East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 28, 1888, Image 3

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    SATl'ltI)AY,Al'HII' 1888.
, iinf llm KastOhwionian him
lrantl' " i- rtliuitl the AUuikIoii
fnflAb,l,Jul,J,, nil i)or. iinilcr tho limn-
limner I l"!'"' "-'
mt?X fi.ivo rol.lcii f IVjiilltotif mill
".0' iw-lt when I'.irtlHii.i; Hp will
"'Fully rimlcr Ilium mo servlco In hi
cr. .
.-ijiwM,i '' "
Lr meals o to tho Musonte restaur-
InJIdotH ice-cream soda at II. F. John-
KLili court convcncH n week from
nMhiHlieo has not Jct resumed husi-
L;(lnco tho lire.
t 0. Wr c it. ' ,,lu If, mY' '
Lok. Apply at lior residence on Court
n II. Hopkins, tho tolor.hono oxoliitiiRO
Ln,camo over oil mo mum mum inuu
fnl J. P. 11112 IOH IlIKl SOU, HI i lll'l-
il, ..imnnf IlilSL'hllll Wlllbotilliyctl
LLmm-onlho vacant block North of
lie iJanfnn mill.
Mn. Jolmxon nns some ur.ji-riu nr
Lu,t mom to rent ut tlio old postollleo
lluildlnguti Court Htruot.
Hon. h. I'. Hniwn, oI .Mt. liiuho, i. i.,
pa.jcd tiiroiiKh town hist niuht on bin
oyto tho convention nt Iloiio City.
flnist arrived this imrnlnit
Irom l'orilaml, mid will conduct tho sor-
Ivicea at too i.unouu cnumi iu-iiniun,
I f. I Knrunxon. WHO IH 10 IIIKO (110
IiWofru'Mv Mites nfl clerk nt . tho
iwncy. arrived thin morning and will jo
lout today.
I A (l'flnililo residence lot only fo.ir
UotlM from tho Couit hoiiHO, for mlo
fj,cap. Impiiro at i.eo.or k rummers
druifftoro. 0
John Poo wiw lined yestcidiiy afternoon
ttatulrmhi, hv ltocoidor CrowH. for urn-clIylKT-tinahlHilot?
tho night before on
v,,r llm lent miii of Java codeo in town,
or tho tilro.it lunch, call at IHchnrdson's
lancli counter, on .Muln street, betwoon
Alt and Webb.
Thn OiC'dii ltalhvav & Navhrutlon
IConpanv'ii surveyors surveyed through
Oikenlilo Wednesday, on tho way to
the titur il'Alcne mines.
IVimtv Slio irr Davis 1m off on u ti it
thioujli Alia, Vinson, and CmniiH pro
dncLi, wrvlns upa -h on jutotn and wit-
nmts lor tlio Appi-oacnitis term oi tne
Circuit Court.
W. E. I'otrrlno. J. P. Emu's and otberH
rMue.it everv one Inloivsted in Improving
mil Ijeautlfyins tho romotery to moot
ctitTUcUv, May 1, ut 2 o'clock n. in.,
I itthecouitiiou.se.
Tbe Congregational Church will hold
iu twuul service to-uioirow (Sunday)
morninu'. !mt In tho ovenini: will nnlto
lathe tcmiiemneo tiicoting conducted by
Mr. MIlo 1'. Ward ut tho 0H)iii Houwj.
Tie j'erformance of "Olivette" lust
tten'nj by tho Juvenilo Opom Company
is highly coniinemled by nearly all who
attended. "l'imtfoe" will 1 prenentod
tbli evening. Tho llltlo iHsopIo dcMorvo u
fall lioiifo ugulti.
IIomcII & Co. will nell furniture to re
tponriUa nrHonn on notcM jmyalilo after
lurvunt. Any ono deslrlui? to purcbaxo
furniture ulumld coiihiiU thin rtHouHiblo
house. Their prlceti ou hiicIi r alen nru iih
diwpiwuny in town.
Ceiite.ville Homo P'era: m-1 lMduy
liile David Taylor was paring down tlio
feet tf one of IiIh woik ho . oh, tho uni
malieaicilKpand htruck him a iuvo.o
ov in thu fnri!in:iil. It whs a rlmn
tall, a he wuh badly hint.
