East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 25, 1888, Image 4

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    WHDN'KSDA Y, AI'ML sa, 1884.
Wlieru ill'I ho Kt hiu?
Whil wm lii'j lit ft tier?
1 1 ii'l hIiu it dialer?
I f III I lll M IllOthll
Wat Ni) irn-Ailiitnli!
Ilnrn iirfiiri' Malory
Willi hcrlilentlty
Hhio..iptl In in yitsryT
M idi nf I'lwuiloU,
Kirypt. Arhlit,
Africa, lmllii,
Mr mill kKoi'il Htmliln?
Who mi hvrfuthprr
Hm ih u vlkliif,
CruMliif itijiiill
JunttiliN llklni;!
Ollt llf till! WIll.'IIClMH 1',
(JViir tin) water,
lino the Vliero
IlrliiKluif III" iluuiflitcr?
Nu'IVp (if Nnrwiiy,
Iiijiiiniirk or hhi'Ipii,
I.tiritl bv tlipi'l niiii"
i)i UiuKiinlPii of IMiTi?
.IIIuihIo ur li illicit"?
KuiiiiiIpiI or aleinJnrJ
Fiery orfrlifld?
Iluujihty or li'inloi?
Why in ii iiiTKnin n
Unknown lo funic?
Whuro iffif 1,'uln incut liur?
Wlllll whh Iht IlltlllP?
W'lilaper ll.ofily-
Hay, pan It lm
Tim lailv wo acts It
Win It. J ltiKUrl'fi Hho"?
Till I liii'.yn n:iLnii,
HttlllUlll'M of l.lfe,
Amtr my iin rvi
Who wan t,aln wlfi-7
-Ham T. Clover.
" la.-.,-. I M Ml M
A Nil
AM, KISftM 01" KUKNlTtmi-: itKI'AmiNO
Cull nn.l csnnlno price.
liri'int h'lwlc of furniture In Kniltrti On ifini,
Howell & Co.,
Mnckcnr.1 i& Cuvitnnxh UulldiMif, i'ptiill
U' 'on, i 'Pi rfiili
H. F. Johnson &Co.,
Prescription Druggists.
RoquiBitos 'of the Toilot,
Statiouory & School Supplies,
Fine Imported nnd Key West Cigars.
0ioiitu Vlllar.i limine,
Villard House jrfl Yah MM
I11V 1 vU JL I vtvvlvu i
l),lVU HOlt.-V, l'roprletor
Northweiit Corner Main and Court Street,
Tickets T"nUMA
Hnvoynnl In f.ouUvllli Courier Journal.
"If tlm liPiniKTitU iilmlliih Hid titrlll iluly on
,.. w.i-,. niimiiiiiiiDfu win nine i
carry a iiriii.n ilium r imiKt'liil an IhcmiimU
price. "Dii) ion .loiirnul.
If DoKlxirry woru In llr huMineiw of
IiiIWiil' iioiihuiihu now, In) wrmld retlro
Iroiii tho practico in iliHtfiiHt after reading
that ploco of Idiocy. 'J In) lurlll' on tin
iilalo l oiii) tout a pound, ami ho runt Ih
ii inai nonu ih iniiMinvii ami inn American
producer Im protected whllu llm lmvith.
iiio.it KftH no tovL'tmu. Tlio hIioIu urjf,U"
inont of protection coiihIhIh In lliu hIuIo
inonl that tin) American nmiiiifiictnrur
t'limiot compete witli paiiHr producta
(if othiir roiiiilrliiH I ml ll.lu Ml. I.. ...in...
1 II 1 " ....r. v.. .... UI...IJ,
tolw iih that thti Ainetleun inaniifactiiicr
cannot i'oiiiM ii) wiin oicimiurH, who, )i0
HitjH, would cIiiiiku iiiort) for their wart'H
than Iho American nianiifai'lurur for lik
i'liu tarlU'on thti inauufactutcH of llu Ih
, -15 iHirtvnt., ami ho Krout in I ho protection
that wo iiniHiit Iokm Ihun ?IO,ih)o worth of
Hitch iiiHiiiifactiiii'H n)r iiiinnni anil half
of that Ih foil.
