from previous Honublicau ad
ministrations and why? Decatiso tho
woik of reform in our tarill' system,
whore all and tho only iiiiiKntaut reform
is needed, has not begun. Our legisla
tors, us St. John aptly says, "huvo been
y 1110 coat
and almost
not allow of
any attempt oven to sift tlio lailll ques
tion, because of sonio learitu "atlvun
tago" that may bo gained or lost. And
yon ask, what has brought about this
slate of affairs? Simply this, and noth
ing more: Tlia larilf question has never I
yot boon brought bquaroly lx-foro tho jieo-1
pie Ibeiukeht'M asuiiisuo to bo fought,
at tho poll, whether jn their opinion 1
the high turiu' t-tcin is an evil or a 1
'ie-iug thov have 11e.tr Ixcn fctveu an
opportunity to decide. It is not strange,
then, that their representatives at Valt
ington should take advantage of the situ
ation, and attempt to servo their and
their Ihishcs' own personal interests, ami
to pay nioio attention to tlio welfare of
tho party than to the wolfaro of the peo
ple. Hero is whore the dlilleulty lies: but
let mo tell you, reader, that that dillb
unity will soon ho obviated, tlio knotty
tnrllf problem solved. How? Let me
I havo said that in the past tlio tariff
question lias nover been put before the
musses us an issuo, in the many contests
for supremacy Iwlween the two croat par
ties. 1 have oven doubted mvself if it
could over bo plated in such a light.
Happily, my doubts havo lieen dissolved.
It is plain to see that thu coming Presi
dential contest will bo fought on this is
sue, ami It alone. Democratic Stuto con
ventions tlntiugbout tho nation aro put
ting staunch tariff-reform timber Into
their platforms, whllo Hopublicans aro
just as determinedly adopting resolutions
condemning President Clovelund, and
favoring, in words meant to bo soft and
misleading, but still with obvious mean
ing, a continuation in substance of tho
piesent exorbitant tat Iff rates. Farmers,
merchants, laborers, and producers gen
erally, aro becoming interested, and are
siding tlio matter as they never did bo
fore. And let 1110 tell you, this "protec
tion" deceit cannot liear their close scru
tiny. Tliey uro (hiding out that through
all thco yearn they havo been led astrav
by tho subtle and euphonious words o'f
deceivers. They aro discovering through
tho medium of hard, solid facts that tno
so-called "protection" of American labor,
American industry, and Amciicau funn
els is a fraud, it delusion, a snare. They
at last aro believing tho truth that for
every article necessary to their existence
they pay an avenigo of forty-seven per
cent, above its true valuo that this per
centage is thu "legitimate" profit of
trustH, mono)iolies, and rich iiianufactur
ervuml that this unequal and unjust
taxation Is a result of our present admira
ble "protective" tariff.
The question will ho face to faco with
tho voter this coming election. Republi
can pupors, leaders and bosses have en
rolled themselves under the banner of
"protection," ami will mako strenuous
efforts for tho success of their cause.
"Tariff reform" will bo the glorious stan
dard unfurled above the Democratic
hosts. At last wo have an issue wortli
tho striigglo It costs. I liellovo it will
tako no prophet to foretell tho icsiilt. I
believe that the causu now championed
by Democracy Ih as righteous us that of
the Kepublicuns iu 1801, and that tho
Domocrutio party will In turn earn tho
title of "Savior of thu Nation" ftom u
peril as deadly as the one which threat
ened it during tho War of the ltolielllou.
Hut every one does not think as I do.
Let votets romemlier thu inior!unco of
1110 question, ami tiiiuic tor themselves.
Democrat.1! for "tariff reform," llopublt
cuiih for "protection," ami may the Just
causu triumph. Citmiiuv.
What Our Hxchances Havo to Hay About
Homo eftliii Men Who Are Ituiiiilui; for
Ofllce In Umatlllit County.
From tho Milt.n Kajlo (J ml.)
John M. Dentlnv has (.nn-pil I'niiilllln
county faithfully and well mid suielv do-
serves ru-eicciiuii.