Milton Kalu: Sovoul now dwolllnsH
aienow under wav of wniht uclion in
Milton. They uro nil well built and
roomy. Anions IIiouwuoih a o Jobniiv
J'lllor I). I). I'lunt- W. T. Wright and
-Oijik'H, Voilly, wo uro inip.'ovlng.
K. It. Fkipworth rotinned tliin morning
from liWweek'M trip in tlio Kant end of
the comay, Hu reK)rlH;ood jiUondunccH
at the meellngH, and much interoHt man
IfcjUd, Hio fariii.UM uro Lo'uuiit;; to
rilug tho jjrlovous bunion of bl;ih taxa
tion, Centervillo IlonioP-oss: Wo lmvo boon
wiaUy Infomcd that tho O. & W. T.
wUroad coiaiiany will at onco cotnmonco
the luiinlnj" of a regular train f.om this
Wat to Wullula, iih oon na tho track can
w leveled up, at which tho company in
Albert (Jilliuni, living South of Pilot
.i . Ih'1 leg biokon lawt Sunday, by
.TT!f . '""S m 110 wm aJono,
1 1 a ! '9 "ttwet nomo oiio'h attention
JjJ Ida revolver, but fulling, ho
' trailed on his hoio mul todo home, a
H'tanceof thieo ndlea.
Jl. I). i:ichard.on has had two lunch
UN neatly fitted up, in addition to hi
"wiw lunch countor." and can tmpply
i lailiei and t'enllemon with tlio bust
r111',1'! toivn. All tho doliciciort can
obtained in tvamn, nnd overythlng
clt Mr liiehaidson'H ontorpriso
J,lf'l;,wr!'-1 "ho: Tho O. U. & N. Co.
oft u l"3,hp l"l,ty cloikdr.ift ubsti-acta
n e for,, jpoi.v .deng Willow c--ok,
It ii ii " y t0 l",K'''iii tbo light of way.
w Tc""-',el that niuiiy titU mo im
on iu ",a,,y bimpa-cd
natoe, ecent th.U of mosdon.
,'Wkiui,,,,f Pl,flM fn'nnany played
rtivu'ltu l-'d ton full h-iusu. Tito
in 1, '." """tainoil tliroughout, und
MM.n a'-,lrUx U, nwonuy '"id con
ffi' ,liI)b-vea b-v ,h0 children, for
s7vu,l'ev ur- 'bo oldeU not being
rrimack and Teddy Gamble us Co-
itSm? .)ver Particularlv
U1 bo played to-night.
W. W. Journal : A. K. Inham, Kmi..
caino very near iin'otlng with u cruol
death at Hturbiick, hint WcducKday. Ho
took a walk upon tbo ticHtlo works, pon
dering ovor Home legal polntn, whon Hud
doidy tlio tniln caino tUHblng along nnd
thu alarm wuh olvon. To navo himself,
lio made it leap lor lifo, lont bin hat and
Hjualnud both of IiIh kneen.
Tlio Ilenton county prohlbittonlHtslmvo
inadu the following nomiuatioiiH: ltup
rcontatlveM, 1). C. Wyatt, It. N. Allen;
conimlaHloncrH, W. T. Uryant and John
Huclmnanj Bhuriir, O. I.imdeHj clerk, I).
P. Ditto; ticasuroi, A. W. Hcrbort; iih
HCHHor, Victor Hurt; tmrveyor, hcIiooI
BUperintcnileut unit coroner to fill.
Irvy l.aI)ow lecolved a cuho bv freight
to-day from tho Hunt, wuighltig foity
poundH, on which thu height ciuirgeM
were V'.-O. Tho graduated tide on
ghiHfiwam, Hovenlh cIuhh, iiio f2.l(0 per
100 1I)H. Irvy nay tho freight amounts
to more than tho goodH nro woitli.
Tho cnHo'of John AIcDcarmld vh. John
Hnrdcn, to ivcuvur $loO for labor per
formed, which wuh net ut 1 o'clock In
.liiHtico IliHhop'H court to-dav, wuh iiomI
p mod tintll 1 o'cliK'k next Satunlay.