Tinware in u prime nt'ttwlty to farm
rH. Kvury hoiiHoholil Ih hound to hu
nupplled with It. It Ik hoIiI overy your lo
tlii) vahuiof iiiIIIIiiiih iiN)ii iiiIIIIouk, ami
thoHti who hnv pay a Uiuniv tf r
t iwii. to mo noiuoxiic inuiiuiuclurer, anil
Icmh than $M,iMK) of Iho iiiIIIIiiiih thov
paid in IH.H7 leached llm licasiiry. All
thin taxation Ih kept up for Iho U'liullt of
u fow tin inliii'H In Aiui'ilf.i, ami nut for
tho l.oncllt of laiiiniiiK men who iat Ihoir
tllnniirM mil of tin huckclH. If llm
lyh illlilicr hmkft Ih piiug In r(Ht ro
than liin kolH tin now, iho nii'ii who iinulo
our lint ktilK h.ivo m.llilnn in fear. Tho
lilKli-prlci'il liucki't tlixiH not iliivi) thu
luwinlivtl hnrkt't out of a imwLct that Ih
not prnlfflfil hy lailir. Ilv all nuaiiK
Klvo mk freo llu m iih to mv Iiow tho Day.
ton Joiiiual'H iiiiiai lti Ih pfiforiuftl.
NimIouIii iIiIh (Ihiii.Siloinun woulil It'll
iih that If thu turlir wt'itt takim oU'wixHlon
HTtlWH, WO Wlllllll IIH) llrillxll M'lOHM lit II
Kit'iUor piltv. Lot iih look at tho inatlor.
Sot tlon HI of tho tatlll' whoilulo in iih
follow h;
"r-VioHK.foininnulyoalloil wo.Hl-wrowH,
twDlni'htw or ! or in IoiikIIi, timtK
IKT hiiiiI ; oiin inch ami Iom than two
iiiuhoH in ImiKlh, olitht ioiiIm or hiuiiiI;
nvor iiiiD-hiilf Inch ami I mm than ono inch
In IoiikIIi. ion ooiiIh Hr iKiiuul; ono-half
Ini'h autl lon in lonj-ih, Iwolvo tvnlh iht
That tarlir Ih prohihllorv. Nonu woio
lniN.iitHl In ismiorlii is.s';, ami iliorol.v
liaiiKH a tiilo,
Yoam ii,'.( Iho Ainoiicau SYrow Coin-1
ny Hiifivoilml in huviiiKovonu hlnhorl
iiiioi iomoii on mo mioiitu piiHiut'i. .n
zast cii5ci;:a job sx?aitmzht ikiup
liiriro.tiuKl lei.ieiiilpi.n in thu Inlatiil
r.tiiplrp. KiiXiifM prieeo.
Rti-opened, Re-furnished and
Equipped in First
Olitss Style.
Elocrunt Pullmnn Dni. .
... .1
Those who believe so thoroughly in protection should not KmiKrantsiccpinKCamnmih.w
iro iinv loncer without insurance on their property, of whntso- OMAHA, COUNCIL bluffs ANdsi,
" """oiilHiit,
... . ... ... 1. 1
ever kind: and nearly everyone believes that a policy in a fioou, C0,ncrmllf0,0ni,ftt,,ort,n d
J clueo una 1'tiuet HounJ pJln?
Kniit bou ml pnaHpnirer arrlvn m n .
" .......... .t m.i .... ..'I. n. .... . .
Free Couch to and from Trains.
Reliable Insurance Co.
partial 0:00 p. lo.
i, j.fu iiu.u iti, ainiiiiii i-irii) , jiiii mil rc"
rovpr him liv rxpeiullnif SUM In nilvcrtlMmr
In the Kaht Oiikooman. It rntclifd litem
every time.
Wright & Son,
-of tiii:-
ll'.lln U'.ll. - .1 . ,. .
"""" "HlClm
Leaven iiv tiiwj a. in. or w . ...
" """.
To Han Franclam
TjttlVn llfflllttltlllt. ulinrl tl-.i. .
If 'iiflltlltiltl Xfftti. A ti O tlnl. n, .
i fiiivfiii '' a i in ..(.. -.i. i
I .III 11 111 17 1 It J 1 1 II Ti Allr mU Una 'a
Is worth every time what it costs, and procrastination should not i,enVinirspenrtwhBrf'Han v.,
I - .. ... n. ... II. ...... -.!
Htalp. Hun. Anr 1 (Irnsni. ri.. ..
oe lnduiced in when it conieszto takinc out a noiicY. in tne iv:r:1"!rv1 rA,v; ?f ' " i
first place, pick out competent and . ,,tn,0 of ..
111 Incluilliiir menu niui l,,,ih.
Cabin, ,
HtecrniCP, - .
Hound Trip, Unlimited,
For further particular" In
CHICAGO STORE, Reliable agents,
WIhIi to Hay to their patroiiH ami tho publlo Kcncrully, that thoy tiro
x i t An roruniHi. urrirrm. ' '
Ocncral MixmiKor.