Pci-sonally Mr. Fee is attractive and a
perfect geutlomuu. and would probably
tie honor to tho judge's bench. Jiut, noi1
rv to Bay, only two or tlueo yeatH'exie
rlouco as a lawyer can hatdly entitle him
to the tKjsltlon which can onlv bo lilted hv
u mind us fully matiucd and equipped it's
would be a test in candidacy for judge of
tlio Stato mipruuio court.
John M. Dcntley has proven true to tho
taxpayers of Umatilla county, Ho tin
made tlio best tax collector, and has ce -talnly
shown no discrimination in ids
work. This lias not been denied by any
one, aud taking tho county's financial and
moral condition into consideration, no
former slierlll has equalled the adminis
tration of Mr, Deutley. Hois head and
shoulders above his opjionent iu ability
aud tills is not denied, nor will it bo. Ve
predict a larger majority for John in
Kasteru Umatilla than ho received two
years ago.
It has beon stated that V. M. Itamcoy,
candidato for Circuit Judge of tlio sixth
judicial district, Is a railroad attorney and
a "curiKjt bagger." Ah to the llrst alle
gation, wo have taken tho Double to look
up tho records and find that Mr. Itaiimey
lias never beon ictained in a single case
by any railroad corioration, but on the
other hand bus been engaged as counsel
against such corporations. This is tlio
plain truth, ami can easily bo proven by
the public record. This Htatoiiiunt is
mado for thobenollt of a certain iiiushioom
liepuhlican publication, which has seen
fit to vilify and abuse ceitaln Democratic
candidates icgardlcss of tiutli.
As to the howl of "carpet bagger," wo
will stato that Mr. Kamsoy lias lieen 11
resident of Oregon for forty yeara: his
opiionent alwut ihreo years. Hix counties
compiiso tlio district, and liecatiM) Mr.
ltanihoy toole up ills loshlunco in 0110 of
them suvenil mouths liefoto election.
should'this apply so strictly? Ho Is a
pioneer of Oreuon. and if olooliul. will
have jurisdiction over u large portion of
that Matti not one ooinity. Thus, theie
can le no n-sxl argument in tho cry of
't-arja't liiigjfi-i- "
Jia('i- Kiiiiiscv has 'eiii in active j.n c
tko of Hie law f"r twenty .e.n-, nnd du
ring twelve years past has argued more
eases before tho Supremo Court than any
ono lawyer. These aro facts, and are
substantiated by the records. His op
!oncut has not bad a singlucasu in. the
Supremo Court, and has been at the bar
only alsjut threo years.
Now, these are truths, not buncombe,
and we submit to our citizens if it IsJ not
a wise plan to phtco a fully comiHStont
man in such a responsible position. Our
property, our wclfutu and our lives are
at times in tho bauds of tlio circuit judge
and by his decision wo must abide. Tito
olllco is not a political ono, and we sub
mit Mr. ltuniHoy's name in fullconlldenco
that tho ooplo will vote as their most
vital interests will dictate.
From tho Ccntervllle Homo l'res (Ind.)
And what of J. H. Daley and his oppo
nent, A. U. Mattoon? Daley was raised:
on tho Meadows in this county, worked
on tho farm dating the summer and went
toa distiict school iu the winter. When
ho became 11 man lie went to Pendleton
and has been a successful business man.
thorn over since. Hols a man of pub
lic spirit, and his Interests are iu Uma
tilla county. Ho should ho elected by alii
means, us joint-Senator of Umatilla ami
Union counties, and all men who havo
tho best interests of tlio country at hcait
win voio tor mm instead 01 A. u. .Mat
toon, who citno to this county it couple of
years ago, peddling agricultural imple
ments. I'ofoio this he had done tho
samo thing iu other places, aud when ho
had done this pawned over to Union, and
when ho has done that county 110 doubt
ho w ill bo next heard of In Idaho. Ho oc
cupies thu samo posl'ion iu tho two
counties that a Connecticut clock peddler
did In tho Southern Slates. 40 years ago,,
and his interests are about the same. Is
it safe to entrust tlio solid interests of
tills county to such ainan? Wo must
emphatically say nay.