Thu youthful membciH of tbo Juvenilo
Opoiu company are taking in all tbo
sll it.4 of Pendleton to-dav. Jailor Taylor
b lowed them through tlio jail and luiut
La Grundo (Jtu.otto: Coiiductor Juko
Guelllng Iiuh taken n lay-oil' for u year,
and in tho menntinio will impiovon ranch
in tho mountuitiH which ho recently took
Dr. Prtictt got judgment apahiHt Pony
Stovcim to day, iu JumIIco Itlnhop'H comt,
for t'S. StovetiB did not apjicar.
Tothn Eilltoroftho Knt Oicgonliin.
Permit mo to add a word or two to thn
commtinicatiou on the Htibicct of tbo cltv
ceinutery, which upuuied in u recent
iKillO 01 tllO J'.AHP UllKOOMAN. Until tllO
ci;ywuter woikH were completed tliuie
wuh no oppottunlty, and therefore hoiiio
exciiHo for our neglect to innuovo und
beautify thu reeling phico of tho uhIiom of
our dead, hut now thero Ih not tlio nllght
ott tcuson for fuitlior delay, and tho HtepH
urged by your eorioHpondent Hlioiild lio
initiated at once, and tho work carried on
to completion as hooii as Ih poHrilblo. In
(lllleicnco to thin iptcHtlon, now that it Ih
fully before tbo city, cannot fail to reflect
moHt odlotmly iion iih.
There uio no Iowiih of uny Hurt of pub
lie Hiili it whore tho care of tlio "Cltv of
tlio l)ead" Ih ignored by tho city uut'hoi
ItioH; indeed, in many places oi Iohm than
lialf tlio fi.u of Pendleton, tho h object Ih
one which lecelveH careful attention, and
u comuicndablu prido in taken in improv
ing and beautifying tho grounds of tho
cemetery. DotibtlenH, much of tlio nat
ural intoicht which might have been taken
by individuals In tho matter heretofore,
Iiuh been dmwn oil' by the rejwt that tho
ceinotery wiui to bo moved. It in tuifo to
nay that if n now nlto for a cemetery is
Hccuiud, it will not In for a year or two ut
the loaHt, and oven then, it Ih not ut all
tirohublo that any attempt will bo in ado
by tho itown or uny ono cIro to remove the
bodlen of tho.w who already tdecp there.
At uny into, there can bo no harm iu
taking hoiiio Htops to beautify tlio ihico,
even though it hIuiII prove tobooulvtem
iwriiry. Let the city oxtond itu nuilim to
tbo ground nnd furnish tho water for tills
purine und there will lie no lurk of funds
ruined by privato Hubsci iption to carry on
tills work, which is due not merely to tho
reputation of tho city, but to thu memory
of tbo dead. W. li. Potwink.
l'eiiilletnn nit jAtng Oraelc
I'lom tho IiiiifCroi'k Ku-jli-,
From Pendleton to tho Noith Folk
briilfto, by this roiilo is Kl miles, which
Penilluton wllll build, leaving only L'U or
or miles of road, part of which is al
ready built und tho balance over a natu
ral l onto, for iih to coiiiilut(t, making in
nil 73 or 70 miles, over which will lw a
good roj.d, to a thvt-chiHS tuurket, und
thito iiiIIch nearer than Iieppnei', which
is 80 miles distant from lxjng Creek via
Allen and P.iiker'H mill.
Pendleton is to-day, and has been for
ho vert d yearn, the leading Hour maket of
liubtcrn Oregon, liio Jylnt ca,ucity of her
two mills being (IJO banels jwr day. Sbo
Iiuh also a machlno hIioii, fouudiy und
oilier luiNitunt lnuuufiictoiicH which are
noeesaaiv to tbo growth and pwipoilly of
u rlnhig liepubliu and enable') bur to com
ih;U3 with any town iu KaMeiu Oiegon
for the trado of tho HUTouudlng commu
nity. 4
Wuko up! clllzoiiHof tho Long Crook
Keiul)lle, now is tlio accepted tinio to
Been ro cheaper freights, a Hiioiter and
bettor routo to the outfido voild a Hint
cIuhh market and a ' l-weekly mall i onto
which will bring you,' mull from three to
live days (pucuer.