OOODSi SUrTABLU TO TI-TIJ SB ASON. U!it. ...i.... i .1.. i : ii ...t. i i ...lrirAT nurm v.jr
....... ... , m iui iiuin tu uu vuur uttsiiifsa muse wjio represent none out, -i.m.nu nu
No huo JiiHt o)ni'(l up u lino lino of STRAW HATS, which w will noil ut u L
Wu inuku u
Fine .Fining
that will
Wo buy our
I'rniu tho lawHt mill
inoHt rcllahlo
Eastern Factories,
Which cnaLloH iih In
'flfil!) Willi Our coinpotllotn.
A nlto, frcHlt lino of
I in tho direction of the ofiice of
i rue Umihx.n n..:i:. n.!i
tllf host. in.ll!'!inrn cnmiiimi'iic; oiwl nn af fnifrlitwuv otwl inoiien I"'' I'UIIIICIII rdulllb flB
" - "I b" """0-v TUB ONLY MNK ltUNNINd
.... . . ... . .. t.. .!!.... fi...."x .' V...
W l(ll 111 Knill'f l nf fill rli oirrmla i nn't fn t. Hum wniiHiinmm 1. V'K.i." r.1.r" .
krftrn nunnnn mA Ui.LI l. m
to the East,
Vll. tit ltlllll MM. I Itl..... ...... I. .
. ... I .1... ' ' .IIUIII-HH1F. ID,
1 1 uu i u ii ii i ii k i a men inninjua
.uuum to veins.;
Fanteat Tlum Kvrr Mnn Vr
t.niiHi over mo northeri
I'nt'llla Itnltronil
It., uifi.i. fi... r .ii t.i...
ii ii ' invi'iiworiii, hanm
iM.Mi.i .iikuikoiiui mo r.&H ana
enat via HI. 1'iuil ami MlnnearattL
Clopton & Jackson,
Aro Imuloil ou retxulnr oxnrfii Inlci
Located in tho EAST OREGONIAN buildinir. Pendleton.
I T...U Vfl lnl I Mill lllllnllnMtlA. m
, -' - ' " .III. .11. II ...III R. III.
...i . , l.i,.. . I. ''vi' I'orllitml .1 p. in., ilnlljr; arrln
..... .u juu Km ihuu liny Kiim oi insurance, Whether I'iro. Ala- . V."
' r v;;.: . ......
'noil iiiaiio iiv w. rain nnujiitt
line, Accident or Life insurance, done up in
Wright & Son.
l.llUllhll I'llllllHUIV WlIN Ikltllll. llu.
Illlll ft'llillL! to OUr iHlllllIll' lIlllH Mi.oilrl.w,
lo llm HtMNtiiy Hiino lovunuo, hut Iho
Aiuoiioan t oiniiauy wanlotl tho Held in
iiKMiiN-ivoH and limy paid Iho ItiltUli
(.oiniKinv liKMHHlooiv voarto lav low
iind hit thti Aiiiori.an t'oniHiiiv nAi tho
Aiiiorioaii UHiplo without uioloHtatloii.
Iho I.iikIIhIi foiniMiiv look Iho inonov
iind nonl no niuio wiowk to thin country,
How in Unit fur lihsh? No doubt tlilrt
Aiuoiloan CoiiiiMny Ih now Hwoallni; liko
i1 ,V.1i,t;,.!l,i,," ,l"'t Ami"'
tarlll I ill Ik'coiho a law. Nodimlit llmv
aro woopliiK lliolr ooh out osor ihi)
tlmxilitiiotl ilaiwrn tn Ainoiicau hdkir,
hut tho tiiuo Itan iiiiuo when tho ioplo
tiro loadv to call a hall iimu Mitch h ihV.
r sy. Mht) htaiidanU aio ailvaucnif and
tlio lialllo will litn-iu iikpo.ui an wo innii'
iualo lliovoraiid I nitikio at St. Uiuitt.
W. V. .NLmlook 1W. J. . HAU:v, (!o. Mgr s ,.f Srl,t(1, TrtiH
( . S. .Iackhos, Vico PrcH. 1 II. C'i.oito.v, Soov.
Umatilla Real Estate & Loan Association
Corner Main and Webb Streels, in E, 0 Building,
.....v..... . .. ...
I ,-.....i .... , .4. V! nilllllll.
... .. II. Llll.lltl.IVA
I llnnnr.l Vl'n.i.i.n ii...dan.. iM.i l
Witalilnifioii Hi., I'orilnnil.
W. C. Ald.'IWAY, Alftt,
To San Fraucisco, C
Land Filings, Land Contests, Conveyancing, and other Land Bnsiness,
Attended to.
