HATl KIMY.Al'im.UJ, JH.. INOAM.S AT flKITVUIIimO. "MeClollan and Unit other ally of tho CotiMuraoy, I lancock". Senator Iti(fullH 01 KU!IH;lH. Did IiiRnlli dtiiticl lit finttyidjurif Ak'ultldt till) MlllKlrt'll lllld of Ktpyl Ann did lin full it lliiiutovk fi'll? And illil li tulto a wound for ' y? Oli. yi'K, lin fmiKlit, tint, nut tlmi ilny Par from tlio llory ruin of Midi llu fmiitlii, a thniiKiiiiil mile iiwny, DM Inirnlln rlilo nt (lettynliiirir, An uulliiiilly hi Mnmhiil .Si. Amine tin) IIiiiiiIiik limw (if lie I, Willi iit'iirtnfiuik, without iluomiy, llt'iii'iitli tliRHuiitlicrn t'liiiiiiin pliiy Wliumi mum miiirout tin- retxjl K f I ' 1 1 Ami Hlinltmil I 1 1 ic t r ' lltim nt Kmy? Did IiikiiIIx lili'i'd "t "i ll ttlmrK, And will hi' furriiHml In tin- liny? lly country licuitli iln noldlcr li-ll 'flint IliKiilln imrri'd thitNuiilli" " wnyT uli. ym, liu finiKlittliiit In in ny Yon know you tvv -liliem uli. null lie fought u tlioiKimil miles iiwh.v. Win InuiitlH nrnwni'd nt (Ji'tty'inr V 1 1 1 1 IHIII" n II II HUH UK llti.iri i,ili Ilnriiu Klorloim from thuroiuillcrril Mold A lin Iiin'fi lirldf, ii n I'rli'MKi'lili'fJ No! from Unit battle- -In Im hrlff llu win not Ixirnu up'Hi it Klili'ld ! 7Vii(((ij III) tried it L'lilt'kcn tlilofl t.S'nw York HI nr. H.F. Johnson &Co., Prescription Druggists. PURE MEDICINES, OHOIOE PERFUMES, Requlsiten of the Toilot, Stationery & School Supplies, Fine Imported and Key West Cigars. Opposite VI liar J Houte, fHNMiKTON, OtlKfJOK HOWELL & 00., FURNITURE DEALERS AMU UPHOLSTERERS. AlA, KINIH OV FUllNlTUHi: IlKI'AiltlNO 1)0NB AT T1IK I.OWKHT HATKS. Coll mid 1'XHinliiu price. Lnrgcut utorlc of furnlttirn In Kulern Oreifoii. Howell & CO., . Villard House A rftYoilPrOteCted ? JLAX V V DAVK 1IOH.V I'rnurlctor. Northwest Corner Main and ;Court Streets, PENDLETON, OREGON. Mnckcnilct Caviinnxli lltilldlnff, Inn, OMKon Pencil- m (1ST C2M0KUM JCB SIFABTVIUT In the l-Ki'tiiii'l host r(iilpppd In thi) Inland Kmplrp, Kiixiorn prlcm. . O ''uli, fVi., Tnilliinn,f rfin lie-opened, Re-furnished Equipped in First Olasa Style. am SAMPLE ROOMS FOR MEN. COMMERCIAL Free Coach to and from Trains, JHTIIAY ANIMALS. If you lmvr an nnlmnl pstrny. roll rnn re rnvi'r him hy oxpHidlnc fl.00 In ndvvrtl'liiK in nit" i;aht uiikiioniak. u cmcno inrin every lltno. Wright & Son, -OK TI1K- CHICAGO STORE. Wll, to nay to their patroiiH itml the public Kunerally, that thoy uro constantly receiving OOODS SUITABLE TO THE SEASON. Wo havu JiiMt oiionuil up u fine lino of STRAW HATS, which we will tell at very ciowj margin. John Nlirrnmn. From tlio New York Times. What Mr. Sherman probably (loon not Hoe, and what In it wont Important fact, Ih Dial, MioiikIi no Khoultl bo