Oolil WaIcIi I'rlie,
Pespuin & Howard, tho enterprising
growers on Main btreot, are about to in
troduce u new und novel fchouio to p.o
nioto li casli trudo. Thoy liavoa no'ld
gold Himting-caMi watch witli Am
o'iean hnpi-oveil worts worth $7.i, which
will bo given turn gift to tho fortunato ono
securing the corresjioiidlng number on tho
which, previously drawn by ono (blind
folded) and Healed within an onvolopo
which w HI not bo opened till tho tlckots
are all drawn. Any one making u pur-chat-o
of SfJ.50, casli, is enti led to one
numlier; $.", two numlHirfl, etc. Any ono
needing groceries Hlioiild not inins tho op
iKirtunltvhv trying forthis valuable prizo.
Tbov will continno to Hell as cheap as
over. For further particulars apply at
tlio More.
3Ir. Wulil III rniullxtoii.
Tho po plo of PondloUm reinemlior tho
visit, a fow months ago, of tho ovange
liflu, HiifehoH and Waul. At tlio invita
tion of poisonal friendH, Jfr. Waul will
lio bore ugain tlds ovenlng, to remain a
fow days. Hov. f. M. Iloyd lias invited
him to spnik, ut tlio OjKim Hoiiio, to
monow (Sunday) ovonhig, nt their usual
tlmo of rorvlce, 7 ;!l ) ' -lock. An invita
tion lias Loon extended to tho other
o'.ui'cliob in town to tinito iu tlio t-crvlces.
If desired Mr. W.tnl will also spaak in
the Opora Huk u lond.iy ovenlng.
. .
Tho hIici ill's of tho country should form
n trust ut onco, and opiwso tax reduction,
upon tho ground that it will reduce their
A CtlimCII Al'I'KAL.
Memnrlit to the (Icueial Aitrinlily of the
I'lribytrrlun Chinch lCriptctliig the K
UblUhrarnt or an Indian GuUrgeonthe
llnialllla lleiervutlnn.
Tho following is tlio memorial which
tho Aborili lies of this noilhwpHt tin!ln
iy, including tlio Slate of Oregon und tho
i'cirltoiles of Idaho und Uushlngton,
have passed, and now with fresh oppor
tunities and incrcuscd responsibilities we
enter upon unother Hotnl-centonury of
ca ncnt endeavor to clvllho nnd Chtis
tiuuize our led brothers.
The Lund in Severalty Law lifts the
Indian race to a now piano of existence.
It is now within their power to become
clli.ens of tliepo United States, entitled
to lights, privileges of such citizens.
Whether thoy piovo to ho u vicious und
ditngoroiiH element in our national lifo
oils, Holf-suHtulning and law-abiding peo
ple, doends largely on what 1b dono by
tbo cliuich to defend nnd assist them in
their now Hunoundlnjjs nnd associations.
Whether thoy havo a fair chunco to im
provo their omiotltinitlos or are pushed
to tho wall by unscrupulous whiles do
ponds largely on tho stand the church
takes iu their behalf. An earnest und
prolonged ell'ort must bo mudo to sur
round them with mich conditions us will
bo piubatilo aid to the development of a
sturdy, Cliilsllau manhood. True, there
is as Vet but little to oticourugo us in tlio
liclici that our Indlun population will ovor
ui huv, iinuiiiur uiuy uccomo an inuusin
ronuiDuio anything that will prove vital
or distinctive in oumatlonal character or
existence, Htill it is clcaily tho duty of tho
church to do all iu her power to secure
for them the opportunity of making thu
most of thcniHclvcH.
Tho beginning of a now era iu their
political oxistouco neoms an auspicious
time to found an institution of learning,
iu which promising and deserving young
men and women ofjlho Indian race can
havo an opjiortunity of securing a hcIou
lilloor classical education. Within tho
bounds of tlio Synod of tho Columbia, not
including Alaska, there are twenty five
hundred children over six and under six
teen yean of ago. Tlio old .Macedonian
cry can bo he.ud distinctly "Como over
und help us; cotno und help us take on
phico in tlio Chu. ch nnd iu tlio great bedy
politic, with some bhow of holding our
own in tlio advanced tiosilion which wo
aio soon to take." It will require tho
work of months jierhaps yeais, to fnimo
u sallsfactor) unswer to this cull in tho
Hnu of liighor education, because a suc
cessful bcliool Is not the creation of ndavj
but now is tho time to make u beginning.
A slop bus recently been taken in tho
way of meeting tlio demands of the hour.
An institution of learning has lccn iucor
ignited, intended for Indian youth of
both sexes, who wisli to secure uu ucad
omlc education. Tho institution is
named Tho Sputilding Indian College, in
g.-utoful remouibruuco of ltdv. und Airs.