Th freo Wtiul Try.
111) lit (lie Ik lltilll l.tHttlvr.
Tho Oiomlaii dully ivHvitH In null
Htatico that tho Kuitm-rutH favor fivo wool
mill ttiitl wimloiiH. It n'oIih to convoy
tho implosion that tho thitv on wmden
KvhmIk nnd u iuui- U loft alumt whoro il
won Uifoio. Tho iruth I that tho lothu
ttun on wnIii ihkNlH mado hv iho Mills
hill, if tho OtotEouiau'H iiuiidlKitcluHuio
truatwoilhy, i moivilian il.'.OiiaKki.und
on MtHur vmuo 1 1 LoiaUHHt. Tho total fnv
lint, iiicltitliiut wool, U onl iioiiio i'.'LMVki.
000. Thoii' it a kiieat dottl of iuitnvrit
ill Mil lUU I .ilk at hmii fitv w..i. Nulmlv
o.HH'Uan t.trti! I ill that rodiuva dutuw
to ! Iohohi tlu iisiplo who uro pnitiviotl
llm wo hihmI to Iho ,hsi4o who pny Iho
incii'iiiH'd jiiiiv for pii'iiH list vhhIm. ' If u
wm I in in toH iho ltmlliciiii tit ko tu
vual.lt. him in iMiilinuv dopnsUtinii iiptm
hU neUhU r . hu1, then tlio luitirtiUtr
iHiixhi lo ..i.' ih. iSiuiotrxlic ilckvt to
lol tlii' d. I'll .1 ttlotl.
N'li.o .i iiit.iM.wiHl in Nw York,
wti.l l 1 1. n : 1. 1 1 1 . inilli. IIW ttiiiivo
w tl' i . i L i.i... 1 1, i iMjivoiitlmi. Hut
the . i ... i . u :. ' Ufnft bin nklUO,
jIHU .it in. niitrtiiv pnwmv .nhor eandi
tlulv will oa-i.tle " What .1 Irtiil du.i
:l imiiie like Ui.it M.'id.l make'
ThoCoinpai.y han a coinplclo not of Land Abstract Books, and rvoordH
ofaUniilrtudlandHiiKlitH Motion. iIUk numoy on town uiul country j.roorty,
for a Ami t.r lunK tliuo. ltuH and hoIIh real o.talo in town or country. '.Vitiate,!
itMiiH, iuijh notcH, county wrip, ami other notlaMo nivr,
Pendleton, Oregon,
It is well to remember that to ho secure you must insuro in
ono of tho Thirty Reliable Companies represented by
Clopton & Jackson, with a combined capital of more than
N 1 IIV I'lllNtl xrV AND COMl'l KTK,
Ami . otn iu-w urvk of -
Ami la fwi, vwryilttiiK kept In r
V.I)tWlrukraul.uaHl,y tioprrHoot,.,,.,,, n.ltlom ,.rpe,
' cltV Dri,S storo, Pondloton, Or.
If you contemplate insurance, call on them and get posted,
and it will cost you nothing. Remember their ofiice is in the
BAST OR KG ONI AN building, or addre
Ily way of the
Oroffon & California EE
Ami 'oniifftioiin.
- .... i ' .jiiiiv... . . u "
Quicker In time than nnyolhtf
Itnuto. IlPtweeu
IIAlITr 1 T1t av.n . . .... . VPiUV
Leave Portland at 4:00 p.m.
Through time. 39 hours.
PlffjI.Yf BT J ul tLi
Excurslor Sleopors for
"iu8 i-as ongors on
xnrougn trains free
mid Hun FrnurlHco:
- SJtllllllllUII MH.i-
iHin, KIIHIIKII,, ih-mi- -
Ninawl .... . II
(4111111111 W
n ii i 1 1 mi
Vl llm md llaaiiaM I'lal
ivniiiiBii mua uumutur muci
rf ---y H
Muntifiicturers of
av v v n m m m m m ri a
- VUtV4 il.m w " '
Heating Apparatus,
L'ri. ...n. - .... tl
,, i..j4tflllPt uu .i iiiji,' iiuiu.
t-i nt.rt 1 H.m.. . . ... . .(!.
, , utiKi c.lll.imra .......
I nu uiuiuiniri in nnv tepllon ortuiv
I . r. . . . ....
-"rrpiinuence soliclteit.
PortlnnH. Ornon. Vs
"i u -
on prixtinq
I Can he hml ut II.A v.-r llornnsIAS
in pu ts thai Wll prove lliev urt et
il.vi ih"c of nnv other nrlntliu; I"0"
1 t.h. em oreson.