Suppott Daley and you supiiort a good
man whoso interests aro Indentllled with
you. Tills journal is down on such, pll
gi image and shifting class of people.
mil r.ior.Noim's ri,i:A.
From tho Wcslnn Leader (Itup.)
Now Mr. Dentloy and myself hud sev
eral conversations lcirurdlrc: tho matter
of the Leader suportlng him, bothlieforo
and after bin nomination, all of which I.
have explained. Mr. llentloy under
stood from the first that It was doubtful
whether ho would receive It, for tho
icason that there wuh 11 possibility of Mr.
ltaker lecelving tlio nomination for Dep
resentatlvo, in which casu both Dentley
and I saw that there would be almost in
suternbludilticultlesbitho wuy of our sup
twitting him. Out of litis grew thu phut of
(sir.'oulngtho money mentioned ,u scheuiu
concocted lietweon Dentley anil myself,
and of cotitsu without tho knowledge of
Mr. Dukor, who knew nothing of the
transaction until I tore oiven thu en
veloiH) containing tho check addressed
to mo, and threw it uikiii his writing
desk, lie evinced both surpilso ami
displcasum when I explained tho origin
of tho lo.ni ami Its object, and said
that such a transaction would ho fatal
to his chances for thu olllco of Dep
teseittatlvo. Ho thou asked mo to re
turn it to Dentloy and to mako no
arrangoinentH of that nature until
after tho convention, then, if ho was
not nominated, he would then allow niu
to have my Ihf-t choice of candidates
wliom to sups)it. I letnrned tho check
tho samo day. 1 went to Pendleton thu
day pioviuus to thu Statu Convention, and
among tho llrst men I met was Uentlo.v,
who wanted to know what was tho mut
ter. When I had explained, lie said : "I
supimscd thut was it." We then went to
ids oflleu together, ami ho wanted to
know what I thought It would tako to In
duce Dukor to allow the Leader to suppott
him. I then told him that iu case ho
was nominated for icpivseiitativo I
thought it would hu useless to broach
the subject to him, but if ho
pleased ho might offer 1110 H00 and I
would mako tho offer known to Paler for
Ids consideration. (Tills I hone you do
not consider an extortionate sum for tho
woik to le accomplished. You will doubt
less allow that It wuh rather reasonable
when I assure you that it Included
extra copies of tlio leader for Ihreo
months.) Tho remarks concerning "tlio
other Hldo"tiroMi in this manner: 1 said
to him, aud I dare him to deny it,
"Damn the money, John, I am going to
support you liersonully, tinywiiy. 1 am
not afraid but what the other sido defer
ring to Mr, Dukor'H paity) will do what is
fair, but 1 want tho leader to mipoit
From tho Lu Grande. Journal. (Hem.)
Tho "ring" which Intends to make Mr.
Duuihcy tlio next judgu of tills district
includes nlKJiit four-fifths of thu people of
Union county, including all tho leading
Republican attorneys.
There Ih no better qualified man In this
district for tho ositioii of prosecuting
attorney than Tlios, Crawfotil, of Union,
tho Democratic nominee, Hu mado no
sixiclal effort for the nomination, simply
telling his friends that he wanted it, anil
they ictllzud at onto that hu was just tlio .
man tliuy wanted. He will prove him
self a credit to tlio position.
.Iilliinu A 1,'na .f !,..,, II, .1,., 11,,. W,,
publican nominee for circuit judge, is u
young man of only a fow yearn' practice,
,l ...... .... 1...I1..- lilt.'.! '.... .1.'
ii.n j,w miiiui iumi'iuuiiuiin jiti urn
judgeship than many other young at
torneys of this distiict. Wo think he is 11
gentleman, conscientious, porhap, and
upriVht; but that duci not qitalhy him.
W. M. Dauuey.tiio Delia. -ru ie miinineo,
ha eve 1 ,' luulilic.itioii, and will leivivu
ut K'ust thu'e-futiiths of tho voP-suf tUs