H. II. Siuulding, who foumlcd tlio Noz'
Petco .Mission in IKIU. Tho College is to
bo conducted uudor tho auspices of tlio
synod of tho Columbia. It is to bo mip
jiorted by tuition fees and voluntary con
It Ih tho design of tlio tnvteei to col
lect us much monoy us possiblo wUhbitho
the ljuiHbof Synod und then to m.iko a
general appeal to the cJiurchcH in tho
Kast for aid in establishing this much
nocded institution of learning. It is
worthy of noto that there is no similar
institution couucctcd with tho Prcsbytc
iliut Chmch.
In viow of theo facts tho Presbyleiy of
Kastorn Ore2on hereby most rosiioctiullv
iiiemoriallzo tho General Assembly of tho J
Presbyterian Church of tho United Mates
of America to endorse tho Spaulding In
dian College und cjinmond It thu
thurches ns an object most worthy of!
sympathy und Hiipjiort."
Hotel ArrlviilM,
Oouikn Uut.i:. J Hampton, Miss
Ilainpton, Helix; Sipiire Depots, Walla
Wulla; 0 Smith, J M Hottel, J M .Me-
Cullongli, Kcho; F I) Foreman, Arch
JUhIiop (j'iohh Portland; W II .Scaly, So
,,m . r n it..!u ti,. t.w,.u. n w
M..u, v I'liunuMU ilium,! .(UAUi,, V 1,
i..i. ,-,, ,,,.,1 r.i.,.11.. i;,i.,u,.a. i,v,,i-1
.More, Weston: lieu J Kovvo. Dtspalu
.i. ...in...
Gulch ; Goo Stono, T Davis, Umatilla;
IM Da-tin, Coulcrvillo; Win Iltudeu
Cold Spring.
Dowma j HoitsE. Win. Hosklns, Ar
lington; Charles II Ilamoud, Weston; J
P .Mutlooac, G C Vurnoy, W J Snoilgrass,
L II .Mason. La Gmudo: W L Dabuock,
City; FOrUs; I) L .Miller, P.ono, Nov. ;
J .Mackoy, Country; W W luuian, City;
K Gilliam, Pilot Itwkj Jsaao Cartor .Mis
Hourl; H Wostlako, Now Yoik; J L
sJtralu und wlfo, .Missouri; II F Minis-
5i. ... rt . n . i t tt'inl ,p
liuiii, Ul-llici VJIlUi ) H ujlll.lllin linn
Haeknev, Louis Laltue, Nob.; Dmiald
IIoss, Vinson; I) II Wiight, .MIhsouiJ; 0.
Higoa, ViiiHon ; F 0 Illlunds, San Frun
cisco; N Gilbert k Son, Missouii; John
Dradburn, Pilot Dock.
VaLAiiu Housk J P Howu, T Wiiuott
Kckert. Mr and Mrs Patterson. Kiiuiiu
llurg, CamlUo Cleveland, Julia Martbi,
Afav Eckort- Deckil Martin, Funny Virgil,
Stella May, Kinnin Vounkor, Dalny Ale
.MunnlH. Geo Nannary, Kvan Gamble,
Tcddv Gamble, (ieo lloban. John Lowell,
Frank Sharp, Kd Nanim.-y. Willie J'atter
sou. Filnioio Pyko. J T Walker, M Mow
Imiy, Juvenilo 0hihi Coiupany; J H
Kueuoy, Arlingiou; James AIoDonahl,
country; G A Hlouder, F WuJker, T II
walBti, Jt u iiorrow, k. r. i neneiy, u c
Crosuy, Portland ; A IJyr.l und family.
t Walla Walla; Julius jvy. Lenieiviiio; r
" .. )., 1 1.- 11. ..,.1.1. Ill II.......
I Mllllll juiciio.iiur, i iv iin-'i fcuiii i ivn t
Woodruir T Luix-lski. K 0 Monlsou. San
Francisco; L P Ilrown, Alt Idaho; J O
Maion, Fii'inington ; A P Mann, city ; J
S Hughos and family, Pilot Itockjfiaui
Mansfield, Conioivillc ; lxuis L Whi.o, ,
La Grando; C II Itinu, St luils; H liar-
low, Tucnma; Frank Ilersioy, Chicago;)
Fannio Ilinton, Ogden.