ablo to pclm the noinliiatlon, though IiuhIiouIiI j,tuh tlio fruit of bin loiiu perluH of plotH, It,, trlucH, anil nmnlpulatloiiM, It wotilil bo of no value to him ; that, an tlio cauiliilalo of tlio itopulillcait party In IHHH, ho would bo inoru crtiMiiiiiniy ilulcated than .Mr. Malno wiih In 18HI. oven moro xlKually dofoaled than Air. Illaino would ho IIiIh year. llu cannot 1k mailo to iiudorHtanil IIiIh, yet tlio oxplaiiatlou Ih vcrv hliuplo. No man can lead lhn Itepubllcaii party In mo roeovury oi tuo Kroiinu u limt In 1HH I who iIimih not nal Iffy tlio ilemand of (how who (lofeatod tlio narly then, for honchty, tor niiciMKi'iii uiiiiiiiy to civil nurvico to form, and for Imparlfal devotion to the ltiteri'HtH of tlio Mholo country, 'IIiIh Mr. Phuruiau cannot do. Wo hliull not rovluiv 1 1 io oviilcnio IiIh career af ford an to bin narrowuoHH, bllleriiecH, and willful dlHrcKanl of tlio iicciIh anil thu rlgbtn of one great hccMoii of tho counlry. Wo content ourMjlvoH with InvllliiK' atluulloii lo I lii tecoiii of IiIk liroctltutlon of (ho civil nervlco to tint ad vancemout of bin K.THoiial atnhilloii In IiIh plaim lo Hccuru Iho iioiuliiatiou In 1880. That Ih a iccord long ago mailo up and familiar to tho country, ami It Ih fa tal to the aHpirutloiiH of A'lr. Sbeimaii lo occupy thu Whlto I louwi. Had hu U'en t..t..l.l.l.m.l 1.. I t..l.. II I.. luuiiiiiiii i in io hu llllKIU IMIHHIIIIV havo boon nhrleil, though it in doubtful, for IiIh Ih not a record lo hIiukI Iho llorco light that bealH UIniii u I'renl dunllal camlldalo. Had ho bi'on nomi nated In 1881 ho would havo l,enii de feated, or, wllh many of Iho namo weak iiohhoh iih Mr. Illaiuo, hu would bau united hoiuo Nciiliar Id liluifclf. and one aiu mipiemo degrco Iho ullcr incapaelly tooxcltu either devotion or cimliilourn in tliowi with Hhmn ho ban to deal, l( bo could I ki iionilualeil Ibis year hu would only lead tho Itepubllciu nartv to that llnal defeat that It m doomed loeucouuler Willi any raudiilato lepieHouting, an ho dixH, it h low and reaetlonaiy lenileueleH. itmi 'in.... i,. ii...,i i,.r that will Km in Urn t.ii,ltlii Nit InlcllluiiiKcr. Neatly Ibieo ye.irrt ago Iboro wan a young woman hi SmIIIu by tho namo of Mini l.ella ItobiiiHnii, ami if Iho much iibuced word "ChiiuIio" when allixed loa ih)ihiii h mime iuihValoH ibat that ixTron ih a lawver. MIwh ItnliliiMnn inlnlit ulih groat piipiii: havo uiilUm lier namo MIhh l lla UobiiiMoii, litiio,forihowaH l lawyer and praiiiiYil her cIiohcu pro feHcloii In IIiIh cily for homo lime nlth ,111010 or Ioch HUccoHH. .MIhh Knhiiixon Ni i;umo very well kimwii to the voplo i,f "'eatllo. Then tirlnu nf Siviiiln IU- ItoliliiMou went Kant and hung out her ! thiimlo