Son after Hon api-oars. Fow States ,
havo not a favorite son, who pulls his
scalp tight ubovo his cam, inflates lilui-j
self and starts to run. Tho raco is loni',1
the wav is hot, and whon tho troublo is
over, tho man who walked will win. His
namo is Grovcr. . , I
A banc! of pork weighs L'OO jKmnds.
wa oiuuiuu Hiiiu 10 uio uenonu aHcom- witisfaction, Hum at tlio iwriorniatice at
bly of the PreHbylorlan Church, which Smull'H last night by tho Juvenilo Opera
convenes In Philadelphia in A lay. by the , Company. Kvan Gamble, as Ralph
J rcsbytorv of LiiHto.n Oregon at Its re-1 llackntraw, uppeuied In better voico than
con .meeting in Pendleton: I on his piovIoiiH occasions, wliilo Camlllo
I'iltV VeaiH of IlliKsintllll'V work ninnno (llnvnl,,,,,! l,.,.wl .wl un.ur hn tmrf f
From the Dally Uuton.
Walla Wulla jnioplo havo had novoral
onnortuniticH of hcurini! and nccine: till
Ixsrt nnd Sulllvnn'H "Pinafore," but it has
nover beon presented hero to a larger
uuuicnco or uttenueu uy greater general
JoBopblnu very nicely. In Miss Kuima
Herg the Juveniles havo their real star, if
voice, training and knowledge of her art
is any criterion, and in Captain Corcoran
she fully contained that reputation. Sir
Joseph Potter, bv Teddy Gullible, was
very oxtiuorditinry Hamnlo of the little
comedian's merits, and wus received
with favor by tho largo audience.
This performance closed tbo short sea1
son oi tlio youngsters, ami the manage
ment have no fault to tlud witli our
people, who havo given them good audi
ences, neither havo our people any fault
. to find with tho troupe, who havo given
them a season
of amusement not often
Vallula Zeptiyri.
Corrcioiulcnco W. W. Journal.
AVaua'i,a. April 25.
In visiting tlio city ofsand und sage
brush I find the hotels, restaurants andsa
loons uro doing u rushing business. At tho
eating houses thoy havo to wait for their
turns, and it looks like old times to see
tho drunks lying around tho saloons and
streets. Almost every saloon has a "stud
poker" game; in ono place they have a
uiun drawing tho tail of it horse ucross
tho bowels of a cut, "und a good man
Ileal cstat" is changing hands rapidly.
Lots uro selling In Lvons' addition, which
Is called Dublin, from $100 to Jf'JOO, und
plenty for sale nt thoso prices. I was In
formed that Mr. Lyons Is about to lay off
another addition to the oiu ono on the
west, and probably could bo had for $30
or tit) a lot. Tho, Union depot will bo
built opposite Dublin ou the east. LotH
uro selling on thu sand hills und ucross
tlio Walla Wulla river for $40 to $50 and
XII Klecttui li iWtureil.
from llm linker Oily IhunoRrut.
It, is gratifying to tho bar of tlio sixth
judicial illstt let to know that ablo jurist,
W. M. Humsoy is to lio their next Judge.
Air. Itamsey is not it politician, nor did
he seek the nomination which was given
him by tho Statu convention. His elec
tion is ussurcd lioyoud till doubt, and tho
otors of tho district will nover havo any
reason to regret that they guvo him their
Itcprcscntutivo Patrick Collins, of
Massachusetts, took it vucatlon during
tho deadlock in tho IIouso. A frlond met
him Saturday afternoon and exclaimed:
"Hello! why uron't you 'tomllng to your
Iutlo87" l don't liavo to," replied uoi
Hub. "Well, you'd bettor go up to tlio
House," continued tho friend, "or you'll
be urroBted and carried tin." "Not much
I won't," exclaimed Collins, with inoro
enthusiasm than attention to grammar.
"I was excused last Wednesday for tho
day, und jib, it is still Wednesday in tho
Houso I am riorfcctly safe. Sco I"
flonico' will bo held as usual to-morrow
in thn ItuptNt church. Preaching nt
U a. m. und 7:110 p. in. All uin invited
to worship with us.