lit Itimton. I'liinn, which kIio I ought for very uwdihioiiHly, caino lo her j ilo an angel, uiiaw.uoH. A IIohIou loiter i vriler Hum iIihitIIioh uhat liappiuil to tllHM ItobillHtlU . I "A luoio or Iohh aiuunlug lueldent Ih old at tho oxhiiihi of MIhh bulla Itoblu on, a woman who Iiiih had hoiiio imtor Jty by her is)minteneo In punliing heivelf nlo Iho mukHof the liigul fraternity of IiIh Slato. Mu mih awUiant oiium uucaMiln whirh an luimitant witueHH fan a man who U In the MaaehtiMiltH Into pillion on a life wntonco. The tin appywioleh had not been out of du wieo for ixivtinlivn yearn, and the night (it hit of Iho wuil.I. eeii though that It was no mnio cheerful mul atlrui'liu) mu Iho com! room, tdhil bin wholit wild lib a wild jov. Ho wan mi thonmgblv ellglitisl that in a iiiiniieut of rupture V'a'nd Vrir:;TU: 4 Luna Abstract Books, and rctnlH Ul.lllH llf llllllnilll' III hiiiii.u.IhII.iii nf nil mtlnt i.l 1.. .1.1 ...I ... I I' Iho dl.la.it ill.,, wi r lw S i. ' " WM,W 1110,11 " ,ow" B,M 'Hrypro,K.rty, 'trough nieauM uf the wiminiinx to I bo , ,or a "''nit or long lime. . 'HtU'i-H lm onjoxml. Hie lawyer who ' 'Uli MOlllir ISllllliUll ill ill, I I'll.. I iVif iimlli- ,It ndltnl iiKut lo liofend .MIm ItoiiiiiHou, ueo oven ailmiMiUm to Iho Imr di not 'infer upon a woman tlio ciiongtb to !tht hor u u UiIIUm, whtui thu convict inarmed bii uinib and bruujtht the iIihIuw to tho cbo.il of tho inaldoii Uir .itur by miv lug : ''I am glad hIioU your wlfn, Iwau-o Ul will uxciim' mo for Kitmiug her. You Wo inako a SPECIALTY VIiki Fitting CLOCKING! -al- PRICES SURPRISE YOU. 1 Wo buy our BOOTS AND SHOES From tho largent mid motit reliable Eastern Factories, Which cnublcH uh to UNDERSELL Our competitors. A nice, frenh lino of GROCER I ES. Wrifflit & Son. v . i . .ii.Ti.ocK, iwh. .1. it. .m.i;v, (ion. Mgr. S. 1'. Sri iiiiih, Troan. v. . J.iciM).v, vieo I'rea. K. II. Ci.oiton, Secy. Umatilla Real Estate & Loan Association vlNCOHPOUATKI). Comer Main and Webb Streets, in E, 0 Building, l'KNDI.liTON, OHHllON. Land Filings, Land Contests, Conveyancing, and other Land Bnsiness Attended to. Negotiate money on town uud IIujh and hoIIh ival eMato in town or country UmtiH, bujH notoH, county K-rlp, and other negotiable pavr. UMATILLA REAL ESTATE & LOAN ASSOCIATION, Pendleton, Oregon, a 1 ooitlilu t liiiln it. "Thu liieilunt ihuIiI to U Iruo. and in 'Id w it tact. It ilTuittruUM tho bwuitilul li.il rotu.lutf inrtneiicf 4 woman in tho U ivih.i, .1h Jail t wlurtver lu mav 'id horwvlf. .No d iiibt tho cotiviel U frtuii nl (Uy a ch.ml U ing. If ho in not 'Wight to U or tho utory lw alobi.ol,v i iikhhI wluUr " t A l urli'lla KtlHI. 1 'VteA tlii- I'ullii- ,1 una. i. iKukbr. iif l'dle ili.ii.',l with Maull li oouiuiil inv ni'ii time liulc girU, InKhm in ..:' fi,,iu h t ti n i; ytwrw. W Ik'ld in .(.' !, .,., ,-: i k hT kW AiHNtran. ' iii .. .in Tbi' Ih i.-tly uu Vilwl t' ni l ! i.i't il.c i-h i- Im Vfoiu.l Ibr.i. I, b IHM-ior it!tKi4i)iii . uiuiiiutMtH,,v provva llu HU to b yuills uk clmrgtnl. . JEWELRY $ JEWELRY! I V t UVTllINO SI W AM) C'OMPI l-Tt EVERYBODY COME! Ui.t our n w kH.l; f WATCHES, CHAINS, CLOCKS, BREASTPINS, Those who believe so thoroughly in protection should not go any longer without insurance on their property, of whatso ever kind; and nearly everyone believes that a policy in a good, Reliable Insurance Co. Is worth every time what it costs, and procrastination should not be indulged in when it comedo taking out n policy. In the first place, pick out competent and RELIABLE AGENTS, With whom to do your business those who represent none but the best insurance companies and go straightway and insure. When in search of such agents, don't fail to turn your "peepers" in the direction of the oflice of Clopton & Jackson, Located in tho EAST OREGONTAN building, Pendleton, wIkm-o you can havo any kind of insurance, whether Fire, Ma rino, Accident or Life insurance, done up in APPLE-PIE ORDER! It is well to remembor that to bo secure you must insure in one of tho Thirty Reliable Companies represented by UloptOU & JacKSOll, with a combined capital of more than $100,000,000! If you contemplato insurance, call on them and and it will cost vou nothing. EAST OH EG ONI AN building, or address got posted, Keiuomber their oflice is in the MtHiMMpMMH.UIUtM,iinu-iiol V,chukr hii.I Ami i.. ii.i,.r,,iuit kipt in a FIRST-CLASS ESTABLISH MEMT. HVfJWf 0HMlfOlM4Hiilii. l!K,irHil,iu llnitom frlcei.. P. J. DONALDSON & CO. ' iM'C(sni,w lo K. '. NIOHOUS) c'ty Drug Storo, Portdloton, Or Tickets VuVi ana Knnipc. fnim nrin.i... in Din llMiio.t iViV'P" Elocant Pullman Pninn. Kmlgrnnt Hlucplng Cars run throuth OMAHA. COUNCIL BLUFFS A vn c, Kreo of olinrgu nud wltliout chnn Clnso conneollotn nt Portlnml for n.. . Uin.V ...... a KV. nuilllll lOltlll, Kant tiounil pamcnirf r arrive t u. , Kanl tjoiltnl Irolirht nrrlvcn nt X'lOwLT ... n...nrt ... a, uun wfc n.w i. in. Wct PonnU i)iinonEor nrrlvctktSid iiui I...... .i ,..i..i.. ..,.i... ... ...!" i i in. u, u ..v.k... uli,,,'. iil :tnn Walla Wnll and rrndlrtnn i.cnvea in moo n. in. for Wniia w.. r vp, iL,..u.fii. ill. iriiiii wuiin w. I. ........ , . .., To Han Vranclaco, Tjinvn nfr.nniBli.il w.inrf. ,V.pilnH.i ii.. 7.jk v.;i. i ffilnni.i.ii. .f mi. Atir Q Htnf a. y.l.l.k. ( rcL'n i. i in. Anr iu i:iii liniiia o. ' iif...i . ..L-ii r...:."