G. I). Dow.nt.y, Pastor.
Oskuloosa, Kansas, has a complete city
government of women, and now the
churches of Ottawa, in tho samo Stnto,
employ only uirls for ushors. Tho Kan
sas man scorns to be.u shrunken superflu
ity. A ilvrrUneilI.nl tern.
Letter romulnliiic unciillcd (or In thn pot
oirico ut i'etiitli'lini, Orotim, April 27th,
INK rerxoiin cultlnit tor aiimu piruko t.ay
llftllioll MrnO II
lluiincltJ 11
ll.iyil I.ou ('.')
Doyle J I.
Ki. ft' 1 1 Irani
lViilon Una W !
lleiiili'iKon W I)
Jiu-kNon F 0
Kllllll .1
Moflniunuliiiii .Mrs J
Nt-wiuiui Win
(hvuo Knlo
1'iiln I'mor
I'hitl Urn l
Trim Win
Iliiynnr Krank
Hm a KIiiiit
Xi linck Daniel (I)
Honll I'U
Hlillthero K'l M (-0
HmltlH'r 'eiinl.i Mrs
Hinhh JKhuy
Miihh A It
nniilh M I' MImi
S'ciiuni Auitruw .11
' 1,-vy Murk
I.olblir .v ro I)r
. .. ... V.. ,il
i'" m one
Milton K
.Mllll'l' A'.tH I.VIII
Mn-H I
McKay Jsiiit'H
Htoiui Chiiii
rhurntiiii J A
racknuotlh-chun iiutierforl U Hawlflle.
K. arMH'lilN, I' M.
Klrst-clam goudi only In HliMik.
(lace bouglit itiultohl.
Cor. Midnanil Wohb HrrctU,
JoHn 3iTfce:irfc,
Pomllfcton, Oreaoii, Main Ht,, leur Wehh.
A fisk NrotJTc or aooiti
J.nt received.
Satisfaction Cunrantootl 1 1
Iu ovury parliculvr.
Pendleton Baths,
Mulu HI t t'l'iiillotoil,
Are now oixm anil midy for IjiuIiiukh. Newly
unci eli-jMiitlv llttt'il up for Uih coiieiiltneu
of be puhllu. .s
llalht, i"""'. Mlivhnf, VAt,
liulr-cultlni.', -''tii. Hhuiiiinjiilntfi 'JTicu,
Hea Koam, lUi .
I employ tlmt-clam lianila only.
H. L. CARL. Proprietor.
Great Western Bakery,
AT. Git ATX, i'l-oprtctor.
Frosh Eastern Oystors, in Evury Stylo!
Alain Sttctt, near
Russell & Co.,
nuiLUKns or
Engines, Threshers and Sawmills
spring i. mm Mm
A): v
road o.:p.f.T3 K:.''- Cm
Wo havo the Iwst Straw
mhlS daw
100, 102, 104 and 100
Groceries, Vegetables, Fresh Fish
D. KEMLER'S Grocery
Fine Spices, Fine Coffee, Fine Tea,
Grocery should contain.
Cull on mo if you want Groceries ehoap. D. KEMLER.
Ituvo (ipnui'.l
lu thehulhllni; ou Ihui'iiinrr of Mulu ami Water utrcelN, mul nil I curry n full lino
Groceries, Canned Goods, Vegetables, '
Ami iloall that n llrt
GIV33 US A Till A L.
aip'il llHW
Sash, Doors, and Building Material
At I3ottom Prices,
('AM, ON I
James Crawford,
Manufacturer of ami Dealer In
Harness, Saddles, Bridles,
Whips, Etc.,
Tonts and Wagon Shoots
for Salo
(Mil Fellows' liuiMlntr, Main utrest. Ju2l
I'oxtoJIce, rendition
tl tlaur
dhai.kiis in-
' ti Kr,T-
Iturning Hngino hi tlio World.
Russell & Co.,
Store, on Court Street,
and Everything Fine that a First-class
u Pint Cln-s
vlJiNiirocery iloru khould (to.
.... f
Estes & guilds,;
J ropilelor n Uio
V1TY T.lVhliV wain ,C SAlA
S'J'A UhK.
Baled K
Njili'inllll ltlM
NUilillit He
ntl Grain.
i r iiituiiio, nu
'HlljB OH hlUlll.
! by llmiliiy,
MV. . Uuiilli. J
All K'liils of Kem . Hinnll 6
Imihv iMlt, I
.1 M