-.7,D".ii i.oiuniuni, i nnr, Aprajrunif, Mon. Ait flpnip.ili. I.'r(. f IIV J r-ftl,tnl.l.. h.:V.4 To I'ortUnd. T .nvlnn llnflitr .1 pjltiirlu.n . n in in fdlinwni i . .. a ...... . .. , u n.. . nuiif, nun, i ) i wicsuil, illll.Atrl Coliimtiln, Mon, Apr 0 Htnui, Krl, April npuuoiit'i. Alirl? r-nlnml.l.' ul. '. RiM...iTi.i.! tf. ,.. ' 'Ar' lUtei of rnHKiige. IiicUulltitf tnt'iilB ana bcrthi. UUKI, - - I ........ i k'nr fil rttinp lnr Irt i- Innttlranf . i . u, f fktf i uitiHi,U vi $ yi lit A. I. MAXWKLL A. 0 l'.AT.i acuvriil Miumifor. V. AUiOU'AY, AsciL I'crnlleton, OrfM, GREAT OVERLAND ROUTT M WMIIMIII MWIIIW IHIIIVUIl TIIKONIiY LINK ItUNMN'f yiiKmnn Iltlncr Sterling Otirtt Magnlfiernl lhty Qoachttt RttiMnl Kmtamnt Slrmina Chnt u un liertnt rre (top. ui.i u, iyui uiiu ffuaiiinyiun rviia to iho East, via pi. rnui nun Minnenpnll. Thr 01) nil" riiiiiuuK i unlet) inning win. (MenU 73 ci'MN.) rntleot I line kvt .llni.rs fro tki t;onnt ver tlio ortlirrn lii'lllo Hull road tolilnn, I.cuvcinTnrlli. Knnm ati. linn I liKlou, oulnoy, Ht. Iinl., ChlrajoiH in imi iiiniiimiiitiiiiui. nil) r.uu nnu now cimi via mi, nun ami niluncnpolK. KM IUIIANTHIiKI'M'INO CARS Aro liniilril on rcirubir exprom, Irtlm utti tlio entire IciiKtli or the Northern Piciti idiiirimii. T.piivr Wnllubv .tiinctlnn .1:10 n. m. . mwivi' i-nriiuiin a )i. in,, iniiij'i iirriit n Mlnni iipolU or Ht. l'aul 12:30 p. in., doc fnurili iluy. Counrrtlon 111 Hi In ntHt. I'aul nnd Sllnnfiy ollH toull polntH Kaat.Houill nnd rjoutlitut. I'ACIKIO DIVISION. Trnl n will Iriivo l-.irlliind tlnlly it ll in., coiiiicotlni; wiih O. It. N. Co.' botti W mi point on riitoi Hound. a. n. nilAIlLTOS. Oenoral Wcnlcrn l'liKsciiKcr ABfiU, mm illusion nr., I'nriiiinil. V. O. AIil.OV'AY,ADt, l'ondluton,0rf(0. To San Francisco, Cat lly way of tlio Oregon & California E. R Ami ConurrtioiiH. Tho Mount; Shnstn Bouto. )ulcUfr In tlnif tlinn nuy other llnute, Iletwpou rOUTIiANl) AND HAN FRANCISCO. Leave Portland at4:00 p.m. daily. Through time. 39 hours. l'L'l,r.Jl.l. IIIIFFI.T HliKKI'KRH Excursior Sloonors for 2d Class Pas ongors on through trains free charge. Faro 'all of from I'ortluint to Mcrnll UliilHilu FrnnrUrni Flrnt.pJuim UillmUea....... FIrMt.rlH-xt, Miiilt,it lW Meroml-rluNN, Llmltoil Ticket Oltlcoi Corner Fond Frout Nt., I'ortUud Or. K.1' ItOUKllS.Q. F. A I08i. Af Dt It. KQKUfiEU, Manager. m wm.gardnerTco., Sanitary and Heating Enginssn. Manufacture of Steam and Hot Water Heating Apparatus, FOH DWELLINGS OH I'UBLIO BUILDINGS Splflcatlnni mill patlninlita fiirnllhfd lieatlnit bulldlnit Inanv soctloii of the coun- trj Corrnixinilence inllcltd. OFFICE: 1 34 THIRD STREET, Portland, Oregon. J 'Pendleton, 7 Oregon. ron rniNTiNo .Sl"' t tho East Oiikoosiak oiHt tLY T prove they ure cheapf' Katcru ureBWK "y 0,"er VrMi